Where is the logic? Azamat Musagaliev, presenter. "- a new show on TNT Where is the logic of the participants


Not so long ago, a new show “Where is the logic?” appeared on TNT, in which star couples are trying to get to the truth, talking about the structure of the world. It would seem that an ordinary comedy show in front of millions of viewers turns into a real fight and a test of the strength of the relationship between celebrities and their soul mates. The actor and showman Azamat Musagaliev is watching this process, and also acts as a judge. He is well known to the Russians for the brilliant games of the KVN team "Team of the Kamyzyak Territory", as well as for his roles in the sensational projects "Interns" and "Once Upon a Time in Russia". The ironic statements of the humorist, at least once sounded from the TV screen, in an instant become topics for discussion on social networks. About what is hidden from the eyes of viewers in popular programs, how to understand female logic and how star couples manifest themselves in unusual conditions, the host of the show “Where is the logic?” told StarHit.

Azamat, this television season you are involved in the project "Where is the logic?" Did you immediately accept the offer?

Everything turned out spontaneously: I was invited as the host of the show two weeks before the shooting of the first program. Pavel Volya auditioned for it, he also participated in the recording of the pilot issue. But, probably, his employment in other TNT projects affected. And I had to quickly join the process.

Couples come to you for whom participation in the game is a kind of strength test, because in the process it turns out how much their points of view coincide, whether they are ready to compromise in making a decision. Have you ever witnessed the divergent views of the partners who came to the program?

In our show, the men tend to trust their teammates, and most of the time they are absolutely right.

Which couple surprised you?

I got a good impression already after the first program, when Olga Buzova and her husband Dima Tarasov played against Katya Varnava and her boyfriend dancer Kostya Myakinkov. And I was stunned by the train of thought of both girls: so quickly, succinctly, they came to logical conclusions. Some men, it happens, take themselves so far in logical chains that their result is more like what they call female logic.

In the show "Where is the logic?" lovers are trying to answer the questions of the message, and Azamat directs them // Photo: TNT TV channel press service

Has it ever happened that the husbands of the members came up to you before the broadcast and asked you not to joke about certain topics? Have you been given freedom in this sense?

No, it didn't. I have complete freedom.

Have you ever played a similar game with your wife Victoria at home or in company?

If something like this existed, then most likely we would enjoy playing the game “Where is the logic?”. But the fact is, this format did not exist either on television or in the form of a board or interactive game. Our show, in principle, cannot be adjusted to any format and definitely say what it is: an intellectual show, a quiz, a humorous program? There is no right answer in this game! The more logical answer is appreciated. There is another important point - wit. For example, when the team of Demis Karibidis played against the team of Nastasya Samburskaya, I awarded Nastasya a point precisely for wit, no matter how Demis challenged my decision.

Azamat is involved in the filming of the series "Interns" // Photo: TNT TV channel press service

I don't know if you noticed, but despite the fact that the show "Where is the logic?" on the air not so long ago, it is actively discussed in social networks. What do you think is the secret of his success?

Everything is very simple - this game can be played not only by the direct participants of the duel, but also by all viewers. You can even split into teams. And yet, I think TNT viewers are interested in watching the logical reasoning of the stars, to get to know them better.

Previously, you admitted that work takes you quite a lot of time, and you do not have the opportunity to spend as much time with your family as you would like. Has something changed now? Do your daughters know that their dad is not just a dad, but a “TV man”?

I have two daughters. One is two years old, the other is six years old. They mostly watch cartoons, fortunately, there are entire children's channels today. You understand, it’s impossible to watch modern humorous programs with the whole family. My wife says that when I'm at work, she sometimes watches Interns. Perhaps the girls, when they grow up, will see series and shows with my participation.

Watch the show "Where is the logic?" at 20:00 and Once Upon a Time in Russia at 21:00 every Sunday on TNT.

Azamat Takhirovich Musagaliev - TV presenter, participant in the humorous TV game KVN, actor.

The showman is known for filming in the TV series "Interns", in the sketch "Once Upon a Time in Russia", in the entertainment program "Sense of Humor". He was the host of the popular comedy intellectual program on TNT "Where is the logic?". During this show, pairs of bright media personalities competed for recognition of their ability to think logically, brilliantly improvise, demonstrate lightning-fast reactions and the ability to draw the most unexpected conclusions.

Childhood and family of Azamat Musagaliev

The future humorist and artist was born on October 25, 1984 in the south of the Astrakhan region in Kamyzyak, where, according to the statement made at one of the KVN games, all the mud is exclusively therapeutic. Translated from the Turkic name of the town means "reedy shore", and the name Azamat is translated as Knight.

He grew up in an environment of simple and a little naive (according to him) inhabitants of the hinterland, however, they always have an excellent sense of humor. No wonder Kamyzyak was often called Astrakhan Odessa.

His family has Kazakh roots, keeps the traditions and language of their ancestors. In their region, representatives of this Turkic people made up a significant part of the population of the surrounding villages and observed national canons. Therefore, since childhood, he speaks two languages. At home, most often they communicated in the Kazakh language, and at school - in Russian.

Azamat Musagaliev - A Day in the Life of a Mayor

Mom wanted the boy, when he grew up, to do mental work, in the office, and his father saw him as a doctor. When the head of the family passed away, the son first decided to become a doctor in memory of him and entered the Astrakhan Medical Academy, but soon realized that he had made the wrong choice. Therefore, later he graduated from a technical university and received a diploma in environmental science. True, he also did not begin to work according to the qualifications received and solve the problems of protecting and reproducing fish stocks, but began to play KVN and earn a living by performing in the cities of the Russian Federation.

Azamat Musagaliev's career

Back in his school years, on the advice of his mother, with the aim of comprehensive development and the search for his real vocation, the young man learned to play the guitar. And it was his musical abilities that made it possible to reveal his talent as a KVN player, since for the first time he participated in the game as an accompanist. Gradually, he got involved in the game, in solving difficult problems when creating humorous scenes and miniatures, in developing interpretation concepts and other subtleties of ensemble performance.

In 2007, Azamat played in the Premier League of the club as part of the Astrakhan team "Alternative". In 2009 - at the humor festival of the Caspian League as the captain of the team from his native city called the Team of the Kamyzyak Territory. The players were remembered by the audience for their parodies of the oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov, the Kazakhstani singer Batyrkhan Shukenov (whom Musagaliev himself parodied), as well as comic performances on the theme of “the most just Kamyzyak court in the world”, the number “A regular round in the Kamyzyak polyclinic”.

In 2010, positive and artistic players from Kamyzyak participated in the First League and reached the final battle. In 2012, they played in the Major League, sharing 3rd place in the second final with the team of cheerful and resourceful Vyatka (then the first and second positions were taken by the Faculty of Journalism and the City of Pyatigorsk).

In 2013, in an unprecedented number of successful jokes and improvisations, the Kamyzyaks came second in the final battle of the Major League (together with the Dnipro team). According to a survey of the Internet resource "KVN for Everyone", in the same year the leader of the Kamyzyak people, who is the author of their main jokes, received the title of "KVN man of the year".

Azamat Musagaliev also became one of the initiators of the creation of the Ala-Too regional league in Kyrgyzstan, which started in 2013 and received official recognition and the corresponding status from AMiK, the games organizing company headed by Alexander Maslyakov.

In 2014, during the second season of this league, the Kamyzyak team acted as a guest at the Bishkek Mayor's Cup.

As an actor, he played the main character in the sketch “Once Upon a Time in Russia”, which makes fun of various life circumstances, boorish acts, bribe-takers, deceitful leaders, and traffic police officers.

Azamat Musagaliev zhzhot

He also became one of the most charismatic participants in the Sense of Humor entertainment show, during which star guests, together with KVN players, participate in various competitions that allow them to evaluate this psychological feature of the characters. The humorist brilliantly provoked the invited celebrities to show emotions, the appearance of excitement and the spirit of competition.

In the 2015 season, the Azamat team won the most coveted title in KVN - the champion of the Higher League, and the captain won the fight for the title of "KVN player of the year" for the second time according to the KVN for All portal.

In the same period, he appeared on the screens in the comedy sitcom Interns, about novice interns who find themselves in awkward and funny situations. The comedian later compared shooting in the series with his first love, which is impossible to forget.

Azamat Musagaliev - *** you whine

In addition, in the same year he was involved as a host in a new intellectual show on TNT "Where is the logic?". The TV presenter himself, who earns with his extraordinary abilities - intellect, comedic talent, intuition, imagination - is constantly in search and strives to grow.

Personal life of Azamat Musagaliev

The main author and performer of jokes of the Kamyzyak people is married. He met his chosen one Victoria during his student years in 2006 during a walk in the university park. As it turned out, they not only studied at the same university - ASTU, but turned out to be countrymen and even graduates of the same school. Azamat Musagaliev with his wife and children

Their family, since 2015, has been living in Moscow, although its head himself is almost constantly away. His wife supports him in any endeavors and understands that he works hard, first of all, for the sake of their family.

Azamat Musagaliev today

To date, Azamat Musagaliev is one of the most sought-after comedians of the TNT channel. He is an integral part of the cast of the real-time sketch show “Once Upon a Time in Russia”, as well as the host of the intellectual and entertainment program “Where is the logic?”. The guests of his studio are stars who must demonstrate the ability to think quickly and find a logical connection between seemingly unrelated things.

For several months now, Russian viewers have been enjoying the new intellectual show “Where is the logic?”, which airs on the TNT channel. Its participants are show business stars who are trying to get to the bottom of the truth by answering the host's tricky questions. It would seem that this is unusual: another humorous project, of which there are a huge number on television today. However, it differs in that the participants are offered to brainstorm, so the transfer turns into a real intellectual battle. Why do we have to leave a tip to the waiter? Why do we have little toes on our feet? Why should you wash your car in December? Why did they come up with dry wine, but there is still no wet wine? An unambiguous answer to these questions cannot be obtained, since it simply does not exist. And to decide who gives the most accurate wording should be none other than the host of "Where is the logic?"

Its mission is not only to identify the strongest, but also to push the participants to the right line of reasoning.

Lead role

“And who is leading“ Where is the logic? - you ask. The notorious showman and KVN player Azamat Musagaliev. It was he who played for the national team of the Kamyzyak region. The comedian also participated in such projects as Once Upon a Time in Russia and Interns. As already emphasized, the guests of the new project are famous people in the Russian showbiz. Intelligence has already "measured" Olga Buzova and Ekaterina Varnava, Pavel Volya and Miguel, Svetlana Permyakova and Ararat Keshchyan. The project "Where is the logic" combines three in one: a quiz, a humorous show, an intellectual game. And it's not a secret for anyone that logic can be both female and male. In the above program, they do not oppose each other, but, on the contrary, work together for a common result. Host "Where is the logic?" gives the participants tasks and determines which of them is closest to the truth.

Azamat Musagaliev about the project

The new show has no analogues, and it does not intersect with other projects of the intellectual genre. This was stated by the host "Where is the logic?" Azamat Musagaliev.

It was originally planned that Pavel Volya would be the first face of the humorous show. However, due to the huge workload of the Comedy Club resident, this idea had to be abandoned. The choice fell on Musagaliev, who became the host of "Where is the logic?". Two weeks before the filming of the first broadcast, Azamat was offered to lead the project. The KVN player had to quickly join the process.

“Of course, the new project will have a high audience rating, primarily because the way the stars talk is of interest. Among them there are many intellectuals who can show off their ingenuity and resourcefulness. It will be very interesting to watch how the participants will try to find a way out of the most confusing situation. In many ways, everything depends on the ability to improvise and quickly respond when solving charades. This is what adds an element of humor to the show. It happens that players make such absurd conclusions that you start crying with laughter. This is especially noticeable when it is necessary not only to reason logically, but also to get ahead of the opponent. The creators of the project specifically come up with intricate tasks so that the participants can brainstorm. I myself try to answer the question before announcing it to the players, therefore, in this project, Musagaliev is both a host, a participant, a judge, and a director, ”Azamat said.


Naturally, not a single intellectual battle can do without a prize, which the winner receives in the final.

The project participants determine in advance what the reward will be, and the host "Where is the logic?" does not participate in the resolution of this issue. For example, Ekaterina Varnava and Olga Buzova competed for a yacht. However, in the end, the winner got only a photo of the prize in order to visualize the desire for its speedy fulfillment. Host "Where is the logic?" on "TNT" said that some of the guests play for money. Even an island was at stake. But the actor offered to play on a children's sled.

Curriculum vitae

Host of the program "Where is the logic?" was born in Astrakhan on October 25, 1984. By nationality, he is an ethnic Kazakh. Azamat has a degree in environmental engineering, but he has not worked in his specialty. Colleagues note that the host of the show “Where is the logic?” - a positive, cheerful and artistic person who knows how to joke, because he has a great sense of humor. In the Club of cheerful and resourceful Musagaliyev was appointed by His Majesty Chance. One of my friends asked me to play the guitar in a student game.

After that, Azamat no longer parted with KVN, becoming the main person in the national team of the Kamyzyak region. At first he played in a regional team, fighting for the right to play in the Premier League of the KVN International Union. For some time, Azamat joked as part of the Alternative team. Currently, he is the frontman of the national team of the Kamyzyak region. In 2011, his team became the finalist of the Premier League, and two years later won silver in the final of the Major League. Then the humorist established the regional league "Ala-Too" in Kyrgyzstan. He also took part in the Once Upon a Time in Russia project and in the filming of Interns.

Personal life

Azamat Musagaliev is married. The showman has two daughters - Milan and Leysan. He adores his girls and tries to find a free moment to spend time with his family. KVN takes a lot of time.

You have to study in a busy work schedule to choose a period in order to be with your family.


The show "Where is the logic?", which combines several television genres at once, has repeatedly demonstrated a high rating. This project will not only cheer you up, but also give you the opportunity to show off your erudition. Numerous reviews indicate that the creators of "Where is the logic?" guessed today's mood of viewers who want high-quality humorous programs. Most of the audience likes the fact that the program has no analogues, and this is a rarity, since many projects are currently copied from Western European countries. Also, guests and participants of the show like that in “Where is the logic?” there is excitement and the spirit of competition, which seriously motivates to win.

”, as well as the host of the project “Where is the logic? on TNT channel.

Biography of Azamat Musagaliev

Azamat Musagaliev born October 25, 1984 in Astrakhan Kamyzyak, studied at the local school number 4. By nationality - ethnic Kazakh. He has great respect for the language of his ancestors, understands it and communicates in it with his grandmother and in the family.

After graduating from school, at the insistence of his parents, who believed that he should get a serious profession, Azamat entered the Medical Institute at the Faculty of Medicine, but in the process of studying he realized that he had made the wrong choice. Therefore, I went to get an education at the Astrakhan State Technical University at the Faculty of Ecology and Fish Protection. He left the university as a certified fish conservation engineer.

He started playing in KVN in the tenth grade, after a friend asked him to play the guitar in one of his student performances. Since then, Azamat "fell ill" with this and played in KVN constantly, eventually becoming the frontman of the "Team of the Kamyzyak Territory" team.

Creative career of Azamat Musagaliev

Azamat Musagaliev's career in KVN began with playing the guitar in 2007. From that moment on, he literally fell ill with this game. He started in the Astrakhan team, with which he played in the Premier League of the KVN International Union, was a member of the Alternative team. Then he created his own team and began to combine the post of captain and frontman of the Kamyzyak Territory Team.

“The world of humor is an entire industry. At the moment, there are two formats of work: either the team writes for itself, or hires professional authors for this. A huge number of people write jokes and reprises. And it's great! Because people can earn with their intellect, taste, sense of humor.”

Finalist of the Premier League in 2011, with his team Azamat reached the semi-finals of the Premier League in 2012 and took 2nd place in the final of 2013. In Kyrgyzstan, Musagaliev became one of the founders and the first editor of the Ala-Too regional league, which started in Bishkek in 2013.

“I grew up in the Russian outback, where there are many talented guys who deserve more. But due to the fact that we are far from the capital, people are forced to leave for those professions that, in general, are not interesting to them, about which they did not dream. To feed the family, to survive. For a long time I lived in such an environment, it was hard. I always understood that you need to do something extraordinary to get out. We were lucky with the KVN team. We were at the right time in the right place. And I am proud that I managed to save our team. And since we have achieved success with the seven of us, it makes sense to continue to stay together. I'm really proud of my team, I want to stay with these people as long as possible."

Since 2014, Azamat's creative biography has been enriched. He became known not only as a wonderful kaveenshchik, but also as an actor. So, the Astrakhan comedian became a participant in the show "Sense of Humor" on Channel One and at the same time made his debut in the show "Once Upon a Time in Russia" on TNT.

In 2015, viewers saw Musagaliev in the popular TV series Interns. According to Azamat, the invitation to audition for this sitcom was a real shock for him, because he does not have a professional acting education. But the team of the series met the kaveenshchik very warmly, the artist is especially grateful to Ivan Okhlobystin, who helped him adapt on the set. In the fifth season of Interns, Azamat played Timur Alabaev, the ex-husband of the heroine Polina Ulyanova (Yana Guryanov).

Azamat about Interns (2015 interview): “It is much easier to play in KVN than in a movie. KVN is a game of conventions. Our Kamyzyak court was conditional. The audience understood that this does not really happen, this is a kind of phantasmagoria. The Kamyzyak judge does not behave like this, of course. And in the cinema, you have to play a character that was invented by another person, who initially has certain limits. It's more difficult. I fell in love with my hero, his colleagues in the hospital ... I want to thank Yana Guryanova, who plays the role of Polina. She taught me a lot while filming. And if we talk about interest, then I'm interested in everything. And KVN, and cinema, and music. I love to play music very much. Recently, for the first time in my life, I played the connected electric guitar and now I dream of giving a concert with my musical group.”

In addition, in 2015, the artist was invited to host the educational and humorous quiz on the TNT channel “Where is the logic? ”, the third season of which started in February 2017.

Azamat about the project “Where is the logic?”: “It would be too cool if the show was invented specifically for me. Moreover, I know that this is not so. The producer of the show, Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov, offered me to become the host. In general, when I just started doing humor, I didn’t even dream that I would someday be on television. But then, gradually moving higher and higher, the dream ceased to be a dream and turned into a goal.

In 2019, the series "

Azamat Musagaliev is a TV presenter, former captain of the Team of the Kamyzyak Territory team, finalist of the Major League of KVN. Today, the comedian collaborates with the TNT channel, where the project “Once Upon a Time in Russia” and the humorous show “Where is the Logic?” are released with his participation.

Childhood and youth

Azamat Musagaliev was born in the provincial town of Kamyzyak, Astrakhan Region, in October 1984. As Azamat himself says, Kamyzyak is an urban-type village inhabited by 15,000 naive people, but with a great sense of humor.

Because of the love of jokes and constantly sounding laughter, the town is even considered "Astrakhan Odessa". At one time, the largest enterprise that gave work to the inhabitants of the settlement was a rice factory.

Musagaliev's nationality is an ethnic Kazakh, but the boy studied at the Russian school No. 4 of Kamyzyak. Still, his parents instilled in him respect for the language of his ancestors. Azamat perfectly understood the Kazakh language and still communicates in it with members of his family, as he once spoke with his grandmother.

The teenager did not think about what profession the biography of Azamat Musagaliev would include. He knew that his mother wanted her son to become a scientist or a teacher, that is, he was engaged in purely mental work, and his father dreamed of seeing Azamat in a doctor's white coat.

The young man himself spent most of his time hugging the guitar. At the insistence of his mother, he agreed to study at a music school, where he got into the string instrument class and became an excellent guitarist and vocalist. These skills would later come in handy in his career as a cavalry officer.

When Musagaliev was in high school, his father died suddenly. Remembering the desire of the pope to see him as a doctor, Azamat enters the Astrakhan Medical Academy, but understands that this is not his path, and the treatment of people is in no way connected with the future profession.

The young man decides not to waste time, takes the documents and the next year enters the Astrakhan State Technical University, where he receives the specialty of an environmental engineer.

Azamat Musagaliev graduated from the Technical University

True, Musagaliev did not begin to work according to his profession in environmental protection either. The fact is that by that time his biography had already fully included performances in the Club of the cheerful and resourceful, so Azamat finally connects his future life with the artistic path and begins to tour as part of a team of comedians in the cities of the Russian Federation.


In KVN, Azamat Musagaliev began to play in the senior class. It all started with a friend's request to just play the guitar in one of the student games. He went on stage as an accompanist, and left there with thoughts that he wanted to perform more and more. As the artist himself says, he "fell ill" with KVN. Gradually, he got involved in the game, in solving difficult tasks when creating humorous scenes and miniatures, in developing interpretation concepts and other subtleties of ensemble performance.

In his student years, Azamat created a local team, which first performed in Astrakhan, and then began touring Russian cities and thus earned a living. Musagaliev wrote many jokes and songs on his own or in collaboration with the team.

In 2007, Azamat became a new player in the Astrakhan national team of KVN "Alternative". Soon he was elected captain of the Kamyzyak Territory Team. Among the best teams, she repeatedly got into the season of the Major League of KVN. Musagaliev continued to write jokes, texts and reprises for the team on his own, so all the skits were author's.

In 2011, the Team of the Kamyzyak Territory became the finalist of the Premier League. With his team, Musagaliev reached the semi-finals of the game in the Higher League in 2012, took 2nd place in the final of 2013. As a result, Azamat Musagaliev began to combine 2 positions: captain and frontman of the humorous team.

The hallmark of this bright team was the number "Session in the Kamyzyaksky court", which has already turned into a kind of humorous series: in each game, the scene of the court is played out in different variations. But in the 2013 season, the Kamyzyaks announced that there would be no more “Court!”. It was replaced by a new issue called "Regular rounds in the Kamyzyak polyclinic."

Azamat Musagaliev in the issue "Session in the Kamyzyak Court"

The team of the Kamyzyak Territory, headed by captain Azamat Musagaliev, attended all the important games and was warmly welcomed everywhere. In Kyrgyzstan, Musagaliev is known as one of the founders and the first editor of the Ala-Too regional league, which started in Bishkek in 2013. And after 2 years, under the leadership of the permanent captain, the “Team of the Kamyzyak Territory” becomes the champion of the Major League of KVN.

Films and television

In 2014, the creative biography of Azamat Musagaliev became richer: now he is known both as a bright KVN player and as an actor. The Astrakhan humorist became a member of the show "Sense of Humor" on Channel One, then appeared as a cameo in the humorous series "Do not sleep!".

In the same year he made his debut in the show "Once Upon a Time in Russia" on TNT. There he, as in KVN, not only joked and made people laugh as an actor and showman, but also sang. The song "About strategically important people", performed by Musagaliev and became one of the main hits of this entertainment program. In it, comedians, accompanied by cheerful music, “transmitted” important information to the world community.

Azamat Musagaliev and Vyacheslav Makarov - "About strategically important people"

The project turned out to be a long-liver thanks to the sparkling jokes of the artists. The show's ratings are consistently above the channel's averages. Among the performers of the main roles of the TV show are,. In 2017, she was added to the cast, in 2018 she appeared.

The creators of the project adhere to certain rules. Sketches are created on the topic of the day, they are always relevant, based on information about the latest events in the life of society. Artists indulge viewers with parodies of the latest film premieres, of popular programs.

Azamat delighted fans with the image of a beloved sports commentator. In this image, the artist appeared on the screen more than once, and in September 2018 the reporter himself visited the TV show.

The scene with the two Gubernievs received warm responses. Musagaliev also played the role. In the sketch about the American president, they talked about America's sanctions against.

And in 2015, Musagaliev starred in the popular TV series "". Azamat says that the invitation to audition for the sitcom came as a shock to him, because he does not have a professional acting education.

Azamat Musagaliev in the series "Interns"

The team of the series greeted Musagaliev warmly, especially grateful to the artist who helped him adapt on the set. In the 5th season of Interns, Azamat played Timur Alabaev, the ex-husband of the heroine Polina Ulyanova (Yana Guryanov).

Azamat also tried himself as a TV presenter, appearing before the audience as the main face of the entertainment show on TNT “Where is the logic?”.

Personal life

The personal life of Azamat Musagaliev is completely arranged. With his wife Victoria, at that time still a student, he met in 2006, while walking in the city park. Young people began to talk and suddenly found out that they were studying at the same university, the Technical University, and both had come to Astrakhan from the town of Kamyzyak.

By nationality, Vika is also a Kazakh from the Naiman clan. But that's not all - Azamat and Victoria even turned out to be graduates of the same school, but, of course, of different years: the age difference was 3 years.

In 2008, Victoria and Azamat became spouses, and a year later, the wife gave the comedian a daughter, who was given the name of Milan. Later, her sister Laysan was born. Although the children of Azamat Musagaliev are still small, they already show an innate sense of humor, and the eldest daughter has shown herself to be a gifted artist and a refined artistic nature.

The girls give their father incomparable joy, but in one of the interviews, the cavalry officer admitted that he dreams of a son.

The showman spends all his free time on his family and children. They love to travel by car together, go for walks, shoot home videos and just spend their leisure time together.

Photos of daughters and wife regularly appear on the comedian's page in "Instagram". True, Azamat, who moved his family to Moscow in 2015, is often on the road associated with tours and filming. But Victoria Musagalieva understands that he is doing this for the good of his relatives. The wife remains the main critic of Azamat. The comedian claims that those jokes that the wife laughs at become interesting to the public.

Azamat Musagaliev now

Since 2018, Azamat has become a member of another project, but now on the TV-3 channel. The program is called "Everything but the usual", it is dedicated to the battle of illusionists. The competition of magicians is evaluated by the jury members - Azamat Musagaliev and.

Azamat Musagaliev - member of the jury of the project "Everything but the usual"

In August 2018, the artist delighted fans of his work with a new musical number. In a duet with him, he performed a parody of the song of the star of the Black Star label, calling the number “New clip of Yegor Creed”. The scene, created by parodists, was aired on the TV show “Once Upon a Time in Russia”. In December, musical miniatures followed on the theme of the tracks of Kazakh performers “Bar in the Big City”, which is broadcast on YouTube hosting. The company was made up of the artist and. Participants of the program shared with the audience comical stories from their lives.

Now the artist is working on the creation of new sketches, which he plans to surprise the fans of “Once Upon a Time in Russia” in 2019. The artist will also become one of the participants in the New Year's Eve celebration on TNT.

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