The headdress of a chimney sweep is called. History of the chimney sweep


The profession and history of the chimney sweep

Officially homeland chimney sweeps consider Denmark. It was here that the oldest mention of them in history was found: in 1639, the Lithuanian Gudmand Olsen was hired to clean the fireplace chimneys in the royal castle in Copenhagen. For the time being, the services of chimney sweeps were rarely used. Until in 1728, almost half of the Danish capital burned down during a grand fire.

Then it became clear that the maintenance of chimneys should be taken under state control. Thus, in 1731, the first official professional chimney sweep- master Andreas Nieschke is from Silesia. And almost half a century later, on February 11, 1778, by decree of King Christian VII, a craft shop for Danish chimney sweeps was established.

In fairness, it should be noted that many countries where stove and fireplace heating were used can claim to be the homeland of chimney sweeps. There just hasn't been any evidence to back it up yet. In a word, the history of the chimney sweep is rich and entertaining.

For a long time, the attitude towards representatives of this profession was, to put it mildly, not very respectful. You see, their craft is dirty! (In our country, even now, many people think so. Especially journalists, we only hear from them: how did you decide to become chimney sweeps, because the work is dirty).

Chimney sweeps had to fight for their civil rights for a very long time. They were not allowed to walk on the sidewalks, approach the "clean" public...

In England, the practice was generally legalized to use as a ruff or brush for chimney cleaning little children. More often they were vagrants or orphans (orphanages thus arranged the future of their pets) at the age of about 4 years. Getting into an apprenticeship with a chimney sweep, theoretically a child could rise to the rank of assistant, but this happened extremely rarely. Growing "out of the pipes", they were more often forced to look for other work, if they did not die earlier. After all, their work was associated with a serious risk. They climbed through the fireplace into the chimney, and small chimney sweeps (officially they did not have such a title) cleaned the inner walls of the chimneys with scrapers and brushes. The child is small, the chimney is dark, it's scary ... And to make the work go well, big uncles kindled a fire in the fireplace. Children worked without special protective equipment. And, of course, they often fell down, suffocated from the dust, and died right in the chimney.

Although the owner was obliged to his apprentice to feed, clothe, teach, provide housing, few people cared about these unfortunate children. They fed them badly - the thinner the teenager, the easier it will climb into the pipe, they slept in basements and in attics. Hygiene issues were practically not solved. Soot has been eaten into the skin for years, into the lungs - as a result of tuberculosis, cancer of the scrotum and lungs.

True, under London law, the children of chimney sweeps were not allowed to work more than six days a week. Sunday was a day off and was reserved for Bible study in Sunday schools. That's the kind of child care!

When Princess Charlotte (the wife of King George III) found out about this use of children, she decided to give out an award for inventing a way to clean the chimney without the use of child labor, especially in such a terrible way. In this regard, the Society for the Replacement of Child Chimney Sweeps was established in 1803, the main task of which was to realize the wishes of the princess (and, of course, to receive an award). In the end, a method for cleaning chimneys was invented, which is still in effect today: lower a weight with a brush (brush) into the chimney. Now this method seems to us so simple and affordable, but it turns out that the health and lives of many children paid for it. The invention of chimney brushes did not stop the use of children for this purpose: child labor was cheaper, fines were very small. And only on August 7, 1840, the English Parliament decided to ban the use of children to clean chimneys. And after a significant increase in fines in 1864, the exploitation of children began to decline.

The chimney sweep has always been surrounded by an aura of mystery and romance.

Since ancient times, it was believed that luck accompanies him, because he works on the roofs, does not use insurance, and nothing happens to him. And you need to touch luck, then you will be lucky. Therefore, many signs are associated with this character: I saw in a dream - always for something good; meet a chimney sweep - good luck; touch, or even better tear off, a button from the uniform of a chimney sweep suit and make a wish - it will come true; pulling a hair out of the brush - "for good luck." Well, if by chance such a person appeared on the path of the wedding procession - this is to "advice and love" for the newlyweds. And, of course, he must be real and stained with soot, in a black suit.
Many of these signs are associated with beliefs. Previously, brooms and ruffs were made of birch, and birch has been a symbol of fertility since ancient times. Soot symbolizes fire and warmth. Everything that is connected with warmth and fertility brings happiness.

From England came not the usual, especially common in Europe, the tradition of inviting a chimney sweep to a wedding.

This is related to the following incident. King George III was riding in a carriage with his young bride, when suddenly the horses began to run. The whole retinue was confused. His Majesty and the young chosen one would certainly have died, when suddenly a chimney sweep who had come from nowhere rushed across the horses and stopped the carriage. When the king came to his senses, the hero was gone. No matter how George the Third tried to find a savior, all attempts were in vain. Then His Majesty announced that from now on all representatives of this craft in the country should enjoy respect and people's love, as they bring good luck. Since then, it is believed that if the bride meets a chimney sweep at the wedding, then the marriage will be strong and happy.

To Russia chimney-sweeping craft came through Finland and the Baltic states. In Tallinn, for example, the first chimney sweepers appeared 270 years ago. Then the Petersburgers wanted to keep their pipes in order. First chimney sweep appeared in St. Petersburg on April 21, 1721. The mayor of the northern capital was ordered to have a "chimney sweeper" in every quarter, only that they were not with the fire brigade, but with the police department. On this day, at the police stations, the positions of a city chimney sweep and his assistant were established, who were entrusted with the duties of cleaning pipes from soot, training, explaining the features of the building home ovens. However, the Russians were reluctant to master this craft, even those who had almost nothing to live on, did not want to "jump over the roofs." According to the 1869 census, more than half of the representatives of this profession in St. Petersburg came from Finland.

Nowadays, the scope of chimney-cleaning activities is most developed in Germany. The corporation of chimney sweeps, protected by laws and having privileges, has existed since ancient times. And today, every resident of Germany knows that his address must be indicated not only in the registers of local authorities and tax authorities, but also on the chimney sweep lists of the quarter and district. The federal territory is divided not only into 16 states-regions, but also into 7888 chimney-cleaning districts.

Certified chimney sweeps and their firms are only authorized to operate in a particular county. In big cities like Berlin, districts are part of big neighborhoods.

In 1935, Hitler introduced authoritarian changes in the chimney sweep business. The first was that only a full-blooded German of Aryan origin could do this work. The second is that chimney sweeps were allowed to enter the house at any time, night and day, to clean the fireplaces and check the boilers. The Reich Main Security Office wanted to turn them into informers.

After the war, this police function was abolished. But twice a year, having warned in advance by a letter of his arrival, the chimney sweep appears in every house where there is a fireplace, stove or boiler.

In law chimney cleaning is a mandatory matter and could previously only be performed by German specialists, whose guild had a monopoly on these services. The law was changed in 1969 when Nobel Peace Prize winner Willy Brandt became chancellor, and since then, people who are not German by nationality have been able to join Germany's 8,000-strong chimney-sweeping army.

Representatives of this profession are currently very popular in the United States. After all, a significant part of the population lives there in suburban cottages. villages. The United States has a National Guild of Chimney Sweeps that licenses their operation.

Well, in conclusion, a few words about the main symbol, the Chimney Sweep Cylinder.

When they hear about our profession, almost everyone asks the question: “Do you have a top hat?” Now the cylinder has become an indispensable headdress for dress suit . It is unthinkable to work on the roof, except at the request of television journalists. For some reason, this has a special charm for them. Once upon a time, the cylinder was used both as a helmet - a good protection against accidentally falling bricks on the head, and as a tool box for every little thing (pencils, small tools and everything that fits there), and even as a container for soot raked out of the furnace or a fireplace.

chimney sweep- why not a fairy-tale hero: all in black, mysterious, works at night (which means he communicates with the stars), a chimney sweep costume - a black uniform with gold buttons, a ladder, a broom and, finally, an aristocratic top hat!

This is a brief history of the profession we have chosen. Or maybe she chose us?

Matvienko Nikolay

02.02.2014, 23:56

In Moscow, the Russian Academy of Crafts opens courses for chimney sweeps.
In January 2014, we launched the 30th anniversary group of stove-makers. And in March we plan to launch the first group of chimney sweeps. In the Moscow region There is an acute shortage of young chimney sweeps in Moscow firms specializing in chimney cleaning. Now in Moscow and the region there are about 20 chimney sweeping companies, but they do not have specialist chimney sweepers.

03.02.2014, 11:30

Now in Moscow and the region there are about 20 chimney sweeping companies, but they do not have specialist chimney sweepers.

At least read what you write - there are firms, but there are no specialists.
Who works there then - Central Asian gastro workers ???

Matvienko Nikolay

03.02.2014, 11:53

Valery. You didn't guess. Blacks and Puerto Ricans work there. For a guest worker, this is too smart a job. Staff turnover is high. They do not hold up and are blown away.

07.02.2014, 01:10

Now there are about 20 chimney sweep companies in Moscow and the region, but they do not have chimney sweep specialists. Where does this information come from? The info is completely wrong.
There is an acute shortage of young chimney sweeps in Moscow firms specializing in chimney cleaning. Well, there are not many of them in the Moscow Region, but there is no extreme need in Moscow.
The staff turnover is high. Where do you get such lime? You are not an informant, but a provocateur. There are several training facilities in Moscow where chimney sweeps are trained and re-certified. And what is characteristic, at the annual recertification I see the same faces for many years. There is turnover, but minimal. By the way, training at the plant is cheap, recertification is even less. And you?

They do not hold up and are blown away. Can't stand the high salary? ;)

Opening chimney sweep courses.
In January 2014, we launched the 30th anniversary group of stove-makers. Quickly rivet ... It seems to me that the goal is not so much to educate as to earn.

07.02.2014, 19:54

07.02.2014, 21:47

It’s still clear with stove-makers, they really don’t teach anywhere (in Nerezinovoy and its environs), at least some kind of justification. But chimney sweeps are taught and not bad ...
Tell me, what do you think it means to "really train to be a stove-maker"? Again: "But they teach chimney sweeps and not badly ..." By what criteria can one determine the quality of training for both?

Matvienko Nikolay

23.02.2014, 18:37

The criteria are determined by the market. If there is a demand, people will come. Interesting courses - the queue is lining up. You can open master classes NORTH, MERANIK, SELIVAN. Open oven courses, or chimneymen. The law does not prohibit. The main thing is to recruit people. And people are picky these days. They won't pay for show-offs.

Matvienko Nikolay

23.02.2014, 18:56

Matvienko Nikolay

28.04.2014, 15:45

28.04.2014, 21:30

NTV in the program "own game" filmed our chimney sweeps PAP and asked questions. Type.
In 1639, chimneys were cleaned in the king's castle for the first time, and a century later, the first professional chimney sweep appeared in this Scandinavian kingdom. A country?

During mechanical cleaning of the chimney, a weight is tied to a long cable and another item that is well known to any hostess. Which subject?

In 1840, in Great Britain, such people were banned from working as chimney sweeps, whose work was very widely used before the ban. What are these people?

To meet a chimney sweep is good luck, especially a wedding procession. But the chimney sweep must certainly be like that. What?

In the USSR, a trade union of chimney sweeps existed in this capital. Even now there are houses with stove heating in the Old Town. Name the capital.

This traditional headdress of a chimney sweep often protected from something heavy falling from above. What is this headdress?

It is very flammable, and therefore it is necessary to clean the chimneys from it. What is this?
1 perhaps Denmark?
2 met. brush
3 probably for children
5estonia? Tallinn?
6 cylinder
7 soot

The second game of the first cycle of the "Golden Dozen" in 2014.


Artyom Moskalenko

Igor Kalgin

Alexander Bulavchuk

  • Artyom Moskalenko, economist from St. Petersburg
  • Igor Kalgin, information technology specialist from Voronezh
  • Alexander Bulavchuk, teacher from Krasnoyarsk

Game progress

First round


  • Names
  • Around sports
  • Languages ​​of the world
  • The whims of the weather
  • Museums
  • Ends with "U"

Names (500)

Auction question. Boxer George Forward gave the name George to all five sons. The eldest was named George Jr. What did he name the others?

Igor plays. Rate - 500 (nominal).
Player response: Second, third, fourth
Correct answer: Third, fourth, fifth, sixth

Names (400)

In honor of his son, Georgy Danelia named the hero of this film Nikolai.

Correct answer: "I'm walking around Moscow"

Names (300)

This common Italian name given to a Soviet child meant “Lenin is dead. The idea is alive.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Luigi

Names (200)

Theophilus Mozart changed his Greek name to the Latin Amadeus. In both versions, the name meant just that.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Loving God

Names (100)

This name, coined by the poet Vostokov, was glorified by the ballad of Vasily Zhukovsky.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Svetlana

World languages ​​(500)

The French of the 15th century called the volunteer or mercenary. now - an adventurer or just a rogue.

Correct answer: Adventurer

Ends in "U" (500)

Ends in "U" (500)

In these single-masted boats with slanting sails, Arab merchants from ancient times plowed the Indian Ocean.

Igor answers.
Correct answer: Doe

Museums (500)

The unique museum in the city of Kamyzyak, Astrakhan region, will tell you everything about this yummy.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: About watermelons

The whims of the weather (500)

The Russian heat record - 45.4 degrees - was recorded at the Utta weather station on July 12, 2010 in this subject of the federation.

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: Kalmykia

Museums (400)

At the opening of the Museum of the Three Actors, he cut the ribbon and left an entry in the guest book: "I'm leaving shocked!".

Correct answer: Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin

Museums (300)

Founded by Albert I, there is a real submarine in front of the entrance to this museum.

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: Oceanographic Museum in Monaco

Museums (200)

Visiting their new museum in Stockholm, you can sit in the mini helicopter from the Arrival album cover and sing along with the holographic characters.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: ABBA

World languages ​​(300)

The Czechs call this season "podzim".

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Autumn

Around sports (500)

Around sports (500)

This Russian ballerina participated in the training of Sonya Heni, who became the champion of three Olympics.

Igor answers.
Player response: Anna Pavlova
Correct answer: Karsavina

Around sports (400)

In 1928, this most popular sport was excluded from the Olympics program. Like a professional.

Correct answer: Tennis

Around sports (300)

In 1919, after five games between the Montreal Canadiens and the Met, the Seattle authorities canceled the remaining matches for this reason. The Stanley Cup was left without a host.

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: Because of the flu epidemic

World languages ​​(400)

About love (500)

Cat in a bag. Subject: About love. We think you can easily guess what the word "love" is composed of.

Igor plays. The bet is 500.
Correct answer: Chamomile petals

Ends with "U" (400)

In her native village of Trusheny, she was nicknamed "fata kare kynta" - "the girl who sings." And in the Friendship ensemble, the singer replaced Edita Piekha.

Artyom answers.
Player response: Sofia Rotaru
Correct answer: Maria Petrovna Codreanu

Museums (100)

Museums (100)

Her dwelling is presented in the museum of myths and superstitions of the Russian people in Uglich.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: baba yaga

Weather whims (400)

Director Bekmambetov, who shot this film, had to go to St. Petersburg for snow, but there was no winter there either. I had to use synthetic.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: The Irony of Fate. Continuation

Weather whims (300)

Moscow theaters (500)

Cat in a bag. Subject: Theaters of Moscow. On April 15, 1956, the shocked spectators did not disperse, and all night long they talked with the actors-graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School. Two years later, the creation of this studio theater was announced.

Igor plays. The bet is 500.
Correct answer: "Contemporary"

Ends in "U" (300)

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: Timbuktu

Ends in "U" (200)

On the coat of arms of this state, the vicuña personifies the fauna, the cinchona tree - the flora, the cornucopia - wealth.

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: Peru

Ends in "U" (100)

In the novel Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands, he drew 137 real faces under his own names.

Igor answers.
Correct answer: Georges Eamadu

Weather whims (200)

The cold March of 2013, some Britons still rejoiced: due to bad weather, more than 400 of these establishments were closed.

Correct answer: Schools

The vagaries of the weather (100)

Last fall, this Haiyan not only badly battered the Philippines, but also forcibly detained fifty Russians there.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Typhoon

Around sports (200)

In Jack London's short story "A Piece of Meat," veteran Tom King lost to a young opponent by entering the court half-starved.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Boxing ring

Around sports (100)

They are beaten and beaten, and they are getting higher and higher.

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: Records

World languages ​​(200)

The languages ​​used by such people in the US and the UK are completely different.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: deaf and mute

World languages ​​(100)

The proverb ends with the words “before the mind speaks,” but it begins that way.

Artyom answers.
Player response: tongue like a pomelo
Correct answer: My tongue is my enemy

Round result

  • Artyom - 1 200
  • Maksim - 600
  • Alexei - 2 600

Second round


  • Russian poets
  • golden theme
  • Questions from…
  • People and animals
  • War films
  • Vessels

Questions from… (400)

Questions from the chimney sweep

Questions asked by the chimney sweep Anatoly Tarasov.
This is the traditional headdress of a chimney sweep, which often saved him from falling objects from above. What is this headdress?

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Cylinder

Questions from… (600)

To meet a chimney sweep is good luck, especially if he is met by a wedding procession. But a chimney sweep must be like that. What?

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Chumazym

Questions from… (800)

During mechanical cleaning of the chimney, a weight or any other load is tied to a long cable and another item very familiar to housewives. please name it.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: brush

Questions from… (200)

It is very flammable, so it is necessary to periodically clean the chimneys from it. What is this?

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: furnace black

Questions from… (1,000)

In 1639, chimneys were cleaned for the first time in one of the kingdom's castles. A century later, the first professional chimney sweep appeared in the same Scandinavian country. Please, name this country.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Denmark

People and animals (1,000)

Scottish scientists have established: apart from humans, only these animals “call” each other by name.

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: Dolphins

Each individual has its own individual whistle.

People and animals (800)

People and animals (800)

In the park of the ancient Japanese capital of Nara, hundreds of these sacred animals roam free, and visitors feed them crackers.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Lani

Gold Theme (600)

In Yakutia, the torch of the Sochi Paralympics was lit during the relay just like that.

Artyom answers.
Player response: From sunlight
Correct answer: From a molten ingot of gold

People and animals (600)

Wayne Klinkel's golden retriever "ruined" his owner $500 by doing this. Having studied the issue, the federal treasury compensated for the damage.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Ciel bills

People and animals (400)

Polar pilot Ilya Mazuruk moved this Fomka from Kotelny Island from his apartment to the Moscow Zoo.

Igor answers.
Correct answer: white bear cub

War films (1,000)

Defense Minister Grechko urged Bondarchuk to film his memoirs: “We will give everything, we will provide everything.” But on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the victory, the director made this film.

Igor answers.
Correct answer: "They fought for their country"

War films (800)

On February 24, 1960, this joint film premiered in Paris; in two weeks - in Moscow.

Igor answers.
Correct answer: Normandie-Niemen

War films (600)

The film "In War as in War" is dedicated to the fallen and living soldiers of the 3rd Guards Tank Army of this marshal.

Correct answer: Rybalko

War films (400)

Auction question. The Japanese filmed the attack on Pearl Harbor for 4 years. This admiral, who until the last tried to settle the matter peacefully, was played by Ko Dzeikusyaku.

Igor plays. Bet - 2 800 (all-in).
Correct answer: Evamotto

War films (200)

Yevgeny Tashkov filmed "Major Whirlwind" in Lviv, but the heroes save this city from destruction.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Krakow

Russian poets (1,000)

France (1,000)

Cat in a bag. Subject: France. On a map published about a century ago, the coquettish old lady France holds the Brittany peninsula in her hand, depicted as this.

Played by Artyom. The rate is 1,000.
Player response: Fan
Correct answer: Mirror

People and animals (200)

Since 2011, these Russian professionals have been celebrating their holiday on August 31, the day of the memory of Saints Florus and Laurus, the patron saints of livestock.

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: Veterinarians

Gold Theme (800)

Russian furs have long been an export item, valued no less than oil, and they got this nickname for a reason.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: "Soft Gold"

Vessels (1 000)

This Scottish physicist turned Weinhold's glass box for liquefied gases into a double-walled flask with a narrow neck to reduce evaporation.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: James Dewar

Vessels (800)

Vessels (800)

In the Meijijingu monastery in Tokyo, this is stored in similar barrels.

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: Sake

Vessels (600)

In the Russian system of measures, a bucket was 16 measured or 20 trade. What are we talking about.

Correct answer: bottles

Vessels (400)

It is the largest blood vessel in the human body.

Igor answers.
Correct answer: Aorta

Russian poets (800)

The teacher of Russian and literature does not recognize the "secondary" Boratynsky; the historian Melnikov quipped: "He has already been transferred to the top." Name the film.

Igor answers.
Correct answer: "Let's Live Until Monday"

Russian poets (600)

He did not want to translate the fables of Phaedrus because of the "obscene content", and he himself "wrote shameful verses."

Artyom answers.
Player response: Pushkin
Igor answers.
Correct answer: Ivan Semyonovich Barkov

Vessels (200)

After sunset, the Palestinian women did not open the vessels with oil, believing that in the darkness the vessels belonged to them.

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: Jinam

Gold Theme (400)

Playing Gordey Bragin in this film adaptation of Mamin-Sibiryak, Sergei Bezrukov let go of his beard and grew his hair.

Artyom answers.
Player response: "Privalovsky millions"
Correct answer: "Gold"

Gold Theme (200)

One of the "seven wonders of Bashkiria" - the five-kilogram Irendyk Bear - is just that.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Golden Nugget

Golden Theme (1,000)

Golden Theme (1,000)

This city is the center of gold mining in the Magadan region. The yellow heart on the flag recalls the nickname "the golden heart of Kolyma"

Alexander answers.
Player response: Bodaibo
Correct answer: Susuman

Russian poets (400)

Envious people accused Mayakovsky of striving to earn more through this poetic technique.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Ladder

Russian poets (200)

In 1962, she was nominated for the Nobel Prize, but received the John Steinbeck Prize.

Igor answers.
Correct answer: Anna Andreevna Akhmatova

Round result

  • Artyom - 1 400
  • Igor - 7 400
  • Alexander - 8 200

Third round


  • coins
  • The Beatles
  • constellations
  • Public catering
  • Painting
  • To arms!

Catering (900)

Real pizza is cooked only in ovens using such fuel; The best restaurants have these.

Alexander answers.
Player response: Charcoal
Correct answer: Firewood

Catering (1 200)

Gods and Heroes (300)

Cat in a bag. Subject: Gods and Heroes. On an ancient painting, this warrior helps Theseus defeat the monstrous Minotaur.

Alexander answers. Rate - 300.
Correct answer: Athena

Catering (600)

The resulting hundred rubles was only enough for coffee and the cheapest cocktail; in a restaurant he dreamed of a piece of bread left in his coat pocket.

Correct answer: Sharapov

Catering (300)

It first appeared on paper in China 10 centuries ago.

Alexander answers.
Player response: Recipe
Igor answers.
Correct answer: Menu

Painting (900)

Painting (900)

Cardinal Infan Ferdinand had already ordered his portrait to him, on the orders of the king's brother Philip IV, gave way. What artist are you talking about?

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Velasquez

Constellations (900)

In 1604, Johannes Kepler saw this event in the constellation Ophiuchus with a naked eye.

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: supernova explosion

Constellations (600)

The two brightest stars in the Gemini constellation bear these names.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Castor and Polks

To arms! (900)

In the cartoon "Island of Errors" this "weapon" helped Kolya Sorokin to cope with the terrible "deuces".

Igor answers.
Player response: Fives
Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Right answers

"The Beatles" (900)

In 1996, it was he who bought the sheet music of the song "Hey Jude" at an auction for 25 thousand pounds.

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: Julian Lennon

"The Beatles" (1,200)

In Hamburg, the musicians had no money for guitar strings; I had to take strings from this instrument in a local club.

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: Piano

"The Beatles" (1,500)

Auction question. The song "Penny Lane" appeared, and the authorities of Liverpool suffered losses. That's exactly what they stole.

Played by Artyom. The bet is 4,400 (all-in).
Correct answer: street signs

"The Beatles" (300)

In addition to McCartney, he was also left-handed.

Artyom answers.
Player response: George Harrison
Igor answers.
Correct answer: Ringo Starr

Painting (600)

Painting (600)

“A sadly thoughtful figure sits, hugging his knees, against the background of a sunset and looks at a flowering meadow ...”. What future picture did Mikhail Vrubel paint?

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: "Demon Seated"

Coins (900)

In Canada, you can pay with coins of this denomination only if the amount does not exceed 25 cents.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: 1 cent

Coins (600)

Up until 1857, such foreign coins were legal tender in the United States.

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: Gold and Silver

Coins (1 200)

Mount Triglav on 50 euro cents is the highest peak and the national symbol of this country.

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: Slovenia

Coins (1 500)

Auction question. In 1762, the coins of Russia had to be urgently re-minted, replacing this.

Played by Artyom. The rate is 7,200.
Correct answer: Peter III to Catherine II

Coins (300)

While managing the Royal Mint, Isaac Newton proposed to make a edge on notched coins. In order to avoid this.

Alexander answers.
Player response: fakes
Artyom answers.
Correct answer: cutting edge

Constellations (300)

Of the 88 constellations, 31 belong to the northern hemisphere, 46 to the southern; the rest are just like that.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: equatorial

Catering (1 500)

In the 17th century, the Prokop cafe in Paris served not only coffee, but also this newfangled delicacy.

Alexander answers.
Player response: Chocolate
Correct answer: Ice cream

Painting (1 500)

In the altar of this Kyiv cathedral you can see the father of the aircraft designer Ivan Sikorsky in the image of John Chrysostom by Viktor Vasnetsov.

Correct answer: In Vladimir

Painting (1 200)

Painting (1 200)

To the question of his friend Henri Matisse, "Why don't you leave painting?" he, suffering from arthritis, replied: "The pain passes, but the beauty remains."

Igor answers.
Correct answer: Renoir

To arms! (600)

In 1963, for the anniversary of the Milan glass company, all the boys in the quarter received this gift "with gratitude for their continued cooperation."

Artyom answers.
Correct answer: slingshots

Painting (300)

If this strict teacher was dissatisfied with the drawing, Carlos Brullo was left without lunch.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Father Paul Brullo

To arms! (1 500)

The developers of this weapon were put in camps, and the informer, Andrei Kostikov, was proclaimed the author.

Artyom answers.
Player response: T-134
Correct answer: "Katyusha"

To arms! (1 200)

The 1943 Zippermeyer plant, which created almost real tornadoes, was intended to fight them. But the weapon was not successful.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: with planes

To arms! (300)

This rifle is known as "the gun that conquered the West".

Correct answer: Winchester

Round result

  • Artyom - 18 400
  • Igor - 6 800
  • Alexander - 11 200

Final round

Subject: Depths

On Baikal, Mir-1 and Mir-2, led by oceanologist Artur Chilingarov, made such a dive for the first time. The cargo barge replaced the carrier vessel Akademik Mstislav Keldysh.

Igor's answer: To the bottom of Baikal
The rate is 6,799.

Alexander's answer: freshwater
The rate is 3,200.

Artyom's answer: Subglacial
Rate - 4 100.

Correct answer: freshwater

Outcome of the game

  • Artyom - 14 300
  • Igor - 1
  • Alexander - 14 400

Alexander Bulavchuk wins the game and enters the Golden Dozen.

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