"Hero of our time". Briefly


Belinsky writes that in the second half of the 1930s, “a new bright luminary rose on the horizon of our poetry and immediately turned out to be a star of the first magnitude. We are talking about Lermontov ... ".

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" made an exceptionally strong impression on readers because it truly depicts the life of Russian society. “We must demand from art that it show us reality as it is, because whatever it is, this reality, it will tell us more, teach us more than all the thoughts and teachings of moralists ...” .

In another article (“Works of Alexander Pushkin”, article 8), Belinsky emphasizes that the first to depict the “prose of life” was Pushkin. In the novel "Eugene Onegin" he "took this life as it is, without diverting from it only its poetic moments, he took it with all the coldness, with all its prose and vulgarity."

Lermontov followed the path paved by Pushkin. Drawing the image of Pechorin, he takes "in consideration of the circumstances of his development and the sphere of life in which he is placed by fate."

But Lermontov is an original writer living in a different time than Pushkin. His Pechorin, according to Belinsky, is "a hero of our time."

The life of Onegin, who "looked at everything, became bored with everything," consisted in the fact that "he yawned equally among fashionable and ancient halls."

“Pechorin is not like that. This man is not indifferent, not apathetic bears his suffering: he is madly chasing after life, looking for it everywhere ... "

Pechorin cannot live the way people of his circle live. "His spirit is ripe for new feelings and new thoughts." But he does not find a reasonable use of his remarkable strengths. For him, "everything old is allowed, but the new is not yet."

Hence - Pechorin's split, "the contradiction between the depth of nature and the pitiful actions of one and the same person."

Lermontov's novel is "a sad thought about our time," concludes Belinsky. material from the site

The critic notes the rare skill of Lermontov. The novel consists of separate stories, the characters and events of which are grouped “around one person” (Pechorin), united by a single idea, a “creative concept”.

This explains the "harmonic correspondence of parts with the whole", "the completeness, completeness and isolation of the whole."

Lermontov's skill was manifested in the ability to create typical characters. “This is how true artists realize their ideals: two, three features - and in front of you, as if alive, as if in reality, there is such a characteristic figure that you will sometimes not forget ...”

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • Belinsky hero of our time short article
  • Merezhkovsky about the novel "A Hero of Our Time"
  • what Belinsky writes about the novel the hero of our time
  • a brief synopsis of Belinsky's article a hero of our time
  • hero of our time criticism of Belinsky

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30s of the last century. The conquest of the Caucasus, which knew much more "stormy days" under Alexei Petrovich Yermolov, is nearing completion. “Alien forces”, of course, burden “the edge of the liberty of the saint”, and he, of course, is indignant, but not so much as to block the Georgian Military Highway. On it, the author, an officer of the Russian colonial troops, meets with a veteran of the Caucasian War, Staff Captain Maxim Maksimych. It is not so far to Vladikavkaz, where our army men are on their way, but ice and a sudden snowstorm force them to stop twice for the night. Under seagulls from a cast-iron teapot, Maxim Maksimych tells an inquisitive, like all people who write and write down, a fellow traveler, a real incident from his life.

Chance brings together on a mountain road the narrator, who is riding on a bed-chamber from Tiflis, and a certain Maxim Maksimych, a man of about fifty with the rank of staff captain. Seeing how freely, knowingly, Maxim Maksimych communicates with the highlanders, the narrator concludes that his companion spent many years in these places. At the lodging for the night, during a conversation, the captain recalls an incident that happened to his friend, Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin, who served with him in the same fortress beyond the Terek.

Somehow it happened to Pechorin to live for two weeks in a Cossack village. An infantry battalion stood nearby. The officers in the evenings gathered at each other's houses one by one and played cards. Once, leaving a boring game, they started a conversation on an entertaining topic. It has been argued that Muslims believe that human destinies are written in heaven, and some Christians do not reject this assertion. Then a certain officer, who had been sitting in the corner of the room, came up to the table. As he approached, he surveyed them all with a calm and solemn glance. Serb by nationality, lieutenant Vulich was brave and spoke little, was often harsh, did not confide his secrets to anyone, hardly drank wine and rarely courted women. He had only one passion - the passion for the game.

Arriving in Pyatigorsk, Pechorin rents an apartment on the edge of the city. “This morning at five o'clock, when I opened the window, my room was filled with the smell of flowers growing in a modest front garden. The view from three sides is wonderful. To the west, the five-headed Beshtu turns blue, like "the last cloud of a scattered storm"; Mashuk rises to the north, like a shaggy Persian hat... Below, before me, a clean, brand new town is full of colors... farther, the mountains pile up like an amphitheater, bluer and more foggy, and at the edge of the horizon stretches a silver chain of snowy peaks, beginning with Kazbek and ending with the two-headed Elborus. .. It's fun to live in such a land! Some kind of gratifying feeling is poured into all my veins. The air is pure and fresh, like the kiss of a child; the sun is bright, the sky is blue - what would seem more? - why is there passion, desire, regret? .. "

Pechorin decides to go to the Elizabethan spring: in the morning the whole "water society" gathers there. Unexpectedly, he meets Junker Grushnitsky at the well, they once fought together. Grushkitsky wears a thick soldier's overcoat "out of a special kind of foppery". He has a military award - St. George's cross. He is well built, swarthy and black-haired. He looks twenty-five years old, although in reality he is hardly twenty-one. According to Pechorin, Grushnitsky is one of those who "have pompous phrases ready for all occasions." It’s just that beauty doesn’t touch such people, and they “importantly drape themselves in extraordinary feelings, sublime passions and exceptional suffering.” Pechorin and Grushnitsky do not like each other, although from the outside it seems that they are friends.

Having met old friends, they start a conversation about the local way of life, about the local society. Two ladies pass by them, an old woman and a young woman, dressed "according to the strict rules of the best taste." Grushnitsky says that this is the Princess of Lithuania with her daughter Mary. Waiting for Mary to come closer

Topic: "A Hero of Our Time" is the first psychological novel in Russian literature. A novel about an extraordinary personality.


1) analysis of the work: to identify the features of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" as a psychological work; to trace how, against the background of the life of ordinary people, Pechorin's inconsistency sharply stands out; identify the author's attitude to the hero as a whole and understand the causes of the tragedy of Pechorin;

2) teaching monologue speech, developing the skill of expressive reading;

3) fostering interest in studying the work of M.Yu. Lermontov.


illustrations for the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

With the creation of the novel A Hero of Our Time, Lermontov made a huge contribution to the development of Russian literature, continuing Pushkin's realistic traditions. M.Yu. Lermontov summarized in the image of Pechorin the typical features of the younger generation of his era, the 30s of the XIX century, the era that came after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising in Russia, when freedom-loving views were persecuted, when the best people of that time could not find application for their knowledge and abilities, prematurely lost youth of the soul, devastated life by the pursuit of new impressions. This is precisely the fate of Grigory Pechorin, the protagonist of Lermontov's novel.

The topic of today's lesson is "A Hero of Our Time" - the first psychological novel in Russian literature. A novel about an outstanding personality "

What do you understand by the expression "uncommon personality"?

(Unusual, standing out from others)

We must find out what is the originality of Pechorin's personality.

And besides, we must reveal what the psychologism of the novel is.

How do you understand the meaning of the word "psychologism"?

(Notebook entry:Psychologism is an in-depth depiction of mental, emotional experiences.


III. Checking homework.

What is the peculiarity of the composition of the work?

(The novel consists of 5 independent stories. The central character, Pechorin, ties together all parts of the novel. The stories are arranged in such a way that the chronology of the hero’s life is clearly violated.

You needed to restore the plot of the work. Do you remember what Fabula is?

(Fabula - the location of the main events (episodes) of a literary work in their chronological order.)

Story order Story order

1. "Bela" 4

2. "Maxim Maksimych" 5

3. "Taman" 1

4. "Preface to Pechorin's Journal" 6

5. "Princess Mary" 2

6. Fatalist 3

(The author uses the principle from “external” to “internal” disclosure of the character of the protagonist. First, other people tell about Pechorin (Maxim Maksimych, an officer “Traveling on official need”). Then Pechorin himself tells about himself in the stories “Taman”, “Fatalist ", as well as in his diary - confession.)

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson (analysis of the work)

1) Work on questions:

In the first chapter we see Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin through the eyes of Maxim Maksimych. What can you say about this person?

(The headquarters - the captain, who spent most of his life in the Caucasian fortress, is able to accurately reproduce the external course of events, but cannot explain them. He is far from understanding the spiritual searches of the hero. The motives of his actions for Maxim Maksimych are inexplicable. He only notices the "strangeness of the hero")

What did you learn from the story "Bela" about Pechorin's life in the fortress?

What traits of character speak of his actions?

(Pechorin has a brilliant analytical mind, he evaluates people, the motives of their actions, and, on the other hand, boredom quickly takes possession of him, he has no purpose in life.)

What did you learn about Pechorin's life before appearing in the fortress?

How does psychology manifest itself in this episode?

(We see here not only a description of life, but also the spiritual experiences of the hero)

Under what circumstances do we meet the hero while reading the chapter "Maxim Maksimych"?

Who describes the portrait of Pechorin

What seemed unusual in the appearance of the hero?

(The combination of blond hair and black eyes, "the eyes did not laugh when he laughed." The author concludes that this is a sign of either an evil disposition or deep permanent sadness.)

Has Pechorin changed after leaving the fortress?

(Pechorin's indifference to life, to people, apathy, selfishness increased.)

What is the purpose of the narrator printing Pechorin's Journal?

(Show the history of the human soul)

Who acts as a narrator in the story "Taman"?

And who is the main character?

How did Pechorin show himself in a collision with smugglers, how is his character revealed?

(Pechorin finds himself in the role of an observer who accidentally witnessed the actions of smugglers. But gradually he leaves the role of an observer and becomes a participant in events. The desire to intervene in events speaks of the hero’s activity, he does not want to be content with the passive role of a contemplator of life.)

What aspects of character can be judged by the story "Taman"

(Activity, desire for action, attraction to danger, perseverance, observation)

Why, having such opportunities in character, does Pechorin not seem happy?

(All his actions do not have a deep goal. He is active, but neither he nor others need activity. He is smart, resourceful, observant, but all this brings misfortune to people. There is no goal in his life, his actions are random).

In the story "Princess Mary" we see Pechorin in Pyatigorsk.

How did his relationship with the "water society" develop?

How are Pechorin's relations with Grushnitsky developing?

Analyze the history of Pechorin's relationship with Princess Mary.

(The story of Mary's seduction is based on the knowledge of the human heart. This means that Pechorin is well versed in people)

How and why are relations between Pechorin and Vera developing?

What does the tragic scene of the pursuit of Vera indicate?

(His love for Vera awakens with new strength precisely when there is a danger of forever losing the only woman who understood him.)

Why does the hero not find happiness in love? How does he say it himself?

(Read passages)


How does Pechorin tempt fate?

What does his action say?

V. Working with illustrations.

1) Illustration by L. M. Nepomniachtchi for the novel “A Hero of Our Time”

"Death of Bela"


1. Describe the illustration

2. Find lines from the text that convey the state of the characters in the illustration

(In the foreground of the picture, Maxim Maksimych, shocked by the death of Bela, is depicted. In the doorway near Bela’s bed, Pechorin, depicted in full growth, is visible. His face expresses the same complex feelings as in Lermontov’s narrative (“... I have never noticed a single tear on his eyelashes: whether he really couldn’t cry or was in control of himself - I don’t know ... ”,“ ... his face did not express anything special, and I became annoyed: I would have died of grief in his place")

2) Illustration by L.E. Feinberg to the novel "A Hero of Our Time"

"Pechorin and the Wandering Officer"

3) Illustration by P. Ya. Pavlinov “Pechorin and the smuggler”

VI. Lesson summary

What is the originality of Pechorin's personality?

What is the psychology of the novel?

The character of Pechorin cannot be unambiguously assessed. Good and bad, good and evil are bizarrely intertwined in it. The fact is that in his actions he proceeds from his own selfish motives. Own "I" is the goal, and all the people around are only a means to satisfy the desires of this "I". Pechorin's individualism formed a transitional era, a sign of which was the absence of a lofty goal, social ideals.

VI. Homework:

Preparation for an essay based on the work of M.Yu. Lermontov

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" is a unique phenomenon of Russian culture. Relying on the literary trends of the 30s-40s of the 19th century, Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov became an innovator in many ways. He created the first realistic prose novel in Russian, creatively rethought the cyclization method, expanded the functionality of the composition and presented the world with the epochal image of Pechorin - an extra person who fell out of the cycle of his rebellious time.

"A Hero of Our Time" was written by Lermontov at the age of 25, a year before his tragic death in a duel. It was 1840. In world literature, there is a tendency to depict the "son of the century" - a typical representative of a particular era, country, social stratum. Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions, Johannes Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther, George Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, and Alfred Musset's Confessions of a Son of the Century have already been published.

In Russia, this trend was supported by Karamzin with his "Knight of Our Time", Venevitinov with "Vladimir Perensky", Stankevich with "A Few Moments of Count Z". And in the 1920s, Griboyedov's masterpieces Woe from Wit and Pushkin's Eugene Onegin came out.

The essence and summary of the work

Collection of styles
In "A Hero of Our Time" psychological, adventurous, social, confessional novels, the best features of departed romanticism and developing realism, organically intertwined. In literary circles, disputes still continue regarding the definition of the genre of a work - it does not fit into the narrow framework of any of them.

The versatility of the novel's problems (moral-philosophical, socio-psychological) determines its psychologism, deep immersion in the nature of the protagonist. Real historical events are conditionally written here, first of all, the author is occupied with the history of the human soul, and it is "almost more curious and more useful than the history of a whole people."

The first publication of the "Hero ..." took place in 1840 in the St. Petersburg publishing house of Ilya Glazunov.

Features of the composition: cyclization, anachronism

The novel consists of separate stories, travel essays, short stories, diary entries. It is noteworthy that the real chronology of events is broken; for the reader, the chapters of the story are arranged in the following sequence:

  1. Preface to Pechorin's Journal;
  2. "Taman";
  3. "Princess Mary";
  4. "Fatalist".

If the events were arranged in chronological order, then “Taman” (an adventurous story about smugglers) should have gone first, followed by “Princess Mary” (Pechorin’s stay in a Caucasian sanatorium), then “Bela” (Pechorin’s exile to a military fortress due to duel with Grushnitsky), "Fatalist" (a mystical story in a Cossack village), "Maxim Maksimych" (accidental meeting of Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin 5 years after parting in the Caucasus), preface to Pechorin's Journal.

Lermontov used the technique of anachronism not by chance. Historical reality was not of paramount importance for the author. The main task of the novel is to reveal the image of the central character. That is why the author mixes up the chapters, sets his own intra-novel time and arranges the stories so that they most clearly and in detail reveal the image of Pechorin.

Among other things, the composition of the "Hero ..." is complicated by the change of narrators. There are three of them in the novel - a wandering officer, Maxim Maksimych and Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin himself. So, the image of the protagonist is revealed from different angles of view - an outside observer, a friend who personally knows him, and the hero himself write about him. Exploring the novel, the reader goes deeper into Pechorin's psychology, first overcoming the superficial, then more detailed and, finally, the deepest level of psychoanalysis - introspection.

The story "Bela" is the story of Maxim Maksimych (the commandant of the watch fortress in the Caucasus), retold by a certain wandering officer. Events unfold in a remote Caucasian fortress, where the brilliant imperial officer Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin, exiled to this wilderness for some secular offense, languishes from boredom (later the reader will learn that this is a duel with Grushnitsky). Accustomed to the whistle of bullets, Pechorin craves new thrills and steals a daughter from a mountain prince, and a beloved horse from a daredevil Kazbich.

The prisoner's name is Bela. Her exotic beauty beckons the young officer, he is ready to do anything to possess her. Little by little, Bela gets used to it and falls in love with the former kidnapper herself. The couple is experiencing wonderful days of boundless happiness, after which Pechorin's ardor weakens. Bela's beauty does not hide a lively mind and education, which are so necessary for Pechorin. The beautiful savage soon simply bothers him. Hardly tormented by the coldness of her beloved, Bela dies at the hands of Kazbich, who stabbed her out of revenge for the stolen horse.

Bela becomes Pechorin's first innocent victim. In the future, their list will be replenished. Wherever this brilliant officer appears, grief, disappointment, tears and death invariably follow him.

In a small story, which was witnessed by the same wandering officer, there is no action-packed plot. Two old acquaintances met, exchanged a couple of on-duty phrases, shook hands with each other and dispersed. Nothing remarkable. Meetings like this happen every day.

The drama of the moment will become clear only to those who are already familiar with the story of Grigory Andreevich Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych. After a five-year separation, the old man was ready to throw himself on the neck of a comrade with whom they served in a lonely fortress in the Caucasus. However, Pechorin only shakes his hands coldly and speaks to the old man as if those years of service did not exist, there was no Bella and Kazbich.

Maxim Maksimych is the second victim of Pechorin. And although the former commandant does not die in the literal sense, something has since broken in his soul. The good staff captain became grouchy and withdrawn.


Frustrated, Maxim Maksimych hands over to the officer Pechorin's diary entries, which he had previously carefully kept. Now the reader has the opportunity to penetrate into the very essence of the contradictory nature of the protagonist.

The events described took place even before Pechorin's exile to the Caucasus. On duty, the failed St. Petersburg student Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin comes to Taman (“the nastiest town of all the coastal cities of Russia”). There, he accidentally finds himself in the center of an adventurous story, brings a gang of smugglers to clean water and almost dies during a night skirmish with criminals.

Fearing that the military will denounce them, the smugglers Undina and Yanko sail away from Taman forever, leaving the blind boy who helped them to fend for themselves. And again, Pechorin, breaking into the calm world of "honest smugglers", destroys their usual way of life - dooms Ondine and Janus to new wanderings, and the poor boy to hunger and loneliness.

In the chapter “Princess Mary”, Pechorin goes to the healing waters in Pyatigorsk. High season. A secular society gathered here, coming here from year to year. The list of Pechorin's victims becomes even more impressive: the recent cadet Grushnitsky dies from his hand, his former lover Vera suffers bitterly, the young Mary Ligovskaya, whom the officer shamelessly fell in love with himself, recognizes the bitterness of unrequited love and the cruelty of lies.

The most terrible thing is that Pechorin's actions do not bring him any benefit. It's just a cruel game. He juggles human lives out of boredom. If the amorous story with Bela began with a sincere attraction, then Mary Pechorin did not feel anything more than sympathy. He was attracted by the youth, the spontaneity of the young princess, he wanted to annoy the arrogant Grushnitsky, who was in love with Ligovskaya, wanted to amuse his own pride, once again feel like a conqueror.

An echo of a past life, when Pechorin was able to sincerely love, is Vera, who came to the waters with her legitimate, but not beloved husband. One of the final scenes of the story is noteworthy, when Pechorin is chasing a cart carrying Vera to the city on a lathered horse. An impulsive attempt to fix everything, to start living anew, ends in defeat. Pechorin is doomed to misfortune, hurting others is his fate.


In the final part of the novel, the image of Pechorin is presented in a demonic light. Now he does not need to do anything - just say the word, and the person is doomed to death.

In the poems of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, both examples of romantic poetics and realistic moments are combined. This combination creates a unique "incompleteness" of his works.

Biography of Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov - Russian poet, prose writer, playwright, artist, whose work successfully combines civil, philosophical and personal motives.

Having seen the “seal of death” on the face of Lieutenant Vulich, Pechorin predicts a military death. He was not killed by a random bullet, but appeared in the face of a drunken stanitsa with a saber. What is it - a decree of fate or a destructive poison that Pechorin squanders? If he had not started a dispute, Vulich would have remained playing cards until the morning, would have returned to the apartment with his comrades and would not have met the intoxicated Cossack.

The image of Pechorin is the connecting basis of the "Hero of Our Time". All the events that take place in the novel serve to reveal it more fully.

The image of the protagonist was dissected in hundreds of research papers. Some call him a renegade of his time, an extra person, while others, on the contrary, consider Pechorin a typical representative of the Russian nobility. His trouble is the disease of the century. Grigory Alexandrovich is both a victim and a villain, an ordinary person who cannot find his place in life, and a formidable demon, called to bring grief and disappointment.

Despite the negative actions of Pechorin and the impressive list of his victims, the author and the reader like him. Lermontov, however, is categorical - Pechorins have no place in the modern world, they are doomed. The hero of his time dies without a trace during one of his travels. Under what circumstances? Doesn't matter. It couldn't be otherwise.


The purpose of the lesson: - Tasks: to remind students about the characteristic features of the life of Russian society in the 30s of the XIX century, about the fate of the younger generation; talk about the ideological concept of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" and about the responses to the release of the work; find out the initial reader's impressions of Lermontov's novel; dwell on the most important features of the composition (lack of a single plot, violation of the chronological order in the arrangement of parts of the work, the presence of three narrators in the novel - the author, Maxim Maksimovich and Pechorin).Lesson type - a lesson in the assimilation of new knowledge.Equipment:

Course of lessons

Epigraph to the lesson:

"A Hero of Our Time" is by no means a collection of several stories and short stories - it is a novel in which there is one hero and one main idea, artistically developed.

V. G. Belinsky

I. Opening speech of the teacher.

The novel A Hero of Our Time was conceived by Lermontov at the end of 1837. The main work on it began in 1838 and was completed in 1839. The story “Bela” (1838) with the subtitle “From the Notes of an Officer from the Caucasus” appeared in the journal “Domestic Notes”, at the end of 1839 the story “The Fatalist” was published, and then “Taman”. Lermontov first named his novel "One of the Heroes of the Beginning of the Century". A separate edition of the novel already under the title "A Hero of Our Time" was published in 1840.

The 1830s-1840s in the history of Russia are the dark years of the Nikolaev reaction, the brutal police regime. The plight of the people was unbearable, the fate of advanced thinking people was tragic. Feelings of sadness in Lermontov caused the fact that "the future generation has no future." Passivity, disbelief, indecision, loss of purpose in life and interest in it are the main features of the writer's contemporaries.

Lermontov in his work wanted to show what the Nikolaev reaction doomed the younger generation to. The very title of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" is evidence of its importance.

In the image of Pechorin, Lermontov gave an expressive realistic and psychological portrait of "modern man, as he understands him and, unfortunately, met him too often"(A. I. Herzen) .

Pechorin is nature, richly gifted. The hero does not overestimate himself when he says: "I feel immense strength in my soul." With his novel, Lermontov answers why energetic and intelligent people do not find application for their remarkable abilities and “wither without a fight” at the very beginning of their life path. The author's attention is drawn to the disclosure of the complex and contradictory nature of the hero.

Lermontov, in the preface to Pechorin’s Journal, writes: “The history of the human soul, even the smallest soul, is almost more curious and more useful than the history of a whole people ...”

Genre Features. "Hero of Our Time" is the first Russianpsychological novel.

II. Finding out the initial impressions of students about the novel "A Hero of Our Time".

Here are some ofquestions:

1. Which of the stories you read made the greatest impression on you?

2. Tell us about your attitude towards the main character.

3. What events from the life of Pechorin did we learn from the chapter of "Bel"?

4. On whose behalf is the story being told? What role does this play?

5. Who is Maksim Maksimych? What do you know about him?

6. Is Maxim Maksimych the person who is able to understand Pechorin?

7. What is your impression of the passing officer?

8. Read your favorite description of nature. What words help to feel the presence of a person painting a landscape?

III. Features of the composition of the novel.


1. What is the plot of a work of art?

2. What plot elements do you know?

3. What is called the composition of a work of art? What compositional techniques have you met before while studying the works?

4. What is the peculiarity of the composition of the "Hero of Our Time"? Is it possible to highlight the elements of the plot that you know in it?(A feature of the composition is the absence of a single storyline. The novel consists of five parts or stories, each of which has its own genre, its own plot and its own title. But the main character combines all these parts into a single novel.)

5. Let's try to imagine the difference between chronological and compositional order.

Pechorin goes to his place of service, stops in Taman, then visits Pyatigorsk, where he was exiled to a fortress for a quarrel and a duel with Grushnitsky. In the fortress, the events described in the stories "Bela" and "The Fatalist" take place with him. A few years later, Pechorin meets with Maxim Maksimych.

Chronological order of the stories:

1. "Taman".

2. "Princess Mary".

3. "Bela".

4. "Fatalist".

5. "Maxim Maksimych".

Lermontov violates the order of the stories. In the novel they go like this:

1. "Bela".

2. "Maxim Maksimych".

3. "Taman".

4. "Princess Mary".

5. "Fatalist".

The last three stories are the diary of the protagonist,
life story written by him.


1) Why does Lermontov build his novel this way?

2) What does this composition make you think about?

3) In what form are the first two stories written? last three?

Conclusions. “Pechorin is the main character of the novel. The actors are located in contrast. The point is to emphasize: Pechorin is the center of the story, the Hero of his time. The composition of the work (the change of narrators, the violation of the chronology of events, the genre of travel and diary notes, the grouping of characters) helps to reveal the character of Pechorin, to identify the reasons that gave rise to him "*.

IV. Responses to the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”

1. S. Burachek : Pechorin - "monster", "slander on a whole generation."

2. S. Shevyrev : "Pechorin - there is only one ghost thrown at us by the West."

3. V. Belinsky : "Pechorin ... the hero of our time."

4. A. Herzen : "Pechorin -" the younger brother of Onegin ".


1) Which of the critics is more objective in assessing Pechorin?

2) How does Lermontov himself talk about Pechorin in the preface?

Reading the preface.

(“... The Hero of Our Time, my gracious sirs, is like a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development ...”)


1. The stories "Bela", "Maxim Maksimych". (Heroes, content, features of composition and genre, attitude to Pechorin.)

2. Make a plan for the story "Bela", name the parts.

Synopsis of a literature lesson in grade 9. The date of the_____________________

Subject: "STRANGER MAN" PECHORIN (ANALYSIS OF THE CONTENT OF THE CHAPTERS "BEL" AND "MAKSIM MAKSIMYCH") The purpose of the lesson: - arouse interest in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov.Tasks: to interest students in the content of the stories "Bela", "Maxim Maksimych"; find out the features of the plot, composition, genre; by analyzing episodes, to deepen ideas about the character of the protagonist, try to explain some of Pechorin's "oddities", talk about his actions and actions (try to understand them), about relationships with other characters.Lesson type commented lesson.Equipment: presentation, textbook, notebooks, cards.

During the classes

I. Homework survey.

1. What is the peculiarity of the construction of Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time"?

2. What does such a composition make you think about?

II. Bela's story. (Heroes, content, features of the genre and composition, attitude towards Pechorin of the heroes of the story.)

1. Conversation on:

1) Into how many parts can the content of the story be divided? What headings to come up with?

2) On whose behalf is the story being told? In what form is it written?(The story is told on behalf of the author and Maxim Maksimych. Genre - travel notes: "... I am not writing a story, but travel notes.")

3) What interesting things can you tell about the author and Maksim Maksimych?

The author is a “new” person in the Caucasus, yearning for his native places. He is curious, has a desire to “pull out” some exciting story from Maxim Maksimych. The author is educated, observant, admires the wonderful nature of the Caucasus.

Staff Captain Maksim Maksimych is a “experienced” person in the Caucasus, accustomed to a harsh life. Army service taught him responsibility and discipline, but did not harden him. Maxim Maksimych is disinterested and kind. Knowing well the life of the highlanders, he knows how to understand their actions, appreciate their strength and courage. His speech, although not always correct, is always sincere. Belinsky notes that Maxim Maksimych speaks "in a simple, rough language, but always picturesque, always touching and amazing ...". Acquaintance with Pechorin and joint service is an exceptional event in the monotonous life of a staff captain.

2. Retelling-analysisepisodes "The Abduction of Bela" and "The Death of Bela". Can be usedquestions:

1) Mentally reproduce the psychological state of Pechorin.

2) How do these episodes characterize the main character?

3) Why do you condemn Pechorin?

4) What traits of his character deserve approval? Why?

5) Is Pechorin's love for Bela a real feeling or is it just a hobby - a whim?

6) In what does Maxim Maksimych see Pechorin's strangeness?

Pechorin attracts the attention of others and arouses the interest of the author. But the attitude of the author to the hero is contradictory. Oddities are striking both in appearance and in the character of Pechorin. Courage, energy, courage, noble impulses are combined in it with lethargy and indifference.

The story with Bela shows that Pechorin has a strong will, he knows how to achieve his goal. This makes him sympathetic. But at the same time, the author condemns him for petty and selfish actions, the habit of considering only his own desires.

Pechorin's inconsistency is revealed in the subsequent chapters of the novel in its entirety, revealing the "disease" of the generation of that time.

3. Retelling-analysisthe story "Maxim Maksimych" or reading by roles. Can be usedquestions:

1) What is your impression of what you read?

2) What are the features of the portrait of Pechorin? How does it differ from the portrait given by Maxim Maksimych in the story "Bela"?

3) What is the role of the narrator in the story?

4) How is Lermontov's ideological concept manifested?

5) Analyze the episode of Pechorin's meeting with the staff captain. Can Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych be called friends?

6) How do you explain Pechorin's coldness? Why didn't he stay to dine with the staff captain?

7) What character traits of Pechorin were revealed in the last meeting with Maxim Maksimych?

8) Which character do you sympathize with?

9) What, in your opinion, should be their meeting?

10) What is the place and significance of the story "Maxim Maksimych" in the novel?

(The compositional role of the story "Maxim Maksimych" is great. It is, as it were, a link between "Bela" and "Pechorin's Journal". It explains how the journal got to the author, a visiting officer.

The plot of the story is also simple. But the meeting between Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych is sad. The coldness, indifference and selfishness of the protagonist have increased. Travel is the last attempt to somehow fill your life with something useful, new experiences.)

The most important means of characterizing Pechorin in this story is a psychological portrait (features of appearance, reflection of complex emotional experiences in it, psychologism of the portrait).


1. The story "Taman". Reading, storytelling. What is the meaning of Pechorin's collision with smugglers?

2. Analysis of the episodes "Scene in the Boat" and "Yanko's Farewell to the Blind Boy". What did you learn about the main character?

3. Observations on the composition of "Taman", the description of nature, the speech of the characters.

Synopsis of a literature lesson in grade 9. The date of the_____________________

The purpose of the lesson: - arouse interest in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov.Tasks: to interest students in the romantic plot of the story "Taman"; pay attention to the unusual composition of the story and its role in revealing the character of the protagonist; by analyzing the episodes, the actions of the characters, to deepen the idea of ​​​​Pechorin as a brave, active and determined person, but without a purpose and meaning in life; highlight the features of the writer's artistic skill in the story "Taman".Lesson type commented lesson.Equipment: presentation, textbook, notebooks, cards.

During the classes

I. Reading the preface to Pechorin's Journal.

Question:How does the preface reveal the author's attitude towards his character?(“Taman” is the first story from Pechorin’s Journal. Lermontov emphasizes the sincerity of the protagonist, who “mercilessly exposed his own weaknesses and vices.” The journal clarifies much that is incomprehensible in the character and behavior of the hero.)

II. A brief retelling of the plot of "Taman". (The plot of the story is determined by the character of the hero, his great desire to find "the key to this riddle".)


1. What is interesting in the story?

2. How is it built?

3. What is the meaning of Pechorin's collision with smugglers?

4. What seemed strange and mysterious to Pechorin in the behavior and character of the owners?

III. Episode analysis (by groups):

1stgroup. "The Boat Scene" (What explains the behavior of the girl in the boat? What character traits of Pechorin appeared in this scene?)

2ndgroup. "Yanko's Farewell to the Blind Boy". (What does the author highlight in Yanko's appearance? What character traits does the author poetize? How does the grief of the blind man convey? Why did Pechorin, who saw Yanko's farewell to the blind, "become sad"?)

A beautiful “undine” is a strong and selfless nature, capable of taking risks. The proof is her struggle in the boat.

Lermontov emphasizes Yanko's dexterity and courage, his love for will and freedom, and at the same time speaks of his indifference and callousness towards the blind boy.

IV. Talk about the main character.


1. What made Pechorin "intervene" in events, become a participant in them?

2. How is his character revealed in the adventure in Taman?

3. Is the hero happy?

4. What does he blame himself for?

5. Why calls the "circle honest"́ x smugglers" "peaceful"?

Pechorin is an active, active person, fearless and persistent. But his actions, mind, observation, energy bring only misfortune. When the secret of the smugglers was revealed, "the aimlessness of Pechorin's decisive actions was exposed"(N. I. Gromov) . “There is no goal in his life, his actions are random, his activity is fruitless, and Pechorin is unhappy”(Z. Ya. Rez) .

V. Mastery of Lermontov.

Z. Ya. Rez highlights in the story "Taman":

1. The skill of building a story (the intensity of the development of the action, the conditionality of its character of the hero, the clarity and harmony of the composition, the absence of minor details, the saturation of the action).

2. Variety of ways to create character images.

3. The nature and role of the landscape in "Taman".

4. Conciseness, clarity and simplicity of style in descriptions.

5. Bright individualization of the character's speech.


Reading the story "Princess Mary". Pechorin's attitude to the noble circle.

Synopsis of a literature lesson in grade 9. The date of the_____________________

Subject: "PECHORIN'S LIFE HISTORY, WRITTEN BY HIMSELF" ("PRINCESS MARY"). The purpose of the lesson: - arouse interest in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov.Tasks: to consider Pechorin's conflict with the noble environment surrounding him, to show the inevitability of this collision; give students the opportunity to express their views on the personality of Pechorin, his friends and enemies; analyze the episode "Pechorin's duel with Grushnitsky", find out how the characters of the characters are revealed in this episode; consider illustrations, drawings by artists M. Vrubel, V. Serov, D. Shmarinov and others for the story "Princess Mary", try to explain what attitude the artists expressed towards Pechorin.

Visual aids: illustrations and drawings by M. Vrubel, V. Serov, D. Shmarinov and others for the story "Princess Mary".Lesson type commented lesson.Equipment: presentation, textbook, notebooks, cards.

During the classes

Epigraph to the lesson:

Why do they all hate me? My bile was agitated. I started jokingly - and ended with sincere anger ...

M. Lermontov. Hero of our time.

(The words of the protagonist of the work - Pechorin)

I. The image of the noble society in the story "Princess Mary".

Pyatigorsk. The noble "water society" is the social environment to which Pechorin belongs.

Conversation on:

1. Tell us about Lermontov's attitude to the noble society.

2. How is this society shown in the novel? (List those heroes of the work who sympathize with Pechorin, who hate him, who "just endure".)

3. How is the life of representatives of the "water society"? What are their occupations, interests?

4. What is Pechorin in this environment?

5. How do Pechorin's requests and ideals differ from the ideals of the "water society"?

Lermontov satirically portrays the society of the nobility. The arriving Moscow nobility, the steppe landowners, the local elite, visiting officers - a diverse "water society" of Pyatigorsk. Numerous novels and hobbies, gossip, maps, walks, balls - this is what interests the secular society of Pyatigorsk.

Against the "background" of these gentlemen, the smart and decisive Pechorin stands out brighter. He despises both the Moscow nobility and the Pyatigorsk noble society. The conflict between Pechorin and society is inevitable.

Lermontov convinces that such a hypocritical and empty society is not capable of nominating real heroes from its midst. In Pechorin, on the other hand, the intense work of thought is constantly going on, he is persistent, he analyzes his actions, likes and dislikes, and strives to "get to the bottom of it."

II. Pechorin and Grushnitsky. Analysis of the episode "Pechorin's Duel
with Grushnitsky.

Conversation on:

1. Tell us about Grushnitsky.

2. Why does Pechorin despises him?

3. What apt characteristics do Pechorin and the author give him?(Grushnitsky is a “poseur.” “His goal is to become the hero of a novel.” “To produce an effect is his pleasure.” “He does not know people and their weak strings, because he has been busy with himself all his life.” “There are many good qualities in their soul but not a penny of poetry.")

4. Reading the duel scene (or retelling close to the text).

5. What caused the quarrel?

6. Did Pechorin want a duel and the death of Grushnitsky? (Give quotes that help to understand the state of mind of the protagonist.)

7. Could he have done otherwise?

8. The night before the duel. What sides of Pechorin's soul are revealed to readers? What explains Grushnitsky's hatred for Pechorin?

9. How are the characters of Pechorin and Grushnitsky revealed in the duel scene?

10. Does this duel look like a duel between Onegin and Lensky?

According to Belinsky, Grushnitsky is a model of "ideal phrase-mongers" encountered "at every turn." Contrasting with Pechorin in everything, in his leading features he personifies the disappointment, false romanticism that was fashionable in the 30s of the 19th century.

The portrait of Grushnitsky is not given statically, but is constantly changing depending on the state of mind of the hero. Close-minded, envious and vain, all "woven" of falsehood, Grushnitsky prefers a false pose to natural movements. For him, the main thing is to produce an effect, to seem tragic and mysterious.

People like Grushnitsky, according to Pechorin, in old age "become either peaceful landowners or drunkards, sometimes both."

But Grushnitsky did not live to old age. He became entangled in lies and intrigues and was killed in a duel with Pechorin. In the last moments in Grushnitsky "a struggle took place", manifested in depression and embarrassment, in the recognition of his wrong. He passed away with the words: "I despise myself."

Pechorin left the enemy "the possibility of a peaceful outcome." He fired when Grushnitsky shouted out: "There is no place for us on earth together." But is Pechorin happy with this outcome? There is no joy and triumph of the winner. Pechorin's state of mind is difficult. He has "a stone in his heart." But at the same time, there are hidden forces in Pechorin, the ability to endure the condemnation of people and remain oneself.

III. Working with illustrations.


1. How did the artists portray the heroes of Lermontov's novel?

2. What is the mood of Pechorin and the seconds conveyed in the drawings?


Reading the chapter "The Fatalist", reports ormessagesabout Pechorin's attitude to Mary, Vera.

Synopsis of a literature lesson in grade 9. The date of the_____________________


The purpose of the lesson: - arouse interest in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov.Tasks: determine the main idea of ​​the story "The Fatalist"; deepen students' ideas about the character, behavior and actions of the protagonist; help to comprehend the plot-compositional role of the story "The Fatalist".

Lesson type commented lesson.Equipment: presentation, textbook, notebooks, cards.

During the classes

I. Implementation of homework.

Student presentations (ormessages) about Pechorin's attitude towards women.

1. Pechorin and Princess Mary.


1) Why did Pechorin need to start an intrigue with Mary?

2) What actions and actions of him cause the contempt of Princess Mary?

3) Why did Mary fall in love with Pechorin?

2. Analysis of the episode "Pechorin's Farewell to Mary".

Question:What did you learn about the characters from this scene?

3. Pechorin's attitude to Vera.


1) Is Pechorin capable of feeling - love?

2) Could the heroes - Vera and Pechorin - stay together and be happy?

Love for Pechorin, neither Mary nor Vera, except for suffering, gave nothing. Pechorin, even those whom he sincerely loved and respected, could not make happy (“... loved for himself, for his own pleasure”, “did not sacrifice anything for those whom he loved”). In love, Pechorin is an egoist.

But the heroines (both Vera and Mary) singled out among many ... Pechorin. This "makes you see the unusualness of the hero, the spiritual beauty hidden in him, strengthen the charm of the hero."

II. The story of the fatalist.

The story "The Fatalist" completes Pechorin's diary and the whole novel as a whole.

Pechorin is in an officer environment that is well known to him. Events take place on the Caucasian line.

Questionsfor students:

1. Briefly retell the content of the story.

2. Why does the chapter "The Fatalist" end the novel? What is fatalism?

3. Does fate exist or not? How is it explained that Pechorin believed in predestination for a while?

4. What thoughts does the contemplation of the night sky lead the main character to?

5. What conclusion can be drawn after the death of Vulich? Is there a predestination or not?

5. What final conclusion does the author bring us to when talking about the episode of the capture of a drunken Cossack?

Conclusion. The author wanted to say with his story that there are many accidents and circumstances in people's lives, but in spite of everything, one must act, fight, show one's will and determination.

“As for me, I always go forward more boldly when I don’t know what awaits me,” says Pechorin.

III. Composition of the story "The Fatalist".

If there is time, you can draw up a composition scheme.

A. A. Murashova offers suchscheme* :

1. Episode with Vulich (there is a fate).

2. Reflections of the hero while contemplating the starry sky (doubts about the existence of predestination).

3. The death of Vulich (rock exists).

4. The capture of a drunken Cossack (Pechorin defies fate and wins thanks to accurate calculation, dexterity, strength).

Conclusion.In any case, you need to act.


The image of Pechorin. Make a plan for the image, pick up quotes.

Synopsis of a literature lesson in grade 9. The date of the_____________________


The purpose of the lesson: - arouse interest in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov. Tasks:

Lesson type commented lesson.Equipment: presentation, textbook, notebooks, cards.

During the classes

Epigraph to the lesson:

Sadly I look at our generation.

M. Yu. Lermontov

I. Conversation with students about the hero of Lermontov's novel, drawing up a plan for the image of Pechorin.

Exemplary plan to the image of Pechorin :

I. Pechorin is the central image of the novel A Hero of Our Time. The variety of means of its characteristics.

II. The tragedy of the fate and life of Pechorin.

1. The story of the hero.

2. The discrepancy between Pechorin's life and his internal capabilities and needs:

1) originality in the wealth of interests, the complexity of the spiritual world, the critical mindset;

2) the thirst for action and the constant search for the use of their forces as a distinctive feature of Pechorin;

3) its inconsistency and discord with itself;

4) the growth of egoism, individualism and indifference in the character of the hero.

3. Pechorin - one of the representatives of the advanced noble intelligentsia of the 30s:

1) his proximity to the best people of the 30s and Lermontov;

2) features that make Pechorin related to the heroes of the Duma.

III. Causes of Pechorin's death:

1. Socio-political situation in Russia in the 30s.

2. Lack of public inquiries and feelings of homeland.

3. Education and influence of light.

IV. Similarities and differences between Onegin and Pechorin.

V. The meaning of the image of Pechorin in the social and literary struggle of the 30s and 40s.

II. Conclusions.

The leading theme of "A Hero of Our Time" is the image of a socially typical personality of the nobility of the 30s of the 19th century, that is, after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising. The main idea of ​​the novel is the condemnation of this person and the social environment that gave birth to him.

N. G. Chernyshevsky correctly noted that Lermontov “presents his Pechorin as an example of what the best, strongest, noblest people become under the influence of the social situation.”

Nikolaev reality deprived Pechorin of a high goal and thought in life, the hero is bored, he constantly "feels his uselessness." Life confronts Pechorin with a variety of people. He does not wish harm to anyone, but still causes it. The surrounding people for the hero are only a means to satisfy curiosity, disperse boredom or experience new adventures. He is selfish. “In the first place for him,” writes Belinsky, “it is always himself, his desires.”

The character and behavior of Pechorin are extremely contradictory.

But for what purpose did he live? “Ah, it’s true, it existed, and, it’s true, I had a high appointment, because I feel immense strength in my soul,” Pechorin reflects.

Lermontov also writes about the positive qualities of his hero. He notes the deep mind of Pechorin, a huge thirst for life, activity, strong will, courage, perseverance in achieving the goal, and most importantly, the desire for self-knowledge. Not being able to realize himself, he directs all the forces of his soul to self-knowledge, and his energy to petty and unworthy deeds and deeds. “... I was carried away by the baits of empty and ungrateful passions, ... I lost forever the ardor of noble aspirations,” says the hero.

In the 1930s, advanced people understood “noble aspirations” as service to the motherland and people. Therefore, Pechorin criticizes himself that, "despising his contemporaries for the pettiness of their existence, he himself did not serve lofty goals"(N. I. Gromov) .

III. V. G. Belinsky about the novel "A Hero of Our Time".

“A deep sense of reality,” Belinsky wrote, “a true instinct of truth, simplicity, artistic characterization, richness of content, irresistible charm of presentation, poetic language, deep knowledge of the human heart and modern society, breadth and courage of the brush, strength and power of the spirit, luxurious fantasy , an inexhaustible abundance of aesthetic life, originality and originality - these are the qualities of this work, which represents a completely new world of art "(V. G. Belinsky) .

The final lesson in the image of Pechorin can be held in the form of a literary trial of Pechorin.

Who is Pechorin? Let's give the word "investigator". There are "witnesses" in the case: Maxim Maksimych, Grushnitsky, Princess Mary, Vera, Dr. Werner, the author himself - Lermontov.

Constant dialogue between the defendant Pechorin, the judge, the investigator, the lawyer, the prosecutor*.


1. Synopsis of Belinsky's article "A Hero of Our Time".

2. Prepare for the essay, repeat the questions from the textbook at the end of the topic.

Lessons 50–51

Sample Topics:

1. Poem by M. Yu. Lermontov “When the yellowing field is agitated ...” (Perception, interpretation, evaluation.)

2. Poem by M. Yu. Lermontov “No, I don’t love you so passionately ...” (Perception, interpretation, assessment.)

3. The fate of the generation of the 30s in the lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov.

4. What is close to the poetry of M. Yu. Lermontov.

5. The last meeting of Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych. (Analysis of an episode from the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time".)

6. The scene of the capture of the Cossack killer in the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". (Analysis of an episode from the chapter "The Fatalist".)

7. “We became friends ...” (Pechorin and Werner in the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”.)

8. Pechorin and the "water society" in M. Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time".

9. The theme of fate in the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time", Pechorin and Vulich.

10. Grushnitsky and Pechorin. Comparative characteristic.

11. The tragedy of Pechorin.

12. Nature in the image of M. Yu. Lermontov (based on the novel "A Hero of Our Time").

13. "A Hero of Our Time" by M. Yu. Lermontov is an eternal book.

14. Favorite pages in M. Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time".


Individual appearancesstudents in groups:

1stgroup. Gogol's Childhood and Youth Years.

2ndgroup. "In the Nezhin Gymnasium".

3rdgroup."Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" (read 2-3 stories).

4thgroup. Collection "Mirgorod".

5thgroup. Gogol the playwright.

6thgroup. The last years of the writer's life.

Synopsis of a literature lesson in grade 9. The date of the_____________________


The purpose of the lesson: reveal understanding of the topic.

Tasks: help students comprehend the character of the protagonist, understand the drama of an outstanding personality; find out how the hero himself evaluates his life and himself; determine the attitude of Lermontov to his hero.Lesson type - control of knowledge and skills.Equipment: tests.

During the classes

I. Test work.

Exercise 1.

Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov lived:

1. In 1814–1841

2. In 1824–1849

3. In 1812–1837

Task 2.

Determine the motives (themes) of the lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov by groups of poem titles:

1. "Letter", "Cup of Life", "Monologue", "Angel", "K***".

2. "Monologue", "Cemetery", "Confession", "Death", "Earth and Sky".

3. "Death of a Poet", "Dagger", "Poet", "Journalist, Reader and Writer", "Prophet".

4. "Novgorod", "Complaints of the Turk", "Sail", "Desire", "Farewell, unwashed Russia ...", "Dagger".

5. "Motherland", "Borodino", "Farewell, unwashed Russia ...".

6. “And boring and sad ...”, “Cliff”, “In the wild north”, “Prisoner”, “Neighbor”, “Neighbor”, “Captured Knight”.

7. “I am writing to you”, “Kavkaz”.

the theme of the poet and poetry

love lyrics

motif of theomachism

homeland theme

nature theme

philosophical lyrics

freedom-loving lyrics

Task 3.

Determine the size of the versification:

And the proud Demon will not lag behind,

While I live, from me,

And it will illuminate my mind

Beam of heavenly fire.

Show the image of perfection

And suddenly take away forever.

And, giving a premonition of bliss,

Never give me happiness.

1. Yamb.

2. Chorey.

3. Dactyl.

4. Amphibrach.

5. Anapaest.

Task 4.

Specify the number of feet in the verse: “I am sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon ...”

1. 2 feet.

2. 3 feet.

Task 5.

Determine the period of the poet's work, to which the indicated poems and poems of Lermontov belong:

1. "Mtsyri", "Demon", "What's the point of living ...".

2. "Prayer", "In memory of A.I. Odoevsky", "Testament".



Task 6.

Find metaphors and comparisons in the following lines:

1. "In the space of abandoned luminaries ..."

2. “Kazbek is under him, like a facet of a diamond…”



Task 7.

Hyperbole is:

1. One of the tropes, which consists in deliberate improbability, artistic understatement, which emotionally affects the reader.

2. Such an image of inanimate or abstract objects, in which they are endowed with the properties of living beings.

3. One of the tropes: artistic exaggeration that enhances any quality or results of actions and emotionally affects the reader.

Task 8.

Underline the hyperbole used in the text:

I am the one whose gaze destroys hope,

I'm the one no one loves

I am the scourge of my earthly slaves.

I am the king of knowledge and freedom.

I am the enemy of heaven.

I am the evil of nature.

And, you see, I am at your feet!

I brought you in tenderness

Silent love prayer

Earthly first torment

And my first tears.

Task 9.

According to the ideological content of Lermontov's works, determine their titles:

1. The exaltation of a person in his desire for freedom, for unlimited knowledge of the world, the search for "eternal renewal", "eternal rebirth", "the story of the soul" of the main character - a powerful personality with unrealized opportunities.

2. A protest against the suffocating captivity that enslaves a person, the poeticization of struggle as a natural expression of human strength, a call for freedom, an affirmation of love for the motherland.

3. Protection of honor, rights and dignity of a person, a call for freedom, a clash of two opposing forces.

"Song about the merchant Kalashnikov ...".



Task 10.

What ideological and aesthetic trend in literature does the novel "A Hero of Our Time" belong to?

1. Romanticism.

2. Critical realism.

3. Sentimentalism.

4. Enlightenment realism.

5. Classicism.

Task 11.

The theme of the artwork is:

1. Characters and situations taken by the author from reality and transformed in a certain way in the system of this artistic world.

2. The main episodes of the event series of a literary work in their artistic sequence, provided for by the composition of this work.

3. The main generalizing idea of ​​a literary work, the main problem posed in it by the writer.

Task 12.

Define the idea of ​​the novel "A Hero of Our Time":

1. Image of a socially typical personality of the noble circle after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising, analysis of modern society and psychology.

2. Condemnation of the typical personality of the noble circle and the social environment that gave rise to it.

Task 13.

About whom it is said: “He sees no law for himself in anything but himself”?

1. About Pechorin.

2. Onegin.

3. Dr. Werner.

4. Grushnitsky.

Task 14.

What is the tragedy of Pechorin?

1. In conflict with others.

2. In dissatisfaction with the surrounding reality and in his characteristic individualism and skepticism. In his clear understanding of his inconsistency, the abyss "between the depth of nature and the pitifulness of actions" (V. G. Belinsky).

3. In indifference to everything that surrounds him: people, events.

4. In selfishness.

Task 15.

Determine who owns the following characteristics:

1. Direct, wholesome, honest, kind, generous, sane, "an honest soul and a heart of gold", courageous and modest to self-abasement, humble, loyal subject.

2. “The standard of ideal phrase-mongers” who are not capable of “neither real good nor real evil”, narrow-minded, impersonal, boastfully conceited, envious, false, with unreasonable conceit.

3. A raznochinets of progressive views, a materialist by conviction, a critical and satirical mind. A high noble soul, a man of great culture, a skeptic and a pessimist, honest and direct, humane.

4. Direct, spontaneously passionate, sacrificially loving.

5. Smart, well-read, noble, morally pure.


princess Mary.

Maksim Maksimych.

Dr Werner.


Task 16.

Which of the characters in the novel is the story about?

“He was a nice fellow, I dare to assure you, only a little strange. After all, for example, in the rain, in the cold all day on the hunt, everyone will freeze, get tired - but nothing to him. And another time he sits in his room, the wind smells, he assures me that he has caught a cold, the shutter will knock, he will shudder and turn pale, and in my presence he went to the boar one on one.Bsometimes, for whole hours you won’t get a word, but sometimes, as soon as you start talking, you’ll tear your tummies from laughter ... Yes, sir, he was very strange ... "

1. Grushnitsky.

2. Pechorin.

3. Maksim Maksimych.

4. Dr. Werner.

Task 17.

In order to emphasize the ideological essence of the novel, increase its tension, enhance the impression of the strangeness, inconsistency and tragedy of the character of the hero and show more clearly the ruined possibilities of his rare nature, the chronology of the events of the novel is broken. Restore the chronological sequence of events in A Hero of Our Time.

1. "Bela".

2. "Maxim Maksimych".

3. Preface to Pechorin's journal.

4. "Taman".

5. End of Pechorin's journal.

6. "Princess Mary".

7. "Fatalist".

Task 18.

Determine whose portrait it is.

“...He was a wonderful person for many reasons. He was a skeptic and a materialist ... and at the same time a poet, and in earnest - a poet in deed, always and often in words, although he did not write two poems in his life. He studied all the living strings of the human heart... He was short and thin and weak like a child... His small black eyes, always restless, tried to penetrate your thoughts. His clothes were tasteful and neat, his lean little hands showed off in pale yellow gloves. His coat, tie and waistcoat were always black."

1. Grushnitsky.

2. Pechorin.

3. Werner.

4. Maksim Maksimych.

Task 19.

The psychological nature of the landscape in the novel anticipates the state of the characters, events, and their outcome. What event is preceded by this landscape?

“... All around, lost in the golden mist of the morning, the tops of the mountains crowded like an innumerable herd, and Elbrus in the south rose in a white bulk, closing the chain of icy peaks, between which fibrous clouds that had come from the east were already wandering. I went to the edge of the platform and looked down, my head almost spinning: it seemed dark and cold down there, as in a coffin; mossy teeth of rocks, thrown down by thunder and time, were waiting for their prey.

1. Duel Pechorin and Grushnitsky.

2. Abduction of Karagez.

3. The death of Bela.

4. Shot Vulich.

Task 20.

According to the characteristic features, determine to which genre the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" belongs:

1. In Russian medieval literature, this was the name of any work that tells about an event.

2. A short dynamic story with a sharp plot and an unexpected ending.

3. The genre of the epic, in which the main problem is the problem of personality and which seeks to depict with the greatest completeness all the diverse connections of a person with the reality around him, the entire complexity of the world and man.

Task 21.

Pechorin's name was:

1. Maxim Maksimych.

2. Grigory Alexandrovich.

3. Sergei Alexandrovich.

4. Alexander Grigorievich.

III. Summary of the lesson.

G. M. Fridlender writes: “Pechorin is both an actor and director of his life drama; getting into new circumstances, he each time puts on a new play, in which the hero himself plays the main role. Each short story is another such "play" staged and acted out by the hero himself.

Which of the “plays” staged and played by Pechorin did he succeed the most? In which of the roles does he show his true face?


1) repeat Gogol's biography from the textbook;

2) individual task: the message "Interesting about Gogol."

M.Yu.Lermontov. Lyrics.

1. M.Yu. Lermontov lived:
1. 1814 – 1841 2. 1824 – 1849 3. 1812 – 1837

2. Determine the motives (themes) of Lermontov's lyrics by groups of poem titles:
1. "Letter", "Cup of Life", "Monologue", "Angel", "K***".
2. "Monologue", "Cemetery", "Confession", "Death", "Earth and Sky".
3. "Death of a Poet", "Dagger", "Poet", "Journalist, Reader and Writer", "Prophet".
4. "Novgorod", "Complaints of the Turk", "Sail", "Desire", "Farewell, unwashed Russia ...", "Dagger".
5. "Motherland", "Borodino", "Farewell, unwashed Russia ...".
6. “Both boring and sad ...”, “Cliff”, “In the wild north ...”, “Prisoner”, “Neighbor”, “Neighbor”, “Captured Knight”.
7. “I am writing to you ...”, “Kavkaz”.

3. Determine the size of the versification:
"And the proud Demon will not lag behind,
While I live, from me,
And it will illuminate my mind
A ray of wonderful fire.
Show the image of perfection
And suddenly take away forever.
And, giving a premonition of bliss,
Never give me happiness."
1. iambic 2. trochee 3. dactyl 4. amphibrach 5. anapaest.

4. Specify the number of feet in the verse:
“I am sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon…”
1. 2 feet 2. 3 feet

5. Determine the period of the poet's work, to which the indicated poems and poems of Lermontov belong:
1. "Mtsyri", "Demon", "What's the point of living"
2. "Prayer", "In memory of A.I. Odoevsky", "Testament".
1. romantic
2. realistic

6. Find metaphors and comparisons in the given lines:
1. "In the space of abandoned luminaries."
2. “Kazbek is under him, like a facet of a diamond”
1. metaphor 2. comparison

7. Hyperbole is:
1. One of the tropes, which consists in a deliberate implausible artistic understatement that emotionally affects the reader.
2. The image of inanimate or abstract objects, in which they are endowed with the properties of living beings.
3. One of the tropes, an artistic exaggeration that enhances any qualities or results of actions and emotionally affects the reader.

8. Indicate hyperbolas in the text:
“I am the one whose gaze destroys hope,
I'm the one no one loves
I am the scourge of my earthly slaves.
I am the king of knowledge and freedom.
I am the enemy of heaven. I am the evil of nature.
And, you see, I am at your feet!
I brought you in tenderness
Silent love prayer
Earthly first torment
And my first tears.

M.Yu.Lermontov. Lyrics. Key.
1. 1
2. 1 - love line, 2 - the motive of theomachism, 3 - the theme of the poet and poetry, 4 - freedom-loving line, 5 - the theme of the motherland, 6 - philosophical line, 7 - the theme of nature.
3. 1
4. 2
5. 1 - romantic, 2 - realistic.
6. 1 - metaphor, 2 - comparison.
7. 3
8. no

Synopsis of a literature lesson in grade 9. The date of the_____________________


The purpose of the lesson: reveal understanding of the topic.

Tasks: help students comprehend the character of the protagonist, understand the drama of an outstanding personality; find out how the hero himself evaluates his life and himself; determine the attitude of Lermontov to his hero.Lesson type - control of knowledge and skills.Equipment: tests.

M.Yu. Lermontov Roman Hero of Our Time.

1. What ideological and aesthetic trend in literature does M.Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time” belong to?
1. romanticism 2. critical realism
3. sentimentalism 4. enlightenment realism 5. classicism

2. The theme of a work of art is:
1. Characters and situations taken by the author from reality and in a certain way transformed in the system of this artistic world.
2. The main episodes of the event series of a literary work in their artistic sequence, provided for by the composition of this work.
3. The main generalizing idea of ​​a literary work, the main problem posed in it by the writer.

3. Define the idea of ​​the novel "a hero of our time":
1. Image of a socially typical personality of the noble circle after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising, analysis of modern society and psychology.
2. Condemnation of the typical personality of the noble circle and the social environment that gave rise to it.

4. About whom it is said: "He sees no law for himself in anything, except himself."
1. Pechorin 2. Onegin 3. Dr. Werner 4. Grushnitsky

5. What is the tragedy of Pechorin?
1. In conflict with others.
2. In dissatisfaction with the surrounding reality and inherent individualism and skepticism. In his clear understanding of his inconsistency “between the depth of nature and the pitifulness of actions” (V.G. Belinsky).
3. In indifference to everything that surrounds him: people, events.
4. In selfishness.
6. Determine who owns the given characteristics:
1. Direct, wholesome, honest, kind, generous, sane, "an honest soul and a heart of gold", courageous and modest to self-abasement, humble, loyal subject.
2. “The standard of ideal phrasemongers” who are not capable of “neither real good nor real evil”; narrow-minded, impersonal, boastfully selfish, envious, false, with unusual self-conceit.
3. A raznochinets of progressive views, a materialist by conviction, a critical and satirical mind. A high noble soul, a man of great culture, a skeptic and a pessimist, honest and direct, humane.
4. Direct, spontaneously passionate, strange, sacrificial loving nature.
5. Smart, well-read, noble, morally pure.
1. Grushnitsky 2. Princess Mary 3. Maxim Maksimych 4. Dr. Werner 5. Bela

7. Which of the heroes of the novel is the story about:
“He was a nice fellow, I dare to assure you, only a little strange. After all, for example, in the rain, in the cold all day on the hunt, everyone will freeze, get tired - but nothing to him. And another time he sits in his room, the wind smells, he assures that he has caught a cold, the shutter will knock, he will shudder and turn pale, and in my presence he went to the wild boar one on one, it happened that you couldn’t get a word for whole hours, but sometimes he starts to tell , so you will tear your tummies from laughter ... Yes, sir, he was strange with big ones ... "
1. Grushnitsky 2. Pechor 3. Maxim Maksimych 4. Dr. Werner

8. In order to emphasize the ideological essence of the novel, increase its tension, strengthen the impression of the strangeness, inconsistency and tragedy of the character of the hero and show more clearly the ruined possibilities of his rare nature, the chronology of the events of the novel is broken. Restore the chronological sequence of events in the novel "A Hero of Our Time".
1. "Bela" 2. "Maxim Maksimych" 3. preface to Pechorin's journal
4. "Taman" 5. end of Pechorin's magazine 6. "Princess Mary" 7. "Fatalist"

9. Determine the ownership of the hero's portrait:
“... He was a wonderful person for many reasons. He was a skeptic and a materialist ... and at the same time a poet, and in earnest - a poet in deed always and often in words, although he did not write two poems in his life. He studied all the living strings of the human heart… He was small, and thin, and weak as a child… His small black eyes, always restless, tried to penetrate your thoughts. There was taste and neatness in his clothes, his thin little hands showed off in light yellow gloves. His coat, tie and waistcoat were always black."
1 Grushnitsky 2. Pechorin 3. Werner 4. Maxim Maksimych

10. The psychological nature of the landscape of the novel anticipates the state of the characters, events, their outcome. What event is preceded by this landscape?
“... All around, lost in the golden mist of the morning, the tops of the mountains crowded like an innumerable herd, and Elbrus in the south stood up as a white mass, closing the chain of icy peaks, between which fibrous clouds that had come from the east were already wandering. I went to the edge of the platform and looked down, my head almost spinning: it seemed dark and cold down there, as in a coffin; mossy teeth of rocks, thrown down by thunder and time, were waiting for their prey.
1. duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky 2. kidnapping of Karagyoz
3. Bela's death 4. Vulich's shot

11. According to the characteristic features, determine which genre the work of M.Yu. Lermontov “the hero of our time” belongs to:
1. In Russian medieval literature, this was the name of any work that tells about an event.
2. A short dynamic story with a sharp plot and an unexpected ending.
3. The genre of the epic, in which the main problem is the problem of personality and which seeks to depict with the greatest completeness all the diverse connections of a person with the reality around him, the entire complexity of the human world.

12. Pechorin was called:
1. Maxim Maksimych 2. Grigory Alexandrovich
3. Sergey Alexandrovich 4. Alexander Grigorievich

M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". Key.

1. 2 2. 3 3. 1 4. 1 5. 2 6. 1 - Maxim Maskimych, 2 - Grushnitsky, 3 - Werner, 4 - Bela, 5 - Princess Mary. 7. 2 8. 4 - "Taman", 6 - "Princess Mary", 7 - "Fatalist", 1 - "Bela", 2 - "Maxim Maksimych", 3, 5 - Pechorin's magazine. 9.3 10.1 11.3 12.2

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