The main idea of ​​the picture is the morning of the Apple tree. Description of the painting T


Competition essay by 6th grade student Andrey Bocharov (Voronezh).

Description of the painting by T. N. Yablonskaya “Morning”

In front of me is a painting by T.N. Yablonskaya "Morning". It depicts a girl and her room on an early sunny morning. The first thing that catches your eye is a room filled with bright sunlight. They seem to penetrate through the open balcony and window, illuminating both the girl and everything in the room. The room is large, bright and spacious. It is not crowded with extra furniture.

In the foreground of the painting is a round table covered with a blue and yellow striped fringed tablecloth. On the table is a painted earthenware jug of milk. Bread in a plate and butter next to it. It's probably breakfast. A bright sunbeam falls on the left edge of the table.

In the center of the picture is a slender, fit, tall girl of eleven or twelve years old. She is wearing a white t-shirt and black sports panties. The girl is athletic and flexible. The movement of her raised arms and the outstretched right leg show excellent plasticity. Performing morning exercises, she is serious and focused, beautifully holds her back.

In the picture on the left, behind the girl is a brown wooden bed. She is wearing a warm blanket with a duvet cover, a pillow with a pillowcase and a sheet. They are crumpled. The girl had just woken up and had not yet had time to tidy up the bed.

In the background of the picture, at the balcony door, there is a chair with a back. A red pioneer tie hangs on the back of a chair. The girl is a pioneer. There is a school uniform on the chair. After breakfast, the girl goes to school.

Further, in the background of the painting, a pale yellow wall is visible, a balcony and a window on the right. The opening between the balcony and the window is decorated with a large decorative plate with a painting, above which hangs a decorative planter. A climbing plant grows from the planter, one long branch of which is suspended above the balcony doors, and the second is also hung above the window. Intertwined, the leaves create decorative arches over the balcony and window. From the side of the room, the leaves of the plant are dark green, and lit by the sun's rays have a pale green color. There is a pot of flowers on the window sill. The balcony door consists of two wings that open outward towards the balcony. The upper, non-opening part of the balcony door is glazed. She, like the window, has an oval beautiful shape. This is reminiscent of the windows in old buildings.

Behind the balcony, tall buildings can be seen in a light misty haze. This city. The sounds, smells and rhythms of the morning city fill the room. Green plants on the balcony show that there is no winter. It's most likely spring.

Looking at this picture, I felt some kind of joy, felt the warmth of the sun's rays, filled with the rhythms of the waking city and a good premonition of the day. People say that how you start the day is how you live it. This girl has a great start to the day, which means that her day and her whole life will continue to be beautiful. This girl, after looking at the picture, became like a close friend to me.

Bocharov Andrey, 12 years

  1. Tatyana Yablonskaya is a master of genre painting.
  2. Painting "Morning":
    1. mistress of the room;
    2. foreground (table, bed);
    3. background (walls, window, balcony, chair, clothes).
  3. My attitude to the picture.

Tatyana Nilovna Yablonskaya was born into a creative family: her father and sister were artists, her brother was an architect. Interestingly, both of her husbands, three daughters and granddaughter were also artists, and each excelled in different areas of fine art. Tatyana Nilovna is a Soviet and Ukrainian artist, Honored Art Worker. During her life she participated in more than thirty solo exhibitions, including foreign ones, and was a great success.

In her paintings, Yablonskaya depicted scenes of everyday life, portraits of ordinary Soviet people, their work. She was very fond of drawing children, often represented her daughters and granddaughter in portraits. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the most famous and beloved paintings by everyone since childhood, "Morning", depicts the eldest daughter of Yablonskaya - thirteen-year-old Elena - the future artist Elena Sergeevna Beisembinova.

The painting "Morning" was written back in 1954 in Kyiv. The plot of the picture is very cheerful. It vividly conveys the atmosphere of a warm May southern morning. The bright room is flooded with sunlight, which breaks through the huge window and wide open doors of the balcony. It breathes freshness, but the approach of summer is already felt. The mistress of the room is a young, slender, upward-looking girl. Before leaving for the last school hours, she does morning exercises.

The heroine of the picture stands barefoot on the parquet floor, warmed by the sun's rays. She wears a simple white tank top and sporty black shorts. Long blond hair, braided in two tight pigtails, was a little disheveled after sleep. The girl stands in a graceful pose: she put her left leg straight, and took her right leg to the side and slightly back, beautifully stretching her toe. Both of her arms are gently raised up and out to the sides.

She stands sideways to the audience, so we can clearly see her profile: a high open forehead, a straight, neat nose, and a slightly open mouth. The girl's gaze is directed towards the window. The expression on her face is somewhat tense, as if she is waiting for something or listening to something. Her plastic posture is directed forward and upward. Looking at her, one gets the feeling that she is about to take off or start dancing to the rhythmic music coming from the radio.

The room in which the schoolgirl lives is presented to the viewer only partially. But, despite this, it seems that the room is quite spacious, very bright and clean. It is easy to breathe in it. The room has high ceilings, a large bright arched window with a wide window sill, and next to it, through a small wall, there are high double double-leaf glass doors that repeat the shape of the window. They lead to a wide balcony with a high metal railing. There are no curtains on the window and on the balcony. This creates an additional feeling of lightness, freshness and cleanliness. Nothing prevents sunlight from pouring into the room.

The decor in the room is quite simple. On the left, in the foreground, we see a rather massive, simple wooden bed. The girl had not yet had time to remove it: fluttering out of bed, she only casually threw a blanket over the pillow. To the right is a large round table covered with a yellow and blue linen tablecloth with tassels. On it in the center there is a white jug, painted in a childishly uncomplicated ornament in the form of a galloping deer and Christmas trees, a small white-blue cup and a flat plate with a napkin on which lies a piece of white bread - this, apparently, is a modest breakfast of the heroine of the plot.

The parquet floor in the room, as was usually done in old houses, is laid out in a herringbone pattern. The walls in the room are painted in a plain light yellow color. Sunlight is reflected from them, so a feeling of warmth is created. In the wall between the window and the balcony hangs a round decorative plate in a folk style, reminiscent of the Gzhel technique: two blue birds surrounded by flowers. This is the only decoration in the interior.

A little higher is a small shelf on which stands a flower pot, made in the same technique as the plate. It grows a strongly climbing liana-like plant resembling a birch. Her foliage, instead of curtains, comfortably wrapped around the balcony door and part of the window. Saturated green color - the color of spring and youth - enhances the feeling of youth, strength and energy emanating from the picture.

At the balcony door stands a light brown wooden chair with thin round legs. A neatly folded uniform of a schoolgirl lies on it, and a scarlet tie is thrown over the slightly curved back of the chair - a symbol of the children's pioneer organization. It seems that the heroine of the picture is not only a sporty and neat girl, but also a diligent student, an activist of the class.

The interior color scheme is dominated by warm yellow and light brown tones (floor, walls, chair, bed) interspersed with refreshing blue-blue (tablecloth on the table, cup, decorative plate, flower pot). All this suggests that the room, despite the simplicity of the situation, is decorated with artistic taste.
This picture has been familiar to me for a very long time, since the time when I was leafing through my grandmother's old textbooks as a preschooler.

I immediately liked and remembered her. The author of the picture was able to vividly and accurately capture a very life-affirming story, from which it breathes both morning freshness and warmth. Looking at this picture as if recharged with energy and joyful mood.

For her long creative life (and she lived for eighty-eight years), Tatyana Nilovna Yablonskaya received many awards, participated in a large number of exhibitions. But the biggest reward for her was the recognition of her talent by connoisseurs of painting, ordinary people who visited exhibitions with pleasure to admire the artist's creations.

One of her masterpieces is the painting "Morning". The picture depicts a girl doing exercises. She had just risen from the bed, which she had not yet managed to make, and immediately began to study. The girl is wearing a white T-shirt and dark shorts. She is in the swallow position. Her whole figure is the personification of cheerfulness, health. You look at the picture and imagine how the girl jumped out of bed, looked out the window, smiled cheerfully, opened the door to the balcony and began to do exercises.

And, indeed, there is something to rejoice. It's a sunny morning. It is too early. Sunlight is dim. The city is still covered in fog. But the room is full of light pouring in through the open balcony door and through the window. Sunlight falls like a bright spot on the parquet floor, on the bed, on the table covered with a striped tablecloth.

The room is not lavishly furnished. Everything is simple in it. The wall opposite the viewer is decorated with a decorative plate and a beautiful flower pot with an overgrown climbing plant. But in the simplicity of the decoration, the whole girl is visible at a glance. She loves order and cleanliness. Her school uniform is neatly folded on a chair. She hung her tie over the back of a chair so as not to wrinkle it. There is a light breakfast on the table. The girl takes care of her health and therefore begins the morning with exercises in the fresh air and light food. Then she will get dressed, make the bed, and with a light step will run merrily to school.

Painting by T.N. Yablonskaya gives the viewer a huge charge of vivacity. When you look at her, you also want to open the window, breathe in the fresh morning air and do exercises, so that later you can feel a surge of strength and a desire for great achievements all day long.

The picture of Yablonskaya "Morning" is striking in its simplicity and openness. This canvas depicts an ordinary girl who got up in the morning and does exercises. Her movements are simple, but at the same time, distinguished by sophistication. Immediately imbued with sympathy for the main character of this canvas.

There is a simple breakfast on the table, and clothes are still resting on the chair. The girl did not make the bed, as she was in a hurry to enjoy the coming day. Together with her, all living beings rejoice in the new day. From the first rays of the sun, the room is illuminated with an amazing light that penetrates into the hearts of people and gives them joy.

The girl's room is furnished with the most necessary items. Here we see a bed, a beautiful table, a chair and a plate, which are quietly hiding on the wall. There are no decorations in the room - and only plants show the audience that the girl loves nature.

Yablonskaya's painting "Morning" is a real hymn to a new day, which you so want to join. I want to get up early in the morning - and just smile at the rising sun, and it will answer everyone at once with a gentle and warm smile. After such a morning, the day will certainly be wonderful, and perhaps surprise


  1. Time of year and day.
  2. Room interior.
  3. Girl.
  4. My opinion about the picture.

Tatyana Nilovna Yablonskaya is a Soviet artist who lived in the 20th century. In her painting "Morning" Yablonskaya depicted the beginning of the day of a girl about my age. She had just got up and hadn't even made her bed yet. The city is visible through the window, but it is lost in the morning mist. The sun has already risen, but has not risen yet. It seems to me that the picture depicts spring, May. It is already warm, so the girl opened the balcony door. But the study is not over yet. This can be seen from the fact that a school uniform is folded on a chair and a pioneer tie hangs.

The room is not very big, but nice and bright. You can see the bed on which the girl probably slept, a round table with a beautiful tablecloth. On the table is the breakfast that the parents left for their daughter. The room has simple yellow walls, but a very beautiful and unusual window and balcony door, they have the shape of an arch. These arches are decorated with green shoots of a flower that grows in a planter on the wall. Both the cache-pot and the jug standing on the table are painted with flowers or little animals. Maybe it was painted by the heroine of the picture herself or her parents.

In the center of the room, I see a slender, stately girl who is dancing or doing gymnastics. The girl stretched out all over and raised her arms, as if she were a bird that wants to fly. The schoolgirl is very light and graceful, maybe she is a gymnast. So it seems that she is now merrily spinning in a beautiful dance. It can be seen that the girl is very neat and tidy. The room is neatly tidied up, the uniform is folded on a chair so that it does not wrinkle.

I really liked the picture of T.N. Yablonskaya. It creates the impression of a fresh sunny morning filled with joy and expectation of something fabulous and wonderful.

Composition based on the painting "Morning" by Yablonskaya

After viewing the picture of T.N. Yablonskaya "Morning" I still have the warmest emotions. The title of the picture is eloquent. We see that it depicts a schoolgirl doing morning exercises. Everything shows that she is in high spirits, in a good mood. The girl is very slim. She has an excellent physical shape. Her room is illuminated with light and warmth, from which it becomes even more joyful in the soul.

A shadow from the sunlight falls on the floor. Sunlight pours into the room, morning freshness and coolness. The balcony door is wide open. The decor in the room is quite simple. The author showed the bed that the girl had not yet made up after the night, a table with a simple breakfast and a chair on which her clothes hang.

The picture is very decorated with a flower that winds from a wall pot. It has grown so much that it occupies almost half of the wall. In the background we can see a balcony. It is very neat, with beautiful flowers. Most likely, they were dropped off by this girl with her mother.

I really liked this picture, because it is filled with special energy, optimism. The girl seems to be flying towards a new day, new achievements and small victories.

Composition based on the painting "Morning" (description of the room)


  1. Famous master of Russian painting.
  2. The plot of the picture.
  3. Description of the room.
  4. Impressions from the creation of the artist.

Tatyana Nikolaevna Yablonskaya is a famous master of Russian painting. She is a distinguished artist. The artist's work is filled with poetry, frank sincere love for life, for man and his work. T. Yablonskaya paints children with pleasure. All her paintings are filled with cheerfulness, freshness, positive emotions.

Getting acquainted with the painting "Morning", I would like to emphasize that it brings genuine joy to a new day. Early morning. The rays of the bright spring sun burst into the room through the open window. There is a rare morning fog outside the window, but cheerful rays break through it, waking up all living things. The girl depicted in the picture starts her day with exercises. Before us appears a graceful, fit heroine in a white T-shirt and black sports shorts. She is ready to absorb the impressions of a new day.

The room draws special attention. In the foreground is a round table. It is covered with a blue and yellow striped tablecloth, decorated with fringes. On the table is a painted earthenware jug of milk. Nearby is a bun covered with a napkin and butter. The left edge of the table is pierced by a bright sunbeam. Behind the girl is a brown wooden bed.

In the background of the painting is a pale yellow wall, a balcony and a window. At the balcony door there is a chair with a back, on it is a school uniform. The opening between the balcony door and the window is decorated with a large decorative plate with birds. The room has high ceilings. This can be seen from the balcony door, which starts from the floor and ends with an arch somewhere very high. Real climbing flowers fill the room with greenery, they stretch along the entire wall, starting in a planter on the wall, and go around the arches of the balcony door and window. Mignonette leaves appear golden from the sunlight falling on them. In the shade, these same leaves appear emerald green. The well-groomed parquet floor of dark brown color is polished to a shine, it even reflects the hostess of the room.

Looking at the canvas by T. N. Yablonskaya "Morning", you feel the warmth of the sun's rays, the rhythms of the awakening city, you rejoice at youth and beauty, the dawn of a new day. The picture exudes confidence that a new day will bring only joy and happiness. The author has achieved this thanks to the fact that he masterfully masters the complex technique of light transmission. With genuine skill, she conveyed the invasion of morning, sun, fresh cool air into her heroine's room.

Composition based on the painting by T.N. Yablonskaya "Morning"

T.N. Yablonskaya is a famous Russian artist, a student of F. Krichevsky, who grew up in a painter's family. Her fate is inextricably linked with Klev. She is famous for such paintings as "Rest", "Went out into the sun", "Khreschatyk", "In the park", "At the start".

Consider the picture of T.N. Yablonskaya "Morning", written in 1954. In this picture, we see a girl doing morning exercises before going to school. Our heroine is a tall, slender, fit, neat, beautiful girl. She is depicted with her hands raised up, all directed upward, forward, towards the sun, the surrounding world. She is wearing a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. Her belongings are neatly hung on a chair - a school uniform, a tie. She stands in the center of the room, near the open door to the balcony. Apparently, the heroine had just woken up from her sleep. Nearby we see a crumpled bed, a carelessly thrown blanket. In the center of the room is a round table covered with a beige and blue tablecloth. On it is a simple breakfast prepared for the girl: bread, a jug of milk, butter. It was a warm May day. The whole room is flooded with bright sunlight, creating a feeling of spaciousness, flight. The artist uses light colors - beige, red, white, blue, scarlet, green. Almost the entire interior of the room is designed in light beige tones, the blue tone is added only to the color of the tablecloth, flower pot and decorative plate decorating the wall. On the top of the balcony door, made in the form of an arch, a loach, rushing in all directions with its juicy greenery, winds. In the background are the vague outlines of houses visible through the open window. This window in the picture is symbolic. It embodies the future of the heroine, her path to the big world.

I really liked the picture, as it creates a joyful mood, inspires confidence and optimism.

Searched here:

  • composition based on the picture of apple morning
  • composition based on the picture of t n yablonskaya morning
  • composition based on the picture morning yablonskaya

Every day brings us something new and interesting, and it always starts in the morning. It was this time that the famous artist Yablonskaya depicted in her work Morning. It is easy and not difficult to write on the picture of Yablonskaya “Morning”, because the work itself is light, and causes only positive emotions. Mornings are also different. It can be cold, wet, gray, or it can be, as in the reproduction of Yablonskaya's painting "Morning", sunny and warm. On such days, you want to quickly get out of bed and run outside, exposing your face to the sun's rays.

Description of the painting by Yablonskaya Morning

I would like to start the description of the painting by Yablonskaya “Morning” with a general impression. When you look at a reproduction of the painting "Morning", joyful emotions appear, and your soul becomes warm at home. In the picture we see a girl who just got out of bed. She didn’t even have time to make the bed yet, because the first thing she wanted on this sunny morning was to stretch her arms up, resembling with her posture a bird that flies towards the sun, towards a new day, new achievements. The girl herself is graceful, slender, perhaps she is dancing, because we see how she pulls her toe, as if she is about to perform a dance “pa”.

In the foreground, we see the food that awaits the girl on the table. This is probably a caring mother who made sure that her child did not go to school hungry.

Working on an essay-description of the painting by Yablonskaya “Morning”, I would like to note a spacious, bright room. There is nothing superfluous here. A bed where you can relax after a hard school day, a table where you can do homework, as well as a snack and a chair where you can hang prepared things.

In the background is a balcony, which is the source of sunlight entering the room. The balcony opening is entwined with greenery, which brings additional freshness to the overall look. Yellow walls only add a hint of warmth, comfort, and also add more light to the picture.

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