Garik Martirosyan: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Garik Martirosyan: interesting facts from the life of the "resident" of the Comedy Club What Garik Martirosyan is doing now


Life is a complicated thing, and sometimes so much so that it becomes sad. It's good that sometimes people are born who can make anyone laugh in any situation. After all, scientifically proven - laughter heals and prolongs life. So good comedians are comparable to good doctors. Actually, Garik Martirosyan was originally going to become a good doctor. And he became a good comedian.

Garik was born into a very intelligent family, where his mother was a gynecologist, and his father was a mechanical engineer. He grew up with his younger brother Leva. And he began to amuse his relatives from childhood.

“Our physics teacher was a big joker,” Garik recalls his school years, “Once we stood with him in the corridor and talked. And in our class there was a guy who constantly sneaked up on everyone from behind and scared. Our director was walking along the corridor, I told the teacher that my classmate was now sneaking towards him. When the director approached the physics teacher, he turned with a terrible mug and shouted: “Beeee!” For the next fifteen minutes, until I was called after the physicist to the director, I was a hero, and the whole class applauded me.

The children loved the playful boy, but the adults, apparently, found it difficult. So, Garik failed to finish music school - he was expelled from there for bad behavior. So I had to learn musical instruments myself later. However, apparently, by the end of the school, the behavior improved, because after graduation Martirosyan decided to continue the family dynasty through the medical line and easily entered the Yerevan State Medical University as a neuropathologist-psychotherapist.

At the same time, in his student years, Garik begins to play in KVN. He not only becomes popular as part of the New Armenians team, but rather quickly and for a long time (from 1997 to 2002) leads it. Despite the fact that the "New Armenians" are quickly growing into one of the most popular and beloved by the people of KVN teams, after university, Garik first chooses the profession of a doctor: for three years he has been working in his specialty - a neuropathologist. However, the vocation - humor - takes its toll, and since 2005 Martirosyan has already firmly “settled on TV”. This year, the bright and immediately popular TV show Comedy Club, one of the founders of which was Martirosyan, is just coming out on TV. After the Comedy Club, TV shows follow one after another, in which Martirosyan acts either as a host or as a participant. The audience has long appreciated his great sense of humor and witty improvisations. Finally, since 2008, the ProjectorParisHilton program begins to appear on Channel One, one of the four presenters of which is Garik (the others are Ivan Urgant, Alexander Tsekalo, Sergey Svetlakov). "ProjectorParisHilton" is a peculiar phenomenon of Russian television, a very funny program with an unusual atmosphere of "intellectual kitchen", where four friends, gathered for tea, discuss newspaper articles, political events and receive guests. The program beat all possible records of popularity. During the four years of its airing, such world stars as Mickey Rourke, Hugh Jackman, Emir Kusturica, Will Smith and many others "drank tea" in it. Unfortunately, the wonderful program, which gathered a huge number of residents of the former USSR at the TV screens on Saturdays, was closed in 2012 by the leadership of Channel One, which “did not share” the presenters with another TV channel - TNT.

However, for Garik Martirosyan, ProjectorParisHilton was definitely not in vain. That evening, when Steven Seagal visited the program, Garik announced that his son was born. Seagal wished to come up with a name for the child, and so it turned out that the youngest son of Garik Martirosyan is now called Daniel. In addition to Daniel, the Martirosyan family is the daughter Jasmine and the wife Jeanne, with whom the presenter began dating back in the days of KVN.


2007 - show "Minute of Glory"

2008 - 2012 - ProjectorParisHilton program


  • In fact, Garik Martirosyan was born on February 13, but the parents considered the 13th an unlucky number and asked to record the child as the 14th. Garik celebrates his birthday for two days.
  • As a child, Garik was expelled from a music school, but after that he himself mastered playing the piano, guitar and drums, so well that he writes music.
  • Garik Martirosyan draws very well.
  • The youngest son Garik Martirosyan named Daniel on the advice of Steven Seagal on the program "ProjectorParisHilton"

2007 - Award "Humor of the Year" from the radio "Humor FM" (nomination "Showman").

2007 - "Person of the Year" according to GQ magazine (nomination "Face from TV").

2008-2012 - the ProjectorParisHilton program received the TEFI award as the best infotainment program of the year.

2005 - "Our Yard 3"

2008 - "Our Russia"

2009 - "Univer"

2010 - Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny"

Garik Yuryevich Martirosyan is a Russian TV presenter, comedy artist, humorist, producer, showman. Artistic director of Comedy Club.


Garik Yurievich Martirosyan was born on February 13, 1974 in Yerevan Father, Yuri Mikhailovich, worked as a mechanical engineer. Mother, Jasmine Surenovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, gynecologist. It is noteworthy that in official documents, parents asked to enter the date of birth on February 14, since 13 is an unlucky number. Now Martirosyan celebrates two holidays in a row. Ros Garik was a very active boy, he could never sit still, he was constantly doing something. When Garik was six years old, his parents sent him to a music school. The boy did not manage to study there for long - he was soon expelled for bad behavior. However, after that, young Martirosyan independently began to master the guitar, drums, and piano. Studying in the sixth grade, Garik took part in his first performance, playing Archimedes in an amateur school production.

After graduating from high school, Martirosyan became a student at the Yerevan State Medical University. He liked the medical profession then, and he was sure that he could become a good neuropathologist-psychotherapist. After university, Garik even worked for three years in a graduate specialty.

Everything changed in 1992, when Martirosyan made acquaintance with the members of the New Armenians KVN team from Yerevan University. As Garik later recalled, without KVN he would still be working in medicine. In 1993, Garik became a member of this team, and in 1997 he was promoted to captain. In the same year, Garik first appeared on television, writing the script for the Good Evening with Igor Ugolnikov program, which aired on the STS channel. This was followed by work in other television projects. At the KVN festival in Sochi in 1997, Garik met Zhanna Levina, with whom he was already in a close relationship a year later. In 2002, Martirosyan left the New Armenians and continued to work in television. In 2004, a daughter, Jasmine, was born in the Martirosyan family. In 2009, son Daniel was born.

In 2005, Garik Martirosyan, Slava Blagodarsky, Pavel Volya and several other friends created a new project called Comedy Club. It took quite a bit of time, and Martirosyan has already become a real star for young people. In the same year, he made his film debut in the film "Our Yard 3" in a cameo role. In 2006, Garik took part in the Two Stars project, where his duet with Larisa Dolina managed to win. In November of the same year, Martirosyan was appointed co-author and one of the hosts of the Our Russia show. In 2007, he hosted two seasons of the Minute of Glory show on Channel One. In December, he took part in the creation of Pavel Volya's album "Respect and Respect".

In May 2008, Martirosyan became one of the hosts of ProjectorParisHilton on Channel One. In 2010, he starred as himself in the comedy Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny.

The main achievements of Martirosyan

  • Roles in three films and the series "Univer". Artistic director of Comedy Club.
  • TEFI ("ProjectorParisHilton") - 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
  • Award "Humor of the Year" - 2007.
  • GQ magazine award (Person of the Year) - 2007.

Important dates in Martirosyan's biography

  • February 13, 1974 - birth in Yerevan.
  • 1980 - admission to a music school.
  • 1992 - acquaintance with the KVN team "New Armenians".
  • 1993 - the beginning of performances in the "New Armenians" team as a permanent member.
  • 1997 - captain of the "New Armenians" team.
  • 1998 - the beginning of a relationship with Zhanna Levina.
  • 2002 - leaving the New Armenians team.
  • 2004 - the birth of her daughter Jasmine.
  • 2005 - launch of the Comedy Club project. Film debut in the film "Our Yard 3".
  • 2006 - victory in the project "Two Stars".
  • 2007 - participation in the recording of Pavel Volya's album "Respect and Respect".
  • 2008 - becomes one of the hosts of the ProjectorParisHilton show.
  • 2010 - shooting in the comedy Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny.
  • He believes that every person should be able to understand at least elementary medicine.
  • He named his son Daniel on the advice of Steven Seagal, with whom he spoke during the filming of one of the issues of ProjectorParisHilton.
  • Favorite hobby is football. From food he prefers kebab, and from drinks - Jermuk mineral water.
  • For two years he worked at the Comedy Club for free, until this project began to bring in large incomes.
  • He considers Russian show business to be the most fertile ground for creating jokes in the Comedy Club style.
  • Favorite animal is a cat.
  • Despite the fact that he never became a psychiatrist, he is sure that he can see through people.
  • He is an opponent of Russian swearing, although he allows the use of English-language swearing during performances.
  • I personally watched the birth of my son, staying in my wife's room for 12 hours and not going away.
  • The main holiday destinations for Martirosyan and his wife are Sochi, Yerevan and Europe.
  • At one time there were rumors that Garik wanted to become a member of the Armenian Parliament. These rumors ended up being false.
  • Martirosyan's stories for Comedy Club and other humorous projects are mainly inspired by ordinary everyday situations.


In the summer of 2016, comedian and TV presenter Garik Martirosyan, who is not on any social network, cheated on himself: he opened a working account on Instagram and launched the Insta Battle project on its platform. Every day, the showman asks subscribers one question, and then selects the funniest answer, for which the author is paid from a hundred to a thousand euros. The awards are issued by the MEM Media agency, with which Martirosyan works. The showman told why he needed it, why he disappeared from television, does not register on social networks and never watches the performances of venerable American comedians. Why do you need this project?

Martirosyan: I really like to do something in an unknown field, where no one has done anything before me. "Insta battle" was invented by me, and I embody it myself. Unlike television projects that have specific goals, economics, and so on, we do not set such goals. We want to cheer ourselves up, Instagram users and all Russian-speaking people with a sense of humor, especially in such a sad time when autumn has come and winter is ahead.

That is, you do not have the task of discovering new stars?

If new stars emerge from this competition, I will be very happy. Probably, among those who write to us, you can find screenwriters who can give out good jokes. But I do not flatter myself with hopes of discovering new talents. It's just an entertainment platform for anyone who thinks they have a sense of humor.

Have you tagged any of the users?

Of course, there are guys who joke a lot and consistently well and witty. But here I behave strictly professionally: I don’t fall in love with anyone in a creative sense on purpose. I don't take note of anyone. This is a habit developed by years of sitting on the Comedy Battle jury. Here, after all, the main thing is wit, and not the person herself.

Who jokes funnier: Instagram users or newcomers who try out on TNT?

There are no special differences. Yes, of course, those who are professionally engaged in humor have more precise wording, their heads work faster, their brains are more efficient. But I assure you: completely ordinary people come and work at TNT. However, there is a problem. In Russia, unfortunately, there are no humorous universities and special courses where a person can hone his sense of humor.

There is, of course, a large KVN school. People can create their own teams, go to festivals - the scheme has been tested a long time ago. But this is the only way in Russia to develop a sense of humor. If you are lucky, if you have enough talent and creative strength, they will get into the major league of KVN, and then into the television arena. I can’t give people this perspective in the Insta Battle. We do not have an educational page, but just an entertaining one.

Social networks, as the name implies, are created primarily for a person to socialize. I met new people, made friends, expressed myself. Someone is interested in the information flows that run there, news, videos. But I have such a busy life, so many people surround me, that sometimes I don’t have time to communicate with the people who work with me. The Comedy Club office is a social network in itself. Well, imagine: five thousand people work in it. And if I also sit on social networks, I will go crazy. I need to stay awake, buy myself a second brain and a second pair of eyes.

Never in my life! I don't watch anything for the sake of coming up with brilliant ideas. I'm afraid of brilliant ideas. I'm afraid of American shows, I'm afraid of American stand-up artists, I'm afraid of those who work in the same genre as me, because their understanding then gives wrong shoots. Everything I have done in my life is dictated by my personal creative fantasies. I never take anything from anyone, I'm just not interested.

Do you follow what is written about you on the Internet?

I don't follow. If possible, write that it's enough to write something about me on the Internet, because I simply don't follow it.

This was the only story I followed. I had to react when already the twentieth person turned to me about some kind of baldness ointment. This is an absolute fake. We have long ago found those who advertised this remedy on my behalf, and the trial will soon take place. The company representing my interests on TNT will sue them.

A year has passed since this story.

It took time to find these people. If you think that this is some kind of open company that sits in an office on the Garden Ring, then no, it is not. The problem is that Internet users, like, in fact, all other viewers, are very gullible. Anything is written in my name. Seeing my photo cut out and pasted into some article, people don’t think that I couldn’t say that in principle.

In the near future, if all goes well, you may even see Internet comedy programs created exclusively for YouTube, RuTube, Facebook and other Internet platforms. I believe that the Internet is a terrible force.

Today we present to your attention one of the brightest representatives of Russian show business. This is a comedian, presenter, producer Garik Martirosyan. He has incredible charisma, natural charm.

Garik Martirosyan is famous for his sparkling sense of humor. His jokes are always successful. The artist also has good organizational skills. Fans note his artistry, as well as the ability to keep the audience.

Garik Martirosyan is not only a comedian, a resident of the Comedy Club show, a host, but he is also a producer of several humorous programs and shows.

This artist has a huge army of fans who are always eager for his new performances, works and projects.

Height, weight, age. How old is Garik Martirosyan

The hero of our article is quite a popular artist. Since the days of KVN youth, he has a lot of fans. Physical data, Armenian temperament, as well as an excellent sense of humor have always attracted attention to this person. Many are interested in almost everything related to their idol, including his height, weight, age. How old is Garik Martirosyan - available information. Now the artist is 44 years old.

Garik Martirosyan is always neat and looks good. The height of the showman is 186 centimeters, and he weighs about 92 kilograms.

The comedian is a fan of FC Lokomotiv. He doesn't like to play football. Prefers to run. He does it several times a week.

Garik Martirosyan was born under the Constellation of the creative Aquarius with organizational skills. And the year of the Tiger endowed him with diligence, responsiveness, self-confidence.

Biography and personal life of Garik Martirosyan

The life path of our hero is bright and filled with various events. Place of birth - the city of Yerevan. It happened in 1974. His birthday fell on Valentine's Day - February 14th. But, it is known that in fact the boy was born on February 13, but his mother asked to change the date of birth for superstitious reasons. Perhaps that is why we have such an extraordinary, creative person.

The humorist's parents had nothing to do with art. Father - Yuri worked as an engineer, and mother - Jasmine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, a gynecologist by profession. Garik Martirosyan has a younger brother - Levon.

Garik Martirosyan has been famous for his restlessness since childhood. At school, he often played pranks not only on students. Often the teachers were "led" to the jokes he said seriously. For this, he was expelled from the art school, where he studied music. However, he taught himself how to play guitar, piano and drums.

His creative career began in the mid-nineties, when the artist began performing in KVN, being a student at the Yerevan State Medical Institute. The comedian received the specialty of a neuropathologist-psychotherapist. After training, he even worked as a practicing doctor for about three years. But soon the desire to perform was outweighed and Garik Martirosyan took up creativity seriously.

As for the KVN part in the career of Garik Martirosyan, it must be said that he played for the New Armenians team for several years. This was the starting point for the creative success of the young artist. "New Armenians" received several awards, were more than once laureates of various KVN competitions.

All this provided the basis for the subsequent creative results of the artist. Participation in the Club of the cheerful and resourceful opened the doors to the world of show business. At the beginning of the 2000s, the artist became a regular participant in the comedy TV show Comedy Club. A little later - the artistic director of this project. Note that "Comedy Club" fell in love with many and still receives high ratings.

In addition, Garik Martirosyan became the producer of such shows as Our Russia, Laughter Without Rules, Show News and others.

In addition to his sparkling jokes and organizational skills, our hero is also famous as a talented leader. And now he is quite in demand in this area. So, Garik Martirosyan hosted such programs as "Main Stage", "Dancing with the Stars" and others.

Among friends, Garik is known as an exemplary family man. There was no news in the media about family scandals, conflicts of the Martirosyan family.

We see that the biography and personal life of Garik Martirosyan are full of various events. He is a well-known comedian, bright presenter, talented producer. The artist has not only charisma, but also the ability to think creatively. In his head there are new ideas that are always successful. A man of extraordinary mind. Garik Martirosyan is quite artistic. Has positive energy. A comedian is always confident in his own abilities. Never throws words to the wind.

Garik Martirosyan has a large number of fans. It's always interesting to watch him. The comedian looks great and holds up well on stage. His jokes are always on point.

Family and children of Garik Martirosyan

A talented comedian grew up in an ordinary family. And although the parents had nothing to do with art, they took the moral education of their children as a basis. Now relatives of Garik Martirosyan live in Yerevan.

The family and children of Garik Martirosyan live in Moscow. He has been married for over twenty years. Together with his wife, they raise and educate two children - a girl and a boy. In general, according to the artist himself, he has two hometowns: Yerevan, the place where he was born and raised, and Moscow, where he managed to realize himself.

The son of Garik Martirosyan - Daniel Martirosyan

As mentioned earlier, the talented comedian has two children. The son of Garik Martirosyan - Daniel Martirosyan was born in 2009. Few people know that the name of the boy was suggested to the artist by Steven Seagal. He assured that then the boy would have a good future. Garik Martirosyan, after a little thought, nevertheless adopted this name for his own son.

For a long time, the comedian did not show his heir to the public. Garik Martirosyan introduced Daniel recently. It happened in one of the episodes of the television program "While everyone is at home." There, the whole Martirosyan family appeared in all its glory and in full force.

Daughter of Garik Martirosyan - Jasmine Martirosyan

When the son appeared, a girl was already growing up in the artist's family. Garik Martirosyan's daughter, Jasmine Martirosyan, is four years older than her brother.

The girl, in addition to her appearance, inherited the character of her star father. Many note her artistry, as well as a sense of humor. It is known that at such a young age she is already making fun of her classmates. She does this absolutely without malice, but simply to cheer up.

Parents Jasmine and Daniel pay great attention to learning languages. Preference is given to Russian, English and, of course, Armenian. Garik Martirosyan and his wife are sure that this will help them in life.

Jasmine and Daniel are very loved by their grandparents, Garik's parents. They often come to Moscow from Yerevan to visit them.

Garik Martirosyan's wife - Zhanna Levina

The humorist met his wife at the KVN festival, which was held in Sochi. Garik's team arrived there for a performance, and the girl - to support her classmates. After a while they met again, and their feelings flared up. A little later, young people realized that they could not live without each other. So we decided to get married soon.

Garik Martirosyan's wife is Zhanna Levina, a lawyer by profession. On the advice of her husband, she began to study interior design and achieved great success in this area. Many beau monde stars often turn to her for advice on improving their homes.

Zhanna Leivna also maintains a page on Instagram, where she exhibits her work. Also here you can see pictures where Garik Martirosyan is present with his wife and children. These photos are always very colorful.

Instagram and Wikipedia Garik Martirosyan

The resident of the Comedy Club is a fairly popular artist in show business. It is not surprising that requests often pop up on the Internet, such as Instagram and Wikipedia Garik Martirosyan.

The Wikipedia of the artist provides detailed information from the biography, creative career, his plans, projects, etc. All information is public.

The artist's Instagram page is the official site where Garik Martirosyan not only posts photos from his personal and creative life, but also communicates with subscribers. It is known that here Garik Martirosyan is leading the so-called Insta Battle project. The bottom line is that the humorist on the page asks a question and at the end of the day chooses the funniest comment-answer to it.

He is reported) was born in the city of Yerevan, on (February 14), in 1974. As a child, he gave his parents a lot of anxiety. The boy was noisy, restless. The scamp was sent to a music school at the age of six in order to moderate his ardor a little. But that didn't help either. Soon Garik was expelled from the musical institution for bad behavior. At school, of course, he was a ringleader, a big inventor and just a fun guy. And already in these years, Garik's artistic talent manifested itself - in the sixth grade he got his first role in a school play.

Where else did Garik Martirosyan study? His biography says that after school he graduated from the State Medical University in Yerevan. Few of the artist's fans know that he worked for several years in his specialty, namely, a neuropathologist-psychotherapist. And, perhaps, his life would have flowed in this direction if one day he had not met the members of the famous KVN team “New Armenians”. Humor has always been his forte. And since 1993, Garik's life has changed dramatically - he began to play in KVN. He himself claims that it was KVN that made him strong, purposeful, accustomed to the frantic rhythm and pace of life, the ability to work in a team.

Garik Martirosyan (his biography tells about this) first appeared on television in 1997. He was the screenwriter of the notorious Good Evening program with Ugolnikov. Gradually, he became a member of many projects, shows, programs. And one of his victories in this field is in the Two Stars project. Excellent vocal abilities and a talented partner led him to success. But in the role of a TV presenter, Garik first appeared on the screens in the Minute of Glory program. It was a big project for him.

Of course, one cannot ignore the program "Comedy club", one of the founders of which was Garik Martirosyan. His biography tells that it was pure experiment. Several talented and active people met one day and decided to slightly modify Russian humor, which is familiar to everyone. Among the founders of this program are Pavel Volya, and Garik Kharlamov, and many others. However, the residents were not immediately able to make their way to television screens. And when, nevertheless, the audience was able to see the first issue, despite the huge number of positive and enthusiastic reviews, there were still ill-wishers who were not satisfied with the frankly impudent humor of the guys.

Many are interested in whether Garik Martirosyan is married. The biography (personal life, by the way, is not too advertised by the artist) reports that his wife's name is Zhanna Levina, and the couple met back in 1997. And in 2004, a talented artist became a dad. The children of Garik Martirosyan are his daughter Jasmine. Although many believe that the resident of Comedy has other offspring. Despite the busy schedule, Garik always tries to devote maximum time to his family.

The biography of this person is a vivid example of how humor and charisma help to achieve success in life. And it doesn’t matter where you are registered, in which city you were born, where you studied. The main thing is a dream, perseverance in achieving a goal and a bright outlook on life, optimism.

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