Earth Rumble: New Facts. The rumble of the earth is heard again ... is it the sounds of the apocalypse or something else


The rumble of the Earth or why we began to hear the Schumann frequency. January 17th, 2014

Beginning around 2005, people around the world began to hear sounds that were later called Hum, Groans or Earth Creaks. Similar sounds have been heard before in some parts of the planet, but this phenomenon made itself felt especially often in the period 2011-2012.

There are various versions of the origin of these sounds: from apocalyptic to heliocentric. You can get acquainted with them, for example, in the article "Studying the phenomenon of "Moan of the Earth" from a scientific point of view"

I propose to look at the Earth's Hum from the other side. What people hear really belongs to the planet itself. The hum of the Earth is the so-called Schumann frequency, which suddenly acquired a voice that people can hear.

Our planet is a living organism that has its own oscillation frequency (vibrations/pulsations). This frequency is measured in hertz (1 Hz is 1 oscillation per second. 1 kHz is 1000 oscillations per second) and is called the Schumann frequency or resonance. The Schumann frequency is not constant and not uniform. It changes throughout the day and seasons. Its indicators will differ in different parts of the planet, depending on the energy flows established there.

We are interested in the question: “If the Schumann frequency has always been inherent in the Earth, then why has it only now become available to the hearing of a large number of people?”

Since 1986, scientists have been observing an increase in the frequency vibrations of our planet, which rose from 7 Hz to 14-15 Hz. From time to time, energy bursts occur on Earth with a frequency about 16 Hz, and this is the oscillation frequency that the average person ALREADY perceives and considers sound! For their part, the people themselves have changed. As a result of the transformation of the senses, including hearing, we begin to hear what was previously outside the zone of our perception. That is some people begin to hear air vibrations with a frequency below 16 Hz. When such “hearing” people fall into the Schumann frequency burst zone, they become a witness to the Earth’s hum, which they then tell their “deaf” neighbors, police and rescue services.

In fact, everything that we are accustomed to consider as sound is a kind of vibrations of a solid, liquid or gaseous medium, which is transmitted through the air to a person in the form of a sound wave in the range of 16 Hz - 22 kHz. It is these frequencies that are perceived by the hearing organs and the brain of an average person.

To make it clear, let me give you an example. Let's take an ordinary wooden ruler and press it 1/3 to the table, and bend the free end down a little and let go. The ruler will begin to oscillate, and we will hear a sound (t-dr-r-r). This happens because a solid body (ruler) oscillates and vibrates the air around it. A wave in the form of spheres propagates through the air in all directions. Since the air is invisible, we cannot see these spheres, but we can hear them.

Thus, increasing the frequency of oscillations of the planet and near-Earth space to about 15-16 Hz made them audible to some sensitive people. This explains why the Earth Rumble is not heard by the entire population of the city where this phenomenon was observed.

The second reason for the selective audibility of the Earth's hum is that the Schumann frequency can vary greatly in different parts of the planet. Where the level of fluctuations is much lower than 16 Hz, people do not hear the hum of the Earth. But in places where the level of fluctuations jumps to 15-16 Hz and above, people hear them.

Sharp fluctuations in oscillations from 8 to 16 Hz and above occur in places where high-frequency energy flows coming from space are present. These New "light" energies are pushing out the "heavy" low frequency energies of the 3rd Dimension. A similar replacement occurs every night, so people often hear the Earth Rumble at night.

During the day, high-frequency energy flows, as lighter ones, rise again. They are picked up by the winds and carried all over the planet. Sometimes these streams are pressed quite low to the ground even during the day, so people hear the Earth's hum even in the daytime. Most often, this happens in nature, over the oceans and seas, where the Earth's hum is more like the music of the spheres or the sound of the ocean. These flows linger in those places because there are no huge concentrations of people with a level of consciousness of the 3rd Dimension, whose energies repel high-frequency energy alien to them.

It has been noticed that the Earth hum is often heard before or during natural disasters. This is natural, because through cataclysms the planet is cleared of obsolete low-frequency energies. In places of such cleanings, there is a sharp increase in the frequency of vibrations of space up to 15-16 Hz and higher. As a result, people begin to hear "groans, creaks, thunders," and so on.

This sound often causes a state of fear in eyewitnesses. It is believed that low frequencies (infrasound), although they are not distinguished by the ear, have a bad effect on the human psyche. In fact, people are panicked by sounds with a frequency of 7 Hz, and they have nothing to do with the hum of the Earth.

The perception of the Hum of the Earth depends entirely on the person himself. Fear arises in people who do not like change in life. The new and the unknown means for them the loss of the familiar old. The rumble of the Earth is a Sign and a Call for change. People who are ready for change will hear not a groan and a rattle, but the music of the spheres, the sound of the sea or the ringing of bells. Such sounds can surprise, please, but not scare.

If someone was lucky enough to witness the Earth's Hum, then I advise you to listen to your feelings at this moment. Fear will indicate your attachment to the old world of duality. Joy will show your willingness to change yourself, and through it the rest of the world. After all, it has long been known: if you want to change the world, start with yourself.

I wish you all peace in your soul, joy, love and courage during your meeting with the New.


In preparing the article, materials from the links below were used.

Starting in 2011, the whole world was shocked by an unusual incident - a strange hum of unknown origin was heard from everywhere. Scientists are at a loss, because not even a mention was found in any old manuscript, not to mention a detailed description of such a phenomenon, or at least similar in some parameters. Official science is "disarmed", it has no information about the origin, causes and nature of the Earth's rumble, about the possible consequences. There is no way to avoid these supposed consequences. There is no answer, but there are still some assumptions ...

Researchers have found that the Earth, as well as other planets, can 'sing'. And each sounds different: the noise of a pulsar resembles a helicopter rattle, solar prominences are buzzing, Saturn's satellite whispers almost humanly. Is it possible to assume that the hum is somehow connected with this singing? They have something in common. The hum is just as varied - in some places it resembles an unbearable grinding, as if metal plates are rubbing against each other, in other places people describe it as the roar of some huge mechanism, a helicopter engine or something similar. Someone heard a rumble that looked like a whisper and a whistle, and someone described a rumble that resembled the sound of wheels. What is it? Did people hear the same sound and just give it the wrong interpretation? Wrong description? Or did they really hear different noises? And how do the planets sound in this case?

The voices of the planets were recorded using special equipment of the NASA research organization, which studies the radiation belt of our planet. This was described in detail in the report "Chorus of the Earth".

By discovering that magnetic belts capture small particles of the solar wind and reproduce incredible sounds, scientists were able to convert the recorded pulses into signals accessible to human perception. Now this soundtrack, reminiscent of ambient music, the whistle of the wind, the hum of the bell and the chirping of birds, is very popular on the Internet. Otherwise, without such a transformation, it would be impossible to hear them with the “naked ear”, at least because of the vacuum in which sound waves do not propagate.

After a wave of unusual noises of an unknown nature swept around the world, which frightened many inhabitants of the planet who became unwitting witnesses of this phenomenon, many began to suspect that these sounds were nothing more than "harbingers of the Apocalypse." In the mythology of various peoples there is a mention that this is how the end of the world will begin. Even in the Bible there is a mention of a certain noise, which is called "trumpet voice" there.

Less religious citizens, both scientists and ordinary people, put forward other versions, sometimes the most incredible. Someone considers them to be the precursors of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and the formation of a tsunami, someone calls the tricks of aliens, and someone calls them technogenic sounds and echoes of military exercises. However, there is no definitive answer. Not even a certain system was revealed in this gloomy rumble.

At the moment, information about strange noises has already been received from Ukraine, Russia, Belgium, Great Britain, Spain, Australia, the Czech Republic and many other countries.

Undoubtedly, such a phenomenon, which was “notorious” all over the world, could not be left without the attention of scientists and researchers. At the moment, there is no definitive answer, but various versions are put forward to explain the possible nature of this phenomenon. Of these, two versions are the most understandable, quite popular, and, so to speak, diametrically opposed, like "heaven and earth." Although from the point of view of geophysics, they are quite logically explained.

The first is the relationship of the Earth's hum with the processes taking place in the Earth's core and solar activity. Thus, in November 2011, the International Geodynamic Monitoring System registered an energy release of unprecedented strength emanating from the Earth's core.

Why did this happen? GNFE President Elchin Khalilov believes that acoustic-gravity waves can be explained. They do not arise from nowhere, but are the result of large-scale energy processes of various kinds. For example, they may be the result of more frequent solar flares, the gigantic energy of which rushes to the earth's surface and destabilizes various terrestrial spheres. Given this fact, it can be assumed that it is the Sun that is the true "culprit" of the strange hum. But, such an assumption has not yet been confirmed, because. it has not yet been possible to build a clear system: the rumble was observed in different countries, at different times of the year, with different indicators of humidity, temperature and other indicators. However, there is still some relationship between the rumble and the activity of the Sun: for example, the rumble was first discovered in a Tibetan cave on February 25, 2011, and solar activity, in particular, the frequency and strength of solar flares, increased dramatically, starting approximately from mid-2011 . There is a high degree of probability that it was the increased solar activity that became the "trigger" for the generation of this mysterious rumble, coming either from the depths of the earth, or from the sky.

Another reason that can probably explain the nature of this hum is located deep underground, namely at the level of the core.

Over the past five years, the drift of the north magnetic pole has increased by more than five hundred percent and has not decreased since then. This suggests that the energy processes occurring in the earth's core and forming the magnetic field have become extremely active.

As already mentioned, in November 2011, a powerful gravitational pulse was recorded virtually simultaneously by all geophysical stations, despite the fact that the distance between them is about ten thousand kilometers. Such a phenomenon would not have been possible if the core had not been the source of a powerful energy outburst. According to experts, this is how it tells that the internal energy of the Earth is moving into a new phase - the phase of activity. And it was precisely because of the activation of energy processes that a geomagnetic field was formed, which, with the help of a chain reaction, generated sound waves that were heard by people living in different parts of the planet.

Whichever of the theories is correct, and whatever the cause of this rumble, the earth or the sky, neither one nor the other promises anything good to people. Acoustic-gravity waves, generated as a result of an increase in the level of activity of the core or the activity of the Sun, can cause numerous cataclysms on our planet.

Solar flares threaten the health and well-being of people and infrastructure, and the processes occurring in the core and managing the internal energy reserves of the earth threaten the growth of earthquakes, giant tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, etc. Presumably, the peak of activity of these cataclysms is expected in 2013-2014.

Another version of the emergence of strange sounds is a consequence of the activities of extraterrestrial civilizations or anomalous zones.

So, a Russian researcher, a psychic studying anomalous zones V. Moskalev, once, while visiting an anomalous zone called the Medvedetskaya Ridge in the Volgograd Region, encountered an unexpected phenomenon - a rumble coming from under the ground. Not immediately, but only a couple of days later, Moskalev drew attention to a strange earthly rumble. It was very loud and clear and repeated every evening or at night. As if on schedule, by one in the morning the buzzing stopped.

Moskalev claims that the hum resembled some kind of working noise, as if a factory or workshop was functioning somewhere, and mechanisms working underground were noisy

The idea that the noise could somehow come from the highway, the researcher immediately discarded. The highway was located more than twenty kilometers from the tent city where he settled, and there was no way sound could travel such a long distance.

Later, already in the mid-nineties, at the very place where the researcher heard the hum from the ground, numerous passages and caves were discovered. However, no one laid them - there are no official data on any construction or other work carried out here. The most surprising thing is that no one managed to explore the tunnels. All attempts ended unsuccessfully, as if some extraterrestrial forces did not let researchers go there.

There is an opinion that this may be an alien base, where aliens are engaged in repair work, and therefore the earth is buzzing throughout the district.

The Russian doctor of mineralogical sciences, well-known in his circles, professor Georgy Biske, rejects the possibility of a natural origin of this strange hum.

He claims that this is either a man-made rumble, or, 99% of the probability, a psychological one. In his opinion, the psyche and nervous system of the inhabitants of large cities simply cannot withstand the load, and therefore they experience auditory hallucinations of this kind. But residents of rural areas are not familiar with such phenomena because of better quality rest and a more calm and measured rhythm of life.

Mikhail Buyanov, president of the Russian Psychiatric Academy, disagrees with this view. He does not deny that there may be mass hallucinations and delusions, but this phenomenon is extremely rare and often of a religious nature. Buyanov says that in the last 50 years of his practice, he has never encountered such a phenomenon as mass hallucinations. If you talk about them as true. There are isolated cases when mass hallucinations turned out to be simply the result of someone's stupid joke, a prank. Although, of course, it cannot be denied that there are suggestible people who believe in everything they are told, but, in general, times have changed a long time ago, society has become more developed and has long gone from mass psychoses, as in the times of Peter the Great, when people Thousands were engaged in self-immolation at the sound of "trumpet voices". In addition, there are too many eyewitnesses of this phenomenon and too much distance at which they are from each other to explain everything with “mass hallucinations”.

By the way, not only Buyanov does not agree with the opinion of George Biske. It is categorically unacceptable for most doctors and researchers. It is erroneous, at least because it is based on the assertion that only residents of megacities heard the rumble. But it's not. In the small village of County Durham, a loud roar at night prevented the locals from sleeping every day for more than two months. The sound was so strong and distinct that it caused a lot of inconvenience, instilled fear and misunderstanding in people. Similar noises were heard by residents of New Zealand, small Russian villages, etc. The sound that arose in Woodland was heard by absolutely all the people who were on its territory. In some places it was louder, and in others it was weaker. It seemed to pour from everywhere, penetrating the space, including the roofs and walls of houses. Of course, the nature of this buzz could be called physiological and “write off” it for mental problems, mass hallucinations and imagination. However, this is not true, because people unanimously argued that it was only necessary to close their ears, and the hum immediately disappeared.

Now that there has been some calm, everyone has relaxed. However, to hope that this phenomenon will never happen again would be, to say the least, foolish.

Scientists have the opportunity and some amount of time to find answers to all questions. The Earth warned people about something and calmed down for a while. The main thing is that this does not turn out to be “the calm before the storm”.

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The Taos rumble is a low-pitched low-frequency sound of unknown origin, which was recorded at different times in remote corners of the planet. It was heard at the same time by quite large groups of people in the north of Europe, in Great Britain, in Russia and some other points on the Earth.

Especially often this rumble is recorded in the USA, in the area of ​​​​the town of Taos, located in the state of New Mexico. Hence, in fact, the name of the natural phenomenon. The sounds were reported by so many Americans - there were complaints to the authorities - that in 1997 the US Congress decided to create a group of scientists and send them to designated places to study the mysterious Taos rumble.

Geophysical version: Earth rumble

Some witnesses of this strange phenomenon describe it as a very unpleasant, disturbing and even panic low rumble, similar to the work of many diesel engines somewhere in the distance. Others compare it to the noise of an airplane flying low over the earth's surface. Still others - like the movement of a huge column of heavy equipment along a remote highway.
There have been more or less successful attempts to record this hum on tape. The main question, where is the source of the hum, still does not have an exact answer. There are many versions regarding its origin. One of them is geophysical. The foundation was laid back in 1995, when drilling was carried out in the Kola Superdeep well.

With a strong penetration into the rock - up to 12 km - a low-frequency lingering rumble was heard underground. The same as in Taos. A similar phenomenon is observed in many deep wells. Scientists even deliberately lowered microphones into different wells to record this sound. The conclusion suggested itself: the rumble is formed when the lithospheric plates move deep under the surface of the planet.

It intensifies when the time of the earthquake approaches. The colossal energy concentrated in the depths of the planet, as it were, breaks out, producing a frightening roar. And the louder it is, the greater the likelihood of an imminent cataclysm. According to this sign, some scientists even tried to predict earthquakes.

Technogenic version: the work of human hands

The very first evidence of the phenomenon was recorded back in the 70s. It happened in the UK, in the city of Bristol. Residents then began to complain about the low-frequency sound, which lasted a very long time, was periodically repeated and did not give them rest. The local newspaper appealed to the population with a request to confirm this fact. In response, about 800 people stated in the affirmative that they really heard such a rumble.

First, the authorities approached an industrial enterprise located near Bristol, trying to blame it for polluting the "acoustic ecology" of the area. The owners of the facility denied this, arguing that the sound of the facility simply could not be heard that far.

At the same time, quite often a mysterious hum is associated precisely with the work of a person. Geologists say that during mining and other activities, the “disturbed” planet emits a sort of long-drawn-out groan. In 1982, a group of American scientists came to Akademgorodok in Novosibirsk. Geologist Aleksey Dmitriev, who collaborated with them, warned them that a series of cataclysms awaited America in the near future.

The scientist explained this by the fact that many high-voltage power lines were laid along the East Coast of the United States. The current frequency in them is 60 Hz. The natural lithospheric currents of the planet have exactly the same. As a result, a kind of "short circuit" occurs, which can lead to earthquakes. His words were confirmed after 2 years.

Weather version: melting ice

According to another, smaller group of researchers, the noise can be produced by melting ice. When the bonds between hydrogen atoms are broken, a slight crack occurs. It cannot be caught by any technique, but when there are trillions (or even more) of such gaps, that very mysterious rumble appears, which worries so many inhabitants of the planet.

A mysterious rumble coming from the sky or from the ground is heard by people all over the world. This phenomenon still does not find an explanation and is called The Hum, Hum. It resembles the grinding of metal, as if huge mechanisms inside the hollow Earth begin their work ...

He sneaks under the cover of night and once heard, he will never get rid of him again ...

However, no one can determine the source of this sound and why only a certain small percentage of the population in some areas hears it. This mystery remains in the Top 10 Unexplained Phenomena.

The first reports began to appear in the 1950s from people who were suddenly haunted by a low-frequency, pulsating hum.

All these inexplicable cases have common details. As a rule, the hum is heard indoors at night. It is also more distinct and common in rural or suburban areas. This is probably due to the high level of general noise in urban areas.

Who hears the hum?

Only about two percent of people hear this hum, and only in certain areas of the Earth. According to research statistics from 2003, people aged 55 to 70 hear noise most often.

Most people who hear the hum (sometimes referred to as "listeners" or "hummers") describe a sound similar to that of a diesel engine idling. This noise drives many to despair.

“It can be compared to torture, sometimes you want to scream from impotence,” pensioner Kathy Jacques Leeds said in an interview with the BBC. Leeds resides in the UK, in an area where Ghoul has recently appeared.

“The worst is at night,” Jacques says. “It’s hard for me to fall asleep because I hear this pulsing, annoying sound ... I constantly toss and turn and it’s almost impossible to sleep from this.”

Most victims have perfectly normal hearing. Victims complain of headache, nausea, dizziness, nosebleeds and sleep disturbance. There was even one suicide recorded.

Hum manifestation zones

One of the first places of manifestation of the Gul is called the English city of Bristol. In 1970, about eight hundred people heard a haunting, persistent, buzzing noise that was eventually attributed to local factories running twenty-four hours a day.

Another mass case was recorded in 1991 near Taos, New Mexico. Residents of the area complained about the low-frequency, almost rumbling sound. A team of researchers from the Los Alamos National Laboratory has not been able to figure out the sources of the mysterious sound.

Another hot spot is in Windsor, Ontario. Recently, researchers from the University of Windsor and Western Ontario University received a grant to study the hum and determine its causes.

Also, for several years, Australian researchers have been studying the mysterious noise in Bondi, Sydney's seaside area, but to no avail. “This hum pushes people to madness. All you can do is turn on the music and turn it off for a while.”, one of the residents told The Daily Telegraph magazine.

Returning to the United States, in 2003, the state of Indiana is funding research in Kokomo. The investigation showed that one of the factories in the city, namely Daimler Chrysler, was making noise at certain frequencies. Despite the preventive work carried out, some residents continue to complain about the Gul.

What does the Gool generate anyway?

Most researchers are of the opinion that this phenomenon has real reasons, and is not the result of mass hysteria or alien pranks.

As in the case of the city of Kokomo, industrial equipment is at the top of the list of suspects. In one case, it was possible to trace the source of the noise. It turned out to be the central heating unit.

Other researchers list high-pressure gas pipelines, power lines, wireless communication devices, and so on as causes. However, only occasionally can the hum be associated with a mechanical or electrical source.

There is a theory that the hum may be the result of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation, which is audible only to a narrow circle of people. It is likely that there are people who are particularly sensitive to signals outside the normal range of human hearing.

Environmental factors are also in question. It is possible that the cause is seismic activity, in particular microseismic low-frequency tremors. And the cause of such shocks can be ocean waves.

Other hypotheses, such as military experiments or underwater communications, have not yet found evidence.

“The nature of this phenomenon has been shrouded in mystery for forty years now, and it may not be long before we know the true origin of this mystical Hum,” says the BBC.

Since the summer of 2011, abnormally low sounds emanating from the sky have been repeatedly recorded all over the planet, which are popularly called the “Sound of the Apocalypse”. Throughout this time, the media have voiced cases of the appearance of these strange sounds from the USA, Russia, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Costa Rica, and Australia.

The International Committee for Global Environmental and Geological Change (Munich) and the Global Earthquake Prediction Network (London) conducted their research, which made it possible to find out the origin of these low awesome sounds.

Many people, especially believers, have classified the strange rumble of the earth as evidence of the approach of the Day of Judgment.

Professor Elchin Khalilov, head of the international GEOCHANGE committee, is well acquainted with these sounds. In his opinion, they are related to acoustic-gravity waves, which sometimes occur at the boundary between the ionosphere and the atmosphere. And the causes of these waves, according to the geophysicist, can be located both on the Sun and in the Earth's core.

The professor is convinced that the source of powerful manifestations of acoustic-gravity waves should be equally large-scale energy processes. These can be especially powerful solar flares, which generate energy flows of enormous power, which, upon reaching our planet, destabilize its ionosphere, magnetosphere and upper atmosphere. Among the consequences of solar flares, the scientist calls the streams of corpuscles, the impact of solar wind shock waves and bursts of electromagnetic radiation. However, another reason for the strange hum may be hiding deep in the bowels of the Earth. The fact is, says Professor Khalilov, that the tendency to accelerate the displacement of the planet's north magnetic pole, which significantly intensified in 1998-2003 by more than 500 percent, and continues today, indicates energy processes occurring in the Earth's core that form a geomagnetic field in both cores. .

On November 15, all geophysical stations included in the ATROPATENA network recorded a powerful impulse of gravitational influence, almost simultaneously. Network stations are located in Kyiv, Baku, Istanbul, Islamabad and Jokjakarta. The maximum distance between - about 10 thousand kilometers.

A similar phenomenon can occur only if the radiation source is located in the core of the Earth. Therefore, according to many scientists, this powerful release of energy from the core of the planet is a kind of sign signaling the beginning of an active phase in the internal energy processes of the Earth.

This phenomenon can also be the reason for the modulation of the geomagnetic field, which, through certain physical processes occurring at the boundary of the ionosphere and atmosphere, is the cause of the acoustic-gravity waves recorded in many parts of the world in the form of a low-frequency sound that causes anxiety in people.

One way or another, both of these possible causes of a geophysical nature indicate a possible significant increase in solar and geodynamic activity. Processes in the core of the Earth, most likely, control the energy of the planet. Therefore, experts from the World Organization for Cooperation in Science believe that at the end of 2012, a jump-like increase in the number of powerful earthquakes, prices, volcanic eruptions and other natural atmospheric disasters is possible.

At the same time, the maximum level of such catastrophes is expected in 2013-2014.

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