How to get into the world of anime a real way to watch videos online. How to get into the world of anime a real way to watch videos online.

When should you not go to the astral plane?
During thunderstorms or high humidity.
in adverse weather conditions.
When sick or unwell.
In the moment nervous stress or severe fatigue.
After a conflict.
Care should be taken:
So that nothing interferes with work.
So that no one bothers you.
Turn off cell phones.
The day before going out, take a light vegetarian meal.
Enter a state of detachment from the mundane.
Relax and forget about worries for a while.
Which is better bed or chair?
There are two types of astral travelers, some prefer to exit the body while on the bed, others sitting in comfortable chair. Both are right in their own way, and only you decide what is the most acceptable option for you.
Protection of the physical body before going out!
You will need water and sea salt. Salt crystals represent the earth element, and water is identified with astral worlds. Take a salt bath before traveling. When taking a bath, focus on protective functions salt water. When leaving the water, follow the middle finger right hand put a cross with salt water from the bath on all your chakras. It is also necessary to sprinkle water in an imaginary protective circle around the place where the body will be located during the exit, while mentally pronouncing the protective mantra OM NAMAH SHIVAYA. Place four lit candles around you, distributed along the cardinal points.
What should you wear during an astral exit?
Your clothes should be light and loose. You can also be naked but covered with a white sheet.
Necessary conditions for astral exit:
Don't cross your arms or legs.
Give yourself the setting that after relaxation you will leave the body and enter the astral plane.
Formulate a goal - the intention to leave the physical shell and fly around the room.
During the first astral exit, the room should not be left.
Preparatory practice
Take a comfortable position lying down or sitting in a chair.
Try to completely relax all your muscles.
When you feel relaxed enough, focus on your breathing.
Watch your breath and make it deep, smooth and rhythmic.
Be aware of your physical body, environment and extraneous sounds.
Focus on the inner self, which should be calm but focused on waiting.
Astral Exit Technique
Without straining, try to leave the physical body.
The mind is relaxed and focused on leaving the physical body.
Think about the importance of the experience.
Direct your attention to the area between the eyebrows, to the place from which the exit will be made.
When you reach full concentration on this area, there will be a feeling of immersion, flight and some kind of vibration. Feel the tickle on your face, as from the touch of a feather. When these sensations become distinct, surrender to the ascending current and rise above the physical body by an effort of will.
Don't be discouraged if you have to make several attempts. The main obstacle for beginners is fear at the moment of the first exit from the body. At this moment, consciousness, obeying the feeling of fear, returns to the physical body.
Feeling of falling
Most people have experienced it more than once before falling asleep. If a state of fall comes, do not be alarmed, this is a sign that you are leaving your physical body and entering the astral sphere. Resistance and tension bring you back into the physical body.
How long will it take for the astral exit?
Some people succeed in a matter of seconds, others take a few minutes, others take days to try, and still others may barely take six months.
In case of failure
Try again the next day. Repeat the astral exit processes daily until you succeed, and that moment will come when you least expect it.
little trip
Let's say you got the first astral exit. Admire your physical body from the outside. Mentally order yourself to move around the room. astral body subordinates

Anime is not serious, they said. It can teach nothing, they said.

In short, they lied: many of the cartoon series with the craziest plots not only adhere to the basic laws of quantum physics, but also do not lag behind modern scientific theories at all - especially when we are talking about time travel.

Microwave and Singularity


Stein's Gate


A micro-black hole opens up in the microwave, which can send everything to the past.

Scientific rationale:

If you hang around the rims of any black hole long enough, gravitational time dilation will hurl you into the future (but not the past). However, you can go further!


Black hole is a star collapsed into a charming neutron vacuum cleaner: sucks everything that comes in the way on one side, and on the other - spits out with a tight jet (by the way, incinerating everything in its path _we_all_die_). Where they spit - it's not clear but why not some other time?

No one dared to check this for a number of reasons. Having omitted the real and main ones, we will focus on the one that to pass through a black hole is prevented by gravity, tearing everything into multi-colored patches. But this can be avoided if you choose the right hole.


Some of the characters are easy travels in all directions in time because it is conceptually no different from memories or dreams of the future.

Scientific rationale:

This idea fits perfectly into Everett's many-world interpretation of quantum physics. It's like Kurt Vonnegut: all times exist, like pages in a book, and in general, there is nothing that start reading on any page you like.

But unlike Kurt, there is also the possibility to tear out a page and start writing the book from this place - creating a new parallel of reality. Schrödinger's cat does not die here and does not survive: he does both, and split into 2 realities.


Everett himself somehow did not think that the worlds also communicated with each other, Reiner Plaga had to finish the work, who, using the example of ions, almost proved that You can feel both a living and a dead cat ... which means get data from two parallel realities.


In fact, you will not be transported to the same past or future, but immediately to its alternative branch- in your present past, you didn’t come to yourself to say that last year’s milk in your refrigerator is not “what will happen to him”, but an unpredictable insidious substance.

Moles, portals and castles


and all the rest where portals are cast


The castle has a door-portal through which the characters are transported to the past.

Scientific rationale:

The theory of wormholes, wormholes, etc. - the most bizarre theory. They shot "Intestellar" about her and everything is in detail there told for people like us.


The idea is that the universe has comfortable burrows, along which with a warm seagull and funny joking robots you can get to the desired point in space - or time.


You can get into fights with colleagues because of Interstellar, and most scientists say that in practice this is not compatible with life. Method 1. Exactly in the evening, after you have done all the lessons, sit down at the computer / laptop and poke all the keys. Do not care about the indignantly squeaking hard drive, going crazy from conflicting commands - you still get yours.

Only the main thing with this method is not to open any more programs, not to remember the characters and not to think about anything at all, otherwise you can do the opposite: to call the unfortunate into this world ... uh ... Akatsuk, yes. They usually get to us most often, hehe.

Method 2. Carefully look around at all the newcomers in your class. And if you are no longer in school, look at all people in general. They say that Persians are walking somewhere, who somehow got into our world, and we, purely from altruistic motives, must help the unfortunate.

Just be careful - most often Uchihas get into our world (Itachi because of the eyes, and Sasuke because of Orych ... er ... more precisely, because of the scrolls found in the sannin's hideout), so you will need to try very hard to rub yourself in to them in confidence. True, you will need to make a considerable amount of effort due to the fact that both brothers are terminally ill: the younger one has a chronic mania for revenge, and the older one ... well, everything is much more complicated with the older one - you can’t figure it out without a higher psychological education and a bottle of vodka. But if, nevertheless, you managed to somehow fix them mutual language- rejoice, because the honor and conscience of the clan will not allow them to leave you in this mortal world.

Method 3. Walk more in the evening. Especially in dark back streets, scary parks and doorways. If you don’t meet a crowd of cute and gloomy guys there, dressed in black cloaks with cool clouds - rejoice, because it’s better to take Narutovites one at a time, since a whole bunch of hungry, ill-mannered people will destroy your house and leave you without a penny of money (it’s amazing how girls they don't understand this =="). But hunt them down one by one. Separately from each other, they are not terrible, since in most cases their power does not work in our world.

After tracking down one of them, steal it and bring it home in a bag (how you do it is not my problem, you have your own head on your shoulders, yeah), then release it and let him think that you saved his life. Just choose wisely who you will steal - from Akatsuk only Deidara is possible, since he can speak his teeth on the topic of art and cry into a raincoat. And Naruto can be stolen. And Rock Lee. And Choji - and for this character, you have to be good at cooking.

It is forbidden to steal Shikamaru because he will give you an incurable brain drain; girls, because you do not know their full strength; Toby - and this for two reasons: firstly, he will destroy your house and you, and then he will make excuses that it happened by accident; and secondly... who wants to mess around with a schizophrenic psychopath who thinks he's Madara Uchiha?

Method 4. Again, take a walk. But now walk not looking for the Persians, but in the rain. It is especially good when there is a thunderstorm, thunder, lightning - generally gorgeous weather. And don't worry that a downpour will make you sick, and from a charge of 11,000 V, only a pile of ash will remain from you, like a vampire - just put on a waterproof rubber suit.

However, this is not the main thing. You go for a walk to find a human-sized blue whirlpool, aka a portal that will lead you to the world of Naruto. If you find this portal, consider yourself particularly lucky, because this jutsu has no reverse, so pack your things - you are staying there forever. But such a chance falls one in a trillion, so it’s not a fact that you will find this portal as a decrepit old woman who, with tears in her eyes, will drag her finger along the blue smooth surface.

Method 5. Crack your head on the video recorder or on the system unit. Not a fact, of course, that will help, but you need to try, right? True, in my opinion, a head injury will only make you look like Toby ...

Method 6. Die. Er... this is not wishing the evil me^^" this is just advice. Ha...

Usually, after death, someone comes (the Fairy Godmother, the main witch of the Klump Studios, or just Grell Sutcliff O_o) who, purely out of the kindness of his soul, will help you start new life in... another world.
This method, of course, is good, and you will stay in that world forever, but the chance that someone will come to you on their deathbed is so scanty that it is better not to risk it.

Method 7. Just fall asleep. Just before going to bed, smoke or get drunk, or you can just look around "Naruto". And then getting into that world is guaranteed, but, unfortunately, this jutsu will dissipate with your awakening.

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the topic - are there parallel worlds. Throughout the history of mankind, you can find many different myths and stories about worlds that cannot be seen. ordinary people. Even in science, there are many theories that do not deny the existence of other dimensions.

People interested in mysticism sooner or later begin to figure out how to open a portal to a parallel world. Being in, a person can travel anywhere in the world, contact with different entities and develop their magical abilities. Exists different techniques, which allow you to achieve the goal, for example, with the help of relaxation. When a person trains for a long time, achieving a goal. We suggest choosing another method that is magical.

How to get into a parallel world through a mirror?

This mystical method is not for the faint of heart, as fear can lead to danger. One more thing worth mentioning important nuance- faith in what is happening. The room where you plan to travel should be completely dark and quiet, and stand large mirror. The perfect place- bathroom.

How to get into a parallel world:

  1. You need to start the ritual on an empty stomach in the morning or in the evening. Entering the room, you need to sit in front of the mirror, close your ears with earplugs and relax as much as possible, focusing on your breathing. It usually takes 15 minutes to enter a trance;
  2. To enter a parallel world, you need to look into dark mirror, penetrating with each step deeper and deeper. It is important to dismiss the feeling of fear and all outsiders. Consciousness must penetrate into the mirror darkness.
  3. If everything is done correctly, then after a short period of time there will be some divorces and even specific images. Remember that fear in this undertaking is superfluous and even dangerous. If you can’t forcefully suppress unpleasant sensations in yourself, then the trip should be stopped.
  4. Keep moving, going deep into the looking glass, until you physically feel that you are in another parallel world. It is important not to abruptly interrupt the flight and return to reality in the same way.

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