Where do psychics live from the battle of psychics. Dead place: what stars live in places with bad energy


Eva Grebennikova participated in the eighth edition of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics. The girl came to the shooting of the show, and the mediums were faced with the task of guessing what trouble happened to her and two other invited people.

Almost all her life, Eva suffered from bulimia - an eating disorder. At 9 years old, her weight was more than 100 kilograms. To reset it, the girl was on various diets, was fond of vegetarianism and a raw food diet. Thus, she managed to lose weight up to 47 kilograms. But the torment did not end there - Eve fell ill with anorexia. About six months later, the body was so exhausted that she began to eat everything without stopping and "earned" bulimia. In nine months, she again gained 40 kilograms.

Eva Grebennikova. Photo: AIF / Irina Chukhno

“Whatever I did to cope with overeating: I went to psychiatrists, endocrinologists, I was in hospitals. Now the disease is practically not manifested. If earlier I was gaining weight at a rate of five kilograms per month, then for the past two years I have had a stable weight. But I can’t call it the merit of psychics, ”says Eva Grebennikova.

Participants of the 14th season of the 8th edition of the Battle of Psychics. Photo: TNT channel frame

unexpected facts

The girl was invited to the “Battle of Psychics” by the workers of the show through a social network. On the appointed day, she arrived at the studio.

“There we were seated on chairs, and then they began to take turns launching psychics. They came up, looked and said something. One said that I had changed my appearance very drastically. Well, everything like that, ”says Eva.

No magical rituals were performed on Eve, but only psychological advice was given. One of them: after buying clothes, immediately cut off the size tags.

“In general, we talked about personal life, about my boyfriend. She said that our relationship would last from eight months to three years maximum. But she was wrong, we have been dating for three years and ten months, and we are not going to run away, - the girl explained. - True, we had very strong quarrels, but now everything is calm. So if psychics or fortunetellers predict separation or even death, this does not always happen.

“I lost weight because I moved from my parents to my boyfriend and began to cook dinners on my own. But I don’t like my own cooking, I can’t eat it, so I lost weight, ”says Eva.

From the disease one way - a psychiatrist

After the show was released, people on the streets approached Eve, asked about filming in the program, took autographs. And girls suffering from bulimia and anorexia wrote on the social network asking for advice.

“I really want everyone who has faced similar problems to know that there is only one way to recover - it is a psychiatrist,” Eva shares. - Going to psychics in a similar situation is not a good idea. If you break your leg, you will go not to a clairvoyant, but to a doctor. It's the same here. In general, you need to learn to love yourself for who you are and not torturing yourself with diets.

Mystical Sareptha

Old Sarepta is an open-air museum. Here, within the boundaries of Volgograd, among hundreds of concrete boxes of the same type, an amazing corner of the 18th century has been preserved: a Lutheran church, a pharmacist's house, a pastor's house and a trading shop. There are more than 20 historical buildings imbued with the spirit of that era.

Museum-reserve "Old Sarepta". Photo: Old Sarepta Museum-Reserve

According to the workers, they all feel the presence of invisible forces here, many can not stand it and leave.

“Eerie. If you saw a ghost like this, up close, what would your reaction be? asks one museum employee. We wanted to figure out if this is good or bad? How can we work with this in the future? And so they turned to the “Battle of Psychics” program. ”

As a result, two clairvoyants flew to Volgograd.

"Beer and Bread"

Filming began when it was already dark.

Kirkha is located opposite the mass grave. Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

“The shooting took a very long time,” recalls head of the information department of the museum Tatyana Rvacheva. - Throughout the day, the film crew was on the territory, and the process itself began at 10 pm and ended only at five in the morning. Several buildings and cellars of Sarepta were explored.” One of the clairvoyants "heard the cry of mothers and children who hid here from the terrible raids of nomads, and even told us about what was here before the first German settlement appeared."

Another clairvoyant even “summoned the spirit of a man who allegedly lives here and thereby frightens workers and visitors.”

Ritual in the dungeon of Sarepta. Photo: TNT channel frame

The clairvoyant also told the workers that the spirit "requires beer and bread." He allegedly considers this place his home and thus protects it.

"Spirits" brought visitors

The move worked, and now the legend of the Sarepta ghosts has become almost a hallmark of this place, and many people seek to get on nightly mystical excursions. At the very least, the psychics definitely helped the museum.

The mystical dungeons of Sarepta attract tourists. Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

Today, the museum even has the Mystical Stories of Sarepta program, during which guests get acquainted with legends and traditions, descend into the mysterious dungeons of the 18th century.

Alcoholism is not treated by psychics

Together with Eva Grebennikova in the eighth edition of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics" was filmed Evgeny Smelov. He turned to the show in the hope that mediums would help him get rid of alcohol addiction.

“I wrote on the show myself, because I was aware of my problem and was looking for different ways out of it. I could not cope with alcoholism alone, so I decided to turn to psychics. Then I thought that everything was fair there, ”explained Eugene.

Evgeny Smelov. Photo: TNT channel frame

According to the man, he began to drink, like many of his peers, at the age of 17, but in moderate doses. Alcoholism appeared only in the last one and a half - two years before the start of filming. Particularly long and heavy binges were during the divorce. However, the show said something completely different. The voice-over said: "Unrestrained drunkenness has been going on for 10 years."

“As soon as I heard this lie on the air, I immediately called the program in order to sort it out. I asked them: “Do you have any idea what would happen to me if I really didn’t get out of binge for 10 years?”. To my dissatisfaction, they replied that it was necessary for the show. Then I already freaked out and said, let them write and do whatever they want, ”he said.

After a while, Eugene got a call from the show. The man talked to the program worker for more than an hour. “The questions they asked me over the phone were quite harmless. Therefore, during the filming, I didn’t even think about them, but I was simply surprised at the things that psychics told, ”recalls Eugene. “Then he began to talk about how they knew everything. And I understood - thanks to the questioning. The mediums "saw" only what I had previously called them. Plus, they also found a lot of information on my VKontakte page. For example, there I wrote about the death of my friend, about which the sorcerers later told. I haven't heard anything from them."

Psychic Nadira Azamatova is being tested. Photo: TNT channel frame

Going to psychics is a sin

As Eugene said, five of the eight psychics who participated in the program promised to help him, but in the end no one helped.

“None of the psychics helped me. They're just brainwashing people. I would say that these people are just good psychologists with excellent pre-air training. You yourself understand that as many mediums as participate in the show cannot be in the country.”

Another man noticed that all psychics conduct personal receptions and ask for about 50-60 thousand rubles for a session.

“This show is needed so that fools like me who are looking for salvation pay big money to psychics. This infuriates me. Well, if you have the ability, then help just like that. And then there are people who take loans because of them. And all right, if “clairvoyants” could actually solve problems, otherwise ... To say something - yes, to help - no. And how many more people will get into their networks and give their last money is unknown, ”Smelov noted.

A year after filming, Eugene began to visit the Serpukhov Vysotsky Monastery frequently. There he lived for several months, then went home, and then returned again.

Eugene said: “After participating in the Battle of Psychics, I both drank and continued to drink. These so-called clairvoyants did not help me. There was only one thing left - to turn to God. With the thought that psychics were useless, and going to them is generally a sin, I went to the monastery. I haven't been drinking or smoking for 13 months now.

Want to learn more about clairvoyants? Here you will find answers to the most popular questions. Something interesting is waiting for you!

Find out now!

1. Is clairvoyance accessible to everyone?
2. Who is considered a clairvoyant?
3. Does a clairvoyant always see the truth?
4. Do clairvoyants have a "third eye"?
5. Who can open the third eye?
6. Is a psychic and a clairvoyant the same thing?
7. Clairvoyants are said to predict the future. This is true?

Superpowers both scare and beckon. The more mysterious and inexplicable, the more speculation ...

Which of what is said about clairvoyants, mediums and psychics is true, and which is an outright lie? Let's figure it out!

Is clairvoyance available to everyone?

Clairvoyance¹ is a superpower that literally means to see clearly. But to see what is inaccessible to ordinary vision. This is a subtle way to read information.

It can be said about clairvoyants that they receive information in the form of images, symbols or pictures. Sometimes these images need to be deciphered, but more often they are clear and distinct images that indicate a certain circumstance.


You close your eyes (or just focus on a light or dark background), tune in to what excites you, and in a few seconds you begin to see clear images in front of your eyes!

Clairvoyance can help you:

  • get answers to your questions
  • foresee the future
  • learn more about the other person, about his attitude towards you,
  • understand what a situation can lead to,
  • see other people's true intentions,
  • to be at the right time in the right place,
  • foresee the rate of movement of currencies, oil, gold, stocks ...
  • find out lottery winning numbers,
  • find valuable things, money, treasures ...

But is everyone capable of becoming clairvoyant? Yes and no!

Absolutely everyone can read information, but different people have different channels of perception.

For example, someone can see clear images in front of their eyes (clairvoyance proper), someone can see pictures somewhere inside their brain (mental clairvoyance), someone can hear subtle sounds and an inner voice (psychic hearing, clairaudience) , and someone has access to inner knowledge, inner conviction in a particular fact or event (clairvoyance) ...

Who is considered a clairvoyant?

It is important to understand the following about clairvoyants - these are people who receive intuitive information visually, that is, through images.

When a practitioner is just beginning to master clairvoyance, he can see on his inner screen (dark area in front of his eyes) vague lines, streaks, figures and other images. But with practice, these images become clearer and clearer, take on a meaningful form.

The clairvoyant, at his request, sees very clear and vivid pictures, sometimes even clearer than those that he sees with ordinary vision.

Does a clairvoyant always see the truth?

No. Along with our Universe, our world, there are many parallel worlds from which information also comes. Sometimes you can see 2 visions in a row - one of which will be true and the other false. There is no way to tell them apart. You just need to check the received information for truth.

Do clairvoyants have a third eye?

The third eye is called the energy center in the area between the eyebrows (Ajna chakra)². When a person has clairvoyance open, he sees intuitive images on his inner screen right before his eyes.

But clairvoyants do not always use the third eye!

As mentioned above, there is also a special form of clairvoyance - mental clairvoyance - when images are born somewhere inside a person, in his head. This clairvoyance is somewhat reminiscent of dreams.

So some clairvoyants, having made a request, can see visual answers in front of their eyes in the form of separate pictures and symbols, while others will see a colorful film inside themselves with vivid details.

Consider an example...

The girl is going to get married and wants to know how her wedding will go. One clairvoyant may see several separate images - a white dress, rings, a wedding procession, etc., and another will see a short "video clip" where she and her chosen one sign in the registration book and accept congratulations from relatives.

It all depends on the individual's ability to read information.

Is a psychic and a clairvoyant the same thing?

No. For many, clairvoyant and psychic are synonyms, but this is not entirely true. Some psychics do not have the gift of clairvoyance at all. They read and analyze information in other ways. In general, the term "extrasensory perception"³ has a broader meaning than clairvoyance.

Who can open the third eye?

Anyone can open their third eye. The best tools for activating the third eye are meditation and visualization.

However, there are practices that allow you to open the third eye and develop psycho-informational abilities much faster!

Although many people get their first experiences already on the first or second day of classes!

Clairvoyants are said to be able to predict the future. This is true?

Not always. It all depends on the request. The clairvoyant can also successfully "look" into the past and see an event there that affects the present and the future. He can also restore the chronicle of today's events.

Sometimes a clairvoyant can see one of the futures, but it may not happen!

If you develop the makings of your superpowers and learn to read subtle information, you can dramatically change your life!

  • write bestsellers,
  • make scientific discoveries
  • create amazing works of art
  • predict market trends
  • and many many others…

You yourself understand that there is nothing more valuable than knowledge in the field for which you clearly have the ability!

So someone can become a scientist, and someone an outstanding architect, someone has the ability to communicate with spirits, and someone can create accurate astrological calculations. And you?

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Clairvoyance is a type of extrasensory perception, the supposed ability of a person to receive information in addition to the channels of perception known to science and determined by modern scientific means, including information about past and future events (Wikipedia).

² Learn more about the possibilities of the third eye and how it can be

³ The manifestations of extrasensory perception in the parasciences include telepathy, clairvoyance, proscopia, dowsing or "biointroscopy", and often such manifestations also include methods of some non-material extraphysical influence on objects, organisms or physical phenomena - telekinesis or psychokinesis, extrasensory healing, etc. .(

Many in the country watched, clinging to the screens, the battle of psychics. These people, whom you believe and do not believe at the same time, simply attracted the eyes and amazed with their abilities.
Someone believes them, someone is sure that all this is a setup, but nevertheless they made their way to fame. Want to know where they are and what they are doing today?

Natalia Vorotnikova, season 1

After the project, Vorotnikova wrote a book in which she paid great attention to questions about the relationship between the soul and the body. She also described her biography in detail, mentioning two clinical deaths, the predictions of a gypsy woman and the first mystical experience. Also, the lady actively receives citizens on personal issues and starred in the show "Magicians"Show "Magicians" (announcement)

Zuliya Radjabova, season 2

Zuliya Radzhabova is a Dagestan clairvoyant and healer, the winner of the second season of the Battle of Psychics, and also a participant in the paranormal show Psychics are investigating. Today, Zulia is also a practicing psychic. Zulia gives predictions for the future
A bit of politics - Zulia gave a forecast for Ukraine. She said that big changes await Ukraine in 2018, and Petro Poroshenko will have a very hard time.
The psychic predicted that in Nezalezhnaya, perhaps with a high degree of probability, a coup d'état would take place, the result of which would be the removal of Petro Poroshenko from the post of president. He will have to hide and it is possible that the head of state will flee abroad.
According to Zulia, the people who come to power in Kyiv will decide that they do not need such European integration, which led to the collapse and disgrace of their native Ukraine. They will hold a referendum in which they will decide that their country has never been a European state and will never be one in the future.
Zuliya Radzhabova predicted that the Ukrainian people would vote for the country to join the DPR, and later the LPR would merge with the DPR.

Mehdi Ebrahimi Wafa Season 3

Mehdi today writes books, paintings, and in general he is a creative person, as well as a practicing psychic. He has many fans and followers, because, in their opinion, he has a unique gift and is able to help other people. He also gives his predictions. Forecast for 2018

Tursuna Zakirova, season 4.

One of the strongest, according to the audience, among psychics. Today she maintains her website and opened the Magic Power Center, where she helps people with her gift.

Lilia Khegai, season 5

After the Battle of Psychics, she also worked in the Psychics Investigate project, investigating crimes. In her own words, she does not accept people today, because. earlier, while dealing with various kinds of psychic issues, she took the pain of people very seriously and from this got into alcohol addiction, which the “Battle of Psychics” helped her overcome.

Alexander Litvinov, season 6

He does not consider himself a psychic, does not like this word. He maintains his website-laboratory, where many of his publications on various topics are presented, writes books, conducts receptions and gives consultations
Forecast for 2108 from Alexander Litvin

Alexey Pokhabov, season 7.

Unlike other psychics, he does not have a gift inherited from relatives, sorcerers and magicians, he received the gift as a result of experiences from parting with a girl

He wrote three books and opened the Arcanum personality development center to give people a chance to discover the path of internal transformations and energy transformations. About human potential

Vladimir Muranov, season 8.

He revealed his psychic abilities on the project, before that he was fond of esotericism, he spent 7 years as a monk in India, studying with local monks

Today, Vladimir, who has a musical education and plays the piano and sings beautifully, gives concerts and holds creative evenings.

Natalya Banteeva, season 9

In addition to the "Battle of Psychics" she repeatedly participated in the project "Psychics are investigating." Today she runs her own website, and also opened the BANTEEVA GROUP production center, where she acts as a life coach (life teacher, in our opinion) for media people.

Mohsen Noruzi season 10

Mohsen spoke Farsi through an interpreter on the project and believes that any person can discover psychic abilities in himself, he just needs to be taught this. What, in fact, Mohsen does, giving advice, even via the Internet.

Vitaly Gibert, season 11.

He also believes that anyone can find psychic abilities in themselves.

Vitaly considers himself a hypnologist, psychic, parapsychologist, writes books, maintains his personal website, conducts training seminars.

Elena Yasevich, season 12

She received her gift as a result of an accident - as a child she fell into boiling water, received severe burns, was in a coma for a long time, after leaving which she began to see a person's aura and predict events

She was also a participant in the projects “Battle of the Strongest” and “Psychics are investigating”, today she conducts personal receptions as a practicing psychic, and at the beginning of this year she gave birth to a daughter.

Dmitry Volkhov, season 13

He is a clergyman of the pagan cult of the god Veles, actively supports the Slavic holiday and beliefs,

He conducts seminars, actively promoting knowledge about the faith of ancestors - pagan gods, etc. Member of the Heritage of Ancestors society, calls everyone to a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits.

Alexander Sheps, season 14

He was fond of Gothic, wrote stories on this topic, he discovered the gift in himself from childhood

After participating and winning the "Battle", Alexander Sheps became one of the regular participants in the show "Psychics are investigating" on the TNT channel. Together with other participants in the program, who were the winners and finalists of the "Battle", Sheps investigated mysterious stories as part of this project. So, for example, in the show “Psychics. The battle of the strongest "(2018). He is the founder and leader
teacher in the "workshop of magic".

Julia Wang season 15.

The debate about her abilities has not subsided so far, many say that she took the prize solely by her appearance and defiant demeanor.

It was Dujlia who, after the end of the project, said that everything that happens there is an ordinary production. After the project, Julia changed the image that the producers came up with and which she absolutely did not like. Today, little is known about her fate. She sometimes posts photos and simple recipes on social networks, but there is no more information about her life.

Victoria Rydos season 16

Considered one of the strongest psychics in Russia

She has several diplomas from esoteric schools, is a practicing magician, clairvoyant and healer. He teaches at the Tarot Academy in St. Petersburg, writes books, conducts seminars.

Swami Dashi season 17

He received and developed a creative pseudonym and psychic abilities in India, teaching practices from local monks

Today he conducts seminars, actively promotes a healthy lifestyle in his intensive “Spirit-Soul-Body”, conducts various trainings and leads a personal reception, practices and teaches people Western and Eastern yoga, massage, and Osho bodily pulsation.

The winner of the 18th season of the Battle of Psychics became a real discovery, not only as a strong participant, but also as a handsome man who won the hearts of millions of women. Psychic Konstantin Getzati communicates with spirits that reveal all hidden information to him.

Psychic Konstantin Getzati - biography

The future winner of the Battle of Psychics was born on July 10, 1987 in Chukotka. From birth, he was given the name Taimuraz Konstantinovich Getsaev. As a child, he went not only to an ordinary school, but also to a music school. When the village where the family lived ran out of gold, it was closed, and they had to move to another village, and in 2001 they moved to North Ossetia. The biography of Getsati Konstantin Konstantinovich says that he entered the Medical Academy in Vladikavkaz and in 2011 he received a diploma.

This ambitious guy was not enough, and he moved to Moscow, where he entered graduate school on a budgetary basis. When the training ended, the future psychic Konstantin Getzati began working, first in a regular public hospital, and then in a private one. Even after the end of the project, the man did not lose his passion for medicine, so he is not going to stop the practice and he plans to open his own clinic.

Not much is known about Getzati's personal life, but there are some facts, for example, Kostya loves to play sports, collects stamps and is fond of photography. He also has a pet, a snake. The psychic loves to travel and is especially attracted to mountains. It is also known that Getzati once dreamed of becoming an actor, but fate turned out quite differently.

Constantine considers himself a descendant of the Alanian seers, who possessed great power, healed people and interacted with the spirits of the dead. For the first time, the abilities of the psychic Konstantin Getzati manifested themselves during a lesson that took place in the morgue. When examining the body, he heard a voice that told how the man died. After a while, Kostya learned to communicate with otherworldly forces on his own and get in touch with them at any time. He suffered for a long time and looked for answers to the questions that arose in his head, and the mountains helped him, where he was able to understand himself.

Sister Getzati, when she found out about her brother's abilities, suggested that he go to the "Battle of Psychics", but Konstantin claims that his spirits were against it then. After some time, he decided to change his first and last name in order to return to his roots, and then he received permission from the Higher Forces. Getzati said that he came to the project to test his strength and find people like him - other descendants of the Alanian seers.

Konstantin Getzati's parents

The future winner of the "Battle of Psychics" was born in the most ordinary family. Konstantin Getzati Zalina's mother worked as an economist at a small enterprise, and now she is a pensioner. The father is a surgeon with extensive experience. Parents were not rich, so the future psychic Konstantin Getzati had to achieve everything on his own. In addition to him, the family also has a younger daughter, Elena, who is also a gynecologist. Thanks to his sister, the man decided to try his hand at the "Battle".

Where does Konstantin Getzati live?

The psychic changed his place of residence several times, so he was born in Vladikavkaz, but after a while his family moved to Chukotka. Konstantin returned to his homeland when he graduated from high school. He admits that for him Ossetia is his native land, where he is charged with positive energy and communicates with the strongest spirits. The participant of the "Battle of Psychics" Getzati currently lives in Moscow, because he wants to develop in the capital.

Where does Konstantin Getzati work?

From early childhood, the psychic saw himself only as a doctor, and he decided to follow in his father's footsteps. Konstantin Getzati is the winner of the “Battle”, before the project he worked as an ordinary urologist in two well-known clinics. It is worth noting that he worked under his real name. At the same time, he constantly emphasizes the fact that in the treatment of people you need to rely only on medicine, and not on extrasensory perception. Konstantin Getzati admits that he rarely, but worked with, and he also sometimes practices herbal medicine.

Konstantin Getzati - religion

Most Ossetians profess Orthodoxy, but there are those who are closer to Islam. The Alanian seer Konstantin Getzati himself does not consider himself to be either one or the other. In an interview, he openly stated that his faith is the spirits that tell him what is right and what is not. At one of the tests in the "Battle of Psychics", the participants had to talk about which God's commandments the girls had violated. Hecati said that they did not concern him, since the commandments were dictated to him by spirits and they did not look like taboos known to Christians.

Konstantin Getzati - personal life

At the first appearance of a tall, stately and handsome man on the screens, many women wanted to know about his personal life. They can breathe a sigh of relief, because Getzati has neither children nor a lover. He admits that he has not had a relationship for 13 years, reinforcing this with the fact that his spirits still forbid him to have contact with women. Konstantin Getzati and his girlfriend is a topic that is in the TOP, but the psychic does not tell who his and her name was. He is sure that the girl who will become his wife already knows him, but he does not know her yet.

Konstantin Getzati and Sonya Egorova - relationship

Many viewers, watching the series "Battles of Psychics", dreamed that a couple would form on the project - Sonya and Kostya. Such a relationship would have been in the hands of the producers of the show, but it did not work out. Sonya Egorova and Konstantin Getzati were not together, and as the participants themselves say, they will not be. They supported each other throughout the project, but no more. Both participants are alone and await their fate.

Konstantin Getzati - exposure

Every year after the end of the next season of the Battle of Psychics, there is a wave of discontent and reports that all participants are dummy and do not have any abilities. In confirmation that Konstantin Getzati is a swindler, they give an episode from the program “The Great Leap Forward. Testosterone ”, where he participates in extras and is represented by Timur, who is 25 years old and is a doctor. At the same time, fans of the psychic believe that he could star in the program in his youth, what's criminal? To believe in the exposure of Getzati or not is the decision of everyone.

Predictions of Konstantin Getzati for 2018

Many psychics and the winner of the 18th season of the popular project are similar to the fact that the coming year will not be easy. It is important to learn how to look at the world correctly, and get rid of such feelings as hatred, because it destroys the positive energy that attracts good luck. Psychic Konstantin Getzati with a forecast for the future advises to beware, so you should move away from people with whom there is no spiritual connection. He advises to keep information about the financial situation with you, as this is important for optimizing the process of earning.

Health will depend directly on human behavior. It is important to be creative in your own endeavors and then luck will be there. Psychic Konstantin Getzati advises getting rid of anger and, if possible, helping loved ones, and then the positive energy will return doubly. Surround yourself with people who evoke positive emotions and are sincere, and then everything will turn out well and 2018 will be successful.

Last weekend, a new season of the program "Psychics. The Battle of the Strongest" went on the air. While famous magicians, sorcerers and witches are investigating mystical mysteries on the screens, the site recalls what happens in the ordinary life of clairvoyants. And they are worried about quite earthly issues - pregnancy, parting with their husbands, litigation, illness and money.

Photo: instagram

Victoria Rydos

Victoria and her husband Vasily are raising their daughter Varvara, and will soon become parents again: in February, the couple will have a son, whose name the spouses have not yet disclosed. Even in the last stages of pregnancy, Rydos continues to work and lead an active lifestyle: the witch spent the winter holidays with her family in Thailand, and upon returning home she presented the magical diary “Turning Year”, which, according to Victoria herself, will help its owners learn to “use magical the energy of the annual cycle to make yourself stronger and your life more harmonious. Rydos will spend the first spring months on maternity leave, and at the end of May he will meet with fans at a week-long seminar in Turkey - the cost of participation in the event starts from 1.5 thousand dollars.

Natalya Banteeva

“I am a Life-coach, I find solutions to non-standard problems,” Natalia writes about herself. The St. Petersburg witch also earns in other ways: the woman opened a production center (among the services are trainings, creating advertising, producing events and public figures, organizing holidays and corporate parties), launched a clothing line and created a school of magic. A loud scandal is connected with Banteeva's latest business project: according to media reports, during a five-day training course, the witch of the Forensic Medical Examination Bureau in St. Petersburg.

Marilyn Cerro

Another witch and another pregnancy among the participants in the Battle of Psychics. The other day, a picture of a rounded belly appeared on Marilyn's personal page - users immediately began to congratulate the woman on her imminent replenishment and even received answers to some questions. For example, on behalf of Kerro in the group of the witch, the following entries appeared under the photo: “No, these are not pancakes”, “The pregnancy is long-awaited” and “The dog is part of the family, the baby feels very well.” Exactly a year ago, the red-haired witch shared a similar picture, but later admitted -. However, now fans are sure that Marilyn will become a mother. Some of them still hope that Alexander Sheps is the father of the child, but the lovers broke up last year. After the break, Kerro rested in Greece with the mysterious.

the same Sheps they are increasingly seen in the company of a pretty blonde: the medium introduced the girl in the last season of the Battle of Psychics, but the couple is credited with a romantic, not a working relationship.

Swami Dashi

The most mysterious participant in the “Battle of Psychics” carefully hides his personal life: it is known that he is married, has an adult son and three children from his current wife Irina - a woman, by the way, helps Swami in the development of his meditation center. Dashi continues to hold group seminars and sessions (events are already planned for May), and has also published two books - "Rebirth" and "Wolf. Thinking about the main. True, not the projects of a man, but scandals with his participation are much more vigorously discussed. So, in April last year, Swami provoked a conflict on the plane, trying to drive the passenger from the next chair, and a few months later the psychic was detained for.

Nicole Kuznetsova

A participant in the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics continues to fight for her health. Since childhood, Nicole has been suffering from a serious illness, due to which she is forced to breathe through a tracheostomy tube and periodically go under the surgeon's knife - the woman underwent about 280 operations. In February, Nicole's condition worsened - due to previous interventions, a foreign specialist was unable to provide her with appropriate assistance. Kuznetsova can only hope for a professor from Stuttgart, who promised to make a complete reconstruction of the affected organ. At the end of last year, the witch was attributed to Anton Mamon, but Kuznetsova spent the New Year holidays with her husband and children in the Dominican Republic - family pictures debunked all the myths about her secret personal life.

Julia Wang

The participant of the show has changed beyond recognition, remembered by the audience thanks to extravagant outfits. Now Wang is easily confused with a man: Julia got rid of her long hair, lost a lot of weight, almost gave up makeup, and dresses in her wardrobe gave way to jackets, trousers and shirts. From the "spirit of chaos", as Julia herself called herself in the project, there was also no trace left. The winner of the 15th season does not conduct receptions and does not provide consultations - now Wang earns in a more earthly way: she sells hand-made dolls, perfumes and sews clothes.

Natalia Vorotnikova

The first winner of the project about psychics at the end of last year returned to the screens: together with the Filaretov sisters, Natalya launched the show "Magicians", in which she helped the audience deal with difficult situations - but without competition and determining the winners. Vorotnikova often makes predictions regarding the personal life of stars, but she herself does not become the heroine of the news. The clairvoyant continues to work in the center, providing services together with other finalists and winners of the "Battle of Psychics" - Maxim Vorotnikov, Yulia Solovieva, Tursuna Zakirova.

In the new season of the show “Psychics. The battle of the strongest” is attended by: Swami Dashi, Nicole Kuznetsova, Nadezhda Shevchenko, Victoria Raidos, Alexander Sheps, Alexander Litvin, Zulia Radjabova, Lilia Khegay and others.

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