Guzel Khasanova: “I am happy that now I am a forced person. Well deserved victory! Tatar girl Guzel Khasanova won the “New Star Factory” Guzel Khasanova first nomination performance star factory


Guzel Khasanova was born on January 28, 1993 in the city of Ulyanovsk. Guzel began to study music at the age of 4. Soon the girl entered the music school in piano. At 13, she began attending the Joy pop studio and performing 3-4 times a week.

After graduating from school with a gold medal, a 16-year-old girl, at the insistence of her parents, who asked her to first get a “human” profession, and only then devote herself entirely to her beloved work, entered the law faculty of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas in Moscow, which she successfully graduated in 2014. During her studies, Guzel continued to study with a vocal teacher, and sang at student events. Already in middle school, Khasanova realized that she did not want to work as a lawyer and wanted to devote her whole life exclusively to music.

In September 2014, having received a diploma, the aspiring singer went to Dnepropetrovsk, to the casting of the Ukrainian talent show "X-Factor-5". In front of the judges, the girl performed Sia's difficult song "Titanium" and received four "yes". But after several stages of the competition, her mentor Ivan Dorn “sent” Guzel home. After a bright but short participation in the famous show, Khasanova continued to fight for her place in the music business. The girl performed at various events and concerts (solo and as part of the CoolTimeBand cover band), wrote songs, and also tried herself as a model.

In December 2014, she became a participant in the first all-Russian competition "Tatar Kyzy". The jury awarded the girl with the title "Monly kyz", which means "the most musical girl" in Russian.

In the Tatar family, Guzel respects folk traditions and treats their native language very carefully, so the singer speaks Tatar perfectly. The text of some of Khasanova's songs was written by her brother Ilyas, in addition, the girl sang songs in the Tatar language, including the songs of her late uncle. One of these songs was "Kaenly Yul", presented to listeners in the summer of 2016.

A year later, the singer released the first video of her collaboration with the music project Anagramma. In July, at the educational forum of talented youth "Tavrida" in Crimea, composer Igor Krutoy held a casting of young musicians and chose among them four participants in the semi-finals of the international competition "New Wave - 2018". Guzel was among the lucky ones. Khasanova admitted that getting on the New Wave was her childhood dream.

In September 2017, a new vocal show "New Star Factory" started. Guzel saw the ad in time and applied for participation, then an agonizing wait followed - the casting directors selected the new pets of the Factory very carefully. But in the end, the girl fell into the ranks of bright and musically gifted guys who got a chance to fall under the wing of producer Viktor Drobysh.

At the New Star Factory project, the girl performed a duet with such musical performers as Sergey Lazarev, Dima Bilan, Victoria Daineko, Tomas N'evergreen, Christina Si, Nikolai Baskov.

Guzel carefully hides his personal life - it is not known whether the girl's heart is occupied or not. As a child, the singer was going to marry Philip Kirkorov, but today it is enough for her to meet a star.


Behind the beautiful appearance of the singer, there is a great potential for vocal art, which is very popular with fans.

On Instagram, the girl is especially popular, the number of her subscribers is more than five thousand. I think that after participating in the project, the army of Guzel fans will noticeably increase.

Guzel Khasanova biography parents: Participation in the factory was a triumph

The girl made a big breakthrough in her creative career not so long ago - in 2017. The singer started it with a collaboration with the Anagramma music company, with which she released a joint video. This summer, Guzel went to conquer the casting of the New Wave in the Crimea, and he submitted to her one hundred percent.
And after a couple of months, in September, the girl accidentally noticed a sign about recruitment to the New Factory. The girl quickly applied and began to wait for the results. Of the large number of contestants, the girl was accepted into the composition of the participants.
During the project, the performer sang a duet many times with the already popular faces of the Russian stage. She also had duets with the project participants. On the project, the singer could not find contact with many participants, but one friend in the set appeared in her life. Anya Moon became her new friend. Guzel was very worried about Moon leaving the project, but despite this, she managed to become the winner.

After the victory of Guzeli Khasanova, her biography received a new round of development: now the girl has earned, and the status of a star, which means she will devote herself to her musical career and performances.

Guzel Khasanova biography parents: Biography

Guzel was born on January 28, 1993. The future singer spent her childhood in Ulyanovsk, where she studied at school No63. Khasanova has a brother, Ilyas, who is three years older than her, he is an employee of the Nova Music production center.

Guzel began to study music at the age of 4. Soon the girl entered a music school in piano, at 13 she began attending the Joy pop studio and performing 3-4 times a week.

After graduating from school with a gold medal, a 16-year-old girl, at the insistence of her parents, who asked her to first get a “human” profession, and only then completely devote herself to her favorite business, entered the law faculty of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin, which she successfully graduated in 2014. In her third year, she won a student beauty contest and won a trip to Paris.

I always knew that I would connect my life with music and that I would earn a living by singing. But getting a higher education was a mandatory item in my life. During her studies, Guzel continued to study with a vocal teacher, and sang at student events. Already in middle school, Khasanova realized that she did not want to work as a lawyer and wanted to devote her whole life exclusively to music.

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The winner of the project "New Star Factory" came to her homeland on vacation

- Was the path to triumph on the musical Olympus long and thorny?

Everything is perceived individually. Someone will probably think and say that everything is going smoothly for me. Indeed, in fact, I moved to Moscow, entered a good university (RGUNG named after Gubkin - ed.), won the Miss University contest, went to the Ukrainian X-Factor-5, reached the semifinals there, got on. This is one story. I know another story - a deeper one, when it seemed to me that everything was going extremely slowly, and something worthwhile should have happened much earlier. If it weren’t for the Star Factory, I would either have fallen into a deep depression, or started to think that it was time to change my profession, because it was already unbearable. I no longer knew what to do. Thank God, justice and miracles happen.

- Before the "New Star Factory" there were probably a lot of castings.

Yes, I went to all the musical castings that were covered: "Voice", "X-Factor", "Main Stage". Tried different groups. The first - in "Assorted", when I was 16 years old. But they were all unsuccessful.

- And then they called from the "Star Factory"?

A friend sent me a recruitment announcement for this project, and at first I thought that it would be something obviously not worthwhile and uninteresting. But she submitted the application anyway. Later I got a call and was invited to a casting. We were selected from a huge number of people.

Yes, I was in that crowd. I am very offended when there are rumors that all this is not real and paid for. The fact that I won - a provincial girl from an ordinary family - proves that this project is absolutely honest.

“The stars also pray and shake before going on stage”

- In the "Star House" with other "manufacturers" what was the most difficult for you?

From the very beginning, I understood that the easiest thing in this project would be a musical story, and the most difficult thing would be to show yourself real. All of us with our complexes and "cockroaches". And when you are filmed 24 hours a day, it is absolutely useless to build and play something of yourself, because sooner or later the real you will be recognized and seen. Proud of all the guys who were there with me. It was a tough test.

- And what was the most interesting part of the project?

As a fan of my craft, who grew up on Russian music, I liked the acquaintance, communication and experience of the artists. The uniqueness of the project is that you work with eminent stars and this is priceless.

- Did the stardom prevent them from communicating with you, novice artists?

The most touching thing about the show was watching the artists behave backstage. At first, it was a big shock for me to see how they were also baptized, praying, standing and shaking before going on stage. Sergei Lazarev, Soso Pavliashvili, Valery Meladze, Dima Bilan, just like us, were worried, gathering courage. And this is very surprising and pleasantly surprising.

- Your duet with Nikita Kuznetsov with the song "Two" blew upiTunes with over a million views. Wait for the fans of your further joint projects?

The popularity of the song was a surprise for the producers and for Nikita and me. The reason for the success was the beauty of the song and the romantic story that Nikita and I had. It was really unexpected for both of us and real. Now we are in very good relations and are considering the possibility of repeating the creative duet.

“Songs in my repertoire will only be on the words of my brother”

- What has changed in life after the triumphant victory at the "New Star Factory"?

I'm finally happy that I'm a slave. I am now under contract with producer Viktor Drobysh. I have a busy schedule, responsible meetings that I cannot bear and I am immensely glad for this! Now I feel in my place, and it only adds strength. In the meantime, we have a vacation that I spend at home. From January 15, active work begins: to make new material, shoot a video for a new song, draw up my full image, present it to the audience and prepare large-scale performances.

- Will there be many songs with words in your repertoire?

I think absolutely everything. A lot of poets are writing now and have written that they are ready to cooperate with me. But Ilyas feels me very subtly. I like what he does and, as practice shows, people do too. I don't plan to work with other poets. As for the music, it will be the songs of Viktor Drobysh and definitely mine.

In your account, you wrote: “I sang two sets of 45 minutes in one place, then ran to another, sang an hour-long set there and, going up to the next floor, sang for another hour. In addition, I was engaged in studio work. Sometimes I recorded 10 songs a day. I was so tired that for the next day after that I did not leave the room and was silent. And how do you like this rhythm?

This is wonderful! I have always aspired to this. Since September, I have lost the habit of resting. Now in show business everything is so unstable, there is huge competition. Therefore, you need to enjoy every second, every day - no one knows what will happen tomorrow. I'm ready to plow even more.

- What about your personal life? Receding into the background?

I always focus on my emotions and feelings. I had a period when my personal life occupied all my time. And it was good and wonderful in its own way. It so happened that before the "Star Factory" I was alone for a long time and now too, but I am as comfortable as possible in this state. And what will happen next - I do not like to guess.

- And who supports you?

Family and friends, including from Ulyanovsk, from the studio "Joy", and, of course, young people. Some of them do not want to put up with my plans to be alone and support me in every possible way, for which I am grateful to them. Attention is always nice.

"I answer every fan and leave an autograph"

You, as the winner of the "New Star Factory", received a number of luxurious prizes: performance at the "MUZ-TV-2018 Prize", shooting a video and rotation on the air of "MUZ-TV", supporting the channel throughout the year and a trip to the Brit Awards-2018 Prize in London. How are you preparing for a trip to foggy Albion?

While preparing so that I came home to Ulyanovsk to pick up a passport. Let's get a visa. And there is no need to prepare - my performance is not scheduled. I am going to a prestigious British award, where I will see world-famous stars. Among them are Ed Sheeren, Adele, Sam Smith. In addition, I was invited to an autoparty, where I will have the opportunity to communicate with them. I think you need to take your songs on a flash drive with you, so that if possible, pass them on to new acquaintances. For me, London is the musical capital of the world. I'm afraid to even imagine what kind of inspiration I will get from everything.

- Will there be translation difficulties?

I speak English. I think my level will be enough for free communication.

Are you already signing autographs?

Yes, and it's very nice. I am lucky that all this happens to me at the age of 24, because I take everything very responsibly. As a child, I loved some of the artists with whom I was lucky enough to perform. I remember what happiness it is to approach them, take pictures. Therefore, every time someone comes up to me to take a selfie or get an autograph, I remember my childhood feelings and try to pay maximum attention to him. But I'm not a world-famous star and recently in show business, all this is new to me and a pleasure.

- The army of fans is growing every day. How do you maintain a dialogue with them?

No one understands how, but I answer everyone. Yes, it takes a lot of time, but there would be a desire. I don't write big poems. To write thanks or send a heart, you can find a minute or two on the road or before going to bed.

- Is there an idol in your life?

This is Dima Bilan. I don’t have his autograph, but I have a fairly close acquaintance, the opportunity to communicate directly with him, get “likes” from him on Instagram, and be aware of his life. And the fact that my idol spoke with me, knows me and supports me, is incredible.

But what about the childhood love for the king of Russian show business Philip Kirkorov, whom you were even going to marry?

Love for him only strengthened, especially after meeting him personally.

- Do you have time to cook, for example, national dishes?

I can't cook and I'm not ashamed of it. Everything has its time. When a man appears in my life that I want to cook, I will quickly learn.

- In our conversation, you often say that I am at home. So good to hear. Do you often visit Ulyanovsk?

Once every six months for sure. If possible, I come more often - once every three months. My mother lives here, she returned home after we finished our studies with Ilyas in universities. My dad lives here too. So I am happy to be in my native Ulyanovsk.

Publication from GUZEL KHASANOVA(@guzelhasanova)

Jan 9, 2018 at 9:03 AM PST

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Biography, life story of Khasanova Guzel

Guzel Khasanova is a Russian singer of Tatar origin.

Childhood and youth. Education

Guzel was born in Ulyanovsk on January 28, 1993. A couple of years before that, a boy, Ilyas, was born in the Khasanov family. Ilyas was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth. However, this did not prevent the young man from getting a decent education and subsequently finding a highly paid job as a producer at Nova Music. Guzel and Ilyas were very friendly from an early age. They carried a warm relationship through childhood, a difficult adolescence and continued to love each other passionately into adulthood.

Guzel grew up as a diligent girl, mother's and father's pride. She studied well at school, studied music, sang. She attended a music class, and at the age of 13 she began to go to the Joy vocal studio.

Guzel graduated from high school with a gold medal. The girl passionately dreamed of entering some musical educational institution, but her parents, who had previously supported her daughter in her hobby, suddenly decided to show strength of character. They insisted that Guzel get a "normal" profession. So Khasanova became a student at the Faculty of Law of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I.M. Gubkin. In 2014, Guzel successfully defended her thesis.

creative career

While studying at the university, Khasanova did not doubt for a minute that legal sciences, in principle, would not be useful to her (at least in professional terms). The girl continued to study music, sang, participated in student amateur performances. Then Khasanova, the owner of a bright appearance, began to take part in beauty contests. In one of them, Guzel even won a trip to France.

After graduating from the university, Guzel Khasanova, as expected, did not look for a job in law firms, but began to stubbornly make her way to fame. The girl came to the Ukrainian television show "X-factor". After the casting in Dnepropetrovsk, at which Khasanova performed the song of Sia Titanium, Guzel got on the project in the team. True, after a while Khasanova had to leave the show. Guzel perceived her defeat as a useful experience.


Over the next years, Guzel Khasanova stubbornly continued to work towards her cherished goal - to become a famous singer. The girl worked in the CoolTimeBand music team, tried her luck in competitions. In 2017, Guzel became one of the winners of the competition in the framework of the youth form "Tavrida" and received the right to participate in the international project "New Wave" in 2018.

In the same 2017, Khasanova became a participant in the reality project "New Star Factory". Guzel easily passed all the entrance tests, and, being already under the sights of the cameras, she immediately got into the list of favorites of the audience and critics. The charming girl instantly had a whole army of fans. During the "Factory" Guzel managed to work with such stars as, and others.

On December 9, 2017, the final of the New Star Factory took place. At the reporting concert, Guzel Khasanova soulfully sang the song "Find Me". According to the voting results, Guzel took the honorable first place.

Personal life

Guzel Khasanova always preferred to remain silent about her novels and private life. Only once in an interview did the girl admit that even in early childhood she made a firm decision to become a legal wife

The charming participant of the "New Star Factory" - Guzel Khasanova has already managed to win the love and recognition of the public, thanks to a successful creative biography and incredible talent.

Guzel was born on January 28, 1993 in Ulyanovsk. Since childhood, the girl had an inexplicable love for music. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the future she decided to study at a music school. At the age of 13, Guzel enrolled in vocal courses at the Radost studio, where for several years she acquired new knowledge and honed her vocal skills.

Guzel always shared all her victories with her brother Ilyas Khasanov, who is several years older than her. The guy holds one of the leading positions in the famous production center "Nova Music". In addition, thanks to Ilyas, the creative biography of the aspiring singer is replenished with new songs, including those in her native dialect. It is known that Guzel is a Tatar by nationality, so she speaks and sings fluently in two languages.

In addition to her hobbies for music, the girl did an excellent job with school subjects, thanks to which she managed to graduate from school with a gold medal. Despite the fact that parents always supported any undertakings of their daughter, including vocal lessons, they strongly recommended that they look at more serious professions. Guzel decided to listen to their opinion and after school she entered the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin at the Faculty of Law.

While studying at the university, she continued to be actively involved in public life: she performed at beauty contests, sang at student events, and studied with a vocal teacher. By the way, in her third year, Guzel won a beauty contest and deserved a trip to Paris. After some time, the girl realized that she did not want to connect her life with jurisprudence. In an interview, she said: “I always knew exactly what I wanted to do in life. Thanks to music, I can open up and get everything I want. But first of all, you need to get a higher education ... "

The beginning of the creative path

After graduating from university in 2014, Guzel found out about the casting for the X-Factor-5 TV show, which was supposed to take place in Dnepropetrovsk. The girl immediately went to Ukraine. Khasanova decided to perform the difficult song of the singer Sia "Titanium". According to the voting results, she managed to go further to the team to Ivan Dorn. For several weeks, the girl diligently engaged in creativity and showed good results. But, at one stage, she had to leave the project.

Despite her defeat, she continued to develop her creative potential. Guzel attended various social events and performed at many concerts. Then the girl joined the CoolTimeBand cover group, where she performed her own songs with Nikita Osin, a former member of the Voice project.

In the summer of 2017, at the All-Russian Youth Forum "Tavrida", a competition for young musicians was announced. According to the voting results, several participants were selected who will perform in the semi-finals of the New Wave 2018 international competition. Among them was the beautiful Guzel, who since childhood dreamed of getting into this talent competition.

Guzel Khasanova: Star Factory

After a long time, the main musical show of the country "Star Factory" started again on television screens. Thanks to this project, we already know such popular artists as:

  • Timati;
  • Dominic Joker;
  • Elena Temnikova;
  • and others.

The casting for the new season was scheduled for the summer of 2017. Several thousand young performers took part in it. Among them was Guzel Khasanova. After the girl found out about the new competition in the show, she immediately went to the casting. As a result of a careful selection, along with other bright and talented guys, Guzel got an incredible opportunity to show her vocal abilities and collaborate with famous show business stars and producer Viktor Drobysh.

The first reporting concert was a huge success. The audience was delighted with the young performers. In addition, celebrities such as:

  • Ani Lorak;
  • Valeria;
  • Christina Orbakaite;
  • Svetlana Loboda, etc.

At the first concert, Guzel performed a duet with, performing the popular song "Shoot in the Heart". Thanks to her external and vocal data, the girl very quickly won the love and recognition of the audience.

On the project "Star Factory" the creative biography of Guzel Khasanova was constantly updated with new hits. So, at one of the performances, she sang the song "Find Me". The music was written by Viktor Drobysh, and the lyrics by Ilyas Khasanov. Many fans were crazy about her song, and the jury called it the best solo number on the air.

Immediately after the performance, the stylists decided to choose a different, more daring look for her. Therefore, they cut off long hair and made a square. Guzel was not too upset by such changes, on the contrary, the girl believes that this gives her determination. At the last reporting concert, she looked very harmonious in a new image. Guzel sang a duet with Dima Bilan, but the judges did not really like her performance, so she became one of the contenders for relegation. Now viewers must decide her future fate in the project.

Recall that earlier the show was left by her close friend Anya Moon, who was the only person among the manufacturers for whom the girl had sincere sympathy.

Personal life

Like other public people, Guzel does not like to share details from her personal life, so at the moment it is not known if she has a relationship. Although the girl admitted that as a child she was an ardent admirer of Philip Kirkorov, at one time she even wanted to marry him.

In addition, it is known that Khasanova is very fond of the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, in particular, his work "The Little Prince".

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