Where in what fairy tale there is wisdom. The book is intended both for classes with children and for home reading.


The well of ancient fairy tales...

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and wish you



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We thought ... thirty-nine texts were,

Ivsevstikhakh, protogoslona!

I created a fortieth.

Like Rumi's words, like a great wave...

Idris Shah told me a parable...

Or maybe Sanayi himself told?

Where is the story from, where are the days,

In which the elephant appeared out of the light?


In the dark barn the elephant was now standing ...

In a country where elephants have not been heard.

Rumor about the miracle-wonderheads!

But how can you see if the door is closed?

One daredevil found some kind of tolaz,

And profitably began to lead there

Those who want to have fun easily ...

And this is the retelling that has already come out:

Feel this elephant ... well, like a log,

Though warm, rough. Worth it

As if motionless, nosing!


I felt the elephant.

Huge, slightly damp, alive,

And in the air heparitono, at ease ...

And if he hears the sound, or heard ...

Fools! - The third person intervened.

You've gone crazy! Elephant-pipe,

Mobile, all in rings, not rough,

Eats food and sucks bread!

I also touched, elephant sofa.

Onkozhany, huge, vertical.


You can’t compare with anything. Words are deception!


Ignorance of all are born,

But each one judges boldly one another,

Him understandable word, language.

Akistine are blind .... and they see dreams,

There is no spiritual vision in them,

Tomir is perceived as an elephant,

Where everyone sees a part, and not in full ...

But he who sees the light sees clearly.

And if there were candles, candlelight

Could you see more?

What is the use of living by touch and mourning ...

Illuminate the needs of the non-verbal.


Once upon a time a lion crept into a bullpen

Eat it lightly, satiated with the share.

Then he fell asleep, forgetting on his side.

Captivated by the invisible sun, black shadows ...

The owner has come, darkness is in the barn ...

And softly stroked the pet.

Alev thought: - Onsoshelsuma!

He probably doesn't see the sun in the dark.

Perhaps it burned out of fear!

Fool, I am the king of beasts, the favorite of God! -

The owner ... didn’t hear, couldn’t.

And the door scored harder, before the threshold.


Any of us who have reached the glory of the lion,

Shouldn't back off to eat,

Sleep in the barn. It sounds like a rumor for centuries:

We are given life to live, to be transformed.


One day the twins came up

To a wide, rich threshold.

Occupied by fragrant flowers,

Alyudizhilshedro, but before the deadline.

Humbly knocking on the dodge,

They asked for two food.

But only one from that bounty

A piece of dry bread was offered.

The second thought: - Why

Was he guilty before the city of the rich?

And only after a long half a day

Ruddy, fresh bread appeared!


Sufi parable number sweet wall hint:

Perhaps they sip in order not to see,

From the eye to drive away the lapel,

The second is not to be afraid to offend.

Understanding the parables lesson:

Perhaps you are waiting for something too long, too ...

Hurrying and approaching this deadline,

You yourself become a thief.


by Elian "Animal Tales"

When Prometheus stole the fire of Zeus,

Says the legend of distant antiquity,

Then Zeus was angry to the very depths,

And commanded to reward: without counting days

To the one who delivers this message.

As I heard, laid the donkey ...

Athoth went with ease. The heat ... swam ...

He wanted to drink, atut ... the stream murmured magical,

And here he bent over. Suddenly ... a snake,

What protected these waters, hissed:

Get away from my, donkey, inheritance.

Atoth, exhausted, prayed: - Rewarding

I will give you a few gifts of my own:

Precious drug from Zeusaya I'm taking.

That exchange took place... for good, for evil...

The snake rejoiced for a long time ...

But, they say, in addition, I got thirst,

What's weakened...

Ask, of course:

Did you compose a fable? - I carelessly

I repeat it like an echo. Here ... a torch ...

Maybe moonshine, a particle from the sun?

Her echoes were Sophocles and Dinarchus,

Apollophani Aristius and Epicharmus,

I, Elian, Aesop, but even so ... they say ...

What do the sages like an echo of God repeat,

Since only from Him they receive...

A Pythagoras Aesop thought up then,

To repeat endlessly the theme ...


Echoes of Aristotle, Antisthenes...

Once the hares that were known as screaming,

They held a speech at the site. The lions answered them:

Ovashihdovodaho, hares, sporenet,

But they lack the teeth that we hid...

From the tales of the King of Times SOLOMON


The ruler is strong, just and great.

That is Kings, Lord Kamir, Solomon!

Yes…From the year of the palace the flow of time is the law

Unity of Time!

Many-faced Potoxei...

Merry foam plays over the waves,

To condense, goods vapor flowing,

Then living for the mind, then dying,

He pours the Song of the Song into the heart of everyone!

The mighty stream is called inspiration.

He creates the worlds in the awakened consciousness.

IHram builds in the very heart of the Universe,

The sound of His bells resounds...

Occupancy control is not a war anywhere!

The Great King left many mysteries,

As the heart yearning for the truth has not ruled,

With wise words, the judge of fate.

And the well-known tale I repeat

From then on, as the Tsar showed justice to the people,

And turned his gaze to divine mercy,

When executed or gave ...

So, to the King...

The women came, weeping and screaming,

And blaming each other for hacking.

Their babies were born, but ... out of fear

One baby at dusk... in the heat of the night...

His mother quietly stole another!

Here's the spore to Solomon and they came

In the tears of the beauties ... What did they find?

The answer of the judge of the Times, the decree of the Law!

ImSolomon answers: - I do not believe the words!

And your cries, but the verdict will come true!

Chop the head, and ... end the spore.

In fairness, I will give you vamps.

One of the women fell to her feet, pleading:

- Oh, no! Wait! I... refused him!

But let the child live...

- So! It's settled! -

Then Solomon said, the child is handing.

- I see you love him with all your heart, mother!

The other only doubts, it's worth it.

Her baby's heart doesn't hurt.

justice to you )

Fairy tale for adults.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, lived the King of Time. The king had two children: a daughter named Life and a son named Chance. While the children were very young, the father entrusted their upbringing to kind nannies. They pampered and protected them. And as the children grew up, so the father began to treat them more strictly, because he wanted them to be happy, and happiness, as everyone knows, must be earned. Children learned different sciences, physical exercises, wrestling and arts. Life was more diligent and successful in learning, and Chance was more creatively gifted. That is why various incidents often happened to Chance, and often his father punished him for violating the class schedule. The father, of course, loved both children with the most tender parental love, especially since they were deprived of maternal affection ... Their mother, Queen Inspiration, loved and jealous of her husband so much that she constantly tried to be near him. The king was in each place-time at the same time, and she ... in turn. She could not be in all minutes and centuries at once, and flowed like a fragrance from one time to another. None of the people had ever seen the Tsar and did not even try to see him, and all people knew his wife, although very briefly, or rather rarely. Even if they did not see her, that is, they could not portray or otherwise reproduce her image, they felt her regal presence and loved this always unexpected guest very much.
The king was usually busy with important royal affairs, judged, ruled, fought, bestowed ...

Such has always been the Life of the King of Time and the Queen of Inspiration.
Once Life was playing catch-up with Chance. It's strange, but Chance always caught up, since he himself could not escape from Life. Almost no one could ever run away from her. It's just that everyone loved her very much and did not want to run away even during the game. So, when they played, Chance grabbed Life not by the hand, but by the pigtail, and it hurt a little. She yelled at him and called him stupid. Many of the servants saw this scene and remembered what nickname the sister gave to her brother. It should be noted that they were very well-mannered children and rarely quarreled, much less called names. So, from that time on, Chance was sometimes called stupid behind his back ... In a fit of creative intensity inherent in his nature, he really did a lot of stupid and even harmful things. For example, he could foolishly tease gullible people who were only worthy of respect with luck, he could foolishly give evil and greedy people with ingenuity, he could appear in the form of an angel in front of pious people, and then dissolve into a foggy cloud. In addition to stupid deeds, Chance was also capable of very useful actions, high aspirations, and generous gifts. Most often, he gave gifts to his sister Life, who treated them almost indifferently. When you often receive gifts, you value them little ...

Since Life was more industrious than her brother, the result of her studies was more significant and evoked the approval of her father. The results of Chance's studies were also not bad, but very unstable. He often started to do the same thing in a different way, just for a change, often his energy destroyed what he had done with his own hands. But then, when he reached a certain age, he was the best archer and the best poet in the kingdom.
Life, growing up, became less gambling in games and inventions and more sedate in actions and desires. A very worthy young man wooed her, with whom they got married. Her husband's name was Trud, and Habit was his main argument in conversations. He did everything conscientiously, he loved Life very much, but he was always guided by Habit, which was his second nature.

...continued in file... on the pageTales of Theano

From Aesop's fables


The wolves wanted to attack the sheep, but they
The dogs immediately interfered: - Where are you going! -
Then they went to the trick, and now the ambassador
sent to the sheep. He pretended to be his:

Oh beautiful, merry creatures,
With thick hair, noble eyes!
Why are savage dogs next to you?
So vicious. Some experiences

From the barking of loud, clawed, strong paws...
Yes, drive them away, what to feed in vain
With your food. We will live in the world
The sheep is our friend, not the cattle, and not the slave.

Because of dogs enmity between us! We are friends. -
Thinking, the sheep of all the dogs then ... drove away.
And the wolves, having coped with the herd, ate everyone.
And this fable is relevant for all ages...


Here's how-toraz ... dane-crow, raven-black,

A bunch of prey numbers on a tree. Fox

Uzhtkaktut, tail wags: -Miracles!

You will not be a king, oh noble raven!

And, it’s true, he was a king when there was no voice ... -

Opening his beak, he yelled, as if through the night.

Fox seizing his prey, which is urine

I rushed: - Lose it smart, great logos!


The fox, walking through the vineyard, saw

A bunch of grapes, that in the sun, 65 Kb

  • Tale of Sinbad the Sailor-1, 45 Kb
  • Aesop's Fables Part 1, 154 Kb
  • ant language, 18 Kb

  • Class hour.

    Subject: Fairy tales wise lessons.


    Like a forest stream.

    She comes slowly

    In the cool hour of the night.

    The native people are its creator,

    The cunning people, the wise people,

    I put my dream into it

    Why does he come at one o'clock in the night?

    Raise your hand to whom fairy tales were told in childhood. Who are they telling stories now? And which of you tells fairy tales to your brothers and sisters? Do they like to listen?

    Why are people called creators? (He created, composed.)

    And the cunning one? (Cunningly ridiculed shortcomings).

    A sage? (Wisdom is present in every fairy tale).

    What dream did the people put into the fairy tale? (What I dreamed about, I tried to tell in fairy tales).

    Why is a fairy tale compared to gold? (It never loses its value).

    Why did you put it in the chest? (An element of antiquity is a casket, the most reliable place to store the most valuable).

    3. Visiting Russian folk tales.

    In my casket there are also the most beloved fairy tales that the Russian people composed. What are these fairy tales? (Russian folk tales).

    So, we will visit Russian folk tales.

    Miracles happen in fairy tales. Which? (Animals and birds talk, good fellows protect the weak, defeat evil heroes ...).

    I wonder how well you know and remember fairy tales? Now let's check!
    4. Wise advice from fairy tales.

    According to the line, according to the characters from the fairy tale, you need to guess it, briefly recall the content and determine what it teaches, what wise advice it gives.

    • 1 fairy tale

    • “I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother ...” (“Kolobok”)
    - Gingerbread man went to travel. I met a bunny hare. But the bun of the hare was not afraid, because, in fairy tales, the hare is always a coward himself. The bun ran away from him. I met a wolf bun. Wolves in fairy tales are always angry, they don’t know how to wait, they fuss. But the bun left the wolf. I met a bear bun. But the bun slipped away from the bear, as bears are clumsy. I met a bun fox. He succumbed to flattery and trusted in cunning, which ruined him. Encountering obstacles on his way, Kolobok tries to avoid them by cunning. But at the last moment, Kolobok was so confident in his dexterity and boasted of this before the fox, that he himself was caught in a trick. So for any trick there is an even more refined trick.

    - Advice: it is important to learn to recognize flattery and not trust cunning people, but live your own mind. You can’t leave home without asking, and even more so trust strangers.

    • 2 fairy tale

    • What a fairy tale: cat, granddaughter,
    Mouse, another dog Bug

    Helped grandpa and grandma

    Have you harvested root crops? (Turnip)

    Animals that are not friends in life help pull the turnip. This tale is about hard work, but also about mutual assistance and the strength of unity.
    Advice: it is worth starting a business, and it will certainly bear fruit. Any work can be done together, and not only big ones, but also small ones can help. Every business must be completed.

    • 3 fairy tale

    • In what fairy tale do they meet: an apple tree - a river - a stove ...? (" Swan geese")

    This tale tells about what can happen if you do not obey your parents. This tale is also about the fact that not all people are kind and that it is better to stay away from such people.

    Advice: even if something happened, there are no hopeless situations, there is always a way out. You have to listen to your parents. Help others and then good will return good.

    • 4 fairy tale

    • A top-gray barrel came running, looked in the door and asked:
    -Who lives in the house?

    I am a mouse.

    I am a frog.

    I am a runaway bunny.

    I am a fox-sister.

    And who are you?

    The fairy tale "Teremok" also has several endings - the bear breaks the house, and the animals scatter, or, conversely, they build a new house together, even better than the previous one. The tale teaches friendliness and cordiality. And the fact that at the end the bear destroys the tower suggests that everything should have its own measure.

    Advice: we must all stick together, but it is difficult to be alone and do everything in moderation.

    • 5 fairy tale

    • Cockerel, cockerel,
    golden scallop,

    Look out the window

    I'll give you peas. ("Cat, Fox and Rooster")

    The cat in this fairy tale is a role model - hardworking, reasonable, faithful comrade. At the same time, the cockerel appears to be naughty. As soon as the Fox began to sing her song: “Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb,” the cockerel forgot about everything in the world and bribed flattery. But the cockerel also has a lot to learn, remember how loudly he called the cat. This tale is about faith, friendship, justice, strength and courage.

    Advice: Don't be gullible and overly curious. If you are in trouble, you need to call loudly for help.

    • 6 fairy tale

    • What bird laid a golden egg for a grandfather and a woman? ("Ryaba Hen").
    - The simple plot of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" is not so simple. After all, before this fairy tale was intended for adults. The golden egg symbolizes the death that came to the elderly. Therefore, the grandfather and the woman are trying to break their "death" and prolong their lives. But the mouse is ahead. The hen takes pity on the old people and gives them a simple egg - a symbol of life. In this fairy tale, children, along with a chicken, learn to empathize with their neighbors.

    Advice: sympathize with your neighbor, help in any way you can.
    5. Favorite fairy tales of children.
    - What are your favorite Russian folk tales?

    Which fairy tale character would you like to be like? Why?

    What wise advice have you taken from them?
    6. Summary and conclusions.

    Listening to fairy tales, we deeply sympathize with the characters and experience the events described, try on the best features of people, learn good and evil, cowardice and courage, show sympathy and compassion, recharge with positive energy, gain knowledge about the world and learn to live.

    Russian folk tales tell us about life in an accessible language, teach us to distinguish between good and evil, show a way out of difficult situations, teach perseverance, patience, the ability to set goals and go towards them. A fictional fairy-tale world always carries with it a wise thought. No wonder they say: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!

    "Good and evil to do always

    In the power of all people.

    But evil is done without difficulty,

    Good is harder to do."

    "The beast gives birth to the beast,

    A bird gives birth to a bird

    From good good

    Evil will be born from evil...
    Russian folk tales carry the treasures of that great wisdom that has been accumulated for generations. In the world of fairy tales, good conquers evil, everyone gets what they deserve. Read fairy tales! Russian folk tales are an inexhaustible source of wisdom! Kind, funny and instructive, they become our friends and advisers for many years in various difficult situations.

    Fragments from the book "Eternal wisdom of fairy tales"

    fairy tale lies
    yes there is a hint in it -
    good fellows - a lesson.

    Let there be many hints in the fairy tale,
    Don't judge her harshly.

    Fairy tale teaches all people
    Be wiser and kinder.
    A fairy tale is not a lie, but a mystery,
    Don't mess up by accident.

    A fairy tale is a storehouse, a clear light,
    An answer to any question.
    Good fellow, come on
    Open the book of fairy tales!

    You will enjoy
    For this magical reading!

    Fairy tales have always been a storehouse of folk wisdom, a good teacher for children and adults. In their new book, the authors have collected legends and tales of the peoples of the world, through figurative perception, raising awareness and clarity in the child in such eternal issues as friendship, love, kindness and intelligence.

    The book is compiled in the form of a textbook, according to which it will be easy for parents to engage with their children not only in reading and drawing, but also to develop stage and playing skills in the child; to educate in a child such important qualities as fidelity, the ability to sympathize and rejoice, to think and make decisions.

    The book is intended both for classes with children and for home reading.

    Excerpt from the theme: "Searching for the Light"

    The sun feeds the earth
    The sun feeds the earth with light,
    And the earth blissfully listens,
    And grows forests, fields,
    The earth absorbs light.

    The sun is knocking on our souls,
    They start to glow
    Like the suns are burning
    Everyone talks about light.

    Questions and tasks for the conversation:

    Why did ancient people worship fire?
    List the gifts of fire to people.
    Imagine that you are describing the sun or light to a person who has never seen it. Tell about the sun and light so that this person understands what it is.
    What qualities are called solar?
    What kind of person is said to be like the sun?
    Who is like the sun in your family?
    The peoples of the North have a holiday of the sun. Imagine that you were asked to arrange a celebration in honor of the sun. How would you arrange it?
    What would you call light in your life?
    What thoughts, words and deeds do people call bright?

    The Tale of the Return of Fire
    (Abkhaz legend)

    In ancient times, when the lands of Abkhazia were completely covered with dense forest, and the mountains turned green under the rays of the hot sun, beautiful, strong people lived here. They lived together and happily. Nature generously gave them fruits and meat of wild animals. Clear rivers carried cool waters to these people. In a word, they lived carefree, because it did not cost them much work to get their own food or find shelter: then Abkhazia was the land of abundance. And the only thing that these people cherished, that they guarded more than their own eyes, was the fire that had been burning for hundreds of years on the top of the hill. People did not let it go out, because there was a belief among them: if there is no fire, they will not have a happy life.

    But one day it happened that a downpour extinguished the eternal flame. The negligent tribesman did not save him. People came to the hill and saw with horror that instead of a hot flame, miserable smoke was smoking in the sacred hearth. And then a great cry began among the people. The hearth is gone forever. Then the oldest and most experienced of them stood up and asked the people if anyone knew the secret of making fire. Silence was his answer.

    Then we die, - said the old man. “But isn’t there a daredevil among us who would take a piece of the hot sun from the sky?”

    People looked at each other in bewilderment.

    No, that's not to be found between us, they whispered.

    But suddenly the crowd stirred, resounded, and a very handsome young man stepped into the middle.

    This is Amra... His name is Amra, - they started talking around. They knew Amra well. The young man was the epitome of beauty and courage.

    I'll get a piece of the sun! he said firmly.

    “We, who once lost fire, can find it again. But a piece of the sun - isn't that too much for a small nation? the old man asked.

    No no! people shouted. - Take, Amra, our hands to help you, just get us what was promised as soon as possible.

    Okay, the young man said.

    For three days and three nights, the people under the direction of Amra made a giant bow. This bow was hundreds and hundreds of cubits high. And the bowstring for him was twisted from the sinews of thousands of bulls. Finally, after the third night, people raised a giant bow with an arrow to the top of the highest mountain - Ertsakh. By then the sun was already at its zenith. Thousands of people pulled the string. Amra took careful aim. And a miracle happened: the arrow hit right in the center of the sun. The sun trembled with pain, dropping a tear. Very soon, a teardrop reached the ground, and a thousand-year-old forest flared up hot. Three months of the valley of our land were covered with smoke. There was a lot of fire, but forests disappeared, game burned alive, and rivers became shallow.

    You gave us back the fire, but you deprived us of food, the people reproached Amra. - Now we can not live comfortably.

    Get away from us, young man who brought misfortune.

    All right, - said Amra, - I'll go. And let the sadness that has settled in your hearts disappear with me.

    Amra said so and instantly turned into a sunbeam that played on the face of the child.

    Since then, forests have grown abundantly on our land only in the foothills. But the land at the foot of the mountains is fat and fertile. Various fruits grow here, and people live happily under the sun, which in Abkhazian is called Amra.

    Questions and tasks for the fairy tale:

    Why did people get scared when they were left without fire?

    Why did only one tear of the sun start a fire on the earth?

    How could fire be produced in a different way, so as not to burn the earth?

    Why did Amra leave people and turn into a golden sunbeam?

    Why did the sun cry when people shot an arrow at it?

    Watch the fiery flames. Tell me what you think about when you look at the fire.


    Write your own legend about how fire appeared on earth.


    Draw sun rays-arrows to help people.

    The communication between the tsar and the soldier in the Russian folk tale "Wise Answers" developed in an interesting way. The king made tricky riddles, and the soldier answered them. The king, apparently, was a great lover of riddles, because he made them not only to the soldier, but also to his other subjects.

    "Wise Answers"
    Russian folktale

    The soldier served in the regiment for twenty-five years, but did not see the king in person. Came home. They began to ask him about the king, but he did not know what to say. So his relatives and acquaintances began to reproach him:
    “Look,” they say, “he served for twenty-five years, but he didn’t see the king!”

    It seemed insulting to him; got ready and went to see the king. Came to the palace. The king asks:
    Why, soldier?
    “So and so, your royal majesty!” I served you and God for twenty-five years, but I didn’t see you in person: I came to look.
    - Well look.

    The soldier walked around the king three times, looking around. The king asks:
    – Am I good?
    “Good,” the soldier replies.
    - Well, now, soldier, tell me: is the sky high from the earth?
    - So high that it knocks there, but here you can hear it.
    - Is the land wide?
    - There the sun rises, and there it sets - so wide!
    - Is the ground deep?
    “Yes, I had a grandfather, he died back at the age of ninety, they buried him in the ground, and since then he has not been home: it’s true, it’s deep!

    Then the king sent the soldier to prison and said to him:
    - Don't mess up, service! I will send thirty geese to you; know how to pull out a pen.
    - OK!

    The king called thirty rich merchants and asked them the same riddles that he asked the soldier; they thought and thought, could not give an answer, and the king ordered them to be put in prison for that. The soldier asks them:
    - Well done merchants, why were you imprisoned?
    - Yes, you see, the sovereign is interrogating us: how far is the sky from the earth, and how wide is the earth, and how deep is it; but we, dark people, could not give an answer.
    - Give me a thousand rubles each - I'll tell you the truth.
    - Please, brother; just teach.

    He took a thousand soldiers from them and taught them how to solve the royal riddles. Two days later the tsar summoned both the merchants and the soldier to him. He asked the merchants the same riddles, and as soon as they guessed it, he let them go to their places.
    - Well, the service, did you manage to pull off the pen?
    - He managed, the tsar-sovereign, and even in gold!
    – How far are you from home?
    - You can't see it from here - it's far away!
    - Here's a thousand rubles for you; go in peace!

    The soldier returned home and lived freely, richly.

    The question is often asked at school: in which Russian folk tales do riddles come up? These include the Russian folk tale "Wise Answers" (from the collection of A.N. Afanasyev). The title of the story speaks for itself. Moreover, the riddles in the fairy tale "Wise Answers" are complex, you need to think carefully about their answers. Guesses are not just some objects, for example, a pot, a felt boot, a turnip, but whole philosophical reasoning. The soldier in the fairy tale turned out to be wise, but the rich merchants in the amount of thirty people were not.

    A new series of books with fairy tales of the wise men in the rhythms of Theano was created in the development of publications of the portal "Tales of the Wise Men" (Russian General Educational Resource)
    The first - fourth books include wise tales and parables of the Sufis in verse, first published in 2002 on Poems.Ru - Tales of the Sufis. Rhythmic
    versions of fairy tales appeared on the basis of parables and fairy tales, fables, teaching stories of Sufi masters collected from the books of Idries Shah and other authors.


    Books one, two and three
    - Tales of the Sufis;
    Book Four - Conversations of Birds;

    The following books are planned for publication:
    - Parables of the peoples of the world - Indian, Buddhist, Christian, etc.,
    - Tales of 1001 nights - about King Shakhriyar, about Bulukia and the White Queen,
    about Sinbad the Sailor, about Aladdin, etc.,
    - Mysteries and legends.

    Preface of the first book


    What is the tastiest thing in the world?
    These are Sufi parables! Exactly.
    If you plunge into them, as at night,
    yes extract the saying orally ...
    like a ray of unearthly knowledge,
    like a distant sun
    ascending in the bowels of the earth
    awakened universe.

    To the reader

    Day after day, life goes on, dragging us into a quick whirlpool of events, important matters, problems that come in waves. And it doesn't seem to care about ancient fairy tales or the wisdom of the Sufis. We rush to be here and now, often forgetting the main thing. This is the great misconception, because it is wisdom that makes life bright and harmonious, happy. Temporary values ​​arise and collapse so quickly that many lose their support, the core of their spirit. Take a look around and look at yourself from the outside, how will you see this day in ten, twenty years? What will remain and what will disappear? Yes, the wisdom of the ancients has been preserved for thousands of years, and literally everything in your life depends on exactly where you direct your attention, the energy of thought! The flow of timeless wisdom that feeds generations can harmonize you so that problems begin to dissolve themselves, as if by magic. In this stable state of harmony, a person finds himself.

    Reading Sufi parables can be not only pleasant, but also useful if you read with taste, slowly, otherwise you may not notice the nucleolus in the nut, whose shell is the entertaining plot of a fairy tale, which means you miss the main thing - the meaning, the depth of subtexts.

    The great sage Ibn al-Arabi from Spain said about the three types of Knowledge as follows:
    “There are three kinds of knowledge. The first is intellectual knowledge, which is essentially just information and the collection of facts used to draw further conclusions. This is intellectualism.

    The second is state knowledge, which includes both emotional experiences and non-ordinary states of consciousness, when a person believes that he perceives something higher, but cannot use it. This is emotionalism.

    The third is true knowledge, called Knowledge of Reality. A person who has this kind of knowledge is able to discern what is right and true beyond the boundaries of thought and feeling. Scholastics and scientists focus on the first form of knowledge. Emotionalists, empiricists, and many poets use the second form. The rest use both forms together, or alternately, then one, then the other.

    But the people who reach the truth are those who know how to reconnect with the reality that extends beyond these kinds of knowledge. Such are the true Sufis, dervishes, those who have comprehended the world.”

    For reference. Ibn al-Arabi (July 28, 1165, Murcia - November 10, 1240, Damascus) - Islamic theologian from Spain, the largest representative and theorist of Sufism. Received the nickname "the greatest teacher" (ash-shaikh al-akbar). Ibn Arabi developed the doctrine of the unity of being (wahdat al-wujud), which denies the differences between God and the world.

    Sheikh Idries Shah said about the history and purpose of Sufism:
    “How did Sufism arise and what is its basis? According to historical documents, the origin of Sufism is attributed to three sources, representing, according to many Sufis, three essentially different manifestations of the same superphysical, cosmic and divine impulse. These are the sources:

    1. Sufism has been known to all nations by many names since the beginning of time;

    2. Sufism as an internal component of the universal religion was transmitted by the Prophet Muhammad to his disciple and son-in-law Ali, as well as to other people.

    3. Sufism continued to exist side by side with the prophetic transmission...

    The Sufi considers his perception to be connected with cosmic intuition, which prompts him to work in the field of Sufi education. Motivated by this feeling, the Sufi actually shares Einstein's belief that "the cosmic religious experience is the most powerful and noblest impulse that drives scientific research.

    To help provide people with the means to help them adhere to accepted social norms and at the same time gain an understanding of a deeper truth, without disturbing their own balance and the balance of their society - this is the goal of Sufi education.

    For reference. Idries Shah (Idries Shah, Sayed Idries el-Hashimi) (1924-1996) - thinker, writer, known throughout the world. He was an adviser to a number of monarchs and heads of state, a member and one of the founders of the Club of Rome, a member of the board of the Royal Humanitarian Society and the Royal Hospital (Great Britain), director of science at the Institute for Cultural Research, and others. A man who was one of the first to reveal the secret knowledge of Sufism to the West.


    Parts 1 and 2


    The teacher of dervishes, the great Nakshbandi,

    The azure of mosques rose from the earth,
    And the wisdom of the firebird flew up.

    But by chance he entered the circle of those gathered
    Wandering dervish, from the Malamati brotherhood, -
    "People of reproach" were called, "the light of the shores" ...
    And the conversation was interrupted, as if ... out of place.

    Where are you coming from? Tell me, dear friend?
    So the Sufi usually welcomes the Sufi,
    - I have no idea, my path is a circle, -
    Jokingly, he replied, looking around casually, tactfully.

    And they rustled around:
    - Empty call!
    The teacher, strictly observing the course of the conversation,
    The second question to him, raising his voice, tone:

    - Don't know.
    - What is God? - again,
    - Don't know.
    - What is evil?
    - What is right? Here the dervish smiled:
    - Yes, what I like, and what feels good to me!
    - What's wrong?
    - What's wrong with me, - he stammered ...

    And then the crowd swept him away in anger.
    But he left purposefully and boldly
    In the direction that means - nowhere ...
    And Naqshbandi said:
    - He did his job!

    "People of reproach" were called only those who, like a mirror, will show a reflection of what we do not see, simply not having time to notice what overshadows conceit.

    When you are truly busy with your own business, you will not explain to the curious, and even to those who are eager to see and understand the flow of all affairs and the course of actions along with it ... Any external assessment of these affairs is secondary to those who have mastered the essence.

    The analysis of Sufi parables should be done independently, but for those who read such texts for the first time, I will explain. At the very beginning, a "cornerstone" is usually laid, on which the reader should stumble ... that is, not just carefully read the beginning of the tale, but "turn on" consciousness. For example, yes.
    Dervish teacher, great Nakshbandi
    Conducted a conversation on the main square of the capital.

    What should you pay attention to here? To the fact that before us is not a teacher of people who have gathered in the square, but a teacher of dervishes! That he was just talking, not teaching! For there were no disciples nearby, but only curious ones, who believed that they fully understood the great Teacher. Please note that the main square of the eastern capital is usually a bazaar, that is, this is a place where chatting merchants and buyers gather, not students ...

    Nevertheless, a Sufi - a person in the world, but not of the world - brings the light of knowledge precisely to the dark crowd of the common people. Ordinary conversation, unusual answers, fleeting wise conversation can achieve more than teaching.

    The dervish teacher recognized the Sufi who entered the crowd and greeted him in accordance with a tradition of great importance to the Sufis. Realizing that the audience is not able to immediately benefit from their conversation with each other, they nevertheless demonstrate it to the public, reacting "correctly" to the "talker", in which it is not able to see its reflection. The parable says:
    And they rustled around: - Empty ringer!
    The master, understanding the importance of the moment for those around him, increases the attention of the audience with the intonation of his questions, forcing them to listen and think a little deeper than usual. At first glance, the conversation reveals the "stupid" answers of the "ignorant" wandering dervish in philosophy, at the same time, each Sufi answer to the Master is extremely direct and precise.

    Where are you going? - and in response again, -
    - Don't know.

    In fact, in the philosophical sense of understanding the path, a person does not know the goal of his movement in years and cannot correctly say about the final point. The Sufi realized that the Teacher's question was philosophical, and not everyday. Those who can understand understand immediately, but others need time to realize. At the end of the conversation:

    What is wrong? - What's wrong with me, - he stammered ...

    Why did a confident and knowledgeable person stumble? Yes, because the crowd immediately made the wrong conclusions: it became bad for him, and at the same time for the crowd itself. Wrong is what is bad - this is how he answered and the situation showed his answer in practice! It would seem - a simple parable, obvious things are said, but this is only the first level of its consideration.

    The reader should try to analyze the levels of any fairy tale or parable more deeply!


    Based on the famous parable of Jaluddin Rumi

    If they trusted not words, but the truth, which is known by the heart, and the heart, which is kindled from the truth, then there would be no limit to miracles.

    One day Someone, having met a bird of light,
    Caught her. Suddenly she said:
    - I will give you three priceless tips,
    If you let me go, I'm smart ...
    In this case, you will get the first one right there,
    The second - when I flutter onto a branch,
    And the third, you think about it more deeply,
    On that peak... Let me out!

    Agree! Tell me these thoughts.
    - Take this advice: - Kohl lost,
    Let what you value no less than life
    Relax, don't be sorry. The Almighty took.

    And Someone set the bird free.
    Fluttering up on a branch, she said,
    Like the wind giving strength to the sea
    Like a wave flying in the sea:
    - That there is no evidence,
    To the fact that common sense has not found,
    Do not believe! And then doubts will overcome
    And think I'll say one more thing:
    (Here the bird flew to the top)
    - Unfortunate man, find out about
    That I ate two diamonds for breakfast,
    And if you pierced me, wisely,
    Those riches would immediately become yours!

    In despair, our Someone wept,
    Grabbing an empty head in sorrow,
    And with sorrow he whispered to the bird:
    - Say at least a third, in conclusion ...
    - What a fool you are, - she answered, -
    You didn't even think about the meaning
    The first two that I learned, and the head
    Why is it given to you? 'Cause I said
    So that you do not trust all the nonsense,
    Don't cry for losses. After all, not a little.
    But you… on the contrary did everything!
    Imagine how stupid it is to believe that diamonds
    In such a small one you can put
    And is it worth playing like children with a phrase,
    Or cry over losses, grieve ...
    You're stupid, so stay within the bounds
    Ordinary to ordinary people
    But think sometimes of the light-birds,
    And let them appear soon!

    Whenever you trust not words,
    And the truth that the heart knows,
    And the heart that ignites from the truth,
    Then thoughts would acquire God's Temple ...


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    electronic store of the association "Silver Thread",
    created on the basis of the International project "Galactic Ark".

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    I wish you a fabulous worldview.

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