Hunger does not run away into the forest. Hunger is not "Swedish" "Buffet" as a test of education


Hunger is not an aunt

Hunger is not an aunt - hunger is a complex problem that significantly affects the character, behavior, and well-being of a person.
But why “aunt”, and not mother, grandmother, girl, wife, daughter, spouse, sister, godfather, mother-in-law, godmother? No answer. Although the full saying sounds: “Hunger is not an aunt, a pie will not slip,” it is not clear why exactly a pie is expected from an aunt, and not from all the listed female relatives. In addition, the insidious Russian language completely sows doubt: who “doesn’t slip a pie”, an aunt or hunger itself?

Analogues of the saying about hunger, which is not an aunt

  • Hunger drives the world
  • Hunger is not an aunt, the belly is not a basket
  • Hunger is not an aunt, but the belly is not a basket
  • Hunger is not an aunt, the soul is not a neighbor
  • Hunger is not a neighbor: you can't get away from it
  • Hunger is not an aunt, it will make you speak
  • Hunger is a grumpy godfather: she gnaws until she gets it
  • Hunger is not an aunt, it will make you work
  • Hunger drives the wolf from the forest (to the village).
  • Hunger is not an aunt, she won’t put a ball
  • Hunger is not an aunt in the forest will not run away
  • The hunger of the stomach does not swell, but on an empty stomach is more fun
  • Hunger is not an aunt, frost is not a brother
  • With hunger, the belly will not burst, it will only wrinkle
  • They don't die of hunger, they just swell

“Hunger is not an aunt,” the people say, but they add: “The stepmother is fierce, but the hunger is more fierce!” (E. A. Salias "On Moscow")

Application of the saying in literature

    “They guarded them, but hunger is not an aunt - they broke themselves crusts of bread, but for future use”(Daniil Granin "Zubr")
    “I used to think that hunger is not an aunt, but it turns out that an aunt is a hunger”(Vasily Grossman "Life and Fate")
    “But nothing. Hunger is not an aunt. “I see,” the woman did not immediately say and walked away, apparently losing interest in both the frogs in the hat and in both men.(Vasil Bykov "Wolf Pit")
    “But if hunger is not an aunt, then the cold is also not an uncle, do you agree?”(Vladimir Sanin "Don't tell the Arctic - goodbye")
    “That’s enough, isn’t it,” I thought, listening, “is it for example, isn’t it according to the proverb: “hunger is not an aunt”?”(I. A. Goncharov "Frigate" Pallada ")

It so happened that the range of my interests is somewhat wider than just computers or web design. In general, it is human nature to be interested in many things, to seek, to find. Why am I? - Sometimes I think about “where did this or that phrase, word or saying come from, known to all of us since childhood. With this little article, I will open a new section "". I will also include in it my previously written note “Ktomado, or creativity in tongue twisters”.

Remember the saying "Hunger is not an aunt"? Of course, there is Yandex and you can ask this question to him. I did it. And he found the answer. And as soon as I referred to the original source, then without any twinge of conscience I will allow myself to quote part of the text:

“Strange expression, right? It is somehow completely incomprehensible why hunger is compared precisely with an aunt, and not with some other relative.

The thing is that we have only a piece, the first half of the proverb. It sounds completely: “Hunger is not an aunt, she won’t bring a pie,” that is, don’t expect mercy from him.

But personally, this explanation does not satisfy me either. In fact, well, why aunt? That she is the closest, dearest and most loving relative? Why, for example, not mom? - In fact, the answer is worth looking for even further, into the depths of centuries. When Rus' was not yet baptized, this saying already existed. Many negative concepts, such as illness or death, should never be called by their proper names, so as not to call out. Death, for example, was called an aunt (it’s clear why not a mother, right?). Of course, many concepts are being replaced, but the original meaning of this proverb is: “to starve, of course, is bad, but it’s still better than death.” Is it really a completely different meaning?

There is another version that seems entertaining to me: "Hunger is not an aunt, but a dear mother." It talks about the benefits of fasting and the dangers of overeating. Well, our ancestors were anything but stupid.

Let me write in this article about one more well-known phrase of V. I. Lenin, which we remember as: "The most important of all arts for us is cinema." This is an example of the most shameless pulling out a piece of a phrase from a whole statement. The meaning is turned upside down if you bring it in its entirety. So, are you ready? In full it sounded like this: "While the people are illiterate, of all the arts, cinema and the circus are the most important for us." That is, cinema is valuable as an art, not in itself, but only as an ideological tool to stupefy the population. It seems that modern television with its talk shows lives according to this Leninist testament.

6 comments on “Hunger is not an aunt?”

    Well, about the "ideological tool for stupidizing the population" you turned down. What is the ideology in the film "The Diamond Arm"? Or in the movie Forrest Gump?
    Lenin had in mind that the cinema and the circus are accessible to people of different strata of the population and pass through them an incomparably larger volume of people than an art exhibition.

    • The films you mentioned are my favorite. I love others too. It’s just that when grandfather Lenin issued this slogan, these films did not yet exist. He meant the availability of cinema and the circus for the general population precisely for the purpose of propaganda. Not everyone could read books and newspapers at that time.

“Che got up like a stump? And stare at the food? Lie down everything! ”I heard a loud female voice behind me. A family of five comfortably settled down for breakfast - at a large table, right next to the main Swedish table (buffet). “Get that tray over here. Here we will figure out what we should eat and what we should bite, ”the guest laughed. The man took his wife's command literally. He rushed to the edge of the table, grabbing a half-empty tray of cold cuts. And he began to impose everything on him.

At first, half a can of herring joined the meat leftovers. Herring was replaced by a huge portion of cheesecakes. On top lay pancakes, abundantly poured with sour cream and honey. “Just don’t lay down greenery, the grass grows even at home,” the wife continued to command.

Approaching the table with pickles, the guest with a confident movement stuck a fork into a jar of olives. With difficulty holding a heavy tray in his left hand, the guest began to fish out fruits from the common jar. And direct them directly into your mouth, not noticing the drops of marinade, abundantly falling directly on the snow-white tablecloth.

The whole thing reminded me of an old joke. The man saw the buffet for the first time. And sincerely surprised by the lack of chairs at the main table. He arbitrarily took one of the chairs standing nearby, put it to the distribution, sat down. And began to greedily consume food. “Sorry, but this is a buffet. Please release him!” the administrator asked. "I'll get up when the Swedes come"

“Che sat down? Go help your father, get hot!” the guest commanded her teenage daughter, who was sitting next to her. The girl obediently got up and went to the "Swede". “Don’t take porridge, you will eat it at home. Do not clap your ears, put chicken and boiled pork on a plate, do not miss the shrimp, ”the guest gave out commands. Suddenly, sharply turning around at another cry from her mother, the girl did not notice how a lock of her long, flowing hair dived into a gravy boat with ketchup. And after a couple of seconds, a bright red strand of hair was already drawing strange patterns on the girl's snow-white shirt. "Dirty!" - the guest wailed loudly throughout the hall.

Waiters standing nearby ran up to the girl - with an offer to help clean her shirt on the spot. “They set up their banks here, boobies. You don't know how to work! This shirt pulls on your entire monthly salary, ”the waiters immediately got it.

Having finally put the heavy tray on the table, the father of the family again went to the distribution. And he began to put mountains of hot dishes on plates. Mixed with the side dish, for some reason, the guest took several eclairs with the chicken, sprinkling them with plenty of cherries.

With difficulty dragging mountains of food to his table, the head of the family finally took his place of honor. The family began to have breakfast.

"Stop and wait! We finish our meal and leave,” the guest answered businesslike to someone who called her mobile, obviously overestimating the gastronomic possibilities of her household.

“Put fruit in the bag. Hurry, we're late. We will eat on the way to Peterhof,” the guest commanded again at the exit from the restaurant. “Why do you need apples?” the wife loudly criticized, looking into the bag. Do you miss them at home? Put peaches, pears and grapes on top. Paid for everything"

The husband rushed back to the "Swede". And in a hurry, he began to put a dozen apples from the bag and from two side pockets in his jacket back into the fruit basket. He tried to exchange apples for something that "does not grow at home." But in the bustle he dropped it, not holding them in his hands. The apples rolled in different directions to the loud shouts of the angry wife and the mocking glances of other guests.

The family left. I went to the table and carefully examined the "battlefield". The waiters had just taken off the table about ten plates filled to the brim with almost untouched food. Meat mixed with chicken, fish, pieces of fruit, the remains of desserts, richly seasoned with ketchup, honey and sour cream, safely went to the dumpsters. Only accidentally surviving apples, previously washed in the kitchen, returned to the "Swede".

The term "buffet" exists only in Russian. In Europe, the USA and in Asia, this type of service is commonly called a "buffet" (buffet)

In confirmation of the Russian version of this name, historians give enough arguments and facts that attribute this invention to the nation of northern sailors.

Legend has it that back in ancient times, for most feasts, the Scandinavians prepared simple but varied long-term food - from salted and smoked fish and meat, boiled eggs, from vegetables, mushrooms and berries, so that when new guests arrived, they would not have to think about how to feed them .

Implementing this service concept has always been easier in cold climates. And in that national cuisine, which is adapted to various kinds of preparations.

A few opponents of the "Swedish theory" argue that this most democratic way of serving treats originates from the traditional Russian meal "vodka - snack". But this hypothesis, according to historians, does not stand up to criticism - after all, democracy was not born in Russia. And the meaning of the "buffet" is not in strong drinks.

In Sweden itself, this format of serving food is called smorgasbord, that is, a “sandwich table”. Sandwiches mean any hearty meal that can be prepared from anything.

The presence of bread is not as important as the principle - serving dishes that are easy to eat. And unlike, for example, pasta with tomato and cheese, they do not lose their taste for a relatively long time.

The concept and idea of ​​the "buffet" is closely related to the national characteristics of the inhabitants of Scandinavia. Its main principle is reasonable self-restraint in the absence of external control.

The Russian historian and journalist of the second half of the 19th century, Konstantin Skalkovsky, described a meal in a local inn as follows: “Everyone demands both, the maids barely had time to uncork the bottles. There is no account of what is consumed here; there is a book on the table, a pencil is tied to it on a pink ribbon, and the guest himself is obliged to enter what he ate and drank in the book. When leaving, he also sums up his account himself. It is clear that all mistakes remain on the passenger's conscience, but the Swedes prefer to lose something rather than subject the traveler to humiliating control.

Alexander Kuprin, who was undergoing treatment in 1909 in Finland (which was part of Sweden at the beginning of the nineteenth century), described the “miracle of a self-assembled tablecloth” as follows: “The long table was lined with hot dishes and cold snacks. All this was unusually clean, appetizing and elegant. There was fresh salmon, fried trout, cold roast beef, some kind of game, small, very tasty meatballs and the like. Everyone came up, chose what he liked, ate as much as he wanted, then went up to the buffet and, of his own free will, paid exactly one mark thirty-seven kopecks for dinner.

“When we returned to the car, a picture in a truly Russian genre was waiting for us,” the famous writer recalled. “The thing is, we had two masonry contractors with us. Everyone knows this type of kulak from the Meshchovsky district, Kaluga province: a wide, glossy, bony red muzzle, red hair curling from under a cap, a sparse beard, a roguish look, piety for a five-kopeck piece, ardent patriotism, and contempt for everything non-Russian - in a word, well known true Russian face.

“You should have listened to how they mocked the poor Finns,” continued Kuprin. "That's foolish, so foolish. After all, such fools, the devil knows them! Why, if you calculate, I ate three rubles for seven hryvnias from them, from scoundrels ... Oh, you bastard! They don't beat them enough, sons of bitches. One word - Chukhonians. And the other one picked it up, choking with laughter: “And I ... purposely knocked a glass, and then took it into a fish and spat. So they should be bastards!”

Quoting these disgusting statements, Kuprin concludes: "And it is all the more pleasant to confirm that in this nice, wide, semi-free country they are already beginning to understand that not all of Russia consists of contractors from the Meshchovsky district of the Kaluga province."

These days, "buffet" has literally conquered the planet. Hotel complexes, casinos, cruise ships and large restaurants - those establishments that are faced with the task of feeding a large number of guests quickly, tasty and efficiently - widely use this type of service. And they get a stable solid income - despite the false idea that the cost of the meals eaten significantly exceeds the revenue of the establishments. This is wrong. An important feature of the “Swede” is that the unlimited appetites of eaters are limited by the size of their stomachs, the presence of a consumption culture, and upbringing. And the observance by the majority of guests of the banal principle: eat for pleasure, but do not take too much. And don't take your food with you.

Hunger is not an aunt

(the pie will not slip)

Hungry and the lord of bread will steal.

Wed If they forcibly bring me to a drinking-room, then I still won’t eat! Hunger is not an aunt ... will eat! Take me to the dining room!"

Saltykov. Poshekhonskaya antiquity. 19.

Wed I will enter the hut, if the door is not locked, I will see if there is something to eat! The economy, maybe at least not good, but after all hunger not aunt.

Gr. A. Tolstoy. Book. Silver.

Wed Hunger is not an aunt something needs to be done.

Ostrovsky. Poverty is not a vice. 12.

Wed The family of the poor, and hunger, you know,

Not your brother...

Zhukovsky. Mat. Falcone.

Wed Hunger ist Unger.

Hunger Hunger (merciless, like an ancient Hungarian warrior).

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotations, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

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