Getting ready for the exam in biology. How to prepare for the exam in biology: simple and effective methods, preparation tips


The purpose of this exam is to assess the knowledge of high school graduates in a particular subject in order to subsequently form a rating of university entrants.

In other words, in order to get into the ranks of those who will be enrolled in a university or institute in the first place, it is necessary to score the highest scores on the USE.

Today we will talk about how to prepare for the exam in biology. It has its own characteristics, which are important to consider if the applicant is applying for a decent score.

USE in biology: how serious is everything

Biology is a subject that is not mandatory for all specialties, therefore it must be taken only by applicants for specific specialties. First of all, it is required for admission to medical and biological universities. The requirements for applicants must be clarified directly at the admissions office of the selected educational institution, and they can also be placed in the public domain on the website of the university.

Preparing for the exam in biology from scratch is incredibly difficult, since the exam includes testing the knowledge of the applicant, starting from the seventh grade of the school. That is, the best option is to learn the subject from the first day of its appearance in the school schedule, and if the moment is missed, start preparing as soon as possible.

Step 1. Finding out the depth of our knowledge in biology

First of all, decide what you already know from the course of the subject. Since you can prepare for the exam in biology with the help of special tests developed by the Ministry of Education, they are also perfect for preliminary diagnostics of knowledge.

Pass tests, highlight topics that you know well.

Step 2. Making a plan

The first lines of the plan for preparing for the exam in biology should include those topics that are not familiar to you or have not been studied by you at all. At the same time, keep in mind that it is necessary to study them in the order of the school curriculum, otherwise difficulties may arise.

Planning Tips:

  • Use colored pens or markers to highlight topics that you have not studied at all, partially studied, fully familiar to you. So you can see the "scale of the tragedy" as a whole.
  • Make sure you don't miss any of the biology sections you need to pass the exam.
  • When the preparation plan is made, consult with the teacher. Perhaps he will give recommendations for its improvement.

Step 3. Fill in the gaps according to the plan

So in biology it still won’t work out due to the voluminous material for study, it is necessary to study gradually: daily, methodically, following the plan. It is better to spend several hours daily preparing than several days without a break just before the exam.

To prepare for the exam in biology, a year is a very real time, but if time is catastrophically short or there are too many topics that you have not studied, then study the most important thing in each topic: general definitions, basic terms. Fix this knowledge so that it does not get mixed up in your head. Then build up the "skeleton": learn other materials on the same topics. In this way, you can avoid a situation where you have perfectly learned, relatively speaking, one section out of five, and therefore correctly answered only a fifth of the questions. Basic knowledge in each of the sections will help you navigate and give more correct answers.

Step 4. Improving knowledge

Review what you have learned after each topic you have covered. This advice is especially relevant for those who started preparing for the exam in advance - a year or more. If the topic was studied by you a few months ago, most likely, now you could forget a lot. Reread textbooks, notes, check your knowledge with the same preparatory tests. This will help maintain the required level.

It would seem that in order to pass the exam well, you only need to study. This is true, but besides this, there are many life hacks that make the preparation process easier. So how do you prepare yourself for the exam in biology? Use the following tips:

  • Start preparing early. Ideally, within a year or two. Practice has shown that the highest scores were scored by applicants who began training before the tenth grade.
  • Learn gradually, so that the porridge known to many graduates in the head does not form.
  • Study not only text, but also pictures, diagrams, infographics. The exam in biology assumes that the applicant knows the structure of the internal organs of a person, insect, animal of any kind, as well as the structure of plants. Some assignments include a requirement to describe it.
  • Use the Internet to prepare: watch educational videos on biology, science films. It is important to choose materials for study carefully: they should provide the most reliable information. Otherwise, you will just waste your time, and later on you may even make many mistakes during the exam.

  • Consider how convenient it is for you to study: your individual time of brain activity, the way you take notes (if you take them), the individual characteristics of remembering information.

Let's take a closer look at the last one.

Information storage methods

Use your individual features of remembering information. They will help you quickly prepare for the exam in biology, and will be an excellent memory training.

If you are a visual (that is, a person who perceives visual information better), make memory cards. To do this, cut out rectangles of a size convenient for you from thick cardboard and write on them the basic concepts from each topic in biology. You can also use diagrams, drawings, colored pens or felt-tip pens - the main thing is that you feel comfortable and understandable. Carry these cards with you and review them in your spare time.

Audials (people who perceive information better by ear) will benefit from audio lectures on the subject. Download them to your phone and listen through headphones in your free time. Preferably not while on the street, as there is a danger of concentrating heavily on the material being listened to and not noticing a car on the roadway. If you have not found suitable lectures, try to record them on a voice recorder yourself.


The question of how to prepare for the exam in biology worries many applicants, and especially medical universities, since there is usually a lot of competition. If you follow the above recommendations, it will be much easier to pass the exam.

It is no secret that competent and systematic preparation for the Unified State Examination is the key to obtaining the coveted high scores that serve as a pass to adulthood, to a dream that the Novisse online preparation center for the Unified State Examination will help to approach. It stands out among other similar organizations with the simplicity, academic character and competence of teaching...

It's no secret that competent and systematic preparation for the Unified State Examination is the key to obtaining the coveted high scores that serve as a pass to adulthood, to a dream that the Novisse online preparation center for the Unified State Examination will help to approach. It stands out among other similar organizations by the simplicity, academic character and competence of teachers; educational material no longer seems like a terrible "vinaigrette" of terms, rules and exceptions, especially when it is presented by a person who is interested in the subject himself and who is easily able to inspire the student to productive activity. High-quality presentations are quickly remembered and lined up in the head in a coherent series of knowledge, and selected practical tasks will help to "fill your hand" in solving exam questions. This format of video lectures is convenient for busy graduates from different cities, aimed at a worthy result of their efforts. I am grateful to "Novisse" for the quality preparation for the exam, charismatic qualified teachers and new amazing discoveries! Learn, don't procrastinate!

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To be honest, I really enjoy your webinars! First, everything is easily explained. No extra information is given. Secondly, I am glad that after each lesson there is a practice. Thirdly, a very convenient time and day was chosen! Well, fourthly, the teacher is very good! Reading the biography, I can safely trust this teacher. I would like to thank you for doing such interesting and useful classes! And I am sure that thanks to your classes I will be able to score high scores!

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Very cool webinar 😍 I really liked it. And the teacher is wonderful, I understand perfectly 😊 I will continue to study with you :)

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Thanks to the Russian language master group!:* ❤ Before class with you, I didn’t know Russian at all: (it was so hard for me to understand the assignments, I didn’t know and didn’t understand anything, but thanks to the wonderful teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna, I understood one thing! What I can pass Russian for a prestigious score ❤ guys who are reading now, hurry up to sign up ❤ ❤ ❤ soon start training with professionals!After all, education is the main thing you should strive for ❤ :)

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Prepared in social studies together with the portal "Novisse". I want to say to Irina Vitalievna for a professional individual approach to learning, they completely satisfied me! The courses from Novisse were very rich, thanks to them I repeated the most difficult topics, there was nothing superfluous) It is worth noting that in addition to webinars, information ...

Prepared in social studies together with the portal "Novisse". I want to say to Irina Vitalievna for a professional individual approach to learning, they completely satisfied me! The courses from Novisse were very intense, thanks to them I repeated the most difficult topics, there was nothing superfluous) It is worth noting that, apart from webinars, information on the subject was not revealed at all. As a result, 76 points. Very good result! Thank you very much;)

How to independently prepare for the exam in biology? Many people ask themselves this question. After all, tutoring services are quite expensive, especially for those who are not in Moscow, but in the regions. As a biology teacher with many years of experience, I can say: yes, you can prepare for the exam in biology on your own.

But there is a key point: preparing for the exam in biology is possible on your own if a high school student knows how to organize himself. If he can make a plan himself and follow it.

After all, there are schoolchildren who, without external control - parental, teaching, teacher - cannot organize themselves. It is difficult for them to develop a plan of action. Such children definitely need a teacher, they need a third person who will regulate and guide them.

How to start self-preparation for the exam in biology?

Now, both on the FIPI website and in bookstores, you can find the classifier of USE topics in biology, established by FIPI. According to this plan, you need to prepare. Moreover, the topic can be very large. It may have subsections, and all of them need to be passed, studied, learned.

Immediately after studying the topic, we solve thematic tests. There are many collections of training tasks in the USE format. They need to be dealt with as much as possible. The main thing is practice.

Even if you are preparing for the exam in biology on your own, it is good when you have someone to consult with, determine how much time to devote to each topic. All USE topics in biology are different! There are very large, global ones. For example, zoology or botany, where the amount of material is huge.

How to calculate the time for self-preparation for the exam in biology?

If you started preparing in the 11th grade, in September, you have almost 9 months to prepare. But at the same time, you will have to remove a month and a half from them for some unforeseen circumstances: I could not sit down for textbooks, or I got sick, or holidays, or they asked too much at school. And it stays for about 7 and a half months. Allocate a month and a half to work out exactly the options for the exam in biology. And allocate the rest of the time to study theory, thematic tests and assignments.

How can parents help in self-preparation for the exam in biology?

First of all, parents know and understand their child. They can assess whether a tutor is needed, or courses, or whether their high school student is so organized that he can prepare for the exam in biology on his own.

The exam in biology is chosen by those who have at least a rough idea of ​​where to go. Moreover, these are serious specialties - medicine, psychology, veterinary medicine. The exam in biology is not taken “just like that” in order to pass something. And it is better to discuss with parents where to go, what directions, how realistic it is. Because to aim at independent preparation for the exam in biology and then not pull it out can be very disappointing.

Starting to prepare for the exam in biology, determine whether you yourself can draw up a work plan and follow it. Will you be able to allocate time for the passage of an impressive amount of theoretical material. Find ways to test your knowledge. Or - choose, before it's too late, high-quality USE courses in biology. This option is a win-win.

How to prepare for the exam in biology without a tutor?

    teach to teach and once again teach the relevant literature, analyze topics

    First of all, you need to find all the necessary information, its benefit is full on the Internet, after that you should highlight the main thing and thereby reduce the amount of material that needs to be taught, it is also important to contact people who have already passed this exam through social networks, and they can advise on how to pass it easier .

    Naturally, test materials to use.

    In my opinion, it is the printed editions of the USE that are convenient, and not the Internet ones. Anytime, anywhere you can take a small book with you and study.

    In preparing for the exam, it is important to understand the essence of the task. Biology assignments have questions on general topics, they are easy, and often general erudition can help out; and something more specific that may not be included in the school course.

    I recommend using the Test and Measurement Materials of the Unified State Exam for self-study. With sufficient perseverance and devoting 40-60 minutes a day to these books, it is quite possible to prepare for the exam on your own.

    Take test tasks for the Unified State Exam (there are such special books, they are sold in bookstores, they are called the Unified State Examination (xxxx year) in such and such a subject) and solve them. You can also find test tasks for the USE on the Internet, for example, as on Yandex and solve them.

    Firstly, buy books (such as the entire school course in tables) or borrow from the library (for grades 6,7,8,9,10,11). Secondly, look on the Internet for a demo version, codifier and biology specifics. Thirdly, you can buy USE test tasks and solve them or you can do it online. Fourthly, see in which tasks you have the most wrong answers, for example A5, see in the specifics that this is a question on the topic Diversity of organisms. Viruses and repeat this material, etc.

    First of all, take the codifier and the structure of the KIM USE, see what topics are included there, what you need to know in order to pass this exam. Then study topics using textbooks, books aimed at preparing for the exam, Internet resources, video tutorials. After you study a certain topic, then solve tasks on this topic in tests. When you study all the topics that are included in the structure, then solve general tests, develop a skill.

    1) Buy a reference book by T.L. Bogdanova and G.I. Lerner. Buy a second one for sure! The first one is much larger than the second one, but Lerner has very good diagrams and tables.

    3) As a supplement, you can use any textbook on biology, but here you need to take not only for grades 10 and 11, but also earlier periods of study, because each year at school is devoted to only one global topic. For example, Animals, Plants, Man, etc.

    Of course, in general, tutorials can replace the above guides, but as a rule, the tutorials can describe the processes in more detail. Directory - it is short, despite the impressive, at times, volumes.

    4) Additionally, if you wish, you can buy a collection of tests by the author A. A. Kirilenko - they are complex, but so much the better.

    It is necessary to study biology, as well as history, constantly, because the amount of information is very large.

Hi all! Theory in biology is a huge amount of factual material. New concepts, definitions, laws and phenomena ... Therefore, many high school students, their parents and teachers are interested in how to prepare for the exam in biology.

We will help you prepare for the exam and the exam

The learning process consists of 4 stages:

  • define a goal;
  • act to reach it;
  • control the implementation of the plan;
  • end the process.

How to prepare for the exam in biology

If we take the theory of the Unified State Examination from biology, then the concept of "chromatid" is suitable for an example. Learning it means making it easy to operate and answer any questions related to it. This is the goal.

But preparing for the unified state exam in biology from scratch also involves actions, and this is already more difficult. Some memorize the definition without presenting or visualizing the concept. Agree, this is a waste of time.

Others figuratively represent chromatids, have many questions about their appearance and their location. Such a strategy is correct, it has images that reveal the meaning of the concept. The strategy is considered effective because it is visualized. It just needs to be developed.

Biology from scratch for the exam includes control. How to understand that you have mastered the concept? It's simple - if you answer oral questions, and apply new knowledge in tests and tasks, then you are doing everything right.

The process of mastering the concept during the preparatory process for the unified state exam in biology ends with the logical introduction of the concept into the student's knowledge system. In consciousness, a relationship is formed between the new concept and others that were mastered earlier. The preparatory plan provides for different memorization strategies. Try any methods to find the most effective solution. As a result, a holistic picture will develop and you will have a solid knowledge of the subject.

The best thing to remember is that which has an emotional connotation. Therefore, either the teacher should practice discussions, brainstorming, play out interesting situations. Pupils perceive more emotionally what they have created themselves. If a high school student himself makes a diagram or table, then it will be better fixed in his memory than the book version. This increases self-esteem and confidence in a successful outcome. Training tasks, which include not only reading the material at home, but also their independent transformation into a diagram, a table, are closer and more understandable, since the student's personality is involved.

The exam in biology includes extensive terminology. To successfully pass the final exam, you need to master biological concepts to perfection. Unfortunately, the “language of biology” is little used at school, and in most cases the student does not fully understand what he is talking about. Therefore, in the exam in biology 2018, difficulties may arise in part “C”, where meaningful answers are provided. Simply solving tests is not preparation, but self-deception. A graduate must learn to argue his personal opinion and give detailed answers to any questions.

2018 includes homework. The goal should be clear and detailed. Tune in to study, remove all distractions, sit in a room where it is quiet and no one bothers you, concentrate on the material. After reading the biology notes for the exam, do not move on to the next topic until you answer all the questions, complete the assignments for the manual and work with computer programs. Using all channels of perception of information (auditory, visual, emotional), you will improve and speed up the process of preparation.

Of course, courses or biology in preparation for the exam will be the best choice. But it is still better to combine it with independent work. Immediately assess the level of your knowledge on the subject. If the preparation for the exam in biology 2018 starts from scratch and you have to master the theory on your own, without a teacher, then take so much time for this to understand all the topics. To do this, check out the exam in biology 2017. The program will help to draw up a detailed work plan.

Calculate how many topics the test consists of and how long it will take to process each. Prepare separately for each topic, since the sections of science have a logical connection with each other and the acquired knowledge will be built up step by step. First, studying the material for preparing for the exam in biology begins with basic terms and concepts, and then you can move on to more serious topics.

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