Ganesha: Indian deity with the head of an elephant. Indian God of wisdom - Ganesha: the meaning and manufacture of a talisman


Ganesha is one of the most powerful and kind Indian deities. Ganesha is a wonderful talisman of protection, and support for good luck, success in all areas of life. It is worth Ganesh, just ask, and he will remove any obstacles on the way to your goals and desires, to your success. This wonderful talisman, patron and strongest symbol of success in study and work, in trade and business, in travel and in creativity, helps to gain influence and great authority.

Description of the talisman

Ganesha - depicted with a human body and the head of an elephant, he is an assistant in acquiring abundance and knowledge, success and prosperity, as well as in business and happiness, he also helps. Ganesha's big “belly” is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, and the ability to “digest” all sorts of troubles, as well as, symbolically, of course, Ganesha, as if “swallows” and neutralizes troubles and misfortunes, protects us in this fragile world. Two tusks (one broken, the other intact) - symbolize imperfection and at the same time, the perfection of our real world.

Safety precautions for the use of the talisman

But the safety precautions, the use of this wonderful talisman of success - Ganesha:
1) Do not install a figurine or figurine of Ganesha if it is chipped or cracked, otherwise this talisman will act the other way around, i.e. attract trouble.
2) Periodically clean the statuette of Ganesha from dust and dirt, so that nothing prevents this wonderful talisman from attracting success to you in all your affairs.
3) When stroking a Ganesha figurine, on the trunk and asking yourself for success, do not use words with the particle “not”, and naturally, never wish failure on other people (even if they are your competitors).
4) When you want something, at the end of the phrase, be sure to say: “For my good and the good of everyone around!” This will lead you to even greater success in business without harming anyone.

What are the talismans of Ganesha

The Ganesh talisman is made from a variety of materials, it can be: glass or wood, metal or semi-precious stone, even plastic is not forbidden. But it is best to buy this talisman from metal or from jade. In principle, it doesn’t matter what the talisman is made of, the main thing is to be kind to him, to respect him. Ganesha can have a variety of objects in his hands, and now we will consider what they symbolize.
A bowl of sweets means: well-being, prosperity, and pleasure in our lives.
Iron hook: the need to curb your passions and control yourself, your irrepressible desires.
The lotus in the hands of Ganesha indicates the divine principle, the purity of thoughts and the perfection of our world.
The rosary symbolizes our aspirations to achieve life goals, the acquisition of spiritual knowledge.
The ropes in the hands of Ganesha remind us that a person should reach for high goals in life and not be strongly attached to material things.
The snake wrapped around the waist of Ganesha symbolizes energy in all its forms, incarnations and manifestations.
Very often, the deity is depicted as riding a mouse, which is able to overcome any, even very huge, obstacles in the life path. Well, if the mouse is next to Ganesha, i.e. at his feet, this means that the fulfillment of desires and wealth are in his power.

How to activate this talisman

Ganesha loves being stroked on the trunk and in gratitude for this, he attracts success to his master and protects him from all sorts of storms and troubles. To enhance the effect, you can stroke his tummy and right palm. And Ganesha loves very much when he is treated with various goodies. Place offerings at his feet: various sweets, coins, dried fruits, pieces of pineapple, banana or coconuts. If Ganesha is depicted with a mouse, then feed her (corn, nuts, grain). Do not spare treats and very soon you will receive pleasant surprises and gifts in the form of abundance and success in all matters.
In any situation, for example, if you feel bad or are in trouble, you can take the Ganesha figurine in your hand and stroke his trunk or palm, ask for help, talking about your problems and sorrows. Rest assured, your request will not go unanswered. The deity will definitely help you. This kind and wonderful talisman controls recognition in society, taming evil forces, helps to overcome any obstacles, creates harmony in your life and success in business, brings wisdom and skills, gives peace to a person. Ganesha also governs construction, literature, various types of luck, travel, in a word, many areas of life in which you want to succeed and in which knowledge and skills are required. Starting a new business, you can also turn to this good deity for help.

Where to put a figurine of the deity of success - Ganesha

You can put a Ganesha figurine in the northwestern zone of your apartment, house or office (assistant sector). In your office, this deity is the place. Place the figurine on your desktop, but not directly in front of you, but slightly to the right. This talisman will stimulate your professional growth, increase income and will help in all sorts of cases. And where there is success, there is glory, which means that in the south (sector of glory) of your house or apartment, this talisman will not be superfluous, just try to make the figure of Ganesha look expensive and rich. And yet, make sure that the figurine (for the glory zone) is made of wood (wood - feeds the fire - in the circle of generation), preferably red (fire element). And of course this talisman can be placed in the career sector (the northern zone of your home or office).
This wonderful talisman will bring you prosperity and business success. It is believed that the larger the figure of Ganesha, the more success and money it attracts. Yes, it is, but even if the figurine is small, then make sure that it looks elegant, expensive, even luxurious. But, anyway, it's up to you to decide what size your talisman will be, since small figurines also work great. And don't forget to say the mantra (3-6-9 or more times) while stroking Ganesha's trunk, presenting your successes, here it is.

The god of wisdom Ganesha is a majestic representative of the Indian pantheon of celestials. Every Hindu at least once in his life said a prayer in his honor, because it is he who is the executor of the cherished desires of man. In addition, with his wisdom, he guides those who want to know the secrets of the universe or strive to succeed in business.

A few words about Hinduism

Hinduism is very different from everything that a Russian person is used to. The religion of this country is based on myths and legends, which are more like fairy tales than true stories from the past. But for Hindus, they are quite real, because they have existed in their culture for so long that they have become an integral part of it.

Therefore, one should not be surprised that Ganesha seems to be as real in modern times as Jesus is in the European world. This fact is very important, because it allows you to look at the world of Hinduism through the eyes of the Hindus themselves.

Form of Ganesha

God Ganesha is the embodiment of wisdom and success. Often he is depicted as a fat man sitting on a throne or a rat. Such an image symbolizes the wealth that comes to the house along with the deity. However, the main difference between the god is the elephant's head, which distinguishes him from the background of other representatives of the Indian pantheon.

It should be noted that the god Ganesha is always depicted with one tusk. There are many legends regarding this detail of his image, but we will discuss them later. Also, depending on its specific incarnation, the number of hands may vary. For example, the usual form of the deity has four of them, and the enlightened one has thirty-two.

Birth of a great god

Any deity in Hinduism is shrouded in many legends and superstitions: some complement the main story, the latter, on the contrary, only contradict it. So it happened with the god of wisdom, whose birth is described in dozens of different legends, which are very different from each other.

According to the main version, Shiva's wife Parvati liked to take a bath all alone. But her husband often interrupted this process by treacherously breaking into the bath. Tired of such behavior, Parvati decided to create a protector for herself, who would block the way to the bathroom for her negligent spouse.

Having smeared with clay and saffron, the goddess created a boy, whom she later named Ganesha. Endowed with cosmic power, he promised his mother at all costs to protect her from the visits of Shiva. Alas, Ganesha's determination did not help him in the fight against the supreme god - Shiva, who saw the young protector, became furious and killed the boy with one strong blow.

Upon learning of this, Parvati hated her husband. In order to annoy him, she also created Kali, who began to wreak havoc around the world. For a long time, Shiva tried to calm his wife, but all his attempts were in vain. Then he revived the boy, endowing him with part of his power. Thus, Ganesha became the son of two great celestials - Shiva and Parvati.

Indian god Ganesha: history and facts

Historians are sure that for the first time the image of Ganesha was formed in the ancient hymn Rigveda. It was written about 3.5 thousand years ago, and sang the greatness of the ancient gods. Among other lines was a part dedicated to the deity Brihaspati, who later reincarnated as the god Ganesha.

This part of the hymn can be translated as follows:

“We appeal to you, O great Gapati Ganov (the title of the commander of the divine troops)!

Oh, Brihaspati is a poet of poets, a creator of creators!

You are richer than all known, and the most beautiful of beings!

Listen to our prayers and grant us your blessings, sitting on the throne!

In addition, the existing description of Brihaspati testifies in favor of such a reincarnation. In ancient times, people believed that this deity looks like a large man, endowing everyone with wealth and wisdom. The only thing that remains unknown is how exactly Brihaspati turned into Ganesha. And yet, many theologians are inclined to believe that the old deity simply acquired a new look and name, while retaining most of its abilities and titles.

Place in the divine hierarchy

As mentioned earlier, the god Ganesha is the son of Parvati and Shiva. This makes him a very powerful creature, occupying an honorable place in the pantheon of Hindu immortals. In addition, he is the commander of the heavenly army, which gives him the right to command many younger spirits and yakshas.

In addition, many myths tell us that Ganesha has an older brother Skanda - a merciless god of war, always competing with the embodiment of wisdom. But the first son of Shiva often lost to his relative, as he always solved problems with force, and not with his mind. It is curious that in India the mass worship of Ganesha began only after the temples of Skanda disappeared. Such a change in the culture of the Hindus is explained by the fact that the need for a warlike god gradually faded away, but the wish-granting creature only strengthened its power.

Marital Status of Ganesha

Initially, it was believed that the god gave wisdom. This was due to the fact that, according to legend, he practiced a special technique of self-discipline, involving sexual abstinence - brahmacharya. Because of this, many Hindus believed that the body of their deity would never touch a woman.

However, over the years, moral principles have changed, and with them the legends about the god Ganesh. According to some of them, he was married to three goddesses - Buddhi, Siddhi and Riddhi. They embodied the immovable ideals of wisdom: reason, success and prosperity. But later legends attributed the marriage to the god-elephant with the spiritual embodiment of the culture and art of Saraswati.

Symbolism in the form of a god

Today, every Hindu knows what Ganesha is. A photo of this deity stands in every home, and parents from childhood teach children to recognize the symbols hidden in the face of a saint. And they are as follows:

  1. symbolizes prudence and devotion.
  2. Such huge ears allow you to hear even those prayers that are said in the human soul.
  3. One tusk symbolizes the power of the god and the fact that he stops any ambiguity.
  4. The trunk is a sign of high intelligence.
  5. A large belly demonstrates the wealth and generosity of the deity, which he is ready to share with the whole world.

God and Demon Giant

One day, a serious battle broke out between the god and the demon Gajamukha. It should be noted that although the elephant-god had an impressive size, he was clearly inferior to his enemy, who was a real giant. Nevertheless, the forces of the opponents were equal, which dragged out the battle for many days.

And so, it would seem, the demon began to defeat Ganesha, pushing him back. In the heat of battle, not wanting to lose, the elephant-like god tore off one of his tusks and launched it at the enemy with all his might. At the same moment, Gajamuku fell to the ground, defeated by an unexpected blow. Moreover, the magical power of the tusk turned the evil demon into an obedient rat, which forever became the pet of the god of wisdom.

Elephant Head Beliefs

According to the main version, Ganesha lost his own head on the day when he blocked Shiva's path to his mother's bath. The enraged god not only killed the boy with one blow, but cut off his head, which subsequently disappeared without a trace. Later, this became the main problem of the almighty creator who wants to revive the son of his wife. As a result, seeing no other way out, he sewed on the boy the head of an elephant calf, which he caught not far in the forest.

The second legend says that the god Shani deprived the human face of Ganesha. This happened due to the fact that Shiva forgot to invite his friend to his son's birthday, and this greatly angered him. Bursting into the throne room, Shani looked at the boy with his sizzling gaze, thereby destroying his head. Fortunately, the great sage Brahma was present at the celebration, who advised Shiva to attach the head of another creature to his son. And they became the elephant Airavata, which belonged to the god Indra.

Great Glutton

Ganesha is the god of wealth who loves everything sweet. He especially likes those prepared according to a special recipe. Therefore, everyone who wants to enlist the support of this celestial brings him a sweet dish. There is even a legend that tells how Ganesha collects gifts from his shrines.

Once, the god of wisdom ate so many treats that he barely climbed onto his riding pet, the rat Gajamukha. He ordered her to slowly take him home so that he could digest everything he ate. But on the way, a snake crawled across their path, because of which the rat stumbled and dropped Ganesha to the ground. From the blow, the god's stomach could not stand it and burst, and all the sweets rolled out.

Fortunately, the deity was immortal, and such a turn of events did not kill him. Therefore, he slowly collected all the treats, after which he caught the ill-fated snake. As a punishment, he girded his belly with it, so that he would forever restrain him.

God of Wisdom in Modern India

To begin with, even today, many Hindus believe in the existence of such a peculiar god as Ganesha. There is a photo of this celestial in every home, as it attracts prosperity and good luck to the family. Moreover, in this country, entrepreneurs are accustomed to carrying the image of this deity in their wallet, sincerely believing that it was it that brought them good luck. In addition, many of them pray for the favor of Ganesha before starting any major transaction. The same applies to students who ask their patron for wisdom and guidance.

In addition, in many houses there is a statuette of the god Ganesha. If you believe the belief, then she protects her masters from trouble. For example, a fallen piece of clay or a crack means that the figurine has taken the blow of fate or karma. Therefore, they try to immediately change damaged amulets so that they protect their owners in the future.

In addition, once a year, Hindus celebrate the birthday of Ganesha. In his honor, they arrange a magnificent celebration with a colorful festival. On this day, all work is postponed, and people are engaged only in celebration and prayers. At the same time, the Hindus believe that on this night Ganesha will fulfill any desire of a person, if he really believes in him.

In this article you will learn:

In Hinduism, each god patronizes some area of ​​people's lives. The deity Ganesha, who has more meanings than other spirits, helps earthly beings in many matters. He removes obstacles to those who work honestly and rewards them with material benefits. A person who has gone on a journey or seeks to gain new knowledge will also receive the support of a good Ganesha.

What is this deity

The deity Ganesh, otherwise known as Ganapati, is easy to remember because of his extraordinary appearance. It has the body of a man and the head of an elephant. Ganesha is considered the patron of those people who lead a righteous life, do not forget to pray and have bright thoughts. On such people he directs all his kindness and favor.

In the homeland of Ganapati, the god of prosperity and wisdom is one of the spirits that are especially revered by the Indians. They show their respect by adding the prefix Sri to the name of the deity. Dancing Ganesha is the son of the supreme god Shiva and his wife, the daughter of the king of the mountains, Parvati. The spouses of Ganesha are two goddesses: Buddhi, who controls the mind, and Siddhi, who is in charge of success.

The trunk of Ganapati is endowed with extraordinary power, with the help of which the deity can remove any obstacles, clearing the way for those who want to reach the heights in any business.

Iconography of Ganesha

There are different images of Ganesha. Sometimes it is drawn with a yellow body, and in some cases with a red one. The deity has a large belly, 4 arms and a powerful elephant head with one tusk.

The belt of the god is wrapped around a snake, symbolizing energy, which can take on a variety of forms.

In most paintings, Ganesha is seated on a lotus flower. Next to him you can always see a mouse or a rat (sometimes it is replaced by a shrew or a dog). The legend claims that a good god pacified this creature, which previously had the soul of the devil. The animal, which is a symbol of vanity, insolence, became so obedient that it allowed itself to be saddled. Since then, Ganesha has been riding it. And the Indians believe that Shri Ganesha helps spiritual growth by getting rid of fussiness, selfishness and pride.

Ganapati has several hands. On different images, their number can reach 4, 6, 8, 18 or 32. At the same time, he holds a lotus and a trident in his upper limbs. The fourth hand is located in such a way that it seems that it gives something to the one looking at God. Sometimes it contains fret - a sweet delicacy made from rice flour. The other hands of the deity may contain the following items:

  • lasso, which helps to catch luck;
  • an ax that cuts off all visible and invisible obstacles that lie on the way to the goal;
  • the shell, which is the source of wisdom;
  • a staff, which is a symbol of the support necessary for a person throughout life;
  • cup of abundance, which brings prosperity and good energy to the house;
  • a cake by means of which a person will be granted well-being;
  • lotus flower, symbolizing the development of the spirit.

The deity's trunk holds a candy. It is a symbol of happiness, which gives liberation from the influence of negative energies. Ganesha needs big elephant ears in order not to miss a single request for help that people send him in their prayers.

The Hidden Meaning of Ganesha's Body Parts

Every part of the immortal Ganapati's body has a meaning. The head of an elephant personifies the prudence inherent in the deity, constancy and devotion. Ears confirm the goodness of the spirit, symbolizing its infinite nobility and desire to help those who need it.

The tusk symbolizes the focus on the struggle, the desire to overcome the duality of human nature, to defeat its negative side, characterized by laziness, quarrelsomeness, anger and other destructive qualities.

The long trunk speaks of the high intellectual abilities of the deity. Ganesha was given a large belly as a sign of his generosity and generosity.

Talisman Ganesha will protect and help a person who wants to gain confidence and happiness.

God Birth Hypotheses

In India, there are several legends at once that explain the unusual appearance of Ganapati.

According to the first of them, the mother of the future deity had long dreamed of a son, for which Vishnu passionately prayed. He honored her with mercy, and soon a boy was born to Shiva and Parvati. Happy parents decided to celebrate this event with a celebration, to which everyone was invited. Among the guests was the god Shani, who had the ability to incinerate any object with his eyes. The gaze of this spirit fell on the baby, and in an instant Ganesha's head was burned.

Shiva ordered the servant to bring the head of the first creature that he came across on the road. They turned out to be an elephant. So, Ganapati got the head of this animal.

According to the second version, the child lost his head due to the irascibility of his father, who tore it off with his own hands, thereby incurring the wrath of his wife. Wanting to correct what he had done as soon as possible, Shiva attached the head of the first animal he came across - an elephant.

There is another legend according to which Parvati herself molded a child from clay and saffron and installed him near the entrance to her chambers as a guard. When Shiva came, the boy blocked his path, for which he was deprived of his head. However, the grief of his wife led the god into confusion, and he decided to make amends, using his power. He brought the child back to life by giving him the head of an elephant.

According to popular belief, the Indian god Ganesha loves balls made of corn and having a sweet core most of all. Once, at his birthday party, he ate a large number of these balls, and then, riding a mouse, he fell. This happened because the mouse was frightened when it saw a snake crawling past, and threw off its rider. From the blow, all the sweets spilled out, but the god was not taken aback and immediately ate them again, and to be sure, he pulled his stomach with a snake, which caused his fall.

Appeal to Ganesha in the form of mantras

In order for the Indian deity Shri Ganesha to hear the one living on earth, it is necessary to read the mantradedicated to this god. In this case, a special treatment is used for each purpose. Rhythmic combinations should be read only in a good mood. It's better to sing them. This must be done at least 180 times, while feeling each pronounced sound and conveying to it the purity and nobility of your thoughts.

For guard

To protect yourself from ill-wishers and enemies, you should recite the following mantra: "Mangalam distu me maheshvari." This literal combination will lead a person to harmony with himself and the world around him, will make him feel the sweetness from the release of negative energy.

For prosperity

If a person embarks on some difficult task or finds himself in a difficult situation from which he cannot find a way out, he should recite the following mantra: “Jay Ganesha jay Ganesha jay Ganesha pahi mam Ganesha Ganesha Ganesha raksha mam gam Ganapataye namo namah om Ganeshaya namah” .

The energy of sounds will help clear the thin energy layers and enlist the support of the god Ganapati. This combination should be pronounced by entrepreneurs, because. this mantra in business helps to remove obstacles of any kind.

To harmonize yourself

To get rid of fear, which often becomes an obstacle in achieving goals, you should read the following mantra: “Om gam ganapataye namah”. This letter combination will help you find harmony, find the right path that will bring success to a person.

It will clear the mind of doubts, remove psychological barriers and fears and such a mantra: “Om Lakshmi-Ganapataye namah”.

For the fulfillment of desires

The mantra "Aum Ganadhipataye om Ganakridaye namah" is used when a person wants to achieve the fulfillment of a desire. However, this combination is also used more widely: it gives good luck, helps to achieve heights in professional activities, start a business that will bring material wealth.

Ganesha in Feng Shui

Many people are confused by the unusual appearance of the Indian god Ganapati, and they do not want to put his image at home. However, only a subtle mind will be able to discern a soul that is full of kindness and sincere generosity behind the oddities of appearance. Only the person who refuses stereotypes in thinking can gain spiritual freedom, self-confidence and harmony in himself.

God Ganapati can be an effective amulet in many cases. A figurine of a deity with an elephant's head is installed at home, in the office. It can be worn on the arm or neck. The image of the spirit is placed in a wallet to attract material wealth.

It is widely believed that the larger the figure of Ganesha, the higher the likelihood of success. However, in Chinese teaching there is no confirmation of this fact.

If, for some unknown reason, some part of the figurine suddenly broke off, for example, an arm or a tusk, or the base itself cracked, then this is a sure sign that the deity saved the owner of the house from some great danger. No need to get rid of such a talisman. You should try to attach the broken part to the previous place, accompanying the process with words of sincere gratitude. Then the deity will restore its state and will be able to continue to protect the person who seeks protection from him.

It is better to put a bronze statue of Ganesh in the west or northwest sector. A good place for it will be the right side of the desktop. A wooden figurine will strengthen relationships in the family, so the southeast or east sector would be the best place for it.

It is not enough just to put the Indian deity in the right direction. Ganesha needs constant attention: you need to talk to him, rub his stomach and palms. The chanting of mantras addressed to God with the head of an elephant will help to increase the intensity of energy flows in any sector. His favor can be won with the help of sweets, which should be placed on a saucer in front of the figurine.

Ganesha is one of the most revered Gods of India. But he is revered no less in China, because. it is believed to bring success in business. The most popular worship of him is the pronunciation of his "thousand names" in a chant.

This God, half-man, half-elephant, can be depicted with four, six, eight, and even eighteen arms, with a snake on his belt. Sometimes he is depicted with three eyes. In the upper two hands of Ganesha, a trident and a lotus. In three hands he holds an ax, a lasso and sometimes a shell. The fourth hand of Ganesha is depicted as if he gives gifts, but very often he has a fret in his hand. Lada is a sweet ball made from pea flour. In his fifth hand he has a staff, with this staff he helps people, pushing them forward. And the rosary symbolizes the orientation towards spirituality and knowledge. The candy in his trunk signifies the sweetness of release. Well, the snake wrapped around him is an energy that can manifest itself in different forms. Big ears are given to him in order not to miss more than one request from humanity. A halo above his head testifies to his holiness. Almost always he sits on a rat or she follows him.

The myth of the god of wisdom Ganesh

As is known from mythology, Ganesha is the son of Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva. And there are several legends about such a strange appearance of Ganesh. One of them says that God Shiva, being angry, cut off the head of his own son when he did not let him into his mother's chambers. After that, having come to his senses, God Shiva regretted what he had done and in order not to bring pain to his beloved wife, Shiva ordered to cut off the head of the first creature that gets in the way of his servants and bring this head to him.

And the first creature was a baby elephant. Not taking pity on the baby elephant, the servants cut off his head and brought it to Shiva. And Lord Shiva, using his abilities, attached the head of an elephant to the body of Rakesh. The head of the baby elephant was heavy and therefore the child did not grow up slender and tall, as befits the Gods.

Many people know that Ganesh does not have one tusk, but not everyone knows why. And yet another legend is connected with this. And the legend says that Ganesha lost his tusk in the battle with Parashurama. Parasurama is God Vishnu reincarnated as a human. It all happened like this ... Vishnu somehow went to visit God Shiva, but he was resting, and Ganesha did not wake him up. Parashurama got angry and cut off Ganesh's tusk. And none of the Gods dared to fix this, so Ganesha was left with one tusk for life.

But legends are legends, and I propose to talk about Ganesh as a feng shui talisman.

The meaning and manufacture of the talisman of the God of wisdom Ganesh

Ganesha is the god of wisdom. It helps to overcome obstacles. Ganesha is the patron saint of good luck. Helps to achieve heights in business. Ganesha helps to earn more, stimulates the achievement of goals and brings profit.

Ganesha also helps those people who are engaged in sciences, crafts, music and dances. There is an opinion that the larger the statue of Ganesh, the more wealth it will bring. So when choosing a talisman, the size of the figure depends only on you.

The Ganesh amulet is mainly made from precious and semi-precious metals and stones. And in India, Ganesh figures are made of plastic. But it does not matter what material it is made of, the main thing is an honorable attitude towards it.

Where to place the Ganesh figurine

Ganesha can be put both at home and in the office, shop or educational institution. Better if it will stand in the northwest. This sector is considered the helper sector, as well as the travel sector. It is best to put Ganesh on the desktop at home or in the office. It can be advised to place a Ganesh figurine at the entrance to the bank and in the store.

If your statue of Ganesh is made of bronze, then it must be placed in the West, this is the metal sector. If you put it in this sector, then you will be provided with the help of friends and financial well-being.

It is better to put a wooden statue of Ganesh in the family sector in the East, then your finances will increase.

Activation of the amulet of the God of wisdom Ganesh

Ganesha loves to have his belly and right hand stroked. Also for Ganesh you need to make offerings. It can be sweets and coins. If you do not skimp on offerings, then expect pleasant surprises.

But you can activate the amulet in another way, namely with the help of mantras.

Mantra 1: Om gam ganalathaya nam ah is the main mantra for Ganesh. It is believed that this mantra “guides on the true path”, brings good luck, and also removes all sorts of obstacles.

Mantra 2: Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah - By chanting this mantra you will be able to succeed in any business. And also all your talents will flourish, you will be able to achieve excellence in any field of activity.

Also read these mantras before an important business or a financial transaction and everything you want will be fulfilled./p

The figurine of God Ganesh broke: what to do

If the statue of Ganesh has something broken or chipped off, this is a sign that he saved you from some kind of trouble by taking it upon himself. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, all broken things must be thrown away, but there are rare exceptions, and this exception is the talisman of God Ganesh.

If you still have the part that broke (usually a spear or a hand), then gently glue it in place and thank Ganesh that he saved you from some kind of trouble, then he will return to his original state and will produce the same the effect of protection and assistance, as before.

We bring to your attention three legends about Ganesh, which everyone in Jaipur knows!

Why does Ganesha have an elephant head

The god Shiva and the goddess Parvati had two sons - Skanda and Ganesha. In appearance and character, the brothers were very different from each other. The six-faced Skanda, tall, thin, quick-tempered, was known as a skilled warrior .. The trunk and overweight figure made Ganesha look like an elephant. But he had a calm and kind disposition. From birth, Ganesha was a very beautiful boy, and this is how it happened that he became like not a boy, but an elephant.

When Ganesha entered the second month, Parvati decided to perform the ceremony of naming.
Preparations for the celebration began. All the gods were sent invitations. And who among them would not wish to come to the holiday to the great Shiva! Finally the long-awaited day has come. Parvati put on Ganesha a beautiful dress and jewels and laid him in a golden cradle.

All the gods who came to the celebration were delighted with the beauty of the boy and brought him many gifts. Only the god Shani, standing behind everyone, stubbornly did not raise his eyes.
Before leaving home, he quarreled with his wife because of something, and she, seeing that Shani dressed up and was going to the holiday, lost her temper. She wished he could stay at home so she could vent all her anger on him. But Shani was so fed up with her whims that he decided to leave at all costs. And then she cursed him. “The first person your eyes fall on will be left without a head,” she said to him at parting. That's why Shani didn't look at anyone.

Noticing this, Parvati took Ganesha in her arms and approached Shani. Turning away, he told her about the curse of his wife. But pride in her son clouded Parvati's head, and she said:
- Admire, Shani, what a beautiful son I have, and besides, his father is the great Shiva! Forget the curse, look at him.
As soon as Shani looked at Ganesha, the boy's head separated from the body and disappeared. The gods are frozen. The fun was interrupted, everyone was sad. Parvati at first seemed to be petrified, and then, looking at her headless son, she sobbed loudly. Fortunately, Vishnu was nearby - the remover of all troubles.
- If Ganesha is immediately attached to someone's head, it will grow, - he said.

Shiva was the first to catch the eye of a baby elephant. And Shiva, without hesitation, tore off his head and put the boy to the body. The boy came to life. Parvati was delighted, but seeing how the trunk dangled on Ganesha's face, she was sad again. “Now everyone will laugh at my son and no one will honor him,” she thought. But Ganesha did not lose heart. He loved his father and mother very much, he was an obedient, devoted son. In gratitude for his devotion and patience, Shiva blessed his son: “May you be the smartest, kindest and most revered of all the gods!” Parvati was happy. So since then they have become the first to honor Ganesha and after him - all other gods.

How Ganesha surpassed his brother

Once Skanda and Ganesha were playing on the shore of the holy lake Manasarovar. Ganesha took sweets in his trunk and handed them to Skanda. When Skanda tried to grab these sweets, Ganesha deftly threw them up and ate them, and Skanda remained standing with his mouth open.

“So I will never defeat Ganesha,” Skanda decided. - I'd rather run with him. Ganesha is overweight, clumsy, cannot run fast.”
But the wise Ganesha perfectly understood what his brother was up to. Hiding a smile, he said:
- Brother, why should we run a race, anyway I will overtake you.

They argued, argued, and finally decided:
- Whoever goes around the three worlds in fifteen days and returns first, he will be the winner.
The next day, Skanda mounted his peacock at exactly four o'clock and set off.
“And how is Ganesha going to overtake me,” Skanda thought along the way, “he is so clumsy that it is difficult for him to step, and when Ganesha walks, his heavy body shakes and rolls over from side to side. And because he is a glutton and eats sweets all day long, he grew fat even more. In addition, Ganesha rides only on a rat. How can her step be compared with a peacock! When I arrive, of course, he will still be swimming in the lake. Then, having defeated Ganesha, I will receive the title of the first!

Meanwhile, Ganesha, having bathed and eaten plenty of sweets, set to work. He accurately calculated the time when Skanda should return, and calmly immersed himself in reading. And on that day, when Skanda was supposed to come to the house, Ganesha appeared to his mother Parvati, performed parikrama around her, bowed and sat down beside her.

Tired, out of breath, Skanda ran into the house and sees: Ganesha is sitting near his mother. What a miracle!
- Did you, brother, have already managed to go around the three worlds? he exclaimed.
Ganesha laughed merrily and replied:
- I didn't go anywhere. Sitting here, I walked around the three worlds.
- But is it possible? asked Skanda. And Ganesha said:
“Listen, my elder brother: the mother is more important than the three worlds, and doing parikrama around her is more than going around the three worlds.
Hearing this, Parvati smiled. Skanda asked his father to judge between them. After listening to his sons, Shiva took the side of Ganesha.

So smart, loving Ganesha was known as the first and best of the sons of Shiva. Therefore, Shiva made him the master of his warriors - the Ghans.

How Ganesha Became the First of All Gods

When the legend of the devotee Ganesh and his victory in the dispute with Skanda became well known everywhere, there was a dispute among the gods:
“Now, which of the gods will people worship first, who will they worship first, who will be the first to make sacrifices, the first to kindle the sacred fire?”
Everyone wanted all these honors to go to him before the others. To end the dispute, Brahma said:
- Respect will be earned by the one who goes around the earth three times and returns first.

Hearing of this decision, the gods gathered at the indicated place to participate in the contest. As soon as the sign was given, each sat on his animal, and the competition began. Only the overweight, clumsy Ganesha on his big rat went back to his home.
“You can't get far on a rat,” he thought on the way. “But what to do? Yes, I remembered! Brahma said several times that a mother, in her kindness, meekness and love for children, is more important than the earth. And the body of Shiva's father contains the whole world. Why not do parikrama around them?”
He decided so and went on his rat to the snowy peak of Kailash, to his father's house.

Ganesha arrived there, looks - father Shiva is sitting, immersed in deep contemplation.
- Mom, go quickly, sit next to your father, - he said to Parvati, taking her hand.
- What happened, Ganesha? asked the mother in surprise.
- I'll tell you later, but now, please, do as I ask.
- OK then. She walked over to Shiva and sat down beside him. Gapesha first bowed at the feet of his parents, then parikrama around them seven times and went to the chambers of Brahma.

Just at this time, other gods returned from the competition. Finding Ganesha near Brahma, they thought: “As you can see, Ganesha could not overcome the distance and returned halfway. And now he sits at the feet of Brahma and speaks flattering words to him in order to somehow excuse his defeat. But when the venerable Brahma announced to all the gods that Ganesha had received the title of the first, they were surprised and indignant.
- How is it, great Brahma, because Ganesha did not participate in the competition! How could he win?

Then Brahma announced to them:
- Ganesha not only circumnavigated the earth seven times - he circumnavigated the universe seven times!
- Is it possible? exclaimed the astonished gods.
- Ganesha - a son who loves and honors his parents; seven times he performed parikrama around them. Who doubts that a mother is above mother earth, and Lord Shiva is the whole universe! That is why Ganesha became the winner, Brahma answered the gods.

Thus, the title of the first - the best of the gods - was assigned to the faithful son of Ganesha, devoted to his parents.

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