Where do they study customs. Customs - specialty


The most common entrance exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Social studies - a profile subject, at the choice of the university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university
  • Informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the choice of the university
  • Geography - at the choice of the university

The most important for applicants is the obligatory exam in social studies. As additional tests, the university chooses from the following subjects: Russian language, foreign language, computer science, geography. Another additional test is the physical fitness test.

Customs specialists monitor the regulations and legality of procedures related to the movement of a wide range of goods and vehicles across the country's borders. Their activities help to ensure the economic security of the Russian Federation and are regulated by a special subspecies of law - customs. Universities that train customs professionals are guided by the principle that the future of the country lies with qualified specialists, and make efforts to provide comprehensive quality training for students.

Brief description of the specialty

The specialty includes elements of jurisprudence and economics. It forms a versatile specialist, whose knowledge and skills are applicable to the existing realities of our country. Students study the economic and legal aspects of customs activities, features of workflow, standard procedures. After release, they are in demand not only in customs and law enforcement agencies, but also in private developing companies that are interested in new markets for products and are looking for a specialist who will draw up documents for transportation. Customs Clearance Specialist:

  • calculates duties and customs payments;
  • controls import restrictions;
  • works with goods and vehicles passing through the border of the Russian Federation, as well as persons who are engaged in transportation between countries;
  • for private structures - it is engaged in the preparation of documents necessary for the goods to cross the border.

Major universities in Moscow

  • Moscow Finance and Law University;
  • Russian Customs Academy;
  • Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation;
  • Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University;
  • other universities with an economic and legal focus, only about 30 in Moscow and more than a hundred throughout the Russian Federation.

Terms and forms of training

Those wishing to be trained under the program "Customs" can choose a convenient form of training from several options:

  • full-time (daytime) - study for 5 years;
  • part-time (two types - classes on weekends and classical sessions twice a year) - 6 years of study;
  • mixed part-time (evening on weekdays) - 6 years.

Subjects studied by students

The knowledge that a customs student receives is impressive in its diversity. The training program for customs specialists includes a general education cycle of subjects (humanities and natural sciences), as well as a large number of specialized disciplines:

  • economic theory, world economy, foreign economic activity, customs economy;
  • legal cycle - administrative, customs, labor, civil and criminal law;
  • organization of control of transported goods and transit vehicles;
  • customs and tariff regulation of foreign economic activity, customs value;
  • justification and control of contract prices;
  • economic potential of the Russian Federation in the field of customs;
  • registration of foreign trade documentation and international contracts;
  • many other disciplines of specialization.

Training: acquired knowledge and skills

The training of a specialist provides for the following skills that will be useful in his future professional activity:

  • practical application of regulated customs procedures, customs control;
  • verification of the correctness of the calculation of customs payments and duties;
  • calculation and verification of the customs value of products;
  • identification of goods by their country of origin;
  • control of payment of payments and duties, accrual of interest and penalties for delay;
  • control of the ban on the transport of certain goods across the border;
  • detection and suppression of violations in the field of customs;
  • management of customs authorities (organization of work, planning, analysis of activities, control, motivation of employees);
  • introduce innovative technologies, information security tools, new approved work methods;
  • carry out consultations in the field of foreign economic activity and customs affairs.

Future profession: where and with whom to work

After graduating from the program and defending a diploma, a specialist can work both in state customs authorities in various positions, and as a civil specialist within a private business, a consultant on the preparation of documentation for the transportation of goods and the passage of vehicles across the border. In most educational institutions, specialists are trained purposefully to work in customs, so after graduating from a university, you need to work in it for several years. Those who do not see prospects for a career in government go into business. Large companies have their own customs clearance specialists, smaller companies use the services of invited specialists. Common positions that a graduate can find himself in:

  • specialist or inspector in the customs authorities;
  • customs declarant or broker;
  • customs clearance;
  • manager for interaction with customs structures;
  • specialist in foreign economic activity;
  • carrier issuing customs documentation.

The level of his salary depends on the qualifications and experience of a customs specialist. The assistant to the customs declarant earns 15-35 thousand rubles, the declarant - 40-80 thousand rubles. A customs broker can earn from 20-50 thousand rubles a month. A novice foreign trade manager is offered 35-45 thousand rubles, a slightly more experienced one - 50-80 thousand rubles.

Continuing education in the specialty

Most universities offer students who have successfully passed state exams and defended their diploma admission to a master's program, which will last 2 years. Education does not have to be continued in the chosen specialization - the master's program allows for a change in the direction of activity.

Where to go to study? What specialty to choose? How to choose a job that will become beloved, necessary and profitable? Here are some of the many questions swarming in the minds of future applicants - graduates of secondary schools. Currently, one of the most popular and prestigious is the specialty "Customs". If you are thinking about choosing it for yourself, but are in doubt, not very clearly understanding what profession you can acquire after graduating from a university in this direction, this article will help you make your choice.

Customs - what is it?

Let's try to deal with this concept, omitting terms that are still incomprehensible to future specialists. Customs is a set of necessary means aimed at the correct and legal movement of goods through the customs or the border of our state. Currently, this issue is very relevant, which ensures the popularity that this specialty has won. It is known that many industries exist and develop due to foreign economic relations. Due to the possibility of going beyond the borders of the state, for example, trade works. In other industries, it is also necessary to have external relations - for the acquisition or sale of goods, works or services, as well as for the possibility of acquiring, for example, the necessary equipment. To fulfill all these and many other similar needs, there is a whole science - customs business.

About the future profession

So what are the prospects for a customs specialist? In fact, this concept is a general one. It includes a huge number of specializations. A customs specialist is an economist, a lawyer, and a manager. He is knowledgeable and savvy in matters of legislation, as well as in matters of competent taxation and making other necessary payments. The services of such an employee are needed by customs organizations, as well as organizations involved in the transportation of goods across the border, namely intermediary organizations, as well as trade, transport, leasing companies and other large firms. An excellent prospect for a diploma holder who has completed training in the specialty "Customs" is a job in a foreign company that also needs to transport goods and other products across state borders. Professions available to customs specialists will not lose their relevance due to the fact that the country's economy does not stop developing. The specialty "Customs" can be useful not only for future employees. For future self-employed entrepreneurs planning work that goes beyond the borders of the country, the acquired knowledge will also be necessary.

Where to study?

Training in the specialty "Customs" is offered by many universities of the country. Both daytime and evening, part-time or distance learning are available. The main component of the course is theoretical knowledge, so for its development it is quite possible to choose any convenient form from the proposed ones. The term of study is 5-6 years.

Will hundreds more teenagers die from drugs passing through a corrupt border post? Will a consignment of counterfeit medicines be brought into the country that could harm the health of thousands of citizens? Will a terrorist planning a large-scale attack with dozens of human victims pass through false documents? Without exaggeration, it will depend on you. The profession of a customs officer is an amazing combination of routine paper work with colossal responsibility and unconditional respect for the specialty.


The profession has been known since ancient times. Although thousands of years ago it was not represented by today's modern specialty, but the guards of the borders of countries, empires and occupied territories have always occupied a special place in society. The profession appeared synchronously with the formation of the first centralized states. It is impossible to give an exact date, but it definitely happened at the stage of the beginning of the development of world society. The impetus for the development of prototypes of modern customs gave rise to trade between countries.

Hundreds of years ago, caravans with goods passing through the borders of countries were taxed. This was necessary to ensure the replenishment of the treasury. In Rus', the customs business originated around the 9th century, when duties and a trade tax, “myto”, were introduced in the principalities. Myt pickers were called "mytniki". It is interesting that in the modern Ukrainian language a customs officer is a mitnik.

Customs - what kind of profession is it

A customs officer is a civil servant whose duties include control of goods transported across the border, people passing by, collection of fees and customs duties. As a rule, university graduates begin their work as ordinary inspectors. Later they become senior inspectors, department heads. A brilliant career will allow him to take the chair of a policymaker in the field of customs, and perhaps one of the heads of the state apparatus. But over 90% of specialists forever remain simple inspectors.

What are the duties of a customs officer:

  • Carry out inspection of citizens and goods at customs posts, railway stations and airports.
  • Prepare customs documentation, collect fees and duties.
  • Detect contraband, prohibited goods.
  • Keep records of confiscated goods.
  • Conduct an investigation of offenses that are within the competence of customs law.

In addition to the general profession, there are several narrow specialties - a checkpoint officer, a passport control worker, a department specialist and others.

The work as a whole cannot be called interesting and at least somewhat creative - it is complex, routine, sometimes boring or dangerous, but always extremely responsible. The security of the state, in particular economic security, largely depends on customs officers. Failure by specialists to fulfill their duties, corruption and a banal shortage of employees can lead to a real tragedy.

A minimum of romance - a maximum of hard work. Customs officers meet trains and check people heading to the country's territory, inspect cargo, and establish compliance of documentation with Russian and international standards. Often, cynologists work in the industry, who specialize in searching for goods, drugs and other substances prohibited from being imported into the country. Is the profession of a customs officer suitable for a girl? Quite if she is ready to cope with hard work and take on a huge burden of responsibility. Many women work in this area - about 35% of the total number of employees.

Rating of the TOP 10 best online schools

International School of Foreign Languages ​​including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Also available are computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR.

Individual lessons with a tutor in preparation for the Unified State Exam, OGE, Olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with a guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school that gives you the opportunity to individually learn English with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

School of English on Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and the USA. Maximum speaking practice.

New generation online school of English. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. School curriculum lessons from grades 1 to 11: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often skip school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can take a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest platform for online education. Allows you to get a sought-after online profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is not limited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Where to study as a customs officer

You can become a customs inspector without a specialized education. But you definitely need to graduate from high school in order to have a better chance of building a brilliant career. The more prestigious and authoritative it is, the better. TOP-5 universities in Russia, which teach customs:

  1. Russian Customs Academy.
  2. Academy of National Economy and Public Service.
  3. Economic University. Plekhanov.
  4. Technological University in Korolyov.
  5. University. Witte.

The average passing score in one subject exceeds 85.5, so it is not so easy to enter the best universities in the country. But it is still worth submitting the documents - you have nothing to lose. However, at the same time, we recommend that you try to enter a few more universities or institutes that you like. Remember that studying at a reputable ranking university will give you advantages at the start of your career, but will not predetermine success.

Pros and cons of the specialty

Advantages and disadvantages will directly depend on the position held. It is obvious that a high-ranking official or policy maker in the customs industry feels quite comfortable. But since we are not presenting the possibilities and prospects of the industry, but analyzing the real state of affairs, we will note the pros and cons of ordinary specialties - inspectors, employees of checkpoints, airports and train stations.

Key pros :

  • Respectable, respected profession.
  • A special mission is to ensure the security of the country at the borders.
  • Benefits - often customs officers are equated with the military.
  • Possible supplements to pensions, to social payments.
  • Public service with all the privileges envisaged.

Main flaws:

  • Low level of comfort.
  • Average, and sometimes frankly low salary.
  • Bureaucracy and paperwork.
  • Rampant corruption.
  • The highest level of responsibility.
  • Constant pressure from people who disregard the law.

Many specialists admit that the amount of wages does not correspond to working conditions and the level of responsibility.

In most cases, this is an important, difficult and at the same time low-paid job. Bureaucracy, work in a confined space, all-round pressure - 99% of customs officers who are at the start face this. However, they can be compensated not only by opportunities for career growth, but also by benefits, privileges, and the respectability of the profession.

How much do customs officers get

Imagine: you have dreamed of this profession since childhood. They presented themselves as the defender of the state borders of their country. You wrote an essay at school on the topic “My future profession is a customs officer.” Then they entered the university, graduated from it and started working. But here the level of your well-being leaves much to be desired. This industry cannot be called the most "monetary".

How much customs officers receive in different regions of Russia:

  • Moscow region - 50,000 rubles.
  • Leningrad region - 43,000 rubles.
  • Samara region - 41,000 rubles.
  • Krasnodar Territory - 40,000 rubles.
  • Primorsky Territory - 35,000 rubles.

The above regions can be called one of the most favorable for customs officers. However, the average salary in the country barely exceeds 26,000 rubles. Accordingly, many specialists receive 20,000 rubles or less for equally complex work. You can count on a big salary only with a successful career.

Customs is a modern in-demand specialty that includes an understanding of the complex financial interactions that are directly related to the external and internal political actions of a particular state. Within the limits imposed by political decisions, customs officers must carry out their work with the honor of the military and the thrift of the financiers. Specialists who have received a diploma in the specialty "Customs" are obliged to serve their state both in the political and economic field.

Customs legislation

The provision of customs services and all customs activities are governed by the current provisions of the Customs Code. According to Art. 1 of this document, customs business is all methods and means aimed at observing and ensuring tariff and customs regulation. This also includes the existing system of prohibitions and restrictions established by the legislative acts of the country and accepted for implementation at all customs of our state.

Regulation of the flow of goods and vehicles that cross our borders in the forward or reverse direction - this is the essence of the work of a professional whose diploma says "Customs". Universities teaching this specialty are obliged to provide students with all the necessary knowledge about the principles of modern domestic and international legislation, as well as in-depth information on tax, accounting and warehouse accounting, which will certainly be useful to specialists in their future activities.

The second important activity of specialists with a diploma in the specialty "Customs" is the harmonization of domestic laws and regulations with international rules of logistics and trade and with the legislation of other countries with which our state has economic relations. Standardization of border crossing rules leads to a reduction in the time of delivery of goods to the end user, which means a reduction in the cost of goods for the consumer.

The structure of the customs business

The basics of customs can be represented as follows:

  • domestic border crossing rules for vehicles and goods;
  • existing customs regulations of various countries;
  • provision of various benefits and preferences to certain categories of goods and vehicles, if this is stipulated by the current orders;
  • maintaining customs records, international commodity specifications for various categories of goods;
  • determination of responsibility for violation of customs rules.

In principle, the profession of a customs officer is based on the listed rules as a systematic basis, from which further orders and instructions arise that regulate the work of specialists in this area. Although these points are quite different in their meaning, their observance leads to the same goal - the achievement of positive economic, regulatory and law enforcement results.

Where to study?

The specialty "Customs" has the code 38.05.02. This parameter helps applicants to calculate those institutions that provide training in this specialty. Upon completion of the entire course, the graduate is granted a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree, and the specialty "Customs" is indicated in the diploma. This profession can be learned at full-time and part-time departments of specialized universities, and now distance learning is also spreading, helping people get the profession of a customs officer.


The faculty of customs affairs is available in all higher educational institutions specializing in the training of lawyers and economists of a wide profile. We can distinguish such educational institutions as:

  • Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation;
  • Russian Customs Academy;
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University N.I. Lobachevsky;
  • North-Western Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Training consists of a detailed study of the following sciences:

  • In the first courses, the humanities are studied: a foreign language, history, philosophy. Some educational institutions introduce a new subject - the history of customs, and some leave the old discipline - domestic and foreign history. Attention is also paid to the study of jurisprudence and economic theory.
  • The study of mathematics and science prepares students for the practical side of customs. This includes mathematics, science and computer science.


In senior years, students begin to be taught subjects directly related to the profession. Together with the discipline "Customs", the universities of our country offer for study such subjects as:

  • commodity science;
  • accounting and financial activities of enterprises and organizations;
  • customs control and management;
  • expertise in customs;
  • fundamentals of foreign economic activity;
  • principles of formation of prohibitions and restrictions in foreign trade.

This is not the whole list.


Students who choose this specialty do practical work at nearby customs posts, conduct research activities, and can also take part in the development of new projects and customs laws. Persons who have already received a diploma in this specialty have the right to take jobs at state customs points, be employees of enterprises specializing in foreign economic activity, or become customs brokers who provide a range of services for goods crossing our borders.

Customs (Wikipedia) is a set of means and methods for complying with measures for customs and tariff regulation and the introduction of restrictions and prohibitions that may be associated with the interleaving of vehicles and goods across the state border.

According to the Wikipedia portal, the term "customs" includes a wide range of legal and financial issues. All these issues are related to foreign economic activity to one degree or another. First of all, this applies to the provision of state bodies quality regulation foreign trade interactions. All these processes are carried out by establishing tariff barriers and various non-tariff restrictions.

The purpose of these measures is primarily to limit the supply of any product to the domestic market of the state. Thus, the customs policy of any country most often acts as a tool for establishing foreign policy and foreign trade relations.

Another aspect of the activities of the described structures is legal. In modern Russia, a narrow branch of administrative law has been formed, which is called customs law. This category includes all types of legal relationships that arise between the state and all participants in foreign trade activities. The main regulatory document that regulates this type of activity is the Customs Code of the Customs Union.

Customs is a state body whose main function is to control the movement of material assets, vehicles, people and animals. Other functions are the collection of due duties, the application of certain customs procedures, and the preparation of relevant documentation.

Customs Officer

An employee of the state customs service is not the most difficult, it does not require exceptional abilities from a person. Customs officers rarely work physically.

The main duties of a customs officer are:

  1. Investigation of existing cases of violations of customs law.
  2. Preparation of relevant customs documentation.
  3. Work at checkpoints.
  4. Inspection at airports, railway stations or at customs points of personal belongings of citizens or transported cargo.
  5. Accounting and control of confiscation.
  6. Identification of goods included in the list of prohibited import and export.
  7. Identification of facts of smuggling.
  8. Prevention of offenses in the field of customs law.

In my professional activity customs officer checks accompanying documentation attached to the goods, and draws up declarations. In addition, his duty is to determine the country of import and export, the calculation of the amount of duties.

Since the range of duties of a customs officer is quite wide, there are several narrow divisions within this specialty, which depend on the specific place of work of the specialist:

  1. Checkpoint officer.
  2. Passport Control Officer. Mostly girls work here.
  3. International Customs Officer.

Customs checkpoints can be located at airports, railway stations or seaports.

Necessary personal qualities

The work of a customs officer is always associated with some risks and imposes certain requirements on the representative in terms of psychology and personal qualities. Due to the specifics of the activity and a large number of temptations, a sufficiently high level of honesty, integrity and patriotism will be required. In addition, the mandatory personal qualities of a customs officer should be:

Sometimes it can be quite difficult to determine visually whether a person is carrying a prohibited cargo, and very often comes to the rescue well developed intuition. An experienced customs officer can get ahead of this by some signs known to him alone. A good knowledge of psychology and your own "sixth sense" can help in this.

In addition, a thorough knowledge of all regulatory documents and the legislative framework, documentation rules, and possession of a certain speech style will be required. Thus, everything who is interested in- is it worth going to study in the direction of customs, they must develop the necessary personality traits and psychology skills.

Profession benefits

If you ask any customs officer about the merits of his profession, first of all he will start talking about the colossal social significance. Exactly these people who are on guard of the economic security of the state, prevent the penetration of terrorists across the border and smuggling.

  1. One of the undoubted advantages of this profession is its high demand. The customs service is constantly expanding due to the increase in international trade contacts and the increase in the number of citizens who cross the borders of our country.
  2. Customs officers have certain benefits - an early retirement and a good financial increase to the pension. Benefits for employees who worked at checkpoints and identified goods prohibited for import are equal to benefits for military personnel.
  3. Under the influence of the specifics of their activities, over time, analytical abilities, attention and observation, memory and intuition develop superbly in such employees. All these qualities can be very useful not only in this narrow specialization, but also later in life.
  4. In the process of working at customs, an employee acquires such a volume of skills and knowledge in jurisprudence and economics that will allow him to apply for a worthy managerial position in a large company or enterprise.

Negative aspects of the profession

Like any profession, customs has not only clear advantages, but also a number of disadvantages:

Thus, a long stay in such a service can cause neurosis and prolonged depression. Therefore, it is very important to understand whether you are ready to work in this area.

Where is this profession taught?

To get the profession of a customs officer, it is not necessary to have a specialized education in this area. However higher education in any case, it is an essential requirement for the applicant. Additional knowledge and skills can be obtained by completing specialized courses.

And yet in specialized universities you can get this profession. Such specialists are highly valued in the professional environment. The higher the qualification of an employee, the more chances he has for a good career growth. Get a specialty is possible in leading Russian universities. One of the best universities that graduate specialists in the field of "customs" is SFU (Siberian Federal University).

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