The character of the Germans at the age of 60 is husbands. Aryan appearance: Nazi version


Two-meter blond pitching, inhabiting Germany, make this country in the eyes of women a paradise on earth. ...until women start dating them. German men are, in fact, much more complex than it seems at first glance.

For unmarried women, dating in Germany may at first seem like a free gourmet smorgasbord. The men here are almost all of imposing stature, most are blond and, without exception, extremely handsome with the divine bodies of Adonis. Moreover, they dress well, smell of expensive cologne and are very smart.

Indeed, the first impression is so amazing that it almost always leads straight to the first German date... no, no... the expectation that going to a party filled with such handsome men will be a success. In fact, these hopes are very far from the truth. A German man is not only the standard of a beautiful physique of a person, he is also weak, spineless, afraid of responsibility and terribly shy. It is quite possible that an attractive woman - who in most other countries would not take a second to powder her nose, from so many people who want to flirt with her - will stand alone in a corner at a party in Germany until the end of the event. Moral: if you want a relationship with a German dandy, be prepared to take responsibility on your own shoulders.

But before you step into the German dating minefield, make sure you know what you're getting into - We offer a guide to typical Teutonic views. Our advice: Be careful there - there is always a catch! So:

Daddy was the favorite nephew of the Kaiser. Mom is a worldly beauty. It's just a shame that Germany got rid of the royal family in 1918. Welcome to the lost world of German displaced aristocrats! They have neither a job nor a normal position in the German social democracy, but they cling to their traditional statuses with all their might.

Distinctive features: If in the documents the words “von” or “zu” or - even more absurdly - both of these words are inserted into his last name - this is one hundred percent sign that you have met a man of the Teutonic Sang Real. The German Aristocratic style almost always includes a Thomas Pink shirt, designer jeans and a tweed jacket. He probably also speaks Boarding English with a fake Etonian accent. Whereas many German men are often two meters tall blond, the Aristocratic Germans are Always blondes are two meters tall.

Habitat: A hunt organized by some baron; luxury hotels in Berlin; Vienna Opera Ball, Wimbledon, Ascot, etc. If they are inclined to work, then they can also be found in the leadership of the German mainstream media.

Favorite activities: Sailing. Buying a Mercedes. Memories of the times spent in an English boarding school (educational institution).

Pros: If you are an Englishwoman and homesick, the Aristocratic German will gladly fulfill your whim and desire to spend most of the holidays at home.

Trick: The German Aristocratic probably has a huge Schloss (castle) somewhere on the Rhine, a place so beautiful that you start fantasizing about upgrading it with expensive Italian furniture. The German Aristocrat may even encourage your fantasies at first. But don't let yourself be fooled! German Aristocratic talks about change, but never makes a change. Once you're at his house, all his "I-want-to-be-like-you-my-darling" activities will quickly come to a screeching halt. You'll have to eat Leberwurst (liverwurst), visit his 100-year-old grandmother, and walk the family's hunting dogs, which - smelling that you're not of aristocratic blood - will bite. You will be thrown onto the shores of a dusty hell furnished with Biedermeier kitsch. And when you resist your move to the upper Teutonic class, the Aristocratic German will exchange you for the Aristocratic German with higher cheekbones.

“I owe my longevity to sports. I have never dealt with it,” said the wise Winston Churchill. But the Athletic German is not so wise. Oh no, he loves sports! It takes you for a jog around the Hamburg Alster (Lake in Hamburg) when you feel like shopping for shoes, or Nordic walking on Sunday morning when you feel like lying under a duvet and munching an omelette. But no! German Athletic laughs in the face of cellulite, Wiener schnitzel and chips.

My short acquaintance with Nemets Sporty happened to have a (condemned) mini-break in Mallorca. Stretching out by the pool in my bikini, I asked him, "Am I fat in this?" German Sports was embarrassed. “Of course not, my love,” he said. “If you were fat, dear, you wouldn’t be here!”

Distinctive features: Adonis-like hairless tanned body. The excess gel in dyed hair styled in a "creative mess" is insanely trendy at the moment. Explore his wardrobe for pedometers, Adidas or Puma labeled clothes, and Nordic walking poles.

Habitat: Gym. Outdoors. Sushi bars. Sports shops.

Favorite activities: Running marathons, looking at yourself in the mirror, making tofu stir-fry.

Pros: The Athletic German is in good health and looks like a 30-something boy when he is actually 56. He will also take you to the spa at least four times a year.

Trick: A German spa holiday also includes getting up early, drinking disgusting-tasting water, and doing water aerobics. You'll also have to stop eating chips, full-fat dairy, and red meat for as long as you date the Athletic German.

If you still want to date him: Lose weight and get used to orange juice on Saturday nights.

Usually at the age of 25-28, the Needy German is, in most cases, dumped by his first girl he has dated since he hit puberty. The guy is confused. Then he suddenly finds a solution to the problem: his girlfriend needs a replacement. Urgently.

Distinctive features: Dressed according to my mother's taste. Has a facial expression not much different from a spaniel that has been beaten more than once.

Habitat: German Needy is probably still studying and very far from a decent job (in Germany, students can stretch their university studies for up to 10 years). Therefore, you will surely see him and similar Internet freaks in high schools, clubs and student canteens. Their dwellings, as a rule, are chock-full of books and CDs, with a bicycle leaning against the wall, ruining the sofa.

Favorite activities: Planning your future life together.

Pros: He loves you...

Trick:... too much. He is poor, a picky eater, and allergic to peanuts to boot.

If you are yet want to meet him: Get ready to be a mom.

The German Intellectual has spent his entire life imprisoned at the university, is fluent in Serbo-Croatian and has no television. This is a representative of damn smart Germans and intellectual snobs.

Distinctive features: Looks and dresses like Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society. Only less American.

Habitat: Pseudo-pretentious cafes in Berlin with gilded mirrors and black-and-white photographs of Marlene Dietrich on the walls. The German Intellectual writes books to pass the time, reads esoteric academic papers, engages in discussions about German philosophers while smoking strong French cigarettes, drinks espresso, reads the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and looks at ethereal French women with high cheekbones.

Favorite activities: Hide The Da Vinci Code books in bookstores. Grumbling about the intelligence of anyone who hasn't completed at least two doctorates. Watch obscure French films.

Pros: Useful if you have exams soon.

Trick: Every time you try to talk to him, he will be too busy reading or "important thoughts". The truth is that the German Intellectual is definitely a misogynist, and honestly you don't stand a chance. And in any case, he only wants to sleep with a Frenchwoman.

If you are yet want to meet him: Read Proust. FULLY.

He can say "I love you!" in Russian. But things have gone downhill for him since 1989. For German Ossi - a product of the former East Germany - life was better when the Berlin Wall was still standing, as he will certainly hasten to tell you. They are madly in love with repeating phrases like “My country of origin no longer exists”, “What happened to the good old collectivist spirit, huh?”.

Distinctive features: Mallet. An unhealthy obsession with 1983 style denim jeans, Trabant cars and the German Baltic Sea coast.

Habitat: East Berlin pubs. Park in Friedrichshain. Frankfurt an der Oder.

Favorite activities: listen to hard rock in the style of the 80s and complain about capitalism, the euro and the fact that he has to pay more than 3.5 euros a week for an apartment.

Pros: Good for a history lesson. Or if you want to know more about Russia than you know yourself.

Trick: See all above.

If you are yet want to meet him: Start wearing overalls now.


Wearing Birkenstocks, eating lentils, German Organic is always right when it comes to global warming, nuclear energy and organic gardening.

Distinctive features: Organic Germans usually have big excited eyes (you know, the planet is dying out). He can also wear dreadlocks and often wears a scarf even when the sun isn't shining.

Habitat: Look for German Organic in organic food stores and among anti-fur and anti-American demonstrations. If you like extra-green men, then Extreme German Organic is the one over there with a bullhorn shouting obscenities to the police.

Favorite activities: Going to anti-fur/anti-war/anti-absolutely-to-the-fuck demonstrations, rewatching my Greenpeace 2005 Best Marches DVD, digging in my organic garden.

Trick: Unless, of course, you are the Queen of Greenpeace, then the German Organic will drive you crazy with his endless lectures on global warming. He won't let you take baths (that's a waste of water), or fly to distant Caribbeans (that's air pollution) and certainly won't indulge your whim of having cute little dresses from Gucci/Prada/Yves Saint Laurent/Harmes etc. etc., because, as he claims, Indonesian child slaves work on them.

If you are yet want to meet him: These guys still have a soft spot for hippie girls with daisies in their hair.


The German system is a complete failure. Here is the creed of the German Anarchist. Or at least it fails most of the time - ie. when he doesn't transfer social assistance into the bank account of the German Anarchist to provide him with supplies of black leather and dog food, on an industrial scale, to feed his oversized mongrels.

Distinctive features: Unwashed and unshaven. German Anarchists often wear pink mohawks and chains rattling off their cut jeans. They are partial to any kind of leather clothing, which they tie with a belt around wide death metal T-shirts.

Habitat: The German Anarchist usually wanders around the bus stations with his own kind and with their many neglected dogs on rope leashes. Boxhagener Platz in the German district of Friedrichshain is especially teeming with Anarchist Germans.

Favorite activities: Drink beer, ask passers-by for extra change, kick walls and yell.

Pros: No. Unless you're a documentary filmmaker tasked with finding a member of this group.

Trick: You can never invite him home for Christmas, Easter, birthdays or - if your family values ​​the cleanliness of their furniture - even just for a visit. And no matter how hard you put in, the German Anarchist will never wash his hands thoroughly.

If you are yet want to meet him: Better not do it.

What is different about people living in Germany? What do they do special?
It is amazing how much the perception of the same event, phenomenon or thing differs even in a small area. This is no accident - the same cultural values ​​unite people and thus helped to survive in the past. The traditions of each region allow people to identify themselves with a certain group, which is extremely important for the human psyche. Differences in tradition, in turn, are incredibly valuable, because they create a unique variety of our world. You can be angry at the bearers of other foundations and customs, or you can show interest in order to understand how everything works for them, and, perhaps, join them.

Efficiency is your middle name.

Working abroad in an international company? Almost certainly all your colleagues hate you. A purebred German solves all his problems in the shortest possible time and plunges the boss into despair, demanding new tasks. Serious attempts to slow down fail - German efficiency is in your genes.

Elevators are a place of silence.

There is an unwritten rule in Germany: you don't look at other people in the elevator and you certainly don't interact with them. Even if you are riding in an elevator with friends, there is usually an awkward pause that no one dares to break.

You never, ever step on lawns.

Even if you're walking in one of the few parks that doesn't have a no-tread sign, you literally feel like a criminal just walking on the grass.

There is only one kind of right bread.

Doner kebab is your salvation at three in the morning. Used as a hangover preventative. And you are absolutely sure that this is a purely German invention. Integration of immigrants into German culture does not work!
Real bread is dark, with a crispy crust and soft inside, it's obvious. White bread, be it a baguette or ciabatta, is not the same at all. When you travel the world or move abroad, there is nothing more desirable than traditional German pastries.

You are every party host's worst nightmare.

If you are invited to a party at 7pm in Spain, for example, then as a typical German you can probably be found walking around the block at 6:50pm because you don't want to arrive too early. Then the doorbell bell at 6:55 pm. Absolutely the host of the party will not open the door immediately - he is still in the shower and has not even begun to prepare the house for the party.

The expression "about seven" makes you shudder.

It's either 7:00, or 7:05, or 7:10. For you, "about seven" is just an excuse for non-punctual people who can't manage their lives. Usually you are just angry that you yourself can not be somewhere "about seven." You will always be there at 6:55. Even though you sent a text with a sincere apology that you would probably be late, you will still arrive at the place at 6:55.

You have a strong opinion about beer.

True, it varies greatly depending on the region of birth and somewhere a bit like a religion. While in Cologne they prefer to drink Kölsch in 0.2 liter glasses, the inhabitants of Bremen drink Pils at once in 0.33 liters. The Bavarians would not trade their Helles in a liter mug for anything else. Such a trip can lead to serious internal conflicts: when someone from Cologne tries to order a beer in Munich, he is likely to be kicked out of the bar faster than the Bavarian can say "Lederhosen".

Three beers instead of schnitzel.

Beer in Germany is considered a food, not an alcoholic beverage. A Bavarian proverb says that the nutritional value of three beers is equal to a full meal. Having a drink or two during your lunch break and then going back to work comes naturally to you.

You constantly complain about the German service.

You really are convinced that there is no worse customer service than in Germany. However, once you visit, for example, Hungary or France, when you return, you are ready to kiss every cashier who smiled slightly at you, simply out of gratitude for their friendliness.

Table manners are very important to your parents.

"Don't talk with your mouth full! Sit up straight! Get your elbows off the table!" It's nice to have lunch with German parents, isn't it?

You are a trash separation maniac.

You have a lot of trash cans, but you could use an extra one: organic waste, paper, plastic, white glass, green glass, brown glass, general trash… Do you find it absolutely normal to wash empty yogurt containers before throwing them in a certain trash? tank.

Are you still angry that you had to pay for your studies.

Tuition at the university used to be free, until some states decided to introduce tuition fees of up to 500 euros per semester. After several years of public protests, it was cancelled. However, these few years have cost you one and a half to two thousand euros, which you would rather spend on beer and a flat-screen TV.

At least one of your student friends is 33 years old.

No, he is not teaching or pursuing a Ph.D. He spends time trying to find the right direction in life. To do this, he changed majors from archeology to philosophy, from business studies to sinology. Finally, I found it - studying the history of art of Uzbekistan in the 9th century. Unfortunately, with the introduction of international bachelor's and master's degrees in Germany, the requirements for passing certain standards have become tougher, and this lifestyle is becoming less and less common.

You follow the rules of the road.

You will never cross the street at a red traffic light. Never. Even on foot, at night, even if not a single car is visible within a two-block radius. The risk of losing your driver's license is too great if you are caught violating as a pedestrian. Unfortunately, when you are in other countries, you expect other people to have the same respect for red traffic lights. That's how you almost killed five people on a recent trip to Southeast Asia.

Insurance gives you an absolute sense of security.

Life insurance, fire insurance, natural disaster insurance, disability insurance, supplementary health insurance, liability insurance, maintenance insurance, accident insurance… admit it, you have at least half of them. You feel so well protected with them that you don't mind spending half your paycheck on things that will probably never happen. God saves man, who save himself.

Polite small talk is not for you.

If you work with people of other nationalities, then the conversation during work might be something like this: “Hey, how are you?” - "Fine". - "How's the weekend?" - "What do you want? I do not have time for this!" The last phrase, as a rule, you pronounce to yourself. It's not that you're a sociopath, it's just that you think time is too valuable to be wasted on pleasantries. We wouldn't have made it to our economic miracle with idle chatter, after all.

National pride makes you feel uncomfortable.

The Germans are still traumatized by their history. No matter what country you are in, publicly displayed national flags or open displays of patriotism seem strange. And the only time you don't get disapproving looks when you mount a German flag on your balcony is during the World Cup.

A lake or a pond is a heavenly place of your childhood.

Every German city has at least one body of water. Since then, the smell of sunscreen has made you nostalgic for those unforgettable days of carefree fun with friends and ice cream by the water.

You watch "The 90th Birthday, or Dinner for One" every New Year's Eve.

This is a British sketch about an old lady celebrating her birthday. Unfortunately, all her friends are already dead. Luckily, the old lady isn't the smartest, so she doesn't realize that the butler is playing all of her friends and gets completely exhausted as a result. What is the connection with the New Year? No idea. However, you don't care that some German traditions don't make sense.

You must be bilingual.

You speak your regional dialect and classical German. Considering that there are more than 20 different dialects in Germany, Hoch Deutsch helps to communicate with fellow students - Germans from other federal states. Otherwise, a Bavarian will not be able to communicate with a Frieslander without an interpreter. After all, these dialects actually belong to two different branches of the German language family.

You've never heard "speed limit" and "highway" in the same sentence.

Yes, for the most part there is no speed limit on German motorways. Unfortunately, you hardly ever enjoy this freedom, because there will always be some idiot who is dragging at a speed of 120 km / h, blocking the left lane.

You are well aware that there is no such thing as a typical German.

Different beers, different Christmas traditions, you even speak different languages! Only for a couple of weeks every two years the whole country becomes united thanks to the eternal magic of football championships.
The topic of today's article is rather delicate. Why? And admit it, because you have already heard something like: "We are used to something else! Our women are feminine, beautiful, warm, selfless, emotional ... German women have too many purely masculine qualities."

Yes, they are completely different. And they went to this for a long time. Let's try to consider a portrait of an average German woman. We will try to avoid stereotypes and not take into account the exceptions that always exist.

1. To begin with, German women are independent persons.

This is instilled in them from childhood by their parents and passes through their whole life. They realistically evaluate their life and their opportunities, set goals for themselves and achieve them themselves, developing professionally.

It does not matter who the girl is studying for and how rich her parents are. Sitting on their neck until the end of their studies or until marriage is a bad form. Girls earn extra money, make their way on their own, live separately in or hostels. Germans do not wait for a meeting with a handsome prince who will ensure their life, put their houses on a pedestal and solve all everyday problems. Even relationships where a partner earns much more are considered equivalent in Germany - after all, for a German woman there is nothing worse than dependence on a man. A partner in a relationship in this country is not a lifesaver for all troubles and problems, but a person with whom it is actually good.

Standing firmly on their own feet, German women boldly go through life, knowing that with the appearance or departure of a man, there will be no major shocks in their lives.

2. German women are free

Why did I choose this adjective? - They are free from unnecessary troubles. They don’t spend hours choosing what to wear and how to put on makeup, don’t wear uncomfortable but beautiful shoes for a date, and don’t pretend for the sake of a man that they like football, if (which is now unlikely, of course) they don’t. They are not 24 hours a day and 7 days a week in "combat readiness" to meet their destiny.

A tiny percentage of German women suffer from shopaholics, dietomania, and very few people are puzzled by the desire for a perfect figure and a toned ass. Yes, they try to eat right, go in for sports more often than men, drink liters of water and reduce portions, but they do it for themselves.

German women are free from complexes about their appearance. They are not subject to thoughts like "ahh ahhh, I'm 28, I'm almost an old purse, and not yet married, what a nightmare, I should have had children a long time ago."

German women do not see the only meaning of their lives in marriage and motherhood, they put on what they like, do not try their best to emphasize their waist or chest and put on their coats themselves.

Once I attended a meeting of my husband's colleagues before their important meeting with clients. After the meeting, I asked my husband in surprise if he was okay with the fact that his subordinate female colleagues wear pajama pants or blouses and blazers of nuclear-atomic incompatible colors. He replied that although they do not have a dress code in the company, it would, of course, be nice if they dressed in soothing colors and business style, but just try to tell them - this will be regarded as an infringement of their rights and freedoms. Let them wear what they want, my husband said.

3. German women cannot imagine their life without work

Yes, they choose both the university and the subsequent place of work solely according to their desires and plans, so that they can enjoy it all their lives.

Work is not only a way to make money, but also the place of a German woman in society, her meaning of life, self-development and realization. Sitting at home and cooking borscht for a German woman for her husband is worse than any nightmare. After the birth of a child, she will look for an opportunity to go to work as soon as possible so as not to degrade and turn into service personnel. Often, who will sit with the child is decided not only by gender (yes, a man can take parental leave in Germany).

At work, women demand equality with men, do not tolerate discrimination, shake hands when meeting, and strive to build an enviable resume.

Surprisingly, it was in Germany that women were for a long time held hostage by the three "Ks": "Kinder, Küche, Kirche" (children, kitchen, church). The role of a housewife, who could not study, work, participate in elections and even drive a car, which was once so hopeless for German women, launched a process of pronounced emancipation. Now a woman is a full-fledged, equal to a man member of society.

But not everything is so rosy - it is still difficult for women in Germany to combine work and children. If only because the public kindergartens are open only until 16:00, and if the mother does not want to give up full-time work, the family will have to pay a lot of money for a private kindergarten or Tagesmutter ("day mother").

4. German women are pragmatic and rational

I heard from someone that a Slav woman smells of warmth, and a German woman smells like a calculator. Well, what can we expect, such is life here, often emotions and impulses remain outside the limits of calculations and tax papers.

Yes, that is why so many German men who meet girls from Eastern Europe on the way, from whom warmth, care and femininity emanates, dream about them. Not all Germans like cold and prudent German women by nature. Indeed, in the first place for a German woman is always her "I", then "WE", and then "HE". For a Slav, everything is exactly the opposite, and this is such a rarity in modern Germany!

I do not want to be one-sided - there are, of course, in Germany men who are tired of emancipation, mostly those whose families did not have a trace of it. Such seek to find a feminine and caring wife. But among the traditional, native Germans, who have a traditionally German social circle, there are very few men who are ready to accept other rules of the game. And what - we know - to help a foreigner to integrate, which is often similar to raising a child, to help her learn the language, to live for a long time on one salary, to bear responsibility for everything and complicate life for yourself, your loved one.

Therefore, if you, my dears, have a German husband or fiancé who loves you and has gone through it or plans to go through it - know that this is love and he needs you. And maybe I take a lot on myself, but I’ll give you advice - stay women, be the way our environment brought us up, don’t look at German women, don’t try to be like them in behavior. Yes, it will be necessary to get used to something, to learn something from them, but our Russian female nature goes through all the difficulties with us, be proud of it. And German women, German women also have something to respect and love for. You just need to take a look.

5. German women value themselves and always make their own choices in life.

They know their rights, they know how to behave in this once masculine world, and although their nature often whispers to them about their natural weakness, they do not make concessions, push through with their elbows, reach the top themselves and demand equality and justice, starting from salaries and ending with the amount of the insurance premium.

Discussion of men is far from the most frequent topic of girl gatherings. After all, they have their own problems and needs. And they are by no means less important than men's.

Most German women associate an expensive gift from a man with the superiority of a man and an attempt to impose obligations on her.

If a girl earns more than her boyfriend, then she can pay for her boyfriend in a restaurant - and that will be fine.

Yes .. German women ... They save up for themselves expensive bags, jewelry and clothes and are not at all shy about it. They take cars on credit, cancel a date because of a workout, dress randomly at a young age, and stylishly and tastefully at a mature age. The Germans are the same phenomenon of independence, acquiring their features over the years.

6. Children

There are German women who give birth at a young age and choose the profession of a housewife. But these are rather exceptions.

Most women in Germany combine everything - work, pregnancy, hobbies, children, travel ... and do it amazingly naturally and without unnecessary nerves. Maybe because she doesn't have to drag the children only on her own hump? Husbands in Germany take a very active part in the upbringing of children.

But some German women who have achieved a lot in life consciously refuse children in the family. Why is this happening, you ask? Let's try to figure it out.

- German women rarely think about children before they are firmly on their feet. If a good career shines for her, and the maternal instinct, for various reasons, did not appear ... this is the outcome

“Children used to provide support to their parents in old age. Now this support comes from the state, and children in Germany do not help their parents financially (there are rare exceptions). After school, the offspring scatter somewhere: to universities and colleges, to work throughout Germany and even the world - few remain to live where they were born.

It turns out that after the children come of age, the family breaks up: the chicks flew out of the nest and occasionally visit again. And only at Christmas and Easter do they all get together. There is no feeling of a big family, where everyone lives next to each other and always helps each other. Grandmothers rarely sit with their grandchildren, and children offer help to their parents. After all, they receive a pension, and their children themselves earn money for kindergarten and nannies for their granddaughters.

For many women, this is not enough to sacrifice their well-being and career. In such a situation, you can either sympathize with them wholeheartedly, or envy their freedom of choice. You decide.

7. Clothes

In fact, the picture differs from city to city. I live in a fairly large city in the south of the country, there are many wealthy people and good salaries. What catches your eye when you see how German women dress?

Everything, of course, depends on age and wealth: students with a small income dress quite simply, one might even say gray. The same young girls who live with their parents or pull money from them, dream of luxury things, live in fashion and cosmetics, post their bows on Instagram and actively adopt trends from each other.

The ladies who work are also divided into two types - there are those who are nice to look at - beautiful, tasteful and very neat girls. But more than half of them also dress randomly, facelessly and, most importantly, comfortably.

Older ladies here often amaze with their expensive outfits and accessories. After all, wealth and a sense of beauty grows in Germany with age.

In general, the female mass in Germany looks rather faded, so well-dressed, slender and well-groomed girls are very conspicuous and turn the heads of men. However, if the Germans go to an evening event, to the theater or to a concert, then they will take the time to put themselves in order. Only then can German women be seen in all their splendor.

Bags - for many German women who are already earning money and looking after their appearance, what hangs on their shoulders is very important. Honestly, quite recently I experienced a real shock when I was waiting for my husband near the metro in the city center - I have never seen so many luxury bags! And it was not some prestigious area or an alley of boutiques, but every second or third - Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton or, at worst, Michael Kors or Hess. From teenagers to older ladies! And moreover, these bags do not look tasteless or stupid on them, to think that they are fakes! Now I notice them even more often. Such a purely German fetish.

For those who care about their appearance, accessories are generally very important - chains, pendants, bracelets. Not parrot, but modest, rather emphasizing individuality.

The general trend in Germany is to buy fewer things, but expensive and high-quality ones. The average German woman would rather buy herself a good bag and high-quality shoes every six months than go shopping every month and buy junk of dubious quality.

8. Makeup

More than half of German women do not make up almost at all, or so that it looks as natural as possible, and when choosing cosmetics, they are guided by price, naturalness, minimal environmental impact and the absence of animal experiments.

Half an hour is the absolute maximum that German women spend on getting ready and putting themselves in order in the morning.

9. Sports

You will see all kinds of German women in Germany, but almost all of them are actively involved in sports. There are a lot of fit women here! Yes, they may be unkemptly dressed or not made up (or just not very pretty), but they are athletic. Someone spends evenings in a fitness club, someone runs, someone rides a bike to work, someone does Pilates ... In any case, the result is obvious.

I also note that among German women (especially from the north of Germany) there are fewer large women with wide hips, a large bust and a pronounced female distribution of adipose tissue than in Eastern European and southern countries.

10. Attitude towards money

Whether this is due to high taxes and social payments, other priorities, good quality of inexpensive products or economy ... but the fact that for a St. Petersburg or Moscow girl is a normal average price is perceived differently here. Very often you can hear - 40 euros for procedures with a beautician? Yes, it's a robbery! Mascara for 10-12 euros is considered an average price segment here and is considered "expensive" and "decent!", everything from 17 euros is "luxury". Shampoo more expensive than 5 euros is also a luxury.

The Germans never fill the refrigerator with food from top to bottom. As with clothes, they prefer to buy little, but definitely the right and high quality.

Absolutely every German woman plans a budget. You can ask her how much did you spend on groceries or clothes this month? Most likely, she will be able to give you the exact amount without hesitation or look at the appropriate notebook or phone before that.

In a family, a woman in Germany never plays a passive financial role, almost all couples in Germany have a joint budget, where it is distributed in advance who pays for what. Women here earn money not only "for themselves", but also for the family.

11. Emotionality

Compared to German women, Russian women are "loud", I have heard this more than once. After all, both men and women in Germany are almost never seen in emotional quarrels with screaming, waving their hands, tears and, even less often, assault.

The conversations of girlfriends among themselves are also more often more restrained, without loud laughter and wide-amplitude gestures. Of course, if the Italians do not interfere in the conversation :)

It is very rare to see that a German mother yells at a child or emotionally and loudly scolds him.

Usually a sharp answer in the style of "No!" or a calm and brief mature explanation of the situation is enough, and the rest of the action does not provoke any reaction in the mother.

12. Hairstyle

German women may not wear makeup or choose clothes by color, but hair is sacred. In Germany, there are a huge number of hairdressing salons and visiting a hairdresser once every 2 months (and more often) is a common thing here. This is one of the most important components of self-care for a German woman.

13. Self care

Manicures and pedicures are done by almost all Germans themselves, extended and gel nails are more common among immigrants here. Many German women do not do manicures at all, and this, believe me, is a terrifying sight.

The cosmetologist is visited by women only with their own decent income and mature skin, from about 35 years old.

Solariums in Germany, fortunately, are becoming less and less, almost everyone knows about their dangers.

Waxing is very popular among women in Germany and is more of a hygienic than aesthetic procedure. All waxing parlors must be booked in advance, except for some of them, where a "live queue" is practiced.

German women choose cosmetics for reasons of low price and naturalness. Before choosing cosmetics, they prefer to study reviews on the Internet, the composition of the product, compare prices in online stores, pharmacies and drugstores. Those who can afford it are willing to switch to "luxury".

14. Health and sleep

Most mature people eat right, know what is good and what is bad, and can even justify it scientifically.

And what is very important for everyone without exception in Germany is sleep. Without compromise, German women sleep at least 7 hours a day, no matter what. Between makeup in the morning, washed hair, manicure, heavy breakfast and good sleep, the latter is always chosen. For which they can only be praised.

15. I can't bear to get married

This is not about the Germans. Yes, we all dream in our hearts to receive a beautiful marriage proposal. But in practice, women in Germany look at it also very pragmatically. She must be ready for marriage, stand on her feet, be happy and live in harmony with herself before she decides to share her blessings with another person.

Often the thought of marriage comes to a woman's head first, and she proposes to a man herself. Yes, yes, this is true, although it sounds like a different reality.

Finally, I want to say that despite all the cultural, material, spiritual and physical differences between us, Germans and Russians, we are very similar.

Yes, it may be unlikely that a typical German and a typical Russian will become best friends, but with the advent of the first immigrants in this country, the image of a German woman began to change dramatically. It is already difficult to write about Germans now - after all, we are considering those who grew up in a German environment and were not subject to the influence of other cultures. And there are fewer and fewer of them in Germany.

Therefore, study the country and people, look at the world from a different perspective, find new interesting people, destroy stereotypes and be surprised!

Hope you enjoyed!

Often visiting Germany, I have the opportunity to observe life not from the outside, but from the inside. Differences in the relationship between men and women are striking. German men are more responsible than ours, they strictly fulfill their obligations to the family. There are fewer women there than men, and they know it: they are more confident in themselves and make higher demands on the stronger sex.

Often visiting Germany, I have the opportunity to observe life not from the outside, as a tourist, but from the inside. Differences in the relationship between men and women are striking. German men are more responsible than ours, strictly fulfill their obligations to the family, wife, children: the law encourages them to do this. There are fewer women there than men, and they know it: they are more self-confident and make higher demands on the stronger sex than we do.


Appearance. There is a myth that German women are ugly. Actually it is not. By nature, many of them are gifted very well. Lots of pretty girls with delicate features. But this is not striking, because German women do not tend to stick out their femininity and attractiveness. They do not make up, do not do their hair, they dress very simply: jacket, jeans, sneakers. But, most importantly, on their faces there is no expression: "I'm waiting for a meeting with a man", inherent in our women. The Germans have good figures, they are athletic, fit. There are, of course, dense, well-fed ladies, but I have never seen loose, sprawling ones.

In ordinary life, women do not strive to look sexy (it is enough to be clean and tidy), but when they go to the theater, a restaurant, they follow the dress code and dress carefully, in the evening. That is how they are accepted. And during the day on weekdays, they present themselves modestly and simply, without standing out. In this they are noticeably different from our women, who constantly have a desire to "like". Russian ladies are always dressed, combed and made up as if ready to go on a date at any moment. This is also explained by the fact that we have few men, so we must always be ready to meet fate and look our best.

position in society. I repeat: in Germany there are fewer women than men, and they are worth their weight in gold. Therefore, the Germans are aware that there is someone willing for each of them, and not just one.

The woman there sets the tone in the relationship and dictates the conditions that suit her. She can do it hard or softly, but in any case, it is she who dictates. At the same time, her appearance does not play a role and is not the cause of any complexes. Each representative of the weaker sex is sure that she will be in demand, this is not even in doubt. In addition, there is no such strict age limit as we have, and women up to old age are in demand.

Irina, a former St. Petersburg resident, says: “Recently, I came to visit Russia from Germany, and one young man, having learned that I was forty, said that I looked good. And he added in a simple way: they say, "for Russia you are already too old, but in the West you are still hoo." This is true. In Germany, women of my age are considered young. I have enough attention in abundance, men look at me with adoration. And in Russia, a forty-year-old no longer has a chance. My friends complain that men over forty are looking for girls in their twenties. In general, in Germany, appearance and age are not so important for a woman, as in Russia. Anyone is married here, even those who would not have had a chance in their homeland.”

German women are very independent, they do not count on a man, they try to make their way in life on their own. Someone call it feminism? Don't know. In my opinion, such a phenomenon as female self-sufficiency is now gaining momentum in all civilized countries. Every year we also have more and more independent representatives of the fair sex, who alone, without relying on a strong shoulder, cope with life's difficulties. But in our country this happens by force, and in Germany - as a result of the choice of the women themselves.


Appearance. The Germans are outwardly interesting, tall, fit, with athletic figures. There are dense, well-fed, but thick ones, with large protruding bellies, are extremely rare. They look after themselves, neatly dressed, well-cut. An untidy, disheveled appearance is nonsense for them.

mentality. The Germans are committed to order (this can be seen with the naked eye), very disciplined, reliable, punctual, predictable. However, as it turns out, not everyone likes it. 25-year-old Marina says: “I think the Germans are kind of boring. I don't get their humor. They are too responsible, they plan everything, think it over, they have everything according to the rules. They are very predictable. Maybe someone likes it, but I do not have enough of our freedom. True, I have only been in Germany for a year, so I still have little experience in communicating with local men. I have a relationship with a Russian guy who also lives there. I'm good with him."

Courtship. In courtship, the Germans behave differently from ours. Many of them do not give a woman a coat, do not open the car door in front of her, do not present flowers for no reason. That is how they are accepted. When courting, they tend to share the costs between two, especially when the relationship has already stabilized. They believe that "both need a relationship, you and me, so we pay equally." It is believed that a woman should also invest something in a relationship. The local men respect women's independence, therefore they encourage such an independent style of behavior. In any case, they are used to it, it seems natural to them.

On the other hand, they like beautiful, well-groomed Russian girls and ladies. True, they do not realize that beauty and grooming do not appear just like that, but cost money: cosmetics, clothes, and finally, the time spent on self-care. Men want to get results without their own efforts, at least material ones. And when a woman opens their eyes to this, they are surprised. Here is such a man's naivety ...

Family relationships. German women feel confident in the family. Often not prepared. If both spouses work in a German family, then all household duties are divided in half. It is so familiar and natural that it is not even discussed. In this, German women are noticeably different from our women, who take everything upon themselves and, in addition to work, are ready to carry the whole house on themselves, if only their husband is nearby.

German men in family relationships are quite patient. Arising misunderstandings are attributed to women's moods, they know how to laugh it off, they strive to improve the world. Appreciate women, do not scatter them.

Germans rarely get divorced. They do this only as a last resort, when life in the family becomes completely unbearable. The reason is that alimony and financial payments in the event of a divorce are huge. They fall on men's shoulders as a heavy burden and practically do not give a chance to start another family. The situation is reinforced by the fact that the judicial system works well there, it is impossible to get away from alimony and payments, punishment will inevitably follow. Therefore, divorce is considered the most extreme way out. But what to do if family life has completely disappointed and has not been satisfying for a long time? Get a girlfriend on the side ... That's what they do.

We, as you know, are in a different position. My friend Svetlana, who has been living in Germany for ten years, once shared: “My Russian friend divorced her husband, she left a small child in her arms. After the divorce, the former told her: "Do you think you can arrange your life? Look around, you are so lonely with children half the city. And everyone is ready, you just have to beckon! .." In Germany, there are completely different relations between people. I really like local men. Such a bad attitude towards a woman, which I saw in Russia, is not here. Women are on a pedestal here, they are valued. Maybe because German women have many real rights and they are respected. Or maybe people here are just brought up that way, I don’t know.”

In general, we can say that German men have a very responsible attitude towards the family. The reasons are mentioned above. Germans get married quite late. They live in a civil marriage for a long time, look closely at each other. And only when a man wants to have children and is convinced that his girlfriend will be a reliable life partner, he formalizes a formal relationship.

Here is another opinion - 34-year-old Rita, who is married to a German and is happy with her marriage: “We have a normal family, we have a child. When I lived in Russia, I often heard that the Germans were stingy. This is wrong. It's just that they know the value of money, that's how it is with them. I also got used to it and keep track of expenses. The husband provides the family with everything necessary, every year we go to rest on the sea, we have a good apartment, two cars. I like the attitude of German men to the family much more, they have much more responsibility. Children for them are a value, not a burden. They love them and never leave them unattended."

Inna Kriksunova, for

I grew up in the GDR, and, I remember, upon arrival, I heard more than once how relatives and friends asked their parents: "Are the Germans very scary?" I don’t remember what they answered, but somehow such a general idea was constantly voiced. I don't really remember the German women themselves - I was at that age when you don't pay attention to such things, the singers and actresses on the TV seemed to me beauties; standard - dancers from the TV Ballet of the GDR. By the way, I once saw their rehearsal at the "Republic Palace" in Berlin, when we were taken on a tour.

Lovely Nina Hoss, who did a great job in "Rosemary's Lovers"

At that time, the number of programs in our country did not differ much from the Soviet one - 2 GDR channels and 1 FRG channel. On Thursdays and Sundays, Russian-language programs and Soviet films were shown on cable for several hours, everyone was waiting for them.

Actress Karin Dor. Occasionally there are such burning brunettes

There was definitely a feeling that young German women were not exactly ugly, they were different - more relaxed, noisy, free (despite the Stasi, which I did not suspect at that time). Elderly ladies also surprised us - they wore trousers, unlike our grandmothers, did not wear headscarves and rode around the city on "bikes". And in general, everyone's clothes were daring, well, for us, "scoops", in any case - the old men in sandals and shorts, the youth (including girls) in colored tattoos, long T-shirts under the belt instead of dresses. At home, I have not seen this for a long time.

Charming actress Yvonne Catterfeld, who scares me with her resemblance to a young Romy Schneider. Romy, by the way, had a German mother and an Austrian father.

And for a long time after my arrival from Germany they told me: "You yourself are like a German!" (I don’t know if it was a compliment or an insult, but I really liked it). I even had such a nickname at school - "German".

Another brunette - actress Bettina Zimmerman

I remember exactly that, unlike our "frau", officer wives, the Germans did not paint their lips with bright lipstick and their hair either (at least not with henna and "iris", like our aunts), among children and youth, many, without embarrassment, wore glasses (which was not the case in the USSR, we were teased for this), I don’t remember a single girl with pigtails, and, God forbid, no idiotic bows. Many girls and girls wore short haircuts "like a boy", dad grumbled about this - he was very conservative. When my class and I had friendly meetings with the German "pioneers", my pigtails were studied with reverence, no one pulled them, but they often asked me to touch them: in Germany they wore them even before the war.

Actress Ulrika Mai.

So they are not scary at all, everyone comes across.

I always liked the actress Ulrika Mai - in 1976-1982 (namely, at that time I lived in the GDR), she was insanely popular, and even starred in the Soviet film "Peter's Youth" as Anna Mons, and she also played in almost all German fairy tales. Such a Gretchen with dimples.

I must say that we met fat young German women much less often than fat women in the USSR. But nowhere else have I seen such monstrously obese ladies - Germans, if they are already fat, then literally do not go through the gate. Upon my return to Kyiv, I remember that one constitutional feature of many of my fellow tribesmen caught my eye - short and plump legs and a wide pelvis. Somehow in Germany this type is less common. True, now there are also few such girls, it was a feature of my generation (and maybe my school :)).


The famous fashion model Verushka (Vera Gottliebe Anna von Lendorf), popular back in the 60s, has a truly amazing height for a woman - 190 cm. Few people know that she is the daughter of a Wehrmacht officer, a baron who was hanged for plotting against Hitler. Her appearance is a little strange, but very effective. There is a documentary about her, she talks about her life there, she had a hard time in her youth, of course.

Nadia Auerman

I always liked Nadia more than Claudia - such a cold, haughty, but beautiful face. Here she is, it seems to me, a typical German. One of the few supermodels of the 90s. Very, very long legs!

Tatiana Patits

Another one of the "Big Six" supermodels. Are German women so "terrible" if three of the six were from Germany?

Marlene Dietrich

But I don't like Dietrich. She seems to me angry to the point of disgust, and also her voice is so vulgar. She somehow reminds me of Madonna - "no boobs, no pussy", God forgive me, some sparkles and lipstick. Well, my aunt managed to "sell" herself.

Actress and model Diane Kruger

In fact, she is Heidkrueger, shortened for convenience. A beautiful woman, but also cold. There is it in the Germans.

Kirsten Dunst

She has 3/4 German blood, her mother is only half German, half Swedish. Kirsten has German citizenship and is fluent in German. Strangely, it would seem that more northern, Swedish features should give coldness, but such a soft synthesis turned out. I adore her, especially when she was a little younger - such an explosive mixture of angelic innocence and demonic depravity.

Patricia Kaas

Ethnic purebred German, of which there are many in Lorraine, where she comes from. When I was 20, she thundered with her song "Madmazel sings the blues." We then had similar very short haircuts, and I was literally sick of it, claiming that I was her copy. I still don't find anything in common :).

Julia Stegner, 32 year old German model.
This is from the models of new generations. Very beautiful girl!

Leni Riefenstahl.
I can’t say that she was just a wondrous beauty, but still her appearance is bright and noble. She became famous for her documentaries "Olympia" and "Triumph of the Will", which she filmed, unfortunately, for the Nazis. If not for such lousy customers, she would undoubtedly be praised to the skies now, instead her films are simply assigned to the Golden Fund of Documentary Filmmaking. An unbending and tireless woman, she lived for 101 years.

Ursula Thiess
The actress is not very famous with us, but the beauty is simply incredible!

Heidi Klum
The top model now almost never appears on the catwalk, but she loves secular parties. The mother of four children at 43 still looks brilliant! By the way, German origin and model Gisele Büdchen, although she was born in Brazil, but I don’t like her - her face is rough and the figure is without a waist.

Heike Macacs
German actress known for her long relationship with Daniel Craig and her small role as a clingy secretary in Love Actually. The face is controversial, but the figure is gorgeous.

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf
The opera singer is a chic, very diverse soprano. And the amazing subtlety and nobility of features.

Actress Laura Berlin

So there is no need for "la-la" - and among the Germans there are amazing beauties.

Didn't forget anyone?

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