Grammatical norms are examples of errors. Grammar errors in Russian: examples


Even literate people make grammatical mistakes. It is easy to see that some rules of the Russian do not cause difficulties, while the majority regularly stumbles on others. It's not so much that these rules are complicated. Rather, they are simply inconvenient, and some have so many exceptions and peculiarities of application that their presentation takes up a whole page - it seems that they cannot be learned without being an academic.

Consider the most typical mistakes in the Russian language, made not by schoolchildren, but by fairly literate people.

What is considered a grammatical error?

A grammatical error is a violation of a generally accepted established norm. Any errors relating to word formation (for example, the wrong suffix is ​​used for), morphology (for example, the wrong declension of a verb), syntax (for example, inconsistent with the main sentence) are called grammatical errors.

Grammar errors should be distinguished from spelling or speech errors.

The most common mistakes are related to punctuation:

1. Many people are used to highlighting "however" with commas and are very surprised when Word underlines the comma after it as a mistake. Those who are more attentive notice that a comma after "however" is considered an error only when it is at the beginning of a sentence. Indeed, if the meaning of this word is similar to "after all", "nevertheless", and it is in the middle of a sentence, then it is considered introductory, and it must be separated by commas. If it means "but", as, for example, in the sentence "However, she did not understand him" (= "But she did not understand him"), then the comma is not needed.

2. Often there is confusion with the signs "dash" and "colon". Many, faced with which the union is missing, intuitively understand that they need to put a more "solid" sign than a comma. But which one? The rule is actually quite simple. You need to choose the most suitable words instead of the missing union.

If the meaning is suitable for such words as "what", "namely", then you need to put a colon. And also a colon is put if the first sentence ends with words denoting perception and suggesting that they will be followed by a description. These can be words: see, understand, feel, etc.

I remember (that): it was evening, a quiet flute was playing.

He was a complex person (namely): quick-tempered, bilious, sullen.

I recognized him immediately: (because) he was wearing one yellow shoe.

I see: a barge is sailing, on it is a barefoot boy, tanned, unfamiliar, but sparkling with a smile and in the next second he is waving his hand to me.

If you can insert words such as "a", "but", "and", "as if", "this", "therefore", "as if", then a dash should be used.

He took a wide step (and) - his pants were torn.

Across the sea, a heifer (this) is a half, but a ruble is transported.

The wind blew - (therefore) groaned, the old forest creaked.

A dash is also used when the words "if" or "when" can be added at the beginning of a sentence.

(When) I thought about Grisha - he is right there.

(If) I get a fee - let's go to the sea!

Grammatical errors related to morphology

Difficulties cause "nn" in suffixes (although everyone remembers glass, tin, wooden), it is especially difficult to deal with double "n" in adverbs. And also many are confused by the use of particles not / neither. Quite a few educated people, imperceptibly for themselves, are mistaken in management. Which is correct, "control over" or "control over"? The confusion between the two is another popular grammatical error. Example:

  • control over the quality of execution;
  • control over the execution of the order;
  • water level control.

Which option is correct? All. One or another type of control in this case is selected depending on the characteristics of the subsequent word. For example, "control over" is used before verbal nouns (execute - execution). There are other subtleties.

Not all common grammatical errors are mentioned in this article. It is quite possible to learn not to commit them by studying the rules. We hope that we were able to demonstrate that learning the secrets of the native language is an exciting business, and sometimes a superficial acquaintance with the rule is enough to realize all its logic and expediency. We also hope that you have noticed the variations in the use of the rules described above in the article itself, and not just under the "examples" headings.

As practical tasks, we offer you fragments from the work of students.

Find mistakes and try to fix them.

Exercise #1

Find errors related to the violation of word order. Try to explain and correct them.

  1. In the proposed essay for analysis, the author turned to a topic that is always important.
  2. I believe that every parent is obliged to raise a kind and honest child.
  3. Many families find themselves in a situation similar to the one described by V. Tendryakov.
  4. Four days later he reached his village,
  5. Yesterday evening at about ten o'clock he was seen on the street.

Exercise #2

Determine the type of error. Correct the offer.

  1. You can admire his courage and heroism.
  2. Returning from vacation, he learned about the consequences of the news.
  3. Sometimes people die in situations like this.
  4. Every person needs attention and understanding of his problems.
  5. They stop understanding and trusting each other.

Exercise #3

Determine the type of error. Try to rearrange the sentence in such a way as to avoid violating the speech norm.

  1. He was not ashamed of his appearance, and that his fellow villagers would laugh at him.
  2. With a sigh of annoyance and completely upset, another visitor left the office.
  3. It is necessary not only to help the elderly, but also young families.
  4. Citizens who entered the bus are asked to pay for the fare.
  5. After reading the essay, it seemed to me that the author was close to his problem.

Exercise number 4

In the proposed passage from the student's essay, find all cases of violation of speech norms. Edit the text.

The problem of patriotism and nationalism worries the author. One concept is quite often modified by another. If patriotism reflects the strength of a nation, then nationalism is something else. Already hair sometimes stand on end when you read newspaper materials on the topic of ethnic conflicts.

In addition to the above, I want to add that all people on earth are brothers and should treat each other with respect.

Exercise number 5

Divide sentences with stylistic errors into three groups: 1) mixing vocabulary of different styles; 2) the use of clericalism; 3) speech stamps. Try to rebuild the structures in accordance with the norm.

1. There was a real dubak in the village center of culture. 2. Sometimes it happens like this: a person himself reads and knows a lot, but does not conduct explanatory work among the population. 3. The author brings to the attention of readers his thoughts on this matter. 4. Natasha Rostova loved one guy, but she wanted to give her hand and heart to another. 5. Any person can get into a difficult life situation, and there is nothing to pretend to be invulnerable. 6. Pike, crucian carp, and small minnows were found in the aquatic environment. 7. The image of Andrei Bolkonsky is a typical role model. 8. Selfless patriotism and fortitude characterize the hero of this essay.

1. Erroneous word formation

1. "Rustle Hands" "Thoughtful Look"


2. Mistakes in the formation of noun forms

2. "Clouds", "jelly pie", "no socks"

3. Errors in the formation of adjective forms

3. "More interesting" "Most beautiful"

4. Errors in the formation of forms of pronouns

4. "Theirs", "theirs"

5. Errors in the formation of verb forms

5. "Rides", "waiting for him"

6. Violation of agreement

6. "He never saw such eyes filled with longing"

7. Loss of control

7. “Thirst for fame” “Dream for freedom” “I worry about him” “I am surprised at his strength”

8. Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

8. "Friendship with the guys Valk and Marusya influenced his life"

9. Errors in the construction of sentences with adverbial turnover

9. “When reading a book, thoughts come to mind”

“Opening the window, it smelled of pines”

10. Errors in the construction of sentences with participial turnover

10. "The mountain range stretches from east to west, consisting of ridges"

11. Errors in the construction of sentences with homogeneous members

11. "I wanted to show the meaning of sport and why I love it"

12. Errors in the construction of complex sentences

12. "The collective farm was built under the leadership of Davydov, which turned into a large farm"

13. Mixing direct and indirect speech

13. “Igor said that “I want to put my head or drink with a helmet from the Don”

14. Skipping necessary words

14. "Vadik nailed the board and ran to football"

15. Violation of supply boundaries

15. “The hunter put down his gun, tied the dog. And went to the beast

16. Unfortunate use of personal or demonstrative pronouns

16. “I took out bag book and

put it on the table ”(whom it?)

17. Violation of the aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

17. “Brother was sitting at the table and 1 is coloring pictures”: “Pugachev left the hut and got into the carriage”

Essay evaluation standards

When highlighting spelling errors should be taken into accountsimilar errors (for the same rule).

The first three errors of the same type are counted as one, each the next one is added. Mistakes are not considered the same if for the correct spelling of the word, you need to choose completely different test word. (For example, unstressed vowels in root do not apply similar errors).

Non-rough spelling errors count as 0.5 errors (1 n). Non-rough spelling errors include words that are exceptions to the rules and difficult unverifiable dictionary words.

Punctuation errors of the same type cannot be!

Onassessment"5"for content in the essay is allowed: one minor inaccuracy in content, i.e. 1 coarse actual or 1 soft logic error + 1 -2 speech defects.

Rating "5"for literacy in an essay it is allowed: 1 non-rough spelling or 1 punctuation or 1 grammatical error.

For a rating of "4" for the content in the essay it is allowed: 2-3 factual or logical errors + 3-4 speech defects.

For evaluation "4" for literacy in the essay it is allowed: 1-2 spelling + 3 punctuation + 3 grammatical or 0 spelling + 4 punctuation + 3 grammatical errors.

For a mark of "3" for sod holding allowed in the essay: 4 factual or logical errors + 5 speech errors shortcomings.

A mark of "3" for a competent essay is allowed

4 spelling + 4 punctuation + 4 grammatical errors.

With six factual, or six logical, or six verbal errors, a score of "2" for content begins.

Five spelling errors, or five punctuation errors, or five grammatical errors start a 2 for literacy.

In the 5th grade, in the 1st half of the year, 6 spelling or punctuation errors are allowed for a mark of "3".

When giving the 1st grade for content, you should consider Not only the number of factual, logical errors and speech defects.

Grade "5" is given for an essay that

    reveals the topic deeply and convincingly;

    testifies to excellent knowledge of the text and other literary critical materials;

    harmonious in composition;

    differs in independent conclusions and deep generalizations;

    written in the correct literary language and stylistically corresponds to the content.

On aboutcenku "4" the same thing is required, but with the definition of "good".

On the opening "3"- with the definition of "satisfactory".

Grade "2" put in the event that the topic is not disclosed, knowledge of the text is superficial, there are no conclusions.

The corresponding necessary explanations (from the above) the teacher writes under the text of the essay, thereby explaining the grade.

Evaluation of students' oral responses

When evaluating the oral response of students, the following is taken into account:

      knowledge of the text and understanding of its ideological and artistic originality;

      the ability to explain the relationship between the actions of heroes;

      understanding the role of artistic means;

      knowledge of theoretical and literary concepts and the ability to use them in the course of analysis;

      the ability to analyze the text in accordance with the leading historical and philosophical ideas of the era;

      the ability to speak monologue.

Student Speech Requirements

When evaluating oral and written answers, their speech design is taken into account.

The student must be able to:

        speak or write on a topic, respecting its boundaries;

        select the most significant facts for the disclosure of ideas;

        present the material sequentially;

        draw the necessary conclusions and generalizations;

        builds |> statement in a certain style;

        answer loudly, clearly, with logical stress,

pauses, intonation rules.

All the above requirements and norms for assessing written and oral answers must be brought to the attention of students and their parents (make appropriate printouts, arrange a stand in the literature classroom, etc.). Only in this case, the guys will understand the validity of the grades given, and the teacher will be able to be truly objective.

Ways of studying a literary work at school

The way of learning is a kind order analysis, parsing progress works.

It is especially important to choose the right path of analysis when studying major epic works.

There are three main ways to analyze:

          according to images (similar)

shaped way

The logic of the analysis of the work is subject to the logic of the analysis of the main images (for example, the 1st lesson - "The image of Eugene Onegin", then - "The image of Tatiana", then "The image of the author", etc.).

"Plus" of this way of analysis: the logic of the analysis is clear to children; very effective at the age of 14-15, when the guys look closely at themselves, evaluate their own and other people's character traits => their interest in the characteristics of the characters is maximum; this way is time saving.

Cons of this path:

            for each lesson, the guys should look through the entire text of the work, looking for material for a specific image;

            in a work of art, all images are closely intertwined, and we “tear off” one image from another;

            the artistic unity of the work is destroyed.

Problem-thematic path

The teacher formulates for himself the circle of main problems that the author considers in his work, and each lesson is devoted to solving one of the problems.

For example:

              "The role of the people and the individual in history" - based on the novel "War and Peace" (the range of problems associated with the images of Kutuzov, Napoleon, Tushin and a number of other heroes is considered);

              "True and false patriotism" (Scherer, Rostovs, Bolkonskys);

              "The moral quest of the best representatives of the Russian nobility" (Natasha, Bolkonsky, Pierre).

The pros of this path:

                allows you to deeply and seriously analyze the work;

                develops the student's analytical skills;

                teaches you to argue your point of view. Cons of this path:

                1. this path involves excellent knowledge of the text and analysis in one lesson of many images of the work;

                  in the lesson there is absolutely no emotional perception of the text, the conversation goes mainly at the logical level.

This path is effective only in the older and very strong classes.

The teacher and the children analyze the work as the story progresses, in this case, only key chapters and episodes are taken.

The pros of this path:

                    the integrity of the perception of the text is preserved, since the guys immediately analyze images, problems, and artistic originality in the studied fragment of the text;

                    the emotional perception of the text is preserved and often enhanced.

Cons of this path:

                      a holistic picture of the work becomes clear only at the end of the study =>

                      takes the maximum amount of time compared to others ways of analysis.

                      there is a danger of "dissolving" in the text. This method is universal for any age.

An experienced teacher skillfully combines different ways of analysis, making any one way dominant.

Methods of work of teachers and students in literature lessons in grades 9-11

In high school, you can use the same tricks as in grades 5-8, but there are special tricks that are most effective in high school.

    Teacher's lecture (requirements for this form are given as a separate section)

    Seminar session

In grades 5-8, one lesson usually combines both the word of the teacher and a conversation on new material. In high school, due to the large amount of material being studied, it is advisable to divide it into a lesson-lecture, where only the teacher speaks, and a lesson-seminar, where only students answer. However, the traditional combined lesson is also widely used in high school. Questions and assignments for the seminar are given in advance.

    debate lesson

It requires serious preliminary preparation: it is necessary to distribute students into supporters of one and the other position, talk in advance with the "leaders" of the parties and help them in the selection of arguments. The whole class can take part in the debate, or several people can take part, the rest of the guys, together with the teacher, act as observers and arbitrators.

    The trial of a literary hero

This is a kind of dispute, but in a "pointed" form, when there is an accused, an accuser and a lawyer. This form of lesson is, of course, somewhat "rough" from an aesthetic point of view. BUT!!! This form ensures high activity on the part of students and becomes effective in the class where the children are passive, with difficulty reading the studied texts. "Trial" over the hero is able to "stir up" such a class.

    Compilation of a screenplay based on an already studied work

For a screenplay, you need to choose the main episodes, select the text that will sound in the frame and behind the scenes, determine the peculiarity of the camera work (a combination of close-up and panorama), think over the music, decoration, and choose costumes. This type of work should be carried out after the analysis of the text.

    The choice of actors for the roles of the main characters

It is not the specific names of the students or real actors that are important, but the image as a whole, that is, the type of face, appearance, character traits, temperament, etc. This technique is very similar to the general characterization of the hero, but more interesting in form.

    Meeting of the artistic council of the theater or the editorial board of a literary magazine

on the choice of repertoire or the publication of a particular literary work.

For example: What plays by Ostrovsky should be staged this season and why?

After studying Bunin's work: What stories by Bunin should be included in the new edition of the book "Favorites" and why?

    Actor's monologue

about how to play this role. BUT!!! There are negative psychological moments arising from the shyness of the guys who would like to play this role, but are afraid of someone's ridicule. These psychological problems can be avoided if a slightly different version of the task is offered, namely "Director's Monologue" about how to play this role. (This form removes psychological barriers, since the director, having a deep understanding of how to play a particular character, is not obliged to match him in appearance, have a portrait resemblance, etc.)

NB!!! The named methods of work allow the children to express their own opinion, their personal vision of the characters of the characters, while remaining in the "shadow", as if behind the "mask" of an actor, director, etc. This is due to the psychological characteristics of the age of early adolescence, when a person already has own opinion, but often not yet ready to express it. These forms of work are best given as homework.

    Integrated polyphonic lesson:

This is a lesson with the participation of a "historian", "politician", "art critic".

These persons can be pre-trained students or real teachers of history, music, drawing, MHK. Their comments are woven into the course of the lesson where it is necessary to explain fragments of the text that are difficult for students to understand.

10. Compilation of poetic compositionsoncertaintopic

The class is divided into groups of 4-6 people. Each group composes a composition and prepares an expressive reading of poetry. For example: love lyrics and civil poems by A. Akhmatova. Each group has a director who selects poems and helps to prepare an expressive reading. Before reading their composition, students explain why they chose these works. The composition may be literary and musical. Such a task can be given to the whole class, and as an individual - to a group of students.

Types of grammatical errors


  • Prepositions according to, in spite of, thanks to, contrary to used with D. p. (not R. p.)

ERROR: according to schedule I contrary to orders A

  • Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
  • Remember mistakes

On arrival, on departure, on departure

Upon completion, upon return, upon completion

NORM: upon arrival, upon arrival

  • Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
  • The preposition PO can be used locally. 1 and 2 l. in P.p.

NORMA: miss us, miss you.

  • Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
  • Omitting a suggestion.

On water, land and air- we are everywhere

reserved. (in the air)

  • The meaning of the suggestion.

Thanks to bad weather, we stayed at home.

(because of, because of)

  • Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
  • Management can be prepositional (belief in victory) and unprepositional (slow down progress).

An error occurs when the wrong choice

case or preposition.

ERROR: peculiar to us,

confidence in victory, the problem of protection.

  • 2.
  • Errors in sentences, the subordinate part of which begins with the allied words WHO, NOBODY.

WHO AND NOBODY is used with singular verbs.

Those, who have been to the city, could not help admiring

Those who has been in the city couldn't help admiring

by sea.

  • Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate
  • The predicate must be in the plural if it is expressed in adj. or par.

ERROR: A number of scenes in the play are true and


  • Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate
  • The predicate must be plural if the subject has 2,3,4

ERROR: There are three books on the table.

  • Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate
  • The predicate after homogeneous subjects must be plural.

MISTAKE: Industry and agriculture are developing steadily.

  • Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate
  • If the collected exist. does not have controlled words, then the predicate must be in the singular.

  • 3. Violation in the construction of a proposal with an inconsistent application
  • The names of works, paintings, films enclosed in quotation marks do not change if there is a common noun next to them. - genre designation.

ERROR: In the movie "War and Peace"

S. Bondarchuk played the role of Pierre.

  • Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
  • If common noun. absent, the proper name is changed.

MISTAKE: In "War and Peace" S. Bondarchuk played the role of Pierre.

  • 4.
  • If homogeneous predicates have one dependent word, it is necessary to check whether they can control it.

ERROR: During the war, the people hoped and

believed in victory.

(hoping to win)

  • Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
  • Violation of homogeneity of concepts.

The slope of the mountain along which we descended, overgrown with dense ferns, was very steep.

He remembered the taiga and how he hunted a bear.

I love football and swimming.

His conclusions are simple and understandable.

  • Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
  • Double alliances cannot be modified.

ERROR: Well answered as young men, but

also girls.

  • It is necessary to check the place of homogeneous members in double alliances.

MISTAKE: I not only read newspapers, but also magazines.

  • Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
  • You can not mix generic and specific concepts, combine incompatible ones.

In the boat lay carp, carp, fish.

He came with his wife and a bad mood.

  • Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
  • Violation of case forms of the generalizing word and single members

ERROR: The meeting was attended by representatives of three countries: England, France, Italy.

  • 5.
  • The adverb phrase cannot be used if the action expressed by the verb-predicate and the action expressed by the adverb refer to different persons.

ERROR: Using a calculator, the calculation is done quickly.

  • Incorrect sentence construction with adverbial turnover
  • The verbal turnover cannot be used in an impersonal sentence

ERROR: Walking in the evening, I was not healthy.

  • Incorrect sentence construction with adverbial turnover
  • The adverb phrase cannot be used in a sentence with a passive construction.

ERROR: Having delivered the necessary medical supplies, the aircraft will be inspected by technicians.

  • Incorrect sentence construction with adverbial turnover
  • Error when the aspectual form of the verb and the participle are not related.

MISTAKE: When meeting with a grandmaster, the young chess player won.

  • 6.
  • A break in participatory turnover by a defined word.

MISTAKE: Mom's cooked pancakes were delicious.

  • Violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover
  • Violation of agreement with the defined word.

MISTAKE: We are proud of the players who beat the English team.

  • Violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover
  • Replacement of suffering participles with valid ones.

ERROR: The task we are running does not cause problems.

  • You can not use in the subordinate part of the pronoun 1 and 2 persons.
  • ERROR: The student said I wasn't ready yet.

  • Incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech
  • Redundancy of unions

ERROR: He was constantly asked if he would complete the work he had begun.

He asked where his things were.

  • In the story "The Jumper" Chekhov condemns idleness.
  • He loved and enjoyed reading.
  • You need to take great care of your children.
  • A desk mate asked who would go to football with me.
  • came to our city, admired its provincial simplicity.
  • The sun illuminated the mountain peaks covered with snow.
  • After resting a little, the work began to be done faster.

Check yourself I

1. In the story "The Jumper" Chekhov condemns idleness.

violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

2. He loved and was fond of reading.

error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

3. You need to take great care of children.

incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

4. A desk mate asked who would go to football with me.

incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech

5. Whoever came to our city admired its provincial simplicity.

violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

6. The sun illuminated the mountain peaks covered with snow.

violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

7. Having rested a little, the work began to be done faster.

violation in the construction of a sentence with adverbial turnover


  • In a compound predicate, you cannot simultaneously use the full and short forms of the adjective. Error example: Hero's life path hard and tragic. vm. Hero's life path hard and tragic.
  • Dependent words can only be in the short form of the adjective: The plot of the story interesting (NOT interesting !) V about many relationships.
  • It is impossible to combine comparative and superlative forms, as well as simple and compound forms of both degrees of comparison. Error example: This work worse vm. This work even worse. most capable student vm. most capable student.
  • Forms on -enen in modern language are of little use, more preferred forms on -yeon: His contribution to the work was significant (NOT significant !).


  • When declining compound cardinal numbers, all the words included in their composition should change: The circumference of the lake is about four hundred sixty five (NOT four hundred sixty five !) meters.; when declining compound ordinal numbers, only the last word changes: This event took place at the beginning one thousand eight hundred and four (NOT thousand eight hundred and four !) of the year.
  • Collective numbers ( two, three) and so on. should not be used with nouns denoting animals and females. Error examples: two chess players vm. two chess players, three hares vm. three hare.
  • The form is not allowed both with feminine nouns (collective numeral both has two forms: for masculine and neuter - both, for women - both): V both (NOT V both !) apartments, both (NOT both !) girlfriends.


  • Erroneous formation of forms of pronouns: theirs child vm. their baby, about his vm. near him.
  • Combinations for her, from her are archaic or vernacular. Error examples: For her no name vm. For her no name.
  • 3rd person pronouns usually indicate the nearest noun. If this rule is not observed, ambiguity arises.
    Wrong:When Nilovna carried proclamations from speech Paul her (whom - Nilovna or Paul's speech?) captured by the police.
    Right:The police grabbed Nilovna, When she carried proclamations with Paul's speech.

    Wrong:Meeting Chatsky With Famusov didn't bring to him (to whom - Chatsky or Famusov?) nothing good.
    Right:Chatsky's meeting with Famusov did not bring Alexander Alexandrovich anything good.

  • You can not replace the personal pronoun of the 3rd person plural nouns that have a collective meaning ( students, peasantry, people etc.).
    Wrong: officialdom. Among them
    Right:Comedy denounces the provincial officialdom. Among him bribery, lawlessness, theft flourish.
  • Pronouns mine And myself indicate the person who is doing the action. If this is forgotten, an ambiguity arises:
    Wrong:Turgenev leads hero towards a gradual realization. their (whose - Turgenev or hero?) errors.
    Right:Turgenev leads hero to the gradual realization of the perfect them errors.

    Wrong: Each of the landowners persuades Pavel Ivanovich go to yourself. (to whom - to the landowner or to himself?)
    Right:Each of the landowners suggests that Pavel Ivanovich come to him.


  • Erroneous formation of verb forms: lays down vm. puts, rides vm. rides.
  • Verbs convince, conquer, feel, find oneself and some others, the 1st person singular forms are not used. Instead, you can use constructions with the indefinite form of these verbs: I can feel (but not I will feel), I hope win (but not i will run),I have to convince(but not i will run away).
  • Suffix not allowed -yvova- (-ivova-) instead of -ova(-iva): results summarize willow foxes(but not sum up willow foxes)
  • When using reflexive verbs, inaccuracies are possible due to the indistinguishability of the proper reflexive and passive voices of such verbs: delayed in classrooms(Are they detained or do the listeners themselves stay?). Ambiguity resolution: After lectures, students often detain in classrooms or After lectures, students often remain in the classrooms.
  • It is impossible to allow inconsistency in the forms of tense and aspect of verbs.
    Wrong:Sensible artist, he responds pointed out
    Right:Sensible artist, he responding (responding) to life events and notes (noted) phenomena that are just emerging in it.


  • Simultaneous use of suffixes is not allowed -ova- And -em- (-im-): research owe th process vm. explore eat th process.
  • You can't drop a particle -sya in participles formed from reflexive verbs: In the center of the story is a representative emerging (NOT nascent !) bourgeois class.
  • Mismatch of the participle in time with the verb-predicate or with the surrounding vocabulary is unacceptable: At the meeting were representatives of all districts, with the exception of two delegates, absent (NOT absent !) for good reasons. The novel reveals the depth of social inequality, dominating (NOT dominating !) at that time in Russia.
  • The participial phrase must not include a definable noun. Error example: edited manuscript editor vm. edited by editor manuscript or manuscript, edited by the editor.
  • The participial turnover usually adjoins the noun being defined directly (in front or behind). They should not be distributed.
    Wrong:Mountain chain stretches from east to west , consisting of many ridges.
    Right:A mountain range made up of many ridges stretches from east to west. Or: A mountain range made up of many ridges stretches from east to west.


  • The verb-predicate and the participle should not denote the actions of different persons or objects.
    Wrong:expressing in songs, fairy tales, epics the dream of a happy life, people were created
    Right:expressing in songs, fairy tales, epics, a dream of a happy life, people created works of great depth and power.
  • Within the same sentence, it is unacceptable to use gerunds of different types and tenses.
    Wrong:Reading article and noting
    Right: Reading article and noting necessary material, I always make extracts.(or After reading article and noting)
  • It is unacceptable to use gerunds in a passive construction.
    Wrong:In the picture depicted boy wide spreading legs and resting on hands on knees.
    Right:In the picture depicted boy wide spreading legs and stubborn hands on knees.

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