Gleb of pearls. Gleb Zhemchugov Gleb Zhemchugov vkontakte real


The name of one of the most charismatic and scandalous participants in the TV show, Gleb Zhemchugov, is known to many. A man whose behavior in front of the cameras has never been exemplary, and after leaving the project continues to shock the public on television and radio.

He did not know his biological father. Zhemchugov was raised by his mother and stepfather, who, despite financial difficulties, were able to raise Gleb to his feet. From a very young age, the future participant in the television project was attracted by music and everything connected with it. As a teenager, he was engaged in hip-hop, dancing, and in his free time from studies and sections worked as a promoter.

From the biography of the reality show star, it is known that, in addition to secondary education, Zhemchugov also has a higher education. The man graduated from the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service in 2010 (then he was already a full member of Dom-2). The provincial rapper was well aware that he could not find loud glory in his native lands. When representatives of the TNT channel arrived in Vladivostok, Gleb immediately filled out the questionnaire and waited for a call. Zhemchugov did not doubt for a second that he would become a member of the scandalous project.

Show "Dom-2"

Zhemchugov's debut arrival on the project took place in March 2009. Then the young man showed sympathy for the most obstinate participant in the TV show -. Everyone liked the cheerful, open guy, with the exception of the object of their sighing. The charming brunette immediately made it clear that Gleb was not the hero of her novel. After a series of outings and tête-à-tête conversations, the young man realized that the performer of the song "Black Panther" sees in him only a friend and there can be no talk of a relationship.

The first appearance of Gleb Zhemchugov in the show "Dom-2"

Despite the fact that the spectacular puffy brunette Rimma Penjieva was courting the unfortunate cavalier, and his heart and soul were still suffering from unrequited love, Strawberry (nickname Zhemchugova) decided to try his luck in a relationship with his girlfriend Bushina -.

This union revealed to the world the true essence of Zhemchugov. Endless quarrels and scandals often ended in brawls, and constant spree and habitual addiction to alcohol - betrayals outside the project. It is worth noting that Strawberry fought not only with his girlfriend. During Gleb's stay on the show, he managed to engage in hand-to-hand combat with, and with, and even with.

Sometimes the actions of a young man were so ridiculous and absurd that even the team could not find an excuse for them. So, once, after a three-day absence, Zhemchugov returned to the perimeter with a tattoo of a portrait of Elena Bushina on his arm. While the household condemned Gleb for his recklessness, blinded by love, Nadya shielded her chosen one and often reminded the participants of their sins. Young people then converged, then dispersed. It is not known how long this love affair would have lasted if in November 2011 Gleb had not been expelled from Dom-2 for another drunken fight.

Gleb Zhemchugov at Telestroyka

Strawberry's next comeback was in October 2012. Then he tried to woo Oksana Ryaska and Varvara Tretyakova, but the girls did not reciprocate. Attempts to win the heart of Ukrainian beauty also failed. After a series of love failures, Zhemchugov left the television set, being out of the reach of television cameras.

Personal life

Gleb hoped that after leaving Doma-2 there would be an abundance of job offers, but this did not happen. The failed performance of Zhemchugov in the Comedy Battle finally and irrevocably closed the doors for him to the projects of the TNT channel. Not accustomed to giving up, the man decided to try himself in a new role and applied for participation in the First Channel program “Let's Get Married!”. In the presentation video, Zhemchugov did not hesitate to declare that he would officially tie the knot only with the girl who would be expecting a child from him. Then Strawberry did not yet know how prophetic his words would be.

Having gone to work in China in 2013, he met a native of the city of Bratsk, who performed in a nightclub dance show, where Gleb also worked. Their relationship developed rapidly, and a couple of months after they met, the young lady informed the young man about her pregnancy. This news shocked the rapper. For several weeks he did not get out of the bars. Olga had to look for the unfortunate cavalier in the haunts of the nighttime Celestial Empire and drag him home.

Olga understood that it would not work to reason with the chosen one by talking. The wind silently packed her things and left for her homeland. Less than a week later, Zhemchugov realized that marriage was the only way to put an end to a dissolute lifestyle and bad companies once and for all. On October 10, 2014, Olga and Gleb got married, and in March 2015, Veter gave birth to her husband's son, who was named Mikhail.

In July 2015, Strawberry returned to the TV project with his wife and heir. The young family was settled in a VIP house, in which they used to live and. While on the show, Gleb thoroughly took up his appearance. On the advice of his friend, the rapper decided to do liposuction and in September 2016 he went to a cosmetic clinic, where he removed excess fat from his sides and abdomen.

Gleb Zhemchugov at liposuction surgery

After the operation, Zhemchugov seemed to have been replaced: a loving husband and caring father again began to walk and allow himself too much in communicating with the fairer sex. Olga could not calmly look at how her husband was sliding to the bottom, turning into an alcoholic, rowdy and a traitor. The wind left the television set in October 2016, and Gleb, instead of trying to save his family, flew to the "Island of Love", where he tried to build a relationship with a girl who was at that time. The young lady gave the rapper a turn from the gate, and in early January 2017 Zhemchugov left the reality show, and at the end of the same month Olga and Gleb officially divorced.

In June 2017, the Internet spread the news that Zhemchugov had fallen in love with an active participant in the TV project. For a couple of months, Strawberry attacked the social networks of a charming brunette: he commented on her photos, left notes under microblogs and periodically wrote to the young lady in direct. Also on my page

Gleb Zhemchugov (Strawberry) was born in 1988 in a small town in the Primorsky region. At a young age, the guy was very interested in music. Over time, this hobby grew into a professional occupation of hip-hop. Confirmation of Gleb's significant achievements in this area are the numerous certificates and diplomas that he constantly received for promoting culture in Vladivostok. In his hometown, Zhemchugov opened his own RnB cafe, worked as a promoter in a large company, and tried himself as a TV presenter. In difficult times, the young man even worked as a loader. But when I found out that a casting of a popular youth TV project was being held in Vladivostok, I decided to take part in it by all means.

Like many young people, the guy aspired to get into House 2 because of his popularity - he really wanted to become famous, to receive recognition as a talented performer. Relations with girls were regarded as a pleasant addition to all this action.

Zhemchugov's first visit to the scandalous television set took place in the spring of 2009. Having come to an unfamiliar team, the guy suggested that the guys call him Strawberry. Such a nickname was given to him by good friends, associating Gleb with a juicy and beloved berry. It didn’t take long to beg the participants of the show, and after a few days everyone had already forgotten the newcomer’s real name.

From the first days of his stay on the project, Strawberry came to grips with his creative development: he recorded songs, took part in various skits. Things were much worse on the personal front.

Gleb's first love on the TV project was Elena Bushina, a spectacular brunette with a rather nasty character. The girl completely ignored any attempts by the guy to get close to her. And he persistently continued to give her flowers, present presents and take her on dates. And only after Bushina married another young man, Zhemchugov stopped pursuing her.

Strawberry's next sweetheart. This girl immediately reciprocated the guy, but not everyone dares to call what was a relationship between them. Endless quarrels and scandals often ended in brawls. And Gleb's constant spree and habitual addiction to alcohol only exacerbated the situation. Sometimes the actions of a young man were so ridiculous and absurd that even the team could not find an excuse for them. However, Nadia constantly covered and shielded him.

At a certain point, the patience of the organizers of the show ran out, and they decided to expel Zhemchugov for drinking. Ermakova seeks his return, the guy is accepted back on the condition of a complete renunciation of alcohol. Gleb promises to restrain himself, tries to less scandal with Ermakova. Soon the lovers begin to think about the wedding. But another strawberry spree outside the perimeter leads to the fact that the TV project team, including Nadezhda Ermakova, makes the final decision to remove it. After some time, he manages to become a member of his native TV show, but a drunken fight again becomes the reason for the young man to leave.

In the fall of 2012, Strawberry again managed to infiltrate the show. He tried to court Varvara Tretyakova and Oksana Ryaska, but the girls did not respond to his signs of attention.

Having never built relationships on the set, a year later Zhemchugov leaves the project. Of course, this time the drunken debauchery of the young man became the reason for leaving. He himself is well aware that he is a hostage to his bad habits. However, nothing can be done about the passion for dubious pleasures.

The next arrival of Gleb on the TV project took place in the summer of 2015. This time, the man brought his legal wife and little son with him to the perimeter.

Account: gleb_zhemchugov

Occupation: participant of the TV project "Dom-2"

Gleb Zhemchugov Instagram appeared recently. Very few visitors come to his Instagram page, since this account is new and has not yet had time to gain fans.

Gleb Zhemchugov posts photos from Instagram often. Basically, these are photographs of different cities, studios, clubs, releases, and also with great enthusiasm Gleb exposes a photo of his charming wife Olga. He has very little advertising and self-promotion on his Instagram page.

In the Instagram feed itself, there are often various announcements of tracks, videos with the participation of Gleb himself. So Gleb Zhemchugov's Instagram can be called rapper's. In these videos, Gleb shows everyone that after participating in a scandalous show, he dreams of getting rid of the past life that made him popular and being a simple person.

Biography of Gleb Zhemchugov

The biography of Gleb Zhemchugov began in Vladivostok. Gleb was born in 1988 on August 6. In his youth, Gleb had a craving for music. And gradually this passion turned into a professional job of teaching hip-hop. And about all the achievements of Gleb can say a large number of certificates and diplomas received for the promotion of cultural values ​​in Vladivostok. In his town, a young guy opened a personal RnB cafe, worked as a promoter in a prestigious company, tried to work as a TV presenter. In difficult times, Zhemchugov even unloaded cars on the market. But as soon as he found out that in his city they were selecting contestants for a youth reality show, Zhemchugov said to himself: “Whatever it is, I have to get there.” He wanted to participate in Dom-2 in order to become famous and be highlighted in front of the whole country as a talented performer. Accompanying girls, he assessed as a great addition to his popularity. Once in an unfamiliar company on the project, Gleb was given the nickname "Strawberry", comparing it with a sweet, juicy and beloved berry. And throughout the entire presence on the project, everyone even forgot his real name. And from that moment on, Gleb Zhemchugov, whose biography used to be boring, became popular:

  • Spring 2009 first participation in the Dom-2 project.
  • In November 2011, he left the scandalous project due to a violent fight.
  • In September 2012, the second participation in the project.
  • In October 2014, he married Olga Veter.
  • In the spring of 2015, a son was born to the young.
  • In the summer of 2015, he came to the project for the third time with his wife and child.

Gleb Zhemchugov was born (August 6, 1988) and grew up in Vladivostok, and his friends called him Strawberry for his physique. As he himself says, for being juicy like a berry.

Gleb has a higher education (Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service).

The guy brought fame to the infamous, which he got in 2009.

All the time he was on the project, Gleb was in love with. Even when he started relationships with other members of the perimeter, Strawberry often "remembered" Bushina.

Lena Bushina's tattoo on Gleb's arm

In turn, he himself was the object of desire for, which literally did not give him a pass. Only a relationship with another participant helped to escape from an obsessive fan,. But this relationship, unfortunately, did not continue ...

Strawberry's best friend on the TV project Dom-2 was. The guys always stuck together.

After leaving the project, Gleb then returned several more times and even tried to build relationships with new girls (, and), but, in the end, he could only find his true love outside the perimeter.

His chosen one was a girl named , with whom Gleb Strawberry recently got married. In 2015, the couple had a son, Mikhail. In the same year, the Zhemchugov family was invited to the Dom-2 television project, where the guys came along with little Misha.

Member Name: Gleb Zhemchugov

Age (birthday): 6.08.1988

City: Kavalerovo village, near Vladivostok; Moscow

Education: VSUES

Height and weight: 194 cm, 119 kg

Found an inaccuracy? Let's fix the questionnaire

Reading this article:

Gleb Zhemchugov was born on August 6, 1988 in the village of Kavalerovo, in the Primorsky Territory, not far from Vladivostok.

Since childhood, he was fond of music and professionally engaged in hip-hop, moonlighting as a promoter.

For the active promotion of this musical direction in his native city, he has many different certificates and diplomas. He opened the first R & B cafe in the city, even worked as a TV presenter. Gleb writes rap songs.

In 2010 he received a diploma from the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. When the guy found out about the casting of the TV project, which took place in Vladivostok, he took part in it.

In 2009, viewers met Gleb Strawberry, so they called him for his large physique, “juicy as a strawberry,” friends joked.

Gleb had serious problems in relations with girls, due to drunken antics and rude statements about the fair half.

Appearing on the project, Zhemchugov expressed his sympathy for Elena Bushina, at that time she was one of the brightest participants in the reality show.

Lena did not reciprocate him, and soon got married and left the project. Gleb took it hard.

The spectacular, puffy brunette Rimma Pendzhieva persistently expressed her sympathy to him, but he preferred her ex-girlfriend Nadezhda Ermakova.

The Nadya-Gleb pair either converged or diverged, this relationship lasted eight months, until the guy was kicked out of the project for another drunken trick.

Strawberry's next return took place in October 2012, then he tried to court Oksana Ryaska and Varvara Tretyakova, but the girls did not reciprocate, and also unsuccessfully tried to win the heart of the Ukrainian beauty.

After all these love failures in his biography, Gleb Zhemchugov again found himself in free swimming, out of reach of television cameras.

At that time he goes to China to start a new life and work there as a nightclub administrator.

There he meets his current wife, she worked in this club as a dancer. Olga gave birth to Gleb's son Mikhail.

In July 2015, Strawberry returned to the TV project with his wife and son, they settled in the VIP house where the Gobozov family used to live.

Being now on the project, Gleb Strawberry decided to take drastic measures to bring his body "in order". He made himself a liposuction, on the advice of his friend Rustam Solntsev.

Strawberry went to a cosmetology clinic, where on September 14, 2016, excess fat was removed from his sides and abdomen. The surgeon who performed the operation noted that now Gleb will have to comply with certain restrictions.

To prevent the previous kilograms from returning, you need to wear special underwear that will prevent sagging skin. Olga was very worried about her husband and was constantly in touch with him.

Photos after liposuction surgery can be found below.

In between participation in the show, Gleb tried his hand at the Comedy Battle program, led corporate parties, festive events with his friends and.

In October 2016, Olga left the House 2 project. Gleb managed to go to Love Island, but nothing happened.

In January 2017, Gleb Zhemchugov left House 2. And on January 23, Gleb and Olga Zhemchugov divorced, the guys remained on friendly terms.

Photo by Gleb Strawberry

Gleb Zhemchugov rarely pleases fans with new photos, Instagram is generally closed.

Photo of Gleb Zhemchugov's liposuction

Many viewers are interested in the process of changing Gleb Zhemchugov after liposuction.

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