"Voice of Russia" Hieromonk Photius: Spirituality allows creativity to be honest. Frank interview with Photius: life in social networks, dreams of Toyota and Eurovision Photius creative team


The appearance of a monk in a popular TV show and his victory in it made a lot of noise. Even after a few months, talk about it does not subside. And their "culprit" himself - Hieromonk Photius, a resident of St. Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery - became a welcome guest of many television and radio programs. His tour schedule is booked months in advance. Fans demand solo discs.

Does show business interfere with monastic vows, Photius himself frankly told us.

An appointment was made at the monastery. Its almost meter-thick walls, incredible silence and flocks of pigeons soaring over the domes of temples pacify.

I want to forget about everything, bowing my head in prayer.

Photius appears. The monk is holding a telephone. Batiushka moves around the monastery practically without taking his eyes off his screen. Even during the interview, Fotiy does not part with him. First, the phone is on the table. But as soon as it begins to make sounds, announcing the incoming message, it turns out to be in the hands of a monk. Sometimes a clergyman is so immersed in what is happening on the other side of the screen that he loses the thread of the conversation.

- You are quite an advanced father: you actively use social networks, constantly upload photos to Instagram.

For me, social networks are a means of communication, self-expression. There I see an indicator of my usefulness - efficiency: what people like, what they don't like. It's a certain scale. In real time, you can see the attitude to one or another of your words.

- Are you ready to change the repertoire for the sake of the public?

Everyone has their own tastes, but there are some general trends. I listen to them. It is very important to me when a sufficiently large number of fans express their preferences. Based on this, I am making some corrections in the performance, repertoire. Basically, people love good Russian songs, urban romance with a deep meaning - something that you rarely hear now. For example, the songs of Eduard Khil, Mark Bernes.

- In the generally accepted view, monks are ascetics, praying day and night. Modern monk - who is it? Why did he come to the monastery?

A person goes to a monastery in order to find special conditions for salvation, because it is possible to be saved in the world. And how you spend your life in the monastery will depend on your posthumous fate. Of course, you need to live with dignity. The way I behave is not an example of an ideal monastic feat.

- Why?

I actively communicate with the world, but in theory, I should completely cut it off and stay in the monastery physically, spiritually and mentally. Because the walls won't save you. You can chat, go online. Then what is the point of being in a monastery if you left it via the Internet, found a loophole.

- Did you find such a loophole?

It turns out, yes. I realized that this is not only a temptation for me, a temptation, namely (sighs. - Approx. Aut.) My weakness and my own desire to somehow find a compromise - a synthesis of staying in a monastery and communicating with the people. Because the people, as it turned out, are very interested in just such a spiritual life. Although there are people who are radically inclined, who believe that there should be no communication with the world. Well, let them think so, the position is more important to me - when people are drawn to the monks, when you can give answers to their questions. And say it in their language, and not in the language of the patristic books. You can just close yourself here and read only spiritual books, but you will not be understood by the youth. And since I am young, with a technique for “you”, I actively use this tool to show from the inside of the monastery that we are the same people who know how to enjoy everything. I try to carry a small sermon of some kind through the social network.

- You need a response. And if it is not, will you leave social networks?

Yes, I analyze what is happening there, not for the sake of vanity, not for the sake of the number of likes and reposts. I look at what people like and build content on my page accordingly.

Photo from the dressing room before a performance at the Kaluga Regional Philharmonic.

- As if teasing the audience, you often post photos from the dressing rooms with various goodies - cakes and other sweets. And you don’t even hide that you have a weakness for cheeses.

These are not provocative photos. People have come up with stereotypes, and then they themselves cannot refuse them. They are simply annoyed, turned inside out, if the monk laid out the sweets. They think it's bad. But they cannot explain why it seems reprehensible to them. I am the same person. Therefore, I try to show that monks are people who are not alien to any worldly weaknesses: we also love to eat tasty food, but we do not cultivate gluttony, voluptuousness. I don't just show food, I show its aesthetic side. This is a kind of education. I'm talking about my taste - it's simple, not sophisticated. Yes, cheese is my weakness.

- Whether you wanted it or not, but for many you have become an idol, and the Bible says: "Do not make yourself an idol."

I don't like that veneration turns into fanaticism. This, of course, is a problem.

Fotiy receives a huge number of letters and packages from fans.

- You have a huge number of subscribers in social networks, you receive dozens of letters. What do they write to you about?

Basically, these are words of gratitude, gratitude for the fact that I appeared on television, on stage in general. They write, congratulate, ask, of course, for prayerful help. I perform not just as a singer, but also as a priest, which is why people are drawn to me, including as a person who understands spiritual issues and can suggest something: how to behave in a certain religious plan, how to live. An interesting situation: sort of like an artist and at the same time - as a mental therapist.

Do you try to answer all emails?

I don't have time to answer yet. Frankly, I don’t even have time to read them, to open them, because there are always some sort of trips, some kind of business. Of course, I immediately open the parcels, it’s interesting (smiles). And there is some little thing, some sweets ... They usually find out in social networks what I need. Once I said that I was standing in the cold and I didn’t even have gloves. And people immediately start to worry and send me gloves...

The monk was sent a scarf and a volume of poetry.


Parcel from Switzerland.

- How do you feel about your popularity?

I am not deceived by sugary comments and praises that come to me. The main thing is to see what brings people joy.

- Popularity is fleeting, in 2-3 years you may not be remembered as a project participant. Are you ready for this?

So much the better - only loyal fans will remain. I was initially disadvantageous to Channel One. I can’t cooperate with him any longer, it’s all very difficult. In order for me to go on the air once again, I need to get so many permits, coordinate documents, put signatures ... This is very responsible. Anything I say on First can be used against me.

- The main question that many people ask is: “Why did the monk go to the project, why does he need such a wide audience, so much attention?”

In fact, of course, it is not needed. Turns out she needs me. Even before participating in The Voice, I analyzed people's responses to my performances. The public wanted to hear me, to receive discs that I recorded myself. There was an idea that it would be nice to speak to the whole country so that people would hear me and somehow rejoice.

- Do you think you would have become a winner without being a monk, but only thanks to your vocal abilities?

Maybe not. I am an unusual person, the attention of the public was immediately riveted to me. Everyone shines with vocal data at this competition, there are no unworthy ones - all professionals, even those who dropped out on the very first broadcasts. They are great. People vote for the whole complex - they see the image, they see the message, they see some kind of sincerity. I often hear that they voted for me not because I am an Orthodox monk, but because they were deeply touched and hooked by my performance.

- More than once in your interviews you said: if you are invited to participate in Eurovision, you are ready to give a worthy answer to Conchita Wurst. How did you know about her? Have you seen her performance?

It's hard not to know about her. Moreover, after her victory, Eurovision is considered a hotbed of debauchery. They say that it’s better not to go there at all, and not only for a priest, a clergyman, but even for the laity. But I have a different opinion. Since there is such a platform, you need to perform on it. If people love outrageousness, surprises, something unusual, they need to strike back - to show that not only depraved things can be popular, but also something pure and bright, coming from that part of our humanity that preaches only goodness and morality.

With Timur Kizyakov on the set of the program "So far, everyone is at home."

- It seemed to me that you were tired of attention, fame.

I'd love to take a week off. Constantly some calls, business, personal communication with people. I want to somehow support life in social networks, respond, make some updates. A little bit of everything - and you go to bed at three in the morning. I would like everyone to forget about me.

- And even concerts do not bring pleasure?

At first you get pleasure, but it gets boring very quickly, burdensome. I want to dig somewhere. I am a person of a different temperament - I am embarrassed on stage, I don’t know how to behave correctly. I sing as I sing - and that's it. People see my kind of detachment - I kind of sing, but I'm not with them, but as if I'm in my own world.

Television center "Ostankino". Hieromonk with Ivan Okhlobystin and Garik Sukachev.

- I know that, in addition to professional singing, you composed music before coming to the monastery. Why did they stop doing it?

It ceased to be necessary, although it was not necessary in the world either - so, a hobby. He wrote “on the table”, no one heard it. I am waiting for the moment when there will be such a turn in my destiny that I will be able to realize this ability as well. It is for me, maybe even more significant than the voice. Self-realization is very important for a person, especially when he feels the potential in himself, but this does not bear fruit. The music I write is not that popular. It is not electronic, does not correspond to the tastes of the masses. And in general, now it is difficult to occupy a niche on the Internet, there is already so much music posted there. You just need to mind your own business, your direction. For me, it's film music. It is clear that as a monk I will no longer be able to write music - only if somehow it turns out that they will offer it.

- After winning the project, you were presented with gifts - a trip to France, a car.

I can go at any moment, I just need to get a blessing. The car hasn't left the assembly line yet. By the way, the year before last I passed my license, I really wanted to have a car. Maybe for me it was an additional motivation to go to the "Voice". I knew that the winner gets the car. Of course, I didn’t save up for the Lada, I wanted a slightly different car. Although the first car should be simpler - domestic.

- What kind of car would you like? How can a monk save up for it?

I wanted a Toyota. Yes, especially to save something and nothing. These are all just benefactors. No one will give you a big amount. You cut yourself down in some way - once again you don’t eat sushi, pizza. So, quietly, penny to penny - and you know that you already have money for the engine.

- Aren't you afraid that fame can break you?

There is nothing positive in it, but nothing negative either. The most important thing is to justify it so that it is not empty. It doesn't cost anything to achieve fame and become popular. In fact, the booty, shown several times on television, will also become popular. The most important thing is to earn this glory with dignity to match.

Now Fotiy, along with other members of the Voice, is preparing for a tour throughout the country. Batiushka will also give solo concerts. So, tickets in Kaluga for his March performance are being sold like hot cakes. What the monk would spend the money on, he could not say. Declaring that this is not such a big money. As we approached the temple, a woman ran up to us.

- Father Fotiy, can I take a picture with you? When I tell my people in the village that I saw you, no one will believe!

After the photo session, pilgrims literally swooped down on the monk, asking for a blessing. Without looking at them, trying to make his way through the crowd, Photius complied with their request and disappeared. The obedience of the priest is singing on the kliros in the choir. The rest of the time it is almost always online.

Photo: Svetlana TARASOVA and from Fotiy's personal VKontakte page.

Hieromonk Photius is a monk, director of the monastery choir, winner of a television show and the only clergyman in Russia who gained popularity after participating in a musical television show. The monk is sensitive to the selection of material for performance. Fotiy's repertoire includes Russian romances beloved by listeners, classic pop hits of the last century, arias from popular operas, rock classics and recognized foreign hits.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Mochalov was born in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) on November 11, 1985 in a non-religious family. At school age, he attended a local music school, where he studied vocals and piano. In addition, the boy sang in the school choir, often soloed. Since childhood, Mochalov dreamed of becoming a composer and writing music and songs. In adolescence, when his voice began to break, Vitaly attended a church school, where he also sang in the choir.

On May 31, the monk spoke in Pskov. The musician performed old romances and pop hits. On June 7, 2017, the singer's solo concert took place in Moscow, at the Crocus City Hall. Fotiy's guests were his colleagues in the "Voice" - Renata Volkievich. Later, in an interview, the hieromonk mentioned that for the first time he spoke to such a large audience that it turned out to be exciting for him.

Father Fotiy is a participant in the Voice project. Today, only the lazy have not heard of this modest and talented young man. His appearance on the stage was very unexpected, but the hieromonk immediately won over the audience with his excellent vocal abilities and genuine personality. Thanks to him, the fourth season of the competition turned out to be especially mysterious and interesting. In 2015, this man won the show, and since then his life has changed. But Photius remains true to his choice in serving God. They write a lot about him, he is invited to television, and today our story is about him. Where Hieromonk Photius (participant in the Voice project) serves, how he lives, what his path to music was - the reader will learn about all this from the materials of our article.

For reference: "Voice" is a musical show that appeared on Russian television in 2012, and at the end of 2015 was recognized as the best television product. An adapted version of the Dutch project The Voice won the hearts of millions of viewers not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. Talented participants, a well-prepared show, professional mentors, genuine emotions - all this made the project incredibly interesting and very popular.


Hieromonk Fotiy (participant of the "Voice") - in the world Vitaly Mochalov - was born in Nizhny Novgorod in November 1985. Calm and reasonable, he did not understand why his peers at school offended him. Vitaly had no friends in the class, the boys often bullied him, insulted him, sometimes even beat him. And he endured and silently endured insults. Surprisingly, the guy did not become embittered at the world, on the contrary, he began to love nature, animals, people even more. He always found a hobby, never sat idle. Parents knew about what was happening at school and tried to morally support their son.

During his school years, Vitaly studied at a music studio, where he took vocal and piano lessons, sang in the school choir. His childhood dream was to grow up as soon as possible and become a talented composer, to compose music. A little later, when the breaking of the voice began, Vitaly began to sing in the church choir.

From childhood, the boy was interested in religious foundations, often asking his parents about the existence of God. Why he began to care about this topic and how it all began, he now does not remember, although several times in a dream he clearly saw the Lord in Heaven.

I won't become an angel

By the way, when the boy was 7 years old, he asked his mother to go to church with him and be baptized. Vitaly said that without doing this, he would not become an angel. Mom complied with her son's request and was baptized along with Vitaly, but this was not the first step towards their churching. According to the hieromonk himself, they knew little about religion at that time, they did not go to church.

Vitaly plunged into church life a little later, when he ended up in the children's Orthodox camp "Blagovest", created at the Sunday school of the cathedral. The guy took part in the liturgies, sang on the kliros, and, I must say, he liked the whole atmosphere. The boy returned from the camp completely different. Parents immediately noticed the changes in their son - he looked incredibly inspired and inspired by some idea.

After school, Vitaly entered the music school in the department of musical theory, and the enthusiasm associated with the church gradually disappeared - there was not enough time for anything other than studying. The future contestant of the "Voice" studied diligently and diligently. Father Fotiy is a participant whose biography (creative) began at home and continued abroad: a year later, the entire Mochalov family moved to Germany. Vitaly continued his musical education there - he began to learn to play the organ.

Faith found me again

In Germany, in a small town where the family lived, there was an Orthodox parish, where Vitaly and his mother began to go often. In the church, a young man sang on the kliros, and sometimes acted as a sexton. All the experiences forgotten in childhood from communion with God suddenly flared up with renewed vigor. This quivering feeling of joy and reverence settled in Vitaly's heart, and he seriously thought about his future. After some time, the guy went to Russia, to the Holy Assumption as a pilgrim. He spent several weeks in the monastery, and when he returned home, he again returned to his thoughts.

Before him was a serious choice: serving the Lord or worldly goods - fame, money, popularity. I must say that Vitaly showed great promise in his organ playing. The young man understood that monastic life was not for him - it was not easy and required a special state of mind, for which at that time the guy was not ready. However, when he re-read the Gospel, as well as the books about the lives of the elders Ambrose of Optina and Joseph of Optina, new aspects of the life of Orthodox asceticism were revealed to him.

How I Came to God

The guy decided to consult with a wise and highly spiritual man - Schema-Archimandrite Vlasy (Peregontsev). This elder was known in Russia as a confessor, to whom many believers turn for advice. Vitaly went to Svyato-Pafnutiev with a firm conviction: as the priest says, so he will do. The elder invited Vitaly to stay, and the young man took the words of the sage for the will of God. He accepted monasticism and became Hieromonk Photius. Today, Father Fotiy is an inhabitant of the St. Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery.

Of course, when Vitaly's parents found out about his decision, their reaction was mixed. Mom, no matter how hard it was, blessed her son. At first, the father was upset - he did not want to accept Vitaly's choice, however, seeing the firmness of the young man's convictions, he reconciled.

Vitaly's decision was balanced, and he made his choice not under the pressure of any circumstances, but at the behest of his heart. It is known that many go to the monastery in the desire to hide from personal problems or disorder. It is rare that someone is just so ready to change a well-fed, prosperous life for serving God in the modest conditions of a monastic cell. By the way, the young novice was ready for hard work and trials within the walls of the monastery. The hieromonk did not at all expect that his new life would in no way interfere with the worldly passion for music, which, as he thought, would have to say goodbye forever. The Voice waited ahead. Father Fotiy is a participant, interesting facts from whose life today have become the property of the press, as well as fans of his musical talent. But then the life of a young man was hidden from prying eyes. He was just a humble novice.

Music is always with me

At first, Hieromonk Photius sang in the kliros. Later, he began to study vocals individually with a teacher from Moscow, Viktor Tvardovsky. At first, the young man left the walls of the monastery and went to classes, and later he began to study on his own, according to the teacher's methodology, specially developed for him. Surprisingly, in the life of a young man, everything somehow settled by itself, and his talent, given from above, did not disappear, but turned into a service for the benefit of the Church.

The teacher helped Fr. Photius improve his voice and taught him how to sing correctly. In addition to church works, the hieromonk's repertoire included complex opera arias, romances, and Russian folk songs. With the brethren, he took part in various events, spoke at schools, hospitals, and in front of veterans.

I must say that the priest can sing not only in Russian, but also in Japanese, Italian, Georgian and Serbian. Hieromonk Photius is fluent in German and English. Reviews of Orthodox Christians visiting the Borovsky Monastery are always positive. People are very fond of the singing of Father Photius.


The outlook of this talented person is not limited only to his own passion for music. He is a choir director, spiritually supports the theater at the Sunday school "Ark", is engaged in the layout of the children's magazine "Korablik".

Father is a passionate person. With all his outward softness and meekness, Hieromonk Photius has an incredibly firm character. Reviews of Orthodox Christians who know the hieromonk personally testify to the incredible strength of his spirit. If he decides something, he will achieve it with all his might. He has a big loving heart, and, in addition to his own interests, the priest takes care of the interests of other people.

Photius tries to help everyone who needs help. He shoots documentaries and various videos that participate in competitions. The topics of the video material are very diverse, but, what is important, it is useful and relevant in the modern world. For example, in his creative biography there is a film about the youth movement, a clip against abortion for the All-Russian Festival in Defense of Morality. The hieromonk's piggy bank also contains educational materials, for example, “Borovsky Monastery. The Day Before Christmas” is a story about monastic life, which won a prize at the regional amateur film festival.

Despite the fact that Father Photius has abandoned the worldly fuss, he is open to life. Hieromonk is a modern young man who understands technology, computers, and mobile applications. He is always up to date. In a word, Father Photius enjoys all the benefits of civilization.

Project "Voice"

When a clergyman appeared among the contestants in the fourth season of the Voice project, not only the participants, but also many viewers were discouraged. “For what?”, “In what way?”, “What next?” - such questions arose in the hearts of the majority. No one could imagine exactly how everything would turn out, how the shooting of the issues would take place and how events would develop.

For the hieromonk himself, the situation was unusual and unfamiliar. He, a man leading a modest lifestyle, suddenly found himself at the epicenter of events, at a competition that was considered the most popular among Russian music shows. How the mentors would react to his performance, whether anyone would want to work with him - all this was spinning in the head of the contestant like a broken record.

At the "blind audition", Father Fotiy presented to the audience a difficult composition - Lensky's aria from the opera "Eugene Onegin". The hieromonk turned to him in whose team later and got. Although, according to Father Photius, academic vocals were always close to him, and the man counted on cooperation with Alexander Gradsky.

It must be said that Father Fotiy had already made an attempt to take part in a music competition. He got to the casting of the second season of The Voice, however, without enlisting the blessing of the Metropolitan, he did not participate in further selections. In 2015, the situation was different. sent an official letter to Metropolitan Clement of Kaluga and Borovsk with a request to allow Father Photius to participate in the show.

The atmosphere of the competition

According to Hieromonk Photius himself, the jury members treated him very well. The Holy Father liked the correct approach of the producers of the TV channel, who took into account the peculiarities of the life of an unusual contestant and treated his rank with respect. For example, in order not to put the hieromonk in an awkward position, in the profile of the competition, where the participants talk about themselves, his acquaintances and friends spoke about Father Photius. On the recording of speeches, he sometimes tried to shield and protect the priest, for example, at the moments when Grigory Leps asked the hieromonk uncomfortable questions.

“... As in the conditions of any competition, competition and the spirit of rivalry were felt behind the scenes of the Voice. There was no sincere friendliness there, since everyone considered each other to be future competitors ... ”, Father Fotiy tells about the relationship with other participants in the competition. Most of the audience reviews were very favorable, although there were those who did not like the presence of Photius on stage. During the competition, the hieromonk mainly communicated with Grigory Leps, although he tried to treat all participants kindly. Father Fotiy admits that even if he had not won the show himself, he would sincerely rejoice for the leader, because victory for him is not only joy, but also a burden of responsibility.

By the way, Father Photius is a participant whose personal life, unlike many, is very transparent and pure. He devotes himself entirely to the Lord, and this is the meaning of his whole life.

There is no envy and filth in this show

Father Fotiy won the Voice project - 76% of viewers voted for him. At first, the hieromonk did not expect to defeat his rivals, but gradually he realized that everything was going very well for him, as if someone was leading him along his destiny. Toward the end of the project, Photius realized that he had every chance of winning. After the results of the competition were announced, the hieromonk thanked the fans from the bottom of his heart and added that his triumph might not be well deserved, because there were many talented people on the project, professionals in their field.

Father Photius says that, of course, he is glad of the victory, as a kind of sign from above, confirming his ability to bring joy to people with his singing. If the hieromonk "cut off" at the first stages of the competition, there would be a reason to think about the advisability of practicing vocals. As a prize for the victory, the priest was awarded a new car. By the way, his dreams came true, because Hieromonk Photius always dreamed of his own car.

Hieromonk Photius (in the world - Vitaly Vladimirovich Mochalov, born November 11, 1985) - a resident of St. Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery, regent of the monastery choir. In 2015, he won the television project "Voice".

Father Photius (Mochalov) today is perhaps the most famous hieromonk in the country. His voice and manner of performance really sunk into the soul, not only to the audience of one of the television shows in which he became the winner. The modest and quiet young monk also fell in love with the Internet audience. Father Fotiy is now making a concert tour throughout Russia. We talked to him on the day of his concert in Krasnoyarsk.

Father Photius, you often come into contact with the world of variety art, which many inhabitants, especially young people, find attractive and ideal. What is really hidden behind the spotlights and bright decorations?

When you have bread, you also want circuses. Then people go to the concert hall and get what they want. Music is different, as well as artists. And behind the scenes, meanwhile, goes on everyday life, full of work.

Some focus on the show, on dancing, on appearance, and someone “gets out” on shocking. And there are people like me. Here the stage image is not important at all, because I never had a goal to be an artist, a public person. I have never been attracted to the world of show business, especially in the form that is imposed on us on TV.

- But now you are a media person, largely thanks to TV.

What I'm doing now is not mass culture. I have a very unique repertoire. It is built on the classics, on original works that are a borderline genre. It's a crossover, rock ballads. There are different surprises - sometimes I sing songs in Norwegian, Armenian, Serbian.

When I see the uniqueness of a work, when I am struck by the beauty of a melody, I want to take it into my repertoire, make my own cover. I want people to touch these beautiful creations, which they will not hear anywhere else. I try to popularize unusual music.

- Are there truly believing people in the pop environment? Is this a practice or an exception?

It happened that I crossed paths with people whom I had only seen on TV before. Once again I was convinced that they are the same people as the rest - they have an ordinary life, but at the same time they have a stage image. When you see "stars" in an informal setting, hear what they are talking about, what ideas they have in their heads, you meet people among them who are far from stupid, even wise. Spirituality can also be found there. Probably like everywhere else.

Taking this opportunity, I will ask a question from one hieromonk from the Assumption Monastery in Krasnoyarsk: “Do you experience spiritual joy from your work?”

I would not say that my work directly affects the spiritual life. It's just my business, my hobby. This is art. On the contrary, art can be influenced by the spiritual life, the ministry that I have had for eleven years in the monastery. It is spirituality that allows creativity to be honest, open, it brings words to hearts. I don't think there is a reverse effect.

One has to hear dissatisfied reviews of believers in the direction of monastics involved in creativity. Especially if it can be called "worldly"...

People going to the monastery - a priori people are not lazy. They are not in the mood to lie on the couch in their cell for days. They are already ready for the fact that they will have to get up very early every morning, go to prayer, bow down, fulfill obediences. I think that every monk has a thirst for achievement. And everyone finds some kind of sublimation in the form of some kind of craft, some kind of creativity. Everyone is doing something. Not necessarily art. He can be a carpenter, or a cook. And he will do it well so that everyone is happy.

I now have thoughts that my concert tour is a kind of feat. After all, it is very difficult, especially when you consider that I am not a public person, but you need to stand on stage. And this process is not mechanical, we always vary the program. I always personally care about the quality of performance, I always give my best. Constant moving ... It's not even physically easy. The main thing is to try to do a little more than you can. Therefore, I do not see anything in my work that is subject to jurisdiction.

- Is it especially difficult to tour during Great Lent?

During fasting days, the number of concerts will be reduced. And in the first week, of course, there will be no performances. You have to pray in the monastery. The program will also change, there will be more spiritual texts.

In general, fasting with God is not so difficult. The most important thing is love. The Lord did not come to earth to forbid us to eat cottage cheese. He brought us not rituals, not even canons. Christ was crucified in order for us to understand what love is. If we love our neighbors more during the fast, then it will be much better than worrying about the ingredients of the soup. So the main feat at this time is not physical, but spiritual.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill said in an interview: “Many people discover the Orthodox faith through Father Photius.” This is a very high appreciation of your creativity and service. Do you consider yourself a missionary?

To some extent I am a missionary. Only my mission is not verbal. Although there are texts that make a person think, lead him to repentance. This, of course, does not mean that immediately after the concert he will run to the temple for confession. No, I do not achieve this effect. For me, the main thing is that a person’s soul opens up, so that he listens to what is going on in his soul at the moment. Perhaps this is my missionary work. This is my ministry.

Yuri Paskhalsky especially for the newspaper "Orthodox Word of Siberia" and the website of the "Kasyanovsky House"

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