"Global Thunder": US begins strategic nuclear exercises. Teachings of the Russian nuclear triad - how it was and what remains to be learned


The United States will begin the Global Thunder strategic nuclear force exercise on Monday, during which the actions of global strike and missile defense systems will be worked out, US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) spokesman Brian Maguire told RIA Novosti. He added that the United States had warned Russia in advance about this exercise, as required by the bilateral agreement.

“According to the provisions of START III, the US and Russia are required to notify each other of major nuclear exercises, so Russia was notified of this exercise in advance,” Maguire said.

Speaking about the upcoming exercises, the STRATCOM representative recalled that Global Thunder is held annually.

According to him, the scenario of the exercises provides for "various strategic threats to our country and uses all the capabilities of STRATCOM" with the participation of units in various locations in real time. During the exercises, the capabilities of the space forces, surveillance and reconnaissance systems, global strike systems and missile defense systems, as well as cyber capabilities, will be worked out.

“These table-top and field exercises are being conducted to train US Department of Defense (US) forces and assess joint operational readiness across all STRATCOM areas of responsibility, with a particular focus on nuclear readiness. These exercises provide STRATCOM and its units with the opportunity to prepare to prevent and, if necessary, repel a military attack on the United States, using forces at the direction of the president, ”a command spokesman said.

Russia also hosted a comprehensive exercise of strategic nuclear forces last week, in which Supreme Commander-in-Chief President Vladimir Putin took part. During the exercises, the interaction of the Strategic Missile Forces, nuclear submarines of the Northern and Pacific Fleets and long-range aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces was worked out. According to the press secretary of the head of the Russian state, Dmitry Peskov, "the supreme commander launched four ballistic missiles."

Earlier, Moscow criticized the plans of the Pentagon to create promising strike systems of instant global strike. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, in non-nuclear equipment, these complexes should solve the same tasks that are currently assigned to strategic nuclear forces. At the same time, the US is building missile defense systems. According to the Russian military, the creation of instant global strike means is "another factor that confirms Washington's desire to destroy the existing balance of power and ensure global strategic dominance."

The U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) has announced the start of a large-scale exercise of the nuclear forces "Global Thunder". Washington notified Moscow in advance of the maneuvers, as required by the START III agreement on the reduction and limitation of strategic offensive weapons. During the command post and field training of personnel, units in all areas of responsibility of STRATCOM will be checked and their overall operational readiness will be assessed. About the goals and objectives of the exercises "Global Thunder - 2018" - in the material RT.

On Monday, October 30, the United States begins the annual command post and field exercise of the strategic nuclear forces "Global Thunder".
This was reported in the Strategic Command of the US Armed Forces (STRATCOM) - one of the nine commands of the US Department of Defense, responsible for nuclear forces, intelligence, missile defense forces and space forces.

The purpose of the exercise is to test units in all STRATCOM areas of responsibility and assess their overall operational readiness.

“These exercises implement the concept of a single team, uniting the capabilities of the Strategic Command of the US Armed Forces around the world, wherever and whenever it is needed”, - said the head of STRATCOM, US Air Force General John Hyten.

“It is necessary to integrate our strategic means in order to have a diverse impact on any adversary, at any time and anywhere in the world” Hyten added.

Personnel Headquarters of the Strategic Command of the US Armed Forces, its components and subordinate units take part in exercises "Global Thunder 2018" to test readiness to operate in conditions of uncertainty, as well as to ensure a reliable, indestructible and effective strategic deterrence force, which is in a state of combat readiness, the Pentagon said in a statement.

Strategic Command spokesman Brian Maguire told RIA Novosti that the United States had notified the Russian side in advance of the start of the exercises - as required by the bilateral agreement.

“According to the provisions of START-3, the United States and Russia are required to notify each other of major nuclear exercises, so Moscow was notified of this exercise in advance” Maguire said.

According to him, China, which possesses nuclear weapons, was not officially informed about the exercises, since Washington and Beijing do not have a corresponding agreement.

A STRATCOM spokesman said the exercise scenario provides "various strategic threats to the United States and uses all the capabilities of the Strategic Command" with the participation of units around the world in real time.

During the exercises, the capabilities of space forces, global strike systems and missile defense systems, surveillance and reconnaissance systems, and cyber capabilities will also be tested.

“These tabletop and field exercises are being conducted to train DoD forces and assess joint operational readiness across all STRATCOM areas of responsibility, with a particular focus on nuclear readiness. They give STRATCOM and its units the opportunity to prepare to prevent and, if necessary, repel a military attack on the United States, using forces at the direction of the president., - the agency quotes a command representative.


Last weekend B-2 strategic bomber made a long-range flight in the area of ​​responsibility of the Pacific Command. The purpose of this mission was to demonstrate the obligations of the United States to its allies.

Also, a week ago, October 23, US Air Force Chief of Staff David Goldfein said that in the near future the troops may receive an order to resume round-the-clock duty of B-52 strategic bombers.

The last time the 24-hour alert was in place was in 1991, but STRATCOM commander John Hyten is considering resuming it amid the escalation of the crisis on the Korean Peninsula and the strengthening of Moscow's military power.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, October 26, the Russian military launched four intercontinental ballistic missiles as part of a strategic nuclear forces (SNF) exercise. Three - from nuclear submarines in the Barents and Okhotsk Seas, and one from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

During the exercises the interaction of all components of the nuclear triad was worked out - the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN), the Navy and long-range aviation of the VKS.

According to the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, the head of state Vladimir Putin took part in the training on the management of the strategic nuclear forces. He launched four ballistic missiles.

A new unified strategic command can be created in our army

The United States on Monday began a major exercise of the strategic nuclear forces Global Thunder ("Global Thunder"), of which Washington officially notified Moscow. Last week, a similar training exercise of the nuclear triad, in which Supreme Commander Vladimir Putin took part, was also held in Russia. Russia also notified the United States about it. And if the American exercises are aimed at working out the concept of an "instant global strike", then ours are aimed at forming a countermeasure system. According to sources of "MK", ​​we are talking about the creation in the Armed Forces of a single command of the strategic deterrence forces.

According to the official representative of the US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) Brian Maguire, their exercises are annual and planned. The scenario provides for "various strategic threats to our country and uses all the capabilities of STRATCOM." And these, it should be noted, include: the capabilities of space forces, surveillance and reconnaissance systems, global strike systems and missile defense systems, as well as cyber capabilities. The command spokesman went on to say that “These command post and field exercises are being conducted to train DoD forces and assess joint operational readiness across all STRATCOM areas of responsibility with a particular focus on nuclear readiness. These exercises provide STRATCOM and its units with the opportunity to prepare to prevent and, if necessary, repel a military attack on the United States, using forces at the direction of the President.

And here I would like to especially emphasize that from this phrase it follows that we are talking not only about working out the interaction of the forces of the nuclear component, but also about the "joint operational readiness" of almost all forces and means. In this regard, let us recall that the United States has long been working on the concept of an "instant global strike", in which advanced non-nuclear strike systems will be able to solve the same tasks that are currently assigned to the US strategic nuclear forces. At the same time, missile defense systems are being developed and created - they are another factor in an instant global strike that can destroy the current balance of power, thereby ensuring the global strategic dominance of the United States.

Russia has long been warning the world about this from the highest tribunes. So, for example, back in 2013, when the confrontation between Russia and the United States was just brewing, before reaching its current degree, in a message to the Federal Assembly he said: “We are closely following the so-called concept of a “disarming instant global strike”, which could have negative consequences. ... No one should have any illusions about the possibility of achieving military superiority over Russia. We will never allow this."

In this regard, the recent exercises of the Russian nuclear triad can be considered as a step in this direction. Recall that during the maneuvers, the interaction of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN), nuclear submarines of the Northern and Pacific Fleets, as well as Long-Range Aviation of the Aerospace Forces was worked out. And the Supreme Commander-in-Chief launched four ballistic missiles.

However, it must be assumed that the main thing was still not in missile launches, but precisely in working out the interaction of all nuclear forces. According to a number of military experts, the plans of the Russian leadership include the creation in the near future of a unified command of the strategic deterrence forces. This single control body should coordinate all three elements of Russia's strategic nuclear forces - the Strategic Missile Forces, ballistic missiles of submarines and long-range aviation with aircraft carrying nuclear weapons. In addition, the same structure should integrate Russian anti-missile and anti-space defense systems, as well as missile attack warning systems.

The idea of ​​such a command was formulated back in the days of Defense Minister Marshal Sergeev, a native of the Strategic Missile Forces. But at one time, it never received real implementation due to all sorts of political upheavals in the country and disagreements in the defense department (it turned out to be difficult for the generals to agree on who, in the end, could become the main one in this single structure). Now the situation has changed - for the implementation of such an idea there is both political will, and tough departmental leadership, and military necessity.

It must be said that in the United States such a structure - the strategic command of the armed forces - was founded back in 1992 to replace the abolished strategic command of the Air Force. It was created to better centralize planning and increase the flexibility of managing the components of the strategic triad. When in 2002 space command was also included in the strategic command structure, control of near-Earth space was also under the jurisdiction of STRATCOM. And in 2003, it included ensuring the tasks of a quick global strike, integrating missile defense forces and means, providing information operations of the Ministry of Defense, operational and tactical control, communications, intelligence (however, in 2005, operational and tactical control was again withdrawn from its composition ).

Analyzing those combat missions that were worked out at the latest Russian exercises of the nuclear triad, it is quite possible to assume that our military department has returned to plans to create a structure for the unified command and control of the country's nuclear forces. Moreover, as shown by the exercises, these plans are being implemented very successfully. True, the Ministry of Defense does not officially confirm such information. But if we take seriously the statements of the Russian leader about the desires of the United States to “achieve military superiority over Russia”, which “we will never allow”, then it should be noted: a single combat structure that will unite all information, intelligence and strike components of not only strategic nuclear forces , may well be a worthy response to American military ambitions.

The United States is starting the Global Thunder strategic nuclear force exercise, US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) spokesman Brian Maguire told RIA Novosti. He added that the States warned Russia about this in advance, as required by the bilateral agreement.

"According to the provisions of START III, the United States and Russia are required to notify each other of major nuclear exercises, so Russia was notified of this exercise in advance," Maguire said.

Speaking about the upcoming training military operations, the STRATCOM representative recalled that Global Thunder is held annually.

According to him, their scenario provides for "various strategic threats to our country and will use all the capabilities of STRATCOM" with the participation of units in various locations in real time. The capabilities of space forces, surveillance and reconnaissance systems, global strike systems and missile defense systems, as well as cyber capabilities, will be worked out.

"These command post and field exercises are being conducted to train Department of Defense forces and assess joint operational readiness in all STRATCOM areas of responsibility with a particular focus on nuclear readiness. These exercises provide STRATCOM and its units with training opportunities to prevent and, if necessary, repulse a military attack on the United States, using forces at the direction of the president," the command spokesman said.

Last week, Russia also hosted comprehensive training of strategic nuclear forces, in which Supreme Commander-in-Chief President Vladimir Putin took part. During the maneuvers, the interaction of the Strategic Missile Forces, nuclear submarines of the Northern and Pacific Fleets and long-range aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces was worked out. According to the press secretary of the head of the Russian state, Dmitry Peskov, "the supreme commander launched four ballistic missiles."

Earlier, Moscow criticized the plans of the Pentagon to create promising strike systems of instant global strike. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, in non-nuclear equipment, they should solve the same tasks that are currently assigned to strategic nuclear forces. At the same time, the US is building missile defense systems. According to the Russian military, the creation of instant global strike means is "another factor that confirms Washington's desire to destroy the existing balance of power and ensure global strategic dominance."

On Monday, October 30, the United States begins the annual command post and field exercise of the strategic nuclear forces "Global Thunder". This was reported in the Strategic Command of the US Armed Forces (Strathcom), one of the nine commands of the US Department of Defense, responsible for nuclear forces, intelligence, missile defense forces and space forces.

As noted, the purpose of the exercises is to check units in all areas of responsibility of Stratcom and assess their overall operational readiness.

“This exercise implements the concept of a single team, uniting the capabilities of the US Strategic Command around the world, wherever and whenever it is needed,” said US Air Force General John Hyten, head of Strathcom.

“It is necessary to integrate our strategic capabilities in order to have a diverse impact on any adversary at any time and anywhere in the world,” Hyten added.

The personnel of the US Strategic Command Headquarters, its components and subordinate units take part in the exercises "Global Thunder - 2018" to test readiness to operate in conditions of uncertainty, as well as to ensure a reliable, indestructible and effective strategic deterrence force, which is in a state of combat readiness, says the Pentagon.

Strategic Command spokesman Brian Maguire told RIA Novosti that the United States informed the Russian side in advance of the start of the exercises, as required by the bilateral agreement.

“According to the provisions of START III, the US and Russia are required to notify each other of major nuclear exercises, so Moscow was notified of these exercises in advance,” Maguire said.

According to him, China, which possesses nuclear weapons, was not officially informed about the exercises, since Washington and Beijing do not have a corresponding agreement.

A Strathcom spokesman stressed that the scenario of the exercise provides for "various strategic threats to the United States" and will use the full capabilities of the Strategic Command with the participation of units around the world in real time.

During the exercises, the capabilities of space forces, global strike systems and missile defense systems, surveillance and reconnaissance systems will be worked out, as well as an assessment of cyber capabilities will be given.

“These command post and field exercises are being conducted to train DoD forces and assess joint operational readiness in all Stratcom areas of responsibility, with a particular focus on nuclear readiness. They give Stratcom and its units the opportunity to prepare to prevent and, if necessary, repel a military attack on the United States using forces at the direction of the president, ”the agency quotes a command spokesman.

Last weekend, a B-2 strategic bomber made a long-range flight in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the Pacific Command. The purpose of this mission was to demonstrate the obligations of the United States to the allies.

In addition, a week ago, on October 23, the head of the US Air Force headquarters, David Goldfein, said that in the near future the troops could receive an order to resume round-the-clock duty of B-52 strategic bombers.

The last time the 24-hour alert was in place was in 1991, but General John Hyten is considering resuming it amid the escalation of the crisis on the Korean Peninsula and the rise of Moscow's military power.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, October 26, the Russian military launched four intercontinental ballistic missiles as part of a strategic nuclear forces (SNF) exercise. Three - from nuclear submarines in the Barents and Okhotsk Seas and one - from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

During the exercises, the interaction of all components of the nuclear triad was worked out - the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN), the Navy and long-range aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

According to the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, the head of state Vladimir Putin took part in the training on the management of the strategic nuclear forces. He launched four ballistic missiles.

“According to the results of the training, the tasks were completed in full. All training targets were successfully hit, ”the Russian Defense Ministry said.

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