Where to buy musical instruments. What are musical instruments? (photo, names) Groups of musical instruments with examples


Music surrounds us from childhood. And then we have the first musical instruments. Do you remember your first drum or tambourine? And the shiny metallophone, on the records of which you had to knock with a wooden stick? And the pipes with holes on the side? With a certain skill, one could even play simple melodies on them.

Toy instruments are the first step into the world of real music. Now you can buy a variety of musical toys: from simple drums and harmonicas to almost real pianos and synthesizers. Do you think these are just toys? Not at all: in the preparatory classes of music schools, entire noise orchestras are made up of such toys, in which kids selflessly blow pipes, beat drums and tambourines, spur the rhythm with maracas and play the first songs on the xylophone ... And this is their first real step into the world music.

Types of musical instruments

The world of music has its own order and classification. Tools are divided into large groups: strings, keyboards, percussion, brass, and also reed. Which of them appeared earlier, which later, it is now difficult to say for sure. But already the ancient people who shot from a bow noticed that a stretched bowstring sounds, reed tubes, if blown into them, make whistling sounds, and it is convenient to beat the rhythm on any surface with all available means. These items became the progenitors of stringed, wind and percussion instruments already known in ancient Greece. Reeds appeared just as long ago, but keyboards were invented a little later. Let's take a look at these main groups.


In wind instruments, sound is produced as a result of vibrations of a column of air enclosed inside a tube. The larger the volume of air, the lower the sound it makes.

Wind instruments are divided into two large groups: wooden And copper. Wooden - flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, alpine horn ... - are a straight tube with side holes. By closing or opening the holes with the fingers, the musician can shorten the column of air and change the pitch. Modern instruments are often made not from wood, but from other materials, however, according to tradition, they are called wooden.

Copper brass sets the tone for any orchestra, from brass to symphony. Trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba, helicon, a whole family of saxhorns (baritone, tenor, alto) are typical representatives of this loudest group of instruments. Later came the saxophone, the king of jazz.

The pitch of the brass winds changes due to the force of the blown air and the position of the lips. Without additional valves, such a pipe can produce only a limited number of sounds - a natural scale. To expand the range of sound and the ability to hit all sounds, a system of valves was invented - valves that change the height of the air column (like side holes on wooden ones). Copper pipes that are too long, unlike wooden pipes, can be rolled up, giving them a more compact shape. French horn, tuba, helicon are examples of coiled trumpets.


The bowstring can be considered the prototype of stringed instruments - one of the most important groups of any orchestra. The sound is produced by a vibrating string. To enhance the sound, the strings began to be pulled over the hollow body - this is how the lute and mandolin, cymbals, harp ... and the familiar guitar appeared.

The string group is divided into two main subgroups: bowed And plucked tools. Bowed violins include violins of all varieties: violins, violas, cellos and huge double basses. The sound from them is extracted with a bow, which is driven along the stretched strings. But for plucked strings, a bow is not needed: the musician pinches the string with his fingers, causing it to vibrate. Guitar, balalaika, lute - plucked instruments. As well as the beautiful harp that makes such gentle cooing sounds. But the double bass - a bowed or plucked instrument? Formally, it belongs to the bowed, but often, especially in jazz, it is played with plucks.


If the fingers striking the strings are replaced by hammers, and the hammers are set in motion with the help of keys, we get keyboards tools. First keyboards - clavichords and harpsichords appeared in the Middle Ages. They sounded rather quiet, but very gentle and romantic. And at the beginning of the 18th century, they invented piano- an instrument that could be played both loudly (forte) and softly (piano). The long name is usually shortened to the more familiar "piano". The older brother of the piano - what's the brother - the king! - that's what it's called: piano. This is no longer a tool for small apartments, but for concert halls.

Keyboards include the largest - and one of the most ancient! - musical instruments: organ. This is no longer a percussion keyboard, like a piano and a grand piano, but keyboard wind instrument: not the lungs of the musician, but the blower machine creates a flow of air into the tube system. This huge system is controlled by a complex control panel, which has everything from a manual (that is, manual) keyboard to pedals and register switches. And how could it be otherwise: organs consist of tens of thousands of individual tubes of various sizes! But their range is huge: each tube can sound only on one note, but when there are thousands of them ...


Percussion instruments were the oldest musical instruments. It was the tapping of rhythm that was the first prehistoric music. The sound can be produced by a stretched membrane (drum, tambourine, oriental darbuka...) or the body of the instrument itself: triangles, cymbals, gongs, castanets and other knockers and rattles. A special group is made up of drums that produce a sound of a certain height: timpani, bells, xylophones. You can already play a melody on them. Percussion ensembles, consisting only of percussion instruments, arrange entire concerts!


Is there any other way to extract sound? Can. If one end of a plate made of wood or metal is fixed, and the other is left free and forced to oscillate, then we get the simplest tongue - the basis of reed instruments. If there is only one tongue, we get jew's harp. Linguistics include accordions, bayans, accordions and their miniature model - harmonica.


On the button accordion and accordion you can see the keys, so they are considered both keyboards and reeds. Some wind instruments are also reeded: for example, in the clarinet and bassoon already familiar to us, the reed is hidden inside the pipe. Therefore, the division of tools into these types is conditional: there are many tools mixed type.

In the 20th century, the friendly musical family was replenished with another large family: electronic instruments. The sound in them is created artificially with the help of electronic circuits, and the first example was the legendary theremin, created back in 1919. Electronic synthesizers can imitate the sound of any instrument and even... play themselves. Unless, of course, someone will make a program. :)

The division of instruments into these groups is just one way of classifying them. There are many others: for example, the Chinese combined tools depending on the material from which they were made: wood, metal, silk and even stone... The methods of classification are not so important. It is much more important to be able to recognize instruments both in appearance and in sound. This is what we will learn.

Music comes into our lives at an early age. Almost everyone had musical toys, a metallophone or a wooden pipe. After all, it is possible to play elementary compositions on them.

And it is from childhood that we take the first steps towards truly real music. Currently, there are many special places for kids, where they are provided with such "children's" tools and give free rein to their imagination. In such music classes, children can even create their own symphony orchestra, no matter how strange it may sound. This is the initial stage, opening the whole fantastic world of music.

It is possible to pick up and purchase instruments in the MusicMarket.by online store on its official website https://musicmarket.by/. Various types of instruments are on sale: percussion, wind, folk, studio and sound equipment, bowed, keyboard instruments and others.

wind instruments

The principle of their work is that the air oscillates inside the tube, after which a sound is emitted.

There are also two subgroups of wind instruments: wood instruments and brass. The first can be attributed. such as oboe, flute and clarinet. They are a tube, on one side of which there are holes. With the help of holes, the musician regulates the volume of air inside, due to which the sound changes.

The brass instruments include the trumpet, trombone, and saxophone. These wind instruments are used when playing in orchestras. The sound they make primarily depends on the strength of the blown air and the lips of the musician. In order to get more tones, special valve valves are provided, the principle of operation of which is similar to woodwind instruments.

Stringed instruments

The sound of stringed instruments depends on the vibration of the strings, the prototype of which was the stretched bowstring. Depending on the way of playing, the group of instruments is divided into bowed (violin, cello, viola) and plucked (guitar, lute, balalaika).

Keyboard instruments

Clavichords and harpsichords are among the first keyboard instruments. But the piano was created only in the XVIII century. Its name literally stands for "loud-quiet".

This group includes an organ, which is singled out as a separate subgroup of keyboard and wind instruments. The air flow in it is created by a blower, and the control is carried out using a special control panel.

Percussion instruments

The sound of this group is created by striking the stretched membrane of the instrument or the body of the instrument itself. There is also a special subgroup of percussion instruments that produce a sound with a certain pitch, such as timpani, bells and xylophones.

reed instruments

Tools of this group are made in such a way that one side is made of solid material, and the other is in free vibration. These instruments include jew's harps and accordions.

Many musical instruments can belong to several groups, such as button accordion, clarinet.

Electronic instruments

Music on such instruments is created using electronic systems, for which specialized programs are created.

The division of musical instruments into these groups is rather conditional. It is more important to distinguish them in appearance.

Musical instruments are designed to produce various sounds. If the musician plays well, then these sounds can be called music, if not, then cacophony. There are so many tools that learning them is like an exciting game worse than Nancy Drew! In modern musical practice, instruments are divided into various classes and families according to the source of the sound, the material of manufacture, the method of sound production, and other features.

Wind musical instruments (aerophones): a group of musical instruments whose sound source is vibrations of an air column in the barrel (tube). They are classified according to many criteria (by material, design, methods of sound extraction, etc.). In a symphony orchestra, the group of wind musical instruments is divided into wood (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon) and brass (trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba).

1. Flute - a woodwind musical instrument. The modern type of transverse flute (with valves) was invented by the German master T. Bem in 1832 and has varieties: small (or piccolo flute), alto and bass flute.

2. Oboe - woodwind reed musical instrument. Known since the 17th century. Varieties: small oboe, oboe d "cupid, English horn, haeckelphone.

3. Clarinet - woodwind reed musical instrument. Designed at the beginning 18th century In modern practice, soprano clarinets, piccolo clarinet (Italian piccolo), alto (so-called basset horn), bass clarinet are commonly used.

4. Bassoon - a woodwind musical instrument (mainly orchestral). Arose in the 1st floor. 16th century The bass variety is the contrabassoon.

5. Trumpet - a wind brass mouthpiece musical instrument, known since ancient times. The modern type of valve pipe has developed to ser. 19th century

6. Horn - a wind musical instrument. Appeared at the end of the 17th century as a result of the improvement of the hunting horn. The modern type of horn with valves was created in the first quarter of the 19th century.

7. Trombone - a wind brass musical instrument (mainly orchestral), in which the pitch is regulated by a special device - a backstage (the so-called sliding trombone or zugtrombone). There are also valve trombones.

8. Tuba is the lowest sounding brass musical instrument. Designed in 1835 in Germany.

Metallophones are a kind of musical instruments, the main element of which are plates-keys, which are beaten with a hammer.

1. Self-sounding musical instruments (bells, gongs, vibraphones, etc.), the sound source of which is their elastic metal body. The sound is extracted with hammers, sticks, special drummers (tongues).

2. Instruments such as xylophone, in contrast to which metallophone plates are made of metal.

String musical instruments (chordophones): according to the method of sound production, they are divided into bowed (for example, violin, cello, gidzhak, kemancha), plucked (harp, harp, guitar, balalaika), percussion (cymbals), percussion keyboards (piano), schipkovo - keyboards (harpsichord).

1. Violin - a 4-string bowed musical instrument. The highest in the register in the violin family, which formed the basis of the classical symphony orchestra and string quartet.

2. Cello - a musical instrument of the violin family of the bass-tenor register. Appeared in the 15-16 centuries. Classical samples were created by Italian masters of the 17th-18th centuries: A. and N. Amati, J. Guarneri, A. Stradivari.

3. Gidzhak - stringed bowed musical instrument (Tajik, Uzbek, Turkmen, Uighur).

4. Kemancha (kamancha) - 3-4-string bowed musical instrument. Distributed in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Dagestan, as well as the countries of the Middle and Near East.

5. Harp (from German Harfe) - a multi-stringed plucked musical instrument. Early images - in the third millennium BC. In its simplest form, it is found in almost all peoples. The modern pedal harp was invented in 1801 by S. Erard in France.

6. Gusli - Russian stringed musical instrument. Pterygoid gusli ("voiced") have 4-14 or more strings, helmet-shaped - 11-36, rectangular (table-shaped) - 55-66 strings.

7. Guitar (Spanish guitarra, from Greek cithara) - a lute-type stringed plucked instrument. It has been known in Spain since the 13th century, and in the 17th and 18th centuries it spread to the countries of Europe and America, including as a folk instrument. Since the 18th century, the 6-string guitar has become common, the 7-string has become widespread mainly in Russia. Varieties include the so-called ukulele; in modern pop music, the electric guitar is used.

8. Balalaika - Russian folk 3-string plucked musical instrument. Known from the beginning 18th century Improved in the 1880s. (under the direction of V.V. Andreev) V.V. Ivanov and F.S. Paserbsky, who designed the family of balalaikas, later - S.I. Nalimov.

9. Cymbals (Polish cymbaly) - a multi-stringed percussion musical instrument of ancient origin. They are part of the folk orchestras of Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, etc.

10. Piano (Italian fortepiano, from forte - loud and piano - quiet) - the general name of keyboard musical instruments with hammer action (piano, piano). The pianoforte was invented in the beginning. 18th century The appearance of the modern type of piano - with the so-called. double rehearsal - refers to the 1820s. The heyday of piano performance - 19-20 centuries.

11. Harpsichord (French clavecin) - a stringed keyboard-plucked musical instrument, the forerunner of the piano. Known since the 16th century. There were harpsichords of various shapes, types and varieties, including cembalo, virginel, spinet, claviciterium.

Keyboard musical instruments: a group of musical instruments united by a common feature - the presence of keyboard mechanics and a keyboard. They are divided into different classes and types. Keyboard musical instruments are combined with other categories.

1. Strings (percussion and plucked keyboards): piano, celesta, harpsichord and its varieties.

2. Wind (wind and reed keyboards): organ and its varieties, harmonium, button accordion, accordion, melody.

3. Electromechanical: electric piano, clavinet

4. Electronic: electronic piano

pianoforte (Italian fortepiano, from forte - loud and piano - quiet) - the general name of keyboard musical instruments with hammer action (piano, piano). It was invented in the early 18th century. The appearance of the modern type of piano - with the so-called. double rehearsal - refers to the 1820s. The heyday of piano performance - 19-20 centuries.

Percussion musical instruments: a group of instruments combined according to the method of sound production - impact. The sound source is a solid body, a membrane, a string. There are instruments with a definite (timpani, bells, xylophones) and indefinite (drums, tambourines, castanets) pitch.

1. Timpani (timpani) (from the Greek polytaurea) - a percussion musical instrument of a cauldron shape with a membrane, often paired (nagara, etc.). Widespread since ancient times.

2. Bells - orchestral percussion self-sounding musical instrument: a set of metal records.

3. Xylophone (from xylo... and Greek phone - sound, voice) - percussion self-sounding musical instrument. Consists of a number of wooden blocks of various lengths.

4. Drum - percussion membrane musical instrument. Varieties are found in many peoples.

5. Tambourine - a percussion membrane musical instrument, sometimes with metal pendants.

6. Castanetvas (Spanish: castanetas) - a percussion musical instrument; wooden (or plastic) plates in the form of shells, fixed on the fingers.

Electric musical instruments: musical instruments in which sound is created by generating, amplifying and converting electrical signals (using electronic equipment). They have a peculiar timbre, they can imitate various instruments. Electric musical instruments include theremin, emiriton, electric guitar, electric organs, etc.

1. Theremin - the first domestic electric musical instrument. Designed by L. S. Theremin. The pitch in the theremin varies depending on the distance of the performer's right hand to one of the antennas, the volume - from the distance of the left hand to the other antenna.


Welcome to a brief overview of the musical instruments of the symphony orchestra.

If you are just starting to get acquainted with classical music, then perhaps you still do not know what musical instruments the members of the symphony orchestra play. This article will help you. Descriptions, images and sound samples of the main musical instruments of the orchestra will introduce you to the huge variety of sounds produced by the orchestra.


The musical symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" was written in 1936 for the new Moscow Central Children's Theater (now the Russian Academic Youth Theatre). This is a story about the pioneer Petya, who shows courage and ingenuity, saves his friends and captures a wolf. From the moment of its creation to the present day, the piece has enjoyed unflagging worldwide popularity among both the younger generation and experienced lovers of classical music. This piece will help us to identify different instruments, because each character in it is represented by a certain instrument and a separate motif: for example, Petya - string instruments (mainly violins), Bird - flute in high register, Duck - oboe, Grandfather - bassoon, Cat - clarinet, Wolf - horn. After familiarizing yourself with the presented instruments, listen to this piece again and try to remember how each instrument sounds.

Sergei Prokofiev: "Peter and the Wolf"

Bow string instruments.

All bowed stringed instruments consist of vibrating strings stretched over a resonating wooden body (deck). To extract the sound, a horsehair bow is used, clamping the strings in different positions on the fretboard, sounds of different heights are obtained. The bowed string instrument family is the largest of the , grouped into a huge section with musicians playing the same line of music.

A 4-string bowed instrument, the highest sounding in its family and the most important in the orchestra. The violin has such a combination of beauty and expressiveness of sound as, perhaps, no other instrument. But violinists often have a reputation for being nervous and scandalous.

Felix Mendelssohn Violin Concerto

Alt - in appearance, a copy of the violin, only slightly larger, which is why it sounds in a lower register and is a little more difficult to play than the violin. Traditionally, the viola plays a supporting role in the orchestra. Violists are often the target of jokes and anecdotes in the musical environment. There were three sons in the family - two are smart, and the third is a violist ... P.S. Some consider the viola to be an improved version of the violin.

Robert Schumann "Fairy Tales for viola and piano"

Cello- a large violin, which is played while sitting, holding the instrument between the knees and resting it with a spire on the floor. The cello has a rich low sound, wide expressive abilities and a detailed technique of performance. The performing qualities of the cello won the hearts of a huge number of fans.

Dmitri Shostakovich Sonata for cello and piano

double bass- the lowest in sound and the largest in size (up to 2 meters) among the family of bowed stringed instruments. Double bassists must stand or sit on a high chair to reach the top of the instrument. The double bass has a thick, hoarse and somewhat muffled timbre and is the bass foundation of the entire orchestra.

Dmitri Shostakovich Sonata for cello and piano (see cello)

Woodwind instruments.

A large family of various instruments, not necessarily made of wood. Sound is generated by the vibration of air passing through the instrument. Pressing the keys shortens/lengthens the air column and changes the pitch. Each instrument usually has its own solo line, although it can be performed by several musicians.

The main instruments of the woodwind family.

- modern flutes are very rarely made of wood, more often of metal (including precious metals), sometimes of plastic and glass. The flute is held horizontally. The flute is one of the highest sounding instruments in the orchestra. The most virtuosic and technically agile instrument in the wind family, thanks to these virtues, she is often entrusted with an orchestral solo.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Flute Concerto No. 1

Oboe- a melodic instrument with a lower range than a flute. The shape is slightly conical, the oboe has a melodious, but somewhat nasal timbre, and even sharp in the upper register. It is mainly used as an orchestral solo instrument. Since oboists must twist their faces while playing, they are sometimes perceived as abnormal people.

Vincenzo Bellini Concerto for oboe and orchestra

Clarinet- There are several sizes, depending on the required sound height. The clarinet uses only one reed (reed), rather than the double reed of a flute or bassoon. The clarinet has a wide range, warm, soft timbre and provides the performer with a wide range of expressive possibilities.
Test yourself: Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

Carl Maria von Weber Clarinet Concerto No. 1

The lowest sounding of the woodwinds, it is used both for the bass line and as an alternative melody instrument. An orchestra usually has three or four bassoons. Due to its size, the bassoon is harder to play than other instruments of this family.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Bassoon Concerto

Brass wind instruments.

The loudest group of instruments in a symphony orchestra, the principle of extracting sounds is the same as that of woodwind instruments - "press and blow". Each instrument plays its own solo line - there is a lot of material. At different epochs of its history, the symphony orchestra changed groups of instruments in its composition, some decline in interest in wind instruments occurred in the era of romanticism, in the 20th century new performing possibilities of brass instruments were discovered and their repertoire expanded significantly.

Horn (horn)- originally derived from the hunting horn, the French horn can be soft and expressive or harsh and creaky. Typically, an orchestra uses between 2 and 8 horns, depending on the piece.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Scheherazade

An instrument with a high clear sound, very suitable for fanfare. Like the clarinet, the trumpet comes in a variety of sizes, each with its own timbre. Distinguished by great technical mobility, the trumpet brilliantly fulfills its role in the orchestra, it is possible to play a wide, bright timbre and a long length of melodic phrases on it.

Joseph Haydn Trumpet Concerto

Plays more of a bass line than a melodic one. It differs from other brass instruments in the presence of a special movable U-shaped tube - backstage, moving which back and forth the musician changes the sound of the instrument.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Trombone Concerto

Percussion musical instruments.

The oldest and most numerous among the groups of musical instruments. Often the drums are affectionately called the "kitchen" of the orchestra, and the performers are called the "jack of all trades". The musicians deal with percussion instruments quite "hard": they beat them with sticks, hit each other, shake them - and all this in order to set the rhythm of the orchestra, as well as to give color and originality to the music. Sometimes a car horn or a device that imitates wind noise (eolyphon) is added to the drums. Consider only two percussion instruments:

- a hemispherical metal body covered with a leather membrane, the timpani can sound very loud or, conversely, soft, like a distant roll of thunder, sticks with heads made of different materials are used to extract different sounds: wood, felt, leather. The orchestra usually has two to five timpani, it is very interesting to watch the timpani play.

Johann Sabastian Bach Toccata and Fugue

Cymbals (paired)- convex round metal discs of different sizes and with an indefinite pitch. As noted, a symphony can last ninety minutes, and you only have to hit the cymbals once, imagine what responsibility for the exact result.

Orchestra - a large group of musical instruments performing works specially designed for this composition.

Depending on the composition, orchestras have different, expressive, timbre and dynamic capabilities and have different names:

  • symphony orchestra (large and small),
  • chamber, orchestra of folk instruments,
  • wind,
  • pop,
  • jazz.

In a modern symphony orchestra, instruments are divided into the following groups:

I. String-bowed: violins, violas, cellos, double basses.
II. Woodwinds: flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons.
III. Brass: horns, trumpets, trombones, tubas.
IV. Drums:

A) noise: castanets, rattles, maracas, scourge, tom-toms, drums (large and small). Their parts are recorded on one musical line "thread".
b) with a certain pitch: timpani, cymbals, triangle, bell, xylophone, vibraphone, celesta.

V. Keyboards: piano, organ, harpsichord, clavichord.
VI. Extension group: harp.

The full sound of the orchestra is called “ tutti " - ("All").

Conductor - (from French - “manage, manage”) manages a team of musicians - performers, he owns the artistic interpretation of the work.

On the console in front of the conductor lies - score (complete musical notation of all parts of orchestral instruments).

The instrument parts of each group are recorded one below the other, starting with the highest sounding instruments and ending with the lowest.

An arrangement of orchestral music for a piano performer is called clavier .

Characteristics of the groups of the symphony orchestra

I. String-bowed

These are instruments similar in appearance and coloring of sound (timbre). In addition, their sound is extracted with a bow. Hence the name. The most virtuoso and expressive instrument of this group is violin . It sounds like a singer's voice. It has a gentle, singing timbre. The violin is usually entrusted with the main melody of the work. The orchestra has I and II violins. They play different parts.
Alto it looks like a violin, but it is not much larger in size and has a more muffled, matte sound /
Cello can be called a "big violin". This instrument is not on the shoulder, like a violin or viola, but rests on a stand that touches the floor. The cello sound is low, but at the same time soft, velvety, noble.
The largest instrument in this group is double bass . They play it while sitting, because it is taller than a person. This instrument is rarely used as a soloist. His sound is the lowest, humming in this group.
The string-bow group in the orchestra is the leader in the orchestra. It has enormous timbre and technical capabilities.

II. Woodwinds

Wood is used to make wooden tools. They are called wind instruments because they produce sound by blowing air into the instrument.
Flute (from Italian means “wind, breath”). The sound of the flute is transparent, sonorous, cold.
It has a melodious, rich, warm, but somewhat nasal sound oboe.
Has a variety of timbres clarinet. This quality allows him to perform dramatic, lyrical, scherzo paintings.
Performs the bass part bassoon - an instrument with a thick, slightly hoarse timbre.
The lowest bassoon has a name contrabassoon .
The group of woodwind instruments is widely used for sketching pictures of nature, lyrical episodes.

III. Brass

For the manufacture of copper-wind instruments, copper metals (copper, brass, etc.) are used.
The whole group of brass instruments sounds powerfully and solemnly, brilliantly and brightly in the orchestra.
Has a clear "voice" pipe . The loud sound of the trumpet is heard even when the whole orchestra is playing. Often the trumpet has a solo part.
French horn (“forest horn”) can be used in pastoral music.
At the moment of the highest tension in a piece of music, especially of a dramatic nature, along with pipes, they play trombones.
The lowest brass instrument in the orchestra - tuba. It is often played in combination with other instruments.

The task of percussion instruments- enhance the sonority of the orchestra, make it more colorful, show the expressiveness and variety of rhythm.

This is a large, colorful and diverse group, which is united by a common way of extracting sound - a blow. That is, by their nature they are not melodic. Their main purpose is to emphasize the rhythm, enhance the overall sonority of the orchestra and complement, decorate it with various effects. Only the timpani are a permanent member of the orchestra. Starting from the 19th century, the shock group began to replenish rapidly. Bass and snare drums, cymbals and triangles, and then tambourine, tom-tom, bells and bells, xylophone and celesta, vibraphone. But these instruments were used only sporadically.

A characteristic feature of a number of instruments is the presence of white and black keys, which are collectively called a keyboard or, for an organ, a manual.
Main keyboard instruments: organ (relatives - portable , positive ), clavichord (related - spinet in Italy and virginal in England), harpsichord, piano (varieties - piano And piano ).
According to the sound source, keyboard instruments are divided into two groups. The first group includes instruments with strings, the second group includes organ-type instruments. Instead of strings, they have pipes of various shapes.
piano This is an instrument in which both loud (forte) and quiet (piano) sounds were extracted with the help of hammers. Hence the name of the instrument.
Timbre harpsichord - silvery, the sound is not loud, of the same strength.
Organ - the largest musical instrument. They play it, like the piano, by pressing the keys. The entire front part of the organ was decorated in the old days with fine artistic carvings. Behind him are thousands of pipes of various shapes, each with its own distinct timbre. Consequently, the organ emits both the highest and lowest sounds that the human ear can only catch.

VI. A frequent member of the symphony orchestra is string-plucked tool - harp , which is a gilded frame with stretched strings. The harp has a gentle, transparent timbre. Its sound creates a magical flavor.

Timbre characteristics of instruments

Types of orchestras

Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments

The composition of such an orchestra includes the main groups:

  • String plucked:
    • domra, balalaika, gusli
  • Brass:
    • flute, zhaleyka, Vladimir horns
  • Pneumatic reed:
    • bayans, harmonicas
    • tambourines and drums
  • Additional tools:
    • flute, oboe and their varieties

Orchestra of Belarusian Folk Instruments

Approximate composition:

  • Stringed instruments:
    • harp, violin, basset
  • Wind instruments:
    • Svirel, zhaleyka, duda, pipe, horn
    • drums and cymbals
  • Accordion - (or multi-timbre, ready-to-select button accordion) is a reed, pneumatic (“air”) keyboard instrument. It got its name from the name of the draene - the Russian legendary singer - storyteller Bayan. This instrument has buttons on both sides, on which the performer plays a melody from the right moan, and accompaniment from the left.
    Bayans are the most widespread in modern concert performance. Having special switches of timbre registers in the left keyboard, which make it possible to change the timbre of the instrument, change the color of the sound.
    There are also electronic button accordions, which have unlimited sound power and a very large number of timbre colors.
  • Balalaika - a relative of the lute, mandolin, guitar. Musical symbol of the Russian people. It is a stringed plucked instrument. She has a wooden triangular body and a long neck, on which the strings are pulled. The sound is extracted by striking all the strings with the index finger or by plucking. There are several types of balalaikas: piccolo, prima, second, viola, bass and double bass.
  • Harmonic (accordion, accordion) - a wind musical instrument that has become widespread in many countries.
    It is equipped with furs and a keypad. A characteristic feature of the instrument: the ability to change the pitch due to a change in the tension of the movement of the bellows.
    Another type of harmonica is accordion . On one side of the accordion there are keys, like a piano, they play a melody, on the other - several rows of buttons for accompaniment. When you press several of them, a whole chord sounds. Hence the name accordion.
  • Domra - a bit like a balalaika, only its body is oval, pear-shaped, and the strings are tuned in fourths.
  • Cymbals - a stringed percussion instrument, is a low box in the shape of a trapezoid or a wooden frame, over which strings are stretched. The instrument is played with sticks or hammers. The gentle sound of cymbals in timbre resembles the sound of a harp.
  • Guitar - one of the few musical instruments on which the sound is prepared and extracted with the fingers.
  • Gusli - an old Russian stringed plucked instrument.

Brass band

A brass band is a group of musicians who play various wind and percussion instruments.
According to their composition, the instruments of a modern brass band are divided into small brass orchestra, small mixed, medium mixed and large mixed.
The basis of the small copper orchestra is made up of: cornets, altos, tenors, baritones, basses.
With the addition of woodwinds (flutes, oboes, clarinets, saxophones, bassoons), as well as trumpets, horns, trombones and percussion instruments to this group, small mixed, medium, large mixed compositions are formed.

Variety Orchestra

The composition of this orchestra includes traditional groups of instruments of a symphony orchestra - woodwinds - horns and strings (violin, viola, cello).

Jazz orchestra (jazz band)

This orchestra includes trumpets, clarinets, trombones and a “rhythm section” (banjo, guitar, double bass, drums and piano).

Materials used in the work:

1. Z.Osovitskaya, A.Kazarinova In the world of music. First year of study. M., “Music”, 1996.
2. M. Shonikova Musical Literature. Rostov-on-Don, 2003.
3. Ya.Ostrovskaya, L.Frolova Musical literature in definitions and musical examples. SPb., 2004.
4. M.F. musical kingdom. Minsk, 2002.

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