Mayan horoscope by date of birth to calculate the antipode. Mayan calendar


In only four manuscripts (the so-called codices) found so far, the Maya were found dating back to different eras BC. information about astronomical, cosmogonic and cosmological knowledge and ideas of this people. Some confusion of the surviving astronomical and astrological information can be explained by the fact that the surviving manuscripts are incomplete, and most importantly, these are mostly simplified rural priestly “reference books”. A number of texts were also found on stone slabs-steles.

How to determine your Mayan sign?

Before starting the study of the horoscope of the ancient Maya, let us remember that they divide the 260-day Tzolkin into 13 months of 20 days. The three tzolkins correspond in duration to the synodic period of the planet Mars. The Mayan universe was divided into 3 parts: Heaven, Earth and the Underworld. Each part had its own deity. These three components, in turn, were distributed to the four ends of the world - south, east, north, west.

Each of the sectors was provided with a specific color. Days - signs of time - were reflected as 20 animals. The calendar begins with the day called Crocodile, and ends with the sign Ancestors .

So how do you determine your Mayan sign?

The starting point of the month (Table 1), replace the month, and, accordingly, the year of birth - the year of birth (Table 2).

Put these three clean. The result obtained will be the ordinal number of the day in the Mayan calendar.

4. If the year is a leap year (highlighted in the table), then for the first two months of the year (January and February) it is necessary to make an amendment - subtract one from the result. For the rest of the months, adjustments are not needed.

5. According to table 3, determine which Mayan sign corresponds to the amount received.

It turned out, find any fortune-telling service, there you can automatically enter the date of birth in a few seconds to determine the Mayan sign.

Lunar periods were given the names of animals that were of great importance to the people of the Mayan civilization, such as: lizard, snake, fox, turtle, squirrel, jaguar, owl, falcon, bat, peacock, scorpion, deer and monkey. The Haab calendar was combined with the Tzol calendar, which in turn consisted of 13 lunar periods of 28 days. Together, they gave an accurate description of each day of the cycle of 52 years. Such dissimilar days made life mysterious and funny. And when a new person was born, he was assigned certain properties in accordance with the day on which he was born.

Find out who you are in the Mayan horoscope according to your date of birth:

  • TZOOTZ - Bat: born from July 26 to August 22
  • DZEC - Scorpio: born from August 23 to September 19
  • KEH - Deer: born from 20 September to 17 October
  • MOAN - Owl: born from October 18 to November 14
  • KUTZ - Peacock: born from November 15 to December 12
  • KIBRAY - Lizard: born from December 13 to January 9
  • BATZ KIMIL - Monkey: born from January 10 to February 6
  • COZ - Falcon: born from February 7 to March 6
  • BALAM - Jaguar: born from March 7th to April 3rd
  • FEX - Fox: born from April 4 to May 1
  • KAN - Snake: born from May 2 to May 29
  • TZUB - Squirrel: born from May 30 to June 26
  • AAK - Turtle: born from June 27 to July 25

It is calculated differently than the usual horoscopes. According to the calendar of this mysterious people, there are not 30 usual days in a month, but 20. The number of months in the calendar is also different and consists of 19 unequal periods.

Haab is the daily reckoning of the Mayan people, which they used in everyday life. Based on this calendar, people have the following signs in their destiny:

  • Chen. From 2 to 21 January. Such a person is characterized as a black tornado. Its symbols are the Moon, the flower, the West and the Black Sky. People born during this period were considered inclined to assimilate lunar energy well. Their time was called the night, and the totem was the frog. If a person belonging to Chen wants to develop his individuality, then he should take advantage of night meditations. Moonstone is also favorable for such people.
  • Yash. January 22nd to February 10th. The characteristic of people born in the Yash period refers to the green storm. Symbols - Venus, South and two flowers. The nature of these people is soft, gentle and loving. Their goal is to develop peacemaking abilities. Diplomacy and humanity are considered the best qualities for them.
  • Sak. February 11 to March 2. Symbolism - white storm, three flowers. Direction - North. Totem is a frog. Daytime people born in Sak should choose the morning hours for development and reflection. Such people easily endure changes, they have great adaptive abilities.
  • Keh. From March 3 to March 22 of the same month. Symbolism - red storm, trees. Direction - East. And the totem is a deer. These people know how to restore harmony and balance. Those born under this sign are ruled by Fire. They suit red. The forest is a place of power for Keh.
  • Poppy. March 23rd to April 11th. Symbolism - the number "3", mystery and secrecy. The meaning of the character of a person under the sign of Poppy is a mystery to everyone. The only instruction for these people is more solitude to comprehend the secrets of the Universe.
  • Kankin. April 12th to May 1st. Symbolism - the Sun and the Earth, as well as yellow. Totem is a dog. The inner core of these people makes an indelible impression on others. They are also known for their loyalty. And they can use both solar and terrestrial energies.
  • Muan. From May 2 to May 21 of the same month. The symbolism is rain and fire. Totem is an owl. These people can use the energies of water and the fire element. They can penetrate the essence of things, often have the gift of divination.
  • Pash. May 22 to June 10. Symbolism - sowing, steam, arrows and a drum. Totem - cougar. Those born under this sign have leadership qualities. They are straightforward, charismatic and self-confident. The energies of earth, water and fire in a triune combination will benefit these people.
  • Kayyab. From June 11 to June 30 of the same month. Symbolism - the number "1", the Moon. Totem is a turtle. Representatives of the Kayab have been engaged in spiritual quests all their lives. They are wise, thoughtful, but live real life, not dreams.
  • Kumhu. From July 1 to July 20 of the same month. Symbolism - grain, two rulers, rain, darkness. Totem - crocodile. Dual personalities always see multiple paths and many personal benefits in life. They know how to survive in almost any circumstances. They have the gift of longevity and stable life.
  • Wayeb. From July 21st to the 25th of the same month. Symbolism - missed time, misfortune, land and ghosts. Born in the shortest month of the year (5 days), these people have a strong connection with the other world, have psychic abilities.
  • Pop. July 26th to August 14th. Symbolism - soft earth, leader. The totem is a jaguar. These people are leaders by birthright. They know how to take care of others and take into account the interests of their environment. Leaders born under the sign of Pop can use the energies of the elements of the Earth. Such people are destined to be leaders and mentors.
  • In. From 15 August to 3 September. The Mayan horoscope by date of birth says that Wo are people similar to those who were born under the sign of Chen. Symbolism - sky, storm, jaguar, night and frog. Twilight for these representatives of the sign is considered the most favorable time. They can be described as great mystifiers and seekers of the sacred.
  • Sip. From 4 September to 23 of the same month. The symbolism is the red sky and the red crossroads. Totem - deer. The elements of Air and Fire favor the sign Sip. A certain nobility gives these people and their totems.
  • Social September 24th to October 13th. The symbolism is a fish and a bat, as well as winter. Sensitive Soc people have incredible intuition. Seers of Sots see through veils and illusions, they are extremely perceptive.
  • Sec. From October 14 to November 2. Symbolism - Earth and Heaven. Insightful and calm people, carried away by the sky. They are subject to the energies of Air and Earth. They are well versed in human nature. Interested in everything sublime and distant.
  • Shul. November 3rd to November 22nd. Symbolism - dogs and birds. Totem is a dog. People of the Shul sign, like their totem, are able to look beyond the brink of being. Maya's dog could carry the souls of the dead to the next world. Therefore, people with a totem animal of such a plan are loyal, strong and purposeful. They have minimal fear of death, and they respect everything that is connected with it;
  • Yashkin. November 23rd to December 12th. Symbolism - The sun and red clouds. The main color is green. Such people are healers. And they receive these abilities from the God of the Sun himself. Representatives of the sign treat both words and deeds. But sometimes these people doubt their decisions. They need to learn how to overcome doubt. So it is possible for them to achieve harmony.
  • Moth. December 13th to January 1st. Symbolism - harvest, clouds, water and jaguar. They are water mages. They can cause rain if they develop these abilities. The totem is a jaguar. But here people born under the sign of Mole are rather spiritual leaders than leaders. They often become shamans and soothsayers. Able to inspire others to achieve.

The Mayan horoscope is closely connected with the forces of nature, the patronage of the Gods and the cycle of the Universe. In the listed signs that have come down to us, the traits of a person’s character, his abilities and aspirations are hidden. According to Maya, for a holistic and comprehensive development of the personality, an adult man or adult woman had to develop only their inclinations given to them from birth.

The fascinating Mayan horoscope by date of birth contains valuable information related to the development of spiritual and physical qualities. The ancient Mayan priests were aware of astrology and psychology. They had a sign language. And life went according to elemental and natural cycles. The Maya had music and creativity, folklore, as well as scholarly treatises and writings. They were engaged in calculations and divination. Their calendar, on which the horoscope is based, is still considered very complex and causes a lot of controversy in scientific circles. But according to him, you can not only understand who the person is, but also realize who from the inner circle is suitable for the role of spouse or wife, and who is better left aside. The Maya left behind not only horoscopes and echoes of their culture, but also many predictions, some of which still come true.

These are the galactic DNA codes for interdimensional existence. Understanding the nature of time and interdimensional existence, the planetary kin, free and equal with all planetary kin, embarks on the path of cooperation with the forces of Galactic evolution and enlightenment.

Working with the Mayan Calendar opens up many opportunities for us to work with the Energy of the birthday schema. Since TIME inscribes information from the outside through various events, understanding the power of the Birthday Energy, in the light of the passage of time, becomes extremely important for our further development.

Birthday KIN appears in the Calendar every 260 days. On such days, it is worth paying special attention to the emotional state, reactions to people, apparent coincidences. We must remember that making mistakes is part of our destiny. Without this, there would be no education in the earthly school of life. In this way, we will find out what progress we have already made and what we still need to work on.

The Kin corresponding to our date of birth is our Galactic signature and is called the Kin of Destiny. Destiny Kin's definition is the key that unlocks the entrance to the fourth dimension.

How to find out your Kin?

You can use the kin calculation table below.

You can also use the Internet: at;

Keen Destiny Definition:

  1. Find the year of your birth in the "table of years". If your date of birth is before July 26, then you need to take the previous year, and if you were born after July 26, then you take the year of your birth.

  2. 2. Determine the corresponding kin of the year in which you were born in the right column of the table.
  3. 3. Determine from the "table of months" the number corresponding to the month of your birth. For July 25-31, just take the number in brackets.
  4. 4. Add the "kin of the year" to the "day of the month" and add the number of your birthday. Use this formula to determine your Fate Kin:

Kin of the year + day of the month + day of the day

  1. 5. If the result is a number greater than 260, then to determine the desired kin, you need to subtract 260, and if the number is less than or equal to 0, then add 260.
  2. 6. The resulting number is your Kin of Destiny - your Galactic signature. Find the position of your Kin of Fate in the Tzolkin. Determine from the Tzolkin which Solar Seal and Tone of Creation corresponds to your Kin number. Each Kin corresponds to one of the 13 Tones of Creation and one of the 20 Solar Seals, and their combination is your Kin of Destiny.

Welcome to the fourth dimension!

Example: José Argüelles - 01/24/1939

Since January 24th precedes July 26th, on the table of years we find the previous year, 1938. Thus, the kin of the year is 89, this is a Spectral Moon.

89 + (-102) + 24 = 11

Kin 11 according to the Tzolkin corresponds to the 11th Spectral Tone of Creation and the 11th Solar Seal - this is the Blue Monkey. Thus, José Argüelles' Galactic signature is the Blue Spectral Monkey.

The Colour, Tone of Creation and Solar Seal of your Kin of Destiny are the codes that open the gates of 4D for you. These are the main defining galactic codes of your destiny.

Of course, you can calculate not only your Kin and relatives and friends, but also the dates of significant and interesting events.

To determine the joint vibration of a group of 2 or more people, you can calculate the joint Kin. To do this, you need to add the numbers of the kins of this group. And if the total exceeds 260, then you need to subtract a multiple of 260 to get the total from 1 to 260.

Mayan horoscope by date of birth. Who are you according to the Maya Zodiac Signs. The Maya knew a lot about astrology!No one doubts that the Maya knew a lot about astrology. Here is their Zodiac!

CHEN: January 2 - 21.

People born under the sign of Chen are people of the night. Their energy begins to rise as soon as the sun sets. The full moon makes these people desperate, wild and incredibly purposeful. To curb their temper and cope with the flow of thoughts in their head, the Mayan Indians recommended that people of this sign practice meditation.

YASH: January 22 - February 10.

The behavior of these people is largely controlled by the planet Venus. It was she who gave them an innate love for nature and all life.

You are a gentle and caring person. People like you make excellent diplomats and negotiators. You were born to smooth out conflicts and reconcile irreconcilable sides.

The highest value for you is harmony. Is not it?

SAK: February 11 - March 2.

People born under the sign of Saka work best and show themselves at noon. They are best suited for daytime. They grow with the sun, are very hardworking and always take on a task of any complexity.

Your favorite direction is north and your mascot is a frog. You are strong and flexible like these animals.

What you value most in life is rapid change. The pace and joy of change is everything.

KEN: March 3 - 22.

People born under the sign of Ken love nature and often become environmental activists. Their passion is fiery, their favorite color is red, and their main value is power and energy!

Your spirit animal is a deer.

MAC: March 23 - April 11.

The Mac sign is one of the greatest mysteries of the Mayan Indians. People like you love secrets, mysteries and mysteries.

Of course, you also hide your true essence from the outside world.

It seems to you that the main value of this world is knowledge. If you know a person, his weaknesses are 100%, then his will is in your pocket.

Your favorite number is 3. This number is a symbol of both balance and divinity.

CANKIN: April 12 - May 1.

People born under the sign of Kankin feel love for the earth and the sun above their heads more than others. They recognize the need to work hard to achieve happiness.

If you have already taken up some business, then you will never calm down before you bring it to the end.

The animal that suits you in spirit is a dog. Like these noble beings, you are renowned for your loyalty, devotion, and strength of character.

MUWAN: May 2 - 21.

These people are a complete contradiction. They have two patronizing elements at once - Fire and Water. What happens when they connect? Storm!

You are full of irrepressible energy, which constantly beats out of you with a key to the outside. You are not always able to manage it, therefore you are prone to impulsive actions and rash decisions.

All this is wonderfully combined in you with wisdom. That's why your spirit animal is an owl! Only you can look into the darkness and see the Truth there.

PEX: May 22 - June 10.

People born under the Pax sign are natural born leaders. They draw strength from the people around them and, as a rule, move only straight and only forward.

Their element is water vapor: it is a mixture of water, earth and fire.

KAYAB: 11 - 30 June.

These are the people of the moon. They adore everything spiritual and difficult to understand. You probably have a much deeper view of the world than everyone around you.

You don't like to talk about mundane things. As well as how to equip your life. You are born for more!

KUMKU: 1 - 20 July.

These people are born politicians and manipulators. They adore debates and disputes, are famous for their intellect and wisdom.

There is nothing sweeter for you than winning an intellectual competition. At the same time, you all think quickly, make decisions quickly. In terms of the ability to adapt, you truly have no equal!

Change never scared you. And power has always attracted like a magnet.

WAYEB: July 21 - 25.

The Maya considered people born under this sign to be a real anomaly. It is understandable: few days are allotted for this sign, so a priori there cannot be many such people.

Wayeb comes into the world in order to bring him harmony, and to people - the ability to compromise and negotiate. You are a person of balance, intelligence and rare luck. If there is one thing in the world that you can't stand, it's negativity!

Wherever you appear, you will always be accompanied by success and good luck. And the people around will be glad to see you!

POP: 26 July - 14 August.

People of this sign are also leaders. But their peculiarity is a passion for grandiose scales and designs. Your achievements have never been enough for you, you tirelessly strive for hegemony in everything you undertake.

You feel calm and comfortable only if you are engaged in some extraordinary business.

WU: August 15 - September 3.

These people are very similar to those born under the sign of Chen. Your time is night, your main quality is wisdom. But at the same time, you can draw energy from the sun. In these contradictions - your whole essence and mystery.

SIP: 4 - 23 September.

People born under this sign are known for their generosity and nobility. Your strength is in your honesty and need for justice. Your favorite place is the forest and your totem animal is the deer.

People like you usually achieve great success in life and enjoy unconditional authority among their associates.

SOTS: September 24 - October 13.

These people have two totem animals: a bat and a fish. This means that you can easily adapt to any, even the newest environment, and at the same time do not feel any discomfort.

You feel best in two elements: air and sea. Whatever you do in life, you will still be easy and comfortable. The whole secret is in your special, “easy” attitude to life.

But be careful: those around you are jealous and will not miss the chance to spoil your fate. Just out of harm.

SEC: October 14 - November 2.

People like you have both the charm of the sky and the beauty of the universe as a whole. Only you can solve problems so effectively! And only you can find several solutions for an “unsolvable” problem at once.

For your colleagues and partners in life, you are a real gift. Because you always know what to do, where to move and what is worth doing and what is not.

KSUL: November 3 - 22.

People born under this sign are especially closely connected with the world of spirits. Your totem is a dog, so for others you are the embodiment of loyalty, devotion and friendliness.

You are very strong, self-confident, and your main value is your family.

YAKSKIN: November 23 - December 12.

These people were considered direct descendants of the sun god Ah Kin. Your goal and your calling is to help others, to protect people from darkness and disease.

This is why you are often referred to as a natural healer, even if you are in some other profession. It is to you that they most often come to cry in a vest.

Your only flaw is indecision. Unfortunately, there's really no way to fix this. So learn to accept yourself the way you are.

POL: December 13 - January 1.

Mauls are people who bring happiness and blessings to others. The Maya Indians turned to them when they asked the higher powers for rain. People like you most often make strong spiritual leaders.

In the Mayan calendar, the year was divided into 13 lunar periods, each of which consisted of 28 days. These periods were 364 days, and the 365th day was the day when holidays are celebrated and received the name "The Day When Time Doesn't Exist", because it did not correspond to the lunar month. If we compare the Mayan calendar with the Gregorian calendar, then this day falls on July 25th.

The lunar periods were named animals, which were of great importance to people from the Maya civilization, such as: lizard, snake, fox, turtle, squirrel, jaguar, owl, falcon, bat, peacock, scorpion, deer and monkey.
Calendar Haab(solar, consisting of 365 days) has been linked to the calendar Tzol(lunar, 206 days), consisting in turn of 13 lunar periods of 28 days. Together, they gave an accurate description of each day of the cycle. from 52 years old. Such dissimilar days made life mysterious and funny. And when a new person was born, he was assigned certain properties in accordance with the day on which he was born.

Bat (born July 26 to August 22)

general characteristics

People born under this sign are fighters, enterprising and strong in character. The bat was born to be a hero. Born leaders, they grab the attention of everyone around them. They attract success. They make good bosses. They easily give orders and make decisions. Impulsive, they are not afraid of the challenge. Do first, think later.

Woman: the female bat is special. She has a bright personality. This is noticeable in her manner of dressing and acting. She hates to be part of the crowd and therefore tries to be different from others and she succeeds.

Man: being representatives of this sign, they love success, and are able to succeed in any profession they choose. They put all their passion and fire into what they do. They are demanding of themselves and others. They love their independence and will not give it up for anything in the world. If the bat feels that his companion is trying to limit his freedom, he will suddenly disappear. His chosen one should be purposeful, work, study, go to a hairdresser, attend lectures on oriental art, and even understand electricity. To fall in love with a bat, it must be kept at a distance.

Job: they are successful politicians, rulers, managers, economists, entrepreneurs and ministers.

Love: in love, the bat is the protector, the keeper of the hearth and the head of the family. Sometimes the female bat is both father and mother at the same time. But the bat also needs moments of solitude, the protection of independence; therefore, the person who is next to the bat should be the same - have his own personal life and his friends. The bat needs to admire the person who is near and feel that he is worthy of her, he must shine brightly, but at the same time not overshadow the radiance of the bat.

Scorpio (born August 23 to September 19)

general characteristics

Scorpio inspires respect and fear in others. Secretive and suspicious of himself, he jealously guards his innermost thoughts from prying eyes. Self-confident, he does not change for anything or anyone. Scorpio either loves or hates. Therefore, he carefully analyzes a new acquaintance. He is critical of the people around him, while hating harshness. He prefers to remain unnoticed.

Woman: Winning the heart of a Scorpio woman is not an easy task. She will test the one who claims her hand, and will not give in until she is sure that he deserves her love. Deep down, she is afraid of being hurt, so she hides behind a shield; may seem cold and even indifferent, although in reality she is dying of love. In the fight, the scorpion woman is merciless; it is very important not to provoke her if you do not want to hear the words that you will remember all your life.

Man: getting a marriage proposal from a scorpion man is a real feat, and if this succeeds, then you can be sure that he truly loves. Scorpio does not like to show his feelings in public, he keeps hugs and kisses until you are alone. A woman who will be next to him should never be afraid of him or show superiority. He must feel that he is the master of the situation and that he has everything under control.

Job: Scorpio is methodical and practical in his work. Diligent, able to reach certain heights in knowledge, and if he fails due to financial problems, they become self-taught: they read, develop and gain knowledge no worse than at a university. Those born under this sign can do anything, no matter what they undertake, they will do it well, efficiently and responsibly. Secretary, assistant, lawyer, bank clerk, registrar, professional chess player are the favorite professions of scorpions.

Love: in love, a scorpio prefers action to words. Therefore, he does not say “I love you” every 5 minutes, he prefers to show love when he needs it. Scorpio is devoted, and demands the same from his couple. They say that a scorpion has a good memory, they remember all the good and all the bad that they have done. He returns the good twice, but sooner or later you will have to pay for the bad. Scorpio will never forgive betrayal and it will be difficult to convince him of this.

Deer (born from September 20 to October 17)

general characteristics

Deer is the most sensitive and gentle sign of the zodiac in the Mayan Horoscope. Fragile, timid, possessing excellent spiritual qualities. He cares a lot about his appearance and is always flawless. Therefore, it is not uncommon for him to spend several hours at the mirror before leaving the house.

Woman: the deer woman is very flirtatious, always very neat, with the right make-up; you will never see her in curlers and a nightgown. She skillfully combines colors and styles, and her whole life is surrounded by impeccable harmony.

Man: it refers to those men who are reluctant to marry. Thoughts of marriage cause him to panic. And not because he lacks sensitivity, on the contrary, the deer man is the most sensitive sign of the zodiac. His head is full of doubts: is she the right woman? is he wrong? There is also another hidden reason: deep down, he is a little unfaithful, and it is difficult for him to associate himself with the one and only. Marriage is like a prison for him, because he loves freedom.

Job: born artists. The representatives of this sign are people of art - artists, sculptors, ceramists, poets, decorators, fashion designers, photographers. They can’t stand routine work, so office work is not for them.

Love: in love, deer are truly romantic. They hope to experience a beautiful love story, like in old movies with a happy ending. They hardly forget the person who broke their heart. Such is the deer, and trying to change it is a waste of time.

Owl (born October 18 to November 14)

general characteristics

They have a sixth sense and the ability to foresee. Therefore, they blindly trust what their heart tells them. The owl is fraught with the gift of captivating everyone around her. Therefore, she becomes the best friend for many. Her ability to charm does not leave others indifferent. Dreamers, they have a very rich inner world.

Woman: the owl woman knows how you feel and what you think, so she is considered the best friend in the Mayan horoscope and the best adviser. Already in her youth she has the soul of a wise woman, and she draws her knowledge of human nature from the earth, the sun and from life itself.

Man: from a young age, the owl is free enough, she likes to walk with friends and have fun. Since the men of this sign love the night, and the night is full of temptations, they meet many beautiful women, but among this variety it is difficult for him to choose one single one. The male owl is a womanizer, it’s good if they walk up in their youth, and then, as they get older, they think about their own family.

Job: owls are born writers, with their almost magical fantasy, they can create a story about fairies, with castles and dragons, princes and monsters. They do not believe in sacrifice; for them, work must be done with love. They have been searching for their calling since childhood. They are well manifested in the field of medicine, alternative therapy and esotericism. Because they love animals, they make excellent veterinarians. Ecology is their favorite topic, they can do it professionally or become environmentalists. They are also very attracted to astrology.

Love: in love, owls often get burned until they meet a person who is able to understand and truly love them, as they deserve. An owl is amorous, and falls in love as long as it breathes. Usually they marry several times until they finally meet someone who truly understands them.

Peacock (born November 15 to December 12)

general characteristics

The peacock has an extroverted nature and great charisma. He always wants to be the center of attention. And in fact, he succeeds. Uses many strategies to sparkle. In the company he jokes a lot, and his jokes invariably cause a smile. There is originality and cheerfulness in it.

Woman: she is one of the most flirtatious women of the zodiac. She cares a lot about her looks and is always amazing. She can look exotic, wild and can appear reserved and elegant. The Peacock Woman is one of many women who dares to shine. She has a collection of hats in her wardrobe, for every single occasion.

Man: He is a born leader. From childhood, he understands that he is the best. He is intelligent and has charisma, two qualities that will take him to the pinnacle of success. Sometimes he believes in himself too much and rests on his laurels in the expectation that everything will fall to him on a silver platter. And if he manages to avoid the temptation of waiting for a miracle and he begins to act, then he will have a triumph and great success.

Job: the peacock likes to compete, in his work he tries to excel and achieve maximum success. He is an amazing actor. Deep down, every peacock dreams of glory, and no matter what he devotes himself to, he will be able to fulfill his dreams.

Love: to fall in love with a peacock you need to be a special person whom he endlessly admires.

Lizard (born December 13 to January 9)

general characteristics

Those born under this sign live in an endless search for themselves. They want to know where they are going, what their purpose in life is. This sign has a changeable character, the ability to live many lives. He will change jobs, friends, loved ones. This is due to his constant search for something new. Those born under this sign are noble, kind and obligatory.

Woman: she is a real homemaker. She takes great care of her pets. She always knows the best deals in supermarkets, and where to buy cheaper. The Lizard Woman loves the sun and can spend hours sunbathing in the summer, her skin color is truly amazing. She likes to spend her holidays by the sea, on the beach.

Man: it is not easy to know everything about such a man, you will always have the feeling that he is leaving something for himself, and this is so. He is a man of mystery, and very rarely reveals his soul, perhaps afraid of becoming vulnerable. He needs moments of solitude to be alone with himself and devote himself to some hobby or sport. It is important that you respect these moments and do not try to disturb him during this period, and then he will feel how much he misses you.

Job: lizards are always fighting against time, wanting the day to be longer so they can do whatever they want. Great ideas come to them when their consciousness is clear, and for this they need a lot of time to think everything over, do nothing and look at the clouds. Because of this, they have gained fame as sloths, but their ideas bring good luck and success. Their professions: scientists, chemists, neuropathologists, surgeons, dentists, librarians.

Love: almost always prefer to remain unnoticed and not make much noise. They like people who are simple and reserved, just like themselves.

Monkey (born January 10 to February 6)

general characteristics

The main characteristic that defines the character of the monkey is restlessness. She won't rest until she gets what she wants. Every day for her is something new that needs to be comprehended and studied. However, excessive activity is sometimes an obstacle for the monkey to understand and think about what he is doing. The monkey is very funny, she likes to laugh at others and at herself too. So in search of the positive, she may come face to face with certain difficulties in her life. Inconstancy in love will slow down the search for a stable relationship. The problem with forming a serious relationship is her fear of commitment.

Woman: born to be an actress, she is cheerful, witty and damn charming. She attracts the attention of everyone around her, without setting herself such a goal. Monkeys are flirtatious. always very beautiful and look fantastic. They are creative and inventive in relation to the creation of their hearth, so their home is always luxurious.

Man: above all, a man born under this sign is independent, and he fights for his freedom with claws and teeth. This is the first condition, and if you want to make such a man fall in love with you, please do not limit his freedom. Men of this sign are determined and very ambitious, they take on impossible tasks and triumph. They are womanizers, they love “in Italian”, such men are truly gallant, they know what a woman wants to hear and tell her this. If you meet a representative of this sign along the way, do not miss it, it will be an unforgettable experience.

Job: work for a monkey is the whole world. When the moment comes to choose a profession, she will prefer to choose the type of activity that will provide her with the opportunity to have a free work schedule. They tend to be publicists, comic actors, singers, programmers, etc.

Love: monkeys are not as loyal in love as they are in friendship. They want to be loyal and dedicate themselves to one person, but... in this sense, they are quite fickle. To keep a monkey close to you, you must constantly surprise him, be inventive and be sure to keep some secret.

Falcon (born from February 7 to March 6)

general characteristics

You can say about this sign: "Mr. Luck." Since childhood, he has a bright personality and a strong character. And ambitions appear already in youth. And when he grows up, he realizes that his main goal in life is professional triumph. By all means he tries to be the first, and does not give up until he achieves this. His quick wit and good memory help him in learning. And it is not surprising when he successfully graduates from the university.

Woman: the falcon woman is a special woman, and wants to see the same special man next to her. To get her attention, you need to be an educated person with whom you can talk about literature, travel, politics and economics.

Man: he is happy alone, and in order to change his position, it is necessary that he meet someone with whom he will feel better. To charm a falcon man, you need to become a magician and turn his life into a miracle. It is very difficult to understand what he wants, because his desires are fickle. As a rule, he chooses beautiful women, as he is a fan of art in all its manifestations, and for him the female body is one of the most beautiful creations of God. But besides this, the owner of a beautiful body should be an interesting conversationalist (using few words to say a lot), and if she has nothing to say, she prefers to remain silent.

Job: professions that suit representatives of this sign: lawyers, judges, notaries, statisticians, diplomats. They also love to fly, so there are many pilots or stewardesses among them.

Love: the falcon falls in love once and for all his life, his first great love remains forever in his heart. He may try a second or third marriage, but he will forever keep his first love in the depths of his soul.

Jaguar (born March 7 to April 3)

general characteristics

Passionate natures and fighters, jaguars make every effort to achieve what they want. Therefore, they do not stop looking for a way to achieve what they want. Unconditional friends, they will be by your side as long as you need it. Independent and very reluctant to marry. They are said to have nine lives, just like cats. There are two types of jaguar: eccentric and regular. Sometimes they combine the two types. The first likes holidays, and the second likes exotic cars, clothes of the sixties

Woman: describing the jaguar woman is an impossible task. It can change at any moment, it rains or the sun shines, it is both this and that at the same time. There is a tension between who she is and who she wants to be. She is independent above all, a wild lioness who adores her freedom. But in turn, she is desperately looking for a man who can keep her. She feels defenseless and alone in this vast world, and she needs someone who knows how to give her a coat on a winter night. But when a man approaches to comfort her, she growls like a predator and her pretenders become scared to death.

Man: he has the glory of the indomitable. If you want to win a man of this sign, do not show him excessive interest. It's good to make him think he's conquering you. They like to think that they are the kings of the universe, so they prefer to conquer their prey. When the male jaguar has his eye on someone or something, he starts to move slowly like a cat, approaches quietly and imperceptibly towards his prey, and when he tracks it, he is ready to attack and strike to kill. When he has a companion, it is necessary for him to be interesting and not bored with her.

Job: in work, as in everything else, they need competition. They are not born for something insignificant. Their preferred professions: impresario, inventor, rock star, journalist, writer, boxer...

Love: in love, if a person born under this sign chooses someone, you can be sure that he will conquer him, using all his tricks and setting traps. You will ask yourself how he managed to seduce you without being your ideal. However, you will continue to love and eagerly await his calls. The jaguar is an exceptional lover who knows the secrets of every corner of the human body.

Fox (born April 4 to May 1)

general characteristics

Love is the driving force in their lives. Noble by nature, they have an innate ability to serve people. Therefore, many of them become doctors. The bad thing is that they constantly forget about themselves, about their desires ... However, every good deed comes back to them doubly. Life gives them a smile. They understand people well, feel the pain of others as their own. True to tradition, representatives of this sign prefer to get married, have a permanent job and at the same time have enough funds to provide for their children.

Woman: But for a woman of this sign, although her intentions are noble, the methods in achieving them are not always sinless. For her, the end justifies the means. She is unpredictable, easily adapting to any life situation, although she feels more comfortable in places that are calm and less pretentious.

Man: when young, he is a rebel and finds it difficult to accept the rules set by others. He rebels against injustice and always fights for his rights and for the rights of others. Possesses a romantic vision of life, cultivates noble ideals.

Job: Those born under this sign are hardworking. They need to direct their energies in a way that will help them develop an inclination for social action: medicine, sociology, membership in a municipality - anything that will allow them to be in contact with people and help others.

Love: they are protectors, their way of loving is to take care of the beloved, to be attentive to him. They never forget a birthday or a significant date. Chanterelles have a very calm character, very rarely get angry, preferring to walk in the fresh air and calm down. But be careful, as their patience is not endless. And yet they cannot be angry for long, and very quickly become gentle and caring again.

Snake (born May 2 to May 29)

general characteristics

The snake has a bad reputation in the Mayan horoscope, as very often everything that surrounds it is worthy of envy. Those born under this sign like luxury, comfort, elegance and sophistication. Their impeccable taste in clothes and good manners make them the center of attention. They are fighters and natural workers. Because of this, they rise high up the social ladder. However, they are fair rivals, and you are unlikely to see how they trip up their companion. Pity the one who gets in their way or challenges them. They will put out their claws and teeth and defend themselves. Deep down, the snake is very romantic, and its ability to defend itself so desperately is due to its sensitivity. If you manage to touch her heart, you will get a friend for life.

Woman: the snake woman is luxurious and sensitive. She has the soul of a queen, and if she was not born into a money family, she will find a husband who can pay for all her requirements. Such a woman was not born to iron scarves and change diapers, and if she does this, then she does not have sufficient funds. Some representatives of this sign become excellent entrepreneurs, compete with men and achieve superiority. The snake woman will achieve what she wants with her own means, using her brilliant mind. But if she fails to achieve what she wants for good, then she will sharpen her claws and do everything that she can and the poor one who meets on her way.

Man: he was born to triumph. The woman who is next to him should understand that for him, business comes first. He knows the language of money, how to make and increase it. In his desires, he will achieve triumph.

Job: they have the heart of a poet, their poems are magnificent. Since they love a good life and money, they love to earn money. Their professions are: bankers, screenwriters, publicists, film actors, art gallery managers or artists.

Love: they are confident in themselves, in their profession, but in love the opposite is true, they need affection, tenderness and devotion. Love is the air that allows them to understand that they are alive. Money, fame, power - they are all ready to give for true love. It is necessary to have a sense of tact in order not to hurt the snake, as it attacks unexpectedly and it has the ability to kill and die for love.

Squirrel (born May 30 to June 26)

general characteristics

Those born under the sign of squirrels are naturally talkative. These are people who find it difficult to keep secrets and who turn rumors into reality. They like to have many friends. In their notebook there is an endless list of phone numbers, they hang on the phone for hours. Fickle, able to change their minds several times a day. This confuses those around them. They are active and restless, their main inclination is a long conversation. However, one of the great abilities is the ability to do several things at the same time.

Woman: above all, she enjoys being a woman. This is the most feminine zodiac sign in the Mayan horoscope. She is the queen of the house, and because she is a bright female, she is a woman "orchestra" who manages everything: take the children to school, take the dog to the vet, send the suit to the dry cleaners, read the correspondence, remember to wish friends a happy birthday and etc. If you ask her how she does all this, she will not be able to answer you. Just while others think she does

Man: he is inventive and resourceful. Although the man of this sign admires successful people, he asks himself why there are so many victims for nothing. He is not blinded either by fake gold or by the luxury and brilliance that governs people. He does not believe everything that television offers. For him, life is simple and he does not like to complicate it. In his understanding, it is necessary to work in order to live, but he does not chase after a carrot tied to his nose. He also does not waste time criticizing and judging others, as he lives and lets live.

Job: they need to choose a profession that is related to communication: a journalist, an announcer, a seller of clothes, cosmetics, etc. In reality, a squirrel can sell anything. She will confuse you with her talk, entertain you, make you laugh, cry, and in the end, sell what she wants.

Love: in love, proteins have magnetism, they attract like a magnet. They are pleased with any signs of attention from a loved one. A bouquet of flowers, a bar of chocolate, love poems will not leave them indifferent.

Turtle (born June 27 to July 25)

general characteristics

Most of all they appreciate the peace of the hearth. The turtle is calm, so it builds its happiness without fuss and haste. Slow and constant work is what she likes, as she does not trust hasty and easy results. Those born under this sign are the wisest in the Mayan horoscope, they are able to achieve high intellectual development.

Woman: a turtle woman is an ideal hostess, every man would like to see such a woman as the mother of his children. For her, home comes first. Starting a family is her most cherished desire, and for the most part, this is her main goal. From her youth, she has been looking for a suitable man, a hard worker who is characterized by constancy, balance, and with whom you can start a family and have children.

Man: they are shy and reserved, preferring to be unnoticed without attracting attention. But when they trust someone and feel at home, they become very sociable and open. They have such a rare quality as loyalty and reliability. And if such a man is your friend, you have won the lottery, because this is the most faithful friend. He will never let you down and will always be there no matter what happens.

Job: the tortoise prefers to choose a job that allows her to be in contact with nature. They make good gardeners, as they love plants, flowers, trees. They can also become delightful botanists, foresters; they are not bad at protecting flora and fauna. It is necessary that the work pleases them, they are surrounded by harmony and have a cordial relationship with colleagues. Constancy is the basis of success for the representatives of this sign.

Love: to have such a friend or girlfriend is to win the lottery. In love, they are quite timid. Tip: if you love such a person, be the first to confess your love.

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