The astral world, and the astral body of man. What is the astral world.


Astral - mysterious world otherworldly and subconscious, such as astral entities, which are classified below. Find out what the astral world looks like and who lives there.

In the article:

Astral entities - classification of living and non-living beings

If you look in general, take a look, then all visitors to the astral plane can be divided into several large groups. Astral entities, classification:


  • Active adepts and magicians. Most often they travel as a couple - a teacher and a student. It will be difficult for a beginner to move around the Astral, so the help of a knowledgeable person will be very helpful. And you can really meet them, because the other world has stretched out its threads to every person. Most often it was the self-sacrificing ones who sought the truth, devoured by ardent curiosity. They are with the help of those mysterious forces that they curbed during a long training.
  • Gifted people. Those who did not need training. From birth, they are endowed with powers that allow them to freely travel through the astral plane. Most of the time, they may not even be aware of it. Most often, the appearance of such people is explained by the titanic labors that they performed in the past incarnation. Whether they are good or evil - no one but them knows.
  • The townsfolk. Yes, at ordinary person there is also an opportunity to get to one of the astral planes. How? Why? Everything is very simple here. They get there in their dreams and do not understand the reality of what is happening at all. They are like ships drifting wherever the wind blows. They don’t learn anything, they don’t discover anything - they go with the flow. They also have powers, but they don't use them. For this, the tension of thought is needed.
  • Adepts of black magic. At first glance, they are similar to the first category. But only from the first. They have the same abilities, but their point of application is evil. They are overwhelmed by rage, passion and attraction to everything dark. Those secrets that they find in the Astral, black magicians are trying to use for harm.


In fact, this name reflects only part of the truth. Most of the beings that are in this group are just as alive as any other person. It's just that they are not attached to the physical body:

  • Nirmanakaya. The name that came to us from indian culture. It denotes those who have attained full enlightenment and nirvana. And then he abandoned it and that's it - for the benefit of all mankind. You can meet them extremely rarely and the reasons are obvious. Few people achieve such great spiritual power as to reach nirvana. And even fewer entities refuse it. And they rarely descend to the lower astral planes, where most travelers roam. They also prefer to resort to disguise, creating astral bodies for themselves.
  • Students who have not yet been incarnated. Some reliable sources say that some students may, after death, go to the Astral and wait there until their Master finds a suitable body for reincarnation. How to achieve this? This process is laborious and requires self-sacrifice. Being a man of pure conscience, he will be transferred to heaven after death. But if he decides to follow the path of renunciation, putting his life on the altar of the prosperity of mankind, then after death he will fall into the Astral. This will deprive him of centuries of bliss, but will give him much in return. For example - a life full of work and curiosity,. You can meet them, but rarely. So, when you see it, try to ask - their experience is priceless and permeates the centuries.
  • Ordinary people who have stepped over the threshold of death. They also get here, but each - for its own time. Those who led a pure life linger here for a short time, almost never regain consciousness. Average person, overwhelmed by desires, can spend years. And base, subject to dark passions, and for whole centuries.
  • Shadows. What a person leaves behind when he passes to the mental plane after death. These are the remnants of his decaying desires and passions. We can say that the shadows are part of his low mind, which remained here, separated from the owner. It is worth noting that shadow creatures can only be called nominally, because they have no personality. Yes, they look like a person and even have a part of his memory, but the basis of all this is already in heaven. Shadows just wander around the Astral. They are harmless and either completely immersed in themselves, muttering snippets of phrases under their breath, or trying to talk to the travelers they meet. True, most often it is almost incoherent rubbish, consisting of the words that a person spoke during his lifetime.
  • Shells. What remains of the shadow when its powers are almost exhausted. They are passive, no personality or consciousness, do not make contact. Just float on the astral plane. All they have to do is wait until last strength run out. Then they will dissolve in the Astral and disappear forever.
  • Suicides and those who died unexpectedly. If a person dies on his own, from old age or illness, then he has time to come to terms with it. He lets go of earthly desires and endures death painlessly, often arriving in complete ignorance. Those who died in the prime of their lives find themselves in completely different conditions. Life anxieties are still strong in them, desires capture the mind. If they led a pure life, then, having wandered a little, they enter the mental plane. But if the suicide was a low person, then completely different laws come into force. His astral body can become a very dangerous creature that tries to prolong its existence by any accessible ways. They prey on travelers, trying to suck out some of their lives. Absorb fears, desires, and with them - a piece of the soul. They can often be found near places of vice. Sometimes dark entities gather there in whole groups and can cause irreparable harm to the unwary. Avoid them, try to avoid them. And don't come close.
  • Vampires, werewolves. One of the most dangerous entities that can be found on the astral plane. Reliable sources tell us that they appear for a reason. These creatures, like everything that is in the Astral plane, are a reflection human world. If a person led a disgusting life, if he not only did not resist base desires, but even indulged them, allowed his mind to merge with his astral body, then, once in the other world, such a person does not expect anything good. As does anyone who meets him. The only thing that pleases - such individuals are very rare. Even the most notorious villain has glimpses of goodness in his soul. And in order to become a dark entity, a person must suppress in himself any manifestation of conscience and altruism. He must wholeheartedly strive for evil. And such people, fortunately for us, are very, very few. They are as few as those who reach nirvana. You could even say that they are two sides of the same coin. Two extremes. Either boundless philanthropy, or eternal hatred.

Once on the Astral plane, a dead being is doomed to an unenviable fate - to experience the experience that he brought to other people. But, if it got there as a result of violence, and at the same time something understood magic, then it is capable of rebirth. To a terrible, disgusting rebirth. It becomes a vampire for the sake of maintenance own life at the expense of someone else. This is quite real, considering what kind of people become vampires.

And one more question that is popular among novice magicians and travelers to other worlds - is there an astral world? Of course yes. It contains many secrets and many answers - you just need to know how to get them. What to do in the astral to get them? The reason why you go there is to travel. There you can get into someone else's apartment, go through the memories of a person about her. Learn its secrets, mysteries, or maybe just travel through different countries. Jumping from memory to memory, you can explore the whole world.

According to the results of research, we can clearly see the answer to the question of what the astral is - truth or fiction. The astral is as real as it is real material world. It is possible and necessary to travel along it, because only in this way can knowledge be achieved. But, as in a journey to distant lands, one should not forget about caution. Preparation, help from experienced people, training is the key to the success of any astral traveler.

The astral world serves as an intermediary between the Spiritual and Physical worlds. The representative of the astral world is: energy (or force), soul, astros.

All worlds interpenetrate each other to one degree or another. Spirit is the principle of energy, and energy manifests itself in matter, which it sets in motion.

According to physics, all bodies decompose into molecules, and molecules into atoms. At the same time, there are simple bodies, the atoms of which differ from the atoms of other bodies and cannot be further decomposed, these are gold and hydrogen.

At the heart of all bodies and all types of matter are the primary atoms "astral atoms".

astral mother I am the same material substance, only of a more subtle nature. At its level of vibrations, it is quite material. As matter spiritualizes, it approaches the Spiritual Principle. There are two main poles: Spirit and Matter, between which there are many intermediate steps. Spirit and Matter penetrate each other and all this is surrounded by the Astral. Astral penetrates into everything and surrounds the whole world, connects star systems with each other. By connecting the stars with rays of light, gravity and other factors.

Astral- being the energy of matter, it shares the properties of ordinary matter, namely: the atoms of any matter are in vibration, the atom of one body is connected to the atom of another.

The most subtle vibrations- this is animal magnetism (Xn-rays on the astral plane), that is, psychic energy. Already in the field of electricity, vibrating matter is a lower (dense) astral. Xn - high frequencies of the astral. Electricity - low.

The astral is thus divided into many energy octaves of vibration. After gross electricity come: electric light, sound waves, heat rays,

XH beams- physical magnetism (magnet).

Magnetism, including animal magnetism, is inherent in all bodies, and the body has two poles (+ and -). The entire Astral is also polarized, while it is in constant circular motion. The swiftness of the Astral Vortex cannot be grasped by the imagination. Therefore, in our concept, space and time do not exist in the astral plane.

The positive rays of the Astral have the symbol of the Sun and are called AOD. The negative rays have the symbol of the Moon, and are called AOB. And being in a balanced movement are called AOP - it means - astral, or astral light.

At the base of the ANM lies Jonah - the power of expanding space and life, her symbol is a dove. And at the base of the AOB lies Erebus - the power of time compression and death, its symbol is the raven.

The ancients depicted the Astral in the form of two snakes standing in a spiral, one around the other. This is the emblem of ANM and AOB in a balanced state.

The astral is filled with various ethereal or astral bodies, partly conscious, partly unconscious. Astral bodies - Astrosomes, are formed as a result of the condensation of astral particles, just as ball lightning (unconscious astral energy) is formed in the air saturated with electricity.

The unconscious astrosomes gather around the positive poles, and the conscious ones around the negative ones. In the astrosome, the process of attracting molecules into itself and separating them into the Astral takes place. In this case, the potentiality of molecules in the entire given region should be more or less the same. Otherwise, with a strong difference in the potentiality of the astrosome and the Astral around it, the astrosome gets breakdowns in the shell - striving outward; or Astral breaks into the astrosome.

The world around us is complex and diverse. There are many such worlds in the Universe, where intelligent beings live in different spatial and temporal coordinates, and have different density in the material shell (astral plane). The structure of the Universe and the basic laws of the Cosmos are basically the same. Device planetary systems and galaxies, according to the arrangement of molecules and atoms. Elementary particles composed of even smaller particles and structures.

At a certain stage, the materiality of particles changes and passes into an energetic substance; beyond the threshold of the material and physical world lies the invisible (subtle) world.

World of Energy Information Structures. This world is much wider and more diverse than the physical world.

This world is inhabited by intelligent beings that do not have gross, physical shells (bodies).

Certain thought forms, thought-cliches, feelings of various beings accumulate there. Egregors are created there, due to the mental and emotional energy of many people.

Everything in the Universe develops according to certain laws - the laws of Harmony and Causal relationships. The power that created the universe is beginningless, limitless and all-pervading. This is the creative principle that supports, regulates and directs the development of the Universe. This is what we call God, or Supreme Intelligence. Its influence extends to all events and processes, with the help of the powerful Hierarchy of Light, the essences of the subtle worlds of a higher order.

God created man in his image and likeness, which means that God created a Spiritual Being with the ability to creativity actions. And his ability is the greater, the less the spiritual essence of man. The soul is dependent on material fetters. Human body, is an animal body in which an immortal spirit is embodied, and which temporarily resides in it, in order to gain experience in physical world, for the knowledge of good and evil, to learn to distinguish one from the other on own experience, For spiritual growth and development of the consciousness of one's being, through cognition and creation.

The entire Cosmos is filled with vibrations of various strength and intensity, emanating from the Primary Source of life. And each living form of life in the Universe radiates, in turn, vibrations of this or that force, which depend on its development. The consciousness of any form of life is its ability to respond to vibrations, the ability to respond to them. The mechanics of the development of consciousness lies in the increasing ability of any form of life to respond to increasingly subtle and higher vibrations. The whole evolution of life in Kosios and the whole progress of mankind are essentially reduced to the development of consciousness.

If memory is for the past, then consciousness is for the future. Consciousness is like the understanding of the spirit; it grows, embracing the whole being like a flame. In this process, fragments of memory, like slags, interfere with combustion.

To know is not to remember. Every consciousness develops individually, and general laws does not exist for the development of consciousness. Any consciousness develops along its own line of development, and in a normally developing person it never stops, being infinite in its achievements. Just as there are no two similar faces, two similar souls, just as there are no two similar consciousnesses. There are countless levels of consciousness. Since the development of consciousness is the most difficult and longest process in the Cosmos, the desire to preserve the continuity of consciousness after leaving the physical plane of Being, in thinner shells, on the astral and mental planes of Being, would significantly accelerate evolution. human development.

If the physical essence of each form ceases to exist with the termination of life, then the spiritual essence, having passed into the Subtle World together with the consciousness that belongs to all human shells, continues its conscious or semi-conscious existence, depending on its spiritual development, transforming the experience obtained by life into abilities - increasing the existing ones and adding new ones. Only thanks to the consciousness that lives in the indestructible part of the human essence, in his imperishable body, the evolution of man is possible. This higher beginning man is his immortal essence, that eternal indestructible that accumulates all the good from the past as a pledge for a beautiful future. Man does not have to begin his labors and his trials with each new life, for, being born again, he brings with him the whole store of his experience and all his previous achievements, which he only needs to remember and renew.

The astral atmosphere is filled with astral bodies generated both by the movement of the Astral and by the influence of the Spirit and Will on it.

In the Astral are:

  1. Elementals or Spirits of Nature - (elements).
  2. Astroideas - i.e. human thoughts, images, desires.
  3. Astral clichés are imprints of actions and phenomena.
  4. Egregors - Spirits of human societies.
  5. Larva - creatures generated by the passions of man.
  6. People who have left the physical body in the Astrosome for some time (exteriorization).
  7. Elementers - Spirits of the dead and consisting of Spirit, Soul and Astrosom.
  8. Nirmanakai - Adepts, good or evil, whose bodies are dead, but who have learned to live in the Astral space in ethereal personalities.

Exit to the Astral, for some time in the Astrosome

A person can leave his physical body in the astral body when the physical body rests in a dream, and the Spirit, the Soul of a person, being dressed in an Astros, enters the Astral World. Although the Astrosom can move away from the physical body at a considerable distance, there is always a fluid connection between them, through which the Astrosom maintains vitality and functioning of the organs of the body. When this connection is broken, physical death occurs. The exit of a person in the Astrosome can be unconscious during sleep, lithargy, hypnotic sleep. Upon awakening, a person does not remember anything from his communication with the Astral world or retains vague impressions in the form of dreams. During an ordinary dream, the Astros almost does not move away from his body, so that a person is not exposed to the danger that can occur during a conscious exit to the Astral. With a conscious exit to the Astral, the Spirit of a person comes out of his own free will (using the attention of his consciousness on a meaningful exit), and gives a report on what he saw in the Astral.

Being in somnambulism, a person under the influence of suggestion can also leave the body (and at this time the hypnotist subordinates the temporarily abandoned physical body to his will, and manipulates it, forcing him to carry out his orders). A conscious exit can be safe, but an unconscious (under suggestion) exit can be dangerous. With a conscious exit in the Astrosom, a person controls the Astrosom and can be transported anywhere. However, the exit in this case presents a lot of dangers for a person. Representing condensed astral matter for himself, Astros is sensitive to all touches, blows, especially sharp metal objects that have the ability to discharge the Astral.

A wound inflicted on Astrosom in the vital parts brings him death. In the Astral there are a lot of Lyarvas, as well as Elementers, who want to prolong their existence and materialize. They can take advantage of the removal of the Soul from the body and move into the body shell.

Then there are three outcomes:

  1. The soul in the Astrosom, having felt the possession of its bodily shell, embarks on a struggle. If you manage to expel Lyarva, then the person returns to normal.
  2. Otherwise, Larva remains in the body (after the return of the Soul), then this is madness interrupted by flashes of reason, or obsession.
  3. The soul completely leaves its body, and Lyarva remains the sovereign master, then this is complete idiocy and madness.

The character of Lyarva also explains various manias, madness, obsession, idiocy, sometimes they also appear as a result of a concussion or a strong mental shock. This is because at such moments there is a spontaneous exit in the Astrosom, and the Spirit of a person, being strongly struck, does not allow Larva to take possession of the body.

With the conscious exit of the Astrosom, a long and special training is required, and then, the Astrosom may not be willing to work (cooperate in this matter) with the individual.


A person has two ways of communicating with the astral world:

  1. A person can even without extearing bring himself into connection with the Astral World, through the organs of his Astrosom.
  2. The inhabitants of the Astral World can materialize and become accessible to the senses of the physical body.

When a person is distracted from the physical world, he can see the phenomena of the Astral World (passive imagination). Active imagination - a person himself creates images in the Astral, and passive he comprehends already existing Astral images.

We see examples of the vision of the Astral World in a dream, telepathy, magical hypnosis, clairvoyance. Formlessness, horror, nightmares of dreams are explained by the fact that during sleep a person sees Lyarv in the Astral.

Telepathy- this is a vision by a person at a distance (astral tube), usually with telepathy a person sees his relatives, acquaintances, often this happens at the time of the death of one of them. In other cases, the phenomenon of telepathy can only be seen by seeing through the transmonad - the astral imprint of the face and action, or simply by the appearance of the deceased in his Astral body and his materialization.

With clairvoyance and hypnosis, a person is able to read or see events 1000 km away. In this case, he also sees through the transmonad. Clairvoyants are also able to see a person's aura or an imprint in the Astral of all his thoughts and desires.

Animals are very sensitive to the Astral World. Villagers are more receptive than city dwellers. Sometimes astral vision is accompanied by a voice, which can be called clairaudience.

Under the concept of psychometry, one can sum up methods of divination: coffee grounds, egg, wax. These items have the ability to absorb and condense Astral.

This also applies to divination on a magic mirror, in which you can see the Astral World. When communicating with the Astral World, the well-known law always operates - Spiritual sympathies and antipathies. Therefore, all occultists put one of the conditions in communicating with the Astral World - prayer, purification of the heart and thoughts that elevate the Soul.

Spritism- Sprites at the sessions form a magic chain. The medium puts its life force at the disposal of the inhabitants of the Astral, who use it for materialization, partial or complete, and for the production of spiritual phenomena (knocking, movement, lifting objects, the appearance of spirits and communication with them).

When calling the Spirits, most often larvae appear, which tend to manifest themselves on Earth, but mainly during spiritualistic sessions, the magic chain formed by the circle of spiritists gives rise to a new Astral being, of a collective nature, which is called the Spirit of the Circle. Both the unconscious worlds and the Spirits of the Circle in their answers and conversations reflect only the thoughts of those present. The subject and tone of communication also depends on the participants in the session. Sometimes the Astros of the medium materializes at the sessions, and plays the role of the Spirit. Sometimes there are Astrosomes abandoned by the Spirit of a person (astral corpses) after the second death. But elementaries or Spirits of the dead while still in the Astral world, appear very rarely. Mostly Souls sensitive people yearning for the Earth and looking for a chance to materialize. Summons of Spirits or Elementers hold back their evolution.

Materialization of the Astral is the Challenge of the Spirit, so that the Astral image, or the inhabitant of the Astral, becomes visible to our physical vision. The process of materialization is produced by the condensation of the Astral and the attraction of vital atoms, from which this astral being creates a body for itself. For this process, the astral being needs a vital force, which it receives different ways. Often an astral being (an inorganic entity) extracts life force for materialization from living people.

It is for this purpose that astral beings strike man with terror. Under the influence of strong fear, a person almost completely loses his vitality, which the astral phantom quickly absorbs for its materialization. However, the absence of fear of an astral being prevents their materialization, since it is difficult for them to influence a person in order to steal his life force. When summoning the Spirits, a bloody sacrifice is usually performed. The blood contains a great vital force necessary for the materialization of the Spirit.

In addition, to call the Spirits, adepts and magicians usually use incense, which contributes to the concentration of the Astral. But the main factor in the challenge is the will and imagination of the adept. Therefore, the rules and ceremonies attributed to this aim, first of all, to excite the imagination and direct the will. Also, one of the main preparatory conditions for summoning the spirit is fasting for a certain period of time. Often an adept or magician sees not the Spirit of the invoked image itself, but only its imprint in the Astral, or even an astral image created by the adept himself.

We know from occult literature that astral worlds densely populated - phantoms, ghosts, doubles, duplications, penetrating creatures (viruses) from other physical worlds live there. Ghosts can be material, that is, ethereal or energetic, or informational (they are the memory of a place, an object or objects, elements, spheres of consciousness, etc.); the material ones can come into contact with us; informational ones are only shown and told - this is only a memory. Material ghosts can be perceived visually and can be registered by various devices; informational - exchange information at the level of a hypnotic state. A phantom has no will of its own, unlike a ghost, it is not something real. He was never a living being - this is an information assembly (germination in the form of someone's consciousness and real "I"); and exists in the form of a clot of information saturation. A double is the “other side” of its owner (a part of oneself). This is our energy component, our field. Ghosts and doubles are extensions of the living being itself and are filled with the materiality of that living being; phantoms and duplicates are structured from improvised matter and are not so much a continuation of a living creature as its creation (a phantom can also be a continuation of the person himself).

On the deserted Peruvian Peninsula of Paracas, archaeologists find burials in which mummies are in very good condition. People of the Paracas culture were sure that death is nothing more than a transition from the visible world to the invisible world.
astral world we will consider through the eyes of people who experienced as a "near-death experience" - in a state clinical death, and "out-of-body experience" - in a state of HIT (out of body).

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How does he see the human consciousness traveling in it? S. Muldoon, who had a rich “out-of-body experience”, describes it this way: “The journey takes place in the astral plane, in the atmosphere of the Earth. The astral world is very complex. Consists of seven plans or sub-plans. Guides live in it, who show and tell everything about afterlife. In the first plan - "purgatory" - spirits live, gravitating to the earth. Spirits stay in the astral world only temporarily, and then pass into a more high worlds(some believe that spirits live in the astral world in anticipation of reincarnation). The astral world gives the impression of a disorderly, every minute changing plan; that's why everyone imagines it differently. Environment varies depending on the state of mind and the will of one's own thought. And yet this situation seems real to the traveler. This state cannot last forever. It is a kind of purgatory in which a person must learn to think correctly.

“One day, during a harsh winter, when St. Andrey was lying on the street frozen, he suddenly felt extraordinary warmth in himself and saw a beautiful young man with a face that glowed like the sun, who took him to paradise and to the third heaven. “By the Divine will, I remained for two weeks in a sweet vision of bliss. I saw myself in a beautiful and wondrous paradise. With my mind and heart I marveled at the inexpressible beauty of the Paradise of God and delighted in walking on it. There were many gardens filled with tall trees which, swaying with their peaks, rejoiced my eyes, and from their branches a great fragrance issued; these wonderful trees cannot be compared in beauty to any earthly tree. In those gardens there were countless birds with golden, snow-white and multi-colored wings. They sat in the branches of paradise trees and sang so beautifully that from their sweet-sounding singing I did not remember myself and was in blessed bliss.
After this, some kind of horror attacked me, and it seemed to me that I was standing on the top of the firmament, while a young man was walking in front of me, with a face as bright as the sun, dressed in purple. When I followed in his footsteps, I saw a large and beautiful cross, similar in appearance to a rainbow, and around it stood fire-like singers like a flame and sang sweet songs, glorifying the Lord, once crucified on the cross. The young man walking before me approached the cross, kissed it and gave a sign to me to kiss the divine cross. Kissing him, I was filled with unspeakable spiritual sweetness and embraced the fragrance stronger than heavenly. Passing by the cross, I looked down and saw under me, as it were, an abyss of the sea, boundless, boundless. Turning to me, the young man said: "Do not be afraid, for we need to rise even higher." And he gave me his hand. When I grabbed hold of it, we were already above the second firmament. There I saw marvelous men, their repose, and the joy of their holiday, indescribable in human language.
And so we rose above the third heaven, where I saw and heard a multitude of heavenly powers, singing and glorifying God. We approached a veil that shone like lightning, in front of which stood great and terrible young men, looking like a fiery flame. And the young man who led me said to me: “When the veil is opened, you will see the Lord Christ. Bow down to His Throne of Glory." When I heard this, I rejoiced and trembled, for terror and unspeakable joy seized me. And here is some fiery hand opened the veil, and I, like the prophet Isaiah, saw my Lord sitting on a high throne, and standing around His exaltation singing seraphim. He was clothed in a scarlet robe; his face was bright, and his eyes gazed at me with love. Seeing this, I prostrated myself before him, bowing down to the bright and terrible throne of His glory. What joy seized me at the contemplation of His face, that cannot be expressed in words. Even now, at the recollection of that vision, I am filled with unspeakable joy. In trembling I lay before my Lord. After this, all the heavenly host sang a wondrous and inexpressible song, and then I myself do not understand how I found myself in paradise again.
There is an interesting detail that when St. Andrei thought that he had not seen in Heaven Mother of God, the angel said to him: “Did you want to see the Most Serene Queen of heavenly forces here?
But She is not here. She retired to a world of great misfortune - to help people and console the mourners. I would show you her Holy place but now there is no time, for you must return again.”
The relief on the lid of the sarcophagus in the "Temple of the Inscriptions" in the Mayan city of Palenque depicts the scene of the flight of the deceased Indian on a fantastic starship to the afterlife.
Here are some more of these stories.
“After what happened, I ended up in the field. It was a beautiful bright green color. I have never seen such a color on earth.
“Everything was permeated with magical light. The radiance was clear, shimmering yellow-gold. As I got closer, I was sure that I would pass through the fog. It was a great happy feeling. There are no words to describe what I saw. At that moment, on the other side of the fog, I saw a picture of a blissful paradise life. Everything there shone with a clear golden light. The surrounding air touched, it washed and refreshed with its unusual exciting coolness. Everything in me trembled and rejoiced. From this kindness of the surrounding being, the soul was overflowing with happiness.
“I found myself in impenetrable darkness. Clouds of dim flame appeared before me, rising as if from huge hole and falling down again. It was scary and sad. Growing in flames, the whole space was filled up and down with acrid smoke. An indescribable stench filled the whole gloomy place. Suddenly behind me I heard terrible groans accompanied by roaring laughter. I saw a crowd of evil spirits dragging several souls into the depths of darkness. The unfortunate howled and groaned, while the demons rejoiced. Meanwhile, dark spirits emerged from the fiery depths. They began to surround me, scaring me with their sparkling eyes and flames emanating from their mouths and nostrils. I was depressed and depressed."

Almost all "near-death visions" are extremely short; had they been longer, final death would have followed. But in the state of HIT, i.e. "out of the body", which is not associated with conditions close to death, a longer experience of out-of-body travel in the astral world is also possible.

The "astral plane" often appears in visions in a state of altered consciousness, and many "travelers" come into contact with it. In one of his books, Carl Jung describes his patient, a woman who "went out of her body" during a difficult birth. She could see the doctors and nurses around her, but she felt that behind her was a magnificent landscape that seemed like the edge of another dimension. She felt that if she got there, she would leave this world, but still returned to her body.
Some researchers note that the area where the soul enters immediately, as soon as it leaves the body and begins to lose contact with what we call "material reality", this is not necessarily heaven, or hell, or "otherworldly" - an area close to the earth, " travel" and into different worlds. "Out of the body journey" takes place in the Universe, up to contacts with UFO beings. The most bizarre, unusual places are described. There are worlds where stones sing, and there are other worlds where stones behave like living beings. Perhaps for every movement noticeable human eye, they take centuries, but these creatures, living by earthly standards for millions of years, are quite satisfied with their speed of movement.
On some planets, beings live in a different form and in a different form of existence. On others, animals take the place of people. Plants reign on other planets. Trees are able to move slowly by moving their modified roots. They move from place to place and take root where there is enough moisture and nutrients for them. The inorganic world of planets is endowed with reason. Some "travelers" see the unsteady black fog of emptiness, black holes, the vacuum of nothingness. Others see a golden glow ahead, radiant figures. On some planets, “travelers” see a world whose main building block is not a carbon molecule, but silicon, and there are “stones” with silicate chemical structure who even think and move.
The "astral world" can also be contacted through certain medicines. Experiments with the administration of the drug LSD to seriously ill people caused very convincing "out-of-body experiences". Patients experienced a compressed repetition of all life, a vision of a blinding light, an encounter with "dead" and "non-human spiritual beings", received the transmission of spiritual messages about the truths of cosmic religion, reincarnation, etc.
The scientists say: "The experience of death and rebirth, sometimes resulting from the use of chemicals during psychedelic sessions, helped to understand that the source of these experiences is most likely located in the subconscious."
It can be assumed that visions of a person during clinical death and "out of body experience" are not a journey to a sphere that is outside the earthly human being, but there is a journey through the labyrinths of subconscious memory, which projects images and pictures felt in a distorted perception. These visions occur in a state of altered consciousness, when the analytical (rational) mind becomes silent and the flow of subconscious information overwhelms the unconscious feelings of a person.
In the "astral world", even realizing himself as a person, the "double" of a person sees only what he wants to see and what he expects to see. His thought governs his actions, and his imagination creates images. Therefore, he sees the people he wants to see, and they appear before him in the form and color in which he expects to see them. How does he portray fantasy creatures or deities in his subconscious mind, as he sees them there. There are experiences associated with his religious faith, concepts, expectations to see this or that event in the afterlife, his fear (for example, judgment for sins) or, conversely, the expectation of paradise - all this is manifested in the "astral journey". Everyone sees what he wanted or wants to see. This information has already been imprinted in his subconscious memory, and it begins to manifest itself in a vision. Thought in such "astral journeys" guides the behavior of the "double", and the imagination creates images and pictures. unusual world, which in a state of altered consciousness are projected by the mechanisms of biochemical and mental reactions in the structure of the body.

A mask made of glass paste, which was placed in the grave to protect the dead from evil spirits. The work of the Carthaginian masters. 3rd century BC e.
Scientists admit: “The awareness of death by the body is almost at the cellular level.”
This is an important statement. That is why the "mind" and impulses of the cell come to the fore with its blocks of deep memory, mechanisms of weak fields, reactions of living matter, energy generated by the mechanism of cold nuclear fusion, asymmetry of time proportions. Information emanating from the work of the cell in a special, extraordinary state of consciousness, and affects the manifestation of the phenomena of out-of-body and near-death experiences.

The astral world is a multidimensional space that surrounds everything around. It would be more correct to say that the physical world is its part, formed by the merging of seven astral matters into three-dimensional shape. And the space itself is multidimensional, and it is difficult to name the exact number of dimensions. Only a part of the world is accessible to a person, in accordance with the so-called subtle bodies and their capabilities available to him. Many people often encounter manifestations of the astral world: incomprehensible sensations of someone else's presence, ghosts and poltergeists, etc. paranormal activity in zones of space deformation (geopathogenic zones, places of disappearance of people, etc.), arbitrary astral exits during sleep, explained by an allegedly very real dream or mental disorders, various magical influences going through the astral world (damage, love spells, curses).

Explanations for the astral phenomenon based on practitioners' experiences are very vague, chaotic, and divergent, except for most of the phenomena that have been discovered (not everyone will experience all of them). Information should be filtered, if only because everyone interprets what has been tested to the best of their education, the availability of various knowledge, religious beliefs. greatest value represent a description of what the practitioner experienced, only on the basis of this can at least some picture be formed.

The characteristics of the "subtle world" (astral) are easier to list:
1. Astral is material, and from it a quite tangible effect can be exerted both on a person, which is a system of “thin” bodies, and on objects (telkinesis, pyrokinesis, teleportation). The evidence for this is the existence anomalous zones and paranormal abilities in humans.
2. The astral is multidimensional and everything in it is closely connected with each other, like all living beings through it. The property of multidimensionality explains why we cannot perceive it with the physical senses, since they are designed for orientation in the physical world, and not in the astral. Some devices can still detect its manifestations (for example, the Kirlian effect). If we imagine a staircase and paint over 3 steps corresponding to our three dimensions, then it is enough to shift this zone by one step so that it does not enter into full resonance with our three dimensions. Just as if we imagine that a drawn two-dimensional creature on a sheet of paper is alive, it will not be able to see our world, since its perception is limited to two dimensions, while we can influence it due to an additional third dimension, painting something either or erasing.
3. Astral is inhabited. It is filled with many intelligent and non-intelligent life forms. It also creates holograms-thought forms, which are unreasonable life, performing only the task inherent in itself. This explains the power of thought (except for direct influence between people).
4. In the astral plane there are many different, as they like to call them, "parallel" worlds, formed from astral matters and various combinations of their merging. They can be like ours, or they can be very different in their "physical" laws.
5. To travel between worlds and layers (dimensions), you need to have the appropriate qualities (the presence of bodies made of the necessary materials, their qualitative state, allowing them to withstand loads), and be able to enter into resonance with these worlds and layers, tuning in to them. By shifting your perception, there is a “immersion” in these worlds, and they become as material as our world, and have the same tangible impact, while our world is no longer perceived as real. Such shifts are usually made during astral travels (the exit of the entity from the physical body), but this can also be done while in the physical body, shifting perception and using the multidimensionality property to “move” (create a kind of hole in space to the right place).
6. There are qualitative barriers in the astral plane that are insurmountable without the appropriate bodies and their required level of development. For example - a qualitative barrier of the Earth, which does not allow flying into space without the presence of 7 bodies (therefore, the number 7 is considered sacred, and many practitioners are mistaken, assuming that this is the maximum number of available bodies).
7. To get the necessary information from the new astral level, there must be appropriate sense organs that have nothing to do with the physical. Otherwise, the information will be very incomplete. In the same way, there must be structures for influencing space. It is a mistake to project earthly understanding onto the astral worlds by creating various energy swords. This is only effective against underdeveloped opponents on nearby layers.
8. To get into the astral plane, it is not necessary to die. To do this, there are special techniques that do not cause any consequences. But it's still dangerous, just like traveling through the wild jungle.
9. After death, the soul of a person enters the astral layer, which is able to “reach out” due to development in the body during earthly life.
10. A person may have a different number of astral bodies, but they all represent an integral structure. Bodies can both be accumulated and disappear in the process of degradation. Also, the essence of a person can be a fusion of several different entities. In other matters, the characteristics began to smoothly move from the astral itself to the properties of a person, and this is a separate issue ...

Moreover, astral matter, or "dark matter" in scientific terms, is the basis of all physical processes such as electricity, electromagnetic and magnetic fields, gravity (after all, official science does not give them any explanation, but takes it for granted). These phenomena are nothing but manifestations of the properties multidimensional space and matters penetrating it (how else to explain the existence of an electron both in the form of a particle and in the form of a wave, like visible light?).

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