Characteristics of the hero Vera, Hero of our time, Lermontov. Faith character image


Faith is a minor but very important character in the novel A Hero of Our Time; the woman whom Pechorin once loved; a distant relative of Princess Ligovskaya. Vera is a married lady of the world. She and her husband are staying with the Ligovskys in Pyatigorsk and are being treated at the same time when they meet Pechorin again. The author tells little about the appearance of this heroine, but it is known for certain that she has a kind soul and a loving heart.

Vera is married for the second time and her husband is an elderly but rich man, whom she married solely for the sake of her son, whom she raised from her first marriage. Dr. Werner says about her that she is "some kind of lady from the newcomers ... very pretty, but very sick, it seems." Vera really suffers from consumption, and the life-giving mountain air returns her complexion and strength. On the right cheek, the heroine has a noticeable mole, which gives her face a special expressiveness.

From the story of Princess Mary, we learn that Vera was the only woman who left an indelible mark on Pechorin's soul. She was not like the representatives of secular society and won the heart of the hero, first of all, with her sincerity, and secondly, with her ability to understand and accept him. During the next meeting in Pyatigorsk, the heroine begins to secretly meet with Pechorin. She personally asks him to visit the Ligovskys more often so that they can see each other. At the same time, Vera does not even suspect that her lover has planned an affair with Princess Mary.

Upon learning about Pechorin's relationship with Mary, Vera is very tormented and jealous. Unable to withstand such nervous tension, she tells her husband about her love for Pechorin, and he takes her away. At parting, Vera leaves a letter for the main character, in which she admits that she really loved him and did not want to change anything in him. The protagonist is having a hard time breaking up with Vera, as he understands that this is the only person who has managed to understand his complex and contradictory nature.

Vera is one of the secondary characters in the novel A Hero of Our Time.

Vera is the woman whom Pechorin once loved:
"... the woman he loved in the old days ..." Vera is a distant relative of Princess Mary and Princess Ligovskaya:

Characteristics of Vera in the novel "A Hero of Our Time"


Faith is an important character for understanding the image of Pechorin Characteristics of Faith Portrait Ability to love Moral purity The value of Faith for Pechorin

Vera is an important character for understanding the image of Pechorin

The characterization of Vera in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" gives the reader the opportunity to better know and understand the main character - Pechorin. Faith was his only love, and it is in love that a person manifests himself most clearly.

We meet Vera in the chapter "Princess Mary". She and her husband come to rest and treatment in Kislovodsk, where by that time Pechorin was already located. Dr. Werner tells him about her arrival, not yet knowing that they are familiar. It turns out that this girl is Pechorin's old love, and that the feeling for her has not faded away in him until now. Already knowing a lot of unpleasant things about Pechorin from the previous chapters, this information about him seems unusual to us, reveals him from a new, unexpected side. Is he capable of...

/ Characteristics of heroes / Lermontov M.Yu. / Hero of Our Time / Faith

The heroine of the story "Princess Mary". Vera is a secular lady, an old lover of Pechorin. A description of her appearance is given from the lips of Dr. Werner: “some lady from the newcomers, a relative of the princess by her husband, very pretty, but it seems very sick ... medium height, blonde, with regular features, consumptive complexion, and black on her right cheek mole: her face struck me with its expressiveness. In the future, we will learn the history of the relationship between Pechorin and V .. This is his old love, perhaps the only woman who managed to leave an indelible mark on his soul. She is not at all like the typical representatives of high society. We understand the value of V. for Pechorin: this is the only woman who understood him completely and accepted him as he is, without trying to remake him. During their meeting in Pyatigorsk, we learn that V. has married an unloved man who has a solid ...


(Novel, 1839-1840; published as a separate ed. without preface - 1840; 2nd ed. with preface - 1841)

For the first time, Dr. Werner mentions V., telling Pechorin about the new inhabitants of the Caucasian waters: “some lady from the newcomers, a relative of the princess by her husband, very pretty, but it seems very sick ... medium height, blonde, with regular features, complexion consumptive, and on her right cheek there is a black mole: her face struck me with its expressiveness. As the story goes on, it becomes clear...

Data: 02/21/2012 01:12 |

Vera is one of the main female characters in Lermontov's novel A Hero of Our Time. This is a secular lady and Pechorin's mistress. Vera participates in two love triangles associated with the main male character, Pechorin: Grushnitsky-Meri-Pechorin, Vera-Pechorin-Mary.

Source: novel "A Hero of Our Time"

View: characters from Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time"

It is thanks to the description of Pechorin's relationship with Vera that the reader gets an explanation why Pechorin charms women. The second purpose of the heroine is to show a different type of secular woman compared to Mary. Vera is described by Dr. Werner: "very pretty, but, it seems, very sick ... medium height, blonde, with regular features, consumptive complexion." Pechorin recognizes in the description his former mistress, who left an indelible mark on his soul.

Faith is opposed to the young Princess Mary as ...

Student (0) 5 years ago

Vera is a princess, a lady of the world. This is what Dr. Werner says about her: “... some lady from the newcomers, a relative of the princess by her husband, very pretty, but it seems very sick ..., medium height, blonde, with regular features, consumptive complexion, and black on her right cheek mole: her face struck with expressiveness.
Vera enters the novel as a reminder of the "beneficial storms" of Pechorin's youth and as a victim of his strange nature. The “deep and calm eyes” of Vera, who knows feeling and suffering, are so unlike the “velvet eyes” of the princess who is not yet worried. Faith loves deeply and sincerely. "Reproach", "Deep despair" and ardor - this is the living movement of her feelings for several minutes of meeting with Pechorin in the grotto. And Pechorin, although he says without pride that "he never became a slave to his beloved woman," he is surprised to notice trembling and pain in himself.
Under the influence of this first meeting with Vera in Pyatigorsk, Pechorin ...

The heroine of the story "Princess Mary". Vera is a secular lady, an old lover of Pechorin. A description of her appearance is given from the lips of Dr. Werner: “some lady from the newcomers, a relative of the princess by her husband, very pretty, but it seems very sick ... medium height, blonde, with regular features, consumptive complexion, and black on her right cheek mole: her face struck me with its expressiveness.

In the future, we will learn the history of the relationship between Pechorin and Vera. This is his old love, perhaps the only woman who managed to leave an indelible mark on his soul. She is not at all like the typical representatives of high society. We understand the value of Vera for Pechorin: this is the only woman who understood him completely and accepted him as he is, without trying to remake him.

During their meeting in Pyatigorsk, we learn that Vera has married an unloved man who has a solid capital. She did it for her son, to give him all the conditions for a good life. Vera and Pechorin ...

Continuing to look at the site, I often wonder who, in fact, are the positive characters here, and who are the negative ones? And I can not clearly answer this question. It would seem that the most negative heroes, in the future, do very good deeds, and the heroes, it would seem, positive - quite the opposite.

Books Characters of Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time"

Character types

Pechorin Grigory Alexandrovich - Ensign, the protagonist of the novel "A Hero of Our Time". The image of a person who has not found a use and meaning in life.

Maxim Maksimych is a staff captain, one of the main characters in Lermontov's novel A Hero of Our Time. This is a staff captain who performs the functions of a narrator and an independent character, opposed to Pechorin in several parts of the novel (“Bela”, “Maxim Maksimovich”, “Fatalist”).

Bela is a Circassian, the daughter of a prince, one of the main female characters in the novel A Hero of Our Time by Lermontov. This is a Circassian...

Pechorin in the system of female images of the "Hero of Our Time"

The images of women in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" play a big role in revealing the character of the main character - Pechorin. After all, the subtle facets of his soul, his shortcomings and positive aspects can be most clearly seen when the hero interacts with women he is in love with, who are in love with him.

Not a single love of Pechorin ends happily. He himself comes to the conclusion that the only thing he knows how to do in life is to destroy other people's hopes. Pechorin, like fire, is afraid of marriage. This hero also notes that he loves women only for his own sake, for his own pleasure, greedily absorbing other people's feelings, not sacrificing anything for the sake of his beloved woman. He wants to be loved himself and cannot get enough of this desire.

The image of Bela in "A Hero of Our Time"

Perhaps the most striking female character in A Hero of Our Time is Bela. She is the beautiful daughter of a mountain prince, kidnapped by the enamored Pechorin. White savage...

M. Yu. Lermontov wrote the novel in the period 1837-1840, but the idea of ​​the work came to the writer as early as 1836 - the hero of the novel was to be a guards officer, and the events would unfold against the backdrop of metropolitan life, but later the concept of the novel changed.

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" became a huge ideological contribution to Russian literature. Exposing the insignificance of people, their pettiness and weaknesses, Lermontov showed the truths of the time in which he lived. The writer condemned time itself, showing the seemingly strong-willed, strong-willed Pechorin and his empty, miserable life.

The novel is built not on the principle of chronological sequence, but on the principle of gradual familiarization of the reader with the spiritual world and life of the hero. This made it possible to make an in-depth psychological analysis of modern man based on the problems of personal and public morality.

In "A Hero of Our Time", Pechorin's attitude to friendship, love, and service relationships is gradually revealed. It is through relationships in which...

In that segment of Pechorin's life, which is given in the novel, four women meet on his way: a smuggler girl ("Taman"), Bela ("Bela"), Mary and Vera ("Princess Mary"),

The image of a smuggler girl is truly romantic. This girl is characterized by a bizarre variability of moods, "rapid transitions from the greatest anxiety to complete immobility"; “she stared into the distance, then laughed and reasoned with herself, then sang the song again.” Her speeches are mysterious and close in form to folk proverbs and sayings; her songs, reminiscent of folk, speak of her desire for a violent will. It has a lot of vitality, courage, determination, poetry of "wild freedom". A rich, peculiar nature, full of mystery, it is, as it were, created by nature itself for the free, full of risk life that she leads.

“The half-wild daughter of free gorges,” as Belinsky called her, Bela is distinguished by her integrity, harmony of nature. Having fallen in love with Pechorin, she saw in this ...

Vera is a character in the story "Princess Mary", a secular lady, Pechorin's mistress. Vera plays a significant role in the plot of the story, participating in two "love triangles" (Grushnitsky - Mary - Pechorin; V. - Pechorin - Mary). On the one hand, thanks to Pechorin’s relationship with V. and her thoughts, it is explained why Pechorin, “without trying”, is able to invincibly dominate a woman’s heart, and on the other hand, V. represents a different type of secular woman compared to Mary.

For the first time, Dr. Werner mentions V., telling Pechorin about the new inhabitants of the Caucasian waters: “some lady from the newcomers, a relative of the princess by her husband, very pretty, but it seems very sick ... medium height, blonde, with regular features, complexion consumptive, and on her right cheek there is a black mole: her face struck me with its expressiveness. From the further narration, the background of the relationship between Pechorin and V. becomes clear: she was Pechorin's mistress, and this old love left an indelible mark on the soul of the hero. Now V….

The characterization of Vera in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" gives the reader the opportunity to better know and understand the main character - Pechorin. Faith was his only love, and it is in love that a person manifests himself most clearly.

We meet Vera in the chapter "Princess Mary". She and her husband come to rest and treatment in Kislovodsk, where by that time Pechorin was already located. Dr. Werner tells him about her arrival, not yet knowing that they are familiar. It turns out that this girl is Pechorin's old love, and that the feeling for her has not faded away in him until now. Already knowing a lot of unpleasant things about Pechorin from the previous chapters, this information about him seems unusual to us, reveals him from a new, unexpected side. Is he truly capable of love? And who is the woman who was able to awaken sincere affection in the egoist Pechorin?

Characteristics of Faith


The description of Vera, her appearance is given by the same doctor Werner, a friend of Pechorin. We learn from him that she is a relative of Princess Ligovskaya by her husband, "very pretty ... medium height, blonde, with regular features, consumptive complexion, and a black mole on her right cheek." Her face struck the doctor with its expressiveness. Only people with a rich inner world have such faces; they reflect the presence of deep feelings and thoughts in them. Thus, already by the very appearance of Vera, we can say that this is not a dummy, but an attractive, wise and sensitive woman.

The ability to love

The image of Vera in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" vividly characterizes her love for Pechorin. She is already married for the second time, but in her heart she remains faithful to him alone. Marriage is only a material necessity, an opportunity to put a son on his feet, a tribute to the conventions of society. Whereas love for Pechorin is a spiritual attraction that is not subject to her will. From the content of the conversation during their first meeting on the waters, it becomes clear that Vera tried, but could not forget her love. And she probably came to Kislovodsk to say goodbye to him, anticipating her near death from an illness.

She does not demand anything from her lover in return, she accepts him as he is, with all the weaknesses and vices. For her, the pleasure is just to be with him, to catch his eye, to feel the handshake.

Moral Purity

Vera respects her husband as a father and cannot do anything about her feelings for Pechorin. She appoints him a secret meeting at her place at night in the absence of her husband. However, when a scandal broke out and everyone began to think that Pechorin was visiting Princess Mary at that time, Vera could not stand it and confessed everything to her husband. Lying is unbearable for her.

The value of Faith for Pechorin

The fact that Pechorin fell in love with this particular woman, and not any other, suggests that he found in her qualities that were initially close to him. Only with Vera does he feel who he really is, he does not need to pretend, be hypocritical. With her, he can be gentle and honest, openly show his feelings. She understands him very well, because she herself is forced to live in a light that disfigures everything good and bright. How lucky he was to meet his own soul in this spiritual desert, Pechorin understands only when he loses it.

In the novel A Hero of Our Time, Vera is an indicator of Pechorin's healthy moral principle.

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The relationship between Vera and Pechorin from Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" looks very tragic and somewhat paradoxical. In cases where the relationship of the characters becomes impossible due to a number of social or historical reasons (for example, Erasmus and Lisa, Romeo and Juliet), tragedy takes on large-scale features - it is difficult to resist the era or social order, but when the tragedy of relations lies in individual traits ( unrequited love), the tragedy is felt especially sharply.

Dear readers! We offer which was written by M.Yu. Lermontov.

At such moments, the notion comes that sometimes a person’s happiness did not materialize due to the fact that a person close to him was not ready to take drastic measures.

Relations between Pechorin and Vera before meeting in the Caucasus

Vera and Pechorin were old acquaintances. Lermontov does not detail the description of these relations, which were formed before the described events in the Caucasus. Minor phrases suggest that these people were connected by a long-standing love, which, for some unknown reason, did not develop into something more, for example, into marriage. Despite the fact that Pechorin and Vera did not communicate for a long time, warm, friendly relations remained between them. It is likely that the former sympathy did not allow the development of a feeling of anger or resentment against each other.

Development of relations in Kislovodsk

A new round in the relationship between Vera and Pechorin falls at the time of their stay in Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk.

During this period, Vera is in a state of physical and moral exhaustion - she is seriously ill, it is likely that this disease, which resembles an incurable fever, will become fatal in a woman's life, since the treatment produced does not bring significant results. In addition, Vera is unhappy in marriage - she married an unloved person and is now tormented by the lack of romantic feelings towards her husband.

Pechorin, at the time of the meeting, is on the verge of depression - he does not find his place in life, allowing him to feel moral satisfaction.

After a long separation, young people meet again, and a former feeling flares up between them.
Vera's marriage does not become an obstacle to the development of relations - in order to avoid publicity, young people meet secretly.

However, the idyll in their relationship did not last long - Pechorin, driven by the desire to cause an attack of jealousy in Vera, begins to court Princess Mary in a demonstrative manner, thus causing considerable mental anguish to Vera.

Dear readers! We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

Despite such a selfish attitude towards herself, Vera does not stop loving Pechorin - she sincerely worries about the outcome of the duel. Haunted by fear of loss and mental anguish, Vera confesses to her husband about her relationship with Pechorin. A quarrel arises between the spouses, which, however, Vera practically does not remember - her internal state and moral shocks do not allow her to sensibly assess everything that is happening. As a result, the woman, having written a farewell letter to Pechorin, leaves with her husband.

The vainness of the sacrifice of Faith

The subtle spiritual organization of Vera, in combination with an outstanding mind, becomes a key factor supporting Pechorin's interest in a woman.

However, this does not allow Vera to avoid mistakes in relationships. On the one hand, she is aware of the harmfulness of these relationships and their doom. Vera understands that Pechorin acts towards her like any man - he just enjoys her favor and love, but on the other hand, she hopes that she will become the woman who will heal Pechorin from his eternal dissatisfaction and blues.

For this purpose, a woman is ready to sacrifice herself, in return hoping to receive the same thing - a certain sacrifice from Pechorin, which would allow her to become happy and know the joy of a harmonious life, but Pechorin does not make a reciprocal move. On the one hand, such an act of his looks extremely selfish, on the other, it is natural. Whatever the good intentions of Vera, Pechorin did not ask her for this sacrifice.

Faith, however sad it may be, was guided solely by its own initiative, and, as is known from the proverb, it is punishable. The general tragedy of the situation is further enhanced by the fact that Pechorin did not promise Vera any retaliatory actions on his part. As a result, Vera, being truly in love with Pechorin, experiences mental anguish due to an unfair unrequited attitude towards her person, while Pechorin, who did not make any promises and only accepts the victim, is calm - by his standards, he does not owe Vera anything.

Did Pechorin love Vera?

The relationship between Vera and Pechorin seems more than prosaic. Straightforward statements about passionate attraction to each other and about the emergence of romantic feelings allow us to say that Vera became the only woman in Pechorin's life that he really loved.

While in other cases the arisen passion faded as quickly as it appeared, the relationship with Vera is devoid of such transience. After a while, the woman still remains desired by Pechorin.

Having received Vera's farewell letter, Pechorin is tormented by doubts - what to do, whether to catch up with Vera on the way, which also suggests the presence of deeper feelings than just a temporary hobby.

However, this story has another side to the coin. Pechorin is courting Princess Mary in order to cause an attack of jealousy in Vera - he likes to realize that he is becoming the cause of mental anguish and anguish. Is that what they do with their loved ones?

To some extent, Pechorin acts selfishly towards a woman - he is little concerned about the possible consequences of such relationships outside of marriage, as well as the further fate of Vera.

After reading the letter, Pechorin does not feel tormented by conscience for his ignoble act - emptiness and chaos still reign in his soul.

As a result, we can say that Vera in the life of Pechorin was, of course, an important and significant person. Definitely, he had strong, deep feelings for Vera, but it is likely that Pechorin, who himself was in disharmony with the whole world, was not able to realize the full significance of this person in his life. Vera's sincere love became an occasion for Pechorin to assert himself, to amuse his pride and selfishness.

Vera, in turn, being unhappy in marriage, hoped to find peace of mind and happiness with the help of relations with Pechorin. She is so captivated by the young man that she is ready to sacrifice everything she has, just for the sake of the hope of an illusory happiness.

Faith is a minor character in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". The article provides information about the character from the work, a quotation.

Full name

Not mentioned. calls Vera only abbreviated - she was his former love.

Faith! I cried out involuntarily.
She shuddered and turned pale.


Unknown. Most likely the same age (about 25 years old), as she was his former love.

Attitude towards Pechorin

In love. Vera is Pechorin's former lover, to whom he still has feelings.

I hugged her tightly, and so we stayed for a long time. Finally, our lips drew closer and merged into a hot, intoxicating kiss.

the woman I loved in the old days

I will not deceive her: she is the only woman in the world whom I would not be able to deceive

the memory of her will remain inviolable in my soul; I always told her

that this is one woman who understood me completely, with all my petty weaknesses, bad passions

Faith's Appearance

Very pretty, but very, it seems, sick ... Didn't you meet her at the well? - she is of medium height, blonde, with regular features, a consumptive complexion, and a black mole on her right cheek: her face struck me with its expressiveness ...

a woman sits, in a straw hat, wrapped in a black shawl

The door opened; a small hand grabbed my hand

social status

Married for the second time. The husband is much older - she married him because of her son.

I'm married! - she said.

She absolutely does not want me to meet her husband - that lame old man whom I saw briefly on the boulevard: she married him for her son

He is rich and suffers from rheumatism. I did not allow myself a single ridicule over him: she respects him like a father, and will deceive him like a husband

Vera is a distant relative of the Ligovskys by her husband.

some kind of lady from the newcomers, a relative of the princess by her husband

Vera's husband, Semyon Vasilyevich G ... in, is a distant relative of Princess Ligovskaya

Further fate

Leaving with her husband

We're apart forever

I only remember that at the end of our conversation he insulted me with a terrible word and left. I heard him tell me to pawn the carriage...

Personality of Faith

A wonderful girl, prone to self-sacrifice. All the actions of Vera are explained by two things: love for her son and. For the sake of the first, she married an old man, and for the sake of the second, she risks everything.

The husband is much older - she married him because of her son.

I sacrificed myself, hoping that someday you will appreciate my sacrifice, that someday you will understand my deep tenderness, which does not depend on any conditions. A lot of time has passed since then: I penetrated into all the secrets of your soul ... and made sure that it was a hope in vain

she respects him like a father - and will deceive him like a husband ... (about the second husband)

I am obliged to tell you everything that has accumulated in my heart since it loves you.


Vera is seriously ill with something, fears for her life, but hopes for a recovery:

very pretty, but very, it seems, sick ...

Faith is sick, very sick, although it is not admitted; I'm afraid she doesn't have consumption or that disease called fievre lente - the disease is not Russian at all, and it has no name in our language

I may die soon, I feel that I am getting weaker from day to day... and despite this, I cannot think about the future life, I only think about you...

The life-giving mountain air returned her complexion and strength.

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