Years of life e Uspenski. Eduard Uspensky - biography, information, personal life


The biography of Eduard Uspensky should be well known to all fans of his work. This is a famous children's writer, the characters he created were loved by more than one generation and still remain popular. This is Cheburashka, the cat Matroskin, Vera and her monkey Anfisa.


Covering the biography of Eduard Uspensky begins in 1937, when he was born in Yegorievsk. His father was a cynologist, so there were always a lot of animals around the hero of our article. His two brothers, Yuri and Igor, also grew up in the family. Nationality, the biography of Eduard Uspensky has always interested fans of his talent. He was of mixed blood: his mother was Russian, and his father was Jewish.

When the boy was 10 years old, his father, Nikolai Uspensky, died. Edik grew up as a mischievous child, studied poorly. Only once in the hospital with a broken leg, he took up his mind. He began to study well at school, he was especially good at mathematics.

An important stage in the biography of Eduard Uspensky is his studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute. After graduating, he went to work as an engineer. Already at that time, a passion for literature appeared in the biography of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky. In his free time, he writes stories and scripts for children.

The fact is that even at school, the hero of our article constantly fiddled with young pioneers, was their leader, came up with funny songs and children's poems. At the university, he played in KVN and participated in skits.

Having taken up writing poems and stories for children, he published infrequently. But his humorous stories and sketches turned out to be in demand. As a result, by profession, he worked for a short time.

Artwork for children

Representatives of Soyuzmultfilm played a decisive role in the biography of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky, who drew attention to his work. At the same time, it was not easy for him to publish. He was often criticized for the lack of traits of true pioneers in his heroes. Often the censorship found Ouspensky's stories and novellas to be too frivolous.

He found an outlet only at Soyuzmultfilm, where his works began to be filmed, and he himself wrote scripts.

In the biography of Eduard Uspensky, real popularity came to him in the late 70s. He began to actively read stories and poems, in the 80s he published a separate collection with stories about the cat Matroskin, Shapoklyak and Kolobok. At the same time, the fairy tales "Koloboks are investigating" and "Guarantee little men" appear.


Ouspensky also worked on television. It was he who became the ideological inspirer and actual creator of a number of programs for children and adolescents of all ages.

He published all his new works in the Samovar publishing house, which for many years became practically his own. So, in 2016, he wrote a play dedicated to the magical river, which was the basis for a full-fledged performance.

Conflict with Soyuzmultfilm

In recent years, he has developed a difficult relationship with the Soyuzmultfilm studio, which once gave a start to his works.

At the end of 2017, the hero of our article sent an open letter to President Vladimir Putin, in which he accused the studio of violating his copyrights. He claimed that he did not give permission to release the continuation of the animated series about Prostokvashino. The release of new series was not agreed and approved with him.

The updated series began airing in April 2018.

Personal life

There were many difficulties in the biography and personal life of Eduard Uspensky. He was married three times. His first wife was Rimma, with whom they studied together at the Aviation Institute. In the biography of Eduard Uspensky, personal life is closely intertwined with his work. For example, it was Rimma who became the prototype of the old woman Shapoklyak. The writer admitted that his wife was harmful, but despite this, they were married from 1963 to 1980.

In 1968 their daughter Tatyana was born. She is a graduate of the Forest Institute, but now works as a hairdresser. Tatyana has two children - Eduard and Ekaterina. It was the cry of his daughter that once helped him come up with the legendary character Cheburashka.

Elena Borisovna

In 1980, the writer married a second time. The biography of the wife of Eduard Uspensky Elena Borisovna is as follows. She is 23 years younger than her husband, after graduating from a construction institute, she worked on television in the department that was involved in the operation of the building. Uspensky at that time was just getting used to Soyuzmultfilm. They met at a canteen.

Their relationship began with the fact that 42-year-old Eduard suggested that 20-year-old Elena read his book about Prostokvashino. As you can see, stories for children in the biography of Eduard Uspensky influenced his personal life here too.

After the divorce, the writer took his daughter Tatyana, who at that time was 12 years old, to him.

With Elena, Edward did not have joint children. In the 1990s, they adopted twin foster daughters, Svetlana and Irina, who had a disability due to kidney problems.

Eleonora Filina

In a brief biography of Eduard Uspensky, it is necessary to tell about his third wife - the host of the TV show "Ships entered our harbor." They worked together on this project, and soon they began an office romance.

The divorce from Elena turned out to be loud and scandalous. The second wife of the writer constantly appeared on television, condemning his behavior. She was offended by her husband, who left her after 23 years of marriage.

Ouspensky's health at that time deteriorated, as he was diagnosed with cancer. In 2003, he and Elena divorced. Eduard went to Germany, where he underwent a course of chemotherapy. His third wife, Eleonora, was at first nearby, but then returned to Russia, in fact, leaving her husband alone in a foreign country alone with a fatal illness. Uspensky did not comment on this act to journalists for a long time. Only later did he admit that it was all the fault of the large debts that Eleanor wanted to pay off at the expense of his savings. In 2011 they divorced.

Eleanor left Ouspensky for a young lover who was 30 years her junior. She took out a loan so that her young man opened a business, but he went bankrupt. Ouspensky's ex-wife owed 6 million rubles.

Filin herself denies these accusations, arguing that she simply could not get along next to the despotic Uspensky. According to her, she had long wanted a divorce. Only the writer's serious illness stopped her.

The fact that Ouspensky really had a difficult character is confirmed by many of his friends and colleagues. Not everyone could get along with him. The writer almost never wrote to order, because he could not stand it when strangers ruled his work. Because of his intransigence, he often came into conflict, spoiled relations with many influential people. At the same time, it is worth recognizing that without his inherent integrity, Ouspensky's characters would not have been born as we all know them today. This unique look was given to them by the author himself.

At home, he always had a lot of animals and birds, which the writer took care of with pleasure. In recent years, Ouspensky lived in his country house and Moscow apartment, working in a busy schedule every day.

In his free time, he preferred to watch foreign series on medical topics, his favorite is "Doctor House" with Hugh Laurie in the title role.

It is known that Ouspensky adored the work of Oleg Tabakov. That is why he entrusted him to voice one of his most beloved characters - the cat Matroskin.

Last years

In April 2018, Ouspensky gave an interview, from which it became known that his second wife Elena returned to him, they began to live together again. Having forgiven each other old grievances, they began to live in harmony, not remembering the past. They hoped that the writer would be able to cope with the disease.

On August 14, 2018, Ouspensky died at his home in Moscow from cancer, which he had been battling for many years. Treatment in Germany did not bring the desired results, the disease receded only for a short time, and then returned with renewed vigor.

According to the stories of his daughter Tatyana, the day before he became ill. The writer lost consciousness. An ambulance was called, but the doctors were powerless to help him.

Eduard Uspensky was 80 years old. He was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Not all modern children know his name, but everyone knows the heroes created by this man. More than one generation of children grew up on the cartoons "Crocodile Gena", "Prostokvashino", "Antoshka". Eduard Uspensky gave this world something more than just scripts or books. The bright life and biography of this talented person, who carried love for children through his whole life and made this world a little kinder, giving a smile to every family.

Childhood and youth

Famous writer in his youth

The beginning of the creative path

From his youth, Eduard Uspensky was fond of writing stories and stories for children, and also came up with poems and songs. While studying at the aviation university, he was a member of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. Parents wondered where the boy from an ordinary Soviet family had such pronounced creative abilities.

Writer Eduard Uspensky

At first, the writer simply composed styles for his own pleasure and very rarely published anywhere. But with humorous stories, children's books and comic sketches, it's a different story - they immediately appealed to a wide audience. This prompted the talented writer to develop in this particular genre.

World fame

No one today can imagine how the fate of the books written by Eduard Uspensky would have been if not for Soyuzmultfilm. In tandem, such bright fairy-tale characters, unique in their charisma, were created:

"Papa" Cheburashka - Eduard Uspensky

  • from Prostokvashino: cat Matroskin, uncle Fyodor and Sharik, postman Pechkin;
  • crocodile Gena and Cheburashka are no less popular and loved.

Eduard Uspensky invested a lot of light and kindness in his other books, which were not filmed by Soyuzmultfilm. These are "Lectures by Professor Chainikov", "About Vera and Anfisa" and others.

Ouspensky wrote many children's books

The writer's books have been translated into 20 languages ​​of the world. They are understandable to children from different countries, regardless of culture, religion and traditions. The writer gained particular fame in Sweden. He was accepted into the Swedish Writers' Union, and the heroes of the books very often appeared on TV screens and magazine covers.

Eduard Uspensky personally wrote scripts for cartoons and approached this process with all love and responsibility. Later, based on the stories, two feature-length films and one TV series were shot.

The image of Shapoklyak Uspensky copied from his first wife

Personal life

The writer managed to marry three times in his life. The man was married to his first wife for 18 years. They had a daughter who gave grandchildren to Eduard Uspensky. Together with his second wife, the man adopted two twin girls. From that moment on, a real family and children appeared in his biography.

The most painful for the writer was the third marriage with the famous radio host Eleonora Filina. Fate brought them together while working together in the radio program "Ships came into our harbor."

With third wife Eleonora Filina

After several years of marriage, a difficult divorce process began. The ex-wife appeared on television, gave interviews about life together, accusing Eduard Uspensky of a difficult character and impartial behavior in everyday life. The writer himself rarely gave interviews on the subject of divorce and explained his wife's behavior by the fact that she wants to close her financial debts with his funds.

Of course, the talented author had a difficult character. Relatives say that he did not agree to compromises and did not make concessions. However, this is what helped him create immortal creations that will delight children around the world for several decades.

Eduard Uspensky died of stomach cancer

Illness and death

During the divorce proceedings, Eduard Uspensky was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - stomach cancer. Together with his wife, he went to Germany for treatment, but soon the woman could not stand it and returned to Russia.

German specialists were able to stop the disease for some time, but they failed to save the man. Relatives believe that the high-profile divorce crippled the health of the famous writer and hastened his departure. On August 14, 2018, Eduard Uspensky died in a Moscow clinic.

Russian literature of the 19th century

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky


Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky was born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Yegorievsk, Moscow Region.

After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. In his student years, he began to engage in literary creativity, published since 1960. He graduated from the institute in 1961.

He began his career as a comedian, he, together with A. Arkanov, published several humorous books. By his own admission, he got into children's literature by accident. His children's poems began to be published as humorous ones in the Literary Gazette, they sounded in the radio program Good Morning!

He became widely known as the author of children's books: "Gena the Crocodile and His Friends" (1966), "Down the Magic River" (1972), etc. His plays, written jointly with R. Kachanov, - "Cheburashka and His Friends "(1970); Bahram's Legacy (1973); “Vacation of the crocodile Gena” (1974), etc. The images of Cheburashka, the crocodile Gena and other heroes invented by him are loved by children of several generations. In 1976, a collection of poems “Everything is in order” was published. in Prostokvashino", "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat", "Gingerbread man is on the trail", "Colorful family", "Red Hand, Black Sheet, Green Fingers (terrible stories for fearless children)", "Lectures by Professor Chainikov (an entertaining textbook on radio engineering)" was published in 1994.

No less success fell to the lot of adventures of friends from Prostokvashino - Uncle Fyodor, Sharik, cat Matroskin. And they also found their on-screen incarnation. In addition, Eduard Uspensky wrote for the popular children's program "Baby Monitor", for the TV program "ABVGDeyka", now he is broadcasting "Ships entered our harbor."

The writer's works have been translated into more than 25 languages, his books have been published in Finland, Holland, France, Japan, and the USA. In recent years, his new books have been published in the Samovar publishing house organized by him. Lives and works in Moscow.

Recently, Eduard Uspensky announced that he had completed many years of work on a cycle of historical novels telling about the period of False Dmitry and the Time of Troubles.

Uspensky Eduard Nikolaevich was born on December 22, 1937 in the Moscow region. The boy's father was a party worker, and his mother was an engineer in the machine-building department. After school, he applied to the Moscow Aviation Institute for an engineer, who successfully graduated in 1961.

The first literary works were published by the writer in his student years. These works were created jointly with A. Arkanov and had a humorous character. But many of them never passed the "censorship" of the publishers of that time due to their inconsistency with communist ideals.

Ouspensky's humorous works were a success with the public, but he is better known to everyone as the author of children's literature. Among his books are well-known to everyone "Crocodile Gena and his friends" and "Down the magic river", as well as "Vacations in Prostokvashino".

Under his leadership, several dozen cartoons were filmed. He is the author of such well-known TV programs as: "Good night kids" and "Ships came into our harbor." In the life of Uspensky there were three marriages. The first marriage gave the writer his only own daughter, Tanechka. But twenty years later, the union broke up and Edward, taking his daughter, married a second time. Surprisingly, this marriage lasted exactly 20 years. Life together with the second wife was not cloudless (the couple could not have children), and the couple decided to adopt children from the orphanage. So two more girls appeared in the Uspensky family - Ira and Sveta. The beginning of a relationship with Eleonora Filina was overshadowed by a lawsuit with Edward's second wife, who accused him of not paying alimony. After the completion of the case, Ouspensky and Filina legalized their relationship.

On April 14, 2018, at the age of 80, everyone's favorite folk writer Eduard Uspensky passes away. His name accompanied the childhood of many, creativity gave and continues to give that comfort and warmth that daylight was endowed with.

The cycles "Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat", "Gena the crocodile and his friends" and other famous fairy tales are an array that laid the notion of friendship, love and kindness in the younger generations. But what is the personal life of the author and is it as "rosy" as one might think, based on the author's work?

Childhood and parental home

Date and place of birth of the author - December 22, 1937 in Yegorievsk, in the Moscow region, so the childhood of Eduard Nikolaevich fell on the harsh war and post-war years. The family, to put it mildly, was in poverty, and after the death of Uspensky's father, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1903-1947), life began to be difficult at all.

In the photo, Eduard Uspensky in childhood with his mother

Mother, Natalya Alekseevna Dzyurova (1907-1982), earned money by being a mechanical engineer and could not fully feed the offspring of 3 people: Edward's older brother - Igor, younger - Yuri and Edik himself. Father, before he died, held a position in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Central Committee of the CPSU).

At school, Eduard was an unbearable fellow, eccentrically disrupted lessons and did not want to study. Then the school authorities decided to put the student in the post of counselor of junior, namely, second grades. Ouspensky accepted the role with due responsibility and successfully coped with it. After that, the future writer goes to the hospital with a broken leg and asks his mother to bring all the textbooks in order to keep up with the program. During the treatment, he went through all the books inside and out. He was especially pleased with the mathematics course, which prompted in Uspensky the desire to connect his life with the exact sciences. In the last years of schooling, one can notice the growing up and formation of Edward as an independent judicious person.

Studying at the University

In 1966, Eduard Uspensky entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, where he immediately signed up to participate in a student wall newspaper. Many students looked forward to the releases, and in particular they loved the epigrams of the future writer. Everyone knew that Ouspensky had an absolutely mathematical mindset, but, apparently, the author was more versatile and even then he was thinking about the craft of a writer.

young writer

Once he even signed up for a student theater to write feuilletons and skits for him. Then Ouspensky begins to try himself in the field of poetry. People laughingly called his creations "counters" because of the uncomplicated rhythm of the verses. The heads of the literary world of that time also treated him with disdain: Barto, Aleksin and Mikhalkov. Only Boris Zakhoder, the creator of Winnie the Pooh, believed in the young writer. “You can be good,” says Zakhoder to Uspensky.

In 1960, Edward began publishing his poems and feuilletons in the magazine Krokodil and in the newspaper Nedelya. So in 1961, the author finishes his studies at the university with a degree in engineering and begins a 3-year work at the Second Moscow Instrument-Making Plant.

Writing career

Once, when Ouspensky came to visit his good friend, he caught a picture of his daughter dressing up. The girl was wrapped in a fur coat that was huge for herself, so it was extremely difficult for her to walk and her attempts looked ridiculous and awkward.

- Well, natural Cheburashka! - said the girl's father.

Then Uspensky asked what "cheburashka" means. They explained to him: to cheburah means to fall awkwardly, from which the “cheburashka” came from. Thus, a new image of the character was born in Edward, which, as you know, he later brought to life, making it a cult for many generations.

In the mid-60s, Uspensky began a full start in his writing career and in 1965 applied to the publishing house "Children's Literature" with his collection of poems "Funny Elephant", which was accepted for publication.

Well, in 1966, the fairy tale "Crocodile Gena and his friends" was published. Here begins a whole cycle of the universe of Cheburashka and Gena the crocodile in the form of animations: "Crocodile Gena" (1969), "Cheburashka" (1971), "Shapoklyak" (1974), "Cheburashka goes to school" (1983- th), which he releases in collaboration with director Roman Kachanov. Then they together released the plays “Cheburashka and His Friends” (1970) and “Gena the Crocodile Vacation” (1974).

The glory of Cheburashka extends not only to the countries of the former USSR, but also far abroad. So, for example, in Japan even now there is a whole sack of the character, and in 2000 they release their animated film about Cheburashka. Well, it is impossible not to mention that, starting from the 2004 Summer Olympics, the hero has repeatedly become a symbol of the competition.

In 1975, Eduard Uspensky published the equally famous fairy tale "Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat", after which a series of adaptations of this story also began: "Three from Prostokvashino" (19780), "Vacation in Prostokvashino" (1980 th) and “Winter in Prostokvashino” (1984), shot by Vladimir Popov.

Summing up this summary, it is worth saying that in all his life Uspensky published 10 plays, 77 stories, 1 historical novel, “False Dmitry II, the real one” and 1 “significant textbook” on radio engineering “Lectures of Professor Chainikov”. Almost all of the author's works have been translated into 25 languages, and more than 60 cartoons and 2 films have been shot based on his works. In the 70s, Uspensky also occupied a television niche, where in the 70s he became a screenwriter and author of the Baby Monitor program, and then, in the 75th, his ABVGDeika program starts, which is the first program of Central Television. Then he takes part in a number of other television programs, including reviving the Club of the Merry and Resourceful in 1986. The author was the chairman of the Korney Chukovsky jury and has 9 awards in the field of culture and one service to the Fatherland.

Personal life

The first wife of Eduard Uspensky was named Rimma. He met her at university. The girl became the prototype of the old woman Shapoklyak, although all the acquaintances of this couple claimed that Rimma looked more like Uncle Fyodor's mother than a grumpy character. In 1968, Rimma gives birth to Tatyana, whom Ouspensky loved madly and, after a divorce from his wife, took his 12-year-old daughter to live with another family. In the future, the girl graduates from the Forest Institute with a degree in design and design of sites and works as a hairdresser.

In the photo, Eduard Uspensky with his daughter Tatyana

The second wife of Edward is Elena Borisovna Uspenskaya. The writer met her in a cafeteria. Then he gave her to read his book Prostokvashino, which she really liked. They have an age difference of 22 years, but despite this, Ouspensky meets his new love. Then he was 42 years old. The couple adopt two disabled girls (due to kidney problems), whose names are Irina and Svetlana, born in 1991. The girls decided to study as veterinarians.

But this marriage did not last long. In the 1990s, Ouspensky's program "Olivka came into our harbor" needed a new editor. The candidate was quickly selected - she was a young and modest girl named Eleonora Filina. Marriage with his second wife was bursting at the seams, so divorce and a new marriage came into the life of the writer very soon.

Ouspensky with ex-wife Eleonora Filina

From the side, the marriage of Eleanor and Edward seemed ideal: they were engaged in raising their son together, they had their joys and hardships, and they led their program together. But when in 2011 a woman filed for divorce with a loud statement “My husband is a tyrant!”, the whole country was horrified. It turned out that Edward hated Eleanor's son, beat her and scandalized her. Filina also claims that she had an abortion, which she did not regret, and that she had previously dreamed of divorcing her tyrant husband, but regretted it because of her illness (the writer was found to have a malignant tumor).

Ouspensky quickly responded to the whole scandal: closing all accounts and shame in front of friends. This news caused a huge resonance in society, because of which some sympathize with Edward for slandering his wife, while others Eleanor. One way or another, this situation had a positive impact on the writer's work and new works began to appear.

In the photo Elena Uspenskaya

Scandal with daughter

The divorce from his third wife was not the only major scandal at the end of the author's life: his daughter Tatyana also accuses him of cruelty. Based on the release of the program "You Won't Believe It", it is known that the writer was a member of a totalitarian sect for a long time. According to Tatiana, they send her to a similar sect, allegedly for treatment, where the girl spends four years. After that, she escapes home, from where her stepmother Elena kicks her out. But in the end, the girl leaves home at the age of 21, and now Tatyana is married and has two children - a girl, Ekaterina, and a son, who was named after her father.

Tatyana Uspenskaya - daughter of a famous writer

The authenticity of the above facts has not been proven, so it is up to everyone to choose which side to take. Public life tends to be scandalous, for which it is worth forgiving the childish author we love.

Death of Eduard Uspensky

The great writer died on August 14, 2018 in the evening from a long, long-lasting cancer that tormented him.

The famous writer Eduard Uspensky, beloved by several generations of children, died on the evening of August 14 at the age of 80.

A friend of Eduard Uspensky, who died the day before, composer Grigory Gladkov named the cause of the writer's death.

“Yes, Eduard Uspensky died in his house from cancer. He was treated for it for a long time in Baden-Baden. This is very sad, ”Moskva City News Agency quotes Gladkov.

A monument to Eduard Uspensky may be erected in Moscow

A monument to children's writer Eduard Uspensky may appear in Moscow, according to TASS. According to Yevgeny Gerasimov, chairman of the Moscow City Duma commission on culture and mass communications, the writer deserves a monument in his honor in the capital. He noted that the profile commission of the city parliament will certainly consider such a proposal, if it arrives.


Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky (December 22, 1937, Yegoryevsk, Moscow Region - August 14, 2018, Puchkovo) - Soviet and Russian writer, playwright and screenwriter, author of children's books, TV presenter. Among the popular characters invented by him are Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, Matroskin the cat, Uncle Fyodor, the postman Pechkin, the dog Sharik, the Kolobok brothers, Guarantee little men, Tr-tr Mitya.

Eduard Uspensky was born in Yegorievsk, Moscow Region. Father - Uspensky Nikolai Mikhailovich (1903-1947), an employee of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Mother - Uspenskaya Natalya Alekseevna (1907-1982), mechanical engineer. Educated at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) and becoming an engineer, he made a living by writing and scripting cartoons. In addition to children's books, Uspensky wrote poems and theatrical scenes from the cycle about Cheburashka, Gena the Crocodile and His Friends.

Uspensky's first book about Uncle Fyodor, Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat, was published in 1974. The main character was a six-year-old boy, whose name was Uncle Fyodor because he was very independent. After his parents forbade him to leave the talking stray cat Matroskin in the apartment, Uncle Fyodor left home. Together with Matroskin and the dog Sharik, the three of them settled in the village of Prostokvashino. Having found the treasure, they were able to buy a tractor that drives soup and potatoes. A little-known cartoon "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat" was shot based on the book, as well as three popular animated films: "Three from Prostokvashino", "Vacations in Prostokvashino" and "Winter in Prostokvashino".

He was the chairman of the jury for the "Cherished Dream" award. Also in 1986, he was a member of the jury in the first games of the revived Major League of KVN.

Eduard Uspensky was one of the creators of the programs "Good night, kids!", "ABVGDeika", "Baby Monitor", as well as a program about the author's song "Ships entered our harbor", which was awarded the TEFI award in 2000.

In 2007-2008, he was a member of the Supreme Council of the political party Civil Force.

In 2010, Uspensky was awarded the Korney Chukovsky Prize, established for children's writers, in the main nomination "For outstanding creative achievements in Russian children's literature."

Personal life of Eduard Uspensky

Father - Uspensky Nikolai Mikhailovich (1903-1947), an employee of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.

Mother - Natalya Alekseevna Uspenskaya (before her marriage Dzyurova) (1907-1982), mechanical engineer.

Senior - Igor,

Junior - Yuri,

First wife - Rimma,

Daughter Tatyana,

granddaughter Ekaterina,

grandson Edward,

Second wife - Elena Uspenskaya,

Twin daughters Irina and Svetlana,

Third wife (2005-2011) - Eleonora Filina, TV presenter.

Works by Eduard Uspensky

Crocodile Gena and his friends. - M., 1966, 1970
Multicolored family. - M., 1967
That's the school. - M., 1968
Crocodile Gena. - M., 1970
Balloons. - M., 1971
Down the magic river - M., 1972
Ice. - M., 1973
Bahram's Legacy (1973)
Uncle Fedor, dog and cat. - M., 1974
Academician Ivanov. - M., 1974
Crocodile Gena's Vacation (1974)
Warranty people. - M., 1975
Crocodile Gena. - Tallinn, 1975
Everything is fine. - M., 1976
Repeat. - M., 1976
An amazing thing. - M., 1976
Crocodile Gena. - M., 1977
Crocodile Gena and other fairy tales. - M., 1977
Down the magic river - M., 1979
Clown School (1981)
Ice. - M., 1982
If I were a girl. - M., 1983
Holidays in Prostokvashino. - M., 1983
above our apartment. - M., 1980, 1981, 1984
Vera and Anfisa in the clinic. - M., 1985
Vera and Anfisa get to know each other. - M., 1985
Clown Ivan Bultykh (1987)
The bun is following. - M., 1987
25 Professions of Masha Filipenko (1988)
About Sidorov Vova. - M., 1988
Fur boarding school. - M., 1989
Red hand, black sheet, green fingers (1990)
Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat (dialogues on political issues) (1990)
"Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat, and politics (1991)
Lectures by Professor Chainikov (1991)
Literacy: A Book for One Reader and Ten Illiterates (1992)
The Business of Crocodile Gena (1992)
Year of the Good Child (1992) (co-author E. de Grun)
Underwater Berets (1993)
Uncle Fyodor's aunt, or Escape from Prostokvashino. - M.: Samovar, 1995
Winter in Prostokvashino (1997)
Uncle Fyodor's favorite girl (1997)
New order in Prostokvashino (1997)
Uncle Fyodor goes to school, or Nancy from the Internet in Prostokvashino (1999)
False Dmitry II, real (1999)
Spring in Prostokvashino (2001)
Mushrooms for Cheburashka (2001)
Crocodile Gena - police lieutenant (2001)
Pechkin vs. Khwatayka (2001)
Kidnapping of Cheburashka (2001)
Holidays in the village of Prostokvashino (2001)
Trouble in Prostokvashino (2002)
The Stepanide Case: Stories (2002)
Viper Sting (2002)
Treasure from the village of Prostokvashino (2004)
Mystery Guest from Space (2004)
Birthdays in Prostokvashino (2005)
Acid rain in Prostokvashino and other funny stories (2005)
New life in Prostokvashino (2007)
Postman Pechkin's mistake
Cheburashka goes to the people "
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About Vera and Anfisa
Zhab Zhabych Skovorodkin
Son of Zhab Zhabych
History of the Sparrowhawk
Koloboks are investigating
Magnetic house near Vladimir
Household dog on a Belarusian farm
Incidents in Prostokvashino, or the Inventions of the Postman Pechkin
Stories about a girl with a strange name (2009)
Warranty Men Return (2011)
The story of Geveichik, the gutta-percha man (2011)
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