Cooking pickles in jars, like barrel ones. Barrel cucumbers for the winter in jars


Step-by-step preparation of pickles in jars for the winter as barrels - recipe with photo

First of all, we sort out the cucumbers. Substandard fruits - too large we remove. Soak cucumbers in cold water for 3-4 hours. The water can be changed once or twice as desired. Such a procedure is necessary, firstly, so that the cucumbers are saturated with water and become more crispy, and secondly, such soaking allows you to remove all the dirt from the vegetables.

In a clean jar we put dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves, laurel. Garlic and peppercorns take 3 pcs. for 1 liter jar.

Now we put the cucumbers. How to install is up to you. I like it when the cucumbers are stacked tightly one to one. Therefore, for preservation, I take 1.5-liter jars.

Dilute salt in water. To make it easier for the salt to disperse, you can heat it up a little. Fill jars with brine.

Put the horseradish fox on top so that the cucumbers do not come into contact with the air, and even when the foam settles, remove the leaf and just throw it away.

We put the jars on a tray, as the brine may leak out during fermentation. We leave the cucumbers for 2 or 3 days. It all depends on the air temperature. When the foam settles (it happened on the 3rd day for us), then you can roll up the cans.

This is what the brine looks like after three days.

Drain the brine from the jars, after removing the horseradish leaf. Bring the brine to a boil, if a foam appears, remove it, along the way, add the same amount of water to the pan.

Pour the cucumbers with hot brine to the very top of the jars. Roll up with sterile lids. Turn the bottom upside down and leave to cool completely. You do not need to wrap cucumbers, they should cool as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the vegetable will “cook” and will not be crispy.

A lot of cucumbers are required for harvesting for the winter in a barrel, so those who have their own garden plot are lucky, where you can easily grow this vegetable in sufficient quantities, and it will cost you much less than in a store. In addition to savings, you will also receive environmentally friendly products. For those who do not have their own vegetable gardens, it is better to buy cucumbers in season at large agricultural markets.

When choosing a barrel, you should consider several nuances. It is better to take an oak barrel for pickles, such as cabbage and cucumbers were fermented in in the old days. Oak wood gives the vegetables a strength and a special flavor. Barrel size may vary. But it is better to take a larger container, in which the concentration of beneficial bacteria increases, which has a beneficial effect on the whole process.

Pickling cucumbers themselves must be of the correct varieties, since those intended for salads are completely unsuitable for pickling, they will be soft and tasteless. In addition to the variety, the appearance of vegetables is also important. Take only strong green cucumbers with small tubercles, the length of the vegetable should be from 7 to 15 cm.

In addition to cucumbers, you will need: - horseradish leaves; - horseradish root (optional); - blackcurrant leaves; - cherry leaves; - oak leaves; - dill umbrellas; - hot pepper (optional); - salt.

barrel cucumber recipe

Prepare the barrel. To do this, scald it with boiling water, wash and dry a little.

If the barrel is dry, first fill it with clean water and let it soak, then treat with boiling water or steam

Prepare cucumbers for pickling: select specimens that are suitable in size, wash them, then fill them with cold water and leave overnight. If this is not done, barrel cucumbers will turn out with voids inside or shrink.

At the bottom of the prepared barrel, put horseradish leaves and dill umbrellas. Put a layer of cucumbers on them and sprinkle with washed cherry, blackcurrant and oak leaves. If you like it spicy, add a couple of pods of red hot pepper. Put a layer of cucumbers again and fragrant leaves on them. Continue until you run out of cucumbers or you fill the barrel to the brim.

Do not take small and thin cucumbers, such ones are not salted in a barrel, as the rest will crush them with their weight

When the container is full, cover it with a wooden circle with a hole. Pour the brine prepared in advance through the hole so that it has time to cool. For 12 liters of water, take 600-700 g of salt. Pour the cucumbers so that they are completely covered with brine. Place a large clean washed stone on a wooden circle.

Keep the barrel in a cool place. It could be a cellar or basement. In a month, cucumbers will ferment, they will become sour and fragrant, but at the same time remain crispy.

Hands reached to tell how to make yummy for autumn from the last cucumbers.
I love barrel cucumbers, but there is nowhere to store them, so I only make one batch - in a bucket. They are salted for 2 weeks and are eaten with us until mid-November. Although they are barrel-shaped, they are not such that they just "pull out your eyes." My children and I love to make vinaigrette, hodgepodge with them, eat with potatoes.
I also like the fact that these cucumbers are made quickly in terms of labor costs, do not require any preliminary preparations, are stored in a bucket on the loggia, they do not get moldy and do not turn out like they have a hole inside. And you can put here not necessarily country cucumbers, those that are the last to be sold at fairs are also suitable - from local greenhouses and fields.
So, take a bucket and wash it well. We lay all the "grass" on the bottom. My leaves have already dried up, and I crumbled them with my hands and rammed them.

We take a head of garlic, you can take one and a half, cucumbers will only benefit from this.

We clean the garlic, wash it, and simply cut each clove into 2-3 parts.

We send the garlic to a bucket, put black peppercorns in the same place.
the carnation goes to the bucket,
mustard seeds - there too.

My cucumbers, cut off the "buttocks", put them tightly in a bucket.

Now we make a pickle. In general, you can simply pour salt, fill a bucket with water, stir and use it. But I make the brine in a small amount of water first to make sure the salt dissolves. So, we take a glass of salt, send it to a pan with two liters of water. We turn on the fire.

Bring the brine to a boil, stir to dissolve the salt. Let the brine cool down for 30 minutes.

Pour the brine into a bucket, to the top (so that the water covers the cucumbers), pour just boiled water. Mix everything in a bucket with your hands so that the brine mixes.

We take a clean rag, cover the bucket with it.

Now a little trick. Take mustard powder

Sprinkle it evenly over the entire rag. This is necessary so that mold does not appear on top of the cucumbers. There will be no mold on top, and there will be no mold inside. Mustard will give a slight piquancy to the cucumbers (they will not be bitter, do not be afraid), the cucumbers will be crispy. We put a load on top, for example, a plate with a three-liter jar of water, and put it in the shade, I put it on the loggia. And forget for 2 weeks.

Recipes for preserving cucumbers for the winter

Crispy pickled cucumbers in jars - an easy, quick and tasty preparation for housewives. It does not require culinary skills and will save you time...

1 hour

4.5/5 (2)

To save you time and effort, share some more helpful tips., which are sure to come in handy when canning:

  • you need to use only rock salt, as the jar may explode, or the cucumbers will turn sour;
  • everything that you put in jars must be washed thoroughly so that the brine does not ferment and the cucumbers do not deteriorate;
  • for sterilization, jars should only be placed in a cold oven so that they warm up evenly and do not explode;
  • you can add a little mustard seed to each jar so that the jars do not explode;
  • to make the cucumbers very crispy, you can add a small piece of oak bark to the spices in each jar;
  • if you cut off the tails of the cucumbers or make several punctures with a fork, they will be soaked with brine faster;
  • it is necessary to sterilize the covers: boil the metal ones for 15 minutes, and thoroughly wash and scald the capron ones.

Storage and use

Pickled cucumbers are a truly versatile dish. They are added to, or eaten just like that, cut into pieces, and adding a little chopped garlic and vegetable oil. Store pickles better in a cold place: cellar, refrigerator or even on the balcony.

In contact with

A rare table in our country does without pickles. Salting vegetables is a long tradition of our vast country. The blanks were made in a wooden barrel, and then in a stainless steel barrel, and they were replaced by plastic. A wonderful appetizer for a festive banquet and for every day. There are many ways to pickle, but my family fell in love with cucumbers in a barrel for the winter, the recipes of which were inherited from grandmothers. Today I will tell you two recipes for pickling cucumbers. One of which: pickling cucumbers in a cold way for the winter in a barrel. Pickled cucumbers are elastic, crispy and fragrant.

Videos with recipes are full of on the Internet, but which of them will result in those same taste sensations is not known. Delicious cucumbers from my grandmothers are always crispy, not oversalted and spicy. Such cucumbers give a special taste and aroma to your favorite Olivier salad, and to other appetizers, where they are used as ingredients.

To pickle cucumbers in a barrel for the winter, you need a perfectly prepared tub. To do this, rinse the plastic barrel with soda and hot water, then fill it to the top with cold water and leave for 14-20 days. Then, when the barrel has stood with water inside, it must again be thoroughly rinsed with soda solution and, immediately before laying the ingredients, pour boiling water over it. Then the result will be the one you want.

Recipe for pickling cucumbers in a barrel for the winter in a cold way

So, pickle cucumbers:

  • 50 kg of fresh cucumbers;
  • Dill umbrellas 1.5-2 kg, depending on taste preferences;
  • 200 gr. horseradish peeled root;
  • 50gr. horseradish leaves;
  • 200 gr. peeled garlic cloves;
  • 50 gr. hot pepper (fresh);
  • 250-300 gr. parsley and celery.

cold way:

  1. All components for salting in a cold way must be washed and dried.
  2. Laying them in a barrel will be layered, between the layers of cucumbers.

Note to housewives

It is better to take cucumbers of approximately the same size, so we get uniform salting and the same taste.

For the brine we need:

  • 9 kg of salt (cooking stone);
  • 90 l. water.

If the cucumbers are medium in size, then you need to take 8 kg of salt, for small cucumbers, 7 kg of salt is enough. The amount of water will always be the same.

The process itself is quite simple:

  1. We put a layer of horseradish leaves on the bottom of the prepared barrel and begin to lay cucumbers and spices in layers.
  2. When all the layers are laid, pour cold saline (aka brine) into the barrel.
  3. We cover the top of the barrel with a clean cotton cloth or gauze folded several times (at least 4 layers). In order for the active fermentation process not to cause inconvenience to the hostess, a cover with oppression is placed on top of the fabric.
  4. In this form, the barrel stands for 2-3 days in a warm room.
  5. Did you find foam after this time? All right! Cucumbers have fermented, the process has begun. So, it's time to remove the barrel in a colder room: garage, basement, underground.

Pickling cucumbers in a cold way for the winter in a barrel in the manner described above gives you delicious cucumbers that the whole family will appreciate.

Important point

The taste of cucumbers during pickling is affected by their freshness. The earlier the cucumbers are harvested from the garden, the more susceptible they are to brine. They absorb more moisture and taste properties of spices. This must be remembered. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to collect cucumbers from their own beds, in this case, when buying, it is better to find out from the seller the freshness of the product.

Salting in a plastic barrel

Another recipe for pickling crispy cucumbers in a plastic barrel. Nothing worse than the previous one, the more recipes you know, the wider the field for culinary and creative activities.

We will need:

  • Barrel made of plastic with a volume of 15 l;
  • Young cucumbers (with small seeds and thin skin, unripe);
  • Horseradish root and leaves;
  • Grape leaves and oak leaves;
  • Young branches from cherries;
  • Bay leaves (fresh or dried);
  • Black pepper and allspice peas;
  • A pod of red hot pepper;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • A few cloves of garlic;
  • Table salt at the rate of 60 gr. for 1 liter of water.

All components are taken exclusively to taste.

The preparation of the barrel will be identical to the previous recipe:

  1. The ingredient list is the same. It is better to make the top layer with spices and leaves to prevent cucumbers from floating up.
  2. From salt and cold water, you need to make a solution with which cucumbers are poured. There should be enough water so that the solution covers the top layer of the entire salt.
  3. We close the barrel with a lid and leave it for three days in a cool room (basement, cellar). After this time, the lid must be opened to release the gas formed during the fermentation process, top up with brine and close the lid again.

That's the whole simple recipe for pickling crispy cucumbers in a plastic barrel. I use this recipe often and recommend it to my friends. It has stood the test of time. Cucumbers in barrels are stored for a long time without losing their taste.

Pickling cucumbers in a barrel for the winter is the oldest recipe for long-term storage of vegetables. There are many salting recipes. There are certain rules that must be observed when pickling cucumbers in any way:

  1. If possible, salt the fruits immediately after picking.
  2. Do not use chlorinated water for salting. Salt is needed only stone, coarse, without iodine and other additives.
  3. To remove bitterness, soak the fruits in cold water for 6 to 8 hours, change it after an hour.
  4. Before the process, properly prepare a barrel for pickling, thoroughly wash cucumbers and herbs.
  5. Pickle cucumbers with black pimples. Whites don't fit.
  6. To improve storage, add a piece of oak bark and a couple of mustard peas.

How to properly pickle cucumbers in a barrel for the winter, everyone knows the recipes, but not everyone can use them, because you need a cellar to store a barrel of cucumbers. The recipes are simple, the process begins with careful preparation of the container.

Preparing a barrel or tub for salting

We start preparation 2-3 weeks before harvest. We choose the best barrel - oak. You need to check if the barrel has dried out.

Sometimes it is worth calling the master to knock out the hoops on the barrel if it is leaking. But usually it is enough to fill the barrel to the top and add water until the wood swells and the cracks disappear.

Then pour out this water, wash the barrel thoroughly with soda solution. In order to steam well, the barrel is poured with boiling water and a red-hot, clean cobblestone poured with boiling water is lowered into it. After steaming, water and cobblestone are removed.

A dry barrel is rubbed with garlic from the inside, then they begin to pickle cucumbers in barrels in a cold way.

Pickling cucumbers in a barrel for the winter "Rustic style"


  • Cucumbers - 100 kg;
  • Horseradish roots - 0.5 kg;
  • Dill - 3 kg;
  • Horseradish leaves - 0.5 kg;
  • Garlic - 300 g;
  • Fresh bitter pepper - 100 g;
  • Celery and parsley leaves - 1 kg;
  • Currant and cherry leaves - 1 kg;
  • Salt rock - 7 kg.


  1. Prepare fresh herbs. Sort it out, remove the stems and leaves with mold, dried, rotten. Place cleanly washed plants to drain water. Peel, wash and chop the horseradish roots and garlic.
  2. Put a third of the cooked greens on the bottom of the barrel. Place cucumbers on top. Shake the barrel to make the cucumbers fit tightly. Spread the next third of the greens on top. Again, a portion of cucumbers to the top. Leave room for the last third of the green. Put it on top of the cucumbers.
  3. Dissolve the salt, strain through a clean cloth, pour over the cucumbers. After a couple of days, when fermentation begins, cork the barrel, transfer it to the basement.

The temperature should be between zero and three degrees Celsius.

Before laying, rinse the cucumbers with boiling water and immediately pour over with cold water to preserve the color of the fruit and quickly start fermentation.

Cucumbers in a barrel "Simple"


  • Cucumbers - 50 kg;
  • Dill umbrellas - 2 kg;
  • Horseradish - 250 g;
  • Garlic - 200 g;
  • Hot pepper - 50 g;
  • Parsley, celery, currant and cherry leaves - about 500 g.

Fill an oak barrel, laying out alternately a layer of greens, a layer of fruits. Finish with a layer of greenery. Pour the salt solution into a filled barrel and leave at room temperature.

The brine must be prepared depending on the size of the fruit:

  • For large ones - 90 liters of water, 9 kg of salt;
  • For medium - 80 liters of water, 8 kg of salt;
  • For small ones - 70 liters of water, 7 kg of salt.

After 2-3 days at room temperature, fermentation will begin. Cover the barrel with a napkin. Put a wooden circle, clean cobblestone on it. Lower the barrel into the basement. If necessary, brine can be topped up.

In an oak barrel, pickles remain tasty and crispy until the end of winter. It is necessary to ensure that the storage place is constantly cool.

Pickles with coriander in a plastic barrel

What do you need:

  • Plastic barrel - 15 l;
  • cucumbers;
  • horseradish root;
  • Leaves of horseradish, grapes, currants, cherries, laurels;
  • Bitter pepper, allspice;
  • Dill;
  • Coriander;
  • Garlic;
  • Rock salt - 60 g per 1 liter of water.

Pickling cucumbers in a plastic barrel differs only in that it is faster to prepare the container for the process:

  1. Wash with soda solution.
  2. Douse with clean water.
  3. Dry clean container should be rubbed with garlic.

Salt cucumbers in it in a cold way:

  1. Lay layers of spices and fruits alternately, very tightly, constantly shaking. Finish with a layer of greenery.
  2. Fill with brine to the very edge.
  3. Close the lid tightly.
  4. Drop down to the basement. After 3 days, remove the lid, add brine, close the lid tightly again.

The owners, who have a house in the village with a cellar, already in the spring begin to prepare for how to pickle cucumbers in a barrel for the winter - the recipes are ready, it's time to buy cucumber seeds. The best varieties for salting: "Nezhinsky", "Pobedel", "Chernobrivets".

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