Facts about Keanu Reeves. 25 interesting facts about Keanu Reeves

Crime level 10.44 Very low
45.28 Moderate
21.51 Short
16.15 Very low
Worries stole a car 11.54 Very low
20.38 Short
Worries attacked 17.11 Very low
16.91 Very low
11.14 Very low
15.00 Very low
21.58 Short
12.89 Very low
19.85 Very low

Security in Singapore

Level of crime in Ukraine

Crime level 48.51 Moderate
Crime has been on the rise in the last 3 years 61.63 High
The worries of the house are broken and the things stolen 43.82 Moderate
Worries about being robbed or robbed 42.56 Moderate
Worries stole a car 50.88 Moderate
Worry stuff from car stolen 61.31 High
Worries attacked 46.55 Moderate
Worried about being insulted 44.54 Moderate
Fear of being physically attacked because of your skin color, ethnic background or religion 23.85 Short
The problem of people using or developing drugs 44.77 Moderate
Problems of property crimes such as disorderly conduct and theft 51.47 Moderate
The problem of violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery 36.63 Short
The problem of corruption and bribery 87.50 Very high

Last update: September, 2014

This data is based on the perception of visitors to this site over a period of 3 years.

If the value is 0, it means that it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, then it means it is perceived as very high.

Our data for each country is based on all records from all cities in that country.

City Crime Index Security Index
Lviv 38.39 61.61
Dnepropetrovsk 44.49 55.51
Kyiv 46.30 53.70
Kharkiv 50.66 49.34
Odessa 52.34 47.66
Crime Index: 17.19
Safety Index: 82.81
Crime Index: 48.22
Safety Index: 51.78

Undoubtedly, Singapore is one of the safest (2nd place in the world after Luxembourg) both for its citizens and for foreign tourists, states. According to international ratings, Singapore is one of the least corrupt countries in the world, which is the merit of the first Prime Minister independent state Republic of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew.

Despite the fact that the overall crime rate is very low even in the most remote corners of the country (cities), and the Singapore police work for the highest level, vigilance should not be lost. Sometimes there are petty thefts (mostly pocket), cases of fraud, and very rarely, but there are robberies. Moreover, these crimes occur most often in crowded places and especially tourists, and not in Singapore's "gateways". You can safely walk anywhere and at any time of the day without fear of anything.

You can safely leave money and documents in the hotel safe. You do not need a passport to walk around the city, unless it would be useful to have a photocopy of your passport with you.

But do not relax, especially Russian tourists spoiled by national permissiveness. The highest security in Singapore has another side that may seem negative to some - extremely tough laws, including the death penalty. And with all that, the law in Singapore is really inevitable, and it’s impossible to avoid punishment by “agreeing”. This is the first rule of safety.

locals they joke that Singapore is a city (state) of fines and prohibitions. Only in 2007, anal and oral sex were recognized as legal (before that they were outlawed), and homosexual intercourse is still banned. And of the punishments, in addition to fines and imprisonment, flogging is successfully used.

Security and fines


The crime rate in Singapore is so low that the government is forced to carry out advertising campaigns reminding citizens and tourists of the need for their own safety. "Low crime doesn't mean no crime" posters (" Low level crime does not mean its absence") can be seen in Singapore quite often.

Serious crimes in Singapore are rare, dominated by petty crimes such as theft and forgery of credit cards. The Singapore authorities recommend caution, but we must admit: Singapore is a country where you can leave a wallet with money and an expensive camera in a conspicuous place, and, returning an hour later, find them in the same place.

Violations and fines

Singaporeans often say: “Singapore is a ”fine” city”. This is a half-joking statement based on double meaning words fine ("good" and "fine") reminds: yes, Singapore - a good city but it's a city of fines. High indicators of safety, culture and cleanliness are provided not only by the forces of persuasion and propaganda - you have to pay for every violation, and pay quite dearly.

Singapore fines should not be taken lightly - unlike in Russia, the severity of the laws is not compensated by the optionality of execution. There are many police officers in the city, both in uniform and in civilian clothes, who will fine you at the slightest violation of the law. Do not even try to hint at a bribe - this will lead to imprisonment and a fine of up to one hundred thousand dollars.
Here is a list of violations that are best avoided in Singapore:

1. Littering on the streets in Singapore is expensive. If a police officer catches you throwing a piece of paper or a cigarette butt on the ground, the fine will be between $300 and $1,000. In case of repeated violation, the amount of the fine can increase up to $2,000.

2. Penalty for crossing the street in the wrong place - $ 500.

3. Since 1992, the import and consumption of chewing gum has been banned in Singapore. Of course, no one searches every visitor and catches chewing people on the streets - it is more likely to get caught on a "garbage" fine, spitting out chewing gum. However, remember that it is illegal to import and chew gum. The fine for violation is SGD 500.

4. Smoking in prohibited areas such as subways, elevators, public places(for example, transport stops) - from 500 to 1000 dollars. Smoking is allowed in outdoor areas and in designated areas in restaurants and indoor areas.

The death penalty

Singapore allows and enforces the death penalty for drug offenses. Possession, use and carrying of drugs in any quantity is prohibited in Singapore - penalties may include compulsory treatment, imprisonment and the death penalty.

Singaporean law is structured in such a way that drugs are subject to a presumption of guilt; That's why best advice when visiting Singapore, don't even mess with drugs.

In contact with


Few of us do not know the wonderful actor Keanu Reeves. This is one of the best who managed to capture our hearts with his wonderful movie performance. But many of us do not know how difficult and dramatic his life was.

We offer you some facts from his biography, after which you will fall in love with this actor even more.

He was born into a troubled family: his father was arrested for selling drugs when Keanu was 12 and his mother was a stripper. His family moved to Canada, where he had several adoptive fathers. He saw his girlfriend die.

They planned to get married, but the girl crashed in a car accident. Some time before her death, the girl Keanu had a miscarriage and they lost the child. Now Keanu is afraid Serious relationships and does not care about children.

Ohn is the only Hollywood star who does not have a mansion. He says: “I live in an ordinary apartment and everything is at my fingertips, I don’t see the point in buying a house that will be half empty.”

His best friend River Phoenix died of a drug overdose. He has younger sister had leukemia, and he donated 70% of his royalties from The Matrix to his sister's treatment and to the leukemia fund at the hospital where she was treated. Now she has recovered.

For one of his birthdays, he bought himself just a cupcake, sat in the park and ate it. To all the fans who passed by and greeted him, he offered to take a bite of his cupcake. He has no fancy clothes, he has no guards. When asked: "Why is he sad", he replied: "You need to be happy in order to live, but I don't need to ...".

With the name of Keanu Reeves, one of his "main" roles is most often associated - Neo from the legendary trilogy "The Matrix". However, the trilogy, which at one time became a new breakthrough in cinema and once and for all became a classic of sci-fi action films - is actually just one episode in Reeves' long and eventful career, and it is not limited to cinema at all. This compilation contains facts that reveal new aspects of the life of an actor who became known not only as a Hollywood movie star, but also as a musician, poet, philanthropist and just a person to whom it is impossible not to feel sympathy.

Keanu Reeves (who turns 53 this year) has appeared in more than 70 films in a wide variety of roles throughout his career. The audience is so accustomed to seeing him on the screen that they rarely think about how long the career of an actor who is already half a century old is. Moreover, Reeves is “preserved” very well - what is no reason to suspect him of collusion with the Matrix. There is a joke about Reeves that he is actually immortal. It's worth remembering here that he gave up $80 million of his $114 million honorarium for three parts of The Matrix to special effects and make-up artists. At the same time, he said:

“Money is the least of my worries. What I have already earned will be enough for me for several centuries of a comfortable life.

Reeves' fee for filming The Devil's Advocate was cut to his own initiative for $2 million so that Al Pacino could be invited to play John Milton.

Being a man with humble (especially for Hollywood star) requests, Reeves did without solid cash savings for a long time, and finally bought himself a house in Hollywood only at the age of 39.

The name "Keanu" means "cool breeze over the mountains" in Hawaiian. When Reeves was still an obscure actor, his agent thought his name was too exotic. In some early films, Reeves is credited as K.C. Reeves, Norman Kreeves or Chuck Spadina.

Reeves' mother is English and his father is Hawaiian American with English, Irish, Portuguese, Hawaiian and Chinese ancestry. Reeves' childhood was difficult. He was born on September 2, 1964 in the capital of Lebanon, Beirut, then moved with his mother and father to Australia, where his sister was born. There, his parents divorced (Keanu was three years old at that time), after which the mother with two children moved to America, to New York, where she remarried. Then the whole family moved to Canada and received Canadian citizenship. This was followed by Reeves' mother new divorce And new marriage, in which his second sister was born - a half-sister.

The difficult circumstances family life Keanu Reeves summed it up like this:

“I am a middle-class white guy from a wealthy family. With an absent father, a strong mother and two beautiful little sisters."

Living in Toronto as a child and youth, Reeves went through four schools. Playing sports (hockey) was better for him than studying. As a result, he left school without receiving a certificate of secondary education.

Reeves played bass in two musical groups. Reeves is left-handed but plays bass right hand. His band Dogstar was formed in 1991. In total, the group released only two albums, although in 1995 she played as the opening act for Bon Jovi on the Australian and New Zealand tours, and also performed on the same stage with David Bowie himself.

Reeves spoke with humor about the notorious “Sad Keanu” meme:

“I saw Sad Keanu one day and that was my first exposure to memes. It was very funny."

According to Reeves, he once saw a ghost as a child. The apparition looked like “an empty white double-breasted suit that went about on its own. He showed up in the room and scared the hell out of me and my nanny.”

Reeves is a follower of Buddhism and a principled supporter of peace. Despite his role as an action star, he repeatedly turned down roles in films where there was too much violence.

Since early childhood Reeves aspired to be an actor. He got his first role at the age of 9 in the play "Damn Yankees". His acting debut took place in 1984 in the television series Perseverance. From this began his career, which led him to Hollywood.

The breakthrough film in Reeves' acting career, which attracted positive attention from critics, was the crime drama Riverside (dir. Tim Hunter, 1987).

Before reaching fame, Reeves faced criticism for his "flat acting"and" the lack of versatility in the roles. However, he starred in films of a wide variety of genres, ranging from arthouse to action thrillers. In 1991, renowned film critic Janet Maslin commented on Reeves' acting versatility when commenting on his performance in Point Break. Maslin wrote that Reeves "plays clearly and with a wide variety of moves. He easily transitions from restraint and formality befitting a police crime drama, to the free manner inherent in his comedic roles.

Reeves loves to read despite the fact that he has suffered from dyslexia all his life (dyslexia is a violation of the ability to master the skill of reading and writing). Among his favorite books are The Lord of the Rings, The Count of Monte Cristo and In Search of Lost Time.

In 2011, Reeves released his own book of poems, Ode to Happiness.

In the fall of 2014, a woman secretly entered Reeves' house, dreaming of meeting her idol. Upon discovering her in his library, Reeves spoke to her in a calm and friendly manner - but still called 911.

Just three days after that, the incident repeated itself - but with another fan of the actor, who also illegally entered his home and managed to swim in his pool before being discovered.

In 2008, a certain Alison Silva, a paparazzo, sued Reeves, claiming that he allegedly intentionally hit him with a car. Silva estimated his moral damage at $711,974. For two years, until the trial took place in this case, Silva did not stop pursuing the actor and demanding money from him. Reeves was eventually acquitted by a jury, and Silva's claim was dismissed.

In 1998, Reeves began dating actress Jennifer Syme. The following year, Jennifer was already expecting a baby - a girl they wanted to call Ava, but she died in the womb a week before giving birth. A year and a half later, Jennifer Syme herself died in car accident. Just at this time, Reeves was supposed to begin filming the first film of the Matrix trilogy.

Reeves turned down a role in the action movie Speed ​​2 (dir. Jan de Bont, 1997) in order to play Hamlet in a small Canadian theater.

Reeves had this to say about acting:

“People keep saying: “Here again, some kind of vague, uninteresting role.” I find it funny for the most part. Ultimately, you always hope that people like your work. If not, then it can be depressing. But what's weirdest to me is when people confuse me with the character I'm playing."

Reeves loves motorcycles and has been riding them for many years. The stuntmen who took part in the filming of The Matrix received Harley-Davidson motorcycles as a gift from him.

For the filming of The Matrix Reloaded, Reeves learned over 200 fighting techniques.

Reeves rides the subway. There is even a video of an eyewitness who filmed in the subway car how the actor gives way to a woman.

Reeves not only took custody of his sister when she became ill with leukemia, but also donated millions of dollars to hospitals and cancer research. He also created his own oncology charitable foundation, and initially chose not to publicize his role in organizing the foundation. He also supports and funds animal rights organization PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), childhood illnesses (Sick Children Foundation) and cancer patients (Say No to Cancer). ").

As a child, Reeves was an excellent hockey player and even earned the nickname "The Wall" for being an excellent goaltender. His dream was to be on the Canadian Olympic ice hockey team, but sports career injury prevented. But later, in 1986, Reeves took to the ice again when he starred in the sports drama Youngblood, in which he played the goaltender of the Quebec hockey team.

Despite his status as a movie star, Reeves is modest, and once even stated about his appearance:

"I don't see myself as particularly handsome or sexy."

In 2005, Reeves was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

  • In Hawaiian, the name Keanu means "cool breeze over the mountains."
  • Keanu's father, Samuel Knowlin Reeves, is half Hawaiian and half Chinese, and his mother, Patrick, is English.
  • Keanu never reads his fan mail because he doesn't want to be held responsible for what might be written there. In addition, he prefers to spend the time it would take him to read such letters with his loved ones. He said this more than once in his interviews.
  • As children, Keanu and his sister Kim had dyslexia (speech disorder, inability to read), which many consider the reason for his withdrawal.
  • Keanu never had his own computer. If he still has to communicate with a computer, he plays chess. Keanu has repeatedly stated that he is more interested in the relationship between a person and a computer than the computer itself as such.
  • Keanu is afraid of having children because this world often scares him. However, he believes that he is able to fall in love to such an extent that it will no longer matter what awaits you ahead.
  • The actor played bass in the Dogstar band. In 2002, Keanu joined fellow Dogstar member Rob Mailhouse in new group Becky.
  • Since childhood, he has been fond of hockey, and also cannot imagine his life without a motorcycle, Keanu has three of them.
  • After filming Point Break, the actor became interested in surfing, and after participating in the film Much Ado About Nothing, Keanu fell in love with equestrian sports.
  • Keanu is left handed.
  • Reeves has three sisters: Kim Reeves (b. 1966, Beirut, Lebanon), Karina Miller (b. 1976, Toronto, Canada) and Emma Rose Reeves (b. 1980, Hawaii). Kim Reeves - actress, also bred horses.
  • January 31, 2005 Keanu Reeves received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
  • Turning down a lucrative offer to star in a sequel to Speed ​​(he was rumored to be offered $11 million), Reeves opted to star in The Devil's Advocate alongside Al Pacino and Charlize Theron; Reeves agreed to lower his own salary in order to attract Al Pacino to the film, he did the same in The Understudies for the participation of Gene Hackman.
  • In 1994, Keanu turned down an offer to star in the film "Fight" with Robert De Niro and Al Pacino, as a result, the role went to Val Kilmer.
  • Reeves made his screen debut in 1979 on Canadian television. In the early 1980s, he appeared in commercials (including commercials for Coca-Cola) and short films in Toronto. His first studio film role was as a hockey goaltender in Rob Lowy's Youngblood (1985).
  • Keanu made a PSA video about the benefits of a seat belt, so Keanu tried to save at least someone, if he could not save his girlfriend Jennifer Syme.
  • In 2001, Reeves' girlfriend, 29-year-old Jennifer Syme, died in a car accident; her Jeep crashed into three parked cars on a Los Angeles street. Keanu buried his girlfriend at Westwood Cemetery in Los Angeles next to the grave of their stillborn daughter.
  • Reeves had an affair with Jennifer Syme, an assistant director to David Lynch and a friend of Keanu's sister Karina. On January 8, 2000, they were due to have a daughter, whom he was going to name Ava Archer Syme-Reeves. But a week before the birth, the doctor stopped hearing the baby's heartbeat; Ultrasound showed that the girl died in the womb, the cause of death was a blood clot in the umbilical cord.

  • Keanu has Canadian and British citizenship.
  • For five years, Reeves attended four high schools, including acting school, from which he was expelled; my acting career he started at 15, participating in stage productions at a local club.
  • After leaving the Catholic high school for boys, where he played hockey, he entered the free public school, combining study and work as an actor. He later dropped out of high school without completing his high school diploma.
  • In the school hockey team, friends awarded Keanu the nickname "The Wall" (The Wall) because he was a first-class goalkeeper; the future actor worked in a bakery shop, sharpened skates and was recognized as the MVP (Most Valued Player - the most valuable player) in the hockey team of his school.
  • When Reeves first appeared in Hollywood, his agent thought that the actor's name was too exotic, so in early films he sometimes appeared in the credits under the names of C. S. Reeves, Norman Reeves or Chuck Speedena.
  • Replaced Val Kilmer as "Johnny Mnemonic" as he preferred the role of Batman in Batman Forever.

Now you know more :)

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