The main characters of The Master and Margarita. Images of the main characters of the novel The Master and Margarita


The main characters of The Master and Margarita

Bulgakov's work is a "novel within a novel", and the main characters of Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita in the part that tells about Satan's stay in Moscow are Woland, the Master and Margarita, Ivan Bezdomny.


Satan, the Devil, "the spirit of evil and the lord of shadows", the powerful "prince of darkness." Visited Moscow as a "professor of black magic". Woland studies people, trying to show their essence in various ways. Looking at the Muscovites in the variety theater, he concludes that they are “ordinary people, in general, reminiscent of the former, the housing problem only spoiled them.” Giving his "great ball", he brings anxiety and confusion into the lives of the townspeople.

Selflessly takes part in the fate of the Master and Margarita, revives the burnt novel of the Master, allows the author of the novel to inform Pilate that he is forgiven.

Woland assumes his true form when he leaves Moscow.


Former historian who disclaimed his name, wrote a brilliant novel about Pontius Pilate. Unable to withstand the persecution of critics, he ends up in a psychiatric hospital. Margarita, beloved of the Master, asks Satan to save her beloved. Woland also fulfills the request of Yeshua, who has read the novel, to give the Master peace.

“The farewell has happened, the bills have been paid”, and the Master and Margarita find peace and an “eternal home”.


A beautiful and intelligent woman, the wife of a "very prominent specialist", who did not need anything, was not happy. Everything changed at the moment of meeting with the Master. Having fallen in love, Margarita becomes his "secret wife", friend and like-minded person. She inspires the Master to romance, encourages him to fight for it.

Having made a deal with Satan, she plays the role of hostess at his ball. The mercy of Margarita, asking to spare Frida instead of asking for herself, the defense of Latunsky, participation in the fate of Pilate soften Woland.

Through the efforts of Margarita, the Master is saved, both leave the Earth with Woland's retinue.

Homeless Ivan

A proletarian poet who wrote an anti-religious poem about Jesus Christ on the instructions of the editor. At the beginning of the novel, “an ignorant man”, a narrow-minded one, believes that “man himself controls” his life, cannot believe in the existence of the Devil and Jesus. Unable to cope with the emotional stress of meeting with Woland, he finds himself in a mental hospital.
After meeting with the Master, he begins to understand that his poems are "monstrous", he promises never to write poetry again. The master calls him his disciple.

At the end of the novel, Ivan lives by his real name - Ponyrev, he became a professor, works at the Institute of History and Philosophy.

Cured, but sometimes he can not cope with incomprehensible mental anxiety.

The list of heroes of the novel is great, everyone who appears on the pages of the work deepens and reveals its meaning. Let us dwell on the most significant characters in Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita for revealing the author's intention.

Woland's retinue


The senior henchman in Woland's retinue, he is entrusted with the most responsible affairs. In communication with Muscovites, Koroviev appears as the secretary and translator of the foreigner Woland, but it is not clear who he really is: "a magician, regent, sorcerer, translator, or the devil knows who." He is constantly in action, and no matter what he does, no matter who he communicates with, he grimaces and clowns, screams and “yells”.

Bassoon's mannerisms and speech change dramatically when he speaks to those who deserve respect. He speaks to Woland respectfully, in a clear and sonorous voice, Margarita helps to manage the ball, looks after the Master.

Only at the last appearance on the pages of the novel does Fagot appear in his true form: next to Woland, a knight “with the gloomiest and never smiling face” was riding a horse. Once punished for an unfortunate pun on the theme of light and dark by the role of a jester for centuries, now he "paid his bill and closed it."


Demon, Woland's assistant. Appearance "with a fang sticking out of his mouth, ugly and without that unprecedented vile physiognomy", with a thorn in his right eye, repulsive. His main duties are related to the use of force: "to kick the administrator in the face, or put an uncle out of the house, or shoot someone, or some other trifle of that kind." Leaving the earth, Azazello takes on a real appearance - the appearance of a killer demon with empty eyes and a cold face.

Behemoth cat

By the definition of Woland himself, his assistant is a “pea jester”. He appears before the inhabitants of the capital in the form of a “huge as hogs, black as soot or a rook, and with a desperate cavalry mustache” a cat or a stout person with a physiognomy similar to a cat. Behemoth's jokes are by no means always harmless, and after his disappearance, ordinary black cats began to be exterminated throughout the country.

Flying away from the Earth in Woland's retinue, Behemoth turns out to be "a thin young man, a page demon, the best jester that has ever existed in the world."
Gella. Woland's maid, a vampire witch.

Characters in the novel The Masters

Pontius Pilate and Yeshua are the main characters of the story written by the Master.

Pontius Pilate

Procurator of Judea, cruel and powerful ruler.

Realizing that Yeshua, brought in for interrogation, is not guilty of anything, he is imbued with sympathy for him. But, despite his high position, the procurator could not resist the decision to execute him, he became cowardly, fearing to lose power.

Ga-Notsri's words that "among the human vices, he considers cowardice to be one of the most important," the hegemon takes it personally. Tormented by remorse, he spends "twelve thousand moons" in the mountains. Released by the Master, who wrote a novel about him.

Yeshua Ha-Nozri

A philosopher traveling from city to city. He is alone, knows nothing about his parents, believes that by nature all people are good, and the time will come when “the temple of the old faith will collapse and a new temple of truth will be created” and no power will be needed. He talks about this with people, but for his words he is accused of an attempt on the power and authority of Caesar and is executed. Before the execution, he forgives his executioners.

In the final part of Bulgakov's novel, Yeshua, having read the Master's novel, asks Woland to reward the Master and Margarita with peace, meets Pilate again, and they walk, talking, along the lunar road.

Levy Matvey

Former tax collector who claims to be a disciple of Yeshua. He writes down everything that Ga-Notsri says, stating what he heard according to his understanding. Loyal to his teacher, takes him down from the cross to bury him, intends to kill Judas of Cariath.

Judas of Kiriath

A handsome young man who, for thirty tetradrachms, provoked Yeshua in front of secret witnesses to speak out about state power. Killed by the secret order of Pontius Pilate.
Caifa. Jewish high priest who heads the Sanhedrin. He is accused by Pontius Pilate of the execution of Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

Heroes of the Moscow world

The characterization of the heroes of the novel "The Master and Margarita" will be incomplete without a description of the characters of literary and artistic Moscow, contemporary to the author.

Aloisy Mogarych . A new acquaintance of the Master, who introduced himself as a journalist. Wrote a denunciation of the Master in order to occupy his apartment.

Baron Meigel . An employee of the entertainment commission, whose duties included introducing foreigners to the sights of the capital. "Earphone and spy", according to Woland.

Bengal Georges . Entertainer of the Variety Theatre, known throughout the city. Man is limited and ignorant.

Berlioz . Writer, chairman of the board of MASSOLIT, a large Moscow literary association, editor of a large art magazine. In conversations "discovered a solid erudition." Denied the existence of Jesus Christ, and argued that a person cannot be "suddenly mortal." Not believing Woland's prediction about his unexpected death, he dies after falling under a tram.

Bosoy Nikanor Ivanovich . The “businesslike and cautious” chairman of the housing association of the building in which the “bad apartment” was located.

Varenukha . "The famous theater administrator, resolutely known throughout Moscow."

Likhodeev Stepan . Director of the Variety Theatre, drinking heavily and not fulfilling his duties.

Sempleyarov Arkady Apollonovich . Chairman of the acoustic commission of Moscow theaters, insisting during a black magic session in the Variety on exposing the "technique of tricks".

Sokov Andrey Fokich . A little man, a barman at the Variety Theatre, a swindler-skvalyga who does not know how to enjoy life, earning unearned money on sturgeon of the “second freshness”.

A brief description of the characters will be needed in order to make it easier to understand the events. and not get lost in the question of "who is who."

The character has a very bright appearance. He has fiery red hair. A. short, stocky. An ugly fang sticks out of his mouth, and a thorn in his eye. This hero mainly performs assignments related to physical strength: he lowers Poplavsky down the stairs, beats Varenukha. The same hero talks to Margarita, invites her to visit the "foreigner" and gives her cream. Under the light of the moon, we see that A. is actually "a waterless desert demon, a slayer demon."

Behemoth is one of Woland's henchmen, appearing in the form of a huge black cat. In the Bible, the hippopotamus is given as an example of the incomprehensibility of divine creation; at the same time, Behemoth is one of the traditional names for a demon, a minion of Satan. B. in Bulgakov's novel comically combines a penchant for philosophizing and "intelligent" habits with roguery and aggressiveness. For the first time, he appears in the scene of Ivan Bezdomny chasing Woland, and he leaves the chase on a tram; then, in front of the frightened Styopa Likhodeev, he drinks vodka, biting it with pickled mushrooms; together with Azazello, he beats and kidnaps Varenukha. Before a session of black magic, B. strikes those present by pouring and drinking a glass of water from a decanter; during the session, on the orders of Koroviev / Fagot, he tears off the head of the entertainer Georges Bengalsky, then sets it in place; at the end of the session, in the midst of the scandal that had begun, B. orders the conductor of the orchestra to "cut the march." After B. visits the office of the chairman of the Spectacular Commission, instead of the chairman himself, only a revived suit remains in his chair ... Poplavsky, who appeared in the apartment of the late Berlioz, B. reports that he gave a telegram to Kiev, and also checks his documents. B. steals Berlioz's head from the morgue. When Margarita appears in Woland's bedroom, B. plays chess with the owner, and, losing, he tries to resort to cheating, and also indulges in demagogic reasoning. B. gives the signal for the beginning of the ball, and while receiving guests, sits at Margarita's left leg. He tries to argue with Margarita about whether the owner of the cafe who seduced her is guilty of Frida's infanticide. During the ball, B. bathes in a pool of cognac. At dinner after the ball, B. treats Margarita with alcohol and drinks himself; at the same time, he tells fables, “competes” with Azazello in shooting accuracy, kills an owl and injures Gella. Irritated, Azazello declares about the cat that "it would be nice to drown him." B. dictates a certificate to Gella for Nikolai Ivanovich and, together with others, escorts the master and Margarita to the car. Later, in apartment No. 50, he meets with a primus in the clutches of the Chekists who came with a raid, conducts a furious shootout with them, pretending to be killed and “coming to life”, sets fire to the apartment with the help of a primus and hides. Together with Koroviev, he visits Torgsin's shop and Griboedov's restaurant, both visits also ending in fires set by B. In the scene on Sparrow Hills, B. makes a whistle like the wind. During the last flight, he takes on the true form of "a thin youth, a demon-pager, the best jester that ever existed in the world." B.'s activity is the reason that after the disappearance of Woland and his retinue, they begin to catch and exterminate black cats all over the country.

In this hero, Bulgakov created a very peculiar image of Satan. This is not absolute evil. V. came to Moscow to judge. And it is important to note that not a single innocent person was harmed by it. At the very beginning of the novel, when V. appears at the Patriarch's Ponds, he is holding a cane with a poodle's head on the handle. The black poodle is a sign of Satan.
V.'s appearance is very remarkable. He has different eyes: "The right one with a golden spark at the bottom, drilling anyone to the bottom of the soul, and the left one is empty and black, sort of like a narrow needle's eye ...". V.'s face is somewhat slanted to the side, "the right corner of the mouth is pulled down", his skin is very dark.
V. is wise, his philosophy is extremely interesting. We can say that he does not do evil, he does justice, but in his own diabolical ways. But he also does good deeds. For example, it is V. who helps Margarita regain the Master in gratitude for being the queen at his ball. He frees these heroes from the burden of life in this reality and rewards them with peace. These people do not deserve the light, so Yeshua cannot take them to him. And Satan can give you peace. V. says that darkness and light are inseparable. One cannot exist without the other. These concepts are interrelated. Bulgakov conveyed the image of a very wise and charming Devil. He should not be afraid of those who have a completely clear conscience.

Gella is a member of Woland's retinue, a female vampire: “I recommend my maid Gella. Quick, understanding and there is no such service that she would not be able to provide.
Bulgakov got the name "Gella" from the article "Sorcery" of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, where it was noted that in Lesbos this name was used to call untimely dead girls who became vampires after death.
The green-eyed beauty Gella moves freely through the air, thereby gaining resemblance to a witch. The characteristic features of the behavior of vampires - clicking their teeth and smacking their lips, Bulgakov, perhaps, borrowed from the story of A.K. Tolstoy "Ghoul". There, a vampire girl with a kiss turns her lover into a vampire - hence, obviously, the kiss of Gella, fatal for Varenukha.
Hella, the only one from Woland's retinue, is absent from the scene of the last flight. Most likely, Bulgakov deliberately removed her as the youngest member of the retinue, performing only auxiliary functions in the Variety Theater, and in the Bad Apartment, and at the Great Ball with Satan. Vampires are traditionally the lowest category of evil spirits. In addition, Gella would have no one to turn into on the last flight - when the night "exposed all the deceptions", she could only become a dead girl again.

This is the creative pseudonym of Ivan Ponyrev. I.B. is a character that evolves over the course of the novel. At the beginning of the work, we see him as a member of MASSOLIT, a young poet writing poems on given topics. In the very first chapter, B and Berlioz meet Woland at the Patriarch's Ponds. In the future, Berlioz dies under the wheels of a tram. B blames the mysterious foreigner for everything and starts chasing Woland and his retinue. In the future, B is taken to a psychiatric hospital. So B is punished for passing off a thirst for glory and eminence as true creativity. In the hospital, B meets the Master. He tells him his story. B promises not to write poetry anymore, realizing the harm of pseudo-creativity. Having reviewed all his moral ideals in the hospital, B becomes a completely different person. In the future, he will become a great scholar-historian.

This is the main character of the novel written by the Master. By this hero is meant the biblical Jesus Christ. Yeshua was also betrayed by Judas and crucified. But Bulgakov in his work emphasizes the essential difference between his character and Christ. Yeshua is not shrouded in a halo of mysticism. He looks like an absolutely ordinary person, capable of experiencing fear of physical violence. Yeshua is a wandering philosopher who believes that every person is good, and there will soon be no power in the world except God's. Of course, And has great power. He cures Pilate of a headache. The forces of light are concentrated in I, but Bulgakov emphasizes that everything in fact was not at all like in the Bible. I. himself speaks about this. He notes that he once looked into the parchment of his student Levi Matthew and was horrified. It was not at all what he actually said. So Bulgakov notes that one should not unconditionally believe the Bible, since people wrote it. And he died innocent, without lying, without betraying his convictions. For this he was worthy of the Light.

As in the Bible, Yeshua betrayed. He turned it in to the authorities for money. And - a handsome young man, ready for the sake of money for everything. After surrendering Yeshua to the authorities, Pilate orders the head of the secret service, Aphranius, to kill I. As a result, I is killed. He took responsibility for his act.

He is Fagot. Woland's assistant. It has a bright repulsive appearance. "On a small head is a jockey cap, a checkered, short, airy jacket ... A citizen is a sazhen tall, but narrow in the shoulders, incredibly thin, and a physiognomy, please note, mocking." K. has a cracked voice, one can often see a cracked pince-nez or a monocle on him. This character constantly plays the role of a jester. But during the flight under the moonlight, this hero has changed beyond recognition. We see that in fact it is "... a dark purple knight with the gloomiest and never smiling face." It becomes known to us that this knight once unsuccessfully joked, and he had to joke more and longer than he expected.

The most devoted disciple of Yeshua. This is a former tax collector who renounced everything and went after a wandering philosopher. L.M. He follows Yeshua everywhere and writes down his speeches. But Ga-Notsri himself claims that L.M. He doesn't write exactly what he says. Allegedly, from that moment the confusion that is reflected in the Bible began. When Yeshua is led to execution, L.M. wants to kill him, thereby relieving him of his torment. But he does not have time to do this, so L.M. only removes the body of Yeshua from the cross and buries it. Pilate offers L.M. to work as a clerk, but he refuses, arguing that the procurator, after what he did to Yeshua, will be afraid of him, will not be able to watch L.M. in gas. After the death of L.M. becomes a messenger for Yeshua.

The main character of the novel, the beloved of the Master. For the sake of love is ready for anything. She plays a very important role in the novel. With the help of M, Bulgakov showed us the ideal image of the wife of a genius.
Before meeting Master M, she was married, did not love her husband and was completely unhappy. Having met the Master, I realized that I had found my destiny. She became his "secret wife". It was M who called the hero Master after reading his novel. The heroes were happy together until the Master published an excerpt from his novel. The shower of critical articles ridiculing the author, and the intense persecution that began against the Master in literary circles, poisoned their lives. M swore that she would poison the offenders of her lover, especially the critic Latunsky. For a short time, M leaves the Master alone, he burns the novel and escapes to a psychiatric hospital. For a long time, M reproaches herself for leaving her beloved alone at the most difficult moment for him. She cries and suffers greatly until she meets Azazello. He hints to M that he knows where the Master is. For this information, she agrees to be the queen at the great ball of Satan. M becomes a witch. By selling her soul, she gets a Master. At the end of the novel, she, like her lover, deserves rest. Many believe that the writer's wife, Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova, served as the prototype for this image.

This is a collective image that Bulgakov draws. He satirically gives us portraits of his contemporaries. It becomes funny and bitter from the images drawn by the author. At the very beginning of the novel, we see Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, chairman of MASSOLIT (union of writers). In fact, this person has nothing to do with real creativity. B. is completely faked by time. Under his leadership, the entire MASSOLIT becomes the same. It includes people who know how to adapt to the authorities, write not what they want, but what they need. There is no place for a true creator, so critics start persecuting the Master. Moscow in the 1920s is also a Variety Show, directed by Styopa Likhodeev, a lover of carnal entertainment. He is punished by Woland, just like his subordinates Rimsky and Varenukha, liars and sycophants. Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy, chairman of the house administration, was also punished for bribery. In general, Moscow of the 1920s is distinguished by a lot of unpleasant qualities. This is a thirst for money, a desire for easy money, satisfaction of one's carnal needs to the detriment of spiritual ones, lies, subservience to superiors. It was not in vain that Woland and his retinue came to this city and at this time. They punish the hopeless severely, and morally give those who are not yet completely dead a chance to improve.

This is truly a historical figure. In the Bible, it was this man who condemned Christ to be crucified. In the work, this is the main character of the novel written by the Master. Through the image of P, the author reveals the problem of conscience in the novel, the problem of cowardice and the need for every person, regardless of position and rank, to be responsible for their mistakes. After talking with Yeshua during interrogation, P realizes that he is innocent. He is even drawn to this person, he would like to discuss a lot with him. And he makes feeble attempts to save Yeshua, suggesting that he lie. But Yeshua feels he is innocent and is not going to lie. P then tries to save Yeshua in a conversation with the high priest Kaifa. P tells him that in honor of the Easter holiday, one of the prisoners must be saved, and he wants to release Yeshua Ha-Nozri. Kaifa vs. Cowardly, afraid of losing his place, P sentences Yeshua to death. Thus, P sentences himself to eternal suffering. Only after many centuries, the Master frees his hero from torment and gives him freedom. Finally, P's dream comes true: he climbs up the moonbeam with his faithful dog Banga. Next to him is the wandering philosopher Yeshua, and they have an interesting endless conversation ahead.

Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita is a mystical love story that arouses genuine interest in the fate of the main characters. The image and characterization of Margarita in the novel "The Master and Margarita" plays a significant role in the work. The theme of true love, freedom, fidelity is connected with the name of Margarita.

The full name of the main character of the novel is Margarita Nikolaevna. Surname unknown.


Bulgakov did not describe Margarita's appearance in detail. He tried to draw attention not to the external beauty of a woman, but to the inner state of the soul. Focusing on the timbre of her voice, movements, manners, laughter, we can assume that she is a beautiful woman.

"She was beautiful and smart..."

Her low, chesty voice had velvety notes, softening the timbre of the sound.
One of Margarita's eyes was slightly squinted, which gave her image a devilish zest.

"Witch squinting in one eye..."

Light curl on a short haircut. Snow-white smile. Perfect manicure with sharp nails at the ends. Eyebrows, like strings, professionally plucked and very suited to her face.

Margarita dressed stylishly, not defiantly. Elegant and well-groomed. She attracted attention, no doubt, but not with her appearance, but with sadness and hopeless longing in her eyes.


As a young girl, at the age of 19, Margarita jumped out to marry a wealthy man. Ten years of marriage. Childless.

"Childless thirty-year-old Margarita."

The woman was lucky with her husband. He is ready to carry his beloved in his arms, fulfill all whims, anticipate desires. Young, handsome, kind and honest. Anyone dreams of such a husband. Even housekeeping, he shifted to the shoulders of the housekeeper he hired. Stability, prosperity, but, despite this, Margarita is unhappy and lonely. "

She was happy? Not a single minute!”

Character. Personality of Margarita

Margarita is smart, educated. Woland (Satan) immediately appreciated her intellect.
She is determined. Her actions have repeatedly testified to this. With her inner instinct, intuition, Margarita unmistakably determined what kind of person was in front of her. Non-greedy, merciful. She always helped those who needed help. Do not throw words to the wind. Proud and independent. Smoking is one of the bad habits. She smoked often, and could not overcome this addiction.

Meeting with the Master

Their meeting was by chance. She walked along the street with a bouquet of yellow flowers, thoughtful and lonely. He, obeying some secret sign, followed. She spoke first. As the Master said, it was love at first sight.

“Love jumped out between us, like a killer jumping out of the ground ... and hit us both at once ...”

Margarita was truly happy for the first time. She loved and it was so new to her. For his sake, the woman was ready for anything. Endure adversity, share joys and sorrows, endure the hardships that have befallen them.

She sold her soul for the sake of her beloved. I was able to forgive when he disappeared. She remained faithful to the end. He was everything to her. Margarita could not imagine life without him.

Meeting with Woland

For half a year she did not know anything about the Master. He seemed to have sunk into the water. Only Woland could help bring back his beloved. To do this, she had to make a deal with him.

She must act as the queen of the ball with Satan. Margarita had to become a witch. Satan was pleased with the new queen and in return promised to fulfill any desire. She dreamed of seeing the Master so that everything would return to its place. Basement, novel, He and She.

Eternal happiness

They stayed together forever. Not in this world, in another, having earned eternal rest for love and loyalty to each other.

From the moment of the first edition, the attractiveness of the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov has not dried up, representatives of different generations, different worldviews turn to him. The reasons for this are many.

One of them is that in the novel "The Master and Margarita" the characters and their destinies make us rethink life's values, think about our own responsibility for the good and evil done in the world.

The main characters of The Master and Margarita

Bulgakov's work is a "novel within a novel", and the main characters of Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita in the part that tells about Satan's stay in Moscow are Woland, the Master and Margarita, Ivan Bezdomny.


Satan, the Devil, "the spirit of evil and the lord of shadows", the powerful "prince of darkness." Visited Moscow as a "professor of black magic". Woland studies people, trying to show their essence in various ways. Looking at the Muscovites in the variety theater, he concludes that they are “ordinary people, in general, reminiscent of the former, the housing problem only spoiled them.” Giving his "great ball", he brings anxiety and confusion into the lives of the townspeople. Selflessly takes part in the fate of the Master and Margarita, revives the burnt novel of the Master, allows the author of the novel to inform Pilate that he is forgiven.

Woland assumes his true form when he leaves Moscow.


Former historian who disclaimed his name, wrote a brilliant novel about Pontius Pilate. Unable to withstand the persecution of critics, he ends up in a psychiatric hospital. Margarita, beloved of the Master, asks Satan to save her beloved. Woland also fulfills the request of Yeshua, who has read the novel, to give the Master peace.

“The farewell has happened, the bills have been paid”, and the Master and Margarita find peace and an “eternal home”.


A beautiful and intelligent woman, the wife of a "very prominent specialist", who did not need anything, was not happy. Everything changed at the moment of meeting with the Master. Having fallen in love, Margarita becomes his "secret wife", friend and like-minded person. She inspires the Master to romance, encourages him to fight for it.

Having made a deal with Satan, she plays the role of hostess at his ball. The mercy of Margarita, asking to spare Frida instead of asking for herself, the defense of Latunsky, participation in the fate of Pilate soften Woland.

Through the efforts of Margarita, the Master is saved, both leave the Earth with Woland's retinue.

Homeless Ivan

A proletarian poet who wrote an anti-religious poem about Jesus Christ on the instructions of the editor. At the beginning of the novel, “an ignorant man”, a narrow-minded one, believes that “man himself controls” his life, cannot believe in the existence of the Devil and Jesus. Unable to cope with the emotional stress of meeting with Woland, he finds himself in a mental hospital.
After meeting with the Master, he begins to understand that his poems are "monstrous", he promises never to write poetry again. The master calls him his disciple.

At the end of the novel, Ivan lives by his real name - Ponyrev, he became a professor, works at the Institute of History and Philosophy. Cured, but sometimes he can not cope with incomprehensible mental anxiety.

The list of heroes of the novel is great, everyone who appears on the pages of the work deepens and reveals its meaning. Let us dwell on the most significant characters in Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita for revealing the author's intention.

Woland's retinue


The senior henchman in Woland's retinue, he is entrusted with the most responsible affairs. In communication with Muscovites, Koroviev appears as the secretary and translator of the foreigner Woland, but it is not clear who he really is: "a magician, regent, sorcerer, translator, or the devil knows who." He is constantly in action, and no matter what he does, no matter who he communicates with, he grimaces and clowns, screams and “yells”.

Bassoon's mannerisms and speech change dramatically when he speaks to those who deserve respect. He speaks to Woland respectfully, in a clear and sonorous voice, Margarita helps to manage the ball, looks after the Master.

Only at the last appearance on the pages of the novel does Fagot appear in his true form: next to Woland, a knight “with the gloomiest and never smiling face” was riding a horse. Once punished for an unfortunate pun on the theme of light and dark by the role of a jester for centuries, now he "paid his bill and closed it."


Demon, Woland's assistant. Appearance "with a fang sticking out of his mouth, ugly and without that unprecedented vile physiognomy", with a thorn in his right eye, repulsive. His main duties are related to the use of force: "to kick the administrator in the face, or put an uncle out of the house, or shoot someone, or some other trifle of that kind." Leaving the earth, Azazello takes on a real appearance - the appearance of a killer demon with empty eyes and a cold face.

Behemoth cat

By the definition of Woland himself, his assistant is a “pea jester”. He appears before the inhabitants of the capital in the form of a “huge as hogs, black as soot or a rook, and with a desperate cavalry mustache” a cat or a stout person with a physiognomy similar to a cat. Behemoth's jokes are by no means always harmless, and after his disappearance, ordinary black cats began to be exterminated throughout the country.

Flying away from the Earth in Woland's retinue, Behemoth turns out to be "a thin young man, a page demon, the best jester that has ever existed in the world."
Gella. Woland's maid, a vampire witch.

Characters in the novel The Masters

Pontius Pilate and Yeshua are the main characters of the story written by the Master.

Pontius Pilate

Procurator of Judea, cruel and powerful ruler.

Realizing that Yeshua, brought in for interrogation, is not guilty of anything, he is imbued with sympathy for him. But, despite his high position, the procurator could not resist the decision to execute him, he became cowardly, fearing to lose power.

Ga-Notsri's words that "among the human vices, he considers cowardice to be one of the most important," the hegemon takes it personally. Tormented by remorse, he spends "twelve thousand moons" in the mountains. Released by the Master, who wrote a novel about him.

Yeshua Ha-Nozri

A philosopher traveling from city to city. He is alone, knows nothing about his parents, believes that by nature all people are good, and the time will come when “the temple of the old faith will collapse and a new temple of truth will be created” and no power will be needed. He talks about this with people, but for his words he is accused of an attempt on the power and authority of Caesar and is executed. Before the execution, he forgives his executioners.

In the final part of Bulgakov's novel, Yeshua, having read the Master's novel, asks Woland to reward the Master and Margarita with peace, meets Pilate again, and they walk, talking, along the lunar road.

Levy Matvey

Former tax collector who claims to be a disciple of Yeshua. He writes down everything that Ga-Notsri says, stating what he heard according to his understanding. Loyal to his teacher, takes him down from the cross to bury him, intends to kill Judas of Cariath.

Judas of Kiriath

A handsome young man who, for thirty tetradrachms, provoked Yeshua in front of secret witnesses to speak out about state power. Killed by the secret order of Pontius Pilate.
Caifa. Jewish high priest who heads the Sanhedrin. He is accused by Pontius Pilate of the execution of Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

Heroes of the Moscow world

The characterization of the heroes of the novel "The Master and Margarita" will be incomplete without a description of the characters of literary and artistic Moscow, contemporary to the author.

Aloisy Mogarych. A new acquaintance of the Master, who introduced himself as a journalist. Wrote a denunciation of the Master in order to occupy his apartment.

Baron Meigel. An employee of the entertainment commission, whose duties included introducing foreigners to the sights of the capital. "Earphone and spy", according to Woland.

Bengal Georges. Entertainer of the Variety Theatre, known throughout the city. Man is limited and ignorant.

Berlioz. Writer, chairman of the board of MASSOLIT, a large Moscow literary association, editor of a large art magazine. In conversations "discovered a solid erudition." Denied the existence of Jesus Christ, and argued that a person cannot be "suddenly mortal." Not believing Woland's prediction about his unexpected death, he dies after falling under a tram.

Bosoy Nikanor Ivanovich. The “businesslike and cautious” chairman of the housing association of the building in which the “bad apartment” was located.

Varenukha. "The famous theater administrator, resolutely known throughout Moscow."

Likhodeev Stepan. Director of the Variety Theatre, drinking heavily and not fulfilling his duties.

Sempleyarov Arkady Apollonovich. Chairman of the acoustic commission of Moscow theaters, insisting during a black magic session in the Variety on exposing the "technique of tricks".

Sokov Andrey Fokich. A little man, a barman at the Variety Theatre, a swindler-skvalyga who does not know how to enjoy life, earning unearned money on sturgeon of the “second freshness”.

A brief description of the characters will be needed in order to make it easier to understand the events of the summary of the novel "The Master and Margarita" and not to get lost in the question of "who is who."

Artwork test

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov is a Russian writer.
Mikhail Bulgakov was born on May 15 (May 3, according to the old style), 1891, in Kyiv, in the family of Afanasy Ivanovich Bulgakov, a professor at the Department of Western Religions of the Kyiv Theological Academy. The family was large (Mikhail is the eldest son, he had four more sisters and two brothers) and friendly. Later, M. Bulgakov will more than once remember his “sadness-free” youth in a beautiful city on the steep slopes of the Dnieper, the comfort of a noisy and warm native nest on Andreevsky Descent, the shining prospects of a future free and wonderful life.

The Master and Margarita are the heroes of the novel


writer who wrote a novel about Pontius Pilate, in which the events described in the Gospel are interpreted. This is a person who was not adapted to live in the time in which he was born. Later, driven to despair by literary critics, the master ends up in a psychiatric hospital.


a beautiful woman who lives with an unloved husband. Margarita suffers from her good, wealthy, but empty life. By chance, on the streets of the capital, she meets the Master, and falls in love with him. It was she who first told the Master that he had written a brilliant work that would be successful. After the Master goes missing, Margarita accepts Satan's invitation to be the prom queen in order to be able to get him back.


the devil, who ends up in Moscow and introduces himself as a professor of black magic and a historian.

Bassoon (Koroviev)

member of Woland's retinue. A knight who must constantly be in the retinue of Satan as punishment for the fact that he once made an unfortunate joke about light and darkness. Researchers testify that Bulgakov was inspired to create this character by the story of F.M. Dostoevsky's "The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants", where one of the characters is a certain Korovkin, who is very similar in characteristics to Koroviev.


also participates in the retinue. This is a demon with an ugly appearance. Its prototype is the fallen angel Azazel.

Behemoth cat

the spirit that follows Woland as part of his retinue. Usually takes the form of an octa, or a full person, who looks very much like him. This character was created based on the description of the demon Behemoth, who was known for debauchery, gluttony and the ability to take the form of large beasts.


a vampire witch who walked around naked. She was very beautiful, but had an ugly scar on her neck.

Berlioz, Mikhail Alexandrovich

MASSOLIT member, writer. Quite an educated and skeptical person. He lived in a bad apartment on Sadovaya Street. When meeting with Woland, he did not believe in the prediction of his own death, which, nevertheless, happened.

Bezdomny, Ivan Nikolaevich

a poet who is busy writing an anti-religious poem. It was her discussion with Berlioz in the park that attracted the attention of Satan. He witnessed the death of Berlioz and tried to pursue Woland, but ended up in an insane asylum.

Likhodeev Stepan Bogdanovich

director of the Variety Show, in which Woland, calling himself a professor of magic, is planning a "performance". Likhodeev is known as a drunkard, loafer and lover of women.

Bosoy Nikanor Ivanovich

a person who held the position of chairman of a housing association on Sadovaya Street. A greedy thief, who on the eve appropriated part of the money from the cash desk of the partnership. Koroviev invites him to conclude an agreement on the delivery of a "bad" apartment to the guest performer Woland and gives a bribe. After that, the received banknotes turn out to be foreign currency. On a call from Koroviev, the bribe-taker is taken to the NKVD, from where he ends up in a lunatic asylum.

Aloisy Mogarych

an acquaintance of the Master who wrote a false denunciation against him in order to appropriate his apartment. Woland's retinue kicked him out of the apartment, and after the trial of Satan, he left Moscow, finding himself at Vyatka. Later he returned to the capital and took the position of financial director of Variety.


speculator. It was she who broke the container with the purchased sunflower oil at the crossing of the tram rails, which caused the death of Berlioz.


a sinner who was invited to a ball with Satan. She killed the unwanted child by strangling it with a handkerchief and buried it. Since then, this handkerchief has been brought to her every morning.

Pontius Pilate

The fifth procurator of Judea in Jerusalem, cruel and powerful, but he became sympathetic to the wandering philosopher, brought in for interrogation. He made attempts to stop the execution, but did not finish the job, which he regretted for the rest of his life.

Yeshua Ha-Nozri

a character who spends time wandering and philosophizing. It does not look like the gospel image of Jesus Christ. He denies resistance to evil by violence and does not know what goal he pursues in life.

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