Cooking in an air grill: the principle of operation and some interesting recipes. What can be cooked in an air fryer


To facilitate cooking, many housewives choose new appliances and devices that make dishes tastier and healthier. One of these devices is an air grill.

With it, cooking has become much easier and more enjoyable, while it does not take much time. But in order to make the right choice of air grill, you need to carefully study the features and characteristics of the equipment.

Aerogrill: what is it

This is a compact device that can fit in a small kitchen area. The device can easily replace a toaster, yogurt maker, grill and double boiler. The main advantage of the device is that due to the treatment with hot air, all useful vitamins are preserved in the products during cooking.

Device device

The air grill consists of a transparent bowl or flask, which has a stand or a lid that covers the entire structure. A heating element (tubular electric heater) and a fan are installed inside the cover, there is a control panel outside.

Budget models of these devices are equipped with halogen heating elements instead of heating elements. The main advantage of such elements is that when heated, the glass of the bowl does not undergo oxidation and corrosion.

But halogen-type heaters have low operating capabilities, and their service life is short. Typically, the period of operation for models with heaters of this type is no more than three years. For metal heating elements, it is much longer - 8-10 years.

Halogen heating element

In addition to the main elements, there are additional components in the aerogrill device:

  • grills that are used to cook various types of meat - beef, veal, pork, lamb, poultry. There are usually three of them, and they can vary in height;
  • often comes with a mesh-type baking sheet. It may be required for steaming and deep-frying foods, and you can also dry foods on it;
  • budget models of air grills are often equipped with a metal ring. It is installed on top of the bowl and is required to increase and regulate its volume.

Standard device

Aerogrill: what is it for

To choose the right air grill, let's figure out why it is required and what can be cooked using an air grill.

The appliance cooks with the help of streams of hot air, which freely circulates in a special container for cooking. During the cooking process, the user does not need to constantly turn the food. Also, cooking does not require oil, while the food is juicy and fragrant, the dishes are saturated with their own juices and become tender and very soft.

That is, first of all, the air grill is needed for cooking. He cooks soups, stews vegetables, meat, fish, and can also work as a smokehouse.

Three tier device

A modern air grill with a wide range of functions can easily replace a whole list of various kitchen appliances:

  • conventional gas stove;
  • oven;
  • double boiler;
  • toaster;
  • microwave oven;
  • drying device, which is used for vegetables and fruits;
  • electric barbecue, barbecue;
  • yogurt maker;
  • air grill can be used as a saucepan for cooking first courses - soups, broths;
  • as a canning jar sterilizer.

Features of work

Each air grill model necessarily has a container in the form of a round transparent flask. Its volume can be different - from six to 12 liters.

Consider the principle of operation of the device:

  • the heated air is accelerated by the fan in different directions;
  • first it blows from top to bottom, then - from bottom to top. This ensures even cooking. It does not burn when baking, frying, stewing;
  • depending on the model of the device, the vortex flow index may be constant, or it may have several modes. The multi-mode option is the most versatile and convenient;
  • in some models, instead of conventional heating elements, glass ones are installed. They are safer, but weaker;
  • temperature indicators of the device - from 60 to 260 degrees.


Different models of air grills have distinctive functions. In more modern devices, it is possible to adjust the temperature and blowing speed.

The main functions of air grills include the following:

  • possibility of temperature control. This feature is considered mandatory. It should be in all modern models;
  • temperature maintenance - an additional function with which you can heat the dish after it is cooked;
  • convection speed control - the function is not mandatory, but very useful, it allows you to adjust the level of blowing the dish during cooking, which affects the final result (you can get an appetizing crust) and cooking time;
  • some models have a delay switch. The function provides maximum convenience when using the device: you can set the timer to the desired time, and the device will turn on when it is needed, and the food will be prepared for lunch or breakfast;
  • the cooking program is a smart function available in many models. Convenient for those who do not want to monitor the temperature or time while cooking: you can put food into the device, select the desired cooking mode and wait for the result.

Also, some manufacturers equip the device with additional convenient features:

  • defrosting products - vegetables, meat, dough, fruits, berries and others;
  • drying;
  • grill;
  • frying;
  • bakery;
  • smoking.

What can be cooked

The air grill is a universal device and is suitable for cooking almost any treat.

Potatoes with meat and seasonings are especially tasty.

Consider what can be done on the air grill:

How to properly use an airfryer

Instructions on how to use the air fryer are included with the device. If you follow all the rules, cooking in the appliance will be simple and easy, most importantly, follow the recommendations clearly.

cooking process

When using the device, do the following:

  • first you need to turn on the device in the electrical network;
  • necessary products are laid out in a transparent container;
  • from above, the air grill is tightly covered with a lid;
  • on the built-in panel, you need to set the necessary parameters. There are usually few of them, only three: temperature, cooking time and speed;
  • after the temperature indicator reaches the set level, the fan turns on, which starts the process of distillation of hot air flows inside the device;
  • when cooking is completed, the appliance will emit a beep;
  • do not immediately pull the plug out of the socket. This should be done when the device has completely cooled down and the fan has completely stopped.

Before buying an air grill, you should carefully study its technical characteristics.

Air fryer model

  • container size. The best option is a device with a flask volume of 8-9 liters. You can easily make any treat in it, and you can not use the dishes in the air grill, it will be superfluous;
  • type of heating element. It can be the spirit of species - a metal heating element and a glass halogen lamp. The first has high wear resistance, but slow heating. The second is fragile, its service life is only two to three years, but at the same time it does not undergo oxidation and cooks food much faster;
  • cover type. The quality of the workflow and cooking depends on how reliably the device closes. Covers can be on fasteners and without them;
  • control. It can be mechanical or electronic. In devices with mechanical control, it is possible to set the temperature and time. In electronic versions, the functionality is much wider - they can set the temperature, time, blowing speed, various cooking modes, delayed cooking;
  • power. This indicator depends on the consumption of electricity. Small models with a minimum number of functions usually have a small power rating - 1000 watts. Large devices with a large bowl and a wide range of functions have a power rating of up to 1700 watts;
  • you should pay attention to additional accessories that can affect the cost of the device, but at the same time make the cooking process much more convenient.

An air grill is a convenient technique for the kitchen; with its purchase, you no longer have to put the pan on gas.

Dishes in the air grill and 7 rules for its use

The dishes that are cooked in the air grill are very tasty. How often do you want to go on a picnic and eat those same dishes from the grill! Often, in the conditions of the frantic pace of the city or the lack of places for a picnic, people are not able to afford such a thing. In view of this, back in the 80s of the last century, a kitchen appliance was created in the United States that made it possible to feel the feeling of a picnic and relaxation without leaving home. Such a device was called an air grill - with the help of it, the products are blown with hot air and the taste and appearance of the grilled dish is obtained. Over the decades, this appliance has been equipped with a number of additional features that make cooking easier.

What does an airfryer do

What can an air grill do and what are its functions? Let's try to understand these and other issues below. The structure of the device includes a container where we place the products and a lid made of refractory glass, which houses the fan and motor. The container itself - a bowl, can also consist of such glass. Only utensils consisting of fire-resistant glass or ceramics can be placed inside the convection oven.

In such dishes you can cook liquid dishes - soups and more. You can install a grill and cook dishes with a grill effect.

The principle of operation is as follows: the heating element generates heat, the fan located on the lid of the appliance creates hot air flows, which allows you to evenly bake, fry or cook various dishes. The temperature inside the air grill during operation can be changed from 60 to 260 ° C.

Before buying an air grill, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with its functions.

There are different volumes of containers for aerogrill: from 7 to 18 liters. This volume can be determined by the numbers located on the device. Many models offer expansion / contraction options, which is very convenient - depending on the number of servings, you can use different options.

The basic package usually contains the following items:

  • Lattices;
  • A set of skewers;
  • baking sheet;
  • Nozzle for chicken;
  • Steamer and more.

There is a function of simultaneous cooking of several dishes, for this purpose partitions from lattices are used. But in this case, it is important to remember that if the products themselves are not mixed with each other, then their smells can mix up and this should be taken into account when combining dishes.

There are also options for air grills, in which there are several fan speeds, with which you can adjust the power and force of blowing food with hot clean air. For models with one blowing speed, it is usually recommended to cook simple dishes: cereals, soups. Three-speed fans are typical for any kind of food and, accordingly, it becomes possible to adjust the temperature level.

How to use the airfryer

Each package of the device contains detailed operating instructions, which you can always open and read in detail about all the features of using the selected model.

With the help of the instructions, you can learn how to use the air grill correctly

Below are the general rules for using the air grill for all models:

  1. Before starting the cooking process, it is necessary to check how tightly the lid fits the container.
  2. Be sure to follow the conditions for using dishes of a certain composition - such dishes may be included in the set of attached sets, or it may be necessary to use other dishes, but always made of refractory glass or ceramics.
  3. During operation, the air grill tends to get very hot - in this regard, it is necessary to place it on a heat-resistant surface.
  4. It is recommended to warm up the container before use.
  5. When checking the dish for readiness, you should be careful with opening the lid - a very hot air stream can burn your face.
  6. When cooking, do not place dishes or the products themselves on the bottom of the bowl - use the grids included in the appliance for this.
  7. It is forbidden to abruptly turn off the device by unplugging the cord from the socket, this may cause malfunctions.

You can wash and clean the air grill only after the device has cooled down, while the lid must be washed with care, not under running water, but by gently wiping the surface inside and, if necessary, outside with a damp cloth.

Ideas: what can be cooked in an air fryer

As mentioned above, you can cook a huge number of dishes in an air grill, it all depends on your imagination and wishes.

Meat products can be prepared in any way:

  • cook;
  • Bake in foil;
  • Fry cutlets;
  • Stew with vegetables.

Airfryer can easily cook both meat and vegetables

It is possible to cook several dishes at the same time, delimiting them with special grills. At the same time, it is important that such dishes are compatible in terms of aromatics. For example, it can be a baked potato and baked meat with vegetables. The air grill facilitates the work in the preparation of various types of cereals and soups.

Also, the device perfectly copes with the preparation of dishes such as pies with a variety of fillings.

It is very convenient to use the steamer function for people who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In this embodiment, all the useful substances found in raw foods are preserved. The main recipes for cooking are most often also included in the package in the form of a small recipe book. Most often, dishes such as pork baked with garlic and vegetables, chicken soup, meat and sweet puff pastry roll, breaded cheese cheesecake (such a favorite dish from restaurants), baked fish, roast with mushrooms, cottage cheese casserole and many much more. Cooking should be fast, correct and tasty, even steamed. It is also possible to defrost food for lunch in it.

Cooking in an Airfryer: Food

If we return to the original idea - to create the feeling of a picnic, we can think of dishes such as barbecue or grilled vegetables. An excellent option for home cooking of such dishes is the air grill. Through the glass walls of the Mystery apparatus, you can observe the process of how the device will bake and determine the degree of readiness of the dish.

However, if you have never used such a device, it is best to start with simple dishes in order to understand the level of roasting and cooking speed.

You can get acquainted with interesting recipes for cooking products in an aerogrill on the Internet.

And then you can start experimenting. For example, if you urgently need to cook food, and only dumplings are lonely in the refrigerator. You can put them on a mold and pour sauce (for example, a mixture of sour cream and raw eggs), rub cheese on top. At the same time, bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C. You will get a great version of the usual dumplings in a new taste. The device is very easy to use, just follow the simple rules of use and your dishes will sparkle with new colors.

So, if you have determined that the family needs an air grill, it remains only to decide which model is optimal for you. Decide how big the bowl is - for large portions or small ones, maybe you want the size to be adjustable? Which appliance lid would be optimal: completely removable or hinged? With a removable lid, you need to immediately determine the place where you put it after cooking, it should also be a heat-resistant surface. But at the same time, the removable lid is easier to clean. Decide which control option is convenient for you - electronic or manual.

Cooking in an air grill: recipes (video)

Be sure to pay attention to the speed of the fans - if you do not plan to cook a lot of different dishes - a single-speed fan will be enough, for wide possibilities, it is ideal to choose a three-speed fan. Pay great attention to the number of grates - the more there are, the more dishes you can cook at the same time. We wish you to enjoy the cooking process and bon appetit!

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The air grill is selected, purchased and solemnly placed on the table. That's just what to do with it next, because the usual methods of cooking for aerogrill are not suitable? It turns out that there is nothing complicated in using the air grill. It only takes a few tries to cook in an air grill to appreciate all the benefits of this ingenious kitchen helper.

Before cooking in an air grill for the very first time, it is imperative to warm it up “idle” for some time, that is, without products loaded into the flask. In electronically controlled models, this is done using the "Warm up" button (or similar), and the mechanically controlled model can be started on an "idle cycle" by setting the maximum temperature for 10 minutes.

To cook in an air grill, you can use any utensils that are in the house, except for wooden and plastic ones. Pots, frying pans, baking dishes, ceramic and glassware are all suitable for use in an airfryer. An air grill, unlike a microwave oven, does not have any wave emitters, so you can safely cook in a metal dish in an air grill.

There are many ways to cook in an air fryer. You can bake, cook, stew, fry food in it: it alone replaces a whole army of household appliances. For cooking in the air grill, you can choose the desired temperature, time and speed of work. There are a lot of recipes for various dishes that are cooked in an air grill.

For example, a recipe for cooking baked chicken in an air grill is very simple and affordable. You need to rub the chicken to taste with seasonings or marinate in your favorite marinade, and then place it on the upper grill of the air grill, setting the maximum temperature and high speed. A small chicken will be ready in about 40 minutes.

To cook French-style meat in an air grill, you need to take 50 g of cheese, 2 potatoes, 1 onion and a little mayonnaise for 100 g of pork. You should cut the meat into portions, grate the cheese and potatoes on a coarse grater, cut the onion into circles. Lay food in pots in layers: meat, potatoes, onions, cheese. Each layer should be greased with mayonnaise. Place the pots on the lower grill of the air fryer for 30 minutes at maximum speed and temperature.

In an air grill, you can cook pastries: biscuits, muffins, puff pastries, etc. The secret of successful baking in an air grill is quite simple: the first 20 minutes of baking must be covered with foil. After 20 minutes, the foil can be removed and then baked until cooked. For example, a biscuit will be ready in an air fryer in about 40 minutes (temperature 200°C and minimum speed).

Many of those who have already tried it personally often attribute to the disadvantages of an air grill an unnecessarily long cooking time, the risk of getting a half-baked dish at the end of cooking. Therefore, in order to cook in an air grill correctly, you need to remember that several small portions of a dish will be cooked faster than one large portion, and therefore try to use portioned dishes. For example, three pots of soup of 0.5 liters each will be ready in 30-40 minutes, and one pot of 1.5 liters - more than an hour.

The air grill is a wonderful assistant in the modern kitchen, it has many undeniable advantages. However, an air grill cannot completely replace a conventional stove or oven, so it is worth purchasing and using an air grill not instead of traditional kitchen appliances, but in addition to them. Compliance with the simple rules of cooking in an air grill will be the key to its long and successful use.

The air fryer is an amazing device. It not only allows you to cook all sorts of unusual dishes, but also fully ensures the preservation of nutrients, minerals and vitamins in all processed foods. The fragrant, ruddy crust formed during baking gives the food an external appeal and a bright, rich taste that is remembered for a long time. Meat and poultry cooked in an air grill turn out to be very juicy, vegetables do not lose their natural color, and pastries are distinguished by amazing richness and a truly magical aroma.

How to cook in an air grill correctly: 10 tricks

1. Each air grill has its own “character” and specific qualities that you will have to adapt to. At first, you should carefully look after the dish being prepared and adjust the timer readings prescribed in the recipe to the behavior of your particular appliance.
2. It is best to cook on the lower or middle rack. There the product will receive optimal processing and will not turn into a cracker, as it can happen on the upper slatted tier. Pork in an air grill will turn out to be the most juicy and soft if you bake it at the lowest level.
3. Products in the air grill are processed using hot air currents and the risk of overdrying the dish is always very high. That is why experienced chefs recommend adding a little water to a glass flask or to the baking dish itself. This way you preserve the natural juiciness of all the ingredients and are guaranteed to get a delicious dish.
4. The water added during cooking must be hot. This will speed up the processing process, and the electrician will save.
5. Place food directly on the wire rack as little as possible. It is very difficult to wash it afterwards from pieces of food adhering to the crossbars. It is better to use a frying pan without a handle or a special baking dish. The breast cooked in a container with a non-stick coating in an air grill will only taste better and you won’t have to suffer with cleaning the grate afterwards. Also suitable are classic pots made of heat-resistant ceramics or molds made of tempered food glass.
6. Separate dishes, for example, cutlets, can first be lightly browned on both sides in a frying pan and only then brought to full readiness in an air grill. After such processing, the dish will turn out to be more tasty.
7. In general, without sunflower oil in an air grill, it is allowed to cook the same dishes as in the oven. In all other oils, you can add significantly less than during cooking on a gas or electric stove. However, it will not be possible to completely eliminate the oil. The fact is that it forms a thin film that prevents the products from drying out and gives the food a brighter, richer taste.

Advice: For those for whom the absence of oil is important (diet, health status, etc.), it is recommended to bake food in foil or a food sleeve (at a temperature of no more than 205 degrees). If an ingredient needs a powerful heat treatment, it is worth buying an airfryer hot hose that can easily withstand high temperatures.

8. To achieve maximum effect, it is better to cook dishes in an air grill at a low fan speed. The strongest blowing quickly dries the products and leads to the fact that the upper crust burns ugly. If you feel that the processing is not going fast enough, try increasing the temperature by one step, and leave the fan speed the same. In air grills with one type of speed (high), it makes sense to cook only on the lower grill or use an expansion ring, increasing the internal volume of the bowl.
9. Try not to stuff the air fryer to capacity. This impairs air convection and significantly increases the cooking time. The optimal filling is considered to be 50-60% and it is desirable not to exceed this figure.
10. The device allows you to smoke fish and meat both hot and cold. Mackerel in an air grill turns out to be very tasty, does not lose its density and does not break into pieces. For correct smoking, the bottom of the unit is covered with alder shavings (usually sold in supermarkets in branded packaging), and the product is lubricated with a special smoking composition.

Bird in airfryer

A medium-sized (1.5 kg) duck or chicken in an air grill is baked whole in about 1-1.5 hours at a working temperature of 250 degrees. It is recommended to cook on the lower grill and turn the bird to the other side every 30 minutes. Thus, the meat is thoroughly baked, and the crust will turn out ruddy and tender.

Airfryer cooking. Airfryer bird.

Larger carcasses are processed at a rate of 60 minutes per kilogram of product weight at medium fan speed. To check for doneness, carefully pierce the bird with a knife in the joint area. If clear juice stands out, then the dish is ready and, having cooled slightly, it can be served on the table.

How to cook vegetables

Ordinary potatoes in an air grill are baked at a temperature of 210-220 ° C for 30-35 minutes. The tubers must first be rinsed with water, peeled and cut shallowly. Then carefully coat with a mixture of salt, olive oil, paprika and black pepper and place on the lower slatted tier for processing.

Dishes in the air fryer. baked potatoes

Stuffed zucchini in an air grill is cooked in just a quarter of an hour. To begin with, you need to wash the vegetables, peel them and carefully remove the pulp with a teaspoon. The resulting boats can be filled with any filling that you like (minced meat, vegetable mixture, cheese and garlic mass, etc.) and placed on the lower grill of the air grill for 15-20 minutes. The temperature toggle switch must be set to 180 ° C and the average ventilation blowing speed must be selected.

Cooking sweet food

Curd casserole in the air grill turns out to be especially tender and airy. It is cooked for 40 minutes at a temperature of 185-205 ° C in a special form under a closed lid on the lowest grill. Refrigerate the dessert before serving.

Making a sponge cake in an air grill is not difficult. The prepared dough must be poured into a detachable form and placed in the unit, preheated to 180 ° C. A biscuit is baked on the middle grill for half an hour. The temperature does not change during cooking. The finished delicacy can be smeared with sour cream, garnished with fruit or whipped cream.

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