Characteristics of the image of a gypsy from the story of bitter childhood. Composition on the topic: Gypsies and Alyosha "Childhood" M


Characteristics of the hero

Gypsy (Ivan) is a minor character in Maxim Gorky's Childhood.

Ivan is a foundling, "in early spring, on a rainy night, he was found at the gate of the house on a bench." A gypsy girl works in her grandfather's dye-works, helps with household chores, etc.

They called him Gypsy for his swarthy skin, black hair and, of course, because he was dishonest: “Grandma explained to me that Gypsy does not buy so much at the market as steals.

Grandfather will give him a five-ruble note, he will buy for three rubles, and steal for ten. He loves to steal, bastard! Once he tried it, it turned out okay, and he took theft as a custom.

The appearance of the Gypsy was attractive: “Square, broad-chested, with a huge curly head, he appeared in the evening, festively dressed in a golden, silk shirt, plush pants and creaky boots with an accordion. His hair shone, slanting cheerful eyes sparkled under thick eyebrows and white teeth under a black stripe of a young mustache, his shirt burned, gently reflecting the red fire of an unquenchable lamp.

Gypsy's speech is cheerful, lively, crafty.

Tsyganok had a great influence on the development of the character of Alyosha Peshkov. He was one of his close friends. Tsyganok taught Alyosha how to behave during the spanking, helped him in the case of the tablecloth, and so on.

All the inhabitants of the house treated Gypsy especially "" Grandfather did not shout at him as often and angrily as at his sons ... The uncles also treated Gypsy affectionately, friendly and never joked with him, as with master Grigory, who arranged something almost every evening something offensive and evil.

Tsyganok died on Saturday, at the beginning of winter. Tsyganoku helped Uncle Yakov to carry the cross to the grave of his wife. The gypsy slipped, he was crushed by the cross. They buried him imperceptibly, without memory.

The character of the story of Maxim Gorky, nineteen-year-old Ivan, is very ambiguous. He received the nickname Gypsies because of his appearance - dark skin, dark hair, plus everything he often stole in the market, thereby being dishonest. Repeatedly, he himself admitted that it was not good to steal, but he could not help himself. Mostly stealing for fun. Also, his grandmother scolded him for stealing, but he continued to steal.

Gypsy is a foundling, raised by Akulina Ivanovna, was one of Alyosha's close friends, a favorite of his grandfather and the Kashirin brothers. He called his grandmother "Babanya". Externally, Ivan was very attractive: broad-chested, with shiny curly hair, white teeth, thick eyebrows, sparkling eyes. Sometimes for holidays he dressed in a silk shirt, plush pants and squeaky boots. He performed tricks with money, cards, was naive in his own way and was no different from children, he also screamed along with them. He trained cockroaches and mice, he loved mice very much, fed them sugar and kissed them. Eloquent, dexterous and courageous, he worked in his grandfather's dye house, helped with the housework, had "golden hands", which, of course, grandparents were proud of. I wanted to have a melodious voice in order to sing. He loved to dance very much, expressed his mood through dances, put his whole soul into his dance.

Ivan had a significant impact on the development of the personality of Alyosha Peshkov. Tsyganok often helped Alyosha, for example, in the case of a tablecloth. Taught him how to behave during a spanking.

Unfortunately, the character dies. At the beginning of winter, on Saturday, while carrying a cross to the grave of Jacob's wife, he slipped and was crushed by the cross. The funeral of the gypsy was not memorable, simple. Grandparents blamed the Kashirin brothers for his death. His grandfather was very sorry that he had lost such an employee who had "golden hands".

After his death, Alyosha often remembered his friend with kind words and said that he had a great influence on the formation of his character. Repeatedly he offered his hands when Alyosha was flogged by his grandfather, thereby he got much fewer blows. Friends loved each other very much, which they confessed more than once. They spent a lot of time together.

Despite the fact that the gypsy is a minor character in the story, he is very memorable, leaving a vivid impression of himself. He was a cheerful, lively and bright character.

Option 2

A boy named Ivan, nineteen years old, is the main character in Gorky's story "Childhood". The boy was nicknamed the Gypsy because of his appearance. He has dark hair and dark skin, the boy often goes to the market and steals food. Although Ivan admits that stealing is a bad deed, he cannot do anything with himself and continues his unclean deed. Stealing is more of an adventure and fun for him than a means of survival. Despite the fact that the grandmother repeatedly scolded the boy, he did not give up this harmful occupation.

Ivan Tsyganok was brought up in the family of Akulina Ivanovna and was a foundling. He had a beloved and faithful friend named Alyosha. The boy affectionately called his grandmother a grandmother. Ivan's appearance was attractive. Curly thick hair, white teeth, sparkling eyes and thick dark eyebrows. On holidays, Tsyganok dressed brightly and fashionably for those times - plush wide trousers, a silk shirt and boots that creaked a lot. Ivan liked to show different tricks, be it money or cards. But, like all his peers, he screamed and ran with them. Most of all Ivan loved mice. He constantly trained them and treated them to all sorts of treats, most often a piece of sugar, even kissed them.

Tsyganok was a clever boy who always and everywhere managed to do everything. He talked a lot, helped his grandfather at his dye house, his grandmother with the housework, and in general had “golden hands”. He was the pride of his grandfather and grandmother. Ivan was very fond of singing and wanted his voice to be sonorous and singing. But most of all the boy loved to dance. It was through dance that he expressed his emotions and feelings to everything that surrounds him. It was in his dances that the boy put his feelings and soul.

Tsyganok was Alyosha's best comrade and friend, he supported him in everything and even suggested how to behave correctly when you were being spanked.

But, unfortunately, Ivan's life was too short. At the very beginning of winter, on a Sabbath day, Tsyganok carried a heavy cross, which was supposed to be delivered to the grave of Yakov's wife. Suddenly, the boy slips and dies under the weight of the cross. Ivan's funeral was not noisy, calm. Everyone mourned his death in their own way. The grandmother blamed the Kashirins for the death of her adopted grandson. Grandfather was worried that he had lost such a good assistant with "golden hands".

But the hardest thing was the death of his best friend Alyosha. He always remembered him sincerely and kindly. After all, Ivan, when his grandfather flogged Alyosha, often put his hands out to protect his friend from blows. It was the most real and sincere relationship between the two boys, a friendship that remained in the memory of one of them as pleasant memories.

Composition about Tsygonka

The main meaning of the work “Childhood” by Maxim Gorky is the meaning of a person’s existence, why he lives, what actions he performs, how this or that situation affects a person. In the story, the author describes the childhood of children - the most sincere and fundamental time, it is in childhood that the formation of character and the further worldview are born and take place. The author most subtly and deeply describes the childhood of one of the most striking and interesting characters in the story - Ivan Tsyganok.

Ivan, despite a difficult childhood, has the most pleasant and open character traits: honesty, good nature and love for others. Ivan, although he was a teenager, was not afraid of work, he always came to the aid of those who needed it. Since the boy was very kind to everything that surrounded him, he tried to bestow kindness on other people. Ivan sincerely did not understand why adults are always dissatisfied with something, go gloomy and sad. He loved his life, the world in which he lives and considered his life to be beautiful.

Ivan's childhood cannot be called cloudless. Immediately after his birth, he was thrown into the rain alone on a bench. Tsyganok ended up in the house of his grandfather and grandmother, and when he grew up, he began to work with his grandfather at the dye house. Ivan got his nickname Gypsy for his swarthy skin color and dark hair. He often went to the market and deftly took something for free. It was for his appearance and ability to quietly steal that they gave him such a nickname. Outwardly, he was also attractive, with curly hair and a constant smile that never left his face. Ivan always made everyone laugh, often fooled around and never lost heart.

Gypsy had a close friend - Alyosha Peshkov. It was Ivan who opened for him a completely different world, attitude towards others and even a simple flogging. Despite the fact that Ivan was not his grandfather's own son, the old man did not offend him and even treated him a little better than his own sons. Everyone who lived in his house loved and treated Gypsy well, except for the craftsman Grigory, an evil man who loves to insult and invent fables about all household members. Grigory constantly mocked and humiliated Ivan.

Grandmother and grandfather loved Ivan very much, even though he stole from the market. He was a responsible and honest child in relation to his family, so you could rely on him in any situation.

Ivan's life was suddenly and absurdly cut short. It all happened at the moment when he was carrying a large cross during the funeral. The teenager suddenly slipped and fell, and the cross crushed him. His funeral was modest and quiet.

Gorky, through the character of this naive teenager, wanted to reveal a pure and kind attitude that adults have lost forever, more and more immersed in everyday life and pressing problems. The writer wanted to show that sometimes you need to move away from pressing matters and difficulties, smile more and give joy to each other.

A gypsy is a minor character in Maxim Gorky's Childhood.

Ivan is a foundling. In early spring, in rainy weather, he was found at the gate. They called him the Gypsy for his swarthy skin, black gypsy hair and because he was not clean-handed, because he stole a little, his grandfather would give him a penny, buy half, and take the rest for himself. He was nineteen years old, he was a favorite of his grandfather, and he was on good terms with everyone in the house.

At home, he worked in a dye house and helped with household chores. He influenced the development of Alyosha's character, Tsyganok taught him how to behave during a spanking, helped him in the case of a tablecloth. He was one of his close friends.

He died from the fact that the cross fell on him and crushed him. They buried him unnoticed.

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In the Kashirin family, Vanya Tsyganok is a foundling. He immediately fell in love with Alyosha.
When Alyosha was flogged, he took pity on him, putting his hand under the rod. The gypsy entertained and made the children laugh by playing with cockroaches and mice. Showed tricks with cards and money, cheating at the same time. Although he was nineteen years old, he resented like a child if anyone beat him. During the fun, a festively dressed Gypsy danced selflessly. I dreamed of a good voice to sing for ten years, and then at least become a monk.
Vanya had one drawback - he liked to steal provisions at the market. He knew that it was not good and dangerous, but he did it out of boredom and excitement, without self-interest. The change that remained after the purchases was lured out by Alyosha's uncles.
In the workshop, Tsyganok was a good worker. Brothers: Yakov and Mikhail deliberately chided him in order to get helpers later. And when they realized that they would not receive it, they decided to ditch it.
The grave of Yakov's wife had to be carried with a cross. Not on the cart, but on the shoulder of the Gypsy, they put the end of the cross. They themselves became under the wings. And when Vanya stumbled and fell, Yakov and Mikhail jumped aside, dropping the cross on Gypsy. He died at home, buried him imperceptibly, without memory. So the Kashirin family exhausted another good and cheerful person.

Grandmother, “round, big-headed, with huge eyes and a funny, loose nose; she is all black, soft and surprisingly interesting ”, from the first meeting she attracted the boy to her. He immediately reached out to this kind woman. The appearance of his grandmother made an indelible impression on Alyosha. As Gorky talks about himself, a little one: “Before her, it was as if I was sleeping, hidden in the dark, but she appeared, woke me up, brought me to the light, tied everything around me into a continuous thread ... and immediately became a lifelong friend, closest to my heart. Grandmother - kind and affectionate - will always help and sympathize. “... She singsongly said:

Lord, Lord! How good everything is! No, you look how good everything is!

It was the cry of her heart, the slogan of her whole life. The master, Gregory, spoke of her like this: “... she does not like lies, she does not understand. She seems to be a saint ... ". And Alyosha agreed with this point of view.

Grandmother instilled in the boy a love of folk tales, hope for a good and bright life.

Another important person in the life of the hero is Ivan, nicknamed Gypsy. Gypsy is an apprentice in Alyosha's grandfather's house. This is a "square, broad-chested, with a huge curly head" cheerful guy. The first acquaintance with him as a person happened to Alyosha under dramatic circumstances: his grandfather decided to flog him. Tsyganok, seeing that "grandfather went into a rage", began to put his hand under the rod. Tsyganok admits that he is "roguish". In the perception of Alyosha, Tsyganok was associated with the heroes of Russian folk tales: "I looked at his cheerful face and remembered my grandmother's tales about Ivan Tsarevich, about Ivan the Fool." Alyosha learned from his grandmother that Tsyganok was “a foundling, in early spring, on a rainy night, he was found at the gate of the house on a bench.”

The gypsy was indeed a swindler. He stole not out of poverty or greed, but because of the gallant prowess. It was interesting to him, and from the side of Alyosha's grandfather he did not meet with censure. Only Alyoshin's grandmother said that Tsyganok was acting badly, she was afraid that he might be caught and beaten.

The gypsy died, he was crushed with a cross.

Grandmother and Tsyganok were Alyosha's outlet in his grandfather's gloomy and cruel house. These two people helped him learn to love and pity people, to see evil and distinguish it from good. Both are kind and affectionate, with an open soul and a kind heart, they greatly facilitated the boy's life with their very existence.

And I would like to tell about one more person who played a role in the formation of Alyosha as a person. Alyosha met a man called Good Deed when his grandfather sold the old house and bought another one. There were many people in the house, but the boy was most interested in the Good Deed. This man got his nickname for the habit, whenever he was invited to drink tea or dine, to say: “Good deed”. The Good Deed room was full of books and bottles of colorful liquids. “From morning to evening he, in a red leather jacket, in gray plaid pants, all smeared with some kind of paint ... melted lead, soldered some copper things ... ". Good deal was a strange man. They did not like him in the house, they called him a sorcerer and a warlock. But Alyosha was interested in this man.

A good deed was engaged in chemical experiments, he was smart "and incredibly lonely. A strange friendship began between the boy and Good deed. A good deed gave Alyosha advice: "Real strength is in the speed of movement; the faster, the stronger."

Soon Alyosha's grandfather kicked Good Deed out of the house, the boy was upset by this, angry at his grandfather and grandmother. The main character spoke of friendship with a Good Deed like this: “Thus ended my friendship with the first person from an endless series of strangers in my native country, her best people.”

So, thanks to the fact that, in addition to evil, greedy and unfortunate people, stagnant in prejudice, Alyosha saw kind, smart, loving people, he was able to become a Man with a capital letter.

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