The Friday group is preparing a second reunion and a new album. Group "Friday" is preparing a second reunion and a new album Group 5 nice


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Sergei Babkin, a member of the Friday duet, told how he performed at New Year's Lights with Menshikov, how Mironov played the saxophone with him, how his wife influenced him and what the new album will be like.

- Sergey, very soon "Friday" will give two big concerts - in Kyiv and Lvov: large concert venues, each can accommodate about 10 thousand people. Are you worried?

For large groups, performing at large venues is a very big step, and even more so for us. We prepare as usual: about five days before the concert, Andrey and I get together, two days we completely run the program in the hall, then two more days in the studio. Everyone remembered - you can perform. As for whether we can gather a crowd, of course, there are reflections. But, on the other hand, in May we performed in Kyiv in a large club and gathered seven thousand people. There is no jitters - as for me, these are all far-fetched feelings. After all, if you do what you enjoy, you yourself get tired of it, by and large, you don’t care how many people hear you - at least five thousand, at least five people.

- You said that the new "Friday" is a completely different group than it was before the breakup. What exactly is this difference?

In everything, after all, both me and Andrey have lived 10 years. They were different - fun, experimental, weird. They passed not just like that, but changed us, our view of the world around us, of what you value. And I am sure that we have changed for the better. At least they have become wiser and look deeper at things. I don't think we'd write a song like "Put that shit on your head" or "You threw it" right now. No - of course we can, but it will be unnatural, ostentatious garbage. But at the same time, the drive is not lost, the guitar riffs are with us, there is enough funk, hip-hop, just a little bit of reggae in the program. And the lyrics, of course! About the new one: we already have sketches for eight songs, one was recorded in the States when we performed live. And there will be a video for it soon.

- Your new album is coming up, and I would like to ask: have you thought about the problem of piracy in Ukraine? How will you sell your collection?

First of all, this is a problem of our society, which takes its roots in early childhood - all these "freebies" that the "scoop" instilled in us. But we are gradually, fortunately, getting rid of it and coming to some kind of normal European society, in which each person respects the work of another. If you want a song, then you buy it. I really hope that the saying "For free and sweet vinegar" will cease to be relevant very soon. We will present our album on iTunes and maybe in limited quantities on vinyl for collectors. We are also thinking about what medium it is best to sell it on, so that it is small, it is easy to connect it to something and listen to it right there. Maybe it will be a flash drive, but it is unlikely to be a disk.

- Let's go back to the origins of "Friday": do you remember what goals you set for yourself with Andrey when you just started your first rehearsals - dreamed of fame, awards?

We did not even think about all this, seriously. Not about a lot of money, not about our own studios, there are all sorts of Grammys ... Initially, we just liked what we were doing. We indulged, we bathed in it, we joked and rejoiced at what we were getting. We saw the reaction of friends, and then complete strangers, and understood that, it turns out, not only we can like it. After all, it was our little world in which we boiled and spun. It somehow happened that every evening, when we went out to the city for a walk in the evening, I always took a guitar with me so that I could sit down somewhere, play, and raise the mood for myself and people. Young people gathered around us, everyone stopped, listened ... If you believe in fate, then it seems to me that we are doing the right thing. You know, they often say the phrase: "I hit the right time in the right place." It sounds somehow envious, sometimes even like some kind of excuse for the lack of own results. In fact, we all find ourselves at the right time, where we need to, it's just that many people don't notice it.

- Now you are guided by the public? What is the potential listener of "Friday" - teenagers, youth, adults?

To be honest, we didn't really analyze it. At our concerts, we saw both schoolchildren and ladies 50+, who caught the buzz no less than the youth. Recently, a 17-year-old guy came up to me and said that he has been listening to us since our first albums. And I think: how old was he, if only 10 years have passed since we broke up? Probably, the whole point is in our texts - there is no "16+" restriction.

- Recently, you and your wife Snezhana played in the film "Dovzhenko. Odessa Dawn". What was it like to try on the image of Alexander Petrovich?

It sounds loud - "played", because the film, unfortunately, is short, so this cannot be called some kind of great acting work. I generally call it a popular science film. This can be shown in schools so that students know who Alexander Petrovich Dovzhenko is. I would really like to play him, show him first of all as a person, not a director. After all, it is always interesting what is hidden behind such monumental personalities - how they have breakfast, take out the trash, go for a run, rejoice, feel sad, worry about people close to them. So far, I've only touched Dovzhenko's suit, but haven't become it to the extent that I would like (laughs). In general, I love biopics, for example, about Sergei Yesenin - I watched the 14-episode film twice. It is difficult for me to evaluate the film by the quality of its composition, but I was interested in the person himself, how he lived, whom he fell in love with, whom he lost. I also liked The Imitation Game with Cumberbatch.

- You also starred in "Radio Day" - as yourself, performed a song in a radio format. What do you remember about these shoots?

Unfortunately, due to the fact that seven years have passed, I have forgotten many details. But I clearly remember what delight I had - this is Moscow, they are making a big movie! Misha Kozyrev invited me, said what other performers would be there - and I began to draw such a picture for myself: closed space, actors, "Chayf", "" - and we are there with my partner Serezha Savenko. Super easy! But in reality, everything turned out to be simpler: we arrived, recorded everything to the soundtrack and left. Then they all somehow beautifully done. The final result, the edited film, I did not see in full. I will say from my own experience, and from the experience of many actors - it rarely happens that you watch your films. I'm here "Rejection", where I had the main role, so I never looked from beginning to end. And I don’t listen to my own albums and I think that this is quite normal.

- Few people know about this, but "Friday" could have a duet with the singer. This is true?

Yes, there was such a story - about 10 years ago. Angelica really liked the song "Spring", and she said she wanted to perform it. Recorded, sent, we listened - we really liked it. And then someone had the idea to perform a duet in the New Year's program: she would sing, and I would play the guitar. But for some reason it did not work out, although I think it would have turned out interesting. I know that he loves our group very much, he often writes something good on social networks. It's nice.

- Your group is not at all associated with the participants of various concert TV hodgepodges in the style of "Blue Light". Therefore, many were surprised when they learned that "Friday" took part in the program "New Year's Eve with Oleg Menshikov" ...

It was a very cool experience! I adore Oleg Menshikov - for me, as an actor, he is a pro with a capital letter. And therefore, when they called us and said: "Don't you want to participate in his program?" - what could be the thoughts? After we agreed, we were told to choose an artist with whom we want to sing in a duet, and we immediately chose Yevgeny Mironov, because he is one of my favorite actors. Moreover, he is also very musical: he just then played the saxophone in the play "Hamlet" on the theme "Can't Buy Me Love". So the issue with the song was resolved: we made a cover for this composition, and Mironov played the sax. It was some kind of fantasy! Every morning we woke up, came to the rehearsal at the studio, ran the song several times, talked. Sometimes we were late, and Zhenya was very indignant, because, unlike Andrei and I, he is more punctual (laughs). I liked talking with Oleg and Zhenya even more than working.

- A few years ago, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk presented the album "Brussels", on the recording of which famous Ukrainian musicians worked - you, the former bassist of "" Petr Cherniavsky. Many say that working with Vakarchuk is interesting, but very difficult. What are your memories after recording together?

As they say, God loves a trinity - this is also about my acquaintance with Slavok. It went in three stages. Somehow, before the breakup, we played one of the first concerts. Then he came to our dressing room and said: "You're doing great, but do you want to add percussion?" We answered that we like only the guitar accompaniment. The second time we briefly crossed three years after that. On the third day, he called me himself. I was in Kharkov then, and he told me about his project "Brussels", he says: "I want to invite you to it as energy." And when he said that he needed me as a guitarist, I sat down even more (laughs). But I am grateful to fate and God for participating in all this. At first we rehearsed in Kyiv, then we went to record in Belgium, then there were concerts in Ukraine - awesome memories, the most vivid and colorful. Therefore, I can’t say anything except that I liked working with Slavok. He is such an electric locomotive, engine, leader. Thanks to him, I got to know the whole Okean gang - in particular, Milos Jelic, who later produced my album Sergevna. And if Vakarchuk plans something else of this kind and decides to invite me there, I am in favor with all parts of the body.

- In all your interviews, you note that you are first of all an actor, and then a musician. In parallel with your musical career, you do not stop playing in the theater. Now you are playing in the theater "Beautiful Flowers", which shows performances in a genre that is still unusual for a Ukrainian theater-goer - eccentric pantomime. How do the audience react?

When I left the Kharkiv "Theater 19" and moved to "Beautiful Flowers", this is exactly what hooked me - the fact that the performances are absolutely silent and the plot, emotions and dialogues need to be conveyed only by the plasticity of the body. A couple of years ago, we made a performance of "Fat" and went with him to a festival in Costa Rica. They played for two days in a huge theater, the hall was full, and people there laughed in a way that we don’t laugh. Now we are showing the play "Dracula" also absolutely without words. And, indeed, the reviews received different. But at the same time, I noted something else: I played in many productions, because I worked in the theater for more than 10 years, but for the first time since participating in plastic productions, there were cases when the audience never applauded during the performance. Not because there is nothing, but because there is no time - each new action follows from the previous one, and so on until the very end.

- You and your wife Snezhana both live and work together - she helps you with business, you play in the same performances. How difficult is it for two people of art to get along under the same roof?

Like all people, even those who love each other very much, we sometimes have some kind of squabbles. We are lucky that we are on an equal footing with her - we do not have such that someone loves, and someone allows himself to be loved. When we quarrel, we both make concessions. Everyone has their own ambitions, but we are a family first of all and we value this very much.

- Sergey, you are from a military family - your father is a colonel, your older brother is a major. How are you with the military?

He did not serve in the army, but as a child, his father often took him to work at a military school. And I know all this from the inside - the checkpoint, the barracks, my father's office, oaths, parades. I saw how the orderly salutes "on the bedside table." It happened that he sat in the cockpits of aircraft, went to the training ground for military exercises. And he fully knew the field kitchen - he ate barley from a soldier's bowl. I fired from a Kalashnikov assault rifle, threw grenades from a trench in a helmet, and I know how fragments whistle overhead. Of course, he collected shell casings, bullets that got stuck in the sand, and dragged him home. In short, he did almost everything - except that he did not jump with a parachute and did not ride in a tank. So I'm not a layman in this matter.

- Many musicians do not hide the fact that they often warm up with a glass or two of cognac before a concert. How do you feel about alcohol - do you need it for creativity?

Yes, and I had this - about eight years ago. I drank, and it was very scary, I never stopped myself. And before the concert - so what, and during the concert - he could pull something. True, everything was strict in the theater: not a drop before and during performances. But after them all the time they stayed with the guys, reveled. But when Snowball appeared in my life, I don't drink at all, not a drop. I understand now that if I had not met this person, everything could have ended very sadly. After all, I know myself - I never feel the measure, I do not feel the risk. And Snezhana feels me like no one else, she found all the keys to me, and I am immensely grateful to her for that. I still smoke, but I'm going to quit this habit.



5'Nizza (read "Friday") is a Kharkiv musical duo performing reggae and funk songs that existed from 2000 to 2007 and reunited in 2015. The group performed songs in the reggae style with elements of hip-hop, funk and ska. The only and permanent members of the 5'Nizza group are Sergey Babkin and Andrey Zaporozhets. They met and became friends in 1994 at the Kharkiv Lyceum...


5'Nizza (read "Friday") is a Kharkiv musical duo performing reggae and funk songs that existed from 2000 to 2007 and reunited in 2015. The group performed songs in the reggae style with elements of hip-hop, funk and ska.

The only and permanent members of the 5'Nizza group are Sergey Babkin and Andrey Zaporozhets. They met and became friends in 1994 at the Kharkov Lyceum of Arts No. 133, where Sergey moved in the 10th grade. At the end of the lyceum, Andrey entered the medical institute, and Sergey entered the theater department of the University of the Arts. However, friends continued to communicate and write songs together. By 2000, they already had a small program and an invented name - "5'Nizza".

The duet's first performances took place in the summer of 2002 at the KaZantip festival. The performances found an extremely lively response from the public. Immediately after the festival, Pyatnitsa was invited to Moscow with concerts, where they soon made a splash.

At one of the local studios for $ 30, the first, unofficially published, album was recorded. In a matter of weeks, it sold through the pirate network in huge numbers. A little later, the second, already official, album was recorded with the same compositions, to which several bonus tracks were added.

The popularity of the group "5'nizza" grew at a phenomenal rate. It soon became clear that the duet in the CIS is able to collect complete evils of almost any size. Continuous long tours began. At the same time, Sergei Babkin managed to combine concerts with active work in the Kharkov Theater "Theater 19".

In 2004, the musicians recorded the second official album, which, however, did not cause the former excitement, the selection of material for the third disc, which was never released, began. In the process of recording it, the opinions of the group members Sergey Babkin and Andrey Zaporozhets radically diverged. Starting to add other musical instruments, "5'nizza" began to lose its signature sound - while the very concept of the group was destroyed. In the end, it was decided that "5'Nizza" will remain in history as an acoustic duet with two albums, and the new material will become a solo project of Andrey Zaporozhets. The musicians parted, agreeing that each would pursue a solo musical career. At the same time, Andrey Zaporozhets organized the Sunsay project and made a number of successful recordings, Sergey Babkin gave solo concerts. However, separately, the musicians could not achieve such a stunning success that the duet "5'Nizza" had.

(TV program, 07/27/2018).


The work of the 5nizza group is familiar to many music lovers. Russian pressure, Latin passion, mysterious notes of authenticity won the hearts of thousands of fans. Experts have repeatedly tried to classify the music of the famous band - "reggae", "latino", "hop", "mock". The compositions of Sergei Babkin and Andrei Zaporozhets do not fit into the generally accepted framework. They combine fragments of different directions, but they sound unusual and original.

In the late 90s, when the musicians began to create their works, no one imagined that in a few years the chords of the compositions of young guys from Kharkov would be taught by thousands of fans of "free" music.

The start of the creative career of "5nizza" was given by the festival in Kazantip. Then there were hundreds of concerts and bright compositions. "", "", "" exploded chats. Two official albums "Friday" and "O 5" sold out in large numbers. No less popular is the collection "Unplugged", the official presentation of which did not take place.

My acquaintance with the team could have happened either in the spring of 2003, or in the fall of 2002 in one of the Moscow clubs, which my friends and I accidentally entered. Having spent almost the entire concert of the 5nizza group in the next room, I never heard a single one of their songs (and happiness was so possible). I really fell in love with the team already in the summer of 2003, when in my musical group the song "You threw" was repeated, if not every hour, then at least 1 time a day for sure :) After such brainwashing, I had to listen to the whole album - I liked it.

I know the history of the band rather vaguely, so I give the floor to Wikipedia, where everything is very well written about 5nizza.

The first meeting of the founders, the only and permanent members of the group - Sergey Babkin and Andrey Zaporozhets - took place at the Kharkov Lyceum of Arts No. 133, where Sergey moved in the 10th grade. There the guys became friends on the basis of common musical interests. After graduating from school, Andrei entered the medical institute, Sergei - at the University of the Arts, the theater department. Both often visited their friends in the hostel there. In the same hostel, the group performed their first songs at joint acoustic sessions with the Che Orchestra group. The year of creation of the group can be considered 2000, when the name was coined and the first songs were written together.

In the summer of 2002, the guys went to Kazantip, where their live beach performances aroused considerable interest among the inhabitants of the Z-republic. It was then that “Friday” was noticed by the leader of the group “W.K.?” - Edik Shumeiko ("NOISE") - who had performances at Kazantip. It was he who suggested that the guys go to Moscow with several concerts. 5 "nizza accepted the invitation and already at the second or third concert in Moscow the club was bursting with listeners.

At one of the local studios for $ 30, the first, unofficially published, album was recorded. Of course, making such a record without a publisher was a mistake, in a matter of weeks it was sold out through the pirate network in huge numbers. A little later, the second, already official, album was recorded with the same compositions, plus a couple of bonus tracks. In winter, a video for the song “Winter” was filmed on the Gulf of Finland in St. Petersburg, which never saw the light of day - the guys did not like the work. This was followed by a video for the song "Soldier", which by that time was in active rotation on the radio. A video was also filmed for the song "Jamaica".

The popularity of the group grew at a rapid pace, Moscow was followed by other cities, venues of many thousands. In 2004, the musicians recorded the second official album, which, however, did not cause the former excitement. Then the clip "New Day" for a song from the last album was filmed and presented. After that, the collection of material for the third, last, and unreleased disc began. All this time the group did not stop its touring activities. By general standards, the performances did not take place so often, since Sergey is actively engaged in the Kharkov Theater "Theatre 19".

In 2007, in the process of recording the third official album, the opinions and desires of the band members Sergey Babkin and Andrey Zaporozhets diverged. Initially, it was planned to diversify the sound by adding one instrument to each composition of the album. But the team gathered, during the experiments, everything went wrong as planned. The first compositions were recorded together with the entire musical team. As a result, the guitar, which once replaced all instruments, faded into the background, and with it Sergey Babkin, which contradicted the group's concept. The branded "Friday" sound was gone, and the songs were different, then Andrei wrote them himself. It was decided that 5`NIZZA will remain in history as an acoustic duet with two albums, and the new material will become a solo project of Andrey Zaporozhets. Especially since the band planned to make the third album their last. However, some guitar losses and backing vocals by Sergei Babkin are still on the album. The project was named SunSay.

Despite everything, on January 18, 2008, in honor of the birthday of Mikhail Kabanov (a member of the Che Orchestra group, friends of 5'nizza), Sun and Sergey gave a small unplanned concert of the group. Perhaps someday this will happen again. But the participants do not talk about the continuation of creative activity - songs, creating something new.

The music is a mixture of reggae, funk, ska and rap. Their original, sparkling, incendiary music does not leave indifferent anyone who listens to them or comes to their performances. There is no fixed beat or rhythm in their compositions, the verses of the songs are arranged in different keys. … Read all

Acoustic duo from Kharkov. Friday was formed in 2000 by Sergey Babkin and Andrey Zaporozhets, aka Sun, the SunSay project.

The music is a mixture of reggae, funk, ska and rap. Their original, sparkling, incendiary music does not leave indifferent anyone who listens to them or comes to their performances. There is no fixed beat or rhythm in their compositions, the verses of the songs are arranged in different keys. The musical leading parts of the instruments (which Sergey and Andrey created with a beatbox) connect and intertwine into subtle motifs according to the notes. The duet "Friday" "sang" for joint performances, as they say, from the first call. Each of its participants at one time dreamed of becoming famous. And by the will of fate, they began to perform together - and together they represent a force that can give music and a good mood to many, many people. They sang mainly in Russian with inserts of English slang, but there are also songs in Ukrainian.
An interesting fact is that the group very quickly climbed to the top of popularity, and even received a number of prestigious awards in the Russian music world. Among which I would like to mention the Fuzz magazine award for 2004 as "Best New Band of the Year" and the "Overcome" award for 2003 as "Breakthrough of the Year".

In 2007, the group ceased to exist, as the guys' opinions on music differed. Andrey Zaporozhets wanted to go beyond the usual sound of acoustics and beatbox and add the recording of instruments. This decision was not to the taste of Sergei Babkin, who replaced them. Therefore, each of them took up solo projects. Sun - SunSay, and Sergey Babkin continued to work as a musician and actor.

Unplugged (2003)
Friday (2003)

The musical group "5'Nizza", popular throughout the post-Soviet space and in some foreign countries, comes from Ukraine. The leader of the group not only determines the style and general concept of creativity, but also independently writes the lyrics.

But the voice of "Friday" was originally Andrei Zaporozhets. Despite the conflicts that arose periodically between the guys, the recognition and loyalty of the fans helped the group to revive after an 8-year break, and since 2015 the songs "5'Nizza" again delight fans of reggae and hip-hop.


Sergei Nikolayevich Babkin was born into a military family in Kharkov, but did not follow in the footsteps of his father and brother. The young man studied at a music school and a lyceum of arts, met Andrei Vladimirovich Zaporozhets. Andrey has been singing since childhood and at the same time attended the taekwondo sports section.

When the young man was faced with a choice between music and sports, Andrei did not hesitate to enter the Lyceum of Arts. The similarity of musical preferences brought the young people together, and soon they wanted to try playing their own music. Then Andrey acted as a soloist, and Sergey accompanied him on the guitar.

Having received a general secondary education, friends thought about their future profession. Andrei was preparing to enter a medical school, and Sergei was seriously planning to connect his life with show business. Although their professional paths diverged, Sergei and Andrei often spent their free time together and continued to play music.

In the late 90s, the guys already gave the first concerts for students together with the beginning Kharkiv art-rock group Che Orchestra. These performances were more like a performance, as they were an organic synthesis of music and theater.

The year of birth of a full-fledged musical group "5'Nizza" is considered to be 2000. It was then that the guys began to write and perform their own songs and came up with a name. But the origin of the name is still a mystery.


The style of music performed by the members of the Friday group is difficult to characterize: the basis of the musical compositions is reggae, which is mixed with elements of hip-hop, rock, funk and ska. Despite the fact that young people are from Kharkov (Ukraine), the vast majority of songs are performed in Russian, with the exception of individual compositions.

There is also a French-language song called “En Automne” in the repertoire of “Friday”, which the guys performed together with another Ukrainian band “Tank on the Maidani Congo” (abbreviated as “TNMK”).

In his youth, the lead singer of "5'Nizza" preferred the work of groups,. This music shaped musical tastes and partly influenced the artist's work. So, in the lyrics of the songs "Fridays" are often mentioned,.

In the early 2000s, Andrei went to the Republic of KaZantip music festival as a listener. Zaporozhets liked the atmosphere of the youth festival so much that the next summer the guys went there together. In an interview, Sergey and Andrey said that at that time the financial situation of the guys left much to be desired - there was not enough money even to pay for the entrance.

As a result, friends decided on a small crime and climbed over the fence. At the same time, electricity went out throughout the festival. The soloists of "Friday" did not lose their heads, gathered a small audience around them right on the beach and began to perform their own songs with a guitar by the fire. In 2002, 5'Nizza went to Kazantip as officially invited participants - young people gave a concert on the big stage.

At the festival, Babkin and Zaporozhets met Eduard Shumeiko, who appreciated the freshness of Friday's creative ideas and techniques and advised them to give several small concerts in Moscow. The guys followed the advice of a new acquaintance, and already after the first trial performance of the Kharkov duet, the clubs were filled to capacity.

Given the difficult financial situation of the beginning musical group, they recorded their first album at an underground recording studio. However, during the first month of unofficial sales, the record sold out in huge numbers.

And in 2003, 5'Nizza presented to fans the first official album of the same name. The disc includes 20 musical compositions, mostly in Russian, which were released earlier on an unofficial disc. After the release of "Friday" the songs "Soldier", "Jamaica", "Arrow", "You threw" sounded from all radio receivers in Ukraine and Russia.

After the presentation of the album, the guys received the "Best New Band of the Year" award according to the Fuzz magazine. This was followed by concerts throughout Ukraine, Russia and neighboring countries. On the wave of rapidly growing popularity, the musicians released their second album, O5, in 2005. Despite the fact that, according to critics, the disc came out more diverse and stylistically rich compared to "Friday", the fans took it rather coolly.

Having organized a tour in support of the second album, the guys gradually saved up material for the next, third, disc, which was never released. The number of concerts slowly decreased, Sergey Babkin began to devote less and less time to music and more and more to work in the Kharkov non-state professional Theater 19.

In 2007, Andrey and Sergey began work on recording the third album, which Andrey wanted to diversify. If before the guys both acted as vocalists, and Sergey additionally played the acoustic guitar and imitated the sound of other musical instruments with his voice, now Zaporozhets wanted to add the sound of other instruments that drowned out both the guitar and Babkin's vocal parts. As a result, the guys came to the conclusion that it is better for each of them to realize their creative ideas in the format of a solo musician.

In the summer of 2007, the last solo concert "5'Nizza" was held in Poland, after which the young people officially announced that the band was stopping work. Andriy Zaporozhets, after the collapse of Pyatnitsa, participated in the Ukrainian fusion-funk-reggae project SunSay, where he brought all his creative ideas to life. As part of the group, Andrey recorded 6 studio albums and participated in the qualifying round for Eurovision from Ukraine, reaching the semi-finals.

In 2015, Sergei Babkin, leaving the cafe in the early morning, met Andrei, who was taking his daughter to kindergarten. The friends had a fruitful conversation and on March 4 officially announced the revival of "5'Nizza". A long break allowed the guys to maximize their creative potential in the new compositions "I Believe In You", "Ale", "Forward", "Up".

Both musicians note that not least the wives of the musicians, who concurrently serve as music directors, contributed to the reunion of Friday. But the main factor was that young people began to miss joint creativity and one day they felt that they had something to say to this world together.

Group "5'Nizza" now

In 2017, 5'Nizza presented their third album called KU. This is the team's first long-play release in the last ten years, which actually marks a new stage in the joint creative activity of two popular performers. The fresh disc contains fourteen author's works performed in Russian and Ukrainian languages, called by the musicians a bundle of rethought views on the world and life.

Music critics noted that the sound of the new album is fundamentally different from the old works of "Friday" - the guitar and vocals are generously diluted with percussion, the reggae style is no longer leading in the compositions, and the recitative has given way to melodic vocals.

In 2018, the 5'Nizza group went on a big European tour in support of the KU album. In March 2018, the guys visited Krakow (Poland), London (Great Britain), Helsinki (Finland), Stockholm (Sweden) and other European cities with concerts. Information about past and planned performances of the group is reflected on the page "5'Nizza" in

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