Lily city. Lille in France is an amazing and fabulous city


Today the world is concerned about three main problems: global warming, the price of oil and the food crisis. We couldn't resist talking about the first point. Especially since we came across such an elegant, if not glamorous, solution to the problem of flooding a decent part of the land.

In the twentieth century, the total rise in the level of the world's seas was only ten centimeters, while all fifty are predicted for the current century! (But for this it is enough for only 1% of the Antarctic ice to melt.)

The French architect of Belgian origin Vincent Callebaut, already known to our readers, was imbued with the lamentations of environmentalists and decided to create Lilypad. He describes his brainchild in a simple way: “a floating ecopolis for climate refugees.”

"Biotech" Lilypad will travel from the equator to the poles, following the sea currents. Vincent does not say anything about whether the amphibian city can “stand” in one place or choose the direction of its movement (illustration by Vincent Callebaut).

The giant lily city is designed for 50,000 inhabitants, the same "emigrants" who will flee from the effects of global warming from the mainland. True, according to the forecasts of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an organization established under the UN in 1988, up to 25 million inhabitants of our planet may find themselves in a disaster zone. Therefore, Callebo did his best, planning the possible future of a significant part of the population of the Earth.

Outwardly, Lilypad is very similar to a floating leaf of a water lily (namely, the largest of them - the Amazonian). Hence the name of the entire project, and even to some extent its internal structure.

In all its glory and in accordance with all standards. By the way, if you look closely, you can see three marinas under the first tier (illustration by Philippe Steels/pixelab).

What is such a large-scale "ship"? Of course, a mountain of electronics and completely "green" solutions. So, the "double skin" of the structure is made of high-strength polyester fiber coated with a layer of titanium dioxide. The latter, under the influence of ultraviolet, decomposes atmospheric pollutants through a photocatalytic reaction.

To this we add solar panels, wind and tidal energy, the energy of the Earth's biomass, water purification using the phenomenon of reverse osmosis and phyto-purification, and so on and so forth. In general, a complete list. It is unlikely that Vincent thought through everything to the smallest detail. But the area (about 500 thousand square meters) will undoubtedly make it possible to install any installations on the Lilypad that will bring at least some benefit to the inhabitants of the "ecopolis".

“I took everything from nature,” Vincent Callebaut admits plagiarism without hesitation. Well, let! The giant "descendant" of the lily will save the inhabitants of New York, Bombay, Calcutta, Ho Chi Minh City, Shanghai, Miami, Lagos and Abidjan, Jakarta and Egyptian Alexandria (photo from

Afloat, the three-humped colossus will be stabilized by ballast, which is actually a lagoon located in the center of Lilypad and filled with fresh water. It is completely submerged in the ocean, and rainwater will be collected and processed in it. Well, let's take the author's word for it. It remains to be hoped that rains can be "found" even in the arid regions of the planet (of course, if they remain on Earth by 2100).

Idyll, and more! Callebo dreams of close to ideal relationships between nature and man (illustrations by Philippe Steels/pixelab).

According to Kallebo, it is unlikely that giant amphibious cities will be mass-produced on the planet before 2058, so we will focus on the beginning of the next century, for a round count.

So. What else is interesting with this peculiar pool? Oh yes, it has a complex structure. On its surface, facing the ocean, "gardens" of marine plants will be located, and people will live and researchers of marine flora and fauna will work in the thickness of the walls themselves.

Uruguay, Egypt, Holland, Bangladesh and Oceania will be the first to be affected by the “strike of the elements”, according to IPCC. This is how Callebaut sees 2058 in the Maldives (illustrations by Vincent Callebaut and Philippe Steels/pixelab).

A variety of living creatures and vegetation will be located inside the ecopolis. Callebo suggests using the numerous hanging gardens and farms. After all, the city will have to fully provide itself with everything necessary, which means that each Lilypad will be a small state with its own production, business and developed service sector.

It will not do without politics. She will definitely not perish by the end of time! People will have to establish new rights and norms for those residents that will be scattered around the "islands of hope" around the world, but this is the tenth question. Kallebo and us, what to be modest, it interests in the last turn.

Bird's eye view. This is what Lilypad families would look like off the coast of Monaco (illustration by Philippe Steels/pixelab).

There is another, much more interesting question. Wouldn't such artificial land be too expensive? But no one knows this yet. In any case, there will be buyers, Vincent has no doubts, especially in the face of a reduction in the area available for housing. And if the greats of this world do not become them, then the numerous advanced “green” ones will definitely tear off the apartments on Lilypad with their hands.

Vincent himself lacked the imagination to draw a night view of Lilypad, and his friend Philippe Steels from pixelab experimented with this theme with pleasure (illustration by Philippe Steels).

Well. A self-sufficient city-island is undoubtedly a good and necessary idea, but in reality, investors, as a rule, are more interested in smaller and slightly more realistic projects, for example

Lily cities will save humanity from the Flood. Eco-city made of polyester fibers coated with a layer of titanium dioxide.

The planet is warming, glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, and this will lead to mass migration of people from low-lying areas to other continental regions. To do this, the architect Vincent Callebaut designed the self-sufficient floating cities of Lilypads (lily cities).Each city can accommodate up to 50 thousand. people, and taking into account that up to 25 million inhabitants of the planet will be under the threat of flooding, Callebo worked thoroughly.
Inspired by the shape of a lily, he created an eco-city from polyester fibers coated with a layer of titanium dioxide. What is such a large-scale "ship"? Of course, a mountain of electronics and completely "green" solutions. So, the "double skin" of the structure is made of high-strength polyester fiber coated with a layer of titanium dioxide. The latter, under the influence of ultraviolet, decomposes atmospheric pollutants through a photocatalytic reaction.
On an area of ​​50 thousand square meters there will be work surfaces, shops, residential areas; hanging gardens and aquaculture will be below water level. Cities should work on renewable energy sources: solar panels, wind and tidal energy, etc. Their launch is scheduled for 2058.

Italy is one of the most attractive countries for tourists, as its cultural riches and historical monuments seem endless. Each of the travelers chooses their Italian city, but once they see the coat of arms, its beauty, they understand that this is the place where you definitely need to visit.

true beauty

The main official symbol of the city is a vivid reminder of the historical past, rich culture, masterpieces of painting, sculpture and architecture.

The coat of arms of Florence can also be assessed from an artistic point of view, the main opinion of art critics is that it is impeccable. This also applies to the selection of colors, and the selected characters, and their compositional placement.

Firstly, there is an amazing harmony of colors - silver, chosen for the shield, and scarlet, for the main composition. However, scarlet has tones and shades, which makes the image seem three-dimensional, alive.

Secondly, the coat of arms depicts two graceful lilies that look like royalty, their stems, leaves and petals are gracefully curved. These flowers, which are a symbol of the monarchy, are located against the background of the crown, its lateral ends are bent down. As experts in the field of heraldry explain, this is a kind of symbol of admiration for true beauty.

In the depths of history

Royal lilies are a symbol, first of all, of the Frankish court, representatives of the French royal dynasties. The image of flowers was present in various heraldic signs and coats of arms of representatives of the nobility.

Historians hint that thanks to the French king Louis XI, the lily flower first adorned the coat of arms of the Medici family, some of whose representatives more than once acted as rulers of Florence. Therefore, it is not surprising that the lily "grew" on the official symbol of this city.

Symbolism of lilies

The main difference between the Florentine lilies, depicted on the coat of arms of the capital, from their French "colleagues" is that they have a different shape, these representatives of the royal flora are depicted at the peak of their heyday (not in buds). Next to them they always write the motto of the city - "Like a lily in bloom, so Florence flourishes."

Lily has been revered since ancient times, poets composed hymns and poems, artists captured it in their masterpieces. Based on this flower, hundreds of decorative ornaments appeared. The plant symbolizes life and death, snow-white lily in many nations is associated with purity and innocence, red - with wealth and fertility.

Lily cities will save humanity from the Flood. Eco-city made of polyester fibers coated with a layer of titanium dioxide.

The planet is warming, glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, and this will lead to mass migration of people from low-lying areas to other continental regions. To do this, the architect Vincent Callebaut designed the self-sufficient floating cities of Lilypads (lily cities).Each city can accommodate up to 50 thousand. people, and taking into account that up to 25 million inhabitants of the planet will be under the threat of flooding, Callebo worked thoroughly.
Inspired by the shape of a lily, he created an eco-city from polyester fibers coated with a layer of titanium dioxide. What is such a large-scale "ship"? Of course, a mountain of electronics and completely "green" solutions. So, the "double skin" of the structure is made of high-strength polyester fiber coated with a layer of titanium dioxide. The latter, under the influence of ultraviolet, decomposes atmospheric pollutants through a photocatalytic reaction.
On an area of ​​50 thousand square meters there will be work surfaces, shops, residential areas; hanging gardens and aquaculture will be below water level. Cities should work on renewable energy sources: solar panels, wind and tidal energy, etc. Their launch is scheduled for 2058.

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