Vowels before which a separating hard sign is written. Separating soft sign (b) - Knowledge Hypermarket


The letter Ъ - "solid sign" - is the 28th letter of the Russian alphabet. In modern language, a solid sign does not denote a sound and serves as a kind of guideline for the correct pronunciation of a number of words. Nevertheless, the solid sign is one of the symbols that formed the basis of the Cyrillic alphabet and to this day have come a long and difficult path along with the development of the language.

Words with a solid sign: a bit of history

The solid sign has been known in Cyrillic graphics since ancient times. In the Old Russian language, the letter had a different name - "er" and in some roots it could be pronounced as "o", and was also written at the end of words ending in a consonant, and after a prefix to a consonant before the root starting with a vowel. This practice continued until the beginning of the 20th century. In 1918, during the reform of Russian spelling, the writing of a hard sign at the end of words ending in a consonant was abolished. Today, words with a solid sign in Russian are characterized by a total of more than 140, and the use of this letter is clearly regulated. Let's talk about this in more detail.

The main groups of words with a solid sign and their spelling norms

The modern Russian language uses the symbol "Ъ" as a separator. A solid sign is used after consonants before iotized vowels e, e, u, i, mainly at the junction of morphemes.

Solid sign between prefix and root

1. After prefixes ending in a consonant, before a root starting with a vowel, and in words with native Russian prefixes ( eat, departure, detour, cringe, sarcastic), and in words with borrowed prefixes ( counter-tier, sub-core, trans-European).

2. A separate group consists of borrowed words with a solid sign, starting with combinations of ob-, sub-, ad-, ab-, diz-, inter-, con- and others, which were originally prefixes, but in modern Russian are identified as part root: object, subject, adjutant, abjuration, disjunction, interjection, conjuncture.

Solid sign between parts of compound words

1) before the second root after parts of two-, three-, four- ( two-tier, three-anchor, four-capacity);

2) such words with a separating hard sign are separately distinguished, such as courier And pan-European;

3) if we are talking about the spelling of complex abbreviated words with a similar structure, then a solid sign is not used in them: spetseda, hostess, military lawyer, state language and others.

Solid sign in proper names and their derivatives

There are a number of nouns and their derivatives (names of people and geographical names), where a solid sign is also used: city Kizilyurt, village Torjal, lake Jyväsjärvi, artist Guo Hengyu.

Thus, words with a solid sign in modern Russian are a separate group with their own regularities in spelling. Unlike a soft sign, which can be used several times in the same word, there can be only one hard sign in one word. The above cases of using a hard sign are clear rules that must always be followed. In situations not discussed in this article, under similar conditions, a separating soft sign is used.

DividingKommersantwritten after consonants before lettersI, Yu, Yo, E,conveying combinations [ j ] with vowels, in the following cases.

1. After prefixes ending in a consonant .

For example:

a) in words with Russian prefixes: nuclear-free, awake, enraged, pissed off, hackneyed, interlingual, eat up, go around, departure, lift, pre-anniversary, present, disperse, detachable, eat, cringe, sarcastic, supernatural, super-capacity, super-bright.

Letter b traditionally also written in the word flaw, Although from- is not a prefix in it.

b) in words with prefixes of foreign origin : countertier, post-nuclear, post-anniversary, subunit, subnucleus, superyacht, trans-European .

Words of foreign origin are also written with the initial parts ab-, ad-, dis-, in-, inter-, con-, ob-, sub- , which are prefixes in the source language, but are usually not distinguished as prefixes in Russian. These include: abjuration, adjective, adjectivation, adjunct, adjunctive, adjutant, disjunction, injection, injected, interjection, coadjutor, conjecture, conjugates, conjugation, conjunctiva, conjunctiva, conjunctivitis, conjuncture, conjunction, object, objective, subject, subjective .

2. In compound words:

a) after the initial parts two, three, four , For example: two-anchor, two-capacity, three-core, four-tier ;

b) in words pan-European, courier .

After the initial parts of compound words, the separator b traditionally not written, for example: military lawyer, state language, children, party cell, food fair, spetseda, business unit, foreign language, Inyurkollegiya, Ministry of Justice.

3. The letter ъ is also written when transferring foreign proper names and words derived from them (after letters transposing paired solid consonants), for example: Kizilyurt(city in Dagestan), Torjal(village in the Republic of Mari El), Guo Hengyu(Chinese personal name), Hengyang(city in China) Tazabagyab culture(archaeological), Jyväsjärvi(lake in Finland), Manyoshu(anthology of ancient Japanese poetry).

In this case, the separator b also possible before a letter And , For example: Junichiro(Japanese name).


1) The letter ъ is not written before letters a, o, u, uh, i, s.

For example: interatomic, counterattack, transoceanic, three-story.

2) The letter ъ is not written in the middle of a word (not after a prefix!), for example: dress, deacon. Exceptioncourier.

3) The letter ъ is not written at the junction of parts of a compound word.

For example: detyasli (children's nursery), Inyaz (Institute of Foreign Languages).

4 ) The letter ъ is not written in a noun clerk(there is no prefix in this word) under- !). Separator is written in the middle of the word b , since the prefix stands out here By- and the root dyak (-diach-).

5) In the middle of a word (at the root) rearguard is written with a separator , but not b , because prefixes ar- not in Russian.

6) In a word defect (Turk.) spelled ъ by analogy with the verb to withdraw.

Dividing b written after consonants before letters i, yu, yo, e, and, conveying combinations [ j ] with vowels.

For example:

- ya Keywords: devil, Yudyachy, monkey, billiards, family, drunk, ears of corn, draw, shepherd's, Lukyan;

-yu : loach, interview, pour, family, drink, trot, fifty, sew, puff(interjection);

- yo : nightingale, gun, drinking, crow, serious, life, whose, we sew;

-e : premiere, play, courier, entertainer, jam, lull, Vietnam, Fourier;

-s : passerine, nightingales, fritters, bearish, vary, articles, whose, Vigny.

1) Separating b is written in the middle of the word (not after the prefix!) after a consonant before letters e, yo, yu, i if after a consonant before a vowel sounds [ j ]; for example: vViet [v'jot], loach [v'jun], dyak [d'jak]).

2) Separating b is written in some borrowed words (as a [j] sound signal) after a consonant before a letter O.

For example: bouillon[bul'jon], sir[sin'jor], minion[min'jon].

>>Russian language Grade 2 >>Russian language: Separating soft sign (ь)

Separating soft character (ь)

The role and meaning of the soft sign in Russian

Today in the Russian language lesson we will study a special letter, which is called a soft sign. Such a letter as a soft sign does not have and does not designate any sound, but its role is to indicate the softness of consonant sounds in writing.

For example: bathhouse, stranded, coal, seal, laziness, sorry, horse.

But, besides the fact that the soft sign is an indicator of the softness of consonant sounds, it can also be divisive.

And so, now we can summarize and conclude that such a letter as a soft sign is used in Russian:

To soften the preceding consonant;
As a delimiter;
To denote certain grammatical forms.

We have already determined when it is necessary to write a soft sign in words to soften consonants. And now let's try to deal with a separating soft sign and find out why a soft sign is also called a separating sign, in which cases a soft sign is a separating one, and how words with a separating soft sign are written.

In order to better understand this topic and understand the difference between a soft sign, which serves to soften consonant sounds and a separating soft sign, let's try to consider this issue with an example.

For example: Seed and family

Read these words carefully. Now pay attention to how the last syllable in the first word sounds - seed. In this word “seed”, the sound [m "] has a soft sound, since the letter I gives it softness, and the vowel and consonant are pronounced together in this syllable.

Now let's look at the next word. The word "family" is [sem "ya]. In this case, we see that the consonant and the vowel following it are pronounced separately. Such a separate pronunciation between a vowel and a consonant in writing is indicated by a soft sign, which is called a dividing soft sign.

For example: Kolya - stakes, salt - salt, flight - will pour.

Therefore, we can already conclude that the separating soft sign indicates that the consonant and vowel are pronounced separately.

Rules for writing a separating soft sign

Separating b (soft sign) is written:

First, in the middle of a word before vowels: e, e, u, i. For example: blizzard, terrier, monkey, health, underwear, leaves.

Secondly, in words of foreign origin before the letter O. For example: champignons, postman, broth.

Thirdly, a dividing soft sign is written in the roots of words, after consonants. For example: December, barley, sparrows, steppe, night.

Also, it must be remembered that the separating soft sign is never written:

First, at the beginning of the word;
Secondly, after prefixes.

And now let's take a closer look at the picture and try to compare the difference between the soft sign, which serves to soften the consonant and the dividing soft sign:


1. Read carefully the words with a soft sign and first write down only those for which the soft sign acts as an indicator of softness, and then the words with a separating soft sign.

Moth, dress, family, skates, day, chairs, wool, streams, stakes, ice-hole, laziness, despondency, housing, friends, bathhouse, health, jelly, coat, autumn, letter, downpour, computer, corduroy, Daria, happiness, joy, sadness.

2. Choose antonyms for these words and tell me what role the soft sign plays in them?

Purity, boredom, work, harm, light, enemies, sugar.

3. Write the words in the plural:

Friend, leaf, wing, bough, log, tree.

4. When writing a separating sign, what sound do you hear in words?
5. Solve the crossword.

Crossword questions:

1. What is another name for a snowstorm?
2. Where do bees live?
3. Dad, mom, I am friendly ....
4. An animal that loves to climb trees.
5. Carlson's favorite treat.

Shooting, entrance, hugs, announcement, detour, immense, disheveled, furious, move in, drive up, cower, unite, ate.


Write down suggestions. Underline the words with a separating hard sign (ъ).

1. From the frost, the leaves on the trees shriveled. 2. Rosehip bushes seem to be on fire. 3. In the summer I traveled all over Crimea with my parents. 4. We put each other in a strong hug. 5. Quiet! Filming is underway. 6. Children from all over Ukraine came to the competition.


Listen to the words. Write words with a soft sign (b) into one

column, with a solid sign (b) - in another.

Sparrows, feathers, detour, drinks, ate, wolf, stakes, drive up, edible, announcement, health, leaves, shooting, friends, furious, edible, bunches, joy, blizzard.


Separate selected words for hyphenation.

There was a fire in a neighboring house at night. A firestorm erupted. enraged flames were pouring out of the windows. came together several fire engines. The first one was at the entrance. The second circled around the house. The third entered the yard. Water fountains are beating. The smoke is corrosive to the eyes. Fire surrenders. The screams of firefighters are heard. They saved people's lives and homes. You can't play with fire!


It's good to wander through the autumn forest!

There's a fly agaric hat blushing. This inedible mushroom. And here are my favorite oils. There is a boletus flaunting. And here are the red foxes. All of these mushrooms are edible. They are loved by both people and animals. Have you ever seen eaten mushroom stalks? This squirrel cooks edible for the winter. It will be cozy for her in a warm hollow in a cold snowstorm.


It is still warm, but a thin web is already twisting in the air. Bird voices are still heard. Les thought about it. This is how a person thinks departure on a long journey. Leaves soon shrink, will fall off. The blizzard will cover the paths. It will be like this all winter. And then the spring wind will announce that it is warm.

44 words. (According to E. Gladchenko)


VOCABULARY AND CREATIVE DICTATIONS 1. Translate Ukrainian words into Russian. 2. Put stress in words. Kropiva, otaman, besida, shine...

No matter how hard they try to convince students that the knowledge they received in their school years will be needed in the future, unfortunately, this is not the case. However, some things that are taught in school will actually come in handy in adult life. For example, the ability to write well. To master it, you need to know the basic grammatical laws of the Russian language. Among them are the rules governing the use of separators ъ and ь signs.

Solid sign: history and its role in the word

The twenty-eighth letter of the Russian alphabet, despite the fact that it does not denote sounds, performs an important function in words. Therefore, before consideringthe rules governing the use of ъ and ь signs are worthlearn a little about its history and role in the word.

A solid sign existed in the Slavic languages ​​almost from the very moment of their formation. At first, it was a short vowel sound, until it became an unpronounceable letter used to divide a word into syllables, as well as replacing spaces.

At the end of the XIX century. it was noted that the frequent use of ъ in texts (4% of the total volume) is inappropriate, especially in telegraphy, cursive writing and typography. In this regard, more than once they tried to limit the use of a solid sign.

After the 1917 revolution, this letter was generally abolished for almost ten years. In those years, the apostrophe was used as a separator in words.However, in 1928 it was excluded from the Russian language (but preserved in Ukrainian and Belarusian), and its dividing function was taken over by a solid sign, which it still performs to this day.

In what cases is put ъ in words

As for the use of a solid sign, there are several rules for putting it before e, u, yo, i:

  • After prefixes that end in a consonant: connector, pre-anniversary.
  • In terms that came from other languages, with the prefixes ab-, ad-, diz-, in-, inter-, con-, ob- and sub-: adjuvant, disjunction.
  • After counter, pan, super, trans and feld: pan-Europeanism, superyacht.
  • In compound words starting with two-, three-, four-: two-core, three-tier, four-language.

There are several exceptions when ъ is not at the junction of the prefix and the root, but inside the word itself. These nouns include: courier and flaw.

When do not put

In addition to the rules governing the use of ъ and ь signs, it is worth remembering the cases when they do not need to be put:

  • A solid sign is not put in words with a prefix ending in a consonant letter, when it is followed by vowels a, o, and, y, e, s: cloudless, secluded.
  • This sign is not put in complex abbreviated terms: foreign language, head of trade.
  • It is also not put in lexemes written with a hyphen: half a diocese, half an apple.

Considering the rules governing the use of ъ and ь signs that perform a separating function in a word, it is worth remembering that the lexemes "interior" and "clerk" are written through a soft sign. Such a spelling is no exception, since in the word "interior" the inter is not a prefix, but part of the root. And in the "clerk" the prefix is ​​\u200b\u200bnot under-, but po-, but -clerk is the root.

What are the functions of a soft sign

As for ь, in ancient times it meant a short vowel [and], but gradually, like ъ, it lost its sound.

At the same time, he retained the ability [and] to give softness to the previous consonant sound.

Unlike a solid word, it can perform 3 functions.

  • Dividing.
  • Informs about the softness of the preceding sound.
  • Used to denote certain grammatical forms.

Rules for the use of a soft sign

Studying the laws of the Russian languageregulating the use of ъ and ь signs, it is worth learning a few rules:

  • A soft sign that performs a dividing function is never placed after a prefix (this is the lot of a hard sign). Parts of words in which the separating b is written are the root, suffix and ending before e, e, u, i: monkey, interior. This rule applies to both Russian vocabulary and borrowed terms from other languages.
  • The separating b is placed in some words before the letter combination he: champignon, medallion, broth and million.

In the case when b informs about the softness of the previous sound, and does not perform a separating function, its setting is determined by the following rules:

  • In the middle of a word, ь indicates the softness of the letter l if it precedes another consonant, except for l: finger, prayer. Also, a soft sign “does not wedge” into letter combinations: lf, nsh, nn, rsh, chk, ch, rch, schn ( drummer, candle).
  • In the middle of a word, this sign is placed between soft and hard consonants: please, very much.
  • In the middle of a word, ь can stand between two soft consonants. Provided that when the form of the word changes, the first remains soft, and the second becomes hard: a request is a request, a letter is a letter.
  • In some cases, this symbol is located at the end of a word after consonants. In doing so, it helps to set the value of the lexeme: linen(plant) - laziness(quality of character), con(place for bets in the game) - horse(animal).

As a marker for individual grammatical forms, this sign is used in such cases:

  • In adjectives arising from the names of the months (except January): February, September.
  • At the end of numerals from 5 to 30, as well as in their middle, if they denote tens from 50 to 80 and hundreds from 500 to 900: six, seventy, eight hundred.
  • In the imperative mood of verbs (except lie down - lie down): take out - take out, throw - throw.
  • In the infinitive (the initial form of the verb): keep, grow.
  • In all cases, the words "eight" and in the instrumental plural. numbers of individual numerals and nouns: six, lashes.

The use of b and b signs after hissing w, h, u, sh

Following these soft sign letters is possible under the following conditions:

  • At the end of most adverbs and particles, except for: really, already, unbearable, married and in the preposition between.
  • In the infinitive: save, bake.
  • In the imperative mood of verbs: smear, soothe.
  • In the endings of the II person singular of the future and present tenses: sell, sell.
  • At the end of the nominative case of nouns f. kind, in the third declension: daughter, power. For comparison in the m. gender - call, broadsword.

In some cases, ь is not used after these letters:

  • In nouns II declension: executioner, fake.
  • In short forms of adjectives: fresh, poignant.
  • In the genitive case of plural nouns: puddle, cloud

A solid sign after w, w, h, u at the end of a word or root is not put, since its “place” is always after the prefix before e, e, y, i.

Use of ь and ъ signs: exercises

Having familiarized yourself with all the cases of setting soft and hard signs, it is worth moving on to the exercises. To avoid confusion, we have collected together most of the above rules governing the use of ь and ъ signs. The table below will serve as a hint for completing tasks.

In this exercise, you need to choose which of the letters should be put in words.

This task concerns the use of a soft sign following the hissing letters. It should open the brackets and, where necessary, put a soft sign.

In the last exercise, you need to write out the proposed words in 2 columns. In the first - those that are used with ь, in the second - those that are without it.

That both hard and soft signs are "silent" letters, they play an important role in the Russian language. You can make many mistakes in your writing if you do not know the laws of grammar that govern the use of ъ and ь signs. You will have to learn more than one rule so as not to confuse which of the signs should be put in a particular situation. However, it is worth it, especially in the case of a soft sign, since often only its presence helps to determine the lexical meaning of a word.

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