Gverdtsiteli biography year of birth. Biography and personal life of Tamara Gverdtsiteli, what was the life path of the famous actress


In her youth, a fortune teller predicted great success and great love for Tamara Gverdtsiteli. By that time, the singer had already successfully toured, was married and raising a son - and therefore did not attach due importance to the fortune teller’s words. But everything happened exactly as she predicted.

Best years

In 1974, a 12-year-old girl Tamara from Tbilisi was very upset by her parents’ divorce. She remembered these emotions for the rest of her life: how impossible it is to believe that people close to each other part and begin to live new lives and families... The father soon had a new family, and the children - Tamara and her brother - remained with their mother. She found solace in creativity: since childhood, having a strong voice and perfect pitch, Tamara, at the age of 10, became a soloist in the Mziuri children's pop ensemble. As part of it, she traveled throughout the Soviet Union and even foreign countries, learned how to perform on stage and understood the most important thing about herself: this is her real calling, she cannot live without the stage.

Just starting to study at the conservatory, Tamara Gverdtsiteli began working solo. She remembers these years as some of the best in her life. In the evenings, large groups of her friends and her brother’s classmates—students of the Polytechnic—gathered in their small Khrushchev house. They often stayed up late, and someone stayed overnight with them.

These noisy parties did not interfere with Tamara's studies. At the age of 19, she already received first prize at the All-Union Competition of Young Performers in Dnepropetrovsk, and then conquered the audience in Dresden at the international festival.

Receiving a diploma from the conservatory, Tamara understood that she had completed the first part of the minimum program for a Georgian girl - she had received an education. The program at most implied compulsory marriage.

"Take your time, Tamara"

They met at work: Gverdtsiteli was invited to play a role in a television production, and Georgy Kakhabrishvili was its director. As soon as she saw this handsome, confident man, she realized that there would be something between them.

Georgy was 15 years older, and did not delay his courtship for long: he immediately invited Tamara to drink coffee together. A few days later, all of Tbilisi was discussing a possible romance between a famous director and a young talented singer. Their relationship developed very rapidly - with loud quarrels and emotional reconciliations. “It was impossible to be calm. I behaved according to my age - impulsively, sometimes not at all wisely. In a relationship with a mature man, somewhere you need to remain silent, give in, do as he wants - I couldn’t do any of this,” Gverdtsiteli recalled. However, her feeling for George was strong. And his marriage proposal helped her cope with the ordeal.

During those years there was a war in Afghanistan. Tamara Gverdtsiteli, together with other artists, decided to go with concerts to the site of hostilities. Georgy was against it, but he could not forbid it, since he was not her husband.

The trip exhausted Gverdtsiteli not so much physically as mentally. Talking with the soldiers, she realized that they did not even know where they were - they thought that they were somewhere near Tashkent. “None of us had the courage to tell them the truth. Everything I saw around me horrified me. I was shocked by the realization of the senselessness and horror of the war. Before the concert, I gathered my strength, and then sat for a long time, staring at one point,” she said. One day she called her mother in Tbilisi, but Georgiy answered the phone. To his question “How are you?” Tamara answered with difficulty that everything was fine, and she herself had difficulty holding back her tears. He understood everything - and after a long pause said: “I’m waiting for you. Take care of the dress."

She risked her life and bought an ivory piece on the streets of Kabul. After returning to Tbilisi, the two of them carried letters from soldiers to their parents around the country. Then they began to prepare for the wedding. Tamara’s father did not want to give his blessing to their marriage for a long time. He urged me not to rush, to think again, and found more and more excuses. Georgy achieved his consent only on the eve of the celebration - his father seemed to feel something.

After the wedding, their quarrels did not become less violent, but for a long time love reigned in the family. Two years later their only son, Alexander (Sandro), was born. Tamara wanted to spend all her free time with him, but she couldn’t give up what she loved. Gverdtsiteli tried to combine the incompatible for the Georgian tradition: career and family. In her absence, her mother helped with the housework and raising her son. But her husband’s dissatisfaction with her long tours grew. When the child was one year old, Tamara began taking Sandro with her on tour - and Georgy also did not agree with this.


Paris arose in her life during a period of desperate thoughts about family and marriage. But a sudden turn in my career distracted me from gloomy thoughts. The agent organized a tour in France, where Gverdtsiteli met the great composer Michel Legrand. The result was incredible success with the public and the offer of an annual contract.

She did not agree immediately: the war began in Georgia, and they did not give a visa for a long time. When Tamara arrived in Paris, her family lived in Tbilisi in monstrous conditions: water and electricity were often cut off, food was unavailable, the city was under martial law...

Within a month, she brought her first suitcase of food to her family - and did so until the end of the contract.

From France, Tamara Gverdtsiteli returned to Moscow and soon moved her son and mother there. Georgy remained in Tbilisi. This was the point of no return for their marriage.


TASS/Belinsky Yuri The 90s, on the territory of the collapsed Union, were not well suited for the singer’s future career. When an offer was received to sing in New York, at the famous Carnegie Hall, Tamara Gverdtsiteli accepted it with joy. Her uncle lived in the USA - who soon persuaded the singer to move permanently.

Sandro quickly got used to the new environment, his mother continued to do housework, Tamara sang and from time to time flew to Russia on tour. Everything went as usual until she met him.

Lawyer Dmitry, an emigrant from Baku, was among those invited to visit their mutual friends. That evening she sang “I was looking for you everywhere” by Legrand - and tried to find his face among the audience. She won't be able to live without him anymore. “Sometimes you meet a person and it seems like you’ve known him for many years. Dima's words, voice, manners, laughter - everything was absolutely familiar. The feeling of kinship was fascinating,” said Tamara. It was true, mutual, happy love. But the choice - family or work - still faced Gverdtsiteli. This time it was a matter of the huge distance between America, where the beloved lived, and the country where the viewer loved her - Russia.

He invited her to move to Moscow - he was ready to sacrifice his own business and start all over again. In response, Tamara said that she would try to move first. For five months she lived in their house, taking care of the child and housekeeping, and Dmitry took her to the movies, theaters and restaurants, trying to somehow entertain her. She didn't succeed. Tamara Gverdtsiteli could not live without the stage. She left again to give concerts in Russia, he was in touch by phone. One evening Dima said that he would arrive soon. And late at night she was woken up by a call.

She was informed that Dmitry had died. Sudden cardiac arrest.

The only man

Until now, when she sings that song on stage - “I was looking for you everywhere” - she feels that he hears her. Trying to survive her loss, Tamara married again - to cardiac surgeon Sergei Ambatelo. Now she calls it the biggest mistake of her life. “He failed to understand me or my experiences.” For more than 10 years she has lived alone, devoting herself only to family and creativity. The only man in Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s life is her son Sandro. She is sure: God cannot twice give the kind of love that she and Dima had.

As one amazing pop artist said, a woman should be able to wear her age with pride. The author of this quote is the incomparable Tamara Gverdtsiteli. The biography of this stately and bright woman is filled with a musical “aroma”. She is one of the most beautiful and talented singers of the post-Soviet and modern pop scene. She is admired. She is loved. She is worshiped by millions.

Childhood and early years

The main tool for tracing a person’s rise to the top of his career is a biography. Tamara Gverdtsiteli was born in the homeland of cognac and wine - Georgia. There, on a winter day on January 18, 1962, in the city of Tbilisi, the future artist was born. Her mother instilled a love for music in her. Thanks to her, Tamara sang from an early age, and already at the age of three she was zealously practicing on an old home piano: selecting notes for famous compositions. The daughter’s talent did not go unnoticed, and the girl entered a music school.

Victory at the Golden Orpheus musical talent competition (1988), performances in Poland and Italy - her biography begins to fill up with bright events. Tamara Gverdtsiteli a year later becomes an honored artist in her homeland. In 1991, the performer was already known to the public as the People's Artist of Georgia. Her concerts and performances attract audiences of thousands.

World fame

In the same year, the talented performer met Monsieur Legrand (composer, author of music for the famous film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg”). This meeting gave Tamara a contract with an amazing musician. This was followed by a concert in one of the most famous concert halls in the whole world - Olympia.

Four years later, Tamara Gverdtsiteli performs at Carnegie Hall in the USA. After which she decides to stay in America. First, the performer lives in New York and then moves to Boston. In 1996, the singer’s first album, “Thank you, music, to you!” was released.

After some time, Tamara returns to Russia, where she continues her concert activities, records albums and, at the same time, acts in films and participates in performances. Success throughout the country was marked by the awarding of the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation to the talented singer. This happened in 2004.

A year later, she made her debut on the stage of the Russian Army Theater, where she successfully played Dulcinea in the production of “Man of La Mancha.” As a film actress, she first appeared on screen in the film “Stalin’s Wife.” This was also the debut of the director of this film, Mira Todorovskaya.

Personal life

An audience of millions looks with silent adoration at the creative successes achieved by this brilliant performer, Tamara Gverdtsiteli. Biography, personal life and family are sometimes more interesting to the public than their owner. Journalists need sensations, and ordinary people need the feeling that stars are ordinary people with the same troubles as everyone else. Although the performer has achieved high results and worldwide recognition in the creative field, her personal side of life cannot please her.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli was married three times. With their first husband, Georgiy, they had a son, Alexander. The second marriage “knocked on the door” of the performer in the USA. Her husband was businessman Dmitry, who died in 1998. Tamara lived with her third husband, cardiac surgeon Sergei Ambatelo, for 4 years. Then came the divorce.

Tamara Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli is one of the most popular artistic figures in the Russian Federation. In her homeland, the popular performer became one of the symbols of the era. She enjoys traveling to Tbilisi, considers herself a citizen of the country, but has been living outside its borders for several decades.

The artist is welcome everywhere, she is loved in all countries of the world. Everywhere whole halls of music lovers gather for her concerts. They call the artist for an encore, forcing her to perform her favorite songs.

Tamara’s creative path is very happy, which cannot be said about her personal life. She has not yet met a man who would make her happy until her last breath.

Height, weight, age. How old is Tamara Gverdtsiteli

From a young age, the girl’s numerous music lovers were interested in everything related to the singer’s life and work, including Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s height, weight, age, and age. It is known that the artist turned 56 years old. She takes care of her appearance, adhering to proper nutrition and daily routine.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli, whose photos in her youth and now do not leave men indifferent and cause the envy of women, weighs 65 kg with a height of 165 centimeters.

Among other things, fans are also interested in the artist’s nationality. She openly says that she is a Georgian with Jewish roots living in the Russian Federation.

Biography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

The biography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli began in Tbilisi (Georgian SSR). Father - Mikhail Pavlovich Gverdtsiteli worked as a cybernetics scientist, one of the first Soviet programmers. Mother - Inna Volfovna Kofman taught at a regular school. It was she who instilled in the girl a love of music. From the age of 7, Tamarka begins to study vocals. In 1972 he began touring with Mziuri. Even then, the young soloist became incredibly popular; she was applauded not only by listeners in the Soviet Union, but also in some foreign countries.

Having received a school certificate, Gverdtsiteli became a student at the Tbilisi Conservatory. At the age of 19, she was appreciated at various music competitions, after which they started talking about the young talent. She is the only Soviet performer to sing in San Remo, Italy. In mid-1988, he won the prestigious Golden Orpheus music festival. Soon she herself begins to judge young performers.

In the early 90s of the last century, Tamara Mikhailovna received the title of Honored Artist of Georgia, then - People's Artist. At the beginning of the new millennium, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed a decree awarding Gverdtsiteli the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

In the 90s of the last century, the popular singer captivated the European and American public, who gave her a standing ovation and called her for encores several times. Since that time, Gverdtsitelli’s repertoire begins to include a large number of compositions, the author of which is herself.

Although several decades have passed since then, the popular singer continues to actively tour, always delighting the public.

Personal life of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

The personal life of Tamara Gverdtsiteli was not very successful. There is currently no beloved man next to the woman. The popular artist herself cites her busy creative activities as the reason for this. Her first husband forced her to refuse a lucrative contract in France, but this only delayed the time of official separation from her husband.

The woman connected her life with men several times, but they forced her to choose between her favorite music and marriage, so the popular performer is currently alone. Although Gverdtsiteli’s personal life can hardly be called happy, she does not lose faith that in the future she will become a happy wife.

Family of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

The family of Tamara Gverdtsiteli, a popular world-class performer, has supported all her endeavors since a young age.

The girl’s father was Mikhail Pavlovich Gverdtsiteli, a descendant of a princely family. He was one of the first in the Soviet Union to develop computer technologies.

The development of the famous performer was greatly influenced by her beloved mother, who instilled in her daughter a love of music from childhood, and her grandmother. It was in honor of the latter that she received her name. And the talent passed on, according to Tamara Mikhailovna herself, from her beloved grandmother, who worked at the Tbilisi Conservatory for several decades and developed her granddaughter’s singing talent.

The artist has a beloved brother, Pavel, who permanently resides in the Georgian capital, and two nephews.

Children of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

Due to her incredible busyness, the children of Tamara Gverdtsiteli are presented in the singular. The artist has an only son, Alexander, whose name is Sandro in the Georgian manner. For various reasons, Tamara was no longer able to become a mother.

The popular singer also considers talented young performers to be her children, whom she supports in their endeavors.

The artist oversees one of the orphanages in Tbilisi. She often comes there, brings gifts, and helps its graduates get settled in life. Tamara Mikhailovna allocates part of the money from her fees specifically for these needs.

Son of Tamara Gverdtsiteli - Alexander (Sandro)

The son of Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Alexander (Sandro), was born in the mid-80s of the last century. Despite being incredibly busy with creativity, the popular artist always found time to raise her beloved son.

The boy tried to support his mother from a young age. He was waiting for her from the tour, he studied well at school. After Tamara Mikhailovna’s second marriage, the guy began to study in the States. Having received a certificate, he becomes a student at the University of London, where he receives a profession related to creativity.

He currently lives and works in England and is in a civil relationship with a girl. Soon Sandro is going to get married.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli's ex-husband - Georgy Kakhabrishvili

The woman met her first husband in the early 80s of the last century. She couldn't resist his charm, despite the 15-year age difference. Soon the man proposed marriage. The parents of the popular singer did not interfere with her happiness. In 1984, the wedding of two lovers was celebrated in one of the best Tbilisi restaurants. Several hundred invited guests attended the celebration.

For several years the couple lived in perfect harmony. She toured. And Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s ex-husband, Georgy Kakhabrishvili, was waiting for his wife at home, working at the Georgian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

At the beginning of the harsh 90s, the country was turbulent. The singer suggested leaving the country and waiting out the current situation outside of it. The husband did not agree, which led to a divorce in 1995.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli's ex-husband - Dmitry

A year after breaking up with her first husband, the popular singer lost her head in love. Her chosen one was a native of the Soviet Union who lived in the United States of America. They could not live without each other, so soon Tamara moved to her beloved in Boston, taking her mother and son Soso with her. A few months later the woman becomes Dmitry’s wife. The artist did not tour for some time; she enjoyed her vacation in the company of her closest people. But after some time, the performer became burdened by this peace and left for Russia on tour.

At this time, the husband suffered a second heart attack and died. Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s ex-husband, Dmitry, is buried in one of the Boston cemeteries in America. He bequeathed all his property to Tamara’s son, Soso.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli's ex-husband - Sergei Ambatelo

At the beginning of the new millennium, a popular artist became seriously ill. Sergei Ambatelo, who works in the cardiology department of one of the Moscow clinics, began to treat her. It was to him that a popular performer accidentally came to see him.

Somehow, imperceptibly, they fell in love with each other, but for some time they did not understand it. Having gone to different countries, they sought to meet within a few days. After this, a declaration of love took place. That same year they registered their marriage.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s ex-husband, Sergei Ambatelo, insistently demanded that the star leave her career and do only housework. This was the reason for the couple's divorce.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tamara Gverdtsiteli

On Wikipedia, admirers of the popular artist’s talent can read all the most detailed information about her biography, creative path and personal life. The page contains the most detailed list of compositions performed and written by the singer.

By going to Tamara Mikhailovna’s Instagram, you can view her numerous photographs that were taken at different periods of her life. Among other things, there are images of various cities visited by the artist.

When you first hear this velvety and memorable voice that leaves no one indifferent, you will never think about how old Tamara Gverdtsiteli is. Her voice bewitches, fascinates and does not let go. You can listen to this voice for an infinitely long time, but it is simply impossible to confuse it with anyone else. Who is this woman? This is a black-haired beauty with the name of the Georgian queen - Tamara.

Pedigree of the brilliant singer

A multi-million army of fans around the world admires the singer and closely follows her life path. They are interested in Tamara Gverdtsiteli, her biography, her personal life and all the facts about her.

Georgian blood flows in our heroine’s veins from her father and Jewish blood from her mother, so her nationality is Georgian. The ancestry on the father's side is connected with an ancient noble family, and on the mother's side - with a rabbi from Odessa.

Tamriko is her real name, and from birth she was endowed with absolute pitch and a beautiful voice. All her loved ones fully shared and welcomed her passion for vocals and desire for the stage. She inherited her talent, as a gift from God, from her paternal grandmother, who taught music.

But the main merit in this, of course, goes to my mother, Inna Vladimirovna, a teacher by training. With her light hand, Tamara fell in love with music with all her heart and at the age of six she began studying at the school at the Tbilisi Conservatory. By the way, she was born in the same city on January 18, 1962. Anyone who wants to know how old Gverdtsiteli is can now easily calculate her age.

Classes at the music school brought good results, and already in her school years Tamriko became member of the Georgian children's ensemble"Mziuri". The musical group gave her the first invaluable experience in creative life, and tours to all corners of the Soviet Union helped her survive the family drama - the divorce of her father and mother.

Her mind did not want to understand how dad could not live with them. But little Tamunya, as her family affectionately called her, had already made the most important decision in her life, despite her early age. She will definitely become a singer, because she likes it, it’s her air, without it she can’t imagine her future life.

Already in childhood she achieved the following heights:

  • was a soloist in the children's pop ensemble "Mziuri";
  • played the role of Pierrot in the musical play “Our Friend - Pinocchio”;
  • was a singer, pianist, guitarist;
  • sang in 4 languages: Georgian, Armenian, Russian, Ukrainian;
  • went on tour to 12 countries around the world.

Years passed, childhood ended, Tamriko received a secondary education and decided to get a music degree, passing the entrance examination to the Tbilisi Conservatory. She honed her vocal talent at one of the music colleges.

Career of a great woman

After the conservatory, she began her ascent to the Olympus of singing triumph. She traveled all the way from rural cultural centers in her native Georgia to the most prestigious scenes in the world. But first there were the first small and more significant victories in their home country. So, by the age of nineteen, she won a brilliant victory in the Sochi musical competition “Red Carnation”.

And this was the beginning of the stellar rise of the modest Georgian girl, despite her youth. Participation in music competitions at home and abroad often brought her well-deserved victories in Poland, Italy, and Bulgaria. The singer's repertoire includes songs in more than ten languages.

For her creative services, the singer received the title of Honored and People's Artist of the Georgian SSR. Much later she was awarded the high title of People's Artist of Russia.

Her career was created before our eyes:

  • 1982 - participates in a competition in Dresden;
  • 1984 - receives the Lenin Komsomol Prize for active concert activities;
  • 1987 - participates in many music festivals as an honorary jury member;
  • 1988 - becomes a laureate of the Golden Orpheus Prize;
  • 1989 - becomes Honored Artist of Georgia;
  • 1991 - receives the title of People's Artist of Georgia;
  • 2004 - title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

After the collapse of the union, Georgian singer Tamara Gverdtsiteli bravely resisted all the hardships of her new life. Despite the collapse, she released a dozen albums, she became member of the jury of many vocal competitions, continued her concert activities, and gained experience in acting.

There was a French period of creativity in her life, and Michel Legrand, and concerts on the stage of the famous Olympia.

Channel One invited the actress to some projects both as a participant and as a judge. After one of these projects, a good tandem formed with Dmitry Dyuzhev.

The brilliant singer also starred in many interesting films:

  • “Griboyedov Waltz”;
  • "Stalin's Wife";
  • “House of exemplary maintenance”;
  • "In the forests and on the mountains";
  • "Boulevard Ring".

This is not the entire list of films in which you can hear the enchanting voice of the Georgian singer.

Love and family of the Georgian soloist

The personal life of the brilliant singer did not work out throughout her life.

The singer's first marriage was with director Georgiy Kakhabrishvili. Tamara was fifteen years younger, but she loved George with all her heart. The heroine's father assumed that his daughter's marriage would not be happy, so he was in no hurry to give his blessing.

After a tour of Afghanistan, after everything she saw there, our heroine received severe moral trauma. It was George’s offer to marry him that helped her find the strength to recover. But everyday troubles can destroy a lot. So their family could not stand the test of such tests.

Of course, there was not enough strength to save the Tamriko family. The reason for this was Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s young age. She could not contain her explosive temper, and quarrels between the spouses became more frequent. Even the birth of a son could not prevent the collapse of this family.

The artist, no matter how hard she tried, could not get the opportunity to combine her favorite activity and order in family affairs. Even my mother's help was not enough. The mature husband did not want to come to terms with this. This turn of events did not fit into the usual Georgian foundations. When her son grew up to one year old, Tamara went on tour with him, which was also not welcomed by her husband. Therefore, a contract in France helped untie this knot, after which she returned with her mother and son Sandro to Moscow, leaving her husband in Georgia.

The next part of Guardtsiteli’s life took her to another continent. She received an offer that was impossible to refuse, and America discovered this unique singer. Tamara was persuaded to move there to live by her uncle, who lived in the states. What pushed me to make a decision was the fact that the union was gone, my whole life had gone upside down, and this was a good chance to improve my life.

Mom helped around the house, Sandro adapted to the new place, and the actress herself did what she loved, periodically visiting Russia for concerts. There, in America, there was a meeting with her second husband, a lawyer, who also came from Russia.

And again the problems of choice were raised - the beloved lived in the USA, he had a business there, and Tamara was called home by an adoring viewer. In order to make each other happy, they were ready to do a lot - he moved to live in Russia, she left the work of her whole life. The love was mutual, but their happiness did not last long - Dmitry’s death suddenly ended everything.

One would like to ask where is the justice, why two people in love were so deprived of the time for happiness that they deserved. After all, we can safely say that they were created for a couple, and at the very first meeting both felt it.

Gverdtseteli had a third marriage, which she recalls with great regret. She took such a step in the hope of alleviating her suffering and making up for the lost happiness. The chosen one was Sergei Ambatiello, a doctor by profession, or, to be precise, a cardiac surgeon, whose patient she happened to be.

But he was not given the opportunity to feel Tamara’s experiences with all his soul, he could not, or maybe did not want to help her find well-being in her family life, and most importantly, her mental wound never healed. Therefore, Ambately, as some called him, remained in the past, and the only thing the singer regrets is that she was able to allow this union at all.

There was another timid attempt by Gverdtsiteli to find such desired family happiness, but, alas. Her short-term romance with the owner of a construction company, which suddenly arose during the period of renovation in the actress’s Moscow apartment, very quickly came to naught.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli today

We can say that Tamara is now quite happy, because she has her most beloved and irreplaceable man, her Sandro. Her maternal love knows no bounds, which, however, is not surprising. She is happy that her only child was able to receive a decent education in America and England. At the University of the Arts he graduated from the Faculty of Mass Media and Culture.

Sandro's appearance very similar to mom. Like a true Georgian man, from an early age he was a very caring and attentive child. Tamara always received support and all kinds of help from him, and his sons’ love matched their mother’s. The son was never indifferent to any nuances, he was interested in her work and all the details. There are no small details for him in his mother’s work. The singer proudly says that her current stage image was sculpted by her beloved Sandro with his own hand.

It turns out that the family happiness that fate had in store for her was always there and no one could ever replace it.

Attention, TODAY only!

Tamara (Tamriko) Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli (Georgian: თამარ გვერდწითელი). Born on January 18, 1962 in Tbilisi. Soviet, Russian and Georgian pop singer (contralto), pianist, composer, actress. Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR (1989), People's Artist of the Georgian SSR (1991), People's Artist of Russia (2004).

Tamriko Gverdtsiteli (better known as Tamara) was born on January 18, 1962 in Tbilisi.

Father - Mikhail Pavlovich Gverdtsiteli, a cybernetics scientist, programmer, from an ancient Georgian noble family. Gverdtsiteli is one of the oldest surnames, consisting of two words: Tsiteli - red and gverd - side. According to family legend, the king gave the surname to the ancestors on the battlefield in the 14th century - their ancestor, fighting for the independence of Georgia against the Turks, was wounded and was nicknamed Red Side (bloody side).

Mother - Inna Volfovna Kofman (born in 1939 in Odessa), Jewish, granddaughter of the rabbi of the Odessa Choral Synagogue, who at the beginning of the war was evacuated to Tbilisi. By profession - teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher at the Tbilisi House of Pioneers, graduated from the philological faculty of the Tbilisi Pedagogical Institute. A. S. Pushkin.

Brother - Pavel, engineer, lives in Tbilisi, has two children.

My paternal grandmother, Tamara Ivanovna, was a music teacher.

Her paternal great-grandmother, Khidirbegishvili-Amilakhvari, was a princess, studied in Paris and St. Petersburg, Tamara was able to find her alive when she was little.

Maternal grandmother - Sulamith Solomonovna Rosenshtekh.

Maternal great-grandfather - Solomon Rosenshtekh, rabbi of a synagogue in Odessa.

At the age of 7, at the insistence of her mother, she began to study music and entered a special music school at the Tbilisi Conservatory.

As a teenager in the early 1970s, she became a soloist in the children's pop ensemble "Mziuri", in which she toured the entire former Soviet Union and toured in 12 countries around the world. She was a singer, a pianist, and a guitarist. She performed Georgian, Armenian, Russian, Ukrainian and modern pop songs with the ensemble.

At the age of eleven she took part in the musical play “Our Friend - Pinocchio” (music by A. Rybnikov) in the role of sad Pierrot.

In 1979, she graduated from school and entered the Tbilisi Conservatory to study piano and composition. She also graduated from a special college in vocals.

As a 3rd year student, she became a soloist of the variety and symphony orchestra of the Georgian State Television and Radio.

At the age of 19, she took second place at the All-Union festival in Dnepropetrovsk and won the international competition “Red Carnation” in Sochi. The songs “Music” (V. Azarashvili, M. Potskishvili) and “Blossom, my land” brought fame to the young singer.

In 1982 she took part in the popular music competition in Dresden, in 1988 she won the Golden Orpheus competition, and performed as a guest artist at festivals in Sopot and San Remo. Since 1987, the young singer herself has acted as a member of the jury of music festivals.

In 1984 she received the Lenin Komsomol Prize for concert programs of 1981-1983.

In 1988, she won the Golden Orpheus Prize in the city of Sunny Beach (Bulgaria): 1st prize for the performance of the song “Dedication to Edith Piaf” (music by Otar Tevdoradze, lyrics).

In 1989, Gverdtsiteli became an Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR, in 1991 - a People's Artist of the Georgian SSR, and in 2004 - a People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 1991, Gverdtsiteli was invited by her French agent to Paris, where she met Michel Legrand and Jean Drejac. At the same time, a contract was signed with Michel Legrand and her first concert took place at the Olympia in Paris. Legrand, introducing Gverdtsiteli to the audience of three thousand, said: “Paris! Remember this name." And Tamara conquered Paris.

In the singer’s repertoire, civil-sounding songs (“Call of Icarus” by Yu. Saulsky, R. Rozhdestvensky and others) coexisted with elegiac and lyrical songs (“How young we were” by A. Pakhmutova, N. Dobronravov, “Autumn Romance” by Ermishev, A. Dementieva, “In Memory of Edith Piaf” by O. Tevdoradze, I. Reznik, “Vivat, King, Vivat” by Yu. Rybchinsky, G. Tatarchenko). Gradually more and more songs of her own composition appeared: “Dedication to a Woman” on Art. M. Tsvetaeva, composition “My Love Piaf”.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli - Vivat, king, vivat

She sang accompanied by orchestras conducted by A. Mikhailov and M. Kazhlaev.

Among the significant milestones of her creative life are a solo concert at Olympia (Paris, 1994) with A. Kozlov’s ensemble at Carnegie Hall (New York, 1995), “Michel Legrand presents Tamara Gverdtsiteli” (New York, 1996 - duets with Legrand, songs from the film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg”, Russian and Georgian folk songs, romances: “Only once in life are there meetings”, etc.).

In 2001-2003, a series of solo programs “Music Without Borders” was released, accompanied by the “Music” ensemble. She performed some songs with her own accompaniment on the piano.

In 2007, she became a laureate of the Kremlin Grand Prize (title “International Recognition”) and a diploma winner of the Arno Babajanyan International Music Festival “For giving a new authorial sound to the music of Arno Babajanyan, the highest professionalism and personal contribution to the concert dedicated to the 85th anniversary of this composer.” .

The singer performs songs in more than ten languages: Georgian, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, English, Hebrew, Ukrainian, Armenian, German and others.

She performed the role of Carmen on the stage of the Dnepropetrovsk Opera House with the Milanese baritone Giovanni Ribichiesu. She played at the Russian Army Theater in the musical “Man of La Mancha” together with. She performed solo concerts and a joint program with the actor.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli and Dmitry Dyuzhev - Love Story

In 2010 she made her debut in the genre of a one-woman show.

Since 1973, she acted in films, making her debut in the Georgian short film “Mziuri”. She recorded a lot as a vocalist. In the 2000s, she played as an actress in the television series “Stalin’s Wife” (Maria Svanidze) and “House of Exemplary Maintenance” (Kora Sulkhanovna Zelenskaya).

Tamara Gverdtsiteli in the series "House of Exemplary Maintenance"

In 2007-2008 she was a member of the Supreme Council of the Civil Power party.

In 2014, Tamara Gverdtsiteli was a mentor for the vocal show “Voice of the Country” on the Ukrainian TV channel “1+1”.

Member of the public council of the Russian Jewish Congress.

In 2017, she won the “Chanson of the Year” award for her performance of the song “Across the Sky Barefoot.”

“I know very well how some artists make their way onto the stage and into the theater. This is not a profession. I have never had narcissism, but I have always demanded a lot from myself and set high goals for myself, without demanding the same from people in return ", - the singer said about the secret of her success.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli in the program “Alone with Everyone”

Tamara Gverdtsiteli's height: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Tamara Gverdtsiteli:

She was married three times.

The first husband is Georgiy Kakhabrishvili (born 1947), director, and served as deputy chairman of the Georgian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. They were married from 1984 to 1995. In 1986, the couple had a son, Alexander (Sandro) Kakhabrishvili, he studied in the USA, then moved to England, lives and teaches at the University of the Arts London (Faculty of Mass Media and Culture).

Tamara Gverdtsiteli and Georgy Kakhabrishvili with their son

The second husband, Dmitry, a lawyer, emigrated from the USSR to the USA, lived in Boston (where he later died of cardiac arrest). They met during the artist's American tour in the mid-1990s. She divorced her husband because of the distance - the family essentially lived separately, he in the USA, and she in Moscow.

Third husband - Sergei Georgievich Ambatelo, cardiac surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, employee of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A. N. Bakuleva. We met when the singer turned to him for medical help after another tour. After some time, Sergei proposed to her. They got married in 2001 and divorced in December 2005 - due to the jealousy of their husband.

Sergei Ambatelo is the third husband of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

Later, the singer began an affair with the owner of a construction company, Azerbaijani Novruz Mamedov. They met when Tamara started renovations in her Moscow apartment.

As the artist said, all her husbands were sympathetic to her career and never faced the choice of “family or stage”: “I have never met such stupid men. I think women are being disingenuous when they say that their husband forced them to choose. What are you talking about? If a man believes in his wife’s talent, he will only be happy for her. Another question is when men are afraid: will this woman combine her successful career with home life?”

Lives in Moscow in an elite apartment on Krasnoproletarskaya Street (near the Novoslobodskaya metro station).

Filmography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli:

1973 - Mziuri (მზიური) (short film) - soloist of a young musical group
1984 - White Rose of Immortality (vocals)
1995 - Griboyedov Waltz (vocals, performance of romances)
2004 - It all starts with love (vocals - sings romances)
2006 - Stalin's wife - Maria Svanidze
2006-2007 - Love is like love (vocals - the song “Eternal Love” in a duet with Lev Leshchenko)
2008 - Vladimir Zeldin. Don Quixote in Love (documentary)
2010 - House of exemplary maintenance - Kora Sulkhanovna Zelenskaya
2010 - In the forests and on the mountains (vocals - romance “Shards of Love”)
2013 - Boulevard Ring - cameo, also vocals (uncredited)

Discography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli:

1982 - Debut. Tamara Gverdtsiteli
1985 - Music: Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings
1991 - White Crow (rock opera, part of Joan of Arc)
1992 - Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings her songs
1994 - Vivat, King!
1996 - Thank you, Music, to you!
2000 - Best songs of different years
2001 - Dedication to a Woman
2002 - Vivat, Love, Vivat!
2002 - Yesterday I dreamed of the sky
2003 - Favorites
2004 - Music - Temple of the Soul
2008 - Air Kiss
2008 - MP3 album “Favorites”
2009 - The Best
2016 - Tamara Gverdtsiteli
2017 - Momele (mommy, songs in Yiddish)

Video clips of Tamara Gverdtsiteli:

2000 - Don Juan
2006 - Air Kiss
2011 - Airless alert (together with Bi-2)

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