The one-year-old daughter of the Voice star died under the wheels of a car. Participant of the show "Voice" blames himself for the death of his daughter Daughter died under the wheels


Hardly anyone expected to see this accomplished artist in The Voice, but he came and with just one note of the chorus of Eric Carmen’s beautiful song “All by myself” “turned” to himself all four mentors of the fifth season of the Voice show - Grigory Leps, Leonid Agutin, Polina Gagarin and Dmitry Bilan. Among them, by the way, a serious struggle broke out for Alexander to make the right choice. Polina Gagarina promised to even cry, and Grigory Leps just immediately hinted at a profitable financial contract ... Panayotov did not think long and went to Leps. Later, when asked by journalists whether Alexander considers participation in the show a step back in his career (after all, he began his career in show business with the Become a Star project), Panayotov told a shocking story that this year he almost died in a car accident , and after it greatly overestimated his life. And I decided to try whatever you want. Many fans of The Voice already predict the singer will win the project.

Maksim Galkin

From the very first words of the song from the opera "The Magic Flute" by Mozart, the showman puzzled the mentors. After all, not every artist can sing arias for three opera singers in different voices! "It's someone you know!" - Polina Gagarina immediately said, and, listening to the singing, she shouted “This is Galkin!”. And then she pressed a button that turned her chair to face the comedian. Following Polina, according to tradition, Dima Bilan also turned. To which, not recognizing Maxim, Leps and Agutin shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment. When the musical composition ended and the moment of truth came, Leps, out of habit, asked Maxim: “Don’t you think that music is not yours?” This question, Gregory, apparently, considers it very original and asks it to every star who acts as a guest on the project. Galkin was not at a loss and in response said to Leps: “Grisha, well, I’m not saying that humor is not yours when you tell jokes?” What ripped off the applause of the audience and the wild laughter of the rest of the mentors. Maxim said that he had come for a reason, but his wife sent him to the show, and noticed that she was also a singer. Then he congratulated everyone on the new season of "Voice" and ran away to shoot his show "Maximaksim".

Nikolay Baskov

The mentors could not fail to recognize the unique voice of Nikolai Baskov, as soon as he sounded, performing the song of the Italian singer Johnny Fontana "Il mondo". Bilan and Gagarina decided not to wait for the end of the composition and immediately turned to the stage and, seeing it closed with an impromptu curtain, exchanged understanding glances. Like, it's definitely Basque! When the singer finished the song, the curtain fell - and the mentors could not hold back their cries of surprise! It was not Nikolai at all who stood on the stage, but Vladislav Vulfovich, a famous musical composer. "Come on?! It can't be!" they shouted. And only Polina Gagarina was not at a loss and asked Vladislav to sing to them again. It was then that the deception was revealed, as the music began to sound, and he left the auditorium with a microphone and under the applause of the Basques himself. “I honestly tried to change my voice!” he said. “Kolya, it didn’t work out!” Agutin disappointed him. And Leps, of course, immediately gave out a crown joke about "music is not yours." Baskov is very difficult to confuse, so he retorted: “I also think so, but you can’t deceive the viewer!”

Katya Kovskaya

This girl is well known in show business, and the audience first saw her on the X-factor project. Main stage ”, in which Katya reached the very end. Kovskaya graduated from the pop-jazz department of the Gnessin College, where many famous singers of our time studied. Catherine also writes songs herself. By the way, one of her latest hits is the song “Dance with me”, which was performed by Polina Gagarina. The blond mentor quickly recognized her friend and immediately turned around. Katya joined her team, although she had the opportunity to get to Bilan. By the way, on stage the singer was accompanied by the finalist of the second season of the show "Voice" Tina Kuznetsova.

Charlie Armstrong

As soon as the first lines of the song “My First My Last My Everything” sounded, Polina Gagarina and Dmitry Bilan decided that the legendary Barry White himself had come to the project. The mentors were not at all embarrassed that he passed away 13 years ago (perhaps they were just joking). Deciding to test her guess, Polina (the only one of all) turned her chair to the singer. When it was time to introduce himself, the singer once again stunned everyone by saying that his name was Charlie Armstrong and he was the grandson of that same Louis Armstrong! And he sang again the legendary hit "Let my people go" of his eminent grandfather.

Vadim Kapustin

A star for connoisseurs of good music - this is how they call Vadim Kapustin on the sidelines of secular parties. Vadim is the creator of the popular electronic music project "Triangle sun", whose compositions are published on world-famous collections, and songs are heard on the best radio stations around the world and even on British MTV. Previously, the band played in one of the best bars in Ibiza. It was there that Vadim and his partner, musician Alexander Knyazev, gained worldwide popularity. And now Kapustin has come to Golos. Three mentors turned to him, all except Bilan, but chose Vadim Leonid Agutin.

Alexander Gordon

“He's mocking!”, Dima Bilan commented on the singing of a person unknown to the mentors while listening to him sing the famous song “In the death car” by Iggy Pop. “This is someone I know!” Polina Gagarina said with confidence. And so it turned out. The mentors didn’t recognize Alexander Gordon, but they were afraid to turn around before the end of the song - all of a sudden it’s not a joke and you’ll have to take a joker to your team. “And I thought that now everyone would turn around and I would choose!” Gordon said, laughing. “Oh, you are a chewed mole!” Bilan shouted. And everyone laughed! And Alexander's mentors let go in peace, noting the completely unusual timbre of Gordon, who, by his own admission, had dreamed of becoming a singer in a restaurant all his life.

Katya Gordon

But the ex-wife of Alexander Gordon, Ekaterina, came to the “Voice” not to joke, but to participate seriously. And the fact that now the journalist, singer and songwriter is expecting her second child did not become an obstacle for her. By the way, Katya sang Ani Lorak's song "Take Paradise", which, as it turned out, was written by Gordon. After the performance, the singer thanked Grigory Leps for giving her the opportunity to write songs for first-tier artists. But Gordon got into the team of Dmitry Bilan, as soon as he turned to her during the performance of the song. But, alas, Katya left the show during the first "battles" of the second round. She sang along with Leroy Gehner, and Bilan made a choice not in favor of Gordon.

Lera Gehner

Jazz singer, actress, director, promoter and screenwriter - this is not a complete list of what the current ward of Dmitry Bilan Lera Gekhner is doing in life. But her most famous projects today are Lera Gehner Band and NO BUDDS. She performed at the fashionable "Manor. Jazz” and played one of the key roles in the scandalous play “The Vagina Monologues”. Lera sang Vladimir Vysotsky's song "My Gypsy", which charmed three mentors (except Grigory Leps). "I'm 45 and I'm doing this for my fans!" she said.

Irina Klimova

The romantic image and sensual performance of the song “There is no me there” by the Honored Artist of Russia, actress and singer Irina Klimova, alas, did not impress any of the mentors. Dmitry Bilan, after her performance, admitted that he recognized her in the middle of the song. “I know exactly who you are, thank you for doing this number from the bottom of your heart! But I do not quite understand what you and I could do in the future,” he said. Irina was a little upset, but she tried not to show it. The actress listened with dignity to the comments of the mentors and left the stage to the applause that the audience and the mentors themselves burst into in honor of her and her merits in theater and cinema. “At least I tried!”, - says Irina. In the last years of her life, they often appeared together on screens and social events. Akhmadov took the loss of his older girlfriend hard, and last year, as a photographer, he made an entire exhibition “My Lucy” in memory of Gurchenko. To take part in the "Voice" he was "sent" by his wife - the popular Ukrainian singer Irina Bilyk. And the performance of the jazz hit "Gee, Baby, Ain't I Good to You" charmed Polina Gagarina and Leonid Agutin. Aslan chose Polina.

Inga Lepsveridze

Although Inga is not a star, she got into our rating thanks to the stardom of her father, Grigory Leps. It is still not clear whether the girl wanted to take part in the project or just wanted to surprise her dad, because the mentors did not appreciate her singing, and Grigory himself said that “it’s bad, and in one place it’s even very bad!” “My name is Inga, my last name is Leps!” The girl introduced herself. “Your name is Lepsveridze!” Grigory remarked displeasedly. In general, the mentors agreed that Leps's daughter sang not well, but she has a chic original timbre.

August 10, 2017

A terrible accident involving the daughter of the star of "Voices" occurred a few days ago.

One-year-old Pearl died under the wheels of a car / Photo:

The participant of the British version of the show "The Voice" Paul Black was walking in the park with his one-year-old daughter Pearl. Suddenly, the man saw a Range Rover car rolling right at his child from around the corner. The man tried to save the baby, but, unfortunately, he failed. The doctors who arrived at the scene diagnosed Paul and his daughter Pearl with numerous injuries, both were taken to the hospital. The girl died in the clinic a few hours after the tragedy, just a few days before her second birthday.

Representatives of law enforcement agencies found out that the car's handbrake failed, which was the cause of the incident. No other details have been announced yet. Relatives, friends and colleagues of the Black family mourn the loss of baby Pearl.

“Pearl had incredibly beautiful brown eyes. She was supposed to be a star like her father. This is a terrible tragedy,” said one of Black’s acquaintances.

The misfortune happened when a member of the American Voice, 49-year-old Paul Black, was walking with his children - a one-year-old daughter and a very tiny son - in a park in South Wales. A heavy large SUV flew off the handbrake, hit the wall, which collapsed right on a man with children, and continued to move. In the hands of Black at that moment was a son.


Fortunately, the boy remained unharmed, but his older sister Perla died. Now the police are investigating, and it is possible that a criminal case will be opened against the owner of the car, whose name is Andrew Williams, who parked the car near the house after shopping, according to the Daily Mail.

After the death of the heiress, Paul asked the judge so that his 37-year-old wife Gemma would not find out the details of this terrible tragedy. Interestingly, the court went to meet him.

"I saw everything down to the smallest detail. But I want to protect my wife from this. I can't tell her how it all happened, so she still doesn't know the details. No parent should see their little baby die," Black said heartbroken.

Note that the news of the grief that happened in the family of Paul Black caused a strong reaction from his many fans around the world. Fans circulated on the Internet photos of baby Pearl and signed the frames with words of condolences and wishes to rest in peace. At the same time, they noted that the girl was a miracle how good, a real angel with beautiful eyes.

Fans also expressed their support for the heartbroken parents and tried to ease their pain. They reminded them that Paul and Gemma should stand up for their son.

A participant in the children's "Voice" Yaroslav Degtyareva in the blink of an eye became the star of a television project. The performance of the young artist with the song "Kukushka" entered the top 10 most popular videos among the Russian-speaking YouTube audience. StarHit contacted the talented girl and her mother to find out how she was doing.

As it turned out, Yaroslav is still recovering from a terrible accident that occurred two years ago. Then the baby almost died. The child continues to visit doctors. Yaroslava's mother Olesya sincerely hopes that this intervention of medical specialists was the last.

“Yasya is on the mend, she needs to take care of her head. The doctors put in a plate, resolved the issue with a non-healing suture after an accident, we are under observation, the issues of eliminating all the consequences, including external ones, have not yet been resolved. The last operation was in the summer, just before Yasin's birthday. Unfortunately, we met him in the hospital... Yasya's mood is optimistic! Of course, she hopes to never go to the hospital again! .. Now we are seeing a doctor and recovering, ”Olesya Degtyareva told StarHit.

The mother of the young star also spoke about how the life of their family was changed by participation in the TV show “Voice. Children ”, in which the girl managed to reach the very end. “I see how much happier and happier Yaroslava has become from all the events taking place, and this is the most important thing for me! To put it mildly, we were not ready for popularity, we did not even expect that everything would turn out that way. At that time (during the filming of the program - Approx.) I did not think about the reverse side of publicity - you are always in sight, at first it was overcoming for me, ”Olesya shared.

Yaroslav herself admits that she was not worried while participating in the project. The girl received a lot of vivid emotions, and she especially remembered the duet with Nargiz in another Channel One program called “Best of All”. They began to recognize Yaroslav everywhere, they began to invite them to shoot, the artist also had her first fans. According to the young star, she continues to maintain good relations with her mentor, who, by the way, is one of her favorite performers, along with Polina Gagarina, Alla Pugacheva, Grigory Leps and Sia.

“We are friends with Dima Bilan, he is very kind, cheerful! He invites to concerts, called to the premiere of the cartoon, ”Yaroslava told StarHit.

In her free time, Yaroslava, in addition to reading her favorite books, enjoys making videos and is thinking about developing her own YouTube channel. So far, there are mostly her performances, but Yaroslav believes that everything is ahead. As soon as the young performer has more free time, she will start filming her videos. She also admitted that she just loves to sing. “It is always interesting, as if it were a holiday! And it’s a lot of fun when, for example, you go to performances with friends, ”comments the aspiring artist.

Yaroslava's other hobbies include dancing and drawing. The girl also admitted that she is very much looking forward to meeting the horse, which she was presented with in March last year.

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