A grandiose scandal: Timur Batrutdinov is in no hurry to defend Olga Buzova, who is called a prostitute. Early years, childhood and the family of Timur Batrutdinov


About Timur Batrutdinov know, probably, all romantic girls in Russia. Thanks to the famous TV show "The Bachelor" in which he appeared in the role of an enviable groom in 2015, he won more than one girl's heart. Reflections and conversations about how the life of the famous comedian and actor of the most popular ComedyClub project will develop further and whether 23-year-old Dasha Kananukha will become the wife of Timur Batrutdinov after winning the fight for his favor, was enough everywhere: at work, at home and among friends.

Dasha, a beautiful and smart girl from Tatarstan, was one of 25 contenders for Timur's heart. She made up her mind, just before the State Examinations in Kazan Federal University, rush into the unknown world of television illusions and took part in the 3rd season of the show. Having tuned in that she would not win, Dasha even took a day off from work for only 1 week. However, when she saw Timur, she fell under his charm and decided that she would fight to the end.

It is not known whether Kanauha knew that Timur had already participated in a similar project on Russian TV long before that. It was the program "Let's get married" in 2009. Then, out of three contenders: figure skaters, singers and actresses, Timur chose Sasha Savelyeva, a singer from the Factory group, however, there was no further relationship between them. If Dasha knew about this, perhaps the appearance of Batrutdinov in the status of a groom on a new show would not have seemed serious to her. Although, it could, on the contrary, add excitement. In any case, Dasha entered the battle for him decisively, but very reasonably.

Despite her youth, she showed amazing patience and the ability to get her way. Having closed herself from the rest of the contenders in herself, the girl very wisely avoided all the intrigues and tricks in this difficult women's team and made friends with ex-girlfriend Timur - Alina Chus. In the end, Dasha remained one of the two contenders, along with Galya Rzhaksenskaya, and managed to resist the temptation to confrontation: the relations of the main rivals remained "belligerently neutral."

According to the opinion, and even the desire of the majority, Galya should have become the winner in this competition. But Timur himself chose Dasha and showed towards her, as she admitted, the most best qualities of his character. However, their fabulous, in her own words, relationship did not end with a wedding: Timur could not decide on his desires. Dasha was more interested in their union than he was. Therefore, she let go of the situation and took up the arrangement of her personal affairs: exams, moving to Moscow, looking for work. She has a surprisingly strong sense of common sense.

Timur, who has long been known as a womanizer who does not want to bind himself with obligations, again meets with the girls, changing them from time to time. After the end of the show, it turns out that he met Galya Rzhaksenskaya more than once, then he was noticed along with the Playboy star Rodilina Sambrish at the presentation of the new Glucose video. But did the obvious mutual sympathy of this couple develop into more warm relations, it's hard to say: not hiding from public attention, Batrutdinov is not too frank about his intimate feelings.

Timur has repeatedly announced his serious attitude to the institution of marriage and expressed a desire to have children, but he has not yet gone beyond these assurances. Random girls in his life, as gossips say, are often, but he does not enter into a long-term relationship with them. Sometimes he jokes that he is “married to his job”, which takes too much time and effort. Combining work with marriage, according to Timur, is not only inconvenient, but also dishonest: something, from time to time, will have to be sacrificed.

However, Batrutdinov is the godfather of the children of Garik Kharlamov, his close friend and a colleague who is busy with work no less than him, and married for the second time. Maybe his example just dampens the "playboy fiance" Timur? AT recent times there were rumors that Batrutdinov had an affair with actress Natalya Rudova from ComedyClub and this could end in a legal marriage. At least he himself hinted that he was not free, appearing with her on Valentine's Day. But this is still only an assumption, as well as the fact that any of the many admirers of the famous Don Juan, having tried, has a chance to become the wife of Timur Batrutdinov.

Timur Batrutdinov is a popular and talented comedian, famous TV presenter, was born in the village of Voronovo near Moscow on February 11, 1978.


The boy was born into a military family and in early childhood moved frequently with his family. Perhaps this was partly one of the reasons why his preschool age artistic inclinations began to actively develop. Moreover, the parents also encouraged it in every possible way.

Moving from school to school, he was forced each time to re-gain authority among classmates. And the easiest way to do this was to take an active part in all kinds of school activities.

Timur in childhood

It so happened that Timur practically grew up on stage. He really enjoyed performing in front of the audience. The boy was especially good at comical skits and parodies. But he was not going to connect his life with the theater.

Matter of chance

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Timur decided to continue his studies in St. Petersburg, choosing a new for that time and very promising specialty - personnel management. Somewhere in the depths of his soul, a first-year student already saw himself as a serious boss, organizing large interesting projects. But things turned out completely differently.

It was all the fault of KVN, which in student years Batrutdinov was at the peak of popularity and in every educational institution there was always one or even several own teams, the members of which were always super popular among fellow students. With one of these teams, Timur entered the KVN stage. But the first performances did not bring him popularity.

But the guy's humorous talent was quickly noticed in the "Team of St. Petersburg" and they offered him to write texts for several scenes. Mini-productions based on Timur's scripts were received by the audience with a bang! and over time, Timur began to do this semi-professionally. At the same time, he worked part-time on organizing and conducting weddings and corporate parties.

Comedy club

Immediately after receiving his diploma, Timur was drafted into the army, where he continued to amuse his comrades, periodically organizing humorous evenings. But he did not plan to continue performing in KVN, although his love for this program remained for life.

He decided to mark the demobilization with a trip to the famous Sochi festival "Voicing KIVIN", and then planned to go to work in a large automobile company.

And again chance intervened. At the festival, he met with Dmitry Sorokin, an old acquaintance from KVN, and he invited Timur to become a member of the professional KVN team "Ungold Youth", which had long played in major league and had many fans. Considering this offer as a chance for new life, Timur agreed and soon moved to Moscow.

There he met and very quickly became friends with another talented comedian and screenwriter Garik Kharlamov. For a while, the guys worked very closely together. They wrote scripts together and went on stage together. In the same tandem, after some time, they switched to the project of a completely new format, Comedy Club, where they quickly became super popular.

Successful performances and excellent contact with the audience attracted the attention of famous television people to Timur. Soon, he began to receive offers to try himself as a host of music and other popular programs.

At the moment, being a resident of the Comedy Club, Timur manages to star in comedy series, conduct several programs and often go on tour.

Personal life

Journalists constantly gossip about Batrutdinov's personal life. Moreover, if earlier he tried not to appear with his girlfriends at social events, now he can often be found with the fair sex. But serious relationship he has not yet been linked to anyone.

For the first time Batrutdinov brought his close friend at a social event in 2013. His companion was a girl, about whom the press managed to find out only that her name was Katya, and she had nothing to do with show business. But pretty soon after that they broke up, and Batrutdinov said that his heart was broken.

He decided to cure a heart wound original way– taking part in a scandalous famous project"Bachelor". Of the 25 contenders for the hand and heart, Timur chose two, but then settled on Daria Kananukha, who conquered him with her sincerity and spontaneity.

With Daria Kananukha

But again, the artist was disappointed - the couple's relationship ended with the contract. Immediately after the show, they parted ways.

Now he devotes a lot of time to work and is not actively searching, believing that love should come by itself. Although Timur quite clearly imagines what his chosen one should be and, perhaps, that is why he is still alone. It is not easy to meet a girl who meets such serious criteria in our time.

Let's hope that in the near future the artist will be lucky. In the meantime, he regularly becomes the godfather of the children of his comrades in the Comedy Club.

As you know, last spring the show called "The Bachelor" ended. It lasted only three months. On this show, Timur Batrutdinov, the star of the Comedy Club show, was looking for his soul mate. As a result, he chose Daria Kananukha, 22 years old beautiful girl, who works as an art director of a club-type restaurant. She comes from Kazan. Many became interested in how the relationship of this couple develops after the project. And is Timur really dating Daria now, whom he chose for himself on the Bachelor project?

Daria Kananukha - Batrutdinov's girlfriend

Daria is a very beautiful brown-eyed girl who has slender forms and long brown hair. Her photos were even published in the ranking of the most beautiful people Kazan. It is known that Timur's bride is very fond of reading Masonic literature, and also loves to travel. She also plays the piano and is engaged in skiing, horseback riding. As for her education, she received the specialty "Organization Management". Earlier it was reported that the ideal man for her is Vladimir Putin.

A couple in love on the project "The Bachelor"

Of course, from the very beginning, no one could have thought that Daria and Timur would be together. Moreover, Timur tried to develop relationships with other girls. As a result, fate decreed in its own way. On the final date, Daria gave Timur a real test. She blindfolded Timur on the racing court, and she herself took on the role of navigator in the car. Later, Dasha said that such a track reminds her a lot of family life. As usual, there are many difficulties and obstacles in it. Therefore, this surprise became very symbolic. Timur himself then shared his opinion with the audience. He said that he was very nervous, because these are very strange and terrible sensations. After all, you can’t see anything, but you just turn the steering wheel. He even freaked out a couple of times, but Dasha behaved very sensibly - she kissed Timur. Now Timur and Dasha meet outside the Bachelor project, and apparently everything is fine with them.

Started on TNT channel new season comedy club. One of bright rooms was the performance of Timur Batrutdinov and Garik Kharlamov. Friends and colleagues tried to act out an incident that happened in a pharmacy, but everything did not go according to plan.

At the beginning of the dialogue, Garik explained Timur's unstable state. “He stirs up with Buzova,” said the showman. Kharlamov discussed the relationship between the comedian and the TV presenter in his usual manner. Garik said that Timur's Instagram audience grew thanks to Olga. Former member project "Bachelor" actively defended Buzova.

“What's wrong with Olya? She is a beautiful, beautiful, talented girl, a good actress, she sings cool!” Timur noted.

Garik laughed that the star of "House-2" bewitched his colleague. According to the artist, very soon Timur will shoot joint videos with Olya. Kharlamov calls the communication of colleagues with TNT the degradation of Batrutdinov.

“Well, everyone doesn't like it. I'm without a girl - I don't like it, I chose a girl on "The Bachelor" - I don't like it. With Olga now - I don’t like it, ”Timur was indignant.

According to his colleague, if a comedian marries Olga, a peculiar fate awaits him. “Are you ready for the fact that you will sit in a family with children? I would not trust Buzova to sit with the children. You yourself will give birth, and her clip will be recorded at this time, ”said Garik.

In conversation Comedy residents Club intervened Olga Buzova. The TV presenter took the stage and began to persuade Timur to leave the project.

“I came for you. They are all jealous of you. Look at yourself, how handsome you are, how sexy you are, how smart you are. Yes, you are generally the funniest of Comedy. Timur, come with me. No one is watching Comedy anymore, everyone is watching my stories, ”says Buzova.

Kharlamov recalled that Olga behaves on stage in the same way as on Lobnoye mesto project "Dom-2". The TV presenter was outraged. “Timur, he is yelling at me. My men should stand up for me, ”said Buzova.

Kharlamov invited his colleague to make a choice: either he or Olga. The TV presenter stripped down to a red swimsuit, which was in Thailand. Garik repeated her trick - he also wore a red suit with a zipper on his chest.

Timur Batrutdinov is one of the most best comedians modern Russia. It is not so easy to make the modern viewer laugh, who has become very demanding. But for this charismatic guy, nothing is impossible, because he is smart, resourceful, witty and always stays positive. Therefore, it is this good guy is one of the leading people famous program"Comedy Club", which is now very popular in Russia. But is it really possible to say that today, the guy has reached his peak of popularity and achievements? Most likely not, because he continues to strive to build a career in show business, climb new steps of success, in a word, do everything so that the audience loves him further.

Height, weight, age. How old is Timur Batrutdinov

When Timur enters the stage, you can immediately notice that he is in good shape. For a person who is in plain sight, this is simply necessary, because show business dictates its own rules. If we talk about height, weight, age. How old is Timur Batrutdinov, today he is already 39 years old, his height is 185 centimeters, and his weight is 80 kilograms. So at a glance you can see what is in front of us handsome guy. And his beauty is not that he is in good shape, or that he dresses stylishly. First of all, he is good because he constantly smiles, charges the audience with this positive, helps to cheer up others, in a word, does everything so that any viewer after a difficult labor day energy has increased so that everyone understands that life is beautiful, you just need to smile.

Biography and personal life of Timur Batrutdinov

The biography and personal life of Timur Batrutdinov is interesting and informative in its own way. In any case, those who are interested in this glorious fellow will be able to find something new in this biography, something that they did not know before. He was born in a small Russian town, but at the same time he did not stay in one place for a long time. The fact is that the boy's father was a military man, therefore, they often had to change their place of residence.

But, little Timur even liked this, because, somewhere, it allowed him to know the world. After school, he entered financial University where it all began, because it was there that he began to take part in various comedy productions, moreover, he did it with such a willingness that everyone was simply surprised. His life did not immediately lead to big stage, because when he unlearned, he went to the army. After he served, he was able to realize himself again in a comedy direction. With the help of other people who noticed potential in him, he came to the big stage, where he was able to shine like a real star in KVN and some other programs.

As for personal life, here for a long time everything was covered in darkness, because the comedian was not too fond of sharing his personal problems and everything that concerned only him personally. He very rarely goes to secular parties, but willingly tells reporters what, in his opinion, the ideal girl should be. Once he participated in the show "The Bachelor", found his soul mate there, but the relationship did not work out in the end for a number of reasons that the celebrity did not name.

So, today, the young man is still free, or, at least, the journalists have not yet managed to penetrate into his life enough to understand how Timur lives outside the stage. Although, theories repeatedly appear that he has a soul mate, for example, Timur Batrutdinov and Galina Rzhaksinskaya may be together now, but so far, it has not come to a wedding.

Family and children of Timur Batrutdinov

The family and children of Timur Batrutdinov today consist of himself, and also, perhaps, of the woman with whom he meets, but nothing is known for certain about her now. Timur himself, as mentioned above, does not like to talk about his personal life, without even giving reasons why he does this. Maybe because he does not want his personal space to be interfered with. But this does not mean that he does not want a family and children. After all, the man is still quite young, therefore, it is not surprising that he strives to arrange his personal life. For him, as for any person in this world, it is important that someone is waiting for him at home, only then it matters to build a good career.

Timur Batrutdinov's wife

Timur Batrutdinov's wife is still unknown, so fans can think for a long time that their idol is free. At one time, the guy hoped to improve his personal life and took part in the show "The Bachelor". He even managed to find his girlfriend, but in the end, anyway, the relationship between the young people did not work out, it was not possible to see Timur with his wife. So after that, the guy started looking for that one again. perfect girl which will help him go through life even more confidently. But for now, it’s hard to say, because the man has not made official statements that he is going to get married or is in a long-term relationship. It so happened that photos were found on the Web where there is Timur Batrutdinov and his wife 2017, but these photos do not have direct evidence.

Orientation Timur Batrutdinov. He is a gay?

Timur Batrutdinov orientation - such a request can often be found on the Internet, especially when the star does not have an official partner. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that any star should share her personal life, whether the actor or singer wants it, or doesn't. So, there are also rumors about Timur that he is gay or, as they say, gay. The comedian himself does not react to these rumors, he believes that everyone can say what he pleases. In the company of guys, Timur was also not met, so we can say that this “accusation” is nothing more than the speculation of journalists, and whether she should pay attention to them, let everyone decide for himself.

Instagram and Wikipedia Timur Batrutdinov

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