Pea mash. How to make delicious mashed peas


One of the cheapest and most satisfying side dishes is pea puree. It is not difficult to cook it deliciously, you just need to know the proportions of water and peas. A step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you remember a few rules. First, peas are always soaked for 3-5 hours before cooking, so that they are saturated with water and softened.

The second is that you need to salt when the peas are completely boiled, otherwise it will remain hard. This rule is not only for peas, but for all legumes: beans, lentils, chickpeas, beans.

Thirdly, peas are kneaded when almost all of the water has been absorbed, otherwise the puree will turn out to be liquid and excess water will have to be evaporated. Usually, fried onions, grated garlic or fried bacon are added to pea puree for a richer taste. But you can cook without additives - it will also be delicious.


  • chopped polished peas - 1 cup;
  • water - 3 cups (+ for soaking);
  • salt - to taste;
  • onions - 2 large heads;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

How to make pea puree

It is better to take chopped peas for mashed potatoes, in halves - it will soften faster when soaked and boil well. Pour the peas with cold water, after washing several times. We leave for 4-5 hours.

We're squeezing water. After soaking, the peas should be washed under running water, it is more convenient to do this in a colander or sieve.

Transfer to a bowl or bowl. Pour in three glasses of water. We put on a strong fire.

As soon as it boils, we collect the foam, twist the flame to the smallest and leave to cook, loosely covering with a lid.

Boil the peas for about an hour until all the water is absorbed. Peas will become very soft, well boiled.

For dressing, fry the onion. Cut the onions into small cubes, pour into a pan with hot oil and brown to the desired color. Choose the degree of roasting to your taste - someone likes a sweet, almost transparent onion, someone likes fried to a brownish color.

We crush the peas with a pusher. If it turns out watery, put on a small fire and evaporate the excess liquid. Be sure to mix with a spoon, otherwise it will stick to the bottom and burn.

We shift the fried onions into the peas along with the oil. Mix, salt to taste. Cover and let the pea puree brew.

We serve pea puree as an independent dish or as a side dish for cutlets, fried or stewed meat.

Children do not really like to eat pea soup or mashed potatoes in kindergarten, and they prefer green canned peas in jars. However, you can make pea puree so delicious that your dish will amaze the imagination of the most demanding gourmets! The main thing is to remember a few recommendations, recipes, not be afraid to experiment and combine different shades of flavors. And, of course, your pea dish requires special attention: legumes often “run away”, burn easily and stick to the bottom of pans and pots.

Of course, you can make regular pea puree, without frills and various additional ingredients. Then all you need is salt, water and peas. The nuances and rules for making mashed potatoes, which you will soon learn, will allow you to succeed even with such a minimal set. Puree will be delicious!

But, if you decide to really make peas the king of your kitchen, you should try different options for making mashed potatoes. Then you will be able to experience a lot of different flavors, use pea puree not only as a side dish, offer it for a light lunch, but also turn it into a real full-fledged dish that will easily become the main one at lunch and dinner.

Here's what you might need:

  • peas, can be halves;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • butter;
  • olive oil;
  • smoked pork ribs;
  • beef;
  • toast;
  • carrot;
  • onion, white and red;
  • green onions;
  • salo;
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • garlic.
Rules for cooking peas: it should not “run away” and dry out
To make your pea puree tasty, and not to get tired of the cooking process, remember a few simple rules.
  • Attention. It is important to cook the peas carefully and keep a close eye on them. Peas often end up on the stove, burn, rise with a “cap”, pouring the pan. As a result, the housewives are cleaning, and the unpleasant smell of burnt peas noticeably spoils the mood. It may be necessary to prepare everything again.
  • Accuracy and constant control. When you have already put the peas in a pot or pan, you need to monitor it constantly. Do not be distracted, then your dish will cook much faster, no problems will arise. It is not necessary to stand near the stove all the time, but you need to be in the kitchen. Follow the sounds, immediately remove the pan from the burner if you see a "cap".
  • Stirring. Peas should be thoroughly mixed approximately every 5 minutes. Then everything will be in order, the puree will not stick together and will not burn. It will be processed evenly, then you will not encounter an unpleasant phenomenon when some of the peas are soft, and some are simply dangerous for their hardness.
  • Adding water. Don't be afraid to add water to your pea puree during the cooking process. One secret is this: it is better not to pour all the water into the pan at once. Let the peas and water be in proportions of 1/2, not 1/4. All the remaining water should just be added gradually. This is how the peas retain their flavor and cook well. It is advisable to add not cold, but hot water from the kettle. Then just wait until it boils and turn down the heat or the temperature of your burner again.
  • Soak. If you do not plan to roast peas in a pan, it is quite possible to speed up the cooking process in a simple way. Get a jar large enough to fill about 1/3 of your peas. Put the peas in a jar, fill with water. After standing like this all night, your peas will swell, then they will cook faster.
The easiest recipe for pea puree
Everything is really very simple here.
  1. Take peas, water, salt.
  2. Rinse the peas and put them in a bowl.
  3. Pour in water and bring to a boil.
  4. Cook the chickpeas over low heat until they are mashed.
  5. Salt your puree about 5 minutes before it's done.
  6. When serving with pea puree, add a little olive oil, sprinkle fresh herbs on top.
Of course, this method of making pea puree is not the only one.

We create sympathy
"Sympathy" is the main secret of making delicious pea puree. There are many ways to achieve the appearance of a unique taste, rich, bright and tender at the same time.

  • Roasting. A good option, which is always desirable to use, is to fry peas in a skillet before stewing or boiling. The pan must first be heated, then pour in olive or sunflower oil so that the entire bottom is covered. Then you need to put all the peas on a hot frying pan, you do not need to soak it before that. When calcining peas, you need to constantly stir with a spatula, because it can start to stick. Literally 5-10 minutes - and your peas will be fried. The taste will become a little different, more saturated, there will be notes reminiscent of roasted nuts, potatoes. If you don’t like the resulting taste and aroma, you can not fry the peas in the future, or simply quickly ignite it in a dry frying pan for 1-2 minutes.
  • Oil. Experiment with oil. Now the range is huge, you can try different options. Well complement the taste of pea puree unrefined oil, refined sunflower oil with the addition of olive oil, pure olive oil. You can add a little more oil, use it both during cooking and afterwards, adding one teaspoon of oil directly to the plate.
  • Spices and herbs. Use dill, parsley and various spices. You can add both fresh herbs and dry. When time is short, but you want to make pea puree tasty, it is quite possible to use the usual mixture of dried vegetables. Just pour dry vegetables into the pan, about a teaspoon per serving.
  • Garlic. Garlic will add a special taste and aroma to your pea puree. It all depends on your taste preferences. In principle, even two or three cloves of garlic, cut into halves, for one serving will not be superfluous. Garlic should be added about 5-10 minutes before the puree is ready. It should soften, but not completely lose its taste and shape, be a little dense inside. You can lightly fry the halves of garlic cloves in oil in advance, and only then put them in pea puree 5 minutes before they are ready. Spicy lovers will appreciate pea puree with grated garlic. It is put in a saucepan 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking and the puree is finished over high heat.
  • Carrots and onions. Vegetables also create a great flavor bouquet in pea puree. The best option is to fry the carrots and onions in advance, and then add them to the pea puree 10 minutes before they are ready so that the flavors mix well. It is good to use red onion, combine ingredients in different proportions. For example, carrots can be added to peas in a 1/2 ratio, but diversify the sweetish taste with fresh dill. Connoisseurs of vegetable pea puree add bell peppers, tomatoes, and even pumpkin to it.
  • Meat. Any kind of meat will go well with pea puree. But the most suitable beef and pork ribs. Don't skimp on the meat, your mashed peas will make a great main course! Puree will get a wonderful taste if you add small cubes of fried lard to it.
Pea puree: some great combinations
You can list several excellent combinations of products that will enrich and diversify the taste of the finished puree.
  • Peas, olive oil, roasted carrots, white onions.
  • Roasted peas, sunflower oil, roasted carrots and sweet red onions. Serve with fresh dill.
  • Peas, salt, fried bacon, fried onions. Serve with croutons.
  • Peas with garlic, carrots and olive oil. Add oil when serving.
  • Peas with garlic, tomatoes, onions, you need a little sugar. Serve with fresh dill and parsley.
  • Peas with beef, onions and carrots. Add dry dill during cooking.
  • Peas with pork ribs, onion and garlic. Garnish with finely chopped green onions when serving.
There are many options, choose or invent your own. Get creative, get creative, and don't limit yourself to recipes. At the same time, do not forget about the basic recommendations and you will prepare a very tasty pea puree. Bon appetit!

Pea puree is a dish rich in vitamins and microelements. It is useful for those who lead an active lifestyle and care about health. Learn how to quickly cook pea puree without soaking.

Dry peas, from which pea porridge is prepared, usually require pre-soaking in order to make the dish uniform and soft. But there are a couple of secrets on how to make mashed potatoes quickly without soaking peas.

Follow the step-by-step instructions on how to make mashed peas quickly:

  1. Sort and rinse the peas thoroughly with cold water.
  2. Transfer to a heavy-bottomed saucepan and add ¼ tsp of baking soda. for 2 cups of peas.
  3. Pour boiling water over the peas so that the water is higher than the peas by a finger.
  4. Let the water boil and lower the heat to low.
  5. How long to cook peas? A little less than an hour. During the cooking process, stir the peas and periodically (as needed) add hot water.
  6. At the end of cooking, salt and pepper, add oil to taste.
  7. Blend everything in a blender until puree.

Tips on how to cook pea puree quickly:

  • use not whole, but split peas for cooking;
  • do not salt the dish in advance, but only at the end of cooking;
  • do not cover the pan with a lid;
  • remove noise during the cooking process;
  • If you use a pressure cooker, the cooking time will be halved.

Follow the advice of culinary experts on how to cook pea porridge, and then you will not spend a lot of time cooking it.

To make the dish homogeneous, grind it in a blender after cooking. Salt at the end. What puree recipe do you use?

Pour the peas with plenty of water, leave to soak overnight or for 6-8 hours. Peas will swell, increase in volume, which means they are ready for cooking. After soaking, we wash the peas and fill them with two glasses of water. Please note that the proportion of peas and water is 1:2. We begin to cook on low heat.

Cook the peas for 1-1.5 hours, until all the water has evaporated, the peas become soft and completely boiled. At the end of cooking, salt, mix to bring to the desired taste.

We interrupt the finished peas with a blender until a puree is formed. If there is no blender, then use a simple and ordinary potato masher.

Finely chop the onion, we take it not too little, so that the puree with onion becomes even tastier. Pea puree can be served not only with fried onions, someone else fries carrots, and you look at your preferences. But pea puree with fried onions is a classic serving option.

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Fry onions in vegetable oil, pour 2-3 tables. l., no more. Fry until golden brown so that the onion becomes very fragrant and odorous.

We spread the hot pea puree on a plate, and add the fried onions on top. It turns out very tasty and beautiful. For those who wish, the puree can be further peppered.

For a budget lunch, mashed peas will be the best option, although for those who love such a dish, it's not about money at all. It's just very tasty and always useful. Bon Appetite!

Every housewife must know how to cook pea puree so tasty that it can decorate the diet of any family.

Peas are a primordially Russian product with a bright national flavor. Dishes from it are hearty, high-calorie and surprisingly healthy. They are able to quickly restore strength, and this is a weighty argument in favor of using it for people engaged in heavy physical labor.

Due to the presence of vegetable protein in legumes, peas go well with vegetables, meat, and fish. Pea porridge is an indispensable food during fasting, and for people who monitor their weight, it will help raise vitality, while not adding a centimeter to the waist.

The most important thing is to properly prepare the dish and try to give it the most appetizing look. But this science is simple, and a few little secrets will allow you to prove yourself in the eyes of others as a real craftswoman!

Let's try to determine the most successful algorithm for solving the problem - how to cook pea puree masterfully.

The first step is to boil the peas. To do this, sort out dry cereals, rinse well, fill with warm water and leave overnight (at least for two hours!). In the morning, drain the water, rinse the peas again and put the pan on the highest heat, bring it to a boil, remove the foam (it is better to monitor the moment of boiling, otherwise you cannot avoid cardinal washing of the stove!). Then reduce the heat to a minimum and leave the peas to languish for two hours.

During this time, periodically look into the pan, remembering to stir. When all the liquid has boiled away, the peas should be stirred very often so as not to burn. Ideally, the consistency of cooked cereals should be puree. But old peas sometimes remain hard, regardless of the heat treatment time, so wipe the finished porridge through a sieve or push it with a crush. Everything, our semi-finished product is ready.

Now you can show your imagination and ennoble the workpiece. Fry finely chopped onions and carrots in butter, and season our cooked mashed potatoes with this frying, you will get a full-fledged side dish. And if you sprinkle it with your favorite herbs and freshly ground pepper, the dish will become an appetizing dinner for fasting people. A harmonious addition to it will be a salad of fresh vegetables or.

Fried mushrooms or hunting sausages are also great as a dressing for pea puree. And if you put boiled peas mixed with corn porridge in an even layer on a dish, and cover the base with finely chopped ham and tomatoes on top, sprinkle it all with cheese and put it in the oven for 20 minutes, you will get Russian-style polenta. Incredible and really tasty!

It's easier than ever to cook pea puree in a slow cooker if you are the lucky owner of this treasure!

A minimum of effort is required from you: rinse the peas thoroughly (1 cup), preferably crushed. Then pour it into the container of the multicooker and pour two glasses of water, adding salt to taste. Turn on the "Extinguishing" option and forget about it for 2.5 hours, this is the time you need to set on the display. After the end of the process of your miracle technique, add butter to the peas at will and needs and leave for another 15 minutes. Everyone, you can start eating.

IMPORTANT: Peas, in principle, can be consumed by absolutely all healthy people. But, as you know, for every rule there is an exception. In case of circulatory disorders, nephritis and gout, it is better to refrain from eating all representatives of the legume family!

If you are a classic visual, then the language of images is more understandable to you, and you can easily cook delicious pea puree by watching this video:

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