Mountains in descending order of height. The highest mountains in the world


There are many highest peaks on the planet Earth. People conquer them, sing, study with interest where the highest mountains are. One of these places is called Everest - this is the highest mountain in the world, known not only for its height, but also for numerous ascents in attempts to conquer it, hundreds of lost lives and an interesting history of research. In addition to it, there are 13 more mountains that have exceeded the mark of 8000 meters.

The highest mountains

The list of the largest mountains on the planet Earth includes 117 names. Most of the highest peaks, which are more than 7200 meters, fell into it. Most of them are located in Asia, in the Himalayas - a chain stretching from India to Bhutan. The rating is opened by the highest peak of the earth - Everest. The highest mountains on earth also belong to the Himalayan eight-thousanders: Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, Kanchenjunga, Karakorum, Lhotse, Makalu, Manaslu, Nangaparbat, Chogori. Let's pay attention to those mountains that are located on other continents of the world:

  • In the first place - Everest (Chomolungma), 8848 meters. It is located in the central Himalayas.
  • The American mountain Aconcagua from Argentina takes the second place and reaches 6961 m.
  • Mount McKinley, 6168 m, is located in Alaska.
  • Africa's famous Kilimanjaro ranks fourth with its 5891.8 meters.
  • Popular with climbers, Elbrus is located in the Greater Caucasus. Height - 5642 m. Its first conquest in the Caucasus Mountains dates back to 1829.
  • Vinson, whose height is 4897 meters. This is the highest peak in Antarctica.
  • Mont Blanc is the largest peak in Europe. Reaches 4810 m.
  • Kosciuszko is a mountain that Australia can boast of. Height - 2228 meters.
  • Pyramid of Carstens (4884 m). It belongs to the highest peaks of Australia and Oceania.

The highest peak in the world

Any heights on land are usually measured from sea level, which determines which mountains are the highest. Since its position is constantly changing, a constant long-term average is taken as the basis. It does not depend on water fluctuations, tides, ebbs and vapors, therefore it is an accurate mark. The mark above this level is considered vertically from the mountain, the position of which is determined to the average level of the surface. So it was revealed that the largest points of the earth reach almost 9 thousand meters.

What is the name of

The highest mountain in the world is part of the Himalayan mountain belt, located on the Mahalangur-Himal mountain range and is known under the names: Chomolungma, Everest, Sagarmatha, Chomo-Kankar. The first name was given to the mountain by the inhabitants of Tibet. It means Goddess of Peace or Divine Mother. The second name - Everest appeared since 1856. The mountain is named after Sir George Everest, who was the first to conquer it. The European name was preceded by the local name Chomo-Kankar or Queen of the Snow White. Sagarmatha is a Nepalese word which means Mother of the Gods.

Where is

The Himalayas have collected in their chain the highest mountains of the world. This is Everest, which is located on the border of Nepal with the border of China. In Nepal there is a smaller peak, in China - the highest. Everest is the crown of the main ridge of the entire chain. Around the base of the mountain is the national park of the country of Nepal - Sagarmatha. In the same region there is a base camp from where you can start climbing. The nearest settlement, where the base for climbers is located, is also located on Nepalese territory. This is the village of Lukla.

What height

There are two highest points on Chomolungma: the southern one, the peak of which reaches 8760 meters from sea level, and the northern one, which is the main one, reaching 8848 meters. From the southern slopes and from the eastern side, the mountain is sheer cliffs that are not even covered with snow. The northern slopes reach 8393 meters. Because of these three sides, Everest has the shape of a triangle. From the ground to its highest point, the mountain stretched up three and a half kilometers.

Climbing history

Although the mountain is characterized by harsh natural conditions, the temperature exceeds -60 degrees and the strongest wind is constantly blowing, climbers regularly try to conquer Chomolungma, one of the most difficult peaks. The history of ascents began in 1921, but the mountain did not give up right away. The first to reach the top was an Englishman, after whom the mountain bears one of its names. This is dated 1953. Since then, another 4,000 people have climbed. Every year, 400 people storm Chomolungma. Of the total number of climbers, 11% died and continues to die.

The highest peak in the world

Long before Everest became the answer to the question, what is the name of the largest mountain in the world, it was the extinct volcano Chimborazo from the mountain ranges of the Ecuadorian Andes. The top of the volcano is at the farthest distance from the center of the Earth. According to the navigation satellite system, with which measurements were made in 2016, the volcano reaches a height of 6384 meters from the center of the Earth. Based on this indicator, Everest loses three meters to him and takes second place. The length of the Himalayan peak is 6381 meters.

Which mountain is the highest

High mountains are also located in Hawaii. There is a mountain called Mauna Kea, which means white. The visible segment reaches 4205 meters above sea level, but most of it is in the ocean. Scientists believe that if you count from the foot, located deep under water, then the Hawaiian Mauna Kea leads among all and reaches a total height of 10203 m. In addition to the record length, the mountain is famous for being the most convenient point for astronomical observations.


What is the name of:Everest (Chomolungma) | Height above sea level: 8848 meters.

Location:between Nepal and China (Tibet) | Highest point: In China.

Everest - has earned worldwide fame as the highest mountain in the world, formed about 60 million years ago. Many have conquered its highest peak, each time marveling at the beauty and grandeur of Chomolungma. At the top, the mountain is covered with snow, and glaciers flow down from the slopes at a distance of 5 thousand meters.

The beauty of this mysterious mountain, despite numerous ascents, is also due to its shape. The pyramid proudly rises above sea level and beckons researchers with some secret... The conquerors of its peaks continue to climb, despite the dangers that may lie in wait on the way - frostbite, an avalanche, lack of oxygen, and so on. About 500 people go to Everest every year hoping to conquer the impregnable cold top of the world.

"Names" of the mountain

The majestic mountain in the Himalayas has many names, so the first and most famous is Everest. So the mountain was named after the English explorer, geographer George Everest, who in 1830-1843 led the geodetic service in India. This name is more recent and new, as it appeared in the 19th century. But even before, the mysterious mountain had its own names, which still inspire a mixture of fear and adrenaline to fans of extreme sports. For example, the mountain received the name "Chomolungma" from the Tibetan population, in their language it means - "Divine". The divine mountain was also named by the Nepalese people as "Sagarmatha" - Mother of the Gods. There is another "name" - "Chomo-Kankar", which in translation from Tibetan means - "Mother and Queen of snowy whiteness."

We would like to note that the now generally accepted name was given at the initiative of the successor George Everest, and George himself avoided his fame and popularity in every possible way. He just wanted to finish what he started. And when he conquered the highest peak of the mountain in the world, his happiness knew no bounds. But Britain at that time needed popularity, and the mountain, along with Everest, gave her the necessary fame.

Unfortunately, the geographer did not have time to bathe in the rays of this glory, but in general he did not want to, his health was undermined too early. The top, which he registered at that time, was measured several times after him, and it did not coincide with his indicators (8840). Now, with the help of modern equipment, it is possible to accurately determine the peak. It is known that every year the mountain grows by 3-5 mm, or as a result of earthquakes, sinks by several centimeters. At the moment, the data of 2010 are officially used - 8 km 848 m from sea level and 8 km 844 m from the solid surface of the earth.

Conquest of the summit

The first ascent, when Chomolungma was officially recognized as the highest peak on the planet, was made by Sir Edmund Hillary (New Zealand) and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay in May 1953. But still, George Everest with his expedition laid the foundation for research to find out which is the highest mountain in the world, on such an unusual trihedral pyramidal mountain. Then the peak was called "Peak 15", and its estimated height was measured by Radhanata Sikdara, an expedition member.

The first Soviet expedition summited Everest in 1982, according to sources, 11 people climbed to the top. They accomplished this feat, moving along the western slope, which is very dangerous, but it happened, and the Soviet expedition became the 25th in the world to climb. The first woman to conquer the top of the Chomolungma is the Japanese Junko Tabei, she did it in 1975.

And 1996 marked a case of mass death of climbers due to an unforeseen snowstorm. As a result of such weather conditions, visibility decreased, it was difficult for the participants of the two expeditions to find each other, and in general to find at least some clue about where they were. 8 people died - they froze to death, among them the leaders - Fisher and Hall. The Kazakhstani member of the expedition, not finding support, brought out several people and saved their lives. Anatoly Bukreev was the very brave man with a capital letter, who later received worldwide fame. Based on these events, the film "Everest" was filmed in 2015.

Climbing brings many dead, and no matter what years and centuries the ascents are carried out, a large expanse of the mountain is covered with corpses. Therefore, people often compare Everest to the largest cemetery on the highest mountain. There are daredevils who dare to climb to the top without oxygen masks, the first conquerors are Reinhold Messner and the German Peter Habeler. What drives such people is unknown, vanity or stupidity, if it is known that the air is rarefied on the peaks and it is almost impossible to breathe. Risking your life for a moment of glory...?

Climatic conditions

The highest mountain in the world is in the Himalayas (Eurasia). The climate on the slopes and peaks of the mountain is slightly different. So, on the southern slopes the temperature is more moderate, in the northern areas it is much colder. The temperature in winter is kept within -60 degrees Celsius, cold winds blow from the northwest. It is very cold, so the best period for climbers is the beginning of May. It is in the spring that you should start climbing, which on average will last about 2 months. Just in time for July-August, you can arrive at the top of the mountain, and the climate at this time of the year is the most optimal so as not to freeze.

True, even during this period, climbers are in danger - snow storms and hurricanes, but the wind subsides compared to winter snow storms. In July, you can even stay at the top for several hours, enjoying the beautiful view, because the temperature will be kept within -20 degrees. Such a record (for the duration of stay at the top) was set by a resident of Nepal and spiritual teacher Bhakta Kumar Rai, who spent 32 hours on Chomolungma, 27 of them he meditated and prayed to God.

And two more mountains worthy of attention

  1. Mauna Kea mountain It is considered the highest mountain, since part of it rests under the waters of the ocean. It is located on the island of Hawaii. Thus - this is the highest mountain in the world, the height of which in total is about 10200 meters, this is truly a big figure! Due to the fact that the height from ground level is much less - about 4000 meters, climbing it is not so difficult for researchers and for all climbers. Now the largest telescope in the world is being built there and astronomical research is being carried out.
  2. The highest mountain in the world from the center of the Earth is the extinct volcano Chimborasso and is located in Ecuador. The last time this volcano erupted in 400-700 AD. Its height is 6267 meters, which is 2.5 thousand meters lower than Everest, but this is the most distant point on the surface from the center of the earth. The first to conquer the peak of Chimborazo was the Englishman Edward Wimper in 1880. The inhabitants of the highlands highly appreciate the glacier located on the mountain, glacial water is used quite often as the only source of liquid in hot countries.

Climbing Everest is a challenge to yourself and a challenge to the world, often bordering on difficult conditions and dangers. Perhaps, in part, that is why the cherished highest peak of the mountain in the world attracts people from all over the planet. They say - if you have not conquered Everest, then you are not a climber. Here are some interesting facts about Chomolungma:

  • The fauna of the mountain is quite scarce. Apart from some bird species, only insects can be seen there. Spiders, which are called Himalayan, feel quite normal at an altitude of 6000 meters above ground level and feed on insects that have been blown up by the wind. Their appearance is quite formidable, they are practically the only inhabitants who live so high on the entire planet.
  • The top of Mount Everest was once part of the ocean (about 450 million years ago), the remains of fossilized sea creatures were found at the peak.
  • Climbing to the top was not always calm in terms of the community of peoples. So in 2013 there was a “clash” between Sherpas and Nepalese on the mountain slope. The Sherpas expelled the "aliens" with stones and accused them of causing an avalanche. The climbers had to retreat and go down.
  • To date, according to the measurements of a special device on the peak, a new peak of 8850 meters has been established. Thus, the situation is traced that the mountain rises up and "grows" as a result of the movement of continental plates.
  • Mount Chomolungma is increasingly becoming a challenge for climbers, rather than an object of research. So at the moment, its slopes and peaks are compared with the highest landfill in the world, because people do not worry about the environment, leaving piles of garbage, broken equipment and oxygen cylinders. In Nepal, there is a law that says that every climber who descends from the top must take 8 kilos of garbage with him, otherwise he will incur a fine.
  • Mount Everest is the highest relative to sea level, but if we take other parameters for comparison, it lags far behind the extinct volcano Mauna Kea. Its height above the water level is about 4000 meters, and most of the mountain formation is under water. The height from the bottom of the sea is more than 6000 meters, therefore, the total height is more than 10 thousand meters, Chimborasso is the highest mountain if we count from the center of the earth.
  • At an altitude of 5 thousand meters from the top of Chomolungma, wireless Internet was installed, now climbers can send information and call up relatives, as well as send interesting photos.
  • The most interesting fact is that not only sighted people conquered the peak. The first and only blind man was Erik Weihenmeier, who climbed the peak in 2001.
  • But such a date will remain in the memory of the newlyweds forever, and not only with them - this is 2004. It was then that young people from Nepal played a wedding, reaching the top of Everest.

Answering the question of what is the highest point in the world, almost every high school student will answer with confidence that it is. Other common names for the peak are Chomolungma and Sagarmatha. The summit lies at an altitude of 8848 meters above sea level. This figure is recorded in numerous scientific papers and textbooks.


The highest point of the world on the map is located on the border of states such as Nepal and China. The peak belongs to the Great Himalayas mountain range. Along with this, it should be noted that, based on the data that is provided all the time by instruments at the peak, as well as with the help of satellites, the researchers proved that Everest, in the literal sense of the word, does not stand still. The fact is that the mountain changes all the time moving to the northeast from India towards China. According to scientists, the reason for this lies in the fact that they are constantly moving and crawling one on top of the other.


The highest point in the world was discovered in 1832. Then the expedition, consisting of employees of the British Geodetic Survey, was exploring some of the peaks that were located on Indian territory in the Himalayas. During the work, British scientists noted that one of the peaks (which had previously been marked everywhere as "Peak 15") is higher than other mountains that make up the ridge. This observation was documented, after which the peak began to be called Everest - in honor of the head of the geodetic service.

Significance for locals

The fact that the world is Everest, local residents assumed several centuries before its official discovery by European researchers. they respected the peak very much and called it Chomolungma, which in literal translation from the local language means "the goddess - the mother of the Earth." As for Nepal, here it is known as Sagarmatha (heavenly peak). Residents of the nearby mountain regions say that at this peak, death and life are separated by half a step, and people from all parts of the world are equal before God, regardless of their religion. During the Middle Ages, a monastery called Ronkbuk was built at the foot of Everest. The structure has survived to our time and is still inhabited.

Other opinions about height

In 1954, a number of studies and measurements of the summit were made using various instruments and aerial photography. According to their results, it was officially established that the highest point in the world has a height of 8848 meters. It should be noted that, compared to our time, the technique used then was not so accurate. This gave some scientists reason to argue that the real height of the Chomolungma is different from the official value.

In particular, at the end of 1999 in Washington, as part of a meeting of the National Geographic Society, a proposal was put forward to consider that Everest lies above sea level at an altitude of 8850 meters, in other words, two meters higher. Members of the organization supported this idea. This event was preceded by research by several expeditions led by a famous American scientist named Branford Weshbourne. First, he brought high-precision electronic equipment with his people to the summit. In the future, this allowed the researcher to record the slightest deviations in the height of the mountain (compared to previous data) using a satellite. Thus, the scientist was able to quite clearly show the growth dynamics of Chomolungma. Moreover, Washbourne identified the periods of the most significant increase in the height of the peak.

Everest growth process

The Himalayas are considered one of the most recent geological belts that formed on our planet. In this regard, the process of their development is quite active (compared to others). No wonder the world's highest point continues to grow. Studies show that growth becomes most intense during high seismic activity not only on the Eurasian continent itself, but also on the entire planet. For example, only during the first half of 1999, the height of the mountain increased by three centimeters. A few years ago, a geologist from Italy A. Desio, using modern radio equipment, found that now the peak of Chomolungma is at around 8872.5 meters above sea level, which is 25 meters higher than the officially recorded value.

The biggest mountain on earth

There is no doubt that the highest point in the world is Everest. At the same time, calling it the largest mountain on the planet would not be entirely correct. The fact is that, judging by such an indicator as the total height, the largest mountain should be called Mauna Kea, located not far from Hawaii. The peak rises above sea level by only 4206 meters. At the same time, its foundation lies at a depth of more than ten thousand meters under water. Thus, the total value of Mauna Kea is almost twice that of Everest.

Other highest points on the planet

Be that as it may, each of the continents has the most prominent peak. The names of the highest mountains in the world by continent are as follows. The highest in South America and the second after Everest on the planet is Aconcagua Peak (6959 meters), which is part of the Andes and is located in Argentina. Mount McKinley (6194 meters) is located in the US state of Alaska and closes the top three world leaders in this indicator. In Europe, Elbrus (5642 meters) is considered the highest, and in Africa - Kilimanjaro (5895 meters). There is a record holder in Antarctica. The highest mountain here is Vinson (4892 meters).

Mount Chomolungma (Everest, Sagarmatha) rises above Asia at 8,848 meters above sea level and is the highest mountain on the planet. This peak is considered to be a delightfully beautiful, and at the same time, a tragic place in the world. The rocky silhouette of the legendary mountain tends to attract brave conquerors who strive to be on top at the cost of superhuman efforts, and even their own lives. The mountain is located on the border of China with Nepal and belongs to the Himalayas.

The composition of the top of Everest is almost completely present sedimentary deposits, which previously covered the bottom of the ancient ocean. Modern scientists discover finds of fossils of shells and marine animals on Everest, which testifies in favor of a theory proving the location of this area in ancient times below sea level.

What does Chomolungma look like?

The shape of Everest resembles a trihedral pyramid. All three of its slopes are characterized by the presence of extremely steep slopes. Two slopes are completely covered with glaciers, while the southern one is steep to such an extent that neither snow nor ice is able to stay on it. For this reason, he is always naked. The slopes are connected to each other by means of almost straight ridges that stretch towards the west, southeast and south.

The climate of Mount Everest

At the top of Mount Everest, a rather inhospitable climate rages. The wind speed can reach up to 80 meters per second or more. Very often there are storms and strong winds. The air temperature can drop to -60 degrees Celsius. In summer, it is a little warmer at the top of the mountain - an average of -19 degrees in July. Above 0 degrees Celsius, the air temperature does not rise there. Not a single person without special equipment will simply survive there.

Plant and animal world of Everest

Due to the harsh climate at the top of the highest mountain, the diversity of flora and fauna is very scarce. The plant world includes bunches of grass, small shrubs, lichens, moss, conifers.

The animal kingdom includes jumping spiders, grasshoppers, flies, and some birds such as alpine jackdaws and mountain ducks.

Every year on Earth, the number of places that civilization has not yet managed to spoil is decreasing. The Everest region is also considered a pleasant exception. The route to Mount Chomolungma acts as a very beautiful and breathtaking territory. The peculiarity of the region is that Everest is obscured from the Nepalese side by two high mountains - Nuptse and Lhotse, respectively, in order to have good visibility of the highest peak, it is necessary to overcome a long distance, conquer the slopes of the Kala Pattar or Gokyo Ri mountains, and only then enjoy the view of the top of the world.

Mount Everest (Chomolungma) video

Interesting facts about the summit of Mount Everest:

Climbing to the top of Everest takes an average of 40 days.

There are 18 fixed routes by which you can reach your goal of visiting the top of the World.

The youngest conqueror was a boy of 13 years old, and the oldest was a man of 80 years old.

Mount Everest grows by several millimeters every year.

The cost of climbing Mount Everest alone will be about $30,000, and with the services of agencies and guides, the cost rises to $60,000-90,000.

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There are many countries in the world where there are mountains. However, the main part of the massifs is located in the center and south of Asia, among which Nepal stands out. The highest mountain range is the Himalayas. It has more than a hundred mountain peaks with a height exceeding 7 km 200 m. And only 14 mountains in the world have a height of more than 8,000 m. These are the highest mountains.

10. Mount Annapurna

The mountain is located in Nepal, namely in its central part. Annapurna has several peaks. One of these peaks has a height of 8,091 m. This is the highest mark, it is called Annapurna I. This eight-thousander became the first conquered person. It happened in the fiftieth year. These mountains are considered unsafe to conquer. Previously, the death rate reached about 41%, modern equipment has reduced this mark to 19.7%. It is the tenth largest mountain in the world.

9. Nanga

Parbat A mountain with a height of 8 km 126 m is located in Pakistan in the northwestern part of the Himalayas far from the Indus River. Nanga Parbat is the westernmost 8-thousander. Due to the high level of death during the conquest at the beginning of the 20th century, it was called the "Mountain Killer". The mountain is one of the 3 most dangerous mountains and the ninth the highest mountain.

8. Manaslu

The mountain is 8 km 156 m high and is located in the center of Nepal in the northern part. If we translate the name of the eight-thousander Manaslu, then it will be "Mountain of the Holy Spirit." On May 9, 1956, the mountain was conquered for the first time. It was a Japanese expedition consisting of Toshio Imanishi and Gualzen Norbu.

7. Dhaulagiri

This is the highest point of Gandaki (river basin), located in Nepal in the northwest, 120 km. Gandaki to the west. Dhaulagiri is represented by a series of peaks. The highest one is called Dhaulagiri I. The height of the peak is 8,167 m. On May 13, 1960, this eight-thousander was conquered for the first time by an expedition assembled from Switzerland, Austria and Nepal.

6. Cho Oyu

The peak of the mountain is 8 km 201 m. Cho Oyu is located between Nepal and China. It is considered an easy-to-climb mountain in its category of eight-thousanders. The slopes are distinctively flat, which makes it attractive for novice climbers as well. Trade routes pass through Cho Oyu. And it is the sixth largest mountain in the world.

5. Makalu

The height of the mountain is 8 km 516 m. Makalu is located between Nepal and China, 19 km from the famous eight-thousander Everest. The mountain is a four-sided pyramid with a main isolated peak and two additional peaks. They have a name: Kangchungtse (altitude 7 km 200 m) and Chomo Lonzo (altitude 7 km 800 m). On May 15, 1955, Makalu was conquered by the French for the first time. The leader of the group was Jean Franco. Fifth highest mountain in the world.

4. Lhotse

The peak of the mountain is 8 km 516 m. Lhotse is located on the border between China and Nepal, only 3 km from Mount Everest. It is included in the list of the most dangerous peaks. In 2008, out of 371 climbers who dared to conquer this eight-thousander, 20 died. In 1955, Lhotse was first conquered by an international Himalayan expedition.

3. Kanchenjunga

The mountain is located between Nepal and India, west of the river. Tamura and east of the Tista river. Kachenjunga has a height of 8,586 m. The mountain is represented by five peaks: Kangbachen (7,903 m), Middle (8,482 m), South (8,494 m), Western (8,505 m), Main (8,586 m). In 1905, she was conquered by an expedition led by Aleister Crowley. Included in the top 10 The highest mountains on earth.

2. Chogori (K2)

The second height of Chomolungma separating Pakistan and China. The height of K2 is 8 km 614 m. A distinctive feature of the eight-thousander Chogori is a very high mortality rate, which is 25%. For every 249 climbers who climbed the mountain, 60 died. And in winter, the peak has not yet succumbed to anyone. On July 31, 1954, Chogori was conquered for the first time. It was an Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio.

1. Everest or Chomolungma

This highest mountain in the world and, of course, the most majestic among the eight-thousanders is located between China and Nepal. The height of Everest is 8 km 848 m. Climbing it is difficult mainly due to powerful winds and inclement weather. On May 29, 1954, she was conquered for the first time. They were Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay. In 2010, the youngest climber was 13 years old, the name of this climber is Jordan Romero. Now Nepal has set an age limit. The youngest age is set at 16 years. Conquering the summit requires a lot of equipment costs. To climb Everest, you need to spend money, which will be about $ 8,000 (this is without oxygen cylinders).

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