Gym guide for beginners: basic equipment and exercises. Basic rules for exercising in the gym


Hello dear visitors of our sports site. Today's review will answer the most popular question, how to do bodybuilding in the gym? We will cover the training system, recovery and nutrition. This will be a point of view from the master of sports in powerlifting, since the author of the article is a proven person. Some prefer isolation exercises, while others do only the base. Those believe that genetics and poor living conditions are to blame for everything. All, however, only with us.

We hope you understand what we are talking about. Concepts in sports and advice are very subjective. Often recommendations go to extremes. For some, this works incredibly well, while for others it is strictly forbidden to do so.

The irony of this question is that everyone will give you an answer in such a way that their point of view is the standard of all programs. In this article, as a coach and a practicing athlete, I do not pretend to have the coolest point of view. Perhaps my approach to this situation is not correct, because the author of the article is also a person. I do not yet have the title of Master of Sports of International Class. And this means that I have not yet gone all the way in knowledge in this branch of sports.

So, let's see what is bodybuilding and powerlifting? First of all, this is a workout or a small grain in a difficult path. Few beginners will be able to understand what I'm talking about. One could consider what these sports are - competitions, strict regimen, injuries, nutrition, drugs and other components in achieving the goal. Training isn't just about building muscle. This is the right approach in the selection of nutrition, a successful recovery. Everything is known in comparison, so we always try to explain to our readers.

For example, even if you have homemade natural food and sports nutrition, and you don’t rest, then don’t expect the growth you need. What can be the growth of muscle mass if a person works at a construction site or folds furniture as a helper. Why do hundreds of thousands of people visit the gym every day to get the desired muscles, but there is no result? But because the mechanism is not running and there are no necessary parts for work. The mosaic must be fully tiled to get the result:

  • Quality food;
  • Hard and correct training;
  • Recovery.

Remember once and for all that without this relationship there will be no sense.

You may not be happy with your fate, but gears must be present in the mechanism. Otherwise, you will definitely not see the result. Although drink unicorn milk for muscle growth, but if there is no corresponding recovery, then do not expect 45 cm biceps and 150 kg bench press. Bodybuilding and powerlifting is the lifestyle of a serious athlete. The athlete gets up in the morning at exactly the same time. Then he drinks a protein shake and has breakfast to progress, and then proceeds to prepare food, which he carefully arranges in containers. And this is done daily without interruption so that the muscles grow.

Nutrition in bodybuilding - 70% success. Information for reflection. Although many are familiar with this information, few adhere to it. You eat food for weight gain 5-7 times a day. As a result, it takes up most of the time.

Hard training - about 15% success. The right training scheme is a style of exercises chosen for you, where you show technically ideal exercises. No matter how excellent a program you have, there will be no strength and muscle growth without another mosaic.

Recovery and rest - 15%. After pumping the biceps and hard squats, muscle tissue is destroyed. Without recovery, you multiply your success by zero. A bodybuilder needs to get his muscle building bricks. Their list includes:

  • proteins (protein);
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats.

They actively heal the broken fibers that you inflicted on your muscles during your workout. However, without quality food, protein, amino acids, BCAAs, omega-3s, there will be no growth, even if you have a full recovery. These three whales are the success you expect. And yes, by the way, if you do everything right and approach this issue correctly, then, quite, really quickly pump up good muscles.

Never listen to the gurus of the masters, the trainers in the gym, who insist that steroids can build muscle without food and rest. They claim that biceps, legs and other muscle groups grow like mushrooms after rain.

We hope that, as a mini trainer, I was able to convey to you the necessary information about the whole mechanism of muscle growth.

How to start exercising in the gym for a man and a girl

The first step is to choose the right training program for you. Of course, you can compose it yourself, but we think you will not have the necessary knowledge in this area. Often natural athletes train at their convenience and without weight selection. Then they climb on huge weights and get injured. As a result, they fall into a vicious circle. We recommend choosing an effective training plan 3 times a week and swimming strictly according to it. There is no point in changing. Maybe you will read in a magazine that their program is cooler at times, but this is not a reason to change. We began to swim along the course, which means we adhere to the control point. You will understand when it comes, but it will not be soon. After choosing a scheme, you need to stick to it for several years to get the desired result.

Unfortunately, beginners often begin to change programs and do not understand at all what they are doing in the gym. The body is also shocked by such an irresponsible plan of action. Fortunately, on our site there are several really working programs for gaining muscle mass and even drying the body. Here is a list of the articles you need:

  • Training program in the gym for men 3 times a week.
  • Fat burning workout program for girls in the gym.

To start exercising in the gym correctly, you need to start from technology. Start your workouts with the smallest weights. Please remember - never at the beginning of the journey do not climb under the barbell with a huge weight. Almost 90% of novice athletes for the first time climb under such weights that it’s scary to watch. Well, what kind of growth can it be? We do scanty weights.

But when you learn how to work with weights, do the right exercises and control your ambitions, you can already increase the weight. You need to do this, because how will the muscles grow if you squat 70 kg for years? So comrades, things will not work.

Gradually increase the load, and you will learn to progress.

When can I increase working weights? When you feel that you have become stronger and stronger than in other workouts. Thus you will start supercompensation. Be sure to buy yourself a diary for classes. At the beginning of the journey without him it will be difficult. On each piece of paper, write down what you did or didn't do. Without proper control on the notebook, you will not see progress.

What is Supercompensation or muscle growth phase and what is it for?

When you exercise, you destroy muscle tissue. After proper rest and full nutrition, they are restored. And here comes supercompensation. But there is a peculiarity in this growth technique. Supercompensation should only be done when the lifter increases the weight of the bar or moves to a new level.

We offer you to find out how supercompensation occurs with all the details:

  • Muscle breakdown occurs already during training, and lasts about 40 minutes. This is of course if you are an ordinary athlete. There are also chemists who use steroids, they have a slightly different specificity.
  • This is followed by a rest and recovery phase. It is very individual, because it all depends on the genetics of the body, training, sleep patterns. Muscle growth lasts longer than destruction. About six days.
  • The growth phase comes after a proper recovery. Last about 6-12 days.

Now everyone has figured out what supercompensation is and how much muscle begins to grow. That is why it is not necessary to do every workout hard. You must give your body a rest even during training. You must rest mentally, psychologically and physically from heavy weights. For natural athletes, one week of hard training and two easy. Only in this case you will get the long-awaited growth. Let's summarize the above material.

We chose a program and follow it for at least a year. We divide our actions into several stages:

  • Stage 1. We prepare the body. We learn to listen to ourselves, to perform the exercises correctly, especially the basic ones. We are not in a hurry to add pancakes to the barbell.
  • Stage 2. We begin to increase the muscles. We buy a training diary and write down each approach, repetition and weight there. Gradually increase the weight, but then when you become stronger. You can only do this during hard work. Do not add weight to the bar during easy days.

How to eat right?

By now you already know that foods play an important role in muscle growth. If your goal is to gain weight, then you should eat 500 more calories. For example, if your weight is 70 kilograms, then multiply them by 30 and you get 2100 calories per day. This figure will help you keep your body in the same position. Your goal is to gain muscle mass, which means eating 500 calories more.

Now you will definitely build up a lot of meat and weight. Be the healthiest in the area. If there is no growth, then you simply do not get enough in food. To do this, you have to eat a lot. At least six times a day. Eating something horrible to fill your stomach and feel full is not right.

Nutrition for weight gain should be in the following range:

  • proteins from 20 to 35%;
  • carbohydrates from 50 to 65%;
  • fats from 10 to 20%.

Eat 6 to 10 small meals a day. The interval between meals is no more than 2 hours. Get protein in a ratio of 2 grams per kilogram of weight.

Sample menu for a day for weight gain:

  • rise - 8:00;
  • 10:30 - breakfast;
  • 12:00 - snack;
  • 14:30 - lunch;
  • 16:30 - snack;
  • 18:00 - full training;
  • 19:30 - quick proteins or protein shake;
  • 20:15 - dinner;
  • 21:45 - snack;
  • 23:20 - snack.

If possible, arrange a quiet hour for yourself and sleep for an hour with lunch.

How to rest (recover)?

The paradox for beginners is that muscles begin to grow when the body is resting. Regular training, recovery and eating = success. Building bricks are needed for building a house, which is a mirror image in terms of muscle building. Recovery is influenced by a list of factors:

  • sleep from 8 hours;
  • nutrition (proteins, carbohydrates, fats);
  • food (sports nutrition);
  • bath;
  • swimming;

The harder you train, the more you need to recover. Well, we have come to the end of our article. I hope that you have discovered a lot of new and informative things for yourself.

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Do you want to lose weight or build muscle, but have never played sports in your life? Scary, right? After all, the only simulator that you know is a treadmill? Fitness expert Ivan Krasavin tells in detail where to start if you want to become at least a little more athletic.

Start Small

Hiking is a great start on the road to buying a membership to a fitness club. Try to get out into the forest and walk in the area where you will meet both ups and downs. Walk for 30 minutes and then gradually increase the time. Do not overestimate your abilities and do not immediately start running through the forest - for those who have never encountered sports, this will be a serious burden. By the way, walking is a very effective exercise to improve fat metabolism (fat burning).

Then sign up for a class at the gym.

Regular walking in the fresh air will prepare the body for future workouts. But take your time in the gym: take light power loads so that it does not form in the muscles. Do no more than one or two times a week and at first only on simulators: it is much easier to work on them, as they set the movement. Then you can already work with free weights: choose exercises that are simple in terms of coordination and try to ensure that each muscle works in isolation. Workouts should be circular: work all muscle groups in 45 minutes, performing at least one set of each exercise. If you do not have any medical contraindications, absolutely all simulators will suit you.

If you have never played sports and did not have a large physique, and now you want to have well-developed muscles, we are already talking about muscle hypertrophy. Here it is also necessary not to burden your body with difficult exercises at first in order to learn how to feel the muscles, but to perform circular 45-minute workouts. The process of getting used to the loads will take about 1.5-2 months. Only then can you move on to more strength training. It is very important that in addition to the formation of muscles, tendons and bones begin to strengthen, otherwise injury is inevitable. Tendons develop up to three months. After circuit training, switch to a split type of training (train separately on the top, separately on the bottom). The more experience you gain, the more narrowly (one workout for one muscle group) you will be able to work on your body and train more often (three to five times a week).

Be sure to pass medical testing and coaching with a trainer

Any self-respecting fitness club necessarily offers its clients medical testing services before they start training. The specialist will measure your parameters, pressure and weight. Some fitness centers already have more advanced systems that allow you to find out the amount of water, fat, muscle in the body composition and other subtleties. Of course, it is much better to know everything about your body and body. In addition, the trainer of the gym must conduct a briefing, familiarize you with all the simulators and show you how to use them correctly. This is a very important point on which the success of your subsequent workouts depends.

Cardio training in a stuffy gym is not the surest way to improve the body, let alone lose weight. Fat is oxidized only when a large amount of oxygen enters the body. And in the gym (sometimes very small), where a lot of people work out, there is little oxygen.

Do not forget about proper nutrition

For those who are going to lose weight, at first it will be enough to do strength training and remove flour, simple sugars and various sweet foods from their menu (for example, yogurts, which for some reason they love so much). And then gradually adjust your diet.

For those who are going to build muscle, it is also important to monitor their nutrition: you need to consume a lot of calories, but the right calories, that is, take them from complex carbohydrates. In addition, you need to eat a lot of protein - 2-2.5 grams per kilogram of weight. It no longer makes sense to consume - the protein simply will not be absorbed. So, if a young man weighs 60 kilograms, he needs to consume at least 120 grams of protein. Getting so much substance from ordinary food (cottage cheese, eggs, chicken) can be quite difficult and expensive, so you can resort to protein (whey) shakes that will give the body the right amount of macronutrient and start muscle growth. In addition, novice athletes can drink creatine. It increases its concentration in the body and increases strength indicators, thanks to which a person is able to engage more effectively and work out muscles better. It has been proven: for those who take creatine for the first time, it is better absorbed and shows itself more effectively.

If you are planning to start playing sports not in the gym, but at home, then very soon we will tell you which exercises are best to start with and what equipment you will need for this (for example, dumbbells and a rug will be needed for sure).

Stop putting off your New Year's resolution to finally lose weight! I will help you open the doors to the gym and start your first workout. Today you will find out where a girl should start in the gym. Go!

Today the famous fitness model Jamie Eason will share with you. She knows very well how a girl can start training in the gym.

After I had my baby, I knew it wouldn't be long before I got back to the gym. After 9 months of pregnancy and a few months of sitting at home with my baby, I was ready to take some time for myself. But returning to the gym after a long break was a little scary.

I was out of shape and already getting used to it. That is why, when I entered the gym again, I felt insecure about myself and my abilities. It made me think back to my first time at the gym and how scared I was at that moment.

I believe that this article is also read by those who are just about to go on their first “journey” to the gym. If this is about you, then I want to offer you some tips that will help you overcome your fears and succeed this year.

If you haven't purchased a gym membership yet, now is the time! In this article, I'll answer some common questions as well as give you some training and nutrition tips so you can hit the gym with confidence.

I'm too afraid to go to the gym. What should I do?

If this is your first time going to the gym, then my advice to you is to go there with a friend or acquaintance. Find a friend or someone in your family who wants to start exercising too. Together is better!

It's even better if you have a friend who is crazy about gyms and sports in general and who can show you what to do. A good friend's advice is usually better than any advertisement.

If you haven't found a company, don't despair. After all, you are only doing this for yourself. Find some courage in yourself, take a deep breath and step into the room.

I came to the gym. What's next?

Most gyms offer free trial workouts or even a week-long introductory course. If the hall staff insists and offers certain discounts or classes, take advantage of this and ask questions that concern you. Find out when there are a lot of people in the hall, and when there are few. Ask about cardio machine time limits, personal trainers, pricing, schedules and more.

Maybe you'll get lucky! And while they won't necessarily give you everything you asked for - a discount, a personal trainer - being curious about what the gym has to offer can put you in the best light and maybe they'll offer you a detailed gym tour and free advice. training from a professional trainer.

Okay, I bought a subscription. Where to start?

After you have gone through all the formalities, go straight to the locker room. On your way to the locker room, explore the gym and the machines available. As a rule, it will take some time to understand which simulators are the most popular in the gym and start exercising on them.

After you spend a few weeks in the gym, you will notice which machines and which days of the week are used more and which are less. For example, many people avoid working out on their legs on Mondays - going to work on Monday is already hard in itself - so you can start training on legs.

Once you've changed and left your belongings in the locker room, grab a bottle of water, a towel and a music player and head straight to the cardio machines for a little workout.

Warm up? Why do I need it?

Before you start a full workout, you need to prepare your muscles. It is necessary that the blood circulates in the body, and your thoughts are directed to classes. It is not necessary to spend 20 minutes on a treadmill, 5 minutes will be enough.

As you warm up, look around and plan your workout. If this is your first time in the gym, it's good to do exercises that get the blood pumping into your muscles and help you maintain strength and stamina when doing harder and harder exercises.

“It is necessary that the blood circulates in the body, and your thoughts are directed to classes”.

My "plan of attack" consists only of a treadmill!

I know you feel great on the treadmill, but it's time to do something more serious, right? The circuit training scheme is the safest option, as your heart rate will always remain slightly elevated as you exercise. You will feel like after a great workout, but not tired at all. Trust me, lifting too much weight on the first day is a surefire way to derail your daily workouts. You may feel a certain strength in yourself, but after a few days you will regret it.

For circuit training, you need to perform five or six different consecutive exercises for a certain number of repetitions. "Repetition" means how many times you do a particular exercise. Once you've completed all six reps, you can take some time off. Then do the same five or six exercises again. If you feel like you can do the third round of exercises, do it!

I usually recommend circuit training for both beginners and more advanced athletes who, for one reason or another, took a break from training. Such exercises help to warm up and prepare the muscles for hard work in the coming weeks.

What else should I know before I start exercising?

If you've never exercised, or taken a long break from training, any amount of physical exercise, especially strength training, puts extra stress on your muscles. Don't overexert yourself for the first two weeks. Lift a weight that is heavy enough for you but that you can do about 15 reps with.

If you have never lifted weight before, then I suggest you use machines with lighter weights. When you feel confident, you can move on to heavier weights. Gym safety is very important as it is very easy to get injured. Especially unprepared athletes.

When you feel strong enough, free weights will give you more movement options and open up new training opportunities. You can also learn more about specific exercises by checking out the exercise database.

Obviously, circuit training. Are there any examples?

Here are some examples of workout routines you can take to the gym with you. Don't try to complete all three circuits on the same day. I advise you to do one a day and rest at least three days a week.

Training program for beginner girls in the gym

Program #1

  • Elliptical Trainers: 5 Minute Warm Up

Program #2

  • "Bicycle" lying down: 5 minute warm-up

Repeat 3 times, taking a break for 1 minute

  • Stretching on the legs: 15 times
  • Leg Press: 15 reps
  • Walking lunges: 15 times
  • Seated leg curl: 15 reps
  • Shoulder width leg press: 15 reps
  • Lifting on toes while standing: 15 times

Program #3

  • Treadmill: 5 minute warm up

Repeat 3 times, taking a break for 1 minute

  • Lifting dumbbells: 15 times
  • Reverse curls: 15 reps
  • Push-ups: 15 times
  • Standard crunches: 15 times
  • Reverse grip crunch: 15 times

I want to lose weight, so I probably shouldn't eat before or after a workout, right?

Wrong. Whatever you eat before or after your workout is very important. Your body needs energy to exercise. Therefore, you need to eat foods high in protein in order for your muscles to get enough energy and recover.

Before workout

Eat one of the following before your workout:

  • Oatmeal with almond milk and honey
  • Spinach omelette with toast
  • Greek yogurt with half a banana
  • Cottage cheese with blueberries and almonds
  • Fried eggs, pita bread, small apple

After training

Eat the following after your workout:

  • Chicken with brown rice
  • Protein shake with half a banana
  • London roast, sweet potatoes and vegetables
  • Legumes and quinoa salad

I can not wait anymore! Pity me good luck!

The first step into uncharted territory is always difficult. This year, be brave, cast aside all doubts and take a step! Not all gyms are equally good. So if you suddenly did not like one and you have the opportunity to move to another, go boldly.

The main thing is that you like and enjoy what you are going to do every day. If you don't like the gym, consider other options like fitness classes or outdoor workouts. Never give up if you don't like gyms. Find what you like and life will change for the better!

You can always look at how the fire burns, the water flows and the girl crouches
(c) someone from the audience

Yesterday I went to training after a 1.5 month break. I did a full body (completely all the muscles in 1 workout). I remembered that I should write an article about how.

With pumping your body, things are exactly the same as with pumping a site in search engines. There are a lot of different opinions, approaches, theories, myths. Each jock, like a webmaster, has his own personal experience. And, looking back at him, he can assert something. And he can argue endlessly with other jocks (who have their own experience) about what is right and what is not.

Therefore, I declare that this article is not the ultimate truth. Only my experience is described, taking into account physiological data, some initial parameters.

Why did I decide to jump up

It all started, actually a long time ago. In my student years, living in a hostel, my classmates and I, as it sometimes happens with everyone, suddenly decided to move away from drinking a little and pump up. Moreover, the "rocking chair", consisting of one barbell (well, there were a lot of pancakes), a bench for bench press and a dozen dumbbells, was located on the 1st floor of the hostel. The exercises were shown to us by a friend more experienced in these matters. In general, we went for six months. We made all possible mistakes, ignored the advice of others, we ourselves know! At the same time, there was almost no food, but they did not deny themselves beer. What are the results...

Next was the army. Under the demobilization there was time and I wanted to pull up a little fizuha. A samovar bar made from links of a tank caterpillar, 2 dumbbells, a horizontal bar and bars - that's the whole poor set for a soldier. 3 months of such an unplanned "pump" changes in the body have not been made.

And about 2 years ago I wanted to have a press like I used to at the age of 16, when I was skinny and just started to abuse alcohol with chips. Then the press stood out well.

I downloaded Vasily Ulyanov's "Smart Press Training" course. Worked out a little. I liked the fact that in addition to the press, information was given on the development of muscles in general. I realized that just pumping up the press is not the best idea. You need to pump the body.

Then I downloaded the course "3 weeks of killer home workouts" and began to study, because. going to the rocking chair was pissed off. " And how is it, and what’s there, I’ll come, and there are only pitching, they will laugh at me"- familiar? And now, six months later, for the first time, I saw at least some results from the classes. But then there was a move to another city, work, somehow I abandoned everything, it was forgotten.

Somewhere in another six months, I nevertheless decided to go to the gym. I managed to pass only 2 months, and then, quite suddenly for myself, I bought a ticket to Tai and flew to warmer climes.

There were a lot of mistakes at every stage. The main mistakes, in my opinion, were: unplanned exercises, improper technique, ignoring some basic elements (didn’t do legs and deadlift), the desire to pump one part of the body (arms / chest / abs), nutrition.

And only six months ago I managed to quite effectively walk into the gym. And the results, although not some impressive, but achieved.

Is it possible to pump up at home?

Can! But you will grow many times slower than if you trained in the gym! At home, in any case, you can’t pick up the right weight, it’s hard to progress. Do not be afraid of the hall, no one will laugh no matter how you come there. And you can also stare at the phytonyash completely unrepentantly (sometimes it seems that some of them go after this!), Just put on looser pants:

Is it worth contacting a coach?

If you're a complete beginner, it's worth it. Ask anyone who has started on his own and he will say: "If I had worked with a coach, the results would have been better." It is accessible and will show by example what exercises to do and, most importantly, how to do them correctly! A good trainer will advise you on some kind of set of exercises. Too fat - one program (first, lose weight, you can’t run - a big load on the heart and joints), dry - another program (for weight gain). Engaged in other sports (i.e., muscles in good shape) - you can immediately take heavier weights.

But! Coach coach strife.
During the six months of training in the gym, I saw several guys working out with a trainer. All six months that I was engaged, they also went regularly, every training session with a trainer. It is not known how much they walked before that. I have progress, they have nothing. And everyone pulls small weights, dumbbells of 7 kg each. Damn, sometimes I find it funny.

Some postulates

Captain's notes that you will find everywhere. But they cannot be ignored. I ignored it, thought "Yes, some kind of garbage" - there were no results. Began to follow - appeared.

  • For the first six months, a year and a half, you can do whatever program you want.
    It makes no sense to bother with this, often change, combine. You can just do the so-called base: chest, back, legs. 3 times a week. And you will grow in any case (subject to other postulates, of course).
  • 70% of muscle growth is food and sleep
    Eat. The goal is to gain 2g of protein for every kg of your weight. It is very easy to calculate, there are all sorts of online calculators. You can score on counting calories. Eat fatty food, please. Fat - not deposited in fat. Carbohydrates are stored in fat. If you are overweight, exclude carbohydrates (cereals, sweets, starchy foods, pasta). If not, then I don't care at all. Eat! Protein products: meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, cottage cheese (for the night!).
    Sleep at least 8 hours.
    The dream of a lazy man, fuck.
  • At each workout, you should increase either the number of repetitions or the weight compared to the previous workout.
    Without it, there will be no muscle growth. Pulling the same thing from workout to workout, there will be no progress.
  • Keep a workout diary
    Record how many times you reap (e.g., " chest top 1 - 80kg x 7r.; 2 - 80x5"- the first approach for the upper chest shook the barbell 80kg 8 times, in the 2nd approach - the same weight, but 5 times. Personally, it is unrealistic for me to remember such data for all exercises. If you are able - cool.
  • Beware of overtraining
    1.5-2 hours in the hall - yes, it's easy! Who is engaged in less than an hour - goof. I will walk every day!
    The workout should not last longer than 1 hour. No more than 4 times a week.
  • You need to pump the whole body
    "I want to pump up my chest and bitsuha a little" - the desire of 90% of all beginners. And I, too, once came to the student gym for this purpose. I was told - it's impossible! But I didn't listen.
  • Don't forget your legs!
    The deadlift and squat are the hardest exercises for me. I want to breathe after them. And I avoided them for a very long time. Only the last 4 months did regularly. I think this is what brought results. This is the base! You can't replace her with anything. The right technique makes the difference. Pay special attention to this.
  • Warm up is important
    5-10 minutes to warm up. Without this, injury cannot be avoided.
  • Take a two-week break every 3-4 months.

A little more from the theory of swing

There are 2 types of training: mass/strength and endurance. The only difference is the number of repetitions per exercise.

If we swing for a set of muscle mass (namely, this is the goal for the majority) - 6-8 (even 10) repetitions.

For endurance - 12-15 repetitions. This type of training is suitable for drying and for giving relief to the muscles.

I combined these 2 types of training. Those. one week I was swinging for mass, the second - for endurance. This was done because different types of muscle fibers (white and red) are involved. And their recovery period is just 2 weeks. Therefore, while some are being restored, we are downloading others.

2-3 approaches (sets) of each exercise (excluding 1-3 warm-up approaches). For each muscle - 1 exercise! It makes no sense to jerk off, for example, 5 different exercises for biceps. Enough 2-3 sets of one exercise. All!

Rest between sets: 1.5-2 minutes.

Rest between different exercises: 3-4 minutes.

There are 3 main muscle groups, base: chest, back and legs. They must be done on different days, not combined with each other. In general, you can not swing your arms, abs, shoulders. Because all of them will be involved in one way or another when executing the base:

  • Front deltas and triceps are included when doing the chest
  • Biceps, middle deltas, trapezius, forearms work when we swing our backs
  • The press works everywhere

You can simply “finish off” with 1 set those muscles that turn on. I did exactly that.

Or, conversely, endure these exercises for another day.

My training program

I came to her after some time. I also constantly changed, tried. In the end, he worked out exactly this for himself. This does not mean that she is faithful.

1. Chest + Finishing: Front Delts + Triceps
2. Middle and rear deltas + biceps + abs
3. Back + finishing: trapezoid
4. Legs

I just had to score 4 days, and it’s more convenient to do it that way, it just fit in 50 minutes. It is quite possible to scatter the exercises for 3 days. Legs always swing separately from all other muscle groups.

I will not give a set of exercises. Here for an amateur. Choose your set, just remember - for 1 muscle - 1 exercise. Do not do two, three or more exercises on the upper chest. I often see how many people suffer from this: they sip the barbell on the chest, then they take dumbbells and do the exercise on the same muscles, and then they go to the simulator and there are 5 more approaches. It's not necessary, yeah

Sports nutrition

Most likely you have a persistent stereotype that sports nutrition is bad. I still can't explain to some. They stupidly do not listen, do not hear and do not want to hear. I, they say, only for natural quality! Sportspit is not anabolics and steroids, from which all these troubles come, like insufficiency, kidney failure and other things that scare us from blue screens.

Protein is needed for muscle growth. In English - "protein". This protein is for sale. If you are gaining 2g of protein per kg of weight with regular food, you do not need protein. But personally, I would have to include an additional meal, and these are extra carbohydrates anyway. Protein allows you to get that lack of protein without any hassle.

You can safely put your dick on the rest of the sports nutrition. You don't need it.

Only when drying will most likely be needed: a fat burner and BCAAs (amino acids that give energy and allow you not to “burn” muscles).

List of materials on the topic

Vasily Ulyanov "3 weeks of killer workouts in the gym"- really cool video course, theory + video with exercises.
On this I recommend to stop at the initial stage. Materials on the topic - just a bunch. And the more you dig, the more you go deep, the more you get confused. Let us return again to the fact that the first year can be practiced according to any system. Just take some program into service, following the basics that I gave in the article, and you will grow. But then, when stagnation comes (weights do not grow, there are no results), then dig deeper, change the program, try, experiment.

But if you really want, then below is a list of suitable materials:
Denis Borisov "Bodybuilder's Catechism"- all the basics of bodybuilding in a small book.
Channel on YouTube Denis Borisov
Channel on YouTube YouGiftedBB

Now I want to work out on the book Supertraining by Mike Mentzer. When reading it, a template break may occur and many so-called. the pitching simply will not accept it, they will call it heresy. Therefore, I will not recommend immediately engaging in it - I have not tried it myself. But I highly recommend reading it.

A little bit of linking you know why

books for 2018

Exercising in the gym is good for your figure and health. Not everyone can afford a gym membership, let alone a coach. Of course, classes with a trainer will be more efficient and safer, but it’s not a fact that you will fall under the guidance of an intelligent and qualified person. If you decide to work out in the gym without a trainer, then you should study some of the nuances.

How to work out in the gym without a trainer - find a training program

In order for classes to bring the desired effect, you need to engage in a specific program. Usually, it is the coach. There are sports sites on the Internet where a program can be created for a certain amount, and there are also free ones. In free programs, enter your gender, age, height, current weight and desired weight. The program will automatically calculate how many calories you need to consume and give you an exercise program.

How to work out in the gym without a trainer - the principles of proper nutrition

Without proper nutrition, it is impossible to achieve the desired goal, sports and nutrition are interconnected. Learn the basics of proper nutrition online or buy a book. Eliminate all junk food from the diet, lean on natural foods, eat fractionally, drink enough fluids.

How to work out in the gym without a trainer - a preliminary warm-up

Before a hard workout, be sure to stretch your muscles to prepare them for stress and avoid injury. In the gym, cardio simulators are suitable for this: a bicycle, a treadmill. Next, with the help of rotational and swing movements, prepare the joints for the load.

How to work out in the gym without a trainer - learn the simulators

The simulator must be able to use correctly. Before going to the gym, pre-view the training video, pay attention to the technique and body position while exercising on the simulator. Don't be afraid to ask advice from those who have been in the gym for a long time. They will share their experience and the right advice with you, look at your body position from the outside and tell you how to do it better. Finish your workout on cardio machines so that your muscles are less sore the next day due to an excess of lactic acid in them.

Effective training in the gym in the absence of a coach is real. It is only necessary to prepare well before the trip and carefully study everything. The results will not keep you waiting, surprise your friends with good health and a toned body.

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