Fortune telling on coffee grounds is it possible to believe. The Terrible Consequences of Divination


Instructions for divination on coffee grounds

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is an unusual and interesting sacrament that many people perceive as fun. Indeed, this is a very fun fortune telling that will help you anticipate some important events in your life, as well as prepare for trouble.

How to guess on coffee grounds at home: rules

In order to correctly perform fortune-telling, you need to get a light cup and brewed coffee. Next, you need to focus and not be distracted.


  • You need to focus on the process itself, calm down after you have prepared coffee. It is prepared by brewing one teaspoon of ground coffee to one cup of boiling water.
  • Coffee is brewed over low heat. After that, you need to pour the contents of the Turks into the cup. When you pour coffee from the Turks into a cup, you need to ask the question that interests you in your thoughts.
  • Next, you need to use the drink correctly. You need to take the cup in your right hand, and the handle should be on the right side. You need to try to drink coffee not in one gulp, not quickly, but savoring it. Leave at the bottom about one and a half teaspoons of liquid.
  • When you drink all the coffee, there will be very little drink and grounds at the bottom. You now need to move the cup to your left hand. Next, rotate the circle clockwise and ask the question that interests you.
  • Take a white saucer, turn the cup on the saucer, do not rush to raise the cup, it is necessary that the coffee spreads evenly and the thick becomes in the form of a certain figure.
  • After two minutes, when the thick dries a little, you can remove the cup and look at what happened in the cup.
  • The result is some interesting outlines, symbols, letters or even numbers.

The meaning and decoding of geometric shapes when divining on coffee grounds

Very often in a cup, after you turn it over and take it out of the saucer, geometric shapes are formed.

Deciphering some of them:

  • Arc - be careful, an enemy or some unpleasant person is waiting for you, who can ruin everything conceived
  • Star - this symbolizes freedom, so you need to try to get rid of the thought that bothers you
  • Square - this symbol means constancy, happiness and stability.
  • The cross is a good symbol that means family life, as well as harmony in it.
  • The circle speaks of a pleasant acquaintance, if there are several circles, perhaps soon you will become a mother or father
  • Semicircle - to temporary difficulties
  • If you see several triangles inside the cup, expect an improvement in your financial situation.
  • Big dark spot - unfortunately
  • The oval is the best sign, because it symbolizes the wedding
  • Dots are an auspicious symbol that speaks of happiness, success
  • The triangle indicates possible career growth
  • If these are dashes, then most likely they are waiting for a change
  • If it is a square or rectangle, then you will be lucky or successful in your personal life.
  • Pyramid - to unrest
  • Lines or dashes are of great importance, so they definitely need to be deciphered
  • If you got a zigzag - expect adventure or unexpected trips
  • If the lines intersect, then expect trouble, problems and resentment.
  • If you see a long, straight line - this is a good personal life and happiness.
  • A dashed line speaks of losses, illnesses, or some kind of misfortune.
  • Oblique lines portend danger
  • Broken lines speak of material difficulties
  • Short parallel lines indicate that you may need to change jobs.
  • Wave - wait for a change of mood

The meaning and decoding of letters when divining on coffee grounds

Of great importance during divination on coffee grounds is the interpretation of letters. You may see some letter in your cup.

Letter decoding:

  • A - to victory or to success
  • B - speaks of power
  • B - trouble or grief
  • G - you need to put a candle to St. George
  • D- material troubles await the possible
  • E - this letter appears most often in people with a clear conscience
  • F - perhaps a conspiracy is being prepared against you
  • Z - look at life differently
  • And - rest more and think about what you will do
  • Y - get rid of rash actions
  • K - maybe you are waiting for tests
  • L - love
  • M - material wealth and well-being
  • Oh - speaks of anxiety
  • P - maybe you are waiting for travel
  • P - alcoholism
  • C - disputes, quarrels
  • T - perhaps a pleasant acquaintance awaits you
  • U - deceit conflicts quarrels
  • F - hopes
  • X - marriage
  • C - improvement, career advancement
  • H is the death of a loved one
  • Sh - maybe you will make peace with someone
  • Soft sign - to flirt
  • A solid sign - says that uninvited guests will come to you soon and you need to be careful.
  • S - most likely you are waiting for theft
  • Yu - diseases
  • I - to calm and a bright streak in life
  • Exclamation point - you should pay attention to something
  • Question mark - you will face a choice

The meaning and interpretation of numbers, double numbers when divining on coffee grounds

During fortune-telling, you can see the numbers. They also have a lot to say. Below is a transcript of the numbers that you saw:

  • 0 - you are protected
  • 1 - you are in love
  • 2 - most likely danger awaits you. If you are going to start something, you should postpone it
  • 3 - success
  • 4 - hope
  • 5 - ill-wishers
  • 6 - harmony in relationships awaits you
  • 7 - expect success. If you're going to do something, be sure to do it.
  • 8 - quarrels with loved ones
  • 9 - maybe you will meet someone or even it will be your lover
  • 10 - expect an improvement in the situation at work
  • Infinity - expect success

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: true or not, can fortune telling be trusted?

Regarding fortune-telling on coffee grounds, there are a lot of interesting meanings and interpretations. The fact is that many do not believe in it, it is perceived as fun. But most often, if you tune in correctly and follow all the indicated manipulations, you will succeed and you will be able to protect yourself from some unpleasant incidents and situations in life. Therefore, take divination seriously. Tune in as well as possible, then perhaps everything that you guess will come true.

Is it possible for pregnant women to guess on coffee grounds?

Many fortune tellers do not recommend fortune telling in an interesting position. The fact is that all fortune-telling is associated with the occult sciences and with the introduction into the other world. Therefore, it is better not to interfere and not touch otherworldly forces, being in an interesting position.

In addition, many fortunetellers note that pregnant women lay out cards incorrectly and very often get wrong answers. Therefore, at such a time it may not be something that is impossible, but simply useless. Because what you predict will not come true.

How often can you guess on coffee grounds?

In general, there is no specific answer about how often you can guess on the coffee grounds. You can do divination at least every day. In general, fortunetellers recommend carrying out such manipulations no more than once a week. At the same time, it is worth remembering that coffee should be strong and you should not add additives such as milk, sugar or cognac to it. It is necessary to use only pure coffee without additives for divination.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is an interesting, unusual process that will help prevent some events, as well as prepare you for an unpleasant incident in life.

VIDEO: Fortune telling for coffee

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most ancient and free ways to find out your fate. And even despite some primitiveness and simplicity of the ritual, the predictions are very accurate and almost always come true. Let's see how to guess on coffee correctly, how to learn to guess on coffee grounds on your own.

Often people like to create an atmosphere of mysticism by guessing in the evening by candlelight, but in fact, the chosen time of day for the ritual is not critical. There are attributes that are necessary for a successful divination. To guess on coffee grounds at home, you need:

  • ground coffee coarse and fine grinding;
  • cooking utensils;
  • water;
  • light cup and saucer.

How to guess

Now that there is everything you need for the ritual, let's consider how to tell fortunes on coffee grounds:

Stage 1 "Preparation"

We take a couple of spoons of finely ground coffee, and one spoonful of coarse, fall asleep in a Turk and pour a glass of cold water. Never add sugar to brew a drink! You can use cinnamon, pepper or any other spices, but not sugar. Put on a small fire and cook until boiling. As you brew, think about the problem you want to solve. Take the time to clearly state the question, and not think about the wording already directly during the process itself.

Stage 2 "Drink a drink"

Pour into prepared container. It should be smooth, with even walls, preferably light colors. It is best to take the simplest white cup. Cool and start slowly, in small sips to drink. At this time, ask your question, think it over well, focus only on it and possible answers.

Stage 3 "Flip"

Do not drink to the end, leave about a tablespoon of drink at the bottom of the cup. Put the vessel on the saucer, and if you are right-handed, then take the plate with your left hand, if you are left-handed, then with your right. Scroll the cup and saucer clockwise, slightly shaking the sediment. After done, move away from you, place the container upside down on a plate. We are waiting, literally 3-5 minutes, so that the drawing dries up and has time to fix.

Stage 4 "Evaluate the result"

Now carefully, with the same hand that we took the dishes, we turn it over again, and now we can examine the patterns. It is worth saying that different people can see different characters in the same divination, so when deciphering, you should rely more on your intuition. The first thing that comes to mind when looking at the pictures will be the most correct interpretation of what you see. Try to add all the lines and dots into a single pattern.

The closer the sign is to the handle of the vessel, the faster the prediction will be fulfilled. The clearer the existing pattern, the stronger the upcoming event will influence the fate.

The drawings at the bottom of the cup indicate events that will not happen very soon, and, most likely, will change more than once. But the pictures on the rim of the container, on the contrary, mean what will happen very soon in the coming days, so start interpreting from them.

Alternative way

There is another way how to guess on the coffee grounds.

  1. By the same principle, brew a drink, let it stand and drain so that the thick remains in the bowl. Thus, you can find out your destiny. By the way, in order to find out the fate of another person, you need to look at the patterns formed on the vessel from which he drank. It does not matter whether it is fresh or old, but it must be dry.
  2. Now take a clean white bowl or plate, wiped dry before, and pour the rest of it on it to half.
  3. Leave the liquid for a while to cool down.
  4. When the mixture is infused, we begin to tilt the saucer in different directions for 1 minute.
  5. Pour the liquid into another bowl.
  6. Particles will remain on the plate, which will make up the drawings. According to them, we will predict fate.

Meaning of symbols

After all the steps taken, you can proceed to decryption. To do this, you need to study the meaning of symbols. True, there are a lot of interpretations of symbols in books about divination on a drink, so we will consider only the most common patterns.


Very often there are lines in the cup.

  • If there are many of them and convex, then this symbolizes a long happy life.
  • But if there are few of them, literally 2-3 pieces, this means that things will go up financially.
  • If the line is long and located in the middle, get ready for a long exciting trip that will bring a lot of vivid emotions and impressions.
  • But if there are dots on it, this is a warning about possible problems on the road. When such a line in the direction goes to the edge of the plate - go abroad.


Circles symbolize profit or inheritance.

For a woman, a circle with four large dots indicates an imminent replenishment in the family. If there are two such circles, twins will be born. You can also find out the gender of the unborn child by analyzing the shape of the circle. A closed circle portends the birth of a son, an open one - a daughter.

When there is a broken line inside the circle with dots, the child will be very smart. And if this line forms another circle near the 1st of the large points, your child will become a genius.


  • Often among the symbols you can find a wreath. This is a very good sign, marking the patronage of influential personalities.
  • Rhombuses symbolize success in love affairs.
  • Many figures of rounded shapes warn of various obstacles and troubles. But if these shapes go in tandem with the triangle, then everything will be resolved quickly, and you will receive a reward for your patience.
  • The cross in the middle of other symbols predicts a long life and a peaceful death. But beware of four adjacent crosses - this is a warning about a serious protracted illness. On the contrary, three crosses speak of a good successful life.
  • Squares and ovals predict minor troubles and sorrows.
  • Triangles are a symbol of monetary gain. When you see a triangle, you can be sure of a promotion. Three nearby triangles mean that you will soon become rich.

Alternative types of divination

In addition to the methods already described, there are several more proven ways to look into the future, which will help you to learn about the future and even help develop a plan of action.

Ritual for the future

There is another way how to correctly guess on the coffee grounds about your future. You can simplify your life a little, and not decipher each sign separately. To do this, it is enough to think of your problem in such a way that it can be answered only with “yes” or “no”. Carry out the rest of the steps without changes.

Examine the resulting pictures, paying more attention to their contours. If the figures are clearly defined, round and smooth, this means a firm "yes". More vague drawings warn of obstacles on the way to the goal. When the contour cannot be assembled into a single figure, it means "no".

If you do not know the meanings of the symbols, rely on your intuition and interpret the figures as your inner feelings tell you.

"Does he miss me?"

People often have troubles in their personal lives, so they often resort to the help of rituals. This is necessary to understand the feelings of the partner, his intentions, and whether it makes sense to fight for the relationship.

Take a sheet of paper and divide it into 30 sectors, numbering each of them. Now guess the situation and with your eyes closed, throw a coffee bean on this leaf. The number of the sector on which the grain fell indicates the answer. For example, cell number 16 says that relationships can be given a chance, but number 27 says partner cheating.

Prediction for the day

When you need to find out what awaits in the next few hours, pay attention to the drawings located along the handle of the cup and to the right of it. A good method is to use a direct question that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”. This method is good if an important event should occur within a few hours, and you need to know the outcome in advance.

How often can you guess for coffee? There are no restrictions here, you can ask for a hint as often as the situation requires. Moreover, the same task can be set several times, since it can be revealed from different sides. New information can affect the final result, because learning it, a person takes new actions.

Do not think that "as the thick said, so it will be." Divination only helps to understand some points or predict the possible outcome of current actions, but how the whole situation will actually be resolved depends directly on you.

Equally important is the question of how to brew coffee for divination. Let's start with the choice of the drink itself: for the ritual, it is necessary to use exclusively natural, otherwise the prediction may not come out. Choose the variety that suits your taste the best. The most ideal option is to buy grains and grind them yourself, thinking about your disturbing situation. After that, roast the coffee over a fire in a Turk and cook according to the above recipe.

The drink will be ready at the moment when the foam appears - this means that it has boiled. Turn off the fire and let it brew for a couple of minutes.

This ritual is also an excellent psychological session, because it allows you to go deep into yourself, listen to inner feelings, be alone with your thoughts.

Fortune telling in the thick at home is just one way to find out what this or that action can turn into, so if not very good signs fell out, think about what you can do to avoid a sad outcome. Is it possible to believe fortune-telling on coffee grounds? Treat this wisely, and remember, your future depends solely on your actions or inaction.

The modern world is the era of advanced technologies, the information society, and constantly developing science. However, this still does not detract from the desire of people to look into the future, get in touch with the unknown and resort to various divination methods that were popular in the old days.

Some want to try to tell fortunes themselves, while others seek the services of professionals. For many, fortune-telling is unacceptable, not to mention the question that arises in people about whether fortune-telling should be trusted at all.

It is believed that divination allows you to receive information from the subtle worlds, and there is a whole list of professional skills that are used for this. Soothsayers can be astrologers, tarot readers, numerologists, palmists or runologists, although there are less common types of fortune telling that are used much less frequently.

The main motives for which people decide to resort to fortune-telling are banal curiosity and the desire to find a way out of a difficult life situation. Often resorting to fortune-telling is not advised, there is even a saying that you can miscalculate all your life. Soothsayers also have certain days when they refuse to guess at all, usually correlated with religious holidays.

It is important to understand that fortune-telling reveals to a person only one of his life paths, and each of us has many more of them. Someone is interested in horoscopes, although the general daily horoscopes posted on the site can hardly give much accurate information, since they are not compiled for a specific person. Among the common questions that fortunetellers are asked, the following dominate:

  • When I get married?
    Will I have children?
    Does a certain person love me?
    Do I need to change jobs? Most often, when such problems arise, it is better to talk with a psychologist, a priest, or just talk frankly with loved ones. People who prefer professional help or close communication to a fortune teller may not be disappointed, since such people are also good psychologists and quickly understand everything with the help of leading questions. You need to believe fortunetellers when their forecast is good and optimistic, then the visitor becomes joyful, he has a good mood and an incentive to do something. Good predictions always have a beneficial effect on a person, so the fortuneteller must first of all provide for the one who came to him , psychological support. In the same way, an astrologer, making an individual forecast, will tell you what character traits it is better to try to change or smooth out, how to act so that events develop only for the better, so that a person can already rely on his own strength to achieve goals, strive for the best and help his loved ones .

If during the entire fortune-telling, cards predict continuous problems and illnesses to a person, luck can be returned by turning counterclockwise with a chair three times. If fortune-telling does not improve, it is better to postpone it for another day.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what's in store for you in the near future.

How to guess on coffee grounds

The question of whether it is possible to guess on the coffee grounds, how effective this way is to find out your fate, excites many people. The answer will be the same as in the case of other ways to look into the future: try it - and only then will you know for sure.

Many mediums believe that such divination is considered as reliable as possible. And we certainly have to admit that it is the safest, not requiring recourse to higher powers. Here, a person's intuition acts as a "tip": the stronger his hidden gift of foresight, the more clearly the future will be drawn on the walls of an empty cup.

Time, place and utensils - important or not?

Tips for beginners on how to learn to guess on coffee grounds can be divided into two groups: important and secondary. Among the latter, night twilight, candles, mirrors are often mentioned - everything that helps to create an atmosphere of anticipation of a miracle.

From a psychological point of view, this is a justified technique, but the choice of a bright entourage will not give practical benefits. First of all, you should focus on the state of inner comfort (if you feel more confident at noon or at dawn, then this is the time you should choose for magical manipulation).

What really matters?

  • If you decide how to guess correctly on coffee grounds, first learn how to brew natural coffee - it’s clear that instant coffee won’t work for sure, and you won’t be able to use a coffee machine either. Stock up on a Turk (best of all, a small one, for one mug), a hand mill, roasted grains - the more soul and effort is invested in preparing a drink, the more reliable the forecast.
  • The cup and saucer should be smooth (not corrugated!), light (ideally white), without any patterns on the inner surface. And certainly - no cracks or chips.
  • You should formulate a question to higher powers before you start preparing a drink. Grind coffee, brew, slowly drink it - and all this time tune in to get a specific answer.

Ritual algorithm - the magic of patterns

The drink is prepared, poured into a cup (along with the sediment) and drunk. There is very little thick left on the bottom (about one or two teaspoons). What to do next - how to guess for coffee? With your left hand, you need to shake the sediment in the mug several times (counterclockwise), and then turn it over on the saucer with a sharp movement away from you. Let stand for about ten minutes, and only after that raise the cup and begin to peer into the patterns remaining on its walls.

The main advice for those who are trying to understand how to guess on coffee grounds is that the interpretation should come from the heart. Do you like dogs? Then the appearance of a symbol resembling a dog will indicate the intervention of a friend. Do you experience panic in front of them? The same picture will be a harbinger of something unpleasant. The subconscious acts as an "antenna" that receives signals from higher powers - it is he who should be listened to when deciphering the drawings.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is a popular and common way to predict your fate. Despite the fact that it takes a long time to master the practice, such an unconventional method of divination is accurate. It is up to you to decide whether to believe fortune-telling, however, for 7 centuries, coffee grounds have been a sought-after "fortune teller".

Coffee grounds are a good way to predict your fate

If we take history into account, we can recall the fact that the Indians did not start hunting without conducting a fortune-telling ritual for coffee. Let a lot of things have changed over the past time, and divination methods have become more advanced, but coffee is still able to help a person in determining fate. Further, you can find a detailed answer to the question of whether it is possible to guess on coffee grounds, and how to do it correctly.

Divination rules on coffee grounds

Despite the fact that coffee is not a magical attribute, and its influence on human destiny has not been theoretically proven, the fortune-telling method should not be considered only entertainment or a frivolous pastime.

As in many other fortune-telling, a lot here depends on how the person is set up and what results he expects. In order for the process to succeed, adhere to certain rules.

  1. You need to start fortune-telling by being completely alone and calm for several minutes.
  2. Pick up a cup and focus on the issues that interest you. Repeat them to yourself several times, turning the cup clockwise three times.
  3. You must not rush. The slower and more measured you drink coffee, the more pleasure you begin to feel from the process, the more calm you are, the more mysterious fortune telling will be.
  4. It is forbidden to add sugar and any substitutes to coffee. Coffee should be ground, medium-sized grinding.
  5. To obtain a reliable result, you need to take a smooth white cup without internal damage and patterns.
  6. To get the right sediment, drink all the coffee to the bottom. Stir the rest a couple of times, shaking them at the same time.
  7. After that, you need to sharply put the cup upside down on any saucer or plate. After waiting for the liquid to drain, you can start fortune telling.
  8. When studying the sediment, look at it from different angles. It is important to ensure that the symbol is clear and distinct. Then the prediction will be accurate, and its interpretation will not be difficult. The handle of the cup must be associated with a fortuneteller. The closer the symbol is to it, the more important the event is for the house of the questioner.

The fact that the effectiveness of divination in the thick of the truth has been proven by more than one empirical method and numerous experiments.

Thanks to experts in the field of occult sciences, it became known to us that by carrying out various manipulations with coffee grounds, cards, wax, runes, shadows, one can penetrate into the energy field of any person in order to later learn about the recorded futures. To decipher information, you need to use a system of meanings that was built many centuries ago.

Fortune telling on coffee is considered the main one among other techniques.

Trust the coffee grounds or not, it's up to you. However, as the practice of many fortunetellers shows, coffee divination is considered the main one among other techniques. In addition, everyone can tell fortunes for coffee at any time. The procedure does not require large expenses or special preparation.

How to guess on coffee?

The truth can only be revealed to a person who will be attentive and accurate when divining, and will also take into account all the rules that have been deduced over the centuries. To prepare ground coffee, you will only need a Turk and the necessary white utensils. The brewed coffee must be strong (ratio: 100 g of water to 1 tsp of ground coffee). When brewing a drink, repeat the question that concerns you several times.

Only the brewed drink must be poured into a cup and left to infuse. After a while, you can drink it. Remember: not a single drop should be poured into the sink. You do not need to drink the drink to the end, leave about a tablespoon at the bottom.

To make the prediction come true, turn the cup with your left hand so that the sediment is distributed along the walls of the cup. After that, with maximum sharpness, you need to overturn the cup and count to 7. Done, you can turn it over and start reading the characters.

If the interpretation received is unpleasant for you, and you do not want your wishes to come true, just let go of this situation. Remember that a lot depends on your attitude to the process. Fate is in your hands.

Interpretations of symbols

In order for the prediction to come true, it is necessary to accurately understand its message. Symbols are an important and integral part of divination. Located on the left side of the handle, they carry a negative value, while on the right side they are exclusively positive.

The symbols in the cup itself refer to the future, while the coffee left on the saucer refers to the past. Remember that a figure looking at the pen will greatly change your future, and a symbol pointing in the other direction is practically irrelevant.

Consider the symbols starting from the edge gradually approaching the center. Then move horizontally. Leave the exploration of the bottom and center to the end. What are the symbols and their interpretations:

  • two faces facing each other mean the presence of mutual love in life;
  • two figures in a circle - marriage is approaching;
  • persons who share the line - treason is possible, there is a possibility of divorce;
  • face profile - you have strong protection;
  • eyes in a cup speak of changes in the near future;
  • hand shape - beware of disappointment.

Did you see the shape of the hand? Beware of disappointment!

And also figures of animals and insects are widespread. When you see a butterfly, expect to receive a love letter. The camel speaks of approaching wealth. Snakes warn against treason, gossip, intrigues.

The presence of a cat leads to poverty and poverty. The figure of a swan - to the unexpected receipt of money, and flies - to great wealth, inheritance. The spider is a symbol of an unexpected gift of fate. Seeing fish, expect good news or travel. A dog or a duckling speaks of the fidelity of friends, spouses.

The designations of objects and things also have special interpretations: when you see trees, expect obstacles. The author speaks of an approaching journey, a trip. A kitchen fork is a sign of wealth, luxury. The door key symbolizes the roads open in front of you. A burning candle speaks of the realization of a dream.

There are cases when fortunetellers clearly see certain numbers. Their interpretations are as follows:

  • 0 speaks of being born at a happy time;
  • 1 and 7 - symbols of love and family happiness;
  • 2 and 8 - quarrels, failures, a non-serious illness are possible;
  • 3 and 4 - luck accompanies you everywhere: in work, in life, and in relationships;
  • 5 speaks of possible gossip, empty talk;
  • 6 - get ready for marriage;
  • 8 - be careful, there is a possibility of a quarrel;
  • 9 - you will meet interesting people;
  • 10, 100 and more - good luck, happiness and long life.

If the fortuneteller clearly sees the number 10, 100 or more, then boundless happiness awaits him.

In what cases can you turn to coffee for help?

Fortune telling on coffee does not apply to everyday procedures. It is possible to resort to his help in certain cases. Let's take a look at what they are below.

  1. Changes do not occur in your life for a long time, and life is monotonous and boring.
  2. You are looking for the truth and the truth. Often a person becomes a victim of conflicts within himself, which is very difficult to sort out on his own.
  3. You doubt anything.
  4. Fear of upcoming events.
  5. Do you want to clarify some details of your perception of life.
  6. You want to understand and comprehend the current difficult situation.
  7. Be in a state of inner unfreedom. This is a state when a person depends on other people, habits, circumstances. In such cases, fortune-telling can completely change his life, providing a "push" to action.
  8. You are afraid of the new and are used to the "comfort" zone. The past hangs around your neck like a huge stone, causing more and more mental and physical trauma every day. You can turn to fortune-telling in the thick of it in order to prevent a repetition of the problem situation, as well as to find the root of the existing conflict.
  9. You are in a situation of difficult choice, when reason and emotions cannot come to a common decision. Often a person cannot choose which of the paths is better to take: logical or emotional. Divination helps determine the best choice in a particular situation.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the process of divination for coffee, therefore everyone can try themselves in a new role of a magician.

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