Group of Ksyusha Ksenia Novikov. Ksenia Novikova: biography and personal life


| Foreign groups
| Russian groups

20.06.2013 16:31

Ksyusha Novikova Biography (Ksusha Novikova Biography) Russian singer, ex-soloist of the group Brilliant

Novikova Ksenia Andreevna, better known as the singer and actress Ksyusha Novikova, was born in Moscow on May 17, 1980. Mom - Marina Nikolaevna, dad - Andrey Nikolaevich, brother - Maxim, husband - Andrey, eldest son - Miron, youngest son - Bogdan.

Since childhood, Ksenia has been professionally engaged in vocals. Already at the age of ten she was enrolled in the youth group "Class", as part of which she successfully toured the country and took part in the filming of youth programs. At school, Ksyusha studied well, otherwise it could not be, since then her parents would have taken her from the "Class". Ksenia graduated from a music school, then from a pop-jazz college, then from the directing department at the Moscow University of Culture and Art.

In her spare time from the Klass group, Ksenia Novikova visits the recording studio of the Brilliant Production company, where backing vocals were recorded for the songs of the most popular Brilliant group. After leaving the group Polina Yodis, in August 1999. producers Andrey Grozny and Andrey Shlykov decide to take Ksenia Novikova as a new soloist, who became one without participating in the announced casting. So the career of the soloist of the "Brilliant" group continued.

By 2000 the group "Brilliant" releases two albums - "White Snow" and "About Love". Clips were shot for many songs from these albums, which for a long time occupied the first lines of music charts, and songs - on radio stations. In 2002 the group releases another album with the hot name "Over the Four Seas", in which the voice of Ksenia Novikova mainly sounds. This album included the hit “And I kept flying”, which is popular today, for which Ksyusha herself wrote the verses. The song was awarded music awards: "Golden Gramophone", "Song of the Year", "Muz-TV Award", "Bomb of the Year", "Hit-FM", etc.

In 2003 a brilliant group of the country goes to Cyprus to start filming a new video for the song "Orange Song", a little later the album "Orange Paradise" is released.
For the period 2003-2004. not a single event, not a single shooting could do without the "Brilliant" - the group's popularity grew.

In December, just before the New Year 2006, the Kristall club hosted a presentation of the Oriental Tales disc, the title song of which was recorded as a duet with the Iranian singer Arash. The video filmed for this song was at the top of the music hit parade of the Music Box RU channel for a long time, and the song was awarded the Golden Gramophone and New Songs about the Main.

November 2006 a new video of the group "Brilliant" for the song "Agent 007" is released. This is the last clip of Ksenia Novikova as a member of the Brilliant group, before a four-year break in the Brilliant's career.

April 2007 Ksenia leaves with her beloved man Andrei on vacation in Europe, and the group "Brilliant" performs in a "truncated" line-up. October 4, 2007 the Russian Music Awards ceremony was held, where the Brilliant group appeared in its fullest line-up: current and former soloists took the stage and performed a potpourri of the five best songs of the 12-year history of the group. Zhanna Friske took the already former soloist of the group "Brilliant" Ksenia Novikova by the hand, Natalya Friske was enrolled in her place (then Yuliana Lukasheva came to her place, and Marina Berezhnaya took her place).

August 5, 2008 Ksenia gave her husband Andrei the son of Miron, and on March 17, 2010. son of Bogdan.

In 2009 Ksenia Novikova gets the lead role in the Hollywood series 7 Stars.

The singer is an excellent cook and would like to open her own Italian restaurant in the future.

June 2011 to the delight of all fans, Ksenia Novikova decides to return to the group "Brilliant".

Achievements of Ksenia Novikova.
Bright member of the group "Brilliant" (1999-2007, 2011-...)
Member of the group "Class" (1990-1998)
2012 (January). Ksenia Novikova is recognized as the winner in the poetry contest "Stars reach for the pen" from the publication "Moskovsky Komsomolets"
2011 (June). Return to the group "Brilliant"

2000. Ksenia Novikova writes a column for the Probka newspaper

1985. Soloist of the children's choir named after V. S. Loktev

2011. Comedy "New Year's SMSka"

2009. The series "7 stars"
2007. Film "Love-Carrot"
2005. Musical "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"
2004. The series "Parallel to love"
2004. The series "Silver Lily of the Valley-2"

2004. Comedy "Caution, Modern! New Year epic»
2004. Comedy "Night Bazaar"
2004. Film "Night Watch"

2008. Group "Brilliant". "Classmates"
2005. Group "Brilliant". "Oriental Tales"
2003. Group "Brilliant". "Orange Paradise"
2002. Group "Brilliant". "Over the Four Seas"
2000. Group "Brilliant". "About love"
2000. Group "Brilliant". "White snow (Best songs for the New Year)
1998. Group "Class". "Soul and Body"
1995. Group "Class". "Class"


As part of the "Brilliant" group (1999-2007)

2006. "Agent 007"
2005. "Oriental Tale"
2005. "Palm trees in pairs"
2005. "My brother is a paratrooper"
2004. "New Year's Song" (Remix)
2004. "New Year's song"
2003. "Orange Song" (Remix)
2003. "Orange Song"
2002. "And I kept flying"
2002. "Over the Four Seas" (Remix)
2002. "Over the four seas"
2001. "Au-au"
2000. "Waiting for you for a long time"
2000. "White Snow"
2000. "White Snow" (Remix)

2000. "Winter will come after autumn"
1999. "Chao Bambina!" (Remix)
1999. "Chao Bambina!"

As part of the "Class" group (1990-1998)

1998. "It's raining in Paris"
1998. "Stop"

Model, participant of fashion shows.
2011. Fashion Week in Moscow. Show of designers "YanaStasia"
2011. Fashion Week in Moscow. Show by designer Maria Rybalchenko

Projects with the participation of Ksenia Novikova.
2010 (November) - September 2011. Project "Trandy-mother"

2007. "Prisoners of the Caucasus" (Muz-TV)
2006. "Big Races" (Channel One)
2005. "Heart of Africa" ​​(Channel One)

2010. 63rd place - "TOP-100 Sexy Maxim"

2009. 86th place - "TOP-100 Sexy Maxim"

2008. 23rd place - "TOP-100 Sexy Maxim"

2007. Best of the Best Award

2003. 31st place - "TOP-100 Sexy FHM"

Shaun the Cat
Doggy Mila

The soloist of the group became famous after she began touring with it. At one time, "Brilliant" enjoyed wild popularity. Each song of this group became a hit.

The girl is a native Muscovite. In her youth, she managed to graduate from the college of pop-jazz art. As part of the "Brilliant" group, she was longer than all the other participants, more than 8 years. Today on Instagram, Ksenia Novikova mainly posts selfies.

What interesting things can be seen on Ksyusha's Instagram?

Ksyusha fills Novikov's Instagram with photos, where she appears in the form of a real lady. In the new photos, you can see the performer in a fatal red dress and lips painted in the same rich red color. Periodically, pictures appear where the singer appears during performances on stage, as well as surrounded by fans.

On Instagram Novikova Ksenia, even today you can see photos of former colleagues in the "Brilliant" group. Many members of the girl group managed to maintain good relations with each other. They continue to communicate, despite the fact that each performer has solo projects.

For several years, Ksenia existed independently. However, in 2011 she returned, and again began to perform as part of the group. In 2012, the girl decided to concentrate on solo work. And later she even managed to assemble her own group. On the official Instagram page of Novikova Ksyusha, excerpts from the performances of the new women's team appear.

For her new group, she started a separate Instagram, where you can get acquainted with her work. For each Instagram account, Ksenia Novikova selects only the most spectacular photos that were taken together with the girls from the group. She called her team simply - "Ksyusha". He already has fans. And thanks to the recognizable personality of the ex-soloist of the "Brilliant", their number is systematically increasing.

The personal blog, which already has 148 thousand subscribers, has now become more like a cozy warm family place. Beautiful pictures of Xenia's family often appear on the page, they seem to breathe warmth and love. The singer has an excellent appearance and excellent taste. It is a joy to see that her life is full of various interesting events, photos from which the artist is happy to share on her Instagram.

Ksenia Novikova

"Dear friends!!! The New Year holidays are over. And with them my last performances as a member of the group BRILLIANT!!! My favorite girls and boys (who are behind the scenes)!!! Our paths diverged on stage, but not in life!!! Love you! Thank you for everything!!!" (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - site note), - with these words, singer Ksenia Novikova began her first working week in the new year.


Most likely, this decision was not easy for Ksenia, after all, she has a huge period of life associated with the "Brilliant" - 12 years. Novikova joined the group in 1999 when she was 19 years old. Over the next eight years that she sang in the group, the girl became a real star. But in 2007, Ksenia thought about personal happiness and family, so she left the group. A year later, she became a mother for the first time. She had a son Miron, and in 2010 - Bogdan. In total, her maternity leave lasted 4 years. Novikova returned to "Brilliant" in 2011 and until the fall of 2015 was considered the most popular soloist of the group. Just three months ago, the singer found the long-awaited female happiness and for the first time for a businessman named Alexei.


Feeling the support of her husband, the artist finally decided on a solo career. Ksenia even assembled a group, the producer of which was her husband, and named it after herself - “Ksyusha”. In addition to Novikova herself, 3 more girls sing in the new team. And although since October 2015 the singer is no longer a soloist of the "Brilliant", she worked with the group all autumn and New Year's holidays. And only after the holidays did she write the official words of farewell.


It is worth adding that many fans of the artist were upset, because they loved the "Brilliant" precisely because of Xenia. “It’s a pity! (We all love you,” the fans wrote, “What a pity, without you, the shiny ones are not the same, I always listened and watched because of you and Zhannochka. My favorite song still flew to this day, what a cool one she is Good luck to you, Ksyusha, and may all your plans work out! It's sad, of course, because you Ksenia were the only one who was really an "old man" in the group. Looking at your performances, you felt the spirit of those legendary Brilliant ones, whom we love madly! But in any case, moving forward this is cool!” And, of course, everyone wished the singer success and good luck.

Singer Date of birth May 17 (Taurus) 1980 (39) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @novikovaofficial

Ksenia Novikova is a Russian performer who has gained great popularity as part of the Brilliant group. The star began to sing from early childhood, combining tours with the Class group and studying at school. In addition to singing songs, she also writes them. The compositions she wrote for the "Brilliant" were on the top lines of the charts for a long time.

Biography of Ksenia Novikova

The future "Brilliant" was born in the Russian capital on May 17, 1980. Noting her daughter's inclinations for music, her parents sent her to the Loktev Choir, where she began to solo. Since 1990, Ksenia began to sing in the youth musical group "Class". In this group, she was a soloist until 1998. The girl combined participation in the team with a visit to a music school.

After studying at school, Ksenia became a student at a pop-jazz college. In 1999 she entered the University of Culture as a director and graduated from this university in 2004. Also in 1999, she joined the main line-up of the Brilliant group, where she had previously been on backing vocals. For the first time as part of a team, she starred in the video "Chao, bambina!".

In 2002, "Brilliant" with Ksenia released 2 albums and shot video clips for some compositions. In 2002, a new album of the group "Over the Four Seas" was released. Fans of the team noted that Xenia's voice in the songs was predominant. The singer performed the main hits, and also authored the song "And I kept flying." The composition received the Muz-TV and Golden Gramophone awards, and also won the Song of the Year.

Novikova participated in the group until 2007, and then left the team. Compared to other participants, Novikova stayed in the "Brilliant" longer than the rest - eight years. Both fans and critics noted that the girl became the most popular soloist in the history of the band. In 2011, Ksenia again joined the group, delighting the fans, but she sang in it for only 6 months.

In 2012, she began to pursue a solo career and presented a song called “I Want to Forget” to the court of fans. She presented her second solo song "Tango" 2 years later. In 2015, the singer announced the recruitment of female performers in the Ksyusha group. The band debuted at the end of 2015 at the Russian Music Box. In the same year, Novikova, together with Maria Timofeevskaya, created a charitable foundation specializing in protecting families.

Scandals of 2012: provocative photos, kidnappings and high-profile divorces

The most expensive, depressive, long-term and other divorces-2018

“He is behaving disgustingly. He recently quarreled with Ksyusha and returned to live with his ex-wife Tatyana - he has nowhere else to go. But that's not all: the other day I went to rest with another passion and her son. And he hides behind his friends, as if he was with a company, ”…



TO 2000 2002

IN 2003

During the period 2003 -2004

In December, before the New 2006

Novikova Ksenia Andreevna was born in Moscow on May 17 1980 of the year. Mom - Marina Nikolaevna, dad - Andrey Nikolaevich, brother - Maxim.

Since childhood, Ksenia has been professionally engaged in vocals. Already at the age of five she was enrolled in the youth group "Class", as part of which she successfully toured the country and took part in the filming of youth programs. At school, Ksyusha studied well, otherwise it could not be, since then her parents would have taken her from the "Class". Ksenia graduated from a music school, then from a pop-jazz college, then from the directing department at the Moscow University of Culture and Art.

In her spare time from the Klass group, Ksenia Novikova visits the recording studio of the Brilliant Production company, where backing vocals were recorded for the songs of the most popular Brilliant group. After leaving the group Polina Yodis, in August 1998 Producers Andrei Grozny and Andrei Shlykov decide to take Ksenia Novikova as a new soloist, who became one without participating in the announced casting. So the career of the soloist of the "Brilliant" group continued.

TO 2000 The group "Brilliant" releases two albums - "White Snow" and "About Love". Clips were shot for many songs from these albums, which for a long time occupied the first lines of music charts, and songs - on radio stations. IN 2002 The group releases another album with the hot title "Over the Four Seas", in which the voice of Ksenia Novikova mainly sounds. This album included the hit “And I kept flying”, which is popular today, for which Ksyusha herself wrote the verses. The song was awarded music awards: "Golden Gramophone", "Song of the Year", "Muz-TV Award", "Bomb of the Year", "Hit-FM", etc.

IN 2003 d. a brilliant group of the country goes to Cyprus to start filming a new video for the song "Orange Song", a little later the album "Orange Paradise" is released.

During the period 2003 -2004 gg. not a single event, not a single shooting could do without the "Brilliant" - the group's popularity grew.

In December, before the New 2006 2009, the Metelitsa club hosted a presentation of the Oriental Tales disc, the title song of which was recorded as a duet with the Iranian singer Arash. The video filmed for this song was at the top of the music hit parade of the Music Box RU channel for a long time, and the song was awarded the Golden Gramophone and New Songs about the Main.

In November 2006 A new video of the "Brilliant" group for the song "Agent 007" is released. This is the last clip of Ksenia Novikova as part of the Brilliant group.

In April 2007 Ksenia leaves with her beloved man Andrey on vacation in Europe, and the group "Brilliant" performs in a "truncated" line-up. The 4th of October 2007 The Russian Music Awards ceremony was held in 2018, where the Brilliant group appeared in its fullest composition: current and former soloists took the stage and performed a potpourri of the five best songs of the 12-year history of the group. Zhanna Friske led the already former soloist of the group "Brilliant" Ksenia Novikova by the hand, Natalya Friske was enrolled in her place (then Yuliana Lukasheva came to her place, and Marina Berezhnaya took her place).

In the Cosmopolitan Video Version program, Ksenia, to the delight of all fans, tells that her solo project is already being prepared, planning to record duets with the Kvartal and Nogu Svelo groups. The style of the repertoire was announced as pop, but more serious than that of the sparkling group.

IN 2009 Ksenia Novikova gets the lead role in the Hollywood TV series 7 Stars.

The singer is an excellent cook and would like to open her own Italian restaurant in the future.

In June 2011 years, four years after leaving, Ksenia returned to the group.

WITH 2012 Ksenia began to engage in solo work. In the spring she recorded a solo song "I so want to forget you."

IN 2007 Ksenia Novikova married businessman Andrey Sereda and is leaving with her beloved on vacation in Europe.

August 1 2008 Ksenia gives her husband Andrei the son of Miron, and on March 17 2010 g. - the son of Bogdan.

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