Grushevsky Mikhail. Leonid Agutin is the best lover in my life! Comedian Mikhail Grushevsky


Grushevsky Mikhail - actor, TV presenter, pop parodist.

In order to find out how to invite Mikhail Grushevsky and order a performance for the celebration, call, contacts are posted on the official website of Mikhail Grushevsky.

Grushevsky Mikhail Yakovlevich was born on December 29 in Moscow. He graduated from the Institute of Steel and Alloys, began his career at the Research Institute (NII).
In 1988 he worked at the theater-studio "Grotesque" (according to the entry in the work book - he was transferred from Nii).
Further, thanks to the participation of Vladimir Vinokur, the creative career of Mikhail Grushevsky clearly went up.
In 1996, Regina Dubovitskaya called him, said that she had heard one of his numbers, after which she decided to remove it in her program.
As the actor himself said about this, "apparently, by this time I was already ripe for" Full House ".
In addition to "Full House", the actor also took part in other humorous and satirical programs, in particular, in the TV show "Dolls", where he voiced characters - political figures.
He starred in the role of composer Nikita Bogoslovsky in the television series "Star of the Epoch" (2005).
He hosted the talk show "Babi Riot" on the REN TV channel.

Would you like to order a performance by Mikhail Grushevsky?

For the organization of Mikhail Grushevsky's speech at the event, you can contact our official website. "Vipartist" concert agency - successfully organizes performances of artists, from large-scale city to family, private and corporate events. If you decide to invite Mikhail Grushevsky, then the official website and the concert director are at your service. Our agency works without intermediaries, so we resolve all issues very quickly and at direct prices and artist fees. Mikhail Grushevsky's website - to order a performance for an event, call or send a request to the site - an order form and we will contact you.

Mikhail Grushevsky was born on December 29, 1964 in Moscow. The father abandoned the family, and the mother remarried. The future comedian was brought up by his stepfather. From childhood, he was the soul of the company. In high school, Mikhail took part in school skits, parodied teachers and played pranks on classmates.

After school, the future actor studied at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (specialty "powder metallurgy"). After graduating from the university, Mikhail received a diploma in metallurgical engineering and was assigned to GIPROMEZ, where he was engaged in the design of metallurgical plants, but soon quit his job.

While still a student, Grushevsky met Vladimir Vinokur, thanks to whom the young man had the opportunity to attend performances and concerts.

In 1988, Mikhail began working at the Grotesque Theater Studio, which was created by the brothers Leonid and Alexander Kanevsky. He performed and toured a lot with this band. One of the first in Russia, Grushevsky began to make parodies of politicians.

In 1994, the artist released the solo program "One for All", in which he performed several humorous monologues on behalf of famous artists and statesmen.

Since 1996, Grushevsky has constantly appeared with humorous numbers in the Full House TV program. He parodied Vladimir Vinokur, Nikolai Drozdov, Arkady Raikin, Nikolai Ozerov, Gennady Khazanov, and also Brezhnev,

Russian actor, parodist and comedian.

Mikhail Yakovlevich Grushevsky was born in the winter of 1964 in Moscow. His maternal relatives are from Ukraine. In the early 1980s, the artist, a graduate of the Institute of Steel and Alloys, was sent to work in one of the many research institutes. In 1988, by chance, he ended up in the theater-studio "Grotesque", and as a young Mikhail Grushevsky interested in the master of the stage Vladimir Vinokur.

Later, the humorist even dedicated a popular couple Lev Leshchenko and Vladimir Vinokur number called "Vovchik and Levchik".

The creative path of Mikhail Grushevsky / Mihail Grushevskii

images Mikhail Grushevsky always turned out to be similar to the originals of famous political figures and artists, as he tries in every possible way to get into the role and imagine how the object of parody thinks, how he lives.

In 1996 Mikhail Grushevsky I noticed myself Regina Dubovitskaya, and offered to perform one of the numbers as part of the next release of her legendary television program "Full house". By this time, the artist had already toured the country, and gladly accepted the offer.

I had not only presidents in my “arsenal”, but also Khasbulatov, Zhirinovsky, and the now deceased Lebed, and many others. Some even said that they should pay me extra for promotion. I never refused, but for some reason I never received any money from anyone.

Mikhail Grushevsky was the voice of the program "Dolls", the host of the talk show "Babiy Riot" on the REN TV channel, played the role of the composer Nikita Bogoslovsky in the serial film "Star of the era" in 2005 and took part in other humorous domestic projects.

In 2012, he fought for "survival" in the company of colleagues on the set of a reality show "Last Hero" .

Mikhail Grushevsky is a fan of the Moscow football club CSKA. He was married to a clip maker Irina Mironova, the spouses have a daughter, Daria.

Marriage Mikhail Grushevsky and Irina Mironova with a scandal ended in divorce in the summer of 2012. The ex-wife was determined to write a book about the midlife crisis as the main reason for the break in family life. In addition, she publicly stated that they did not have sex with Mikhail Grushevsky for eight years that she supported her husband for many years and now intends to compensate for the lack of male attention.

I propose not to trifle in this matter: we will assume that Ira and I never had sex at all, and the child was born as a result of joint viewing of her video clips!

The parodist himself did not waste time, and had an affair with a young model, which his ex-wife told reporters about, without missing out on "spicy" details.

Mikhail Grushevsky skeptical about the outrageous behavior of Irina Mironova:

Buying yachts is a juicy detail. I, according to Irina, stole family money, and, apparently, I buy yachts with them. I fight back, so to speak. And what else can you expect if you don’t interrogate sex from me!

In 2013 Mikhail Grushevsky once again found himself at the epicenter of a loud scandal. In the spring, a girl named Elena, the producer of the Ukrainian channel, called him and offered to take part in the filming of the pilot release of the show “Evening with a Comedian”. At the same time, the interview program was supposed to take place in the cabin of a white limousine that travels around Moscow.

However, soon a project dedicated to show business appeared on the screen of one of the Russian TV channels. It used excerpts from scenes involving Mikhail Grushevsky and his young companion-journalist. All this was accompanied by comments about the love of the famous parodist.

After the premiere of the program, Mikhail Grushevsky appealed to the Presnensky Court, which undertakes to consider a claim to protect the dignity, honor and business reputation of the actor.

In case of a positive decision, Mikhail Grushevsky will receive compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of one million rubles.

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