Georgian traditions and customs. Georgian traditions


Georgia is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, which has led to the development of a diverse and tolerant culture here. According to an ancient folk legend, when the Lord gave people the land on which they would live and which they would cultivate, the Georgians were late because they were too busy drinking and eating. God told them upon arrival that there were no more free lands left, but the Georgians informed him that they were late because they drank to the health of the Lord and invited him to participate in the feast. The Lord had such a wonderful time that he decided to give the Georgians the land that he had reserved for himself. Truly, Georgia is a divine country!

Georgian cuisine is one of the most striking sights of the country and an important element of the general culture of the people. A part of family traditions and an unusual event for foreign guests is a meal in a Georgian family. An important place is occupied here by complex ceremonial relations. The table is kept by the toastmaster, who offers to drink traditional toasts during the entire process of the feast. It may seem to a person from the outside that time stops until everyone drinks a toast. It is recommended not to participate in the toast while holding beer, as this may be regarded as disrespectful of tradition.

Both during the Soviet era and today, Georgian restaurants are especially popular throughout the former USSR. Each region of Georgia has its own unique piece of national cuisine, which reflects local characteristics. In general, local chefs mainly use herbs and garlic to give a special taste to dishes. The only problem that you may encounter when buying food "", may be the habit of local residents to bargain. Cafes and restaurants usually serve Georgian and more traditional European cuisine, while national fast food restaurants serve khinkali, kebabs, kebabs and khachapuri. American fast food restaurants offer a traditional set of hot dogs and hamburgers. In comparison, for breakfast, try khashi, a soup made from offal and cow's hooves with lots of garlic.

Coca-Cola and Fanta are sold everywhere, but traditional Georgian mineral waters and fruit drinks have a well-deserved high reputation. Usually they are sold in specialty stores. Georgian wines are widely recognized as a top quality product. The unique climate of the country and good soil have made Georgia the glory of a wine-growing country.

The Georgian alphabet consists of 33 characters (5 vowels and 28 consonants). The writing and the manner of writing the letters are absolutely unique and cannot be compared with any known alphabet in the world.

According to the legend, God distributed land to people, but the Georgians were late because they were busy eating and drinking. When the Georgians came to God, they told them that there were no free lands left, but the Georgians told what they ate and drank for the health of the Lord and invited him to a feast. Having had a wonderful time, God decided to give them the land that he had saved for himself.

Georgian proverb says " The guest is the messenger of God". And from generation to generation in Georgia, a careful, cordial attitude towards the guest was passed on. Old Georgian poems and folk songs praise a generous and affable host, and ridicule a stingy and unfriendly one. Hospitality, in the local culture, was in many ways even higher than bravery and courage. Georgian feast

IN Georgian culture a special relationship to the table and the hearth, they are an integral part of the home and family. The family, its unity and well-being is a sacred concept for any Georgian. These traditions have led to the fact that almost any family lunch or dinner turns into a feast, and if a guest is also present, then this is a whole holiday. Regardless of the wealth of the owners, all kinds of dishes and wines are put on the table, and neighbors and numerous relatives often take part in such feasts.

On such feasts they always choose a toastmaster, make toasts in a special order, discuss life, sing songs and have fun. An integral part of the feast is wine, which has become a symbol of the Georgian people. And according to tradition, a horn, decorated with carvings and precious metals, became a vessel for wine. It is customary to drink wine from a horn in the middle of a feast, when a man, having completely drained it, thereby demonstrates his reverence and respect, as well as endurance.
Family traditions

Family for Georgians, this is everything in their lives. Children and parents, distant relatives - all this is a family in which warm and close relations are maintained. Support of relatives in difficult times, family mutual assistance are very common in Georgian families.

Respect for elders is also one of the main family traditions. The word of the father or mother in the family is the law, and breaking it, you can lose the support of all relatives. Georgian wedding

Georgian wedding is a great event in the life of a Georgian family. The wedding becomes not only the union of lovers, but also the union of two families. Approach such action responsibly. A popular saying goes: "Look at your mother-in-law and you will see what your wife will be like in many years." If the future bride does not inspire confidence in the groom's relatives, and the mother-in-law does not inspire confidence in the bride's relatives, then the wedding may not take place.

Bride kidnapping tradition remained in the culture of Georgia, but is carried out with the full consent of the bride and her relatives. This is usually done in order to avoid high wedding expenses. After the kidnapping, the bride and her future groom become, as it were, outside the family, which means that you can get by with a modest feast and save a lot of money. Georgian music and dance

Music in Georgia has ancient origins. Singing- is traditionally considered a male occupation. The most famous throughout the world is Georgian polyphonic singing, usually performed by three singers. At first, Georgian singing, which was only folk, with the adoption of Christianity, became church singing, being performed in churches.

In 2001, the Georgian song was recognized by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral Intangible Heritage.

Georgian dances There are solo, pair and group. During the dance, Georgian girls move gracefully, taking small steps, men, on the contrary, demonstrating their masculinity, make high jumps, fast movements and high jumps. At the same time, the back of both men and women remains straight and motionless during the dance.

Each of the regions of Georgia has its own special "dance dialect" - which means that each region of Georgia has its own way of performing dance. Such "dialects" are divided into Kakhetian, Kartalian, Svan, Mingrelian, Imerta, Adjarian and others. Holidays in Georgia

Holidays in Georgia vividly and colorfully convey all the diversity and richness of local culture. Most Georgian holidays have an ancient and rich history, and there are some that have appeared quite recently.

The faith of local residents who profess Christianity. The holidays that came from the past also remained in Georgia, they still celebrate March 8 and Victory Day.

January 1 - New Year
January 7 - Christmas
January 19 - Epiphany
March 3 - Mother's Day
March 8 - International Women's Day
April 15 - Love Day
May 9 - Victory Day
May 26 - Independence Day
August 28 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
October 14 - Mtskhetoba-Svetitskhovloba
July 23 - St. George's Day
National features of Georgia

Georgia- a Caucasian country, with all Caucasian customs and traditions. People with a wide soul and real hospitality. The guest is sacred. In Tbilisi, you can stay not only in a hotel (and they are quite expensive), but at someone's house. This is a kind of hotel at home.

You have breakfast with your family at a large table, and then go to explore the city and its surroundings. Just don’t go out late, because the hostess will be waiting for you to open the door for you and make sure that you are at home and you have everything. This perfectly characterizes the national characteristics of Georgia.

And what toasts are being said here! And all because this is not a simple wish for someone. This is a whole story filled with the wisdom of the ancestors. Georgians carefully prepare to impress the listeners with their oratory skills.

Georgia- a hospitable country in which tourists are clearly loved and expected. The locals are friendly and talkative, and Russian is the second spoken language for most of them. Georgian culture is an interweaving of ancient traditions and a modern way of life.

National features of Georgia well expressed in the kitchen. The dishes here are not spicy, but spicy. Well, the most important drink is wine.

brief information

Georgia is an amazing country where different cultures, traditions and religions intersect. In this country, any tourist can find what he likes most - snow-capped peaks, the subtropical Black Sea coast with cypresses, firs and palm trees, unique mineral springs and balneological resorts, breathtaking landscapes with beautiful nature, ancient fortresses, as well as delicious cuisine. .

Geography of Georgia

Georgia is located in the Caucasus at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Georgia borders Russia in the north, Armenia and Turkey in the south, and Azerbaijan in the southeast. In the west, the Georgian shores are washed by the waters of the Black Sea. The total area of ​​this country is 69,700 sq. km., and the total length of the state border is 1,461 km.

In the north of Georgia there is a mountain range of the Greater Caucasus Range. There are three mountains in Georgia, the height of which exceeds 5 thousand meters - Shkhara (5068 m), Dzhangitau (5059 m), Kazbek (5033 m). In the west of the country is the plain of Colchis.

Many beautiful rivers flow through the territory of Georgia. The largest of them are Kura (1,364 km), Tegri (623 km) and Chorokhi (438 km).


The capital of Georgia is Tbilisi, which is now home to more than 1.2 million people. Historians claim that the settlement of people on the territory of modern Tbilisi existed 5 thousand years ago.

Official language of Georgia

The official language in Georgia is Georgian, belonging to the Kartvelian language family.


About 84% of the population of Georgia are Orthodox Christians belonging to the Georgian Orthodox Church, and another 9% of Georgians consider themselves Muslims (Shia).

State structure of Georgia

According to the current Constitution of 1995, Georgia is a presidential republic. Its head is the President, elected by the people for 5 years.

Legislative power in Georgia belongs to the unicameral Parliament (150 deputies). Members of Parliament are elected for a 4-year term.

The main political parties in Georgia are United National Movement, Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia, Conservative Party, Republican Party, Our Georgia - Free Democrats.

Climate and weather

The climate in Georgia is very diverse. Conventionally, this country can be divided into two climatic zones - East and West. The Greater Caucasus Range protects Georgia from the cold wind from the north, and the Lesser Caucasus mountain system from the south.

Most of Western Georgia (Batumi) is in a subtropical humid climate. The wettest region in Georgia is Adjara, where an average of 5,500 mm of precipitation falls annually.

In Eastern Georgia, the climate is transitional from humid subtropical to continental. The weather in this region is influenced by air from the Caspian and Black Seas. Annually, 400 - 1,600 mm of precipitation falls here.

The average annual air temperature in Tbilisi is +13.3C. In July and August, the average air temperature in Georgia is +31C, and in January - -2C.

Sea in Georgia

In the west, the Georgian shores are washed by the waters of the Black Sea. The coastline is 310 km. Most of the Black Sea coast in Georgia is a resort area.

Rivers and lakes

Many rivers flow through the territory of Georgia. The largest of them are Kura (1,364 km), Tegri (623 km), Chorokhi (438 km) and Alazani (351 km). As for the lakes in Georgia, the largest of them are Paravani, Kartsakhi and Paleostomi.

History of Georgia

The history of Georgia is an endless series of wars, uprisings and revolutions. The territory on which Georgia is located (between the Black and Caspian Seas) has attracted various conquerors for many centuries. Georgia has always been involved in the sphere of economic and political interests of large states. Georgia is a relatively young state, formed in the 10th century, but its history began long before that….

The history of Georgian statehood begins with the appearance of Colchis and the Iberian kingdom. So. Colchis was formed in the 6th century AD.

In the 10th century, King Bagrat III united the eastern and western parts of Georgia into a single state. It reached its peak in the 12th century during the reign of King David the Builder. In the 13th century, the Tatar-Mongols invaded Georgia, and in the 15th century, the troops of Timur.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries, Georgia gradually became part of the Russian Empire. But only in the 1870s, the troops of the Ottoman Empire were finally expelled from Georgia.

In 1918, Georgia became part of the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic, and in 1936 - part of the USSR.

Georgia's independence was proclaimed in 1991. In 1992 Georgia became a member of the UN.


For many centuries, winemaking has been not only the basis of Georgia's economic wealth, but also a part of its spiritual culture. Wine for Georgians is not just a drink. Wine in Georgia is more like a religion. The vine is often mentioned in Georgian legends and songs.

Hospitality traditions are very strong in Georgia. Previously, Georgian houses even had special rooms for guests (or separate houses), where any guest could enter, eat and spend the night there.

Each Georgian holiday must go in a certain order. This is followed by a special person - toastmaster. According to tradition, the master of the house should be the host himself or he should be chosen from among the most respected guests.

Georgian traditions, as well as Georgian hospitality, are reflected in wedding customs. A lot of guests need to be invited to a Georgian wedding (sometimes their number reaches several hundred). Refusing to come to a wedding is an insult to the inviting party, and because of this, a blood feud can begin.

Cuisine of Georgia

Perhaps some tourists who have visited Georgia will say that its main attraction is the local Georgian cuisine. The traditional Georgian feast is an integral part of Georgian culture.

Georgians love and know how to cook meat. Dishes such as shish kebab, “chicken tobacco”, chikhirtma and chakhokhbili have long gained popularity in various countries of the world.

A distinctive feature of Georgian cuisine is a large number of sauces. The same dish in Georgia can be served with different sauces, and it will differ not only in appearance, but also in taste and aroma. Sauces in Georgia are made from berries, fruits, tomato, pomegranate, blackberry, barberry, which are boiled and then mixed with vinegar and spices.

Another distinctive feature of Georgian cuisine is the abundance of cheeses. Each region in Georgia boasts its own traditional type of cheese. The most famous varieties of cheese are Suluguni, Kobisky and Chanakh.

For cooking, Georgians often use nuts - almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts.

A very important element of Georgian cuisine is spices. They are used for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The most popular spices (depending on the season) are parsley, dill, wild garlic, mint, basil, savory, tarragon, etc.

On the Georgian table, next to the meat, there must always be vegetables and herbs. Most vegetable dishes are prepared with eggplant, beans, cabbage, beets and tomatoes. So, in Georgian cuisine there are several dozen eggplant dishes.

Soups are very popular in Georgia, which can be meat, vegetarian and dairy. Soup in Georgia is usually cooked without vegetables, and, of course, seasoned with a sauce with flour or eggs.

Instead of bread in Georgia, gomi is used, a very thick corn porridge, as well as "shoti" (white leavened bread) and "mchadi" (corn cakes).

A Georgian feast cannot be imagined without wine. Georgian wines are known in many countries of the world. The most popular Georgian wines are Khvanchkara, Kindzmarauli, Saperavi, Tvishi and Tsinandali.

Sights of Georgia

According to official data, there are now more than 10 thousand historical, architectural and archaeological monuments in Georgia. The Top 10 best Georgian attractions, in our opinion, may include the following:

  1. Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta
  2. Sioni Cathedral in Tbilisi
  3. Church of St. Mary in Tbilisi
  4. Gremi Citadel on the Intsoba River
  5. Monastery Shio-Mgvime
  6. Jvari Church in Mtskheta
  7. Ananuri Fortress
  8. Akhali Shuamta Nunnery
  9. Khertvisi Fortress
  10. Samtavro Convent

Cities and resorts

The largest Georgian cities are Batumi, Rustavi, Kutaisi, Zugdidi, Poti, Gori, and, of course, Tbilisi.

On the Black Sea coast in Georgia there are several excellent beach resorts - Batumi, Zeleny Mys, Mikhinjauri, Ord, Kobuletti, Tsikhisdziri, Ureki. The best Georgian beaches are located in Adjara, which is located in a subtropical humid climate. Almost the entire coastline of Adjara is a beautiful long beach, on the banks of which palm trees, firs and cypresses grow.

Georgia is famous not only for its beaches, but also for its balneological resorts. Today there are about 2 thousand thermal and mineral springs in Georgia. Moreover, more than 20 of them are large mineral springs (as in Borjomi). The most famous balneological Georgian resorts are Borjomi, Tsikhisdziri, Tskhaltubo, Mukhuri, Beshumi, Abastumani, Shovi, Zekari.

Georgia cannot be imagined without ski resorts. The most famous of them are Bakuriani, Gudauri, Bakhmaro. The skiing season in Georgia usually lasts from December to April.


Tourists from Georgia usually bring folk art products, a wine horn, scarves, icons, Georgian cheese, Georgian wine, churchkhela, spices (hops-suneli, cilantro, Imeretian saffron), sauces (adjika, tkemali).

Georgia: culture, cuisine, customs, traditions, religion and population.

Culture of Georgia harmoniously combined the cultures of the peoples of the Middle East, Europe, as well as their national traditions. Already in the Middle Ages, Georgia raised such sciences as geography and astronomy, philosophy and theology, law and history to a high level. At the same time, applied arts and architecture flourished. Although Georgia is adjacent to Persia and the influence of their cultures acted in its favor, it was still more drawn to Europe.

Music of Georgia owns ancient history. According to tradition, singing is the male part. The polyphony of Georgia is popular all over the world. At first it was only folk art, but when Christianity was adopted in Georgia, singing entered the church. In 2001, UNESCO awarded the Georgian song an award and named it a brilliant creation of the national heritage.

Dances of Georgia are divided into three categories: solo, dance in pairs and dance in a group. The main detail of the Georgian dance is a straight back, both for men and women. The fair sex makes gentle, feminine movements, while the men jump high and move quickly, trying to emphasize their masculinity.

Georgian cuisine not spicy, but rather spicy. An indispensable drink on the tables of Georgia is Georgian wine.

Showing records 1-3 from 3 .

Georgian cuisine.

Probably, if you can say what Georgia is most famous for, then the list will definitely include wine, mountains and ... unusually delicious cuisine! The national cuisine of this country was able to combine all the brightest of the gastronomic traditions of Transcaucasia, Asia and even the Black Sea region. Note that the culinary style of Western Georgia was influenced by Turkey, and the East - from Iran. Original, original, unusually interesting - all this has already become the usual characteristics of Georgian dishes. Wrong, this sophistication increases many times in tandem with the legendary Georgian hospitality. Bread in Georgia is different. If in the Western part they prefer mchadi - a flatbread made from corn flour, then in the East they cook more wheat bread, which is baked in special clay ovens ...

Religion of Georgia.

The Constitution of Georgia states that freedom of religion in the country is reserved for all citizens. Therefore, representatives of all world religions - Islam, Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism, Buddhism and many others coexist perfectly here. But still, it was not in vain that Orthodoxy was made the state religion, because most of the country identifies itself with this particular denomination. Interestingly, Georgia is one of the first countries in the world to adopt Orthodoxy as the state religion of the country. The very first country to adopt this religion at the national level was Armenia. After it, in 326 AD, Georgia secured the status of an Orthodox country. Until 2011, when all religious communities were granted the right of a legal entity, the Georgian Orthodox Church…

Customs and traditions of Georgia.

Georgia is a hotbed of centuries-old traditions that do not change over the years and are passed down exactly from generation to generation. Probably, Georgia is oversaturated with customs. In fact, it is already very difficult to separate ordinary Georgian life from old traditions. Winemaking, ancient religion, family recipes, secret spices for barbecue, lavish feasts, wedding ceremonies and legendary hospitality - this is the whole of Georgia. Let's start with hospitality. These are not just extra words to attract tourists, but the real way of life of Georgians. Here the guest is the protagonist of any celebration, and you definitely won’t leave any house, even the most modest one, hungry. Sometimes it happens that taxi drivers will not take money if they hear that you are a tourist, and if you are hitchhiking, then the drivers will definitely not take money from you, and even arrange an overnight stay ...

Each country has its own traditions. People respect and remember them. It is good knowledge and observance of traditions that distinguishes local residents from foreigners. A person can live in a country for many years, but still not completely imbued with culture. What traditions of Georgia do our compatriots consider unique?

Do not take off your shoes at a party

Almost all Europeans do not wear slippers at home. Clean streets, asphalt that is washed every day, and the absence of settling dust - all this allows people to walk around the house in boots. Shoes are removed if they are hot. The same is practiced in Georgia. The tradition of not taking off your shoes at a party appeared a long time ago. Unlike European countries, in Georgia the streets are not washed every day, and yet people are not obsessed with cleanliness. After all, a guest is a welcome and respected person. Georgians try their best to please anyone who enters their house. Therefore, the owner will be offended if you decide to take off your shoes in his corridor. Georgians want to be sure that the guest in the house is cozy and comfortable.


Many Georgian traditions are associated with various meals. Georgians love holidays and feasts. Therefore, even from an ordinary breakfast, they make a whole ritual. The family always gets together, and if someone is late, they will wait for him. The table is laid taking into account the fact that guests may suddenly appear. Food is always prepared in abundance. Breakfast does not differ from lunch and dinner in terms of the number of dishes. People eat heartily and satisfyingly at every meal. The main diet of Georgians consists of greens, vegetables and meat. Fruit and national dishes such as lobio often appear on the table. Beans and other legumes are loved by the Georgian people. The most honorable place on the table is occupied by meat. It is served in various variations. It can be barbecue, khinkali, dumplings or chops. Every meal is accompanied by plenty of wine. Mostly men drink, but married women do not abstain from alcohol either. Numerous types of cheeses are put for a snack. The feast stretches for at least an hour. Any, even a very modest family meal is accompanied by toasts and sincere conversations.


The food-related traditions of Georgia occupy a separate place on the pages of any guidebook. A feast is a favorite entertainment of any Georgian. With or without reason, people gather to have fun. There are always a lot of people at such festivities. Moreover, the owner of the house does not always know the guests by name, and some of them may see for the first time. It is customary for Georgians to warmly welcome and seat any traveler at the table. Tourists often enjoy the hospitality of the hosts. It is enough to find a yard from which music flows, and you can safely go there with the intention of having fun and a hearty meal.

The standard feast begins at lunchtime and ends late at night. The abundance of food and wine contributes to the fact that people have quite frank conversations. But at the same time, all Georgians follow the words and expressions. Adults do not swear because they do not want to catch the condemning looks of their neighbors. Even in a fit of brilliance or a dispute, a Georgian will never hit his friend. Therefore, all feasts are held loudly, but peacefully.

In recent years, traditional hospitality has been fading away. Now Georgians visit each other less often, but they often invite relatives and friends to a restaurant. The festivities are transferred under the roof of the institution and continue until the morning. The one who gathered everyone at the table pays for food and entertainment.


All countries have their own traditions and customs. Georgia is distinguished by its hospitality. This is expressed even in the way the guests leave after the feast. You can not leave the festivities without saying goodbye to the owner of the house. This can cause a person great resentment. If the guest decides to leave, then he needs to understand that he will be able to do this in at least 30 minutes. Such farewell in Georgia is normal. The departing person must say a toast, drink to the health of the host, and then listen to the toasts from most of the people gathered at the table. If a person can still leave the hospitable host, he will not have to call a taxi. A guest who has drunk wine at the table has every right to call the police and confess that he is not able to drive now. Law enforcement officers will quickly come for a person and take him to his house. They will do it for free and without any claims.


The traditions and customs of Georgia are very beautiful if you look at them from the side. But for Georgians, there is nothing strange in chic festivities. They consider them commonplace. What are the wedding traditions in Georgia? The first of these is that the groom's parents choose the bride. Moreover, the girl's candidacy is discussed with all relatives, and everyone has the right to express their opinion about the future bride. If you like the girl, then the groom goes to marry her. And how is the wedding going and at whose expense is the celebration organized? The groom's family pays for the celebration. No dowry is required from the girl. The bride should be beautiful, hardworking, economic and chaste. The wedding takes place in the format of a large feast.

Most often, the festivities are held in the yard of the groom. Numerous tables are taken out into the street, which are filled with all kinds of dishes. Not only all relatives from both sides of the spouses are invited to the wedding, but also friends and neighbors. It is impossible not to come to a wedding in Georgia. Such a refusal will be considered an insult to the young. The beautiful tradition of stealing the bride still exists. But today, consent to conduct this ritual must be obtained from the girl and her numerous relatives. How is the wedding ceremony going? The groom brings the girl to the future home, pours wine into a glass and throws a ring into it. Having sipped the drink with the bride, the groom swears eternal love to the girl. After that, the man climbs onto the roof and launches a white dove.


The culture and traditions of Georgia are inextricably linked with a tart drink, which is obtained by fermenting grapes. Wine is the national treasure of the country. Georgians drink it from the age of 12. Alcoholism is not encouraged in the country, but nevertheless the culture of wine consumption is at the highest level. The history and traditions of winemaking in Georgia have deep roots. Georgian wine entered the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest. It is produced at numerous wineries in the country from local grape varieties. The most useful are tart wines. They keep longer and contain polyphenols in large quantities. If you get to a Georgian feast, you will definitely be offered a glass of wine. You have no right to refuse, otherwise the owner of the house will be offended by you. In most cases, you need to drink wine to the bottom. If you leave something in a glass, it will mean disrespect or disdain for the owner. Once at the Georgian feast, choose a drink that you will drink all evening. Do not mix different types of wine with each other and even more so with chacha. Otherwise, you will quickly lose control of yourself, as well as the respect of the guests.


The national traditions of Georgia are determined by the peculiar culture of this country. Georgians are very fond of feasts and wine. As a result, all the inhabitants of the country, young and old, sing drinking songs. People do not sing for themselves, they perform a repertoire known to all. It is also not customary to sing solo. Any Georgian feast is accompanied by a standard repertoire that rarely changes. Folklore in its modern interpretation is in honor of people. Folk instruments such as doli and changi can still be seen, they are as much an artifact as accordion or button accordion in Russia. But the performance of musical compositions on these instruments can only be heard at a wedding.


The traditions of the people of Georgia are inextricably linked not only with music, but also with choreography. Dances accompany any Georgian gatherings. Khorumi is considered especially popular. This dance is performed by 10 to 15 men. The incendiary action takes place under the choral singing of the audience. Lezginka, so beloved by the Russians, came to our country from Georgia. There it is called kartuli. This dance is most often performed by lovers. You can meet dancers not only in the Georgian courtyard, but also in any restaurant. In addition to visitors, dances are performed by professional dancers and artists.

New Year

Favorite holiday in Georgia, as well as in Russia, is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. If we briefly describe the traditions of Georgians for the New Year, then we should mention the similarity of the Georgian and Russian holidays. It consists of setting up a Christmas tree, preparing a huge amount of food and setting off fireworks. It should be noted that since ancient times, Georgians launched fireworks at 12 at night, only earlier it was rifle shots, and today these are all kinds of purchased rockets and fireworks.

Happy New Year Georgians are congratulated by the Snow Grandfather. He gives the kids sweets, not gifts. Grandpa's bag contains baklava and dried fruits. In addition to the Christmas tree, Georgians install a structure made of hazel branches in the house. Decorate such a "tree" with dried fruits. After the onset of the New Year, the product is burned. According to tradition, along with the smoke, all troubles and misfortunes should leave the family.


Many ancient cultural traditions of Georgia are still alive today. Along with church holidays, Georgians also celebrate pagan ones. Chiakokonab bears a strong resemblance to the Russian Ivan Kupala. On this day, people go out of town, collect large fires, light them and jump over the fire. It is believed that such a ritual helps a person to renew himself and cleanse himself energetically. It should be noted that the church unsuccessfully demands that Georgians do not celebrate the holiday, but people who are used to organizing festivities for any reason have no reason to deny themselves the pleasure and not celebrate another holiday that has deep roots.

Attitude towards men

The traditions of raising boys in Georgia have not changed for decades. Kids are still taught to sit in the saddle and wield cold weapons. In similar images, fathers develop willpower in their sons, develop their physical strength and teach them to defend themselves and, if necessary, stand up for their families.

All Georgians are patriots, and for this reason they have a highly developed national consciousness. Much attention is paid to teaching boys the art of eloquence. Any man should be able not only to say a good toast, but also to defend his opinion without using his fists. Men are taught to protect women and take care of them. In Georgian families, the husband is the authority, and the woman must obey him. For this reason, a man must bring money to the family and be responsible for everything that happens in his house.

Attitude towards women

A mother for a Georgian is the main person. Her opinion should always be considered, and she should always be protected. The man will not allow any of the neighbors to say a bad word to his mother or just look askance at her. March 3 is officially Mother's Day. All the streets are strewn with flowers on this day, and all women, regardless of age, are given bouquets.

Girls in Georgia are considered gentle creatures that need to be taken care of and loved. But at the same time, any woman should be economic and practical. All housework falls on her shoulders, and she will be responsible for all purchases and expenses.

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