The Georgian writer lived in America in the 20th century. §3


The monograph is the first large-scale study of Russian-Georgian literary relations in the post-Soviet period. E. Chkhaidze analyzed the development of the literary process through the prism of changes in the political climate, starting from the pre-imperial period, continuing with the Soviet and post-Soviet ones.

The author introduces the concept of "imperial literary tradition", which means regular reference not only to fiction, but also to translation and research activities in the context of relations between Russia and Georgia.

With the help of post-imperial / post-Soviet studies, as well as studies of multi- and transculturalism, the works of both well-known and little-known Russian and Georgian writers who turned to the topic of post-Soviet conflicts, to the fate of representatives of the intercultural space were studied, as well as an overview analysis of structural changes in the scientific, translation and cultural and literary environment after the collapse of the USSR.

Me, grandmother, Iliko and Illarion (audio performance)

Nodar Dumbadze Dramaturgy from the archive of the State Television and Radio Fund

Radio composition performance "I, grandmother, Iliko and Illarion" based on the novel of the same name by the Georgian writer Nodar Dumbadze Zuriko - a boy from an ordinary Georgian village. The action takes place in pre-war Georgia, where Zuriko goes to school, falls in love for the first time, then escorts fellow villagers to the war and meets Victory.

Zuriko finishes school and goes to study in Tbilisi, but after studying he returns to his village, to his first love and friends. Leningrad State Academic Bolshoi Drama Theatre. M. Gorky Radio show. Directed by Ruben Agamirzyan.

Zuriko Vashlomidze - Tatosov Vladimir; Grandmother Zuriko - Volynskaya Lyudmila; Zuriko's neighbors: Iliko - Yursky Sergey; Illarion - Kopelyan Efim; Mary, Zuriko's fiancee - Elena Nemchenko; Romulus, Zuriko's friend - Calm George. In episodes and mass scenes - theater artists.

Music - Lagidze R. Recorded in 1965 © IDDC.

Alexander Mikhailovich Kazbegi foreign classics Missing No data

The literary talent and civil courage of Alexander Kazbegi were especially clearly manifested in his creative activity in the 80s of the XIX century. In his novels and stories, the inner world of the characters, their feelings and experiences are conveyed with great artistic power.

The best pages of his novels "The Parricide", "Tsitsiya" are devoted to the life of the Chechens, and the story "Eliso" is entirely about the Chechens, to whom the Georgian writer treated with the greatest sympathy, he knew well their way of life, customs and mores. The electronic version of the work is published according to the 1955 edition.


Akaki Tsereteli historical literature Absent

We bring to your attention the audiobook "Bashi-Achuk" - the historical story of Akaki Tsereteli (1840-1915), an outstanding Georgian poet, writer, thinker, public figure and educator, as well as the author of words to the famous Georgian song "Suliko".

At the beginning of the 17th century, the Persians attacked the eastern region of Georgia and occupied the kingdom of Kakheti. The Georgians rebelled against the invaders. The Georgian folk hero Glakha Bakradze, nicknamed Bashi-Achuk by his enemies, which means "horseman with bare head" in Iranian, bravely fights for the liberation of Kakheti from the rule of the Persian Shah.

Holy Mist (The Last Days of the Gulag)

Levan Berdzenishvili Biographies and Memoirs Criticism and essay

Everyone in Georgia knows Levan Berdzenishvili. He is one of the founders of the Republican Party, the president of the non-governmental organization "Republican Institute", an authoritative classical philologist, a former dissident and a prisoner of the notorious Mordovian Dubravlag JK 385/3-5, and now he is the author of this book, instantly sold out in his homeland, which brought him the glory of the "Georgian Dovlatov".

When asked by a journalist why he wrote his memoirs about the years spent in prison, Berdzenishvili replied: “I am not a writer - I, as is typical for almost all Georgians, am a storyteller ... my arrest for anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda... This book is not about me, but about the people I met and fell in love with in the zone.

Some of them may not recognize themselves because this is more true about them than they know or think about themselves. “Holy Mist” is not only about the trauma of such an experience, but also about the joy of communication between very different people who had a similar fate.

The Queen's Romance (compilation of short stories)

Team of authors stories Selected foreign short stories

We bring to your attention an audio collection of selected short stories by writers from Georgia, Ukraine, Poland, Finland, Austria, England, Sweden. Novels are read by the best performers of the ARDIS studio Vladimir Samoilov, Anzhelika Rein, Nadezhda Vinokurova, Tatyana Telegina, Viktor Rudnichenko, Vladimir Levashev.

Ekaterina Gabashvili OWNERS OF ESTATES (I. Darcho and his horse; II. Section) Trans. from Georgian Read by Nadezhda Vinokurova Adam Shimansky SRUL FROM LYUBARTOV Per. from Polish by E. and I. Leontiev Reads by Vladimir Samoilov Kijosti Vilkuna IN Severe Lapland Per.

from Finnish R. Markovich Read Vyacheslav Gerasimov Juho Reionen EXPLANATION IN LOVE Per. from Finnish R. Markovich Read Vyacheslav Gerasimov Ivan Yakovlevich Franko HISTORY OF TULUP Per. from Ukrainian by Lesia Ukrainka Read by Victor Rudnichenko Emil Peshkau NOVEL QUEEN Per.

The owner himself once again calls and scolds, threatening to count Nikita, a dapper guy of about twenty-five, a lazy and walking worker. Anisya stands up for him with fury, and Anyutka, their ten-year-old daughter, runs into the room with a story about the arrival of Matryona and Akim, Nikita's parents.

Having heard about Nikita's forthcoming marriage, Anisya attacked Peter even more viciously, planning to upset the wedding by any means. Akulina knows her stepmother's secret intentions. Nikita reveals to Anisya his father's desire to forcibly marry him to the orphan girl Marinka.

Anisya says that as soon as Peter dies, she will take Nikita into the house as the owner ... The State Academic Maly Theater. Recorded in 1958. Peter, a rich man - Boris Gorbatov; Aksinya, his wife - Olga Chuvaeva; Akulina, daughter of Peter from his first marriage - Dalmatova Electra; Anyutka, second daughter - Claudia Blokhin; Nikita, their relative - Doronin Vitaly; Akim, Nikita's father - Igor Ilyinsky; Matryona, his wife - Elena Shatrova; Marina, an orphan girl - Julia Burygina; Mitrich, old worker, retired soldier - Mikhail Zharov; Kuma Anisya - Orlova Valentina; Neighbor - Anna Yartseva; Matchmaker - Sergey Chernyshev; Marina's husband is Georgian Alexander; 1st girl - Novak Valentina; 2nd girl - Schepkina Alexandra; Sergeant - Vanyukov Timofey; Matchmaker - Karnovich Natalia; Headman - Sergey Kalabin.

Theater artists and students of the M. S. Shchepkin Theater School are busy in the crowd scenes.

Literature is the thoughts, aspirations, hopes and dreams of the people. The art of the word, which can both hurt, hurt and crucify, and elevate, give meaning and make happy.

1. Guram Dochanashvili

Guram Dochanashvili is one of the brightest representatives of modern Georgian prose. Born in 1939 in Tbilisi. He owns stories, novellas, novels, essays. Dochanashvili is familiar to the Russian reader from the books “Over the Mountain”, “Song Without Words”, “Only One Man”, “A Thousand Small Worries”, “I Will Give You Three Times” and other works. Guram Dochanashvili's books are odes to love, kindness and sacrificial struggle, translated into many languages ​​​​of the world and repeatedly formed the basis of many films and performances.

The novel "The First Vestment" is the pinnacle of Guram Dochanashvili's work. It is written in the style of magical realism and is close in spirit to the Latin American novel. A fusion of utopia-dystopia, but in general - about a person's search for a place in this life and that the true price of freedom, alas, is death. The novel can be parsed into quotations. Unfortunately, the later works of Guram Dochanashvili have not been translated into Russian.

2. Aka Morchiladze

Aka Morchiladze (Georgy Akhvlediani) is a famous Georgian writer living in London. Born November 10, 1966. In 1988 he graduated from the Faculty of History of Tbilisi University. Author of many novels and short stories, five-time laureate of the Georgian literary award "Saba". According to the works and scripts of Aka Morchiladze, such well-known Georgian films as "Walk to Karabakh" and "Walk to Karabakh 3", "I can't live without you", "Mediator" were shot.

Often Aka Morchiladze creates works in the detective genre. And for this reason, critics often compare him with Boris Akunin. However, in parallel with experiments in the genre of historical detective story, he also writes novels about the present. They are talking about something completely different: about a new type of relationship in society, about elitism, snobbery and teenagers. In Morchiladze's books, one can often find a stylization of the modern manner of speaking of Georgian society, as well as slang and jargon of modern Georgian colloquial speech.

3. Nino Kharatishvili

Nino Kharatishvili is a famous German writer and playwright from Georgia. Born in 1983 in Tbilisi. She studied as a film director, and then in Hamburg - as a theater director. As a playwright and director of a German-Georgian theater group, she attracted attention from an early age. In 2010, Kharatishvili became the laureate of the Prize. Adelbert von Chamisso, which is awarded to authors who write in German and whose work is affected by a changing cultural environment. Nino Kharatishvili is the author of many prose texts and plays published in Georgia and Germany.

In 2002, her first book, Der Cousin und Bekina, was published. Collaborated with various theater troupes. Currently he is a regular composer for the Deutsches Theater in Göttingen. “When I am in Georgia,” says Nino Kharatishvili, “I feel like an extremely German, and when I return to Germany, I feel like an absolute Georgian. This, in general, is sad and creates certain problems, but if you look differently, it can enrich. Because if I, by and large, do not feel at home anywhere, then I can build, create, create my home everywhere.

4. Dato Turashvili

David (Dato) Turashvili is a writer, playwright and screenwriter. Born on May 10, 1966 in Tbilisi. The first collection of Turashvili's prose was published in 1991. Since then, 17 books have been published. At present, Turashvili's works have been published in seven languages ​​in various countries. In particular, the novel "Escape from the USSR" ("Generation of Jeans") became a bestseller in Georgia, becoming the most popular work in the country over the past twenty years. This book has been reprinted in Holland, Turkey, Croatia and Italy and Germany. The novel is based on real events: in November 1983, a group of young people in Tbilisi attempted to hijack a plane from the USSR.

As a playwright, David Turashvili worked with the world famous Georgian director Robert Sturua. Twice awarded the prestigious Georgian Literary Prize "Saba" (2003, 2007).

5. Anna Kordzaia-Samadashvili

Anna Kordzaia-Samadashvili is a well-known Georgian author of many books and publications (“Berikaoba”, “Children of Shushanik”, “Who Killed the Seagull”, “Rulers of Thieves”). Born in 1968 in Tbilisi, a graduate of the Faculty of Philology of Tbilisi State University. For the last 15 years, Korzdaya-Samadashvili has worked as an editor in Georgian publications, as well as a correspondent in Georgian and foreign media.

Anna Kordzaia-Samadashvili is a two-time laureate of the prestigious Georgian literary award "Saba" (2003, 2005). In 1999, she was awarded the Goethe Institute Prize for the best translation of the Nobel Prize-winning Austrian writer Elfriede Jelinek's novel Mistresses. In 2017, her collection of short stories, I, Marguerite, was included in the New York Public Library's list of the best works of women authors in the world.

6. Mikhail Gigolashvili

Mikhail Gigolashvili is a Georgian writer based in Germany. Born in 1954 in Tbilisi, graduated from the Faculty of Philology and postgraduate studies at Tbilisi State University. Candidate of Philological Sciences, author of studies of Fyodor Dostoevsky's creativity. Published a number of articles on the topic "Foreigners in Russian Literature". Gigolashvili is the author of five novels and a collection of prose. Among them are "Judea", "Tolmach", "Ferris Wheel" (choice of readers of the "Big Book" award), "Capture of Muscovy" (shortlist of the NOS award). Since 1991 he has been living in Saarbücken (Germany), teaching Russian at the University of Saarland.

This year, his novel The Secret Year won the Russian Prize in the Large Prose nomination. It tells about one of the most mysterious periods of Russian history, when Tsar Ivan the Terrible left the throne to Simeon Bekbulatovich and shut himself up for a year in the Alexander Sloboda. This is an actual psychological drama with elements of phantasmagoria.

7. Nana Ekvtimishvili

Nana Ekvtimishvili is a Georgian writer, screenwriter and film director. Born in 1978 in Tbilisi, a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Tbilisi State University. I. Javakhishvili and the German Institute of Cinematography and Television. Konrad Wolf in Potsdam. Nan's stories were first published in the Tbilisi literary almanac "Arili" in 1999.

Nana is the author of short and full-length films, the most famous and successful of which are Long Bright Days and My Happy Family. Ekvtimishvili shot these films in collaboration with her husband, director Simon Gross. In 2015, Nana Ekvtimishvili's debut novel "Pear Field" was published, which received several literary awards, including "Saba", "Litera", the Ilya University Prize, and was also translated into German.

8. Georgy Kekelidze

Georgy Kekelidze is a writer, poet and TV presenter. His autobiographical documentary novel Gurian Diaries has been an absolute bestseller in Georgia for the last three years in a row. The book has been translated into Azerbaijani and Ukrainian and will soon be released in Russian.

At 33, Kekelidze is not just a fashionable writer and public figure, but also the country's chief librarian. Giorgi Kekelidze runs the Tbilisi National Parliamentary Library and is also the founder of the Book Museum. A native of the Georgian city of Ozurgeti (Guria region), Giorgi is the owner of almost all Georgian literary awards in Georgia. The foundation of the first Georgian electronic library is connected with his name. And Kekelidze constantly travels around the regions of Georgia, restoring rural libraries and helping schools with books and computers.

9. Ekaterina Togonidze

Ekaterina Togonidze is a young prose writer, TV journalist and lecturer. Born in Tbilisi in 1981, she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Tbilisi State University. I. Javakhishvili. She worked on the First Channel of the Georgian Public Broadcaster: the host of the news program Vestnik and the morning edition of Alioni.

Since 2011, he has been published in Georgian and foreign publications and magazines. In the same year, the first collection of her stories "Anesthesia" was published, which was awarded the Georgian literary prize "Saba". Ekaterina is the author of the novels "Another Way", "Listen to Me", the short stories "Asynchronous" and others. Ekaterina Togonidze's books have been translated into English and German.

10. Zaza Burchuladze

Zaza Burchuladze is one of the most original writers of contemporary Georgia. He also published under the name Gregor Samsa. Zaza was born in 1973 in Tbilisi. Studied at the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts. A. Kutateladze. The first publication is the story "Third Candy", published in 1998 in the Tbilisi newspaper "Alternative". Since that time he has been published in the newspaper "Alternativa" and in the magazine "Arili" ("Ray").

Separate editions of Zaza Burchuladze - a collection of short stories (1999), the novels "The Old Song" (2000), "You" (2001), "Letter to Mom" ​​(2002), the story "The Simpsons" (2001). Zaza's latest works include the novels Adidas, Bouncy Angel, Mineral Jazz, and the collection of short stories Soluble Kafka.

Earl Akhvlediani

"Vano, Niko and the Hunt"

Once it seemed to Niko that Vano was a bird, and he himself was a hunter.

Vano was worried and thought: "What should I do, I'm not a bird, I'm Vano." But Niko did not believe, he bought a double-barreled gun and began to look at the sky. He was waiting for Wano to take off to kill him. But the sky was empty.

Vano was really afraid to turn into a bird and fly; he carried stones in his pocket so as not to fly; ate a lot so as not to take off; did not look at the swallows, so as not to learn to fly; I did not look at the sky, so as not to want to fly.

Niko, - said Vano Niko, - drop this gun and don't look at the sky. I'm not a bird, I'm Vano... What kind of bird am I?

You are a bird, and it's over! Take off quickly, I'll shoot. I am a hunter.

Niko, - said Vano Niko, - what a bird I am when I am Vano.

Don't bother, - Niko dispersed, - don't bother, otherwise I'll shoot. If you are on the ground, I will shoot anyway, as if you had just landed.

Wano fell silent and left.

Arriving home, Vano had a hearty lunch, sewed many pockets on his shirt, stuffed them with stones and thought.

“Probably, Niko doesn’t know what a bird is, otherwise he didn’t turn turn me into a bird.

Nodar Dumbadze


This story began in August 1941 and ended exactly two years later.

Our village felt the harsh breath of war within a month. Accustomed to a prosperous life, the collective farmer could not immediately comprehend the whole horror of what had happened, did not calculate his possibilities, and it so happened that the barns and chests in many houses were empty already in August, and in our house even earlier ...

Grandfather Spiridon, exhausted by dropsy, spent days and nights by the fireplace, and all the household chores fell on my shoulders. What a farm! Even now my back begins to ache, as I remember how much firewood and brushwood I then dragged from the forest: the poor old man would have disappeared without heat.

On August 25, the last piece of mchadi was eaten. Grandfather took a ten-liter bottle of vodka sealed with a stump from the closet and said:

Put it in the basket, go to Chokhatauri and exchange it for a pood of corn. The one who offers less, douse this very vodka, break the bottle and return home ... Mulberry vodka, and it contains eighty degrees, you must understand! .. That's it.

Miho Mosulishvili

"Dance with the Rock"

"If you are forever in eternal snow

You lie down - over you, as over your loved ones,

Mountain ranges lean

The most durable obelisk in the world."

Vladimir Vysotsky, "To the Top" (In Memory of Mikhail Khergiani).

One day, in the autumn of 1968, my uncle took me, a boy of six years old, to watch a climbing practice in the Tbilisi Botanical Garden.

And then I, sitting in an exceptionally elite place, in the "Benoir box", that is, on my uncle's neck, saw a stunning sight.

No, it couldn't be called climbing.

It was a rock dance! Or with a rock! Oh, how filigree, like a cat, one of them especially moved. And the truth - as if dancing, deftly climbing up the rock. With just one finger, he caught on ledges that others did not notice.

Who is he? asked my uncle.

Which? He looked at me, narrowing his sun-drenched eyes.

There is the one that dances on the rock.

And did you like it? uncle rejoiced. "He is the Tiger of Rocks!"

Why Tiger?

The newspapers wrote that for his ability to pass difficult rocky routes with incredible speed, he received the nickname "Tiger of Rocks" from English climbers.

And who is he really?

Misha Khergiani!

Is it true? And I'm also Misha! I rejoiced.

Yes, you namesakes! Uncle laughed. - And they also say that if he catches on a bare ledge of a rock with just one finger, he hangs over the abyss for a whole week and does not utter a groan ...

Akaki Tsereteli

(historical story)

Chapter first

From somewhere out of boundless distance, the seething Aragva rushes, wriggling like a snake, and, punching its way, violently, with a swing, flies onto a sheer rock! Thrown back by an indestructible stronghold, deafened, dazed, she stops her run here, as if in order to take a breath, and, circling in place, rushes forward again, but flows more slowly, more carefully, with a groan and roar, carrying her waters into the valley.

On top of this sheer cliff, cutting through the clouds, rises a huge impregnable castle, like a reliable sentry, looking around the surroundings from a height. The castle is surrounded by a high strong fence, and only from the east is a balcony stretching along the entire wall visible.

They had already had lunch in the castle. Eristav Zaal, a venerable old man, sat cross-legged on an ottoman in the corner of the balcony, fingering a rosary.

Right next to it, moving a chair to the very railing, Zaal's wife was reading the "Canon of Passions". The psalter lay in her lap; having read the psalm - and she had to repeat it, forty times a day, - the princess crossed herself and moved another knot on a cord that replaced her rosary.

Alexander Kazbegi


Young and playful, pampered and sly, wayward and beautiful Eleonora, the daughter of a wealthy feudal lord Vakhtang Kheltubneli, was the object of dreams of the then youth.

All who were noble enough, rich and brilliant, relentlessly sought her hand, everyone dreamed of the honor of becoming her husband, inventing a thousand ways to please her. But Eleanor, arrogant in her beauty and proud that her father was the ruler of the whole region, came from the most noble family in the country and possessed innumerable wealth, laughed at her fans, at the same time attracting them to her, kindled the fire of love in them. without submitting to anyone. Many young people surrounded the beautiful girl, they sighed, yearned for her, deprived of sleep and peace, but all was in vain. Their fiery words, impulsive selfless deeds and fiery sparkling glances were unable to soften Eleanor's hearts, could not melt the ice armor around her.

Anna Antonovskaya

"Great Mouravi"
(an epic novel in 6 books)

Book One "Awakening the Leopard"

Part one

A gloomy cliff with mossy sides loomed over the abyss. Suddenly, a golden eagle burst from his slightly bent shoulder. Spread as if forged from black

iron wings and angrily opening a curved beak, like a bent tip of a spear, the predator rushed to the sun. The stunned sun staggered and fell, and instantly shattered into pieces, dropping red-green-orange splashes on

the crimson heights of Didgori.

"Oh! .. ho! .." - the arba creaked out of the thickets of hazel. Fingering the yoke with their wrinkled necks, the two buffaloes, with slightly squinting bulging eyes, walked indifferently towards the mountain forest. Papuna Chivadze, having risen, wanted to express his opinion about the impolite behavior of the golden eagle, but ... why was it sprawled on a steep ledge?

Either a leopard, or another unknown solar beast with melted spots

on a smoldering skin. Papuna Chivadze decided to advise the sun so that,

leaving, it picked up its clothes, but something fell off the cart and hit on

roadside stone. Picking up the wineskin and throwing it into place, Papuna Chivadze was about to think about the rules for communication between earthly travelers with those above ground and heavenly, but suddenly a pink bird tweeted excitedly in the branches of an oak struck by lightning and Papuna's thoughts were transferred to a small house, where a "bird", similar to pink, waiting for the promised beads. He wanted to hurry the buffaloes with a twig, but changed his mind and indulged in contemplation of the hushed forest.

The sun rolled over the peaks, the golden eagle disappeared, the leopard faded. With a light step

night descended on the earth, dragging a cloak strewn with

fireflies, not stars.

Konstantin Gamsakhurdia

"Hand of the Grand Master"


The Georgian Military Road is the most beautiful in the world, Dardimandi is a wonderful horse, and horseback riding is the best recreation for me. When a sharp-faced, broad-chested, strong-legged spear, pricking up his ears, looks at me, inexhaustible energy wakes up in me, and it seems that I was born again into the world and have not yet had time to taste the delight of fast horse running and the joy of movement on this beautiful land.

I stroke Dardimandy's ears, small as beech leaves, look into his black eyes and become infected with the irrepressible power that mother nature has so generously awarded him ...

It happened one day that my well-behaved horse suddenly got excited and became so furious that even to the very Kara-Kum you can ride it with a quarry.

Widely opening his beautiful big eyes to the shiny cars, grubby trucks, he, absorbing space, carried me into the distance. I am not inclined to blame Dardimandy for the fact that the hot blood of an indefatigable horse boiled in him ...

Tbilisi has grown into a big city before our eyes. The lights of electric lamps sparkle on Mount St. David, in the park named after Stalin. Electric balls, reflected in the waves of the Kura, sway near the bridge of Heroes and along the wide embankment of Stalin. And so, when cars with blinding headlights roared right into your ears, running away along the tarmac, factory sirens howled, tractors going to collective farms rattled, and cyclists rang merrily, sedate Dardimandy began to shudder every minute, snort uneasily and gnaw at the bit. Neither the bit nor the mouthpiece can hold it. Stretching out his neck, curved like that of a swan, he rushed forward. I tried to curb his impulse, to take him in hand, but he, having brought forward the croup, suddenly went sideways.

Guram Dochanashvili

"A Thousand Little Worries"

They couldn't agree at all.

Come when you want, - the accountant repeated again and again.

And when all the same, you do not sit here from morning to evening!

Here's a man! If I say it, then I will.

Can't you tell for sure?

Anytime... Well, man! When you decide, then come...

What if I don't get you? Sandro interrupted the accountant irritably. - I'm running out of time.

Don't worry, you will. Is there a cigarette?

Both lit cigarettes and seemed to calm down; The accountant even leaned back in his chair, blowing smoke towards the ceiling with pleasure, but Sandro again began to doubt and asked, as if casually:

Do you actually visit in the morning or in the afternoon?

Listen, friend ... - The accountant was clearly offended. - I'm telling you, come any time. I won't be there, you'll wait for what you've done...

So I knew, - Sandro got nervous, - I'll lose the whole day here tomorrow! Understand, we leave the day after tomorrow morning.

In the morning? And Margo said - in the evening.

They are in the evening, and I have to go with the car in the morning ...

Okay, okay, calm down. You will arrive tomorrow and you will receive - money will be written out.

Please don't forget about money for the topographer.

I won't forget, how can I forget! Don't worry!

Guram Megrelishvili


I stage. How it all began

Like most young people of my generation, as a result of doing nothing, playing cards, dominoes and backgammon, smoking weed and reckless drinking, I fell into a deep depression. In my vocabulary with increasing frequency, phrases such as: - that's it, I'm stuck ... all over ... nothing shakes ... I'm already flying ... everything to a damn thing ... etc. In addition, I turned from a surprisingly accommodating boy into a conflicting, malicious-speaking and ruthless person.

I also had problems in my relationship with my parents (I hate: - Dad, give me two lari), I began to hate my relatives (they went ... what use are they?!), I hated the neighbors (and this sucker has such a car ?! ) and almost became a police officer.

My nerves were all over the place. No job, no job prospects, no job prospects. In short, the only dream that I have left is to grow old and die as soon as possible. And then the American book of wise thoughts fell into my hands. It was written in it:

II stage. What was written in the American book

wise thoughts: “If you don’t know what to do, get married!”

Leo Chiacheli

"Almasgir Kibulan"

Svans worked at the Lenkher logging, where the Khuberchala flows into the Enguri. Ten people gathered. Almasgir Kibulan, a resident of the remote village of Khalde, was also here. Almasgir stood out sharply among fellow countrymen with his heroic build - just like an old tower rises above ordinary Svan houses.

With Kibulan came his son Givergil. The fellow villagers nicknamed the young man “Dali gozal”, which means “Son of Dali” - he was such a successful hunter!

Givergil was barely fifteen years old, and his father took him to logging for the first time.

Almasgir was summoned from the village by his relative Bimurzola Margvelani. He was also from Khalde, but now lived permanently in Lenheri.

A year ago, Bimurzola agreed with the old contractor Kauza Pipiya that by the beginning of next summer he would hand over a hundred selected pine logs of a certain size to him in the village of Jvari. By signing the agreement, Bimurzola received from the contractor a deposit and a permit for logging. In addition to Almasgir Kibulan and Givergil, Bimurzola recruited several more of his former neighbors - experienced lumberjacks.

Guram Petriashvili

"Baby Dinosaur"

In ancient times, dinosaurs grazed on the endless plain.

Dinosaurs were huge, enormous, each ten times the size of an elephant.

Clumsy, clumsy, they were too lazy to take an extra step. Stretching out their long neck, day and day they moved their heads from side to side. Only having plucked out all the grass in front of them, they reluctantly stepped on.

Dinosaurs grazed like that.

Slowly, unhurriedly they moved and moved their jaws.

Why were they in a hurry?

Grass - as much as you want, the end-edge of the plain is not visible.

Time passed unnoticed.

Baby dinosaurs appeared, learned to pluck grass, grew up, became big dinosaurs, and, like all others, ate grass from morning to evening, chewed and chewed.

But then one day a kid looked up from the grass. Then he stretched out his neck and raised his head even higher.

Oh, how wonderful, it turns out, to look up.

Niko Lomouri


I remember when I was still quite small and could not confidently hold in my hand not only a shepherd's whip, but even a rod used to drive oxen; at a time when I would not be entrusted not only with a herd, but even a piglet in the field - I had one cherished desire: I wanted to visit the forest. Everyone to whom I dared to express my desire invariably ridiculed me.

What you think is unprecedented - the forest! What, baby, did you bury a treasure there or sow pearl seeds?

Treasure! Pearl Grains! At that time, I did not even understand the meaning of these words. My desires did not extend so far then.

Usually my father and my three uncles brought me from the forest either pigeon eggs, or a hare, or small squeaky quails; they gave me handfuls of hazelnuts with firm juicy kernels - my favorite delicacy; they also brought me bunches of reddish flexible willow twigs, from which I then weaved small dams for the fish that lived in our stream. Every spring I received as a gift a small resonant pipe, skillfully carved from reeds.

I felt extremely happy at that time.

Egnate Ninoshvili

"Gogia Uishvili"

Again, an “ecutia” was placed in our village. Today the headman ran around everyone and announced: we must contribute ten rubles from the house for the maintenance of this "ecutia", and even firewood, hay, corn and so on! - with pain and hopelessness in her voice, Marina said to her husband Gogia in the evening, when he returned from work.

How! Again "ecutia"!.. Are you out of your mind, woman! If again they set up an "ecutia" for us, our hearth will cool down! .. - said Gogia, and his face frowned.

Are you angry with me, as if it was my fault! Marina reproached her husband.

Got it right! I'm angry with you! Understand what I'm talking about! You should have said to this anathema: pay the ransom, they say, pay for the corvée, pay the church tax for the upkeep of the priest, pay the postal tax, pay the road tax, and not even list what an abyss of taxes we must deliver with our hump. It didn’t seem enough to them, they say, the robbers are hiding in your place, they took and put the “ecutia” on us last year, ruined our village. That's what you should have told him! - so said Gogia, sitting down to the hearth.

Otar Chiladze

"Iron Theater"

The land was carried on carts. Muddy water bubbled up in the pits. Seedlings with roots wrapped in rags were scattered between the holes: some eccentric German decided to plant a garden on the sand. In the port, several half-rotted barges were rubbing their sides against each other. The distorted reflection of the mast swayed on the greenish surface of the sea. The seagulls screamed and burst into laughter. A dead horse lay on the shore. From her open belly, a rat suddenly jumped out, cut through the air like a projectile, and flopped in the world. “Straight to Turkey,” said dad. But most surprising was the milkman. The milkman's can teased him with a white, smoking tongue. The milkman himself had a cap tied around his head, and a long motley pipe stuck out of his mouth, which he constantly sucked with a whistle. “I will put you in this vessel - your own father will never find you!” he said with a smile. Together with an empty can, he carried away the remnants of food from yesterday's table. After him, a rich smell remained on the balcony, warm and moist. This is how the morning began.

Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani

"On the Wisdom of Fiction"

There was once a king whose deeds no one can imagine; he accumulated so much mercy in his heart by kindness and beneficence that he himself could not measure it. He conquered the ardor and cruelty of his angry heart with a benevolent breath of God-fearing, with generosity he quenched the heat more than clouds carrying moisture; more abundant than the rain that falls from heaven were the gifts with which he rewarded people.
Fear and trembling before him seized the whole earth; people were more afraid of him than thunder, but his mercy and kindness were more captivating and sweeter than a mother's nipples for a baby.
The name of this great and illustrious king was Phinez.
He had a vizier, his wisdom reached the heavens. With his mind, he measured the length and breadth of the earth's firmament, with learning he penetrated into the abysses of the sea, air phenomena and star paths he inscribed on the tablets of his heart. With the meekness of his speeches, he tamed wild animals, likening them to people. At his word, the rocks melted like wax, the birds spoke with human voices.
The name of this vizier was Sedrak.

Chabua Amirejibi

"Gossip Magpie"

The fox, the donkey and the cuckoo were brought to the court to the lion magpie.
The lion yawned, put on his glasses and said:
- What was the magpie guilty of?
Lisa said:
- Magpie spread a rumor about me that I am tailless. I thought: I’ll pull my tail higher, everyone will see that I have a tail, and they won’t laugh at me anymore. Since then, I have become accustomed to walking. Hunters see me from afar. And what is it like for me now, dear judge, to live without a tail, judge for yourself! ..
The fox laid her tail on the table in front of the lion, all scorched and pierced by shot. The lion adjusted his glasses, examined him carefully, sighed, and said:
What a fluffy tail! No other animal had a tail like a fox!
The lion turned to the magpie and asked:
- Why did you lie?
- How did I know she had such a bushy tail? I made a mistake, forgive me! answered the magpie.

Daniel Chonkadze

"Surami fortress"

Last summer, when, exhausted by the unbearable heat, the inhabitants of Tbilisi were looking for coolness outside the city, several young people, and among them your humble servant, agreed to gather every evening on the Sands, across the river, against the Anchiskhata church, and have fun there until late at night. . In our agreement there was such a condition: everyone had to tell some kind of legend, parable or story from Georgian life.
It was one of those beautiful evenings that are so often replaced by hot days in our country. Young people have just bathed in the river; some were drinking tea, others were still dressing, the rest surrounded D. B., - he, putting a tari on his knee, played something and hummed in an undertone. Some time later, when everyone had drunk tea and the servants began to prepare for dinner, the young people remembered that they had not yet heard another story that evening. They began to find out whose turn it is today; it turned out that everyone had already said something. They asked for one, asked for another - but there were no hunters. I had to draw lots. One of us, having risen from his seat, began to count: "Itsilo, bitsilo, shroshano ...", etc. The counting ended with Niko D.
- Congratulations, Niko! Congratulations! they all shouted.
- No, friends, save me today. Really, I don’t know what to tell, I didn’t prepare.
- Oh, friend Niko! Remember God and start: “Once upon a time…”, and then it will go by itself, I assure you! - Said instructive tone Siko.
- Okay ... So listen! And Niko started.

Mikhail Lokhvitsky

"Search for the Gods"

The summer of 1867, March, the seventh day from the Nativity of Christ, according to the Gregorian calendar, or the first day of the month of Zul Qaada, 1233, according to the Muslim, or two weeks before the head day of the first month of the New, countless year from the generation of the Circassians by the Sun, according to According to the Adyghe chronology, the sky was blue over the mountains of the Caucasus, saturated with the hot radiance of a low and slowly floating daylight.
Hot rays melted the ice on the top of the mountain turned to the sun, streams of water crawled like snakes under the thickness of packed snow, blurred its connections with the frozen ground, and an avalanche, huge, like a Nart horse-alp, barely audibly sighing, rushed into the ever accelerating run along the steep slope. , condensing the air. A firmament of snow and air tore off piles of rocks from the base, cut off, like blades of grass, crooked oaks, spruces, firs, and the gorge resounded with a quiet moan of horror.

Lado Mrelashvili

"The Boys from Ikalto"

In a thunderstorm
Thunder rumbled with such force that it drowned out the crackling and creaking of the trees bending under the gusts of wind. The downpour whipped like a bucket. Noisy streams rushed headlong along the slopes and plunged into the Ikalto ravine, where the swollen stream foamed and growled, turning stones. There was not a soul around. On the balconies of the houses and under the balconies, with their noses buried in warm fluffy tails, lay shaggy dogs. And just beyond the outskirts, near the forest, in an old, abandoned barn, lightning flashed two boyish faces. Judging by their expressions, the boys were uneasy about the thunderstorm and wind raging outside the walls.
- Well, the night! - one of them said and sank down on the straw that covered the entire barn.
- Yes, we got here on time, otherwise we won’t dry out until morning.
- Ha-ha-ha! At home, now they are sure that I am with you. And your old people think that you are with us ...
- Quiet, Gogi, don't laugh so loudly!
- Nothing, Sandro, in such a noise no one will hear anyway.

Guram Panjikidze

"Seventh heaven"

Early July morning.
The air above the airfield is transparent and clean.
At the gangway TU-104, passengers are crowding and talking loudly. The stewardess, realizing the hopelessness of her efforts, tries to calm them down.
- Comrades! Comrades, take your time. You can do everything.
Levan Khidasheli stands at a distance and silently looks at his restless fellow travelers. He doesn't like fuss.
Buzzing like bees, the passengers disappear one by one into the dark opening of the entrance.
The last one had already disappeared, but Levan still did not move. The stewardess breathed a sigh of relief and only now noticed him. Levan felt eyes on him. Mechanically he reached for his pocket, wanted to pull out a box of cigarettes, but suddenly remembered that smoking was not allowed near the plane. He waved his hand in annoyance and picked up his duffel bag.
- Are you in Tbilisi? - asked the stewardess, glancing at the ticket.
Levan didn't answer.

Niko Lordkipanidze


The Prangulashvilis have long been famous throughout Lower Imeretia for their heroic strength. No wonder they were often called Veshapidze. Indeed, they possessed as much monstrous power as monstrous gluttony. In battles, Veshapidze never claimed superiority, but they wielded a dagger the size of a buffalo yoke as if it were a light twig.
And they used this weapon in a peculiar way. If an enemy detachment approached in single file, Prangulashvili smashed the enemy directly in the chest or stomach, without making out whether it was bone or pulp, with one blow they planted two or three people on the tip of the dagger and gutted them like pigs. If the enemy advanced in a deployed formation, they struck backhand from the right ear to the left thigh, crushed two opponents with one blow, and the third itself fell to the ground, either from horror in front of a sparkling blade, or overturned by an air wave.
The Prangulashvilis usually sent only one warrior to the war, no more, no less, since their entire clan consisted of one family.

Grigol Abashidze

"Long Night"

Georgian chronicle of the 13th century

The children played by the stream that flowed through the stone trough. Among them was a young man, probably not more than sixteen years old, although in appearance, both in height and in the width of his shoulders, and in the serious thoughtfulness of his face, he looked much older than his years. The young man was carefully adjusting a toy mill wheel. He stuck thin forks on both sides of the stream, placed the axle of the wheel on them, and now gradually lowered it so that the light jet flying along an even trough touched the light wooden blades. Suddenly he pulled his hands away and straightened up. The wheel spun, spraying small cool drops onto the grass. Children crowded around the wonderful mill, crowding and interfering with each other.
Straightening up, the young man really turned out to be tall, broad-shouldered, slender. He stood over the stream, like a giant over a big river, leaning his feet on different banks. And the water, and the fuss of the children, their squeals and merry laughter were somewhere below, and the young man no longer saw either the water flying along the chute, or the merry wheel, or the children's faces. Behind the nearby noise and laughter, he discerned something in the distance that made him alert and listen. Then he darted to a wide gate that opened just onto the road.
A lop-eared donkey trotted along the road. Sitting on it was not yet old, but, apparently, an early heavy, flabby man. He was pale with that sickly pallor that appears when a person moves little, sees little of the sun and fresh air.

Many great names of the world literature are connected with Georgia Tbilisi. “Russian poets inevitably pass through Georgia in their hearts,” N. Tikhonov said. This city has always been attractive to Russian poets, writers and artists; they connected their fate with him, and leaving Tbilisi, mentally always returned to him. A.S. called this city “Magic Land”. Pushkin, who was deeply moved by the reception he received in Tbilisi. “I don’t remember the day,” the poet wrote, “on which I would be more cheerful than the present; I see how I am loved, understood and appreciated, and how this makes me happy.

Decembrist writers V. Kuchelbeker, A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, A. Odoevsky, poets of the Pushkin galaxy - D. Davydov, A. Shishkov, V. Teplyakov lived in Tbilisi and Georgia. M. Lermontov, cornet of the Nizhny Novgorod Dragoon Regiment, served in Tbilisi, exiled to the Caucasus for the poem "On the Death of a Poet" and dedicated his "Demon", "Mtsyri", "Gifts of the Terek" and other works to Georgia. From Tbilisi, the poet wrote: “If it weren’t for my grandmother, then, in all honesty, I would gladly stay here.”

14 years after the departure of M. Lermontov, L. Tolstoy arrived here. Preparing to join the Caucasian army, he settled in the house of a German colonist and kept diaries about his stay in Georgia. Here L. Tolstoy wrote his first work "Childhood", and decades later - the story "Hadji Murad", which reflected many of his Tbilisi impressions.

Russian playwright A. Ostrovsky visited Tbilisi more than once.

Young Aleksey Peshkov published his first story "Makar Chudra" in the Tbilisi newspaper "Kavkaz" and for the first time signed it with the name "Maxim Gorky". The poem "The Girl and Death", sketches for the legend "Danko", several stories - all this is the Tbilisi period of M. Gorky's work.

At different times, the literary paths of G. Uspensky, A. Bely ran through Tbilisi, Good friends were found in Tbilisi Mayakovsky, S. Yesenin, B. Pasternak, O. Mandelstam, K. Paustovsky were here

Russian writers and other prominent figures of Russian art had many friends in the “warm” city of Tbilisi. Many stayed at the hospitable house of Prince Alexander Chavchavadze, a romantic poet and the most educated person of his time. Contemporaries said about him: “Everything that came from St. Petersburg, decent and dignified, young and old, belonged to the prince’s living room. His charming family .. was the only one in Tbilisi in which visiting guests from the North and West found the beginning of holy Georgian hospitality in full harmony with the conditions of an educated European society.

The fate of A. Griboyedov was closely connected with Tbilisi and the family of Prince A. Chavchavadze, who, according to one of his contemporaries, “loved Georgia so passionately, so purely, as rare people even love their homeland.” Even before the comedy "Woe from Wit" was released, amateurs staged it on the Tbilisi stage. A. Griboyedov's unfinished tragedy "Georgian Night" was recognized by contemporaries as worthy "to decorate not only Russian, but all European literature." AS Griboedov was married to Nina, the daughter of Prince A Chavchavadtse.

Halfway to the holy mountain Mtatsminda, hanging from the west over Tbilisi with a bristly ridge Near the church, on two terraces of different heights, there is the Pantheon of Georgian writers and public figures,

In the rock on the lower terrace, in a small grotto with a stone arch, two graves are visible. An inscription in Georgian is carved on the arch: “Here lies the ashes of Griboyedov. This monument was erected by his wife Nina, daughter of the poet Alexander Chavchavadze, in the year 1832.

On the hills of Georgia

Alexander Pushkin

On the hills of Georgia lies the darkness of the night;
Noisy Aragva before me.

Dreams about Georgia

Bella Akhmadulina
Dreams about Georgia - that's joy!
And in the morning so clean
grape sweetness,
haunted lips.

From the poem "Vladikavkaz - Tiflis"

Vladimir Mayakovsky

…I know:
stupidity - edens and paradise!
But if
sang about it
should be
happy land,
the poets meant...

To the poets of Georgia

Sergey Yesenin
The land is far away!
Alien side!
Georgian flinty roads.
Amber wine
The moon shines in your eyes
In deep eyes
Like blue horns.

I dream of hunchbacked Tiflis

Osip Mandelstam
I dream of hunchbacked Tiflis,
Sazandarey groan rings,
People are crowding on the bridge
The whole carpet capital,
And downstairs Kura makes noise.

Land of Georgians

Evgeny Yevtushenko

Oh Georgia - wiping our tears,
you are the second cradle of the Russian muse.

Carelessly forgetting about Georgia,
in Russia it is impossible to be a poet.

— — —
Land of Georgians

Land of Georgians, you are so small!
Not a thousand miles long
you are mighty - and attraction
both man and eagle.

Fragment of the poem "Waves"

Boris Pasternak

... We were in Georgia. Let's multiply
Need for tenderness, hell for heaven,
We will take the hothouse of ice at the foot,
And we will get this edge.

Literature is the thoughts, aspirations, hopes and dreams of the people. The art of the word, which can both hurt, hurt and crucify, and elevate, give meaning and make happy.

On the World Book and Copyright Day, which is celebrated annually in the world on April 23, Sputnik Georgia decided to analyze the Georgian literature of the present and offers the top 10 best writers of modern Georgia.

1. Guram Dochanashvili

Guram Dochanashvili is one of the brightest representatives of modern Georgian prose. Born in 1939 in Tbilisi. He owns stories, novellas, novels, essays. Dochanashvili is familiar to the Russian reader from the books "There, Beyond the Mountain", "Song Without Words", "Only One Man", "A Thousand Small Worries", "I Will Give You Three Times" and other works. Guram Dochanashvili's books are odes to love, kindness and sacrificial struggle, translated into many languages ​​​​of the world and repeatedly formed the basis of many films and performances.

The novel "The First Vestment" is the pinnacle of Guram Dochanashvili's work. It is written in the style of magical realism and is close in spirit to the Latin American novel. A fusion of utopia-dystopia, but in general - about a person's search for a place in this life and that the true price of freedom, alas, is death. The novel can be parsed into quotations. Unfortunately, the later works of Guram Dochanashvili have not been translated into Russian.

2. Aka Morchiladze

Aka Morchiladze (Georgy Akhvlediani) is a famous Georgian writer living in London. Born November 10, 1966. In 1988 he graduated from the Faculty of History of Tbilisi University. Author of many novels and short stories, five-time laureate of the Georgian literary award "Saba". According to the works and scripts of Aka Morchiladze, such well-known Georgian films as "Walk to Karabakh" and "Walk to Karabakh 3", "I can't live without you", "Mediator" were shot.

Often Aka Morchiladze creates works in the detective genre. And for this reason, critics often compare him with Boris Akunin. However, in parallel with experiments in the genre of historical detective story, he also writes novels about the present. They are talking about something completely different: about a new type of relationship in society, about elitism, snobbery and teenagers. In Morchiladze's books, one can often find a stylization of the modern manner of speaking of Georgian society, as well as slang and jargon of modern Georgian colloquial speech.

3. Nino Kharatishvili

Nino Kharatishvili is a famous German writer and playwright from Georgia. Born in 1983 in Tbilisi. She studied as a film director, and then in Hamburg - as a theater director. As a playwright and director of a German-Georgian theater group, she attracted attention from an early age. In 2010, Kharatishvili became the laureate of the Prize. Adelbert von Chamisso, which is awarded to authors who write in German and whose work is affected by a changing cultural environment.

Nino Kharatishvili is the author of many prose texts and plays published in Georgia and Germany. In 2002 her first book "Der Cousin und Bekina" was published. Collaborated with various theater troupes. Currently he is a regular composer for the Deutsches Theater in Göttingen. “When I am in Georgia,” says Nino Kharatishvili, “I feel like an extremely German, and when I return to Germany, I feel like an absolute Georgian. This, in general, is sad and creates certain problems, but if you look differently , then it can enrich. Because if, by and large, I don’t feel at home anywhere, then I can build, create, create my own home everywhere.

4. Dato Turashvili

David (Dato) Turashvili is a writer, playwright and screenwriter. Born on May 10, 1966 in Tbilisi. The first collection of Turashvili's prose was published in 1991. Since then, 17 books have been published. At present, Turashvili's works have been published in seven languages ​​in various countries. In particular, the novel "Escape from the USSR" ("Generation of Jeans") became a bestseller in Georgia, becoming the most popular work in the country over the past twenty years. This book has been reprinted in Holland, Turkey, Croatia and Italy and Germany. The novel is based on real events: in November 1983, a group of young people in Tbilisi attempted to hijack a plane from the USSR.

As a playwright, David Turashvili worked with the world famous Georgian director Robert Sturua. Twice awarded the prestigious Georgian Literary Prize "Saba" (2003, 2007).

5. Anna Kordzaia-Samadashvili

Anna Kordzaia-Samadashvili is a well-known Georgian author of many books and publications (Berikaoba, Children of Shushanik, Who Killed the Seagull, Rulers of Thieves). Born in 1968 in Tbilisi, a graduate of the Faculty of Philology of Tbilisi State University. For the last 15 years, Korzdaya-Samadashvili has worked as an editor in Georgian publications, as well as a correspondent in Georgian and foreign media.

Anna Kordzaia-Samadashvili is a two-time laureate of the prestigious Georgian literary award "Saba" (2003, 2005). In 1999, she was awarded the Goethe Institute Prize for the best translation of the novel by the Nobel Prize winner, Austrian writer Elfriede Jelinek "Mistresses". In 2017, her collection of short stories, I, Marguerite, was included in the New York Public Library's list of the best works of women authors in the world.

6.Mikhail Gigolashvili

Mikhail Gigolashvili is a Georgian writer based in Germany. Born in 1954 in Tbilisi, graduated from the Faculty of Philology and postgraduate studies at Tbilisi State University. Candidate of Philological Sciences, author of studies of Fyodor Dostoevsky's creativity. Published a number of articles on the topic "Foreigners in Russian Literature". Gigolashvili is the author of five novels and a collection of prose. Among them are "Judea", "Tolmach", "Ferris Wheel" (choice of readers of the "Big Book" award), "Capture of Muscovy" (shortlist of the NOS award). Since 1991 he has been living in Saarbücken (Germany), teaching Russian at the University of Saarland.

This year, his novel "The Secret Year" won the Russian Prize in the "Large Prose" nomination. It tells about one of the most mysterious periods of Russian history, when Tsar Ivan the Terrible left the throne to Simeon Bekbulatovich and shut himself up for a year in the Alexander Sloboda. This is an actual psychological drama with elements of phantasmagoria.

7.Nana Ekvtimishvili

Nana Ekvtimishvili is a Georgian writer, screenwriter and film director. Born in 1978 in Tbilisi, a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Tbilisi State University. I. Javakhishvili and the German Institute of Cinematography and Television. Konrad Wolf in Potsdam. Nan's stories were first published in the Tbilisi literary almanac "Arili" in 1999.

Nana is the author of short and full-length films, the most famous and successful of which are Long Bright Days and My Happy Family. Ekvtimishvili shot these films in collaboration with her husband, director Simon Gross. In 2015, Nana Ekvtimishvili's debut novel "Pear Field" was published, which received several literary awards, including "Saba", "Litera", the Ilya University Prize, and was also translated into German.

8.Georgy Kekelidze

Georgy Kekelidze is a writer, poet and TV presenter. His autobiographical documentary novel "Gurian Diaries" has been an absolute bestseller in Georgia for the last three years in a row. The book has been translated into Azerbaijani and Ukrainian and will soon be released in Russian.

At 33, Kekelidze is not just a fashionable writer and public figure, but also the country's chief librarian. Giorgi Kekelidze runs the Tbilisi National Parliamentary Library and is also the founder of the Book Museum. A native of the Georgian city of Ozurgeti (Guria region), George is the owner of almost all Georgian literary awards in Georgia. The foundation of the first Georgian electronic library is connected with his name. And Kekelidze constantly travels around the regions of Georgia, restoring rural libraries and helping schools with books and computers.

9. Ekaterina Togonidze

Ekaterina Togonidze is a young prose writer, TV journalist and lecturer. Born in Tbilisi in 1981, she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Tbilisi State University. I. Javakhishvili. She worked on the First Channel of the Georgian Public Broadcaster: the host of the information program "Bulletin" and the morning edition of "Alioni".

Since 2011, he has been published in Georgian and foreign publications and magazines. In the same year, the first collection of her stories "Anesthesia" was published, which was awarded the Georgian literary prize "Saba". Ekaterina is the author of the novels "Another Way", "Listen to Me", the short stories "Asynchronous" and others. Ekaterina Togonidze's books have been translated into English and German.

10. Zaza Burchuladze

Zaza Burchuladze is one of the most original writers of contemporary Georgia. He also published under the name Gregor Samsa. Zaza was born in 1973 in Tbilisi. He studied at the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts named after A. Kutateladze. The first publication is the story "Third Candy", published in 1998 in the Tbilisi newspaper "Alternative". Since that time he has been published in the newspaper "Alternativa" and in the magazine "Arili" ("Ray").

Separate editions of Zaza Burchuladze - a collection of short stories (1999), the novels "The Old Song" (2000), "You" (2001), "Letter to Mom" ​​(2002), the story "The Simpsons" (2001). Zaza's latest works include the novels Adidas, Inflatable Angel, Mineral Jazz, and the collection of short stories Soluble Kafka.

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