Where do the "true Aryans" live? Hitler was wrong. Germans are not Aryans


Why was Hitler wrong?

In the 30s of the last century, it was not possible to reliably determine the origin of a particular people.

Hitler relied on the history and myths of the Nordic race. He considered the Germans the descendants of the Aryans as the Nordic race. From the history known at that time, the Aryans were the progenitors of the European and Indo-Iranian civilization. A comparative study of the Sanskrit language with other European languages ​​- Latin, Greek, Slavic and Celtic - led scientists to the idea that most of the European languages ​​\u200b\u200bcome from one, common, primitive language - Aryan. Even the German writer, linguist Friedrich Schlegel at the end of the 18th century called the speakers of this language Indo-Germans.

In 1883, the English psychologist Francis Galton formulated the basic principles of eugenics. He proposed to study phenomena that can improve the hereditary qualities of future generations. Galton was a racist and considered Africans inferior. Here is one of his statements: The weak nations of the world must inevitably give way to the nobler varieties of mankind... In 1904, Galton defined eugenics as "the science concerned with all factors that improve the innate qualities of a race."

In 1928, Europe passed the first eugenics law in Switzerland. Denmark followed in 1929. Germany, Sweden and Norway passed similar laws in 1934. Finland and Danzig - in 1935, and Estonia - in 1936. In 1932, the International Congress on Eugenics, that is, the science of improving the human race, was held in New York. The first castration carried out under the eugenics law was carried out in Denmark in 1925. Hitler came to power when eugenics laws already officially existed in judicial practice in Germany. Later in Nazi Germany, sterilization was used in relation to "inferior persons": mental patients, homosexuals, gypsies, Jews. Then, as we know, sterilization was replaced by physical destruction.

Nazi eugenics programs that were carried out as part of preventing the degeneration of the German people as a representative of the "Aryan race": T4 euthanasia (destruction of the mentally ill), the destruction of homosexuals, Lebensborn (conceiving children from SS employees), the Final Solution of the Jewish Question, the Ost Plan.
All this was built on the idea of ​​the purity of the Aryan race. So who are the Aryans?

genetic genealogy

At the beginning of the 21st century, scientists answered this question. With the development of genetic genealogy using DNA tests. Each person carries a kind of biological passport - this is our DNA. The methods of genetic genealogy allow access to that part of the DNA that is passed unchanged from father to son in a direct male line - the Y chromosome. Now the results of DNA tests, genetic genealogy, are accepted as factual material in judicial practice and undeniably indicate the degree of relationship of the tested. As a result of the fusion of the egg and sperm, the child receives genes that will be a mixture of the genes of the father and mother. But the Y chromosome is only passed down from the father, so the number of repeats in a son's markers will be the same as his father's. The Y chromosome is passed down through the generations from father to son unchanged through the centuries and millennia. The Y chromosome can only change as a result of a mutation, which happens quite rarely after 500 generations, i.e. once every 10,000 years. This allows you to determine with certainty when a common ancestor occurred in two test males. After checking and combining the results of Y-chromosome markers from one human genome, a haplotype is determined. Which can be represented as a sequence of the number of each token. When comparing haplotypes from different human genomes, one can trace the entire path of the ancestors of a given person for hundreds of thousands of years. Now the results of genetic genealogy give much greater results than all of archeology and anthropology combined.

Which of the haplogroups is Aryan? To do this, we need to compare the modern halos of the distribution of haplogroups with the history of the distribution of the Aryans and the Aryan language. What is known about the Aryans?


The Aryans spoke and had Sanskrit writing. Sanskrit was the progenitor of the groups of Indian, Iranian, Persian, Eraco-Illyrian, Greek, Italic, including Latin. It was the language of the Celts, Slavs.

Progenitor of the Baltic and German language groups. The ancient Aryans created three highly developed and peculiar civilizations - Persian, Indo-Gangese and Turano-Scythian, had a significant impact on the cultures of Western and Southeast Asia, the Caucasus, China, the Turkic, Mongolian, Slavic and Ugro-Finnish peoples. Their contribution to the treasury of the spiritual values ​​of mankind is unusually weighty. Aryans-Indo-Iranians burst into world history at the beginning of the II millennium BC. - in an era when the great civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Harappa (Indus Valley) and the islands of the Eastern Mediterranean (Crete-Mycenaean world) experienced a deep internal crisis. The tribes of the Aryan root contributed to the renewal of ancient societies, gave a powerful impetus to the world cultural and historical process. For two millennia - up to the III-IV centuries AD. - they were the main characters of world history.

What was the ancient Aryan society like? The study of various sources suggests that long before the start of large-scale migrations, the Indo-Iranians were pastoral tribes. The cornerstone of their social life was a large patriarchal family, typical of the pastoral peoples of Eurasia. The basis of the economy was the breeding of cattle and horses. The number of cows and bulls was the main measure of material well-being and wealth, a cow was considered the best sacrifice that the gods could wish for. The foundation of the military power of the Aryans was the war cavalry, magnificent chariots. A thoroughbred horse was worth a whole herd of ordinary ones. All other animals were inferior in their own way.

value cows and horses, and in addition to them, the Indo-Iranians bred goats, sheep, bactrian camels. Pig breeding was almost unknown to them, it was considered a matter of little honor, pigs were not sacrificed to the gods. The Aryans were also engaged in agriculture, but it was a secondary occupation for them.

The tribes of the Indo-Iranians were semi-sedentary; every few years they moved their villages to a new place, which, as a rule, was not far from the former camp. The Aryans did not know the potter's wheel, sculpted ceramics "by hand" and fired it not in a furnace, but in special pits or on a fire. Their ritual utensils were wooden.

The Indo-Iranians lived in large houses dug into the ground, they also used dwellings on wheels - like wagons or wagons, they knew many metals and alloys - copper, gold, silver, bronze, they made weapons and utensils from them. The Aryans were well versed in the art of woodworking, it was they who perfected the technique of building chariots.

The Aryans were warlike people, military booty - cattle, pastures, captives - was one of the most important sources of their well-being. Wars were fought almost constantly.

The Aryans were expert gatherers of wild honey, and it was an essential element of their diet. The main food for them was fresh cow's milk and products obtained from it: sour milk and butter, as well as cereal dishes like porridge and boiled meat. For various rituals and religious celebrations, the Indo-Iranians made "sauma" - a drink that led to a state of sacred ecstasy. At secular holidays, public and family, drunken "sura" was used. These holidays opened with equestrian competitions, followed by a collective feast.

The Aryans wore leather-made trousers, boots and jackets, as well as a hood - clothes that later became traditional for the mass of Eurasian nomads.

The Aryans either cremated their dead, or buried them under mounds, or (much less often) left them to the will of the elements and the devourers fell on the territory of the burial grounds designated for this purpose.

Various branches of the Aryans created great monuments of ancient religious thought, the Indo-Aryans - the "Vedas", the southern Iranians - the "Avesta". Judging by these monuments, they worshiped a host of gods, believing, at the same time, that behind all the diversity of life phenomena lies a single and eternal Primal Foundation, a spiritual and creative principle that created this world, God the Absolute. Each of their many gods embodied different aspects of this Absolute.

There were very few female deities in the Indo-Iranian pantheon, and a severe patriarchy reigned in it. The Aryan gods were shepherd gods. Their most frequent epithets are “lord of vast pastures”, “sending beautiful wealth”, etc. The gods were asked to irrigate pastures, give herds of horses and bulls. In Indo-Iranian hymns, the gods were depicted riding horse-drawn chariots, their most important function was to protect livestock from demons or their servants in the earthly world.

Sacrifices were the main element of the religious practice of the Aryans. Sacrifices were made not only to the gods, but also to the ancestors. In addition to animals, ghee, saumu and milk were donated to the gods. In honor of the ancestors, mounds were built with stone altars.

The cult of the horse was extremely developed among the Indo-Iranians, along with it, probably, the cult of the beaver, less common among them, also existed.

An essential component of the religion of the Aryans was also the veneration of fire and the worship of the sun. It is possible that the very name "Arya" goes back to the ancient name

Suns - Svar, Svara.

Aryan expansion from 4000 to 1000 BC

Where are the descendants of the Aryans now?

Only one haplogroup R1a is suitable for such a distribution of languages ​​​​and historical sources of the settlement of the Aryans.

Where, with a density scale from 0 to over 51% of the haplogroup:
R1a - Aryans
R1b - Celts (Europeans)
N3 - Finno-Ugrians
N2 - Mongols, Buryats, etc.

Impurities at a density scale from 0 to over 26% of the haplogroup:

I1a - Scandinavians (Nordic race)
I1b - Serbs (Balkan race)
J2 - Turks.

The second density center of the haplogroup R1a in India is the upper castes 45.35%, Brahmins 72.22%. These are the very ancestors of the Aryans who came to India 4300 years ago.

Genetic genealogy gives not only the areas of distribution of haplogroups, but also the stages of distribution of the peoples of the owners of these haplogroups.

In total, there are more than a hundred haplogroups (with sub-options - 169), lettered from A to R. For example, A, B and E3a (Africa), C, E and K (Asia), I and R (Europe), J2 (Middle East ; Coen modal group), Q3 (American Indians). We are interested in the haplogroup R1a - the Aryans. The ancestors of the Aryans descended from the same "Adam" who lived in northeast Africa and had the first common genetic marker M168. 50 thousand years ago, when about 10 thousand people lived on Earth, the direct ancient ancestor of non-Africans moved north and crossed the Red Sea to the Arabian Peninsula. He became the progenitor of all people now living outside of Africa, in addition to the Africans themselves.

In the Arabian Peninsula, just beyond the Red Sea, the first mutation changed its common marker to M89. It happened 45 thousand years ago. This marker is now present in 90-95% of all non-Africans. The ancestor of the Aryans went further to the northeast, where the stream split on the territory of modern Iraq - part of our family continued to go north, and, having passed Syria and Turkey, through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles went to the Balkans, to Greece, to Europe, and the direct ancestor of the Aryans turned right, passed along the northern part of the Persian Gulf, crossed Iran and Afghanistan, leaving the Hindu Kush range on the right, and ran into the Pamir mountains, at the Pamir junction, where the mountains of the Hindu Kush, Tien Shan and Himalayas converge. Further straight, to the east, there was nowhere to go. By this time, the direct ancestor of the Aryans had mutated again, and became the carrier of the M9 marker, the marker of the so-called Eurasian clan. It happened 40 thousand years ago. There were several tens of thousands of people on Earth at that time. A few millennia later, the Eurasian ancestor of the Aryans had another mutation, M45. It happened in Central Asia, 35 thousand years ago. Behind it - the next mutation, M207, already in the south of Siberia, 30 thousand years ago, on the way to the north. After that, the flow divided again, and at the latitude of the future Moscow, the Aryans turned west, to Europe, soon undergoing the M173 mutation. The rest of the tribe went further north, into the glaciers, eventually becoming the Eskimos, part of the land moved to Alaska and became the American Indians. But they already had other genetic markers.

Approximately in the area of ​​the future Novgorod-Pskov, the flow again divided. Some continued their journey to the west and came to Europe, bringing the M173 marker there, and the direct ancestor of the Aryans turned south and settled on the way to the Black and Caspian Seas, in the territory of present-day Ukraine and southern Russia, having earned the last mutation M17, 10- 15 thousand years ago. M17 mutation preserved among the Slavs. In the steppes of Ukraine and Russia, the ancestors of the Aryans thousands of years ago left a lot of mounds, in which later they found a lot of gold and silver jewelry. Here the Aryans tamed the horse for the first time many thousands of years ago. It was they who first spoke the language that laid the foundation for the Indo-European family of languages, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, several Indian languages ​​such as Bengali and Hindu, and many others. Now about 40% of men living in Europe, especially in the north of France and in England and Germany, and up to Siberia, are descendants of this haplogroup R1a. Aryan haplogroups.

4500 years ago, the Proto-Slavs-Aryans appeared on the Central Russian Upland, and not just some Proto-Slavs, but precisely those whose descendants live in our time. 3800 years ago they built the ancient settlement of Arkaim and the "country of cities" in the Southern Urals. 3600 years ago, the Aryans left Arkaim and moved to India. Indeed, according to archaeologists, the settlement, which is now called Arkaim, existed for only 200 years.

But what about the Germans themselves? Modern Germans are not only not Aryans, but for the most part they are not even historical Germans. In this sense, the Swedes, Danes and Norwegians are more Germanic than the Germans themselves, and the Austrian Germans can only conditionally be attributed to the Germanic ethnos.

As part of the modern German ethnos, groups I1a and I1c make up a minority of about 30%, and the majority is the population with the haplogroup R1b - 46% and represents the heirs of the historical Celts. In addition, a significant proportion of the modern German ethnic group, more than 8%, are the descendants of the Aryans - Slavs with the haplogroup R1a.

Or did Hitler know?

Khatuntsev S.V.

The "Aryan" problem - the problem of the origin and ancestral home, the cultural role and historical heritage of the Aryan tribes has occupied world science for more than two centuries. Who are the Aryans-Aryans?

Aryans are peoples who speak the languages ​​of the Iranian and Indian groups of the Indo-European language family, as well as the Kafirs (Nuristanis) and Dards. Their ancestors had a common name - "Arya", "Aryan", similar culture and way of life, lived on the same territory, but several millennia ago they left their cradle and began to move to lands far from each other; gradually Aryan unity disintegrated. At present, the peoples of the Iranian group live in Ossetia, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Pakistan, as well as in the countries bordering them. Representatives of the Indo-Aryan ethnic groups inhabit India - mainly its central and northern regions, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, the Maldives, the east and south of Pakistan. Migrants, descendants of the Indo-Aryans, formed large colonies in Myanmar, Singapore, Malaysia, the islands of Mauritius in the Indian and Fiji in the Pacific Ocean, in the West Indies (Caribbean Sea) and Guiana, in South Africa and on the coast of East Africa. A considerable number of them settled in North America and Europe. Dards and Nuristanis live in Kashmir and in the provinces adjacent to Kashmir in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The total number of Aryan-speaking peoples is about 1 billion people, they make up about a seventh of the entire population of the Earth. Of this billion Indo-Aryans, there are approximately 900 million, Iranians - more than 90 million, Dards and Nuristanis - 5-6 million people.

The ancient Aryans created three highly developed and peculiar civilizations - Persian, Indo-Gangese and Turano-Scythian, had a significant impact on the cultures of Western and Southeast Asia, the Caucasus, China, the Turkic, Mongolian, Slavic and Ugro-Finnish peoples. Their contribution to the treasury of the spiritual values ​​of mankind is unusually weighty. Aryans-Indo-Iranians burst into world history at the beginning of the II millennium BC. - in an era when the great civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Harappa (Indus Valley) and the islands of the Eastern Mediterranean (Crete-Mycenaean world) experienced a deep internal crisis. The tribes of the Aryan root contributed to the renewal of ancient societies, gave a powerful impetus to the world cultural and historical process. For two millennia - up to the III-IV centuries AD. - they were the main actors of world history - until they grew old and gave way to younger peoples.

Among the Indo-Europeans, the "Aryans" were not an isolated group devoid of family ties. Slavic, Baltic (Letto-Lithuanian), as well as Armenian and ancient Greek languages ​​are close to their dialects. The speakers of these languages ​​had with the Indo-Iranians many common ethnographic features, cult-mythological ideas, and psychological traits, dating back to a single source. This indicates that the ancestors of the Greeks and Armenians, the Balto-Slavs and the Indo-Iranians constituted one cultural-historical block in ancient times. However, the proto-Greeks and proto-Armenians separated from this bloc very early and did not maintain such close family ties with the Indo-Iranians as the ancestors of the Balto-Slavs. Much further than the listed peoples, the carriers of other Indo-European dialects, in particular, the Germans and the Celts, are separated from the Aryans. Therefore, the Slavs and Balts (Lithuanians and Latvians) have much more reason to be called Aryans than the Germans, Scandinavians, French and other European peoples.

What was the ancient Aryan society like? The study of various sources suggests that long before the start of large-scale migrations, the Indo-Iranians were pastoral tribes. The cornerstone of their social life was a large patriarchal family, typical of the pastoral peoples of Eurasia. The basis of the economy was the breeding of cattle and horses. The number of cows and bulls was the main measure of material well-being and wealth, a cow was considered the best sacrifice that the gods could wish for. The foundation of the military power of the Aryans was the war cavalry, magnificent chariots. A thoroughbred horse was worth a whole herd of ordinary ones. All other animals were inferior in their importance to cows and horses, and in addition to them, the Indo-Iranians bred goats, sheep, and two-humped camels. Pig breeding was almost unknown to them, it was considered a matter of little honor, pigs were not sacrificed to the gods. The Aryans were also engaged in agriculture, but it was a secondary occupation for them.

The tribes of the Indo-Iranians were semi-sedentary; every few years they moved their villages to a new place, which, as a rule, was not far from the former camp. The Aryans did not know the potter's wheel, sculpted ceramics "by hand" and fired it not in a furnace, but in special pits or on a fire. Their ritual utensils were wooden.

The Indo-Iranians lived in large houses dug into the ground, they also used dwellings on wheels - like wagons or wagons, they knew many metals and alloys - copper, gold, silver, bronze, they made weapons and utensils from them. The Aryans were well versed in the art of woodworking, it was they who perfected the technique of building chariots.

The Indo-Iranians were warlike people, military booty - cattle, pastures, captives - was one of the most important sources of their well-being. Wars were fought almost constantly - both between the Indo-Iranians themselves, and between them and other peoples.

The Aryans were expert gatherers of wild honey, and it was an essential element of their diet. The main food for them was fresh cow's milk and products obtained from it: sour milk and butter, as well as cereal dishes like porridge and boiled meat. For various rituals and religious celebrations, the Indo-Iranians made "sauma" - a drink that led to a state of sacred ecstasy. On secular holidays, public and family, drunken "sura" was used. These holidays opened with equestrian competitions, followed by a collective feast.

The Aryans wore leather-made trousers, boots and jackets, as well as a hood - clothes that later became traditional for the mass of Eurasian nomads.

The Indo-Iranians either cremated their dead, or buried them under burial mounds, or (much less often) left them to the will of the elements and the devourers fell on the territory of burial grounds designated for this purpose.

The most ancient Aryans did not know a specialized, market-oriented craft, money trade and cities, they did not build fortresses, palaces, or temples, they probably did not have either cult images or writing.

In their midst, three social groups took shape, which were called "flowers". The most numerous of the "flowers" were community herders. The second group was represented by warriors, the third - by priests. They were the most revered social class. Kings, "sons of the Sun", who crowned the entire system of social organization of the Aryans and headed individual tribes and tribal unions, were considered warrior-priests.

Various branches of the Aryans created great monuments of ancient religious thought, the Indo-Aryans - the Vedas, the southern Iranians - the Avesta. Judging by these monuments, they worshiped a host of gods, believing, at the same time, that behind all the diversity of life phenomena lies a single and eternal Primal Foundation, a spiritual and creative principle that created this world, God the Absolute. Each of their many gods embodied different aspects of this Absolute.

There were very few female deities in the Indo-Iranian pantheon, and a severe patriarchy reigned in it. The Aryan gods were shepherd gods. Their most frequent epithets are "lord of vast pastures", "sending beautiful wealth", etc. The gods were asked to irrigate pastures, give herds of horses and bulls. In Indo-Iranian hymns, the gods were depicted riding horse-drawn chariots, their most important function was to protect livestock from demons or their servants in the earthly world.

Sacrifices were the main element of the religious practice of the Aryans. Sacrifices were made not only to the gods, but also to the ancestors. In addition to animals, the gods were offered ghee, saumu and milk. In honor of the ancestors, mounds were built with stone altars.

The cult of the horse was extremely developed among the Indo-Iranians, along with it, probably, the cult of the beaver, less common among them, also existed.

An essential component of the religion of the Aryans was also the veneration of fire and the worship of the sun. It is possible that the very name "Arya" goes back to the ancient name of the Sun - Svar, Svara.

In the Indo-Iranian environment, a sacred mythopoetic language developed, which was used when performing rituals and addressing the gods. The poetics of the Aryans was based on pastoral terms. The images of a cow, a bull and a horse permeate the Indian "Vedas", the Iranian "Zend-Avesta". On their basis, the entire symbolic system of religious texts is built, shimmering with alliterations and hidden meanings, using a large number of epithets and synonyms. Only in the "Rigveda" - the main of the "Vedas" - to designate key images - a horse, a bull and a cow, at least 10 - 15 different synonyms are used.

Where is the ancestral home of the Aryans, which the peoples of the Indian branch called "Arya Varta", the peoples of the Iranian branch - "Aryan Veja", i.e. "Aryan space"?

As already mentioned, the search for it has been going on for more than two centuries, but there is still no consensus in science about where it is located. The Aryan cradle was sought in the Himalayas and India, the Middle East and Central Asia, Europe and the Caucasus, the Arctic and Tibet. Supporters of the most authoritative and reasonable point of view believe that it was located in the strip from the Carpathians to the Volga.

It is known that the ancestral home of the Aryans occupied the eastern part of the common Indo-European focus, was in a zone of temperate, relatively dry and continental climate, abounded in open extended spaces. All this seems to testify in favor of the localization of the Aryan ancestral home precisely in the steppes and forest-steppes of the Great Russian Plain, however, many facts suggest that it was located to the east - on the slopes of the Urals and in the Trans-Urals.

In this book, Blavatsky spoke about the theory that she managed to deduce thanks to numerous spiritualistic sessions and numerous experiments with otherworldly forces. Her theory was about the Aryans. Aryans who are they? - mystically illuminated people who once inhabited our Earth and belong to the race of masters.

She believed that the Germans descended from the ancient Aryans, and the first place where the Aryans appeared was Atlantis or the island of Thule (the name of this island later became the name of the secret society "Thule"). After the death of Atlantis, the Aryans moved to the foothills of the Himalayas and to Tibet.

According to Helena Blavatsky, the Aryans were God's chosen people, whose calling was to rule all those living on Earth. Hitler immediately liked this theory. He realized that this was exactly what he had been looking for for so long. Thanks to this legend, he will be able to raise the morale of the German people broken in the First World War. After all, it is they, the Germans, who should rule all other peoples, and they have been endowed with this right since ancient times.

Was the book alone the progenitor of the future ideology of the National Socialist Party, or did something else influence the creation of the foundation of the nationalist ideas of Adolf Hitler?

Hitler was a Freemason

Few people know that back in 1919, Hitler joined one of the Masonic lodges. At that time, he really needed a strong shoulder and support, both financial and spiritual, from the powers that be. Subsequently, he will get rid of his former comrades, the Masons - by dissolving all their lodges in every country where his army visits.

No, he did not arrange a total persecution of the members of the lodges, but in no case should they be allowed to gather in societies, especially those who love the sacraments and strive for power. After all, competitors have no right to exist.

Yet, long before the National Socialists gained power, Hitler considered the Masons his brothers and they shared his opinion. It was in the box that Hitler would first hear the old legend about the secret history of the Earth, which he would later take as the basis of ideological convictions, thanks to which he would ascend to the pinnacle of power in Germany.

Arive legend

The legend says. There were once two races on earth. Some had a dark skin color, and were endowed with extraordinary power. They had a highly developed culture and science. All their cities were predominantly located in the south. In the north lived people of the "white race". Their development in comparison with the "black race" was not great, so they were obliged to obey the "black masters". But one day everything changed. Among the white people appeared the brave and wise Aryan Ram, who no longer wanted to obey the "black masters". He was able to convince representatives of his race to raise uprisings in the northern lands. It happened about eight thousand years before the birth of Christ.

Aryans who are they? The people of the "white race" under the leadership of Ram were able to defeat the "black masters" and overthrow them. This circumstance subsequently affected the representatives of the "black race" in that they lagged far behind the white people in development. Ram, on the other hand, managed to create an empire of extraordinary strength, uniting many peoples of the world. But everything is not forever.

After the death of Ram, his heirs could not agree among themselves in any way and for many years unleashed a bloody civil strife. As a result, small uprisings turned into riots, and then into a civil war started by Prince Irshu. Moreover, the struggle for power and the legacy of Ram had not only political significance, but also determined the further paths of development of all mankind.

In this struggle, the Aryans were defeated, and all subsequent revolutions, socialist utopian teachings and the loss of spirituality by people are a consequence of this.

After these events, another legend remained. As if somewhere in Asia, high in the mountains, on the border of Afghanistan, Tibet and India, there is the country of Agharti-Shambhala, which is inhabited by sage mediums who managed to survive after the Irsha uprising, who hid secret laboratories, libraries, warehouses in inaccessible caves that store all scientific experience of many ancient civilizations. Whoever can negotiate with the inhabitants of Shambhala and take possession of the key to secret knowledge - he will take over the world and reveal all the secrets of the Universe!

Hitler in search of Shambhala

After hearing this legend and reading Blavatsky's book, Hitler becomes simply obsessed with the idea of ​​finding this secret knowledge. In his search, he relies on the locations indicated by Helena Blavatsky. The first place to look for is the city of Agadi, located underground on the site of the former Babylonia, and the second is the legendary Shambhala, where there is a key to all the secrets of the Universe.

After Adolf Hitler officially re-established his National Socialist Party in 1925, Heinrich Himmler joined it in August of the same year, with whom Hitler had already known since the days of the Beer Putsch. It was Himmler who in 1923 carried the "battle banner of the Reich." As soon as the devoted Heinrich Himmler becomes a member of the party, Hitler immediately appoints him Gauleiter of Bavaria. After some time, Adolf tells Heinrich an ancient legend and asks a friend to help in the search for valuable knowledge.

In 1926, first in Munich, and then in Berlin, quite numerous colonies of Tibetans and Hindus began to appear, with whom specialists from the SS were working, trying to get at least some information about Shambhala and the black faith of the Bonpo.

The Near and Middle East were not forgotten either. "Archaeological" expeditions are sent there, consisting of Nazi-sympathetic scientists and SS officers who are trying with all their might to find the underground city of Agadi.

Heinrich Himmler is trying his best to complete the task entrusted to him by Hitler to search for ancient knowledge and the origins of the Aryans as quickly and as best as possible. In other respects, his efforts were soon appreciated. On January 6, 1929, Heinrich Himmler was appointed to the post of Reichsführer-SS. Thus, Hitler not only thanked Himmler for his efforts, but also acquired a true friend and "right hand".

Since the beginning of 1931, Himmler has been creating his own independent secret service called the SD. At the beginning of the same 30s, Himmler begins to show interest in the retired sailor Reinhard Heydrich.

A well-educated, musically gifted, fair-haired, athletic young man, recreated, according to Himmler, the image of a true Aryan. But not only this in Heydrich interested the Reichsfuehrer SS.

First of all, Himmler drew attention to his education and deep knowledge of culture: not every Nazi functionary or SS officer could boast of this. And Reinhard was born and raised in the family of the director of the conservatory, where the cult of culture reigned.

Reinhard played the violin so virtuoso that he could easily make a musical career, but he chose the path of a naval officer, but could not stay there for a long time because of his weakness for women. He had to leave the Navy after a trial of officer honor because of a scandalous love story with the daughter of one of the senior officers.

Project "Heritage of Ancestors"

As a result, Heydrich was invited to Himmler's office, where he was offered to lead the secret service of the SD with the goal, which was a new program to search for ancient knowledge called "Ancestral Heritage".

Himmler believed that only Reinhard Heydrich, possessing enviable erudition and deep knowledge of world culture, would be able to get off the ground, thoroughly deadlocked searches. Reinhard gladly accepted the proposals of the Reichsführer SS and left the office.

Some time after the appointment of Reinhard Heydrich, a secret structure was organized as part of the SS, called the "Ancestral Heritage". The main task of this organization is to be in the culture, science, and history of the whole world, to confirm God's chosenness and claims to world domination of the Aryan race represented by the Germans.

This secret structure united under its roof more than fifty scientific institutes and closed laboratories of various profiles, where highly qualified specialists studied:

  • Symbolism
  • Runic writings
  • Applied Linguistics
  • The history of the Aryans
  • Knowledge of ancient peoples with translations from Sanskrit

All kinds of myths and legends of various tribes and peoples were carefully analyzed, ethnographic issues were discussed, anthropometric features of various races were revealed, etc.

In parallel with the research carried out in the laboratories and institutes of Germany, searches are also being carried out in the East and Tibet, where very often expeditions are sent, which include professional intelligence officers, saboteurs and venerable scientists.

Subsequently, the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition did not find a single report or report on any expedition. What the Germans managed to find in the Middle East and Tibet will remain a mystery forever.

Origin of the Aryan race

But some information is still preserved. Experts and the "Heritage of the Ancestors" managed to find out where the Aryan race originated. According to them, these places should have been located somewhere in Central Asia in the Gobi Desert, in the Pamirs and Eastern Europe.

It is also known that the SS believed that the Gobi desert was not always lifeless, but turned into one as a result of the use of the most powerful weapon not yet known to people in the 30s of the last century. And it happened, according to their calculations, about four thousand years ago.

Around the same time, the tribes of the Aryans, after an ecological catastrophe, dispersed in different directions around the world. The Nordic Aryans headed by Thor (who later became the main deity of the ancient Scandinavians and Germans) went to the northwest, where the rest went remains unknown.

It is not known how Himmler motivated the request when he told Hitler in the late 30s that sacrifices were required, but Adolf immediately gave the green light to this matter. A year later, the head of the SD, Reinhard Heydrich, also became the head of the concentration camp system, and, having created the first ghetto, he began to solve the problem of “sacrifices” to unknown “powers”.

Apparently, the sacrifices were very to the liking of the gods to whom Hitler brought them, because he won victories one after another, until his luck turned away from him in the winter of 1941 and he “stumbled” near Moscow.

Many scientists are still eager to know what information was kept by the Ancestral Heritage organization and still strive to understand Aryans who are they? Occasionally, various fragmentary data on the activities of this powerful organization come up here and there, for example, here is one of them.

There is evidence that the "Heritage of the Ancestors" managed to understand what the energy-information system and the unified energy-information field of the Earth, in which the Tibetans believe so much, are. Maybe it was for this reason that the Allied troops numbered thousands of corpses of Tibetans dressed in Waffen-SS uniforms without identification marks, so vehemently defending Berlin, to the last bullet, to the last drop of blood.

Whether this is so or not and what the Tibetans did in the service of the Nazis will remain a mystery of history. Aryans who are they? Until the end, this is also unknown.

All members of the expedition died under strange circumstances

Luck turned away not only from Hitler in his conquests, but also from his entourage.

For example, the fate of Reinhard Heydrich was very prosaic. He had long been under the "cap" of British intelligence. On May 27, 1942, Deputy Reich Protector Heydrich in an open Mercedes was returning through the narrow streets of Prague from his country house to his residence, at a sharp turn two men dressed in overalls jumped up to his car. One opened fire on the driver, and the second threw a grenade under the car. As a result of the explosion, Reinhard Heydrich was seriously wounded by shrapnel in the chest and stomach and died suddenly on June 4 of the same year.

Now it is difficult to say who organized the assassination - the British or Hitler himself. After all, on the eve of what happened, one of the expeditions sent to Tibet returned safely and brought valuable information, which was first read by Reinhard Heydrich. According to a number of sources, all members of that expedition died under strange circumstances, and the materials they delivered disappeared without a trace ...

From the title of this rating, an opinion may arise that we are talking about fair-haired and blue-eyed beauties of the Nordic race (like Anita Ekberg or women from the paintings of Wolfgang Willrich), which was called Aryan by Nazi theorists. However, the rating will focus on the most beautiful, according to the rating of the site Top Anthropos. girls and women of nations speaking Aryan languages.

Before the beginning of the II millennium BC. e. The Aryans were a single people who roamed the steppes of Siberia and Central Asia. Then a split occurred within the Aryans. Part of the Aryans moved to the southeast and reached India, the other part settled in the Iranian Highlands. Perhaps the reason for the split of the Aryans was a religious conflict, the traces of which are visible in the difference between the names of good and bad beings in Hinduism (the religion of the Indian Aryans) and Zoroastrianism (the religion of the Iranians, which has almost disappeared now). For example, gods in Hinduism are called devas, and in Zoroastrianism, devas are evil spirits. In Hinduism, demons and opponents of the gods are called asuras, and in Zoroastrianism, Ahura are gods, the supreme deity of Zoroastrianism is called Ahura Mazda.

Until the 19th century, it was assumed that there were only two groups of Aryan peoples ( Indo-Aryans And Iranian arias), but then it turned out that in the mountain valleys of the Hindu Kush for several millennia there has been a third branch of the Aryans - Nuristani representing several peoples living an archaic life. Until the 19th century, they successfully fought with the surrounding Muslims, preserving their ancient beliefs, but a little over 100 years ago, having lost the war to the Pashtuns, they nevertheless converted to Islam.

Dards(the peoples inhabiting the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region) are often considered as the fourth branch of the Aryans, while you can often find information that the Dards are Indo-Aryans.

There are currently 313 Aryan languages, which is 2/3 of the total number of Indo-European languages. More than 1 billion people speak Indo-Aryan languages, about 200 million people speak Iranian languages, 5.5 million people speak Dardic languages, and about 130 thousand people speak Nuristani languages. In total, Aryan languages ​​are spoken by approximately 1.2 billion people, they account for half of the number of speakers of the Indo-European language family (which also includes Slavic, Germanic, Romance languages).

The most beautiful women of the Iranian peoples

The most beautiful Persian- model and actress Claudia Lynx / Claudia Lynx. She was born on June 8, 1982 in Tehran (Iran) to a Persian family. When the girl was 5 years old, her family moved to Norway. Now Claudia Lynx lives in the USA. Real name and surname - Shagayegh Samen / Shaghayegh Samen. At the same time, Azerbaijani sources indicate that her real name is Alizade, and her family belongs to Iranian Azerbaijanis. Claudia Lynx herself does not comment on these rumors.

Undoubtedly, the question of who the Aryans are and how this nation appeared is of interest to many, although it requires the most careful study and detailed analysis.

The Aryans are a people who spoke languages ​​belonging to the eastern branch of the Indo-European family, and belonged to the northern racial type.

Who are the Aryans, and where did they live in general? According to legend, the ancient Aryans migrated from Hyperborea, a state that was formed in a territory dominated by a harsh northern climate. However, five decades ago, European scientists were absolutely sure that the Aryans have Asian roots. Subsequently, it was customary to consider the northwestern part of Europe as the homeland of the Aryans, and the initial racial type of the Aryans was defined as Nordic (northern). From Irish "aire" is translated as "leader", "to know", from Old Norse - "noble". And yet who are the Aryans? Superior race, demigods? This is an interpretation of only Adolf Hitler and no one else.

First of all, they are carriers of religious texts called Avesta and Rig Veda - they give an understanding of who the Aryans really are. It should be recognized that after themselves the "fifth race" left a colossal legacy.

It must be emphasized that for the first time the concept of "Aryan race" was introduced by J.A. Gobineau, who in the 19th century published his work entitled "Experience on the inequality of human races." At the same time, he has superiority over others. After his works were printed, soldiers began to call themselves Aryans. Moreover, as a “noble” race, Aryans should have blue eyes and blond hair.

The Nazis considered the Aryan race as a kind of specific gene pool, which is represented exclusively by the Germans, since it is they who are superior to other peoples in mental, moral and physical qualities. In addition, all Aryans must be tall, have impeccable health and be in excellent physical shape.

The Fuhrer liked the theory of a perfect race. In his book "Main Kampf" he emphasized that the history of the Aryans deserves a comprehensive study by every soldier of Nazi Germany. According to Adolf Hitler, every "true Aryan" should take care of the "purity of blood", and, in his opinion, it is criminal to marry a representative of an inferior race. At the same time, the fascist dictator had no doubt that it was necessary to strictly monitor the level of demographics in the country, and people who had "poor" health were forbidden to have children.

For his country, Hitler wanted to prepare the role of a world leader who would rule over all nations. According to the "chief" Nazi, the Aryan (German) race "gives birth" exclusively brilliant people who are called to rule the world. Others must do their will and obey them implicitly, because they are mediocre, and they have absolutely no talent. The Fuhrer gave a definition to all peoples without exception from the standpoint of their similarity with the Aryan race.

In addition to the inhabitants of Scandinavia, Hitler believed that the Japanese, although different in appearance, were close in spirit to the Aryans. At the same time, he considered representatives of other peoples inhabiting Southeast Asia "almost monkeys."

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