"Voice. Children": big lessons from little artists


Axelrod Lev is a very young, but very talented guy from the capital of Russia, who gained great popularity after participating in a musical television project on Channel One called “Voice. Children".

The boy manifests himself not only as the owner of a good vocal, but also as an actor, because he is a participant in two musicals "Treasure Island", where he plays the main role and "The Sound of Music".

Leo Axelrod. Biography. Childhood

The future star was born in Moscow on November 12, 2000. Like all children, he attended kindergarten, and then went to school. Only now, from a very young age, his mother (who herself has an ear for music) noticed that her son had a good ear and a memorable voice during general performances at matinees in the kindergarten. In addition to Lev's mother, the kindergarten teachers also saw the boy's talent, who often involved him in festive concerts and events.

Therefore, when it was time for Leo to go to school, he was sent to the secondary, and to the music, to the piano class. And from the second grade, the boy began to attend vocal lessons as well. The future artist happily studied both, because from childhood he felt that music is an integral and important part of his life.

In an ordinary school, Leo's talent did not go unnoticed, the boy was a frequent participant in school concerts and various musical events. Leo has repeatedly glorified his school at music competitions.

First musicals

With musicals, the boy immediately got it right, he participates in auditions, where he bypasses his competitors and gets the desired roles.

Increasingly, the boy dreams of a creative career, especially after passing the audition for the musical "The Sound of Music", in which he played a memorable, but small role in the fourth cast of a boy named Kurt.

This is followed by an offer for a role in the musical production of Treasure Island, where Leo still plays the main character Jim Hawkins. According to Leo himself, he loves to play on stage, the boy really likes the feeling of reincarnation and the emotions that he experiences while playing on stage, experiencing all the adventures and dangers with his hero Jim. The heart is especially pleased with the sound of applause and ovations that come from the hall after the end of the performance. This shows that the time spent on stage during the long rehearsals and preparations for this musical was not wasted.

By the way, the guy could stay at rehearsals until late at night. But the young man does not complain, he loves what he does and does it with maximum efficiency. In general, the guy does not like to rest for a long time, he is used to the intense rhythm of life. After all, there is so much to do!

In addition to successful tests, Leo had several unsuccessful ones, for example, he could not pass the casting for the New Wave and Junior Eurovision. Now, years later, the young man understands that the reason for this was an insufficient amount of experience, but then, it was a big upset for the young artist.

Participation in the "Voice. Children"

After several unsuccessful selections, a family council followed, at which it was decided that Leo needed to tighten up his voice data. Which is what was done. With new vocal abilities, Leo went to the casting of the children's version of the musical television project "Voice". Axelrod Lev, after passing the first and then the second selection, realized that he had a real chance to get into this competition.

And here it is! After performing the blind song "Tell Me Why", Leo became a member of the "Voice". Leo chose this composition not in vain, she once helped the guy take the Grand Prix at the Smile of the World competition, and this time did not disappoint. Two mentors turned to him - Pelageya and Dima Bilan. The guy opted for Dima Bilan, cooperation with which brought the boy an honorable second place, the first was taken by Alisa Kozhikina.

Axelrod Lev recalls the joint work with Bilan with a smile and great gratitude. According to the boy, a good creative relationship developed between them, based on a common respect and sense of humor. It was very interesting and fruitful.

But what about study?

In addition to the status of a TV star, Lev Axelrod is still a student of the school. Strong employment, of course, was reflected in the guy's performance, in addition to fives and fours, triples also appeared in the diary. Before the finale in The Voice, the boy almost did not appear in the gymnasium and in the music room, but the teachers of both schools understand and support the young artist, give delays in writing control and independent work.


A young man sorely lacks time not only for studying, but even for communicating with friends. But in his busy schedule, Leo still tries to find a couple of hours to meet with three old friends who have been close to him since primary school.


The guy treats his current popularity very well, he likes attention, especially when it is unobtrusive. It's always nice to know that someone likes your talent.

After the release of the musical television project "Voice", Lev Axelrod became very popular on the Web, his number of subscribers and fans, especially female, increased dramatically. Very often, a guy receives messages with requests to meet or talk about personal things. To all these comments and questions, the guy replies that he does not have time for personal relationships. Also, fans are often interested in how old Lev Axelrod is. The young man was born on November 12, 2000, therefore, at the moment he is sixteen years old.

Idols of Lev Axelrod

The artist himself also has a role model, as Leo himself admitted - Robert Downey Jr., in some way, is his idol. The boy is inspired by his charismatic acting and how this artist combines an acting and musical career. And also Ozzy Osbourne and Johnny Depp like Leo as artists. Of the musical directions, the young artist prefers punk rock and electronic music. Of the Russian performers and groups, he singles out "Shadows of Freedom". He considers this group cool and even bought a T-shirt with her image.

As you already know, the guy knows how to play the piano, but recently he has become interested in playing percussion instruments, especially drums. You can't play such instruments in an apartment, so the boy plays in his favorite "Aquamarine". In his creative plans for the future, Leo has the creation of his own rock band, which he wants to promote before the age of twenty. Fortunately, the guy has enough time for this.

Leo Axelrod. Songs

To date, the young artist has performed the following compositions:

Jim's song from the musical Treasure Island.

- "This is Love";

The song "Castle from the rain". Lev Axelrod performed it at the finals of the competition for the children's version of "Voice";

- The world of shadows.

A song about freedom, which the young man performed in collaboration with Artur Yagubov.

Voice acting

Lev Axelrod (whose photo is in this article) is a very talented guy with a great degree of dedication and a desire to work. Now the young man performs in his favorite "Aquamarine", participating in musicals. In addition, the boy is engaged in voicing cartoons and film works. Some came easily and were written almost from the first take, these include "Jack and the Neverland Pirates", the picture "The Highest Class".

Sometimes it was necessary to work long and carefully, the most famous of these paintings are The Nutcracker and the Rat King by Andrei Konchalovsky and the cartoon The Amazing World of Gumball. In the latter, Leo got the voice acting of a kitten - the main character. This work was not easy for the young artist, because it was difficult to find the necessary intonation and speed of speech. The kitten spoke very quickly, his mood and emotions often changed, and the length of English and Russian words is very different, which also complicated the process of getting into words. But after such voice acting, Axelrod Lev gained experience, the boy realized that voice acting is a separate art form that requires complete dedication and attentiveness. Such work has brought good results - the artist's diction has become much better than just when practicing vocals.

- It all started with a kindergarten, where I sang in the choir at various matinees. Mom heard this, and since my mother has an excellent ear for music, she decided that my talent should not be lost. When I was in the first grade at a regular school, my mother also sent me to the music school, to learn to play the piano. And when I moved to the second grade, singing lessons began. My regular school also appreciated my voice, so they constantly offered to take part in various events and competitions, where I often won prizes. For example, in the international Talisman of Good Luck and Smile of the World.

- You wanted to play the piano? A lot of people hate music school...

- Yes, I went to music school voluntarily! They didn't drag me there. I realized from an early age that I like music more than anything else. I went to a music school and studied vocals with a private teacher, Max Davidson. At that moment, I myself began to think about a creative career, especially after I was invited to play in the musical The Sound of Music. I went through the casting, played in the fifth or fourth cast of a character named Kurt. The role is beautiful, memorable, but small. Then I was invited as an actor in, in which I still enjoy playing the role of the main character Jim Hawkins.

By the way, with musical competitions, unlike musicals, I did not work out right away. I applied for participation in the children's, but, apparently, at that time I did not have enough experience. The same thing happened on the "Children's New Wave". It was then that my mother and I decided to actively start preparing and improve my data in order to qualify for the show “Voice. Children". I went to auditions. Passed the first selection, then the second - and realized that I have a chance to appear on the air.

- You chose Dima Bilan as your mentor. What kind of relationship do you have?

Like friends at work. He is older than me, and I treat him with all respect, but sometimes we could joke. Dima was very helpful. He suggested some of his chips, which can then be demonstrated on stage, gave advice. They analyzed his songs that they performed, it was so interesting.

- And what about the gymnasium and the music school? How did you manage to combine participation in the show and study?

And my teachers from both schools supported me in all my endeavors and rejoice at my success. Although my piano teacher is jealous of me for vocals. But she also treats everything that happens with understanding. Not so long ago, I had to call her and cancel the class, as I had a rehearsal at. She replied, “Yes, Leo. Thank you for the warning. I understood everything. Get busy! But after the show, you will come and give me the credit. And just try not to prepare!” (Laughs.) Sometimes, due to the tight schedule at the show and rehearsals, I had to skip classes at the gymnasium. The last two weeks before the final, I almost did not appear at the lessons. Controls are then forced to write. Because of the final I missed the biology test, I will have to write. But nothing can be done! I want to perform on stage and get an education.

- Achievement is not lame?

- Estimates in quarters are different. And fives, and fours ... And even threes (laughs), but I try to fix them quickly. Mom is not always happy with grades. She worries and can sometimes scold. He tells me: “Leo, get together in this quarter, otherwise you will stay for the second year!” Yes, I myself understand that low grades are bad, but there is a catastrophic lack of time.

- Do you have time to communicate with your friends? You must have many.

- I have three old friends with whom I try to meet in my spare time. But there are a lot of acquaintances and comrades! But most of all the fans. I got my first fans after participating in the musical The Sound of Music. I registered in one of the social networks, I go there in a day, and I already have twenty subscribers! I rejoiced! And every day their number increased. I can't say that popularity is an unpleasant feeling. On the contrary, I like it when my work can be appreciated. Then came the musical Treasure Island. There are already about a thousand subscribers. But after my first appearance in the number of my fans has increased dramatically.

Now sometimes they even recognize me on the street. They ask for an autograph and want to take a picture with me. And I like that kind of attention when it's unobtrusive. After such communication, you walk down the street in a good mood, and the person is glad that you did not refuse him.

But there are also unpleasant moments. It mostly happens on social media. Fake pages began to appear that do not belong to me. And there are already about a dozen of them. I'm trying to block them with the help of the administration.

And the fans come across different. Some ask to be added as a friend and then do not respond. They are just glad that they have me as a friend. Others may write that they are not my fans at all, but they also want me to be their friend. Mostly girls write. But some of them continue to correspond. The messages, by the way, are simple: “Do you have a girlfriend?”, “Let's meet!”, “You are so cute!”, “Do you like me?”.

I will explain to everyone in advance so that there are no questions. I don't have time for a serious relationship! So, girls, do not be offended! As soon as I'm ready, I'll write to you with pleasure!

And those who write nasty things, I just block. Although there are those who create another page and continue to write nasty things to me. I find this behavior to be silly. If you do not like my work, no one forces you to listen or watch. You can switch to another channel.

- My favorite musical "Treasure Island" always stays with me in the musical theater "Aquamarine". At one time I got there thanks to my former vocal teacher Anna Mogutina. She "sang" the actors before going on stage, and then went on maternity leave. But before the decree, she invited me to a casting to try myself in the role of Jim Hawkins, one of the main characters in the musical. They listened to me and offered to speak with them. This role was not easy for me. I almost spent the night at the theater. Then I got used to it, and off we went. Now I already feel free on the stage, and after a short break due to participation in the project “Voice. Children ”I returned to the stage of the musical again.

In addition, I continue to engage in voice acting. I generally like everything that is connected with creativity. My hobby is percussion instruments. There is a drum set in the theater, and in my free time from performances and rehearsals, I continue to practice on it. Do not put drums at home, otherwise all the neighbors will go crazy. In the future, I want to become both an actor and a musician, like. He's kind of my idol. But I like Johnny Depp less. But there is one photo where he is wearing glasses ... The same glasses and . Here are glasses like those of Johnny and Dima, I really want. (laughs) I also like Ozzy Osbourne as a musician. And rock bands like AC/DC. From Russian performers I prefer punk rock. Do you know such a group "Shadows of Freedom"? She is cool! I even bought their T-shirt! Electronic music is good too. So there are plans to make a rock band as well. They say that you need to lay down your fame before the age of twenty, so I hope to be in time. I still have almost seven years left.

Photos provided by the press service of the company "Aquamarine"

Today in the final of the project “Voice. Children ”six most gifted participants will measure their strength. Lev Axelrod, who drew attention to himself at blind auditions with the song "Tell Me Why", is among the main contenders for victory. As it turned out, Leo not only sings, but also plays in a musical, voices cartoons: How do you manage to combine these activities with studying at school and the usual activities of a 13-year-old boy? This is our conversation.

Leva, how long have you been making music?

- From the first grade I learned to play the piano, from the second - to singing. Participated in music competitions. But there were not always victories: it was not possible to perform at the children's New Wave, at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest.

- And what did you feel when you stepped on the stage of the Voice project?

- There was a strong excitement: whether any of the mentors would turn to you. My stomach hurt, my hands began to tremble, my legs began to tremble. When Dima Bilan turned around, somehow he immediately felt better. And for some reason I really wanted to eat.

- Aigul Valiulina was a strong opponent, I was rooting for her. But of the 15 people, only Christian Kostov and I remained. Christian is a very talented vocalist, I have a lot of respect for him, and he is a worthy opponent.

- Your mentor suits you, do you regret that you got into his team?

- No, I'm not sorry. Although sometimes we are given unexpected tasks - for example, to sing in a different key. It's not that easy. But rather quickly I learned to sing melodicly, better conveying the meaning of the song. As Dima says, the main thing is to be yourself. In general, he is, as they say, his own person, it’s great to work with such a mentor.

- It's hard, of course. But music is both a profession and a hobby. Playing on stage is mesmerizing, I would not get out of the theater for days. I also voice cartoons and films. The first experience was "The Nutcracker" by Andrei Sergeevich Konchalovsky, and the character was Max, Mary's brother. Interesting: they give advice on how to pronounce the text, with what intonation. They pushed me under the table and chased me around the room - so that I would scream, out of breath, as a hero should. As for my studies, I try to keep up, but sometimes I even get two. If the lesson is boring, then half of the information passes by.

- And how did your classmates react to your success on the project?

- Well, they were glad, one might even say, they are proud of me. Although in general their attitude towards me has not changed. Some do not know that I made it to the finals: everyone plays computer games, I don’t even come up to them with these conversations.

Have you noticed that you've become popular?

- In the subway, people sometimes look carefully - a rather unusual feeling, and then I remember: yes, for sure, I'm a member of the Voice! They write on the VKontakte network. Now there are so many of these Axelrod Lions on the Internet ... Recently, one girl began to doubt whether this was my page or a fake. She asked for a photograph to be sent as proof. I had to go to my mother and shoot a video with such an unpretentious text: "Katya, listen, Katya, I'm real."

- Is there a girl you like?

- Yes. We study together at a music school, her name is Natasha. Only she ignores me - very proud. But with humor, cheerful, like me.

- Are you afraid of star disease?

"I'm sure she won't touch me." And if anything, mom will quickly put in place. Makes you peel potatoes. (Laughs.) And then I promise that I will not be arrogant anymore.


Diana Suris, mother of Leva, pediatrician

- It all started with the musical "The Sound of Music", then - the main role in "Treasure Island". At some point, it became clear that Leva could not live without a stage, even celebrated his birthday in the theater. I respect Levino's hobby and try to support it. I myself studied music as a child, at one time we even played the piano with four hands. Participation in the project "Voice. Children" made me anxious. In several television projects, Leva failed, and I was afraid of another experience. But we still applied for participation and, as it turned out, not in vain. The main thing is to perform with dignity and at the same time remain yourself. Leva went on the same stage with very strong vocalists, and this is already a great success. I do not consider my child unique, everyone deserves victory.

How many times have we interviewed the star participants in the show "Voice". All of them assured us that they only sing live on the project. However, behind the scenes, on other stages, even the finalists of the television program sometimes perform to the soundtrack. In an exclusive interview with the channel, the site admitted that he had already sung three times under the plus, one of the three most vociferous performers on the show with the participation of children, Lev Axelrod, admitted.

The stylish guy Lev Axelrod won the love of the audience on the project "Voice. Children". Now he is 14 years old, and the young man already has a huge performance experience behind him. But along with the work at different venues, a new feeling came - the ability to sing to the soundtrack. “Once I swore to myself never to sing to the plus, let’s call it that. A minus is also called a phonogram, just an orchestration playing in the speakers was recorded. I had to sing, but not because I was afraid, shy. It’s just that at some events it more profitable for mixing in the camera. It takes a very long time to mix. And with our technology now it can be easily allowed, "Lev admitted.

At first, it was unusual for Leo to sing along with the plus. But then he realized that this is a common practice among the stars, because sometimes it's just a necessity. “Of course, I almost roared into myself when I heard that I should sing along with the plus. I already sang two times, maybe three. I’m even somehow ashamed, I don’t know. Although people who know this understand those who sings to the plus. And they do not consider us to be traitors who deceive people, "added the performer.

By the way, right during the interview, Lev improvised and performed a kind of melody, thus demonstrating his talent and fearlessness to hum anytime, anywhere live.

Note that at a recent big concert of participants in the show "Voice. Children" in St. Petersburg, Lev sang live. Together with him came to the northern capital of Ragda, Mark Potapov, Arina Danilova. The little girl said that the Petersburgers gave her all sorts of gifts. For her, of course, it is nice to receive such attention from the fans, but the little singer admits that something else is more important to her. “For me, it’s not the gifts that are more important, but the person himself, what he is. For me, friendship is more important than a gift,” she says.

There is also something to add about Leo. He was born in Moscow. And from the age of five he began to study music. Today Axelrod is not only a singer, but also an actor. He plays the title role in the musical Treasure Island. At the blind audition, he sang "Tell Me Why". On the Voice, the young man chose Dima Bilan as his mentor, although Pelageya also turned to him. Together with Christian Kostov, Lev advanced to the final. But the winner was Alisa Kozhikina.

Arina Sharkova, Andrey Zhukhevich.

Lev Axelrod is a young performer from Moscow who has been singing since the age of five and, as he himself says, "loves this business very much."

At the age of 13, he exudes charisma and charm that do not go unnoticed by the audience. Talented by nature, Leo will undoubtedly be able to achieve great heights if he rehearses daily. At the moment, Leo, according to many, is a diamond that requires careful cutting.

Leo, although he studies at a music school in piano and solfeggio, prefers percussion instruments - drums. The first debut on the big stage took place in the musical " Sounds of music where he played the role of Kurt.

He was engaged in dubbing the film by Andrei Konchalovsky "The Nutcracker and the Rat King". Young actor and singer Lev Axelrod- lead actor in the musical Treasure Island"(The role of Jim Hawkins).

At the music show "Voice. Children "During the" blind "Dima Bilan and Pelageya turned to Leva, but a lion chose Bilan as a mentor. The venerable singer said that maybe the beginning of the song was uncertain, but then he felt that the boy was living the song.

“I don’t sleep much, I spend the night mostly on the days of rehearsals in the studio where I study, or with friends. I just can't sleep! I wake up in a cold sweat and think: God, there are three, two days, one! Horror! Dima Bilan clearly knows how to get angry - this can be seen from his face. We work with him as colleagues. We have friendly relations, everything is just wonderful!” - Leva told about his pace of life during the show “Voice. Children's

As Leo himself said, he came to the project to show himself and to look at others, more precisely, “to get acquainted with famous personalities”, and, of course, to become famous. Lev Askerold sang a song in English tell me why("Tell me why") from the repertoire of the British singer Declan Galbraith who first performed this song at the age of 11. Leo has a very competent speech, an excellent ability to carry himself on stage and powerful family support.

  • "Little Music Engineer!" - the singer Pelageya said about Lev.

  • As a result Lev Askerold along with another ward of Bilan, Christian Kostov, went to the final of the show. Lev did not become a winner, but after the project he shared his plans and impressions from participating in the show: the young singer said that the project means a lot to him, but he considers it as one of the steps of his development, and if he falls from this step, then not much , and then he will rise and go further, higher, achieving his main goal - to become famous.

In life, Leo is an ordinary boy who, like all teenagers, is on social networks.

In one of the interviews Lev Askerold spoke about his attitude to the Internet and communication on the Web:

“In social networks, they often add to me - there are eight percent boys, the rest are all girls. This is such a delivery! They write: “Hi. Let's get to know each other, let's be friends." Sometimes they write: “Hello! I like you. Do you have a girlfriend? Some fool wrote to me: “Hi, do you have a boyfriend?” I immediately blocked him, because everything was clear from the photos on his page. In general, I'm getting tired of all these messages. I try to communicate with my comrades so as not to lose the friendly atmosphere. I'm afraid they'll say he's a star, he doesn't communicate."

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