The group in which the Arkhipov novel sang. Chelsea group


Arkhipov Roman Igorevich
Date of birth: 09.11.1984
Place of birth: Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod).
In 1991, at the age of seven, he moved with his parents to Moscow, where he lives to this day.

He graduated from Moscow school No. 534, while mastering the 11th grade program on his own, having passed the exams as an external student.

From the age of six he studied at the music school in the piano class.

After school, he dreamed of entering the law faculty at the FSB Academy, but did not pass for health reasons. He entered the Faculty of International Relations of the Moscow University for the Humanities and in June 2006 received a diploma in the specialty "Regional Studies".

During his student years, he lived and studied in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA for about a year.

Roman has been fond of rock music since childhood. Favorite bands and artists include Deep Purple, Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams, AC/DC, Nazareth, White Snake, Velvet Revolvers, Guns'n'Roses, Alice Cooper, Gotthard, Def Leppard, Ozzy Osbourne, Aerosmith, Maroon 5. From the classics, he prefers Mozart, especially the late one.

Once at the "Star Factory", Roma said that he was going to bring "heavier notes" to the project. And this applies not only to the "factory" format - Roman is convinced that rock music should finally take its rightful place on the national stage. This is what he is going to devote his creative career to.

Roman learned the intricacies of show business from the age of six, having traveled all over the country in Tatyana Ovsienko's touring group, the director of which is his father. It is not surprising that, constantly rotating in a creative environment, communicating with singers and musicians, Roma himself studied music and sang a lot from childhood.

Breaking the voice at a transitional age, studying in high school and the hassle associated with preparing to enter the university, for some time pushed the dreams of the stage into the background. But at the age of 17, during a trip to America, Roman returned to music again.

Since then, the stage has become an integral part of his life. He works as a bass player at the concerts of Tatiana Ovsienko, starred in the video "Summer" for her duet with Viktor Saltykov. Being a member of the student council of the Faculty of International Relations of Moscow State University, he met the head of the creative group Tamara Alexandrovna Rusakova and became a regular participant in university concerts.

Realizing the need to gain experience on the professional stage, Roman takes part in the casting of the Star Factory project three times. And at the beginning of 2006, luck smiled at him on this path: he was among the "manufacturers" of the sixth convocation - Viktor Drobysh's wards.

The four months spent on the project became not only a landmark, but also an unusually productive period in Roman's creative career. At first, he did not look too confident against the background of his neighbors in the Star House, many of whom had considerable stage experience and special vocal education even before joining the project. However, thanks to his talent and hard work, he managed not only not to get lost in their background, but also to make a big qualitative breakthrough both in vocal terms and in terms of emancipation on stage, opening up from a new side and gaining professionalism from concert to concert.

In his "factory" piggy bank there are four solo songs - a record that not a single participant of "Factory-6" could beat, as well as duets with Vladimir Kuzmin ("Pier of Your Hope") and Alexander Ivanov ("Dreams"), Sergey Trofimov ( "Wind in the Head") and Oleg Gazmanov ("Rehearsal of Separation"), Valeria ("Black and White") and Abraham Russo ("Through Love"), Andrei Sapunov ("The Ring") and Alexei Belov ("Tell Me Why "); with groups "Roots" ("25th floor"), "Earthlings" ("Borsalino"), "Tokyo" ("Who am I without you"), "City 312" ("Out of range") and Gotthard ("Heaven" ). In addition, Roman played the guitar in many numbers, participated in extras and backing vocals, and also sang as part of a group that later became known as Chelsea. One of the solo songs - "Me and You" - even before the end of the project, got into the rotation of "Russian Radio" and a number of other radio stations.

No matter what Roman sang at the "Factory" - pop or chanson - he did not try to copy the manner and style of popular performers, remaining true to his idea to add "heavier notes" to the project format. However, to the greatest extent, he managed to reveal himself in rock-format numbers. Already his first rock duet with the Swiss band Gotthard for the song "Heaven" brought Roman the recognition of the audience of Channel One and MTV. For eight weeks, the duo occupied the first line of the MusicBox charts, for which Roman was awarded a personalized disc. The Gotthard musicians themselves were so pleased with the result that they invited Roman to repeat their joint performance at the Tochka club, and also presented him with one of their songs ("Lift U Up"), which he performed on the factory stage as a second solo number.
After such success, the leader of the Gorky Park group, Alexei Belov, drew attention to the young rock performer, who wrote the compositions “I won’t forget” and “Forgive me” especially for Roman. With the latter, Roman left the "Star Factory" just before the final. But this departure was not a defeat! "But rock is still alive!" - he said in his farewell speech, confirming that he managed to accomplish his plan - to break the pop format of the project. Confirmation of this is the songs of the Gotthard group, with which it was Roman Arkhipov (and not the finalists of the project) who closed the final concert at the Olimpiysky.

After the end of the project, Roman, like other "manufacturers", signs a contract with the production center of Viktor Drobysh and goes on the Star Factory - 6 tour as a member of the Chelsea group. In addition to him, the team includes Arseny Borodin, Denis Petrov and Alexei Korzin. The group quickly gains popularity, their songs occupy the top of the charts. The fateful year of 2006 "Chelsea" is completed in the title of "Best Group of the Year", having in their luggage the "Golden Gramophone" for the song "Alien Bride", the video for the song "Most Beloved" and the debut album, which included their songs from the time of "Star Factory" ", including the first solo number of the novel "Me and You".

Currently, the group is active in concert, working on a new album, collaborating with popular Russian performers (in particular, with Philip Kirkorov).

However, despite the success of the group, Roman still dreams of a solo career and plans to create his own rock project.

He loves to travel very much. For the first time abroad, he was in 1995 in the United Arab Emirates. This was followed by Greece (Crete), Israel (Tel Aviv, Jerusalem), Italy (Venice, Verona), Egypt, Cyprus (Aionapa), Vietnam. For about a year, Roma lived in the USA (Las Vegas), where he studied and worked part-time in a Russian restaurant. From other countries and cities, she dreams of visiting Paris and South Africa. But to the question "Where would you like to live?" replies firmly: "It's good to have a rest abroad, go there for a short period of time, but I want to live in Moscow. Well, I, in general, live here."

Studying English and Spanish.

In addition to keyboards, he plays bass guitar. According to eyewitnesses, he mastered the drum kit in one night, keeping the dacha village awake until morning.

Favorite animal is the scorpion.

Of the sports prefers tennis. If he has free time, he visits the gym. Dreams of mastering snowboarding or skiing.

Favorite colors are black, white and purple.

He prefers expensive and beautiful branded clothes, although he can turn a jacket purchased on the market into a work of hand-made art by sewing scorpions on it. He likes to combine sports and classic clothes with extravagant elements in a rocker style: a long black raincoat, leather pants, metal bracelets and rings on his hands, massive buckles, inscriptions in the rock and roll spirit. But sometimes it's just unrecognizable! Once, in his 2nd year, Roma, dressed in blue trousers, a women's jacket and with a cigar in his hands, stood in the company of two classmates in front of the Prague Embassy, ​​holding a blue bag from one of them. Men walked past them with an exclamation: "Oooh, girls!", To which Roma replied indignantly: "What girls!?"

From birth, Roman is blond with curly hair and categorically does not agree to cut them! Although, there were times when the teenager Roma shaved baldly.

Likes to work in Photoshop. For a while, this hobby even turned into a job.

Roman is a very sociable person, he likes to communicate with a variety of people. He maintains friendly relations with Tatyana Ovsienko and Olga Kormukhina, Alexei Belov and Alexander Erokhin (drummer of "Lube"), musicians of the bands Gotthard and Nazareth, as well as with many other colleagues "in the shop".

He does not like to discuss his personal life. It is only known that he is not married. As far as possible, he takes part in raising his younger brother Nikita, the German shepherd Alice, an angry cat and two squirrels.

The favorite of the public from the last "Star Factory" Roman Arkhipov recently became the hero of the Mexican TV series. True, passions flared up not on the screen, but in real life. Quite unexpectedly, it turned out that the singer, in addition to his two-year-old brother Nikita, also has a sister, whose existence Roman did not suspect.

In order not to confuse the reader, I will tell you in order. Arkhipov was, perhaps, the only "manufacturer" around whom an incredible number of rumors circulated. They said, for example, that he is the son of Viktor Drobysh himself. In fact, Roman is the son of director Tatyana Ovsienko Igor Arkhipov. To Roman's credit, it should be noted that no one has ever patronized him.

He is self-sufficient and very interesting person. Having lived, studied and worked in America for three years, Arkhipov Jr. acquired serious connections in the local show business. Suffice it to say that Aerosmith, the popular Gotthard band, Nazareth lead singer Dan McCafferty and other celebrities are among his friends. It was thanks to Roman Ovsienko that she shot her video from Nazareth, but this is so, by the way.

It is no wonder that the girls began to go crazy for the charming and talented Arkhipov, as soon as they saw him at the Factory. Ironically, in distant San Francisco, a girl named Nicole laid eyes on him.

... When Nicole told her mother that she wanted to go to Russia and certainly look at her idol, the woman was alarmed and decided to tell the girl the truth.

As it turned out, many years ago this lady, now a US citizen, had an affair with Igor Arkhipov. Igor was already married at that time (well, who doesn’t happen to him?) And even expected the appearance of his first child, that is, our Roman. The couple had to leave. Beloved Igor left for America, where after a while Nicole was born. The girl is only eight months younger than Roman.

Igor Arkhipov, of course, knew about the existence of an illegitimate daughter and kept in touch with America, but he did not traumatize his family in Russia with this information. As they say, what was, was.

Nicole, of course, was very upset when she found out that she had fallen in love with her half-brother, but she did not refuse the intention to find Roman. Their touching meeting took place recently in Sochi, where the Star Factory arrived with a reporting tour.

At first, Roman, of course, did not believe the words of the girl, mistaking her for a fan. They sat away from prying eyes, in a closed cafe. Being a reasonable person, Roman did not wonder if the new acquaintance was lying or not, and simply dialed his father's number. Igor confirmed Nicole was right and told his son the love story with Nicole's mother.

To his father's surprise, Roman did not become nervous, but, on the contrary, reacted with understanding and even regret to the situation of bygone days. Brother and sister immediately found a lot of topics for conversation.

Already saying goodbye, the young people promised to call each other and come to visit each other. But how the wife of Igor Arkhipov reacted to this suddenly revealed secret, history is silent ...

Alena Snezhinskaya

What are four guys living now who stole girls' hearts in 2006.

This year the Chelsea group turned 12 years old. Despite the fact that there have been no new songs for many years, the group still exists (having lost a little in line-up). We find out how the four soloists live.

This is how the guys looked at the beginning of their careers

Arseny Borodin

It is difficult to choose the sex symbol of the group, but still the girls singled out the courageous Arseniy a little more than the rest of the guys. Officially, the 29-year-old singer is still part of the Chelsea group and even performs at concerts. But there were also attempts to go solo. Arseniy flashed on the Main Stage, and then in the sixth season of The Voice, where he proved that he could perform a wide variety of repertoire by choosing Dima Bilan as his mentor.

But with personal life everything is more incomprehensible - Arseniy met with blogger Nastya Ivleeva for a long time, but the couple broke up last fall. Few people know if Arseniy has a girlfriend now, and on his Instagram, the star posts photos with different beauties. So, perhaps, the grown-up female fans of the group have a chance to charm their favorite singer.

Alexey Korzin

The 32-year-old singer is now busy with several projects - in addition to Chelsea, he plays in the group S e v e r. And he also manages to support new artists and teach others music - Alexey founded the vocal school and the rehearsal base NRG Music School.

In the personal life of the singer, everything worked out. In May 2016, his beloved wife gave birth to Alexei's son, whose photos he now and then uploads to social networks, sharing his personal happiness with subscribers.

Denis Petrov

The oldest member of the group was also the most serious. According to the social networks of the 34-year-old artist, it is clear that the main thing for him is his family. A few years ago, Denis got married, and now he and his wife are raising their son Plato and baby Maya.

With a career, everything turned out to be more difficult. Denis still performs with the group, but is not involved in solo projects. But DJing on the radio. And more recently, the artist and his wife began to shoot vines. True, short videos are just beginning to gain popularity.

Roman Arkhipov

The long-haired musician is the only one who decided to leave the band a few years ago. And immediately went to America to write new music. 33-year-old Roma admitted that everything was not going well and he had to find an unusual job for himself.

“Of course, you can wave the flag and say how cool everything is, I came, I defeated everyone, but I admit that there were difficult moments. I had to terminate the first contract: the management was not very professional. There were many promises, a lot of money spent, but I realized that this was all a road to nowhere. I started all over again because I had to. Living in America is not a cheap pleasure at all, one rent is worth something. At one point, I found myself alone with everything - I didn’t understand where to live, the girl left me, and everything was serious with her. Stress, depression. And then a friend offered to earn extra money as a loader: $ 14 per hour. I thought it was not bad, I figured that you could earn about $70 per trip, and $200 per day, not bad. The only thing is the physical load is huge. Back hurts, arms, legs. But I believe that a man should not be afraid of physical labor.

Roman Arkhipov was born in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of concert director Igor Arkhipov, who worked for many years with Tatyana Ovsienko. In the early 90s, the family settled in Moscow. As a child, Roman traveled a lot with his father and musicians on tour, traveled around Russia and other countries. It was then that he became interested in music, performed several times with Ovsienko as a bass player and starred in the singer's videos.

While studying at school, Arkhipov studied at the same time at a music school, played keyboards and bass guitar. Carried away by percussion instruments, he mastered the drum kit overnight. The boy tried to sing, but as a teenager his voice began to break, and Roma forgot about vocal lessons for a long time. At 17, Arkhipov left for the United States for a year. He studied and worked part-time in a Russian restaurant. It was then that the young man again had an interest in singing.

After school, Roman tried to enter the Academy of the FSB, trained a lot and ran, but in the end he still did not pass the medical examination and chose the Faculty of International Relations of the Moscow University for the Humanities.

Arkhipov is engaged in tennis, snowboarding and wakeboarding. Travels in his free time.

Roman is fluent in English and Spanish.

Participation of Roman Arkhipov in the Star Factory

During his student years, Arkhipov constantly participated in university concerts. Despite the great concentration on his studies, Roman still wanted to try himself as a professional singer. When in Russia thundered " Star Factory”, The young musician took part in the auditions three times. He was lucky only in 2006, when he entered the sixth season of the competition.

Initially, Arkhipov was going to introduce rock notes into the pop format familiar to the Factory. Roman succeeded: he sang on the show along with such famous bands as Scorpions And Gotthard. Despite the fact that the young man left the project a step before the final, it was his performance with the song Lift U Up was the final at the concert of the "manufacturers" in the Olympic.

Roman Arkhipov's career as part of the Chelsea group

Even while participating in the project, Arkhipov began performing as part of the boy band " Chelsea', produced by Viktor Drobysh. In addition to Roman, the team consisted of Alexei Korzin, Arseny Borodin and Denis Petrov.

The musicians immediately became popular. In 2006, the guys received the title of "best group", as well as several Golden Gramophone awards. In the same year they released their debut album " Chelsea", and in 2009 the album" return point". In 2010, Roman shot his first solo video for the song Demons and Angels, and a year later he decided to leave the group in order to pursue a solo career and realize himself as a rock musician.

Solo career of Roman Arkhipov

Starting a solo career, Arkhipov moved to the United States. Here he performs under a creative pseudonym Troy Harley. Recently, the musician made a tour of the major cities of America. The singer lives permanently in Los Angeles.

In 2017, the singer created a new project R.O.M.A.N. He collaborates with the famous producer Tony Marolda.

In the fall of 2017, Arkhipov took part in a vocal show

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