Chronology of Russian rulers. Chronology of events

  • The highest rates of population, economic, industrial and railway construction growth in the history of Russia have been achieved.
  • The introduction in 1894 (in full since 1906) of the state wine monopoly, thanks to which it was not necessary to raise taxes. In 1913, the wine monopoly brought 30% of all revenues to the budget.
  • The largest exhibition in the history of the Russian Empire (1896) was held in Nizhny Novgorod.
  • The beginning of the Russian automobile industry (1896), automobile troops were created.
  • The first general census of the population of Russia(1897 census).
  • Monetary Reform 1895-1897, gold ruble introduced.
  • built the first large power plants in Russia(since 1897).
  • At the initiative of Nicholas II convened the Hague Peace Conferences(1899 and 1907), which adopted international conventions on the laws and customs of war, some decisions of which are valid to this day.
  • Union treaty between the Russian Empire and China (1896) and the Russian-Chinese Convention (1898), construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER), as well as the South Manchurian Railway and the port of Port Arthur on the Liaodong Peninsula, temporary extension of the Russian zone of influence up to the Yellow Sea.
  • The second most powerful navy in the world was built (early 1900s).
  • The adoption in 1905 of the Supreme Manifesto on the improvement of the state order, which actually became the first Russian constitution, and the establishment of the State Duma. Introduction in the country of freedom of speech and press, strikes, meetings, unions. Permission to form political parties.
  • Improvement of the position of workers and peasants. Removal of redemption payments from peasants. Introduction of social insurance for workers, reduction of working hours in factories, improvement of labor legislation,
  • The revolution of 1905-1907 was suppressed, revolutionary terrorism was temporarily crushed.
  • Agrarian reform 1906-1913 Large-scale land management work, facilitating the transfer of land into the ownership of peasants. Free distribution of land for peasants in the Far East. As a result, almost 90% of agricultural land began to belong to peasants.
  • Foundation of a full-fledged combat submarine fleet of Russia (1906).
  • The Beginning of Russian Aviation and the Air Force (1910).
  • A number of islands have been discovered in the Arctic, including Severnaya Zemlya(Land of Emperor Nicholas II) - the last unknown archipelago on the planet.
  • Badakhshan (1895) and Tuva annexed(Uriankhai Territory) (1914), as well as Franz Josef Land, Emperor Nicholas II Land (Severnaya Zemlya) and the New Siberian Islands were finally assigned to Russia by a note from the Foreign Ministry.
  • Armored troops of Russia founded (1914).
  • In the conditions of a military disaster in the summer of 1915, Nicholas II took over the Supreme Command and radically turned the tide of the First World War in favor of the Russian army. Brusilovsky breakthrough, the defeat of Austria-Hungary by the Russian army(1916). Major victories over Turkey on the Caucasian front (1915-1916).
  • The Murmansk railway was laid and the city of Romanov-on-Murman (now Murmansk) was built- the first major port providing Russia with access to the non-freezing part of the Arctic Ocean (1916).
  • Birobidzhan was founded (1912), Kyzyl was founded, originally Belotsarsk (1914).
  • Completion of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway - the longest railway in the world (1916).
  • Tram systems have been launched in more than 20 cities of Russia - self-propelled urban transport has become a mass phenomenon in the country for the first time.
  • built
  1. Dates of the 9th-10th centuries, in accordance with tradition, are given according to the PVL, except for those cases where there is a generally accepted clarification from independent sources. For the Kiev princes, the exact dates within the year (season or month and day) are indicated if they are named in the sources or when there is reason to believe that the departure of the previous prince and the arrival of the new one took place simultaneously. As a rule, the annals recorded the dates when the prince sat on the throne, left it posthumously, or was defeated in an open battle with rivals (after which he did not return to Kiev). In other cases, the date of the removal from the table was usually not named and therefore cannot be accurately determined. Sometimes the opposite situation occurs, in which it is known on what day the table was left by the former prince, but it is not said when the successor prince took it. Dates for Vladimir princes are indicated in a similar way. For the Horde era, when the right to the Vladimir Grand Duchy was transferred according to the khan's label, the beginning of the reign indicates the date when the prince sat on the table in Vladimir itself, and the end - when he actually lost control of the city. For the Moscow princes, the beginning of the reign is indicated from the date of the death of the previous prince, and for the period of the Moscow strife, the actual possession of Moscow. For Russian tsars and emperors, the beginning of the reign, as a rule, is indicated from the date of death of the previous monarch. For the presidents of the Russian Federation - from the date of taking office.
  2. Gorsky A. A. Russian lands in the XIII-XIV centuries: Ways of political development. M., 1996. pp. 46.74; Glib IvakinІhistorical development Kiev XIII - middle XVI st. K., 1996; BDT. Volume Russia. M., 2004. pp. 275, 277. The opinion often found in the literature about the transfer of the nominal capital of Rus' from Kyiv to Vladimir in 1169 is a widespread inaccuracy. Cm. Tolochko A.P. History Russian Vasily Tatishchev. Sources and news. M., - Kyiv, 2005. S. 411-419. Gorsky A. A. Rus' from the Slavic Settlement to the Muscovite Kingdom. M., 2004. - p.6. The rise of Vladimir as an alternative all-Russian center to Kiev began in the middle of the 12th century (from the reign of Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky), but became final only after the Mongol invasion, when the Grand Dukes of Vladimir Yaroslav Vsevolodovich () and Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky () were recognized in the Horde as the oldest among all Russian princes. They received Kyiv, but preferred to leave Vladimir as their residence. From the beginning XIV century, the Grand Dukes of Vladimir bore the title "All Rus'". The Vladimir table with the sanction of the Horde was received by one of the specific princes of North-Eastern Rus', from 1363 it was occupied only by Moscow princes, from 1389 it became their hereditary possession. The territory of the united Vladimir and Moscow principalities became the core of the modern Russian state.
  3. He began to reign in 6370 (862) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 19-20). He died in 6387 (879) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 22). According to the Lavrentievsky list of PVL and the Novgorod I chronicle, he settled in Novgorod, according to the Ipatiev list - in Ladoga, in 864 he founded Novgorod and moved there (PSRL, vol. I, st. 20, vol. III<НIЛ. М.;Л., 1950.>- S. 106, PSRL, vol. II, stb. 14). As archaeological research shows, Novgorod did not yet exist in the 9th century; mentions of him in the annals refer to Gorodische.
  4. He began to reign in 6387 (879) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 22). In the PVL and the Russian-Byzantine treaty of 911, the prince, tribesman or relative of Rurik, who ruled during Igor's infancy (PSRL, vol. I, st. 18, 22, 33, PSRL, vol. II, st. 1). In the Novgorod Chronicle I appears as a governor under Igor (PSRL, vol. III, p. 107).
  5. He began to reign in 6390 (882) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 23), most likely in the summer, since he was supposed to go on a campaign from Novgorod in the spring. He died in the autumn of 6420 (912) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 38-39). According to the Novgorod Chronicle I, he died in 6430 (922) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 109).
  6. The beginning of the reign is marked in the chronicle in 6421 (913) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 42). Either this is just a feature of the design of the chronicle, or it took him time to sit down in Kyiv. When describing the death and funeral of Oleg, Igor is not mentioned. According to the chronicle, he was killed by the Drevlyans in the autumn of 6453 (945) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 54-55). The story of Igor's death is placed immediately after the Russian-Byzantine treaty, which was concluded in 944, so some researchers prefer this year. The month of doom may have been november, since, according to Constantine Porphyrogenitus, it was in November that the polyudye began. ( Litavrin G.  G. Ancient Rus', Bulgaria and Byzantium in the 9th-10th centuries. // IX International Congress of Slavists. History, culture, ethnography and folklore of the Slavic peoples. M., 1983. - S. 68.).
  7. Rules of Russia during the minority of Svyatoslav. In the annals (in the list of Kiev princes in article 6360 of the PVL and in the list of Kiev princes at the beginning of the Ipatiev Chronicle), the ruler is not called (PSRL, vol. II, st. 1, 13, 46), but appears as such in synchronous Byzantine and Western European sources. Ruled until at least 959, when her embassy to the German king Otto I is mentioned (chronicle of the Successor of Reginon). At the request of Olga, the German bishop Adalbert was sent to Rus', but when he arrived in 961, he could not begin his duties and was expelled. Obviously, this indicates the transfer of power to Svyatoslav, who was a zealous pagan. (Ancient Rus' in the light of medieval sources. T.4. M., 2010. - P.46-47).
  8. The beginning of his reign in the annals is marked in 6454 (946), and the first independent event - in 6472 (964) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 57, 64). Probably, independent rule nevertheless began earlier - between 959 and 961. See previous note. Killed in the early spring of 6480 (972) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 74).
  9. Planted in Kiev by his father, who went on a campaign against Byzantium in 6478 (970) (according to the chronicle, PSRL, vol. I, stb. 69) or in the fall of 969 (according to Byzantine sources). After the death of his father, he continued to reign in Kyiv. Expelled from Kyiv and killed, the chronicle dates this to 6488 (980) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 78). According to the “Memory and Praise of the Russian Prince Vladimir” by Jacob Mnich, Vladimir entered Kyiv June 11 6486 (978 ) of the year.
  10. According to the list of reigns in article 6360 (852) of the PVL, he reigned for 37 years, which indicates the year 978. (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 18). According to all chronicles, he entered Kiev in 6488 (980) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 77, vol. III, p. 125), according to “In memory and praise to the Russian prince Vladimir” by Jacob Mnikh - June 11 6486 (978 ) of the year (Library of Literature of Ancient Rus'. Vol. 1. - P. 326. Milyutenko N.I. Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir and the Baptism of Rus'. M., 2008. - S.57-58). The dating of 978 was especially actively defended by A. A. Shakhmatov. Died July 15 6523 (1015) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 130).
  11. At the time of his father's death, he was in Kyiv (PSRL, vol. I, st. 130, 132). Defeated by Yaroslav in the late autumn of 6524 (1016) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 141-142).
  12. He began to reign in the late autumn of 6524 (1016) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 142). Defeated in the battle on the Bug July 22(Titmar Merseburgsky. Chronicle VIII 31) and fled to Novgorod in 6526 (1018) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 143).
  13. Sat on the throne in Kyiv August 14 6526 (1018) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 143-144, Titmar of Merseburg. Chronicle VIII 32). According to the chronicle, Yaroslav was expelled in the same year (probably in the winter of 1018/19), but usually his exile is dated to 1019 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 144).
  14. Sat in Kyiv in 6527 (1019) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 146). He died in 6562, according to the Laurentian Chronicle, on the first Saturday of Lent on the day of St. Theodore (PSRL, vol. I, st. 162), i.e. February 19, in the Ipatiev Chronicle, the exact date is added to the indication of Saturday - February 20. (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 150). The March style is used in the annals and 6562 corresponds to 1055, but from the date of fasting it follows that the correct year is 1054 (in 1055, fasting began later, the author of the PVL used the March style of reckoning, erroneously increasing the term of Yaroslav's reign by one year. See. Milyutenko N.I. Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir and the Baptism of Rus'. M., 2008. - S.57-58). The year 6562 and the date Sunday 20 February are shown in graffiti from Hagia Sophia. The most probable date is determined by the ratio of the day and the day of the week - Sunday 20 February 1054.
  15. He arrived in Kyiv after the death of his father and sat on the throne according to his father's will (PSRL, vol. I, st. 162). This probably happened quite quickly, especially if he was in Turov, and not Novgorod (Yaroslav's body was taken from Vyshgorod to Kiev, according to the annals, Vsevolod, who was with his father at the time of death, was organizing the funeral, according to Nestor's "Reading about Boris and Gleb" - Izyaslav buried his father in Kiev). The beginning of his reign is marked in the annals in 6563, but this is probably a mistake of the chronicler, who attributed the death of Yaroslav to the end of March 6562. Expelled from Kyiv September 15th 6576 (1068) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 171).
  16. Sat on the throne September 15th 6576 (1068), reigned 7 months, that is, until April 1069 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 172-173).
  17. Sat on the throne May 2 6577 (1069) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 174). Exiled in March 1073 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 182).
  18. Sat on the throne March 22 6581 (1073) years (PSRL, vol. I, st. 182). Died 27th of December 6484 (1076) years (PSRL, vol. I, st. 199).
  19. Sat on the throne 1st of January March 6584 (1077) (PSRL, vol. II, st. 190). In the summer of the same year, he ceded power to his brother Izyaslav (PSRL, vol. II, st. 190).
  20. Sat on the throne July 15 6585 (1077) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 199). Killed October 3 6586 (1078) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 202).
  21. Sat on the throne in October 1078 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 204). Died April 13 6601 (1093) years (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 216).
  22. Sat on the throne April 24 6601 (1093) years (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 218). Died April 16 1113. The ratio of March and ultra-March years is indicated in accordance with the studies of N. G. Berezhkov, in the Lavrentievskaya and Troitskaya chronicles 6622 ultramart year (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 290; Troitskaya chronicle. St. Petersburg, 2002. - P. 206), according to Ipatievskaya chronicle 6621 March year (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 275).
  23. Sat on the throne 20 April 1113 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 290, vol. VII, p. 23). Died May 19 1125 (March 6633 according to the Laurentian and Trinity Chronicles, Ultra-March 6634 according to the Ipatiev Chronicle) year (PSRL, vol. I, st. 295, vol. II, st. 289; Trinity Chronicle. P. 208).
  24. Sat on the throne May 20 1125 (PSRL, vol. II, st. 289). Died April 15 1132 on Friday (in the Lavrentiev, Trinity and Novgorod First Chronicles on April 14, 6640, in the Ipatiev Chronicle on April 15, 6641 of the ultra-March year) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 301, vol. II, st. 294, vol. III, p. 22; Trinity Chronicle, p.212). The exact date is determined by the day of the week.
  25. Sat on the throne April 17 1132 (Ultramart 6641 in the Ipatiev Chronicle) (PSRL, vol. II, st. 294). Died 18th of Febuary 1139, in the Laurentian Chronicle March 6646, in the Ipatiev Chronicle Ultramart 6647 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 306, vol. II, st. 302) In the Nikon Chronicle, November 8, 6646 is clearly mistaken (PSRL, vol. IX, stb. 163).
  26. Sat on the throne February 22 1139 on Wednesday (March 6646, in the Ipatiev Chronicle on February 24, Ultramart 6647) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 306, vol. II, st. 302). The exact date is determined by the day of the week. March 4 retired to Turov at the request of Vsevolod Olgovich (PSRL, vol. II, st. 302).
  27. Sat on the throne 5th of March 1139 (March 6647, Ultramart 6648) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 307, vol. II, st. 303). According to the Ipatiev and Resurrection chronicles, he died August 1(PSRL, vol. II, st. 321, vol. VII, p. 35), according to the Laurentian and Novgorod fourth chronicles - July 30 6654 (1146) years (PSRL, vol. I, st. 313, vol. IV, p. 151).
  28. Sat on the throne the day after the death of his brother. (HIL., 1950. - S. 27, PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, st. 227) (possibly August 1 due to the discrepancy between the date of Vsevolod's death by 1 day, see the previous note). August 13 1146 was defeated in battle and fled (PSRL, vol. I, st. 313, vol. II, st. 327).
  29. Sat on the throne August 13 1146. Defeated in battle on August 23, 1149 and retreated to Kyiv, and then left the city (PSRL, vol. II, st. 383).
  30. Sat on the throne August 28 1149 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 322, vol. II, st. 384), the date 28 is not indicated in the annals, but it is calculated almost perfectly: the day after the battle, Yuri entered Pereyaslavl, spent three days there and headed to Kiev, namely the 28th was a Sunday more suitable for accession to the throne. Exiled in 1150, in the summer (PSRL, vol. II, st. 396).
  31. He entered Kiev in August 1150 and sat down at Yaroslav's Court, but after protests from the people of Kiev and negotiations with Izyaslav Mstislavich, he left the city. (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 396, 402, vol. I, stb. 326).
  32. Sat on the throne in 1150 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 326, vol. II, st. 398). A few days later he was expelled (PSRL, vol. I, st. 327, vol. II, st. 402).
  33. He sat on the throne in 1150, around August (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 328, vol. II, st. 403), after that in the annals (vol. II, st. 404) the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross is mentioned (14 September). He left Kyiv in the winter of 6658 (1150/1) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 330, vol. II, st. 416).
  34. Sat on the throne in March or early April 6658 (1151) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 330, vol. II, st. 416). Died the 13th of November 1154 years (PSRL, vol. I, st. 341-342, vol. IX, p. 198) (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle on the night of November 14, according to the Novgorod First Chronicle - November 14 (PSRL, vol. II, st. 469 ; vol. III, p. 29).
  35. As the eldest of the sons of Vladimir Monomakh, he had the greatest rights to the Kiev table. He sat down in Kiev with his nephew in the spring of 6659 (1151), probably in April (PSRL, vol. I, st. 336, vol. II, st. 418) (or already in the winter of 6658 (PSRL, vol. IX, p. 186. He died at the end of 6662, shortly after the beginning of the reign of Rostislav (PSRL, vol. I, st. 342, vol. II, st. 472).
  36. He sat on the throne in 6662 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 342, vol. II, st. 470-471). Like his predecessor, he recognized Vyacheslav Vladimirovich as his senior co-ruler. According to the Novgorod First Chronicle, he arrived in Kyiv from Novgorod and sat for a week (PSRL, vol. III, p. 29). Defeated in battle and left Kyiv (PSRL, vol. I, st. 343, vol. II, st. 475).
  37. He sat on the throne in the winter of 6662 (1154/5) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 344, vol. II, st. 476). Yielded power to Yuri (PSRL, vol. II, st. 477).
  38. Sat on the throne in the spring of 6663 according to the Ipatiev Chronicle (at the end of winter 6662 according to the Laurentian Chronicle) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 345, vol. II, st. 477) on Palm Sunday (that is, 20th of March) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 29, see Karamzin N. M. History of the Russian State. T. II-III. M., 1991. - P. 164). Died May 15 1157 (March 6665 according to the Laurentian Chronicle, Ultramart 6666 according to the Ipatiev Chronicle) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 348, vol. II, st. 489).
  39. Sat on the throne May 19 1157 (Ultra-March 6666, so in the Khlebnikov list of the Ipatiev Chronicle, in its Ipatiev list it is erroneous on May 15) of the year (PSRL, vol. II, st. 490). In the Nikon Chronicle on May 18 (PSRL, vol. IX, p. 208). Exiled from Kyiv in the winter of March 6666 (1158/9) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 348). According to the Ipatiev Chronicle, he was expelled at the end of the Ultramart year 6667 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 502).
  40. Village in Kyiv December 22 6667 (1158) according to the Ipatiev and Resurrection Chronicles (PSRL, vol. II, st. 502, vol. VII, p. 70), in the winter of 6666 according to the Laurentian Chronicle, according to the Nikon Chronicle on August 22, 6666 (PSRL, vol. IX , p. 213), having expelled Izyaslav from there, but then in the spring of the following year he ceded it to Rostislav Mstislavich (PSRL, vol. I, st. 348).
  41. Village in Kyiv 12th of April 1159 (Ultramart 6668 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 504, date in the Ipatiev Chronicle), in the spring of March 6667 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 348). He left the besieged Kiev on February 8, ultramart 6669 (1161) (PSRL, vol. II, st. 515).
  42. Sat on the throne 12th of February 1161 (Ultramart 6669) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 516) In the Sofia First Chronicle - in the winter of March 6668 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 232). Killed in action March, 6 1161 (ultramart 6670) (PSRL, vol. II, st. 518).
  43. He again ascended the throne after the death of Izyaslav. Died March 14th 1167 (according to the Ipatiev and Resurrection chronicles, died on March 14, 6676 of the ultramart year, buried on March 21, according to the Laurentian and Nikon chronicles, died on March 21, 6675) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 353, vol. II, stb. 532 , vol. VII, p. 80, vol. IX, p. 233).
  44. By right of seniority, he was the main contender for the throne after the death of his brother Rostislav. According to the Laurentian Chronicle, he was expelled from Kyiv by Mstislav Izyaslavich in 6676 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 353-354). In the Sofia First Chronicle, the same message is placed twice: under 6674 and 6676 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 234, 236). This story is also told by Jan Dlugosz ( Shchaveleva N. I. Ancient Rus' in "Polish History" by Jan Dlugosh. M., 2004. - S.326). The Ipatiev Chronicle does not mention his reign at all, instead it says that Mstislav Izyaslavich, before his arrival, ordered Vasilko Yaropolchich to sit in Kiev (according to the literal meaning of the message, Vasilko was already in Kiev, but the chronicle does not directly speak about his entry into the city) , and the day before the arrival of Mstislav, Yaropolk Izyaslavich entered Kiev (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 532-533). Based on this report, some sources include Vasilko and Yaropolk among the princes of Kyiv.
  45. According to the Ipatiev Chronicle, he sat on the throne May 19 6677 (that is, in this case 1167) years. In the annals, the day is called Monday, but according to the calendar it is Friday, and therefore the date is sometimes corrected for May 15 ( Berezhkov N. G. Chronology of Russian annals. M., 1963. - S. 179). However, the confusion can be explained by the fact that, as the chronicle notes, Mstislav left Kyiv for several days (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 534-535, for the date and day of the week, see below). Pyatnov A. P. Kyiv and Kiev land in 1167-1169 // Ancient Rus. Questions of medieval studies/ №1 (11). March, 2003. - C. 17-18.). The united army moved to Kiev, according to the Laurentian Chronicle, in the winter of 6676 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 354), along Ipatievskaya and Nikonovskaya, in the winter of 6678 (PSRL, vol. II, st. 543, vol. IX, p. 237 ), according to Sophia First, in the winter of 6674 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 234), which corresponds to the winter of 1168/69. Kyiv was taken March 12, 1169, on Wednesday (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle, March 8, 6679, according to the Resurrection Chronicle, 6678, but the day of the week and the indication of the second week of fasting correspond exactly to March 12, 1169 (see. Berezhkov N. G. Chronology of Russian annals. M., 1963. - S.336.) (PSRL, vol. II, st. 545, vol. VII, p. 84).
  46. Sat on the throne on March 12, 1169 (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle, 6679 (PSRL, vol. II, st. 545), according to the Laurentian Chronicle, in 6677 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 355).
  47. Sat on the throne in 1170 (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle in 6680), in February (PSRL, vol. II, st. 548). He left Kyiv the same year on Monday, the second week after Easter (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 549).
  48. He sat down again in Kyiv after the expulsion of Mstislav. He died, according to the Laurentian Chronicle, in the ultra-March year 6680 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 363). Died January 20th 1171 (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle, this is 6681, and the designation of this year in the Ipatiev Chronicle exceeds the March account by three units) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 564).
  49. Sat on the throne February, 15 1171 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle it is 6681) (PSRL, vol. II, st. 566). Died on Monday of Russian week May 10 1171 (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle, this is 6682, but the correct date is determined by the day of the week) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 567).
  50. His reign in Kyiv is reported in the Novgorod First Chronicle under the year 6680 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 34). After a short time, having no support from Andrei Bogolyubsky, he gave way to Roman Rostislavich ( Pyatnov A.V. Mikhalko Yurievich // BRE. T.20. - M., 2012. - P. 500).
  51. Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered him to sit on the throne in Kiev in the winter of the Ultra-March 6680 (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle - in the winter of 6681) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 364, vol. II, st. 566). He sat on the throne in the “month of July that came” in 1171 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle this is 6682, according to the Novgorod First Chronicle - 6679) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 568, vol. III, p. 34) Later, Andrei ordered Roman to leave Kiev, and he went to Smolensk (PSRL, vol. II, st. 570).
  52. Mikhalko Yuryevich, whom Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered to take the Kiev table after Roman, sent his brother to Kyiv instead of himself. Sat on the throne 5 weeks(PSRL, vol. II, stb. 570). In the ultra-March year 6682 (both in the Ipatiev and Laurentian chronicles). Together with his nephew Yaropolk, he was taken prisoner by Davyd and Rurik Rostislavich to the praise of the Holy Mother of God - March 24(PSRL, vol. I, st. 365, vol. II, st. 570).
  53. Was in Kyiv together with Vsevolod (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 570)
  54. Sat on the throne after the capture of Vsevolod in 1173 (6682 ultramart year) (PSRL, vol. II, st. 571). When Andrei sent an army to the south in the same year, Rurik left Kyiv in early September (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 575).
  55. In November 1173 (Ultramart 6682) he sat on the throne by agreement with the Rostislavichs (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 578). He reigned in the Ultramart year 6683 (according to the Laurentian Chronicle), defeated by Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich (PSRL, vol. I, st. 366). According to the Ipatiev Chronicle, in the winter of 6682 (PSRL, vol. II, st. 578). In the Resurrection Chronicle, his reign is mentioned again under the year 6689 (PSRL, vol. VII, pp. 96, 234).
  56. Sat in Kyiv 12 days in January 1174 or at the end of December 1173 and returned to Chernigov (PSRL, vol. I, st. 366, vol. VI, issue 1, st. 240) (In the Resurrection Chronicle under 6680 (PSRL, vol. VII, p. .234)
  57. He sat down again in Kyiv, having concluded an agreement with Svyatoslav, in the winter of Ultramart 6682 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 579). Kyiv ceded to Roman in 1174 (ultramart 6683) (PSRL, vol. II, st. 600).
  58. Sat in Kyiv in 1174 (Ultramart 6683) (PSRL, vol. II, st. 600, vol. III, p. 34). In 1176 (Ultramart 6685) he left Kyiv (PSRL, vol. II, st. 604).
  59. He entered Kyiv in 1176 (ultramart 6685), on Ilyin's day ( July 20) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 604). In July, he left Kyiv due to the approach of the troops of Roman Rostislavich with his brothers, but as a result of negotiations, the Rostislavichs agreed to cede Kyiv to him. He returned to Kyiv in September (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 604-605). In 6688 (1180) he left Kyiv (PSRL, vol. II, st. 616).
  60. Sat on the throne in 6688 (1180) (PSRL, vol. II, st. 616). But a year later he left the city (PSRL, vol. II, st. 621). In the same year, he made peace with Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, according to which he recognized his seniority and ceded Kiev to him, and in return received the rest of the territory of the Kiev principality (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 626).
  61. Sat on the throne in 6688 (1181) (PSRL, vol. II, st. 621). He died in 1194 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle in March 6702, according to the Laurentian Chronicle in Ultra March 6703) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 412), in July, on the Monday before the day of the Maccabees (PSRL, vol. II, st. 680) . His co-ruler was Rurik Rostislavich, who owned the Principality of Kyiv (PSRL, vol. II, st. 626). In historiography, their joint reign received the designation "duumvirate", however, Rurik is not included in the lists of Kiev princes, since he did not sit on the Kiev table (unlike the similar duumvirate of the Mstislavichs with Vyacheslav Vladimirovich in the 1150s).
  62. He sat on the throne after the death of Svyatoslav in 1194 (March 6702, Ultra March 6703) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 412, vol. II, st. 681). Expelled from Kyiv by Roman Mstislavich in the Ultra-March 6710. During the negotiations, Roman was in Kyiv at the same time as Rurik (he occupied Podol, and Rurik remained on Gor). (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 417)
  63. Sat on the throne in 1201 (according to the Lavrentiev and Resurrection chronicles in the ultra-March 6710, according to the Trinity and Nikon chronicles in March 6709) by the will of Roman Mstislavich and Vsevolod Yuryevich (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 418; vol. VII, p. 107 ; v. X, p. 34; Trinity Chronicle, p. 284).
  64. Took Kyiv 2 January 1203(6711 ultramart) year (PSRL, vol. I, st. 418). In the Novgorod First Chronicle on January 1, 6711 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 45), in the Novgorod Fourth Chronicle on January 2, 6711 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 180), in the Trinity and Resurrection Chronicles on January 2, 6710 ( Trinity Chronicle, p.285; PSRL, vol. VII, p. 107). In February 1203 (6711), Roman opposed Rurik and besieged him in Ovruch. In connection with this circumstance, some historians are of the opinion that after the sack of Kyiv, Rurik left the city without becoming a prince in it ( Grushevsky M.S. Essay on the history of the Kyiv land from the death of Yaroslav to the end of the XIV century. K., 1891. - S. 265). As a result, Roman made peace with Rurik, and then Vsevolod confirmed the rule of Rurik in Kyiv (PSRL, vol. I, st. 419). After a quarrel that took place in Trepol at the end of a joint campaign against the Polovtsians, Roman captured Rurik and sent him to Kyiv, accompanied by his boyar Vyacheslav. Upon arrival in the capital, Rurik was forcibly tonsured a monk. This happened in the “fierce winter” in 6713 according to the Laurentian Chronicle (PSRL, vol. I, st. 420, in the Novgorod first junior edition and the Trinity Chronicles, the winter of 6711 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 240; Trinity Chronicle. From .286), in the Sofia First Chronicle 6712 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, st. 260). The fact that Rurik was escorted by Vyacheslav is reported in the Novgorod First Chronicle of the Younger Edition (PSRL, vol. III, p. .240; Gorovenko A.V. Sword of Roman Galitsky. Prince Roman Mstislavich in history, epic and legends. M., 2014. - S. 148). In the list of Kyiv princes compiled by L. Makhnovets, Roman is indicated as a prince for two weeks in 1204 ( Makhnovets L. E. Great Princes of Kiev // Chronicle Russian / Under the Ipatsky list. - K., 1989. - P. 522), in the list compiled by A. Poppe - in 1204-1205 ( Podskalski G. Christianity and theological literature in Kievan Rus (988 - 1237). SPb., 1996. - S. 474), but the annals do not say that he was in Kyiv. There is a message about this only in the so-called Izvestiya  Tatishchev. Nevertheless, from 1201 to 1205, Roman actually put his henchmen on the Kiev table (unlike Andrei Bogolyubsky in a similar situation 30 years ago, he personally came to the Kiev principality for this). The actual status of Roman is reflected in the Ipatiev Chronicle, where he is included in the list of Kyiv princes (between Rurik and Mstislav Romanovich) (PSRL. T.II, stb. 2) and named prince "All Rus'"- such a definition was applied only to the Kyiv princes (PSRL. T.II, stb.715).
  65. He was placed on the throne by agreement of Roman and Vsevolod after Rurik was tonsured in winter (that is, at the beginning of 1204) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 421, vol. X, p. 36). Shortly after the death of Roman Mstislavich ( June 19 1205) ceded Kyiv to his father.
  66. He was cut short after the death of Roman Mstislavich, which followed on June 19, 1205 (Ultramart 6714) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 426) In the Sofia First Chronicle under 6712 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, st. 260), in Trinity and Nikon Chronicles under 6713 (Trinity Chronicle. S. 292; PSRL, vol. X, p. 50) and again sat on the throne. After an unsuccessful campaign against Galich in March 6714, he retired to Ovruch (PSRL, vol. I, st. 427). According to the Laurentian Chronicle, he sat down in Kyiv (PSRL, vol. I, st. 428). In 1207 (March 6715) he again fled to Ovruch (PSRL, vol. I, st. 429). It is believed that the messages under 1206 and 1207 duplicate each other (see also PSRL, vol. VII, p. 235: interpretation in the Resurrection Chronicle as two principalities)
  67. He sat down in Kyiv in March 6714 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 427), around August. The date 1206 is specified in synchronism with the campaign against Galich. According to the Laurentian Chronicle, in the same year he was expelled by Rurik (PSRL, vol. I, st. 428).
  68. He sat down in Kyiv, expelling Vsevolod from there (PSRL, vol. I, st. 428). He left Kyiv the following year when Vsevolod's troops approached (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 429). The reports in the annals under 1206 and 1207 may duplicate each other.
  69. He sat down in Kyiv in the spring of 6715 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 429), in the autumn of the same year he was again expelled by Rurik (PSRL, vol. I, st. 433).
  70. He sat down in Kyiv in the autumn of 1207, around October (Trinity Chronicle. S. 293, 297; PSRL, vol. X, pp. 52, 59). In the Trinity and most of the lists of the Nikon Chronicle, duplicate messages are placed under the years 6714 and 6716. The exact date is set in sync with the Ryazan campaign of Vsevolod Yurievich. By agreement with Vsevolod, in 1210 (according to the Laurentian Chronicle 6718) he went to reign in Chernigov (PSRL, vol. I, st. 435) (according to the Nikon Chronicle - in 6719, PSRL, vol. X, p. 62, according to the Resurrection Chronicle - in 6717, PSRL, vol. VII, p. 235). However, in historiography there are doubts about this message, perhaps Rurik is confused with the Chernigov prince, who bore the same name. According to other sources (Typographic Chronicle, PSRL, vol. XXIV, p. 28 and Piskarevsky chronicler, PSRL, vol. XXXIV, p. 81), he died in Kyiv. ( Pyatnov A.P. Fight for Kiev table in 1210s. Controversial questions chronology // Ancient Rus. Questions of medieval studies. - 1/2002 (7)).
  71. He sat down in Kyiv either as a result of an exchange with Rurik for Chernigov (?), or after the death of Rurik (see previous note). Expelled from Kyiv by Mstislav Mstislavich in the summer 1214 year (in the Novgorod first and fourth chronicles, as well as Nikon's, this event is described under the year 6722 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 53; vol. IV, p. 185, vol. X, p. 67), in the Sofia First Chronicle clearly erroneous under the year 6703 and again under the year 6723 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, st. 250, 263), in the Tver Chronicle twice - under 6720 and 6722, in the Resurrection Chronicle under 6720 (PSRL, vol. VII , pp. 118, 235, vol. XV, st. 312, 314). chronicles Vsevolod is listed as a prince of Kiev under the year 6719 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 729), which in its chronology corresponds to 1214 ( Mayorov A.V. Galicia-Volyn Rus. St. Petersburg, 2001. P. 411). However, according to N. G. Berezhkov, based on a comparison of data from the Novgorod chronicles with the Livonian chronicles, this 1212 year.
  72. His short reign after the expulsion of Vsevolod is mentioned in the Resurrection Chronicle (PSRL, vol. VII, pp. 118, 235).
  73. His allies set out from Novgorod June 8(Novgorod First Chronicle, PSRL, vol. III, p. 32) He sat on the throne after the expulsion of Vsevolod (in the Novgorod First Chronicle under 6722). Killed in 1223, in the tenth year of his reign (PSRL, vol. I, st. 503), after the battle on Kalka, which took place May 30 6731 (1223) years (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 447). In the Ipatiev Chronicle 6732, in the Novgorod First May 31 6732 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 63), in Nikonovskaya June 16 6733 years) (PSRL, vol. X, p. 92), in the introductory part of the Resurrection Chronicle 6733 (PSRL, vol. VII, p. 235), but in the main part of the Resurrection on June 16, 6731 (PSRL, vol. VII, p. 132). Killed 2 June 1223 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 508) There is no number in the annals, but it is indicated that after the battle on Kalka, Prince Mstislav defended himself for another three days. Date accuracy 1223 for the Battle of Kalka is established by comparison with a number of foreign sources.
  74. According to the Novgorod First Chronicle, he sat in Kyiv in 1218 (Ultra-March 6727) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 59, vol. IV, p. 199; vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 275), which may indicate his co-rulership. Sat on the throne after the death of Mstislav (PSRL, vol. I, st. 509) June 16 1223 (ultramart 6732) (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, st. 282, vol. XV, st. 343). Having been defeated in the battle  under Torche on the feast of the Ascension ( May 17), was captured by the Polovtsians when they took Kyiv (at the end of May or at the beginning of June) 6743 (1235) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 74). According to the Sofia First and Moscow Academic Chronicles, he reigned for 10 years, but the date in them is the same - 6743 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 513; vol. VI, issue 1, st. 287).
  75. In the early chronicles (Ipatiev and Novgorod I) without a patronymic (PSRL, vol. II, st. 772, vol. III, p. 74), it is not mentioned at all in Lavrentievskaya. Izyaslav Mstislavich in the Novgorod Fourth, Sofia First (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 214; vol. VI, issue 1, st. 287) and the Moscow Academic Chronicle, in the Tver Chronicle he is called the son of Mstislav Romanovich the Brave, and in Nikonovskaya and Voskresenskaya - the grandson of Roman Rostislavich (PSRL, vol. VII, pp. 138, 236; vol. X, p. 104; XV, st. 364), but there was no such prince (in Voskresenskaya he was named the son of Mstislav Romanovich of Kiev). In historiography it is sometimes referred to as "Izyaslav IV". According to modern scientists, this is either Izyaslav Vladimirovich, the son of Vladimir Igorevich (this opinion is widespread since N.M. Karamzin, a prince with that name is mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle), or the son of Mstislav Udatny (analysis of this issue: Gorsky A. A. Russian lands in the XIII-XIV centuries: ways of political development. M., 1996. - S.14-17. Mayorov A.V. Galicia-Volyn Rus. St. Petersburg, 2001. - S.542-544). Sat on the throne in 6743 (1235) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 513, vol. III, p. 74) (according to Nikonovskaya in 6744). In the Ipatiev Chronicle it is mentioned under the year 6741. At the end of the same year, Vladimir Rurikovich was released from the Polovtsian captivity and immediately regained Kyiv.
  76. Freed from the Polovtsian captivity, he sent help to Daniil Romanovich against the Galicians and Bolokhovites in the spring of 1236. According to the Ipatiev Chronicle in (6744) (PSRL, vol. II, st. 777), Kyiv was ceded to Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. In the Novgorod First Chronicle, his reign is not mentioned again.
  77. Sat on the throne in 6744 (1236) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 513, vol. III, p. 74, vol. IV, p. 214). In Ipatievskaya under the year 6743 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 777). In 1238 he went to Vladimir. The exact month is not indicated in the annals, but it is obvious that this happened shortly or soon after the battle na r. City ( 10th of March), in which the elder brother of Yaroslav, the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri, died. (PSRL, vol. X, p. 113). (On the chronology of the reign of Yaroslav in Kyiv, see. Gorsky A. A. Problems studying “Words about death Russian land  To 750 - anniversary from time of writing // Proceedings Department Old Russian literature” 1990. T. 43).
  78. A short list of princes at the beginning of the Ipatiev Chronicle places him after Yaroslav (PSRL, vol. II, st. 2), but this may be a mistake. There is also a mention in the late Gustyn Chronicle, but it most likely simply started from the list here (PSRL, vol. 40, p. 118). Accept this reign M. B. Sverdlov ( Sverdlov M. B. Domongolian Rus. SPb, 2002. - S. 653) and L. E. Makhnovets ( Makhnovets L. E. Great Princes of Kiev // Chronicle Russian / Under the Ipatsky List. - K., 1989. - S. 522).
  79. He occupied Kiev in 1238 after Yaroslav (PSRL, vol. II, st. 777, vol. VII, p. 236; vol. X, p. 114). On March 3, 1239, he received Tatar ambassadors in Kyiv, and continued to stay in the capital at least until the siege of Chernigov (c. October 18). When the Tatars approached Kyiv, he left for Hungary (PSRL, vol. II, st. 782). In the Ipatiev Chronicle under the year 6746, in Nikonovskaya under the year 6748 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 116).
  80. He occupied Kiev after the departure of Michael, expelled by Daniel (in the Ipatiev Chronicle under 6746, in the Novgorod Fourth and Sofia First under 6748) (PSRL, vol. II, st. 782, vol. IV, p. 226; VI, issue 1, stb. 301).
  81. Daniel, having occupied Kyiv in 6748, left the thousandth Dmitri in it (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 226, vol. X, p. 116). Dmitri led the city at the time of its capture by the Tatars (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 786). According to the Lavrentievskaya and most of the later chronicles, Kyiv was taken on St. Nicholas Day (that is, December 6) 6748 (1240 ) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, st. 470). According to the chronicles of Pskov origin (Annals of Abraham, Supraslskaya), in Monday 19 November. (PSRL, vol. XVI, st. 51). Cm. Stavisky V. I. On two dates storming Kyiv in 1240 according Russian chronicles // Proceedings Department Old Russian literature. 1990. T. 43
  82. He returned to Kyiv after the departure of the Tatars. Left Silesia after April 9 1241 (after the defeat of Henry by the Tatars in the Battle of Legnica, PSRL, vol. II, stb. 784). He lived near the city, “near Kiev on an island” (on the island of the Dnieper) (PSRL, vol. II, st. 789, PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, st. 319). Then he returned to Chernigov, but when this happened, the annals do not say.
  83. Over the years, the Russian princes received power with the sanction of the khans (in the Russian terminology of "kings") of the Golden Horde, who were recognized as the supreme rulers of the Russian lands.
  84. In 6751 (1243) Yaroslav arrived in the Horde and was recognized as the ruler of all Russian lands "old to all the prince in the Russian language"(PSRL, vol. I, stb. 470). Sat in Vladimir. The moment when he took possession of Kiev is not indicated in the annals. It is known that in 1246 his boyar Dmitri Eykovich was sitting in the city (PSRL, vol. II, st. 806, in the Ipatiev Chronicle it is indicated under 6758 (1250) in connection with a trip to the Horde of Daniil Romanovich, the correct date is established by synchronization with Polish sources Starting with N. M. Karamzin, most historians proceed from the obvious assumption that Yaroslav received Kiev under the khan's label. September 30th 1246 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 471).
  85. After the death of his father, together with his brother Andrei, he went to the Horde, and from there to the capital of the Mongol Empire - Karakorum, where in 6757 (1249) Andrei received Vladimir, and Alexander - Kyiv and Novgorod. Modern historians differ in their assessment of which of the brothers belonged to the formal seniority. Alexander did not live in Kyiv itself. Before Andrei was expelled in 6760 (1252), he ruled in Novgorod, then Vladimir received in the Horde and sat in it. Died November 14
  86. Received Vladimir as a parish in 1140s years. He sat in Rostov and Suzdal in 1157 (March 6665 in the Laurentian Chronicle, Ultramart 6666 in the Ipatiev Chronicle) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 348, vol. II, stb. 490). The exact date is not given in early chronicles. According to the Moscow Academic Chronicle and the Chronicler of Pereyaslavl of Suzdal - June 4(PSRL, vol. 41, p. 88), in the Radziwill Chronicle - 4th of July(PSRL, vol. 38, p. 129). Vladimir left his residence, making it the capital of the principality. Killed in the evening June 29, on the feast of Peter and Paul (in the Laurentian Chronicle, the ultra-March year 6683) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 369) According to the Ipatiev Chronicle June 28, on the eve of the feast of Peter and Paul (PSRL, vol. II, st. 580), according to the Sofia First Chronicle on June 29, 6683 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, st. 238).
  87. He sat down in Vladimir in the ultramart year 6683, but after 7 weeks the siege retired (that is, around September) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 373, vol. II, st. 596).
  88. Sat in Vladimir (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 374, vol. II, stb. 597) in 1174 (ultramart 6683). June 15 1175 (Ultra-March 6684) defeated and fled (PSRL, vol. II, st. 601).
  89. Village in Vladimir June 15 1175 (ultramart 6684) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 377). (In the Nikon Chronicle June 16, but the error is set by the day of the week (PSRL, vol. IX, p. 255). Died June 20 1176 (ultramart 6685) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 379, vol. IV, p. 167).
  90. He sat on the throne in Vladimir after the death of his brother in June 1176 (Ultra-March 6685) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 380). He died, according to the Laurentian Chronicle, April 13 6720 (1212), in memory of St. Martin (PSRL, vol. I, st. 436) In the Tver and Resurrection Chronicles April 15 in memory of the Apostle Aristarchus, on Sunday (PSRL, vol. VII, p. 117; vol. XV, stb. 311), in the Nikon Chronicle 14th of April in memory of St. Martin, on Sunday (PSRL, vol. X, p. 64), in the Trinity Chronicle April 18th 6721, in memory of St. Martin (Trinity Chronicle, p.299). In 1212 April 15 is Sunday.
  91. Sat on the throne after the death of his father in accordance with his will (PSRL, vol. X, p. 63). April 27 On Wednesday, 1216, he left the city, leaving it to his brother (PSRL, vol. I, st. 440, the number is not directly indicated in the annals, but this is the next Wednesday after April 21, which was Thursday).
  92. Sat on the throne in 1216 (ultramart 6725) year (PSRL, vol. I, st. 440). Died February 2 1218 (Ultra-March 6726, so in the Lavrentiev and Nikon Chronicles) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 442, vol. X, p. 80) In the Tver and Trinity Chronicles 6727 (PSRL, vol. XV, st. 329 ; Trinity Chronicle. S.304).
  93. Sat on the throne after the death of his brother. Killed in battle with Tatars March 4 1238 (in the Laurentian Chronicle still under the year 6745, in the Moscow Academic Chronicle under 6746) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 465).
  94. Sat on the throne after the death of his brother in 1238 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 467). Died September 30th 1246 (PSRL, vol. I, st. 471)
  95. He sat on the throne in 6755 (1247), when the news of the death of Yaroslav came (PSRL, vol. I, st. 471, vol. X, p. 134). According to the Moscow Academic Chronicle, he sat on the throne in 1246 after a trip to the Horde (PSRL, vol. I, st. 523), according to the Novgorod Fourth Chronicle, he sat down in 6755 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 229). Exiled early in 1248 by Michael. According to the Rogozhsky chronicler, he sat on the throne for the second time after the death of Mikhail (1249), but Andrei Yaroslavich drove him away (PSRL, vol. XV, issue 1, stb. 31). This message is not found in other chronicles.
  96. He expelled Svyatoslav in 6756 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 229). He died in battle with the Lithuanians in the winter of 6756 (1248/1249) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 471). According to the Novgorod fourth chronicle - in 6757 (PSRL, vol. IV, st. 230). The exact month is unknown.
  97. Sat on the throne in the winter of 6757 (1249/50) (in december), having received the reign from the khan (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 472), the ratio of the news in the annals shows that he returned in any case earlier than December 27. Fled from Rus' during the Tatar invasion in 6760 ( 1252 ) year (PSRL, vol. I, st. 473), having been defeated in the battle on the day of St. Boris ( July 24) (PSRL, vol. VII, p. 159). According to the Novgorod First Junior Edition and the Sofia First Chronicle, this was in 6759 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 304, vol. VI, issue 1, st. 327), according to the Easter tables of the middle of the XIV century (PSRL, vol. III, p. 578), Trinity, Novgorod fourth, Tver, Nikon chronicles - in 6760 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 230; vol. X, p. 138; vol. XV, stb. 396, Trinity Chronicle. P.324).
  98. In 6760 (1252) he received a great reign in the Horde and settled in Vladimir (PSRL, vol. I, st. 473) (according to the Novgorod Fourth Chronicle - in 6761 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 230). Died November 14 6771 (1263) years (PSRL, vol. I, st. 524, vol. III, p. 83).
  99. Sat on the throne in 6772 (1264) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 524; vol. IV, p. 234). In the Ukrainian Gustynsky Chronicle, he is also called the Prince of Kyiv, however, the reliability of this news is questionable due to the late origin of the source (PSRL, vol. 40, pp. 123, 124). He died in the winter of 1271/72 (Ultra-March 6780 in the Easter tables (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579), in the Novgorod First and Sofia First Chronicles, March 6779 in the Tver and Trinity Chronicles) year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 89 , vol. VI, issue 1, st. 353, vol. XV, st. 404; Trinity Chronicle, p.331). A comparison with the mention of the death of Princess Maria of Rostov on December 9 shows that Yaroslav died already at the beginning of 1272 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 525).
  100. Sat on the throne after the death of his brother in 6780. He died in the winter of 6784 (1276/77) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 323), in January(Trinity Chronicle, p.333).
  101. He sat on the throne in 6784 (1276/77) after the death of his uncle (PSRL, vol. X, p. 153; vol. XV, st. 405). There is no mention of a trip to the Horde this year.
  102. He received a great reign in the Horde in 1281 (Ultramart 6790 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 324, vol. VI, issue 1, st. 357), in the winter of 6789, having come to Russia in December (Trinity Chronicle. P. 338 ; PSRL, vol. X, p. 159) reconciled with his brother in 1283 (ultramart 6792 or March 6791 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 326, vol. IV, p. 245; vol. VI, no. 1, Stb. 359; Trinity Chronicle, p. 340. Such dating of events is accepted by N. M. Karamzin, N. G. Berezhkov and A. A. Gorsky, V. L. Yanin suggests dating: winter 1283-1285 ( see analysis: Gorsky A. A. Moscow and the Horde. M., 2003. - S. 15-16).
  103. He came from the Horde in 1283, having received a great reign from Nogai. Lost it in 1293.
  104. He received a great reign in the Horde in 6801 (1293) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 327, vol. VI, issue 1, st. 362), returned to Rus' in winter (Trinity Chronicle, p. 345). Died July 27 6812 (1304) years (PSRL, vol. III, p. 92; vol. VI, issue 1, st. 367, vol. VII, p. 184) (In the Novgorod Fourth and Nikon Chronicles on June 22 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 252, vol. X, p. 175), in the Trinity Chronicle, the ultra-March year 6813 (Trinity Chronicle, p. 351).
  105. He received a great reign in 1305 (March 6813, in the Trinity Chronicle ultra-March 6814) (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, st. 368, vol. VII, p. 184). (According to the Nikon Chronicle - in 6812 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 176), returned to Rus' in the fall (Trinity Chronicle, p. 352). Executed in the Horde November 22 1318 (in the Sofia First and Nikon Chronicles of Ultramart 6827, in the Novgorod Fourth and Tver Chronicles of March 6826) on Wednesday (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 257; vol. VI, issue 1, st. 391, vol. X, p. 185). The year is set by the day of the week.
  106. He left the Horde with the Tatars in the summer of 1317 (Ultramart 6826, in the Novgorod Fourth Chronicle and the Rogozh Chronicle March 6825) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 95; vol. IV, stb. 257), having received a great reign (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, line 374, vol. XV, issue 1, line 37). Killed by Dmitry Tversky in the Horde. (Trinity Chronicle. S.357; PSRL, vol. X, p. 189) 6833 (1325) years (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 260; VI, issue 1, st. 398).
  107. He received a great reign in 6830 (1322) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 96, vol. VI, issue 1, st. 396). He arrived in Vladimir in the winter of 6830 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 259; Trinity Chronicle, p. 357) or in autumn (PSRL, vol. XV, st. 414). According to Easter tables, he sat down in 6831 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579). Executed September 15th 6834 (1326) (PSRL, vol. XV, issue 1, st. 42, vol. XV, st. 415).
  108. He received a great reign in the autumn of 6834 (1326) (PSRL, vol. X, p. 190; vol. XV, issue 1, st. 42). When the Tatar army moved to Tver in the winter of 1327/8, he fled to Pskov, and then to Lithuania.
  109. In 1328, Khan Uzbek divided the great reign, giving Vladimir and the Volga region to Alexander (PSRL, vol. III, p. 469, this fact is not mentioned in the Moscow chronicles). According to the Sofia First, Novgorod Fourth and Resurrection Chronicles, he died in 6840 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 265; vol. VI, issue 1, st. 406, vol. VII, p. 203), according to the Tver Chronicle - in 6839 (PSRL, vol. XV, st. 417), in the Rogozhsky chronicler his death was noted twice - under 6839 and 6841 (PSRL, vol. XV, issue 1, st. 46), according to the Trinity and Nikon chronicles - in 6841 (Trinity Chronicle, p. 361; PSRL, vol. X, p. 206). According to the introduction to the Novgorod First Chronicle of the junior edition, he reigned for 3 or 2 and a half years (PSRL, vol. III, pp. 467, 469). A. A. Gorsky accepts the dating of his death as 1331 ( Gorsky A. A. Moscow and the Horde. M., 2003. - P. 62).
  110. He sat down on the great reign in 6836 (1328) (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 262; vol. VI, issue 1, st. 401, vol. X, p. 195). Formally, he was a co-ruler of Alexander of Suzdal (without occupying the Vladimir table), but he acted independently. After the death of Alexander, he went to the Horde in 6839 (1331) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 344) and received all the great reign (PSRL, vol. III, p. 469). Died March 31 1340 (Ultra-March 6849 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 270; vol. VI, issue 1, st. 412, vol. VII, p. 206), according to Easter tables, the Trinity Chronicle and the Rogozhsky chronicler in 6848 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579; vol. XV, issue 1, st. 52; Trinity Chronicle, p. 364).
  111. Received a great reign in the fall of Ultramart 6849 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb.). Sat in Vladimir on October 1, 1340 (Trinity Chronicle, p.364). Died 26 April ultramart 6862 (in Nikonovskaya March 6861) (PSRL, vol. X, p. 226; vol. XV, issue 1, stb. 62; Trinity Chronicle, p. 373). (In the Novgorod Fourth, his death is reported twice - under the years 6860 and 6861 (PSRL, vol. IV, pp. 280, 286), according to Voskresenskaya - April 27, 6861 (PSRL, vol. VII, p. 217)
  112. He received a great reign in the winter of 6861, after Baptism. Village in Vladimir March 25 6862 (1354) years (Trinity Chronicle. S. 374; PSRL, vol. X, p. 227). Died the 13th of November 6867 (1359) (PSRL, vol. VIII, p. 10; vol. XV, issue 1, stb. 68).
  113. Khan Navruz in the winter of 6867 (that is, at the beginning of 1360) gave the great reign to Andrei Konstantinovich, and he ceded to his brother Dmitry (PSRL, vol. XV, issue 1, stb. 68). Came to Vladimir 22nd of June(PSRL, vol. XV, issue 1, st. 69; Trinity Chronicle. S.377) 6868 (1360) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 366, vol. VI, issue 1, st. 433) . When the Moscow troops approached, Vladimir left.
  114. He received a great reign in 6870 (1362) (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 290; vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 434). Sat in Vladimir in 6870 before Epiphany (i.e. early January 1363 year) (PSRL, vol. XV, issue 1, st. 73; Trinity Chronicle. P. 378).
  115. Having received a new label from the khan, he sat in Vladimir in 6871 (1363), reigned 1 week and was driven away by Dmitry (PSRL, vol. X, p. 12; vol. XV, issue 1, st. 74; Trinity Chronicle, p. 379). According to Nikonovskaya - 12 days (PSRL, vol. XI, p. 2).
  116. Sat in Vladimir in 6871 (1363). After that, the label for the great reign was received by Dmitry Konstantinovich Suzdalsky in the winter of 1364/1365 (refused in favor of Dmitry) and Mikhail Alexandrovich of Tverskoy in 1370, again in 1371 (in the same year the label was returned to Dmitry) and in 1375, but there were no real consequences. had. Dmitry died May 19 6897 (1389) on Wednesday at the second hour of the night (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 358; vol. VI, issue 1, st. 501; Trinity Chronicle. S. 434) (in the Novgorod first junior edition on May 9 ( PSRL, vol. III, p. 383), in the Tver Chronicle on May 25 (PSRL, vol. XV, stb. 444).
  117. He received a great reign according to the will of his father. Village in Vladimir August 15 6897 (1389) (PSRL, vol. XV, issue 1, st. 157; Trinity Chronicle, p. 434) According to the Novgorod Fourth and Sofia First in 6898 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 367; vol. VI , issue 1, page 508). Died February 27 1425 (September 6933) on Tuesday at three o'clock in the morning (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 2, st. 51, vol. XII, p. 1) in March 6932 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 415) , in a number of manuscripts of the Nikon Chronicle erroneously February 7).
  118. Presumably, Daniel received the principality after the death of his father, Alexander Nevsky (1263), at the age of 2 years. The first seven years from 1264 to 1271 he was raised by his uncle, the Grand Duke of Vladimir and Tver Yaroslav Yaroslavich, whose governors at that time ruled Moscow (PSRL, vol. 15, st. 474). The first mention of Daniel as a Moscow prince dates back to 1282, but, probably, his reign still happened earlier. (cm. Kuchkin V. A. The first Moscow prince Daniil Aleksandrovich // Patriotic history. No. 1, 1995). Died 5th of March 1303 on Tuesday (Ultra-March 6712) (PSRL, vol. I, st. 486; Trinity Chronicle, p. 351). In the Nikon Chronicle on March 4, 6811 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 174), the day of the week indicates March 5.
  119. Killed November 21(Trinity Chronicle. S.357; PSRL, vol. X, p. 189) 6833 (1325) years (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 260; VI, issue 1, st. 398).
  120. See above.
  121. He sat on the throne immediately after the death of his father, but brother Yuri Dmitrievich challenged his rights to power (PSRL, vol. VIII, p. 92; vol. XII, p. 1). Having received a label for a great reign, he sat on the throne in 69420 ( 1432 ) year. According to the Sofia second chronicle, October 5 6939, 10 indict, that is, in the fall of 1431 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 2, st. 64) (According to the Novgorod First in 6940 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 416), according to the Novgorod Fourth in 6941 year (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 433), according to the Nikon Chronicle in 6940 on Peter's Day (PSRL, vol. VIII, p. 96; vol. XII, p. 16). chronicles simply report that Vasily returned from the Horde to Moscow, but the Sophia First and Nikon Chronicles add that he sat down "at the Most Pure at the Golden Doors" (PSRL, vol. V, p. 264, PSRL, vol. XII, p. 16 ), which may indicate the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir (V. D. Nazarov defends the version of Vasily's enthronement in Vladimir. See Vasily II Vasilyevich // BRE. V.4. - P.629).
  122. He defeated Vasily on April 25, 6941 (1433) and occupied Moscow, but soon left it (PSRL, vol. VIII, pp. 97-98, vol. XII, p. 18).
  123. He returned to Moscow after the departure of Yuri, but was again defeated by him on Lazarus Saturday 6942 (that is, March 20, 1434) (PSRL, vol. XII, p. 19).
  124. Took Moscow on Wednesday during Bright Week 6942 (i.e. March 31 1434) of the year (PSRL, vol. XII, p. 20) (according to the Second Sophia - on Holy Week of 6942 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 2, stb. 66), but soon died (according to the Tver Chronicle on July 4 ( PSRL, vol. XV, st. 490), according to others - June 6 (note 276 to volume V of the "History of the Russian State", according to the Arkhangelsk Chronicle).
  125. He sat on the throne after the death of his father, but after a month of reigning he left the city (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 2, st. 67, vol. VIII, p. 99; vol. XII, p. 20).
  126. He again sat on the throne in 1442. He was defeated in the battle with the Tatars and was taken prisoner.
  127. Arrived in Moscow shortly after the capture of Vasily. Upon learning of the return of Vasily, he fled to Uglich. There are no direct indications of his great reign in the primary sources, but the conclusion about him is made by a number of authors. Cm. Zimin A. A. Vityaz at crossroads: Feudal war in Russia XV c. - M. : Thought, 1991. - 286 p. - ISBN 5-244-00518-9.).
  128. Entered Moscow on 26 October. Captured, blinded on February 16, 1446 (September 6954) (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 2, st. 113, vol. XII, p. 69).
  129. He occupied Moscow on February 12 at nine o'clock in the morning (that is, according to the modern account February 13 after midnight) of 1446 (PSRL, vol. VIII, p. 115; vol. XII, p. 67). The first of the Moscow princes used the title Sovereign of All Rus'. Moscow was taken in the absence of Shemyaka by supporters of Vasily Vasilyevich in the early morning of Christmas in September 6955 ( December 25 1446) (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 2, st. 120).
  130. At the end of December 1446, Muscovites again kissed the cross for him, he sat on the throne in Moscow on February 17, 1447 (September 6955) (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 2, st. 121, vol. XII, p. 73). Died March 27 6970 (1462) on Saturday at three in the morning (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 2, st. 158, vol. VIII, p. 150; vol. XII, p. 115) (According to the Stroevsky list of the Novgorod Fourth on April 4 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 445), according to the Dubrovsky list and according to the Tver Chronicle - March 28 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 493, vol. XV, st. 496), according to one of the lists of the Resurrection Chronicle - 26 March, according to one of the lists of the Nikon Chronicle on March 7 (according to N. M. Karamzin - March 17 on Saturday - note 371 to volume V of the "History of the Russian State", but the calculation of the day of the week is erroneous, right March 27).
  131. For the first time he was named Grand Duke in the agreement between Vasily II and Prince Ivan Vasilyevich of Suzdal, drawn up between December 15, 1448 and June 22, 1449. There is also an opinion that Prince Ivan was declared the Grand Duke during the election of Metropolitan Jonah on December 15, 1448 ( Zimin A. A. Knight at the crossroads). After the death of his father, he inherited the throne.
  132. The first sovereign ruler of Russia after the overthrow of the Horde yoke. Died 27th October 1505 (September 7014) at the first hour of the night from Monday to Tuesday (PSRL, vol. VIII, p. 245; vol. XII, p. 259) (According to Sophia Second on October 26 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 2, 374) According to the Academic list of the Novgorod Fourth Chronicle - October 27 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 468), according to Dubrovsky's list - October 28 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 535).
  133. From June 1471, in acts and annals, he began to be called the Grand Duke, becoming the heir and co-ruler of his father. He died on March 7, 1490 at eight o'clock in the morning (PSRL, vol. VI, p. 239).
  134. He was planted by Ivan III "to the great reign of Vladimir, Moscow, Novgorod and all Rus'" (PSRL, vol. VI, p. 242). For the first time, a crowning ceremony was held for the kingdom and for the first time the "hat of Monomakh" was used for the coronation. In 1502, Ivan III changed his mind, declaring his son Vasily his heir.
  135. He was crowned by Ivan III for a great reign (PSRL, vol. VIII, p. 242). After the death of his father, he inherited the throne.
  136. Sat on the throne in 1505. Died December 3, 7042 September, at twelve o'clock in the morning, from Wednesday to Thursday (that is, December 4 1533 before dawn) (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 563, vol. VIII, p. 285; vol. XIII, p. 76).
  137. Until 1538, Elena Glinskaya was the regent under the young Ivan. Died April 3 7046 (1538 ) year (PSRL, vol. VIII, p. 295; vol. XIII, pp. 98, 134).
  138. On January 16, 1547 he was crowned king. He died March 18, 1584 at about seven o'clock in the evening.
  139. Kasimov Khan, name before baptism Sain-Bulat. He was planted by Ivan the Terrible to the kingdom, with the title of "Sovereign Grand Duke Simeon of All Rus'", and the Terrible himself became known as the "Prince of Moscow". The time of reign is determined by the surviving charters. First mentioned in Ivan's petition on October 30, 7084 of September (i.e., in this case, 1575), the last time - in a letter issued by him to the Novgorod landowner T. I. Baranov on July 18, 7084 (1576) (Piskarevsky Chronicles, p. 81 -82 and 148. Koretsky V. I. Zemsky Sobor in 1575 and the appointment of Simeon Bekbulatovich “Grand Prince of All Rus'” // Historical Archive, No. 2. 1959). After 1576 he became the titular Grand Duke of Tver. Later, in the oaths taken to Boris Godunov and his son Fyodor, there was a separate clause providing for “not wanting” Simeon and his children to reign.
  140. Crowned the kingdom on May 31, 1584. He died on January 7, 1598 at one in the morning.
  141. After the death of Fedor, the boyars swore allegiance to his wife Irina and issued decrees on her behalf. Through eight days she went to a monastery, but in official documents she continued to be called the "empress queen and grand duchess."
  142. Elected by the Zemsky Sobor on February 17. He was married to the kingdom on September 1. He died on April 13 at about 3 p.m.
  143. He inherited the throne after the death of his father. As a result of the uprising of Muscovites, who recognized False Dmitry as tsar, he was arrested on June 1 and killed 10 days later.
  144. He entered Moscow on June 20, 1605. He married the kingdom on July 30. Killed on the morning of May 17, 1606. He pretended to be Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich. According to the conclusions of the government commission of Tsar Boris Godunov, supported by most researchers, the real name of the impostor is Grigory  (Yuri) Bogdanovich Otrepyev.
  145. Elected by the boyars, participants in the conspiracy against False Dmitry. He was married to the kingdom on June 1. He was overthrown by the boyars (formally deposed by the Zemsky Sobor) and forcibly tonsured a monk on July 17, 1610.
  146. In the period - after the overthrow of Tsar Vasily Shuisky, power in Moscow was in the hands of the (Boyar Duma), which created a provisional government of seven boyars ("seven boyars", in historiography the seven boyars). On August 17, 1611, this provisional government recognized the Polish-Lithuanian prince Vladislav Sigismundovich as tsar (see N. Marchotsky. History of the Moscow War. M.,   2000.)
  147. Headed the Boyar Duma. He negotiated with the Poles. After the liberation of Moscow from the interventionists, until the arrival of Mikhail Romanov, he formally accepted the incoming state documents as the oldest member of the Duma.
  148. The highest body of executive power in the territory liberated from interventionists. Established on June 30, 1611 by the Council of the whole land, functioned until the spring of 1613. Initially, it was headed by three leaders (leaders of the First Militia): D. T. Trubetskoy, I. M. Zarutsky and P. P. Lyapunov. Then Lyapunov was killed, and in August 1612 Zarutsky spoke out against the people's militia. In the spring of 1611, the Second Militia arose in Nizhny Novgorod under the leadership of K. Minin (elected zemstvo headman on September 1, 1611) and D. M. Pozharsky (arrived in Nizhny Novgorod on October 28, 1611). In the spring of 1612 he formed a new Zemsky government. The second militia organized the expulsion of the interventionists from Moscow and the convening of the Zemsky Sobor, which elected Mikhail Romanov as king. After the unification of the First and Second Militias at the end of September 1612 D.T. Trubetskoy formally became the head of the Zemstvo government.
  149. March 14, 1613 agreed to take the Russian throne. Elected by the Zemsky Sobor February 21 , July 11 crowned king in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. Died at 2 am July 13, 1645.
  150. Released from Polish captivity on June 1, 1619. Until the end of his life, he officially bore the title of "great sovereign."
  151. Crowning the kingdom on September 28, 1645. He died on January 29, 1676 at 9 pm.
  152. Crowning the kingdom June 18, 1676. Died April 27, 1682.
  153. After the death of Fedor, the Boyar Duma proclaimed Peter the Tsar, bypassing Ivan. However, as a result of the struggle of the court factions, it was decided to declare the brothers co-rulers, and on June 5, Ivan was proclaimed the "senior king." Joint wedding to the kingdom

The history of the Russian state is already much more than a millennium, and to be completely honest, even before the onset of awareness and the establishment of statehood, a colossal number of the most diverse tribes lived on vast territories. The final period of ten centuries, and a little more, can be called the most interesting, saturated with the most diverse personalities and rulers significant for the fate of the whole country. Yes, and the chronology of the rulers of Russia, from Rurik to Putin, is so long and confusing that it would not be bad to figure out in more detail how we managed to overcome this long journey in several centuries, who stood at the head of the people at every hour of his life and for what he be remembered by posterity, leaving for centuries its shame and glory, disappointment and pride. Be that as it may, they all left their mark, were worthy daughters and sons of their time, providing their descendants with a great future.

Main stages: rulers of Russia in chronological order, table

Not every Russian, no matter how sad it may be, is well versed in history, and he can hardly list the list of rulers of Russia in chronological order for at least the last hundred years. And for a historian, this is far from being such a simple task, especially if you also need to briefly talk about the contribution of each of them to the history of your native country. That is why historians decided to conditionally divide all this into main historical stages, linking them according to some specific feature, for example, according to the social system, foreign and domestic policy, and so on.

Russian rulers: chronology of stages of development

It is worth saying that the chronology of the rulers of Russia can tell a lot even to the person who does not have special abilities, and knowledge in historical terms. The historical, as well as personal characteristics of each of them largely depended on the conditions of the very era when they happened to lead the country in that particular period of time.

Among other things, over the entire historical period, not only the rulers of Rus' from Rurik to Putin (the table below will definitely be of interest to you) were replaced by one another, but the historical and political center of the country itself changed its place of deployment, and often this did not depend at all on from the people, who, however, did not suffer much from this. For example, until the forty-seventh year of the sixteenth century, the princes ruled the country, and only after that came the monarchization, which ended in November 1917 with the Great October Revolution very tragically.

Further more, and almost the entire twentieth century can be attributed to the stage of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and subsequently the formation of new, almost completely independent states on the territories previously belonging to Russia. Thus, all the rulers of Russia, from Rurik to Putin, will help to better understand which road we have been moving up to this point, point out the advantages and disadvantages, sort out priorities and clearly weed out historical mistakes so as not to repeat them again and again.

Russian rulers in chronological order: Novgorod and Kyiv - where did az come from

Historical materials, which have no reason to doubt, for this period, which begins in 862 and ends with the end of the reign of the Kyiv princes, are in fact quite scarce. However, they allow you to understand the chronology of the rulers of Russia at that time, although at that time such a state simply did not exist.


The chronicle of the twelfth century "The Tale of Bygone Years" makes it clear that in 862 the great warrior and strategist, famous for his enormous strength of mind, the Varangian Rurik, taking his brothers, went at the invitation of local tribes to reign in the capital city of Novgorod. In fact, it was then that a turning point in the history of Russia came, called the "calling of the Varangians", which ultimately helped to unite the Novgorod principalities with the Kyiv ones.

Varyag from the people of Rus Rurik succeeded Prince Gostomysl, and came to power in 862. He ruled until 872, then he died, leaving his young son Igor, who could not be his only offspring, in the care of a distant relative Oleg.

Since 872, regent Prophetic Oleg, left to look after Igor, decided not to limit himself to the Novgorod principality, captured Kyiv and moved his capital there. It was rumored that he did not die from an accidental snakebite in 882 or 912, but it is no longer possible to figure it out thoroughly.

After the death of the regent in 912, the son of Rurik came to power, Igor, which is the first of the Russian rulers, can be clearly seen both in Western and Byzantine sources. In the fall, Igor decided to collect tribute from the Drevlyans in a larger amount than it was supposed to, for which they treacherously killed him.

Prince Igor's wife Duchess Olga she ascended the throne after the death of her husband in 945, and managed to convert to Christianity even before the final decision on the baptism of Rus' was made.

Formally, after Igor, his son ascended the throne, Svyatoslav Igorevich. However, since at that time he was three years old, his mother Olga became regent, whom he successfully moved after 956, until he was killed by the Pechenegs in 972.

In 972, the eldest son of Svyatoslav and his wife Predslava came to power - Yaropolk Svyatoslavovich. However, he had to sit on the throne for only two years. Then he simply fell into the millstones of civil strife, was killed and ground into the "torment of time."

In 970, the son of Svyatoslav Igorevich ascended the throne of Novgorod from his own housekeeper Malusha, Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, who later received the nickname for the adoption of Christianity Great and Baptist. Eight years later, he ascended the throne of Kiev, seizing it, and also moving his capital there. It is he who is considered the prototype of that very epic character fanned over the centuries with glory and a certain mystical aura, Vladimir the Red Sun.

Grand Duke Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise sat on the Kiev throne in 1016, which he managed to capture under the guise of unrest, which arose after the death of his father Vladimir, and after him his brother Svyatopolk.

From 1054, the son of Yaroslav and his wife, the Swedish princess Ingigerda (Irina), named Izyaslav, began to rule in Kiev, until he died heroically in the midst of a battle against his own uncles in 1068. buried Izyaslav Yaroslavich in the iconic Hagia Sophia in Kyiv.

Starting from this period, that is, in 1068, some personalities ascended the throne who did not leave any serious trace in historical terms.

Grand Duke, by name Svyatopolk Izyaslavovich rose to the throne already in 1093 and ruled until 1113.

It was at this moment in 1113 that one of the greatest Russian princes of his time came to power. Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh who left the throne after only twelve years.

The next seven years, until 1132, the son of Monomakh sat on the throne, named Mstislav Vladimirovich.

Beginning in 1132, and again for exactly seven years, the throne was taken by Yaropolk Vladimirovich, also the son of the great Monomakh.

Fragmentation and civil strife in ancient Rus': the rulers of Russia in order and randomly

It must be said that the Russian rulers, whose chronology of leadership is offered to you for general education and increasing knowledge of their own historical basis, have always cared for the statehood and prosperity of their own peoples, one way or another. They consolidated their positions in the European arena as best they could, however, their calculation and aspirations were not always justified, but you can’t judge the ancestors too harshly, you can always find several weighty or not very arguments in favor of one or another decision.

In the period when Rus' was a deeply feudal land, fragmented into the smallest principalities, the faces on the throne of Kyiv were replaced at a catastrophic speed, without even having time to accomplish anything more or less significant. Around the middle of the thirteenth century, Kyiv generally fell into complete decline, leaving only a few names about that period in the memory of descendants.

Great Russian Rulers: Chronology of Vladimir Principality

The beginning of the twelfth century for Rus' was marked by the formation of late feudalism, the weakening of the principality of Kyiv, as well as the emergence of several other centers, from which strong pressure was observed from large feudal lords. The largest such centers were Galich and Vladimir. It is worth dwelling in more detail on the princes of that era, although they did not leave a significant mark in the history of modern Russia, and perhaps their role was simply not yet appreciated by their descendants.

Rulers of Russia: a list of the times of the Moscow principality

After it was decided to transfer the capital to Moscow from the former capital of Vladimir, the feudal fragmentation of the Russian lands began to slowly decline, and the main center, of course, began to gradually and unobtrusively increase its own political influence. Yes, and the rulers of that time became much more lucky, they managed to hold out on the throne longer than the miserable Vladimir princes.

Starting from the year 48 of the sixteenth century, hard times came in Russia. The ruling dynasty of princes actually collapsed and ceased to exist. This period is usually called timelessness, when real power was in the hands of the boyar families.

Monarchical rulers of Russia: chronology before and after Peter I

Historians are accustomed to distinguish three periods of the formation and development of Russian monarchical rule: the pre-Petrine period, the reign of Peter, and the post-Petrine period.

After difficult, troubled times, came to power, glorified by Bulgakov, Ivan Vasilievich the Terrible(from 1548 to 1574).

After the father of Ivan the Terrible, his son was blessed to reign Fedor, nicknamed the Blessed(from 1584 to 1598).

It is worth knowing that Tsar Fedor Ivanovich was the last of the Rurik dynasty, but he could not leave an heir. Among the people, he was considered inferior, both in terms of health and mental abilities. Beginning in the year 98 of the sixteenth century, times of unrest began, which lasted until the year 12 of the next century. The rulers changed like pictures in a silent movie, each pulling in their own direction, little thinking about the welfare of the state. In 1612, a new royal dynasty, the Romanovs, came to power.

The first representative of the royal dynasty was Michael, he spent time on the throne from 1613 to 1645.

Son of Alexei Fedor took the throne in 76 and spent exactly 6 years on it.

Sofia Alekseevna, his blood sister was engaged in government from 1682 until 1689.

Peter I ascended the throne as a young man in 1689, and stayed on it until 1725. It was the greatest period of national history, the country finally gained stability, the economy rushed uphill, and the new king began to call himself emperor.

In 1725, she took the throne Ekaterina Skavronskaya, and left it in 1727.

In the year 30, she sat on the throne queen Anna, and ruled for exactly 10 years.

Ivan Antonovich He stayed on the throne for only a year, from 1740 to 1741.

Ekaterina Petrovna ruled from 41 to 61 years.

In the year 62, the throne was taken Catherine the Great, where she stayed until the 96th.

Pavel Petrovich(from 1796 to 1801).

Following Paul came and Alexander I (1081-1825).

Nicholas I came to power in 1825 and left it in 1855.

Tyrant and slob, but very responsible Alexander II had the ability to bite his family on the legs, lying on the floor from 1855 to 1881.

The last of the Russian tsars Nicholas II, ruled the country until 1917, after which the dynasty was completely and unconditionally interrupted. Moreover, it was then that a completely new political system was formed, called the republic.

Soviet rulers of Russia: in order from the revolution to the present day

The first Russian ruler after the revolution was Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, who formally ruled the huge colossus of workers and peasants until 1924. In fact, by the time of his death, he was no longer able to decide anything, and in his place it was necessary to nominate a strong personality with an iron hand, which happened.

Dzhugashvili (Stalin) Joseph Vissarionovich(from 1924 to 1953).

corn lover Nikita Khrushchev became the very "first" First Secretary until 1964.

Leonid Brezhnev took Khrushchev's place in 1964 and died in 1982.

After Brezhnev, the so-called "thaw" came, when he ruled Yuri Andropov(1982-1984).

Konstantin Chernenko took over as general secretary in 1984 and left a year later.

Mikhail Gorbachev decided to introduce the notorious "perestroika", and as a result became the first, and at the same time the only president of the USSR (1985-1991).

Boris Yeltsin, named the leader of an independent Russia from anyone (1991-1999).

The present head of state today, Vladimir Putin has been the President of Russia since the Millennium, that is, 2000. There was a break in his reign for a period of 4 years, when the country was quite successfully led by Dmitry Medvedev.

Many believe that there is no need to know the history of their state. However, any historian is ready to thoroughly argue with this. After all, knowing the history of the rulers of Russia is very important not only for the overall development, but also in order not to make the mistakes of the past.

In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table of all the rulers of our country from the date of its foundation in chronological order. The article will help you find out who and when ruled our country, as well as what outstanding things he did for it.

Before the advent of Rus', a large number of different tribes lived in its future territory for many centuries, however, the history of our state started in the 10th century with the call to the throne of the Russian state of Rurik. He laid the foundation for the Rurik dynasty.

List of classifications of rulers of Russia

It's no secret that history is a whole science, which is studied by a huge number of people called historians. For convenience, the entire history of the development of our country has been divided into the following stages:

  1. Novgorod princes (from 863 to 882).
  2. Great Kyiv princes (from 882 to 1263).
  3. Moscow principality (from 1283 to 1547).
  4. Tsars and emperors (from 1547 to 1917).
  5. USSR (from 1917 to 1991).
  6. Presidents (from 1991 to the present day).

As can be understood from this list, the center of the political life of our state, in other words, the capital, has changed several times depending on the era and events taking place in the country. Until 1547, the princes of the Rurik dynasty were at the head of Rus'. However, after that, the process of monarchization of the country began, which continued until 1917, when the Bolsheviks came to power. Further, the collapse of the USSR, the emergence of independent countries on the territory of the former Rus' and, of course, the emergence of democracy.

So, to study this issue thoroughly., to learn details about all the rulers of the state in chronological order, we suggest studying the information of the following chapters of the article.

Heads of state from 862 to the period of fragmentation

This period includes the Novgorod and Great Kyiv princes. The main source of information that has survived to this day and helps all historians to compile lists and tables of all rulers is the Tale of Bygone Years. Thanks to this document, they were able to accurately or as close as possible to the exact set all the dates of the reign of the Russian princes of that time.

So, list of Novgorod and Kyiv princes looks like this:

Obviously, for any ruler, from Rurik to Putin, the main goal was to strengthen and modernize their state in the international arena. Of course, they all pursued the same goal, however, each of them preferred to go to the goal in their own way.

Fragmentation of Kievan Rus

After the reign of Yaropolk Vladimirovich, the process of a strong decline of Kyiv and the state as a whole began. This period is called the times of fragmentation of Rus'. During this time, all the people who were at the head of the state did not leave any significant mark on history, but only brought the state into its worst form.

Thus, until 1169, the following personalities managed to visit the throne of the ruler: Izyavlav the Third, Izyaslav Chernigov, Vyacheslav Rurikovich, and also Rostislav Smolensky.

Vladimir princes

After fragmentation, the capital of our state was moved to a city called Vladimir. This happened for the following reasons:

  1. The Kiev principality has undergone a total decline and weakening.
  2. Several political centers arose in the country, which they tried to pull over the board.
  3. Every day the influence of the feudal lords grew.

The two most influential centers of influence on Russian politics were Vladimir and Galich. Although the Vladimir time was not as long as the rest, it left a serious mark on the history of the development of the Russian state. Therefore, it is necessary to make a list following Vladimir princes:

  • Prince Andrei - ruled for 15 years from 1169.
  • Vsevolod - was in power for a long 36 years, starting in 1176.
  • George Vsevolodovich - stood at the head of Rus' from 1218 to 1238.
  • Yaroslav - was also the son of Vsevolod Andreevich. Ruled from 1238 to 1246.
  • Alexander Nevsky, who was on the throne for 11 long and productive years, came to power in 1252 and died in 1263. It's no secret that Nevsky was a great commander who made a huge contribution to the development of our state.
  • Yaroslav III - from 1263 to 1272.
  • Dmitry the first - 1276 - 1283.
  • Dmitry II - 1284 - 1293.
  • Andrey Gorodetsky - the Grand Duke, who ruled in the period 1293 - 1303.
  • Mikhail of Tverskoy, also called "Saint". Came to power in 1305 and died in 1317.

As you may have noticed, the rulers were not included in this list for some time. The fact is that they did not leave any significant trace in the history of the development of Rus'. For this reason, they are not studied in the school course.

When the fragmentation of the country ended, there was a transfer of the political center of the country to Moscow. Moscow princes:

For the next 10 years, Rus' again experienced a decline. During these years, the Rurik dynasty was broken off, and various boyar families were in power.

The beginning of the Romanovs, the rise of the tsars to power, the monarchy

List of rulers of Russia from 1548 until the end of the 17th century is as follows:

  • Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible is one of the most famous and useful for the history of the rulers of Russia. Ruled from 1548 to 1574, after which the reign was interrupted for 2 years.
  • Semyon Kasimovsky (1574 - 1576).
  • Ivan the Terrible returned to power and ruled until 1584.
  • Tsar Fedor (1584 - 1598).

After Fedor's death, it turned out that he had no heirs. From that moment on, the state began to experience new problems. They lasted until 1612. The Rurik dynasty was over. It was replaced by a new one: the Romanov dynasty. They began their reign in 1613.

  • Mikhail Romanov is the first representative of the Romanovs. Ruled from 1613 to 1645.
  • After the death of Mikhail, his heir Alexei Mikhailovich sat on the throne. (1645 - 1676)
  • Fedor Alekseevich (1676 - 1682).
  • Sophia, Fyodor's sister. When Fedor died, his heirs were not yet ready to come to power. Therefore, the emperor's sister ascended the throne. She ruled from 1682 to 1689.

It is impossible to deny that with the advent of the Romanov dynasty, stability finally came to Russia. They were able to do what the Rurikovichs had been striving for so long. Namely: useful reforms, strengthening of power, territorial growth and banal strengthening. Finally, Russia entered the world field as one of the favorites.

Peter I

Historians claim that for all the improvements in our state we owe it to Peter I. He is rightfully considered the great Russian tsar and emperor.

Peter the Great launched the heyday of the Russian state, the fleet and army strengthened. He pursued an aggressive foreign policy, which at times strengthened Russia's position in the global race for supremacy. Of course, even before him, many rulers realized that the armed forces are the key to the success of the state, however, only he managed to achieve such success in this area.

After Peter the Great, the list of rulers of the Russian Empire is as follows:

The monarchy in the Russian Empire existed for quite a long time and left a huge mark on its history. The Romanov dynasty is one of the most legendary in the whole world. However, like everything else, it was destined to end after the October Revolution, which changed the structure of the state to a republic. There were no more kings.

USSR times

After the execution of Nicholas II and his family, Vladimir Lenin came to power. At this moment, the state of the USSR(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) was legally formalized. Lenin led the country until 1924.

List of rulers of the USSR:

During Gorbachev's time, the country again experienced colossal changes. There was a collapse of the USSR, as well as the emergence of independent states on the territory of the former USSR. Boris Yeltsin, president of independent Russia, came to power by force. He ruled from 1991 to 1999.

In 1999, Boris Yeltsin voluntarily resigned as president of Russia, leaving behind a successor, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. A year later, Putin was officially elected by the people and was at the head of Russia until 2008.

In 2008, another election was held, which was won by Dmitry Medvedev, who ruled until 2012. In 2012, Vladimir Putin was again elected president of the Russian Federation and holds the presidency today.

All the supreme rulers in Rus' put a lot into its development. Thanks to the power of the ancient Russian princes, the country was built, territorially expanded, and provided with protection to fight the enemy. Many buildings were built, which today have become an international historical and cultural landmark. Rus' was replaced by a dozen rulers. Kievan Rus finally disintegrated after the death of Prince Mstislav.
The collapse took place in 1132. Separate, independent states were formed. All territories have lost their value.

Princes of Rus' in chronological order

The first princes in Rus' (the table is presented below) appeared thanks to the Rurik dynasty.

Prince Rurik

Rurik ruled the Novgorodians near the Varangian Sea. Therefore, he had two names: Novgorod, Varangian. After the death of his brothers, Rurik remained the only ruler in Rus'. He was married to Efanda. His assistants. They looked after the economy, arranged courts.
The reign of Rurik in Rus' fell in the period from 862 to 879. After, he was killed by two brothers Dir and Askold, they took the city of Kyiv into power.

Prince Oleg (Prophetic)

Dir and Askold did not rule for long. Oleg was Efanda's brother, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Oleg was famous throughout Rus' for his intelligence, strength, courage, dominance.He captured the city of Smolensk, Lyubech and Constantinople in his possession. He made the city of Kyiv the capital of the Kievan state. Killed Askold and Dir.Igor, became the adopted son of Oleg and his direct heir to the throne.In his state lived the Varangians, Slovaks, Krivichi, Drevlyans, northerners, glades, Tivertsy, streets.

In 909, Oleg met a wise sorcerer who told him:
- You will soon die from a snake bite, because you will abandon your horse. It so happened that the prince abandoned his horse, exchanging it for a new, younger one.
In 912, Oleg learned that his horse had died. He decided to go to the place where the remains of the horse lay.

Oleg asked:
- From this, the horse, I will accept death? And then, a poisonous snake crawled out of the horse's skull. The snake bit him, after which Oleg died. The prince's funeral lasted several days with all honors, because he was considered the most powerful ruler.

Prince Igor

Immediately, after the death of Oleg, the throne was taken by his stepson (Rurik's own son) Igor. The dates of the reign of the prince in Rus' vary from 912 to 945. His main task was to preserve the unity of the state. Igor defended his state from the attack of the Pechenegs, who periodically made attempts to take over Russia. All the tribes that were in the state regularly paid tribute.
In 913, Igor married a young Pskovian girl, Olga. He met her by chance in the city of Pskov. During his reign, Igor suffered quite a few attacks and battles. While fighting the Khazars, he lost all his best army. After that, he had to re-create the armed defense of the state.

And again, in 914, the new army of the prince was destroyed in the fight against the Byzantines. The war lasted a long time and as a result, the prince signed an eternal peace treaty with Constantinople. The wife helped her husband in everything. They ruled half of the state. In 942, they had a son, who was named Svyatoslav. In 945, Prince Igor was killed by neighboring Drevlyans who did not want to pay tribute.

Princess Saint Olga

After the death of her husband Igor, his wife Olga took the throne. Despite the fact that she was a woman, she was able to manage the entire Kievan Rus. In this not an easy task, she was helped by intelligence, quick wit and masculinity. All the qualities of a ruler gathered in one woman and helped her to cope perfectly with the rule of the state. She took revenge on the greedy Drevlyans for the death of her husband. Their city Korosten soon became part of her possession. Olga is the first of the Russian rulers who converted to Christianity.

Svyatoslav Igorevich

Olga waited a long time for her son to grow up. And having reached the age of majority, Svyatoslav fully became the ruler in Rus'. The years of the reign of the prince in Rus' from 964 to 972. Svyatoslav, already at the age of three, became the direct heir to the throne. But since he could not physically manage Kievan Rus, his mother, St. Olga, replaced him. All childhood and adolescence, the child learned military affairs. Studied courage, militancy. In 967, his army defeated the Bulgarians. After the death of his mother, in 970, Svyatoslav staged an invasion of Byzantium. But the forces were not equal. He was forced to sign a peace treaty with Byzantium. Svyatoslav had three sons: Yaropolk, Oleg, Vladimir. After Svyatoslav returned back to Kyiv in March 972, the young prince was killed by the Pechenegs. From his skull, the Pechenegs forged a gilded bowl for pies.

After the death of his father, the throne was taken by one of the sons, the prince of Ancient Rus' (table below) Yaropolk.

Yaropolk Svyatoslavovich

Despite the fact that Yaropolk, Oleg, Vladimir were brothers, they were never friends. Moreover, they were constantly at war with each other.
All three wanted to rule Russia. But Yaropolk won the fight. Sent his siblings out of the country. During the reign, he managed to conclude a peaceful, eternal treaty with Byzantium. Yaropolk wanted to make friends with Rome. Many were not happy with the new ruler. There was a lot of permissiveness. The pagans, together with Vladimir (Yaropolk's brother), successfully seized power into their own hands. Yaropolk had no choice but to flee the country. He began to live in the city of Roden. But some time later, in 980, he was killed by the Vikings. Yaropolk decided to make an attempt to seize Kyiv for himself, but it all ended in failure. During his short reign, Yaropolk failed to make global changes in Kievan Rus, because he was famous for his peacefulness.

Vladimir Svyatoslavovich

Prince Vladimir of Novgorod was the youngest son of Prince Svyatoslav. Ruled by Kievan Rus from 980 to 1015. He was warlike, courageous, possessed all the necessary qualities that the ruler of Kievan Rus should have had. He performed all the functions of a prince in ancient Rus'.

During his reign,

  • built a defense along the rivers Desna, Trubezh, Sturgeon, Sula.
  • There were many beautiful buildings built.
  • Made Christianity the state religion.

Thanks to his great contribution to the development and prosperity of Kievan Rus, he received the nickname "Vladimir the Red Sun." He had seven sons: Svyatopolk, Izyaslav, Yaroslav, Mstislav, Svyatoslav, Boris, Gleb. He divided his lands equally among all his sons.

Svyatopolk Vladimirovich

Immediately after the death of his father in 1015, he became the ruler of Rus'. He was not enough part of Rus'. He wanted to take over the entire Kyiv state and decided to get rid of his own brothers. To begin with, on his orders, it was necessary to kill Gleb, Boris, Svyatoslav. But this did not bring him happiness. Without causing the approval of the people, he was expelled from Kyiv. For help in the war with his brothers, Svyatopolk turned to his father-in-law, who was the king of Poland. He helped his son-in-law, but the reign of Kievan Rus did not last long. In 1019 he had to flee from Kyiv. In the same year, he committed suicide, as his conscience tormented him, because he killed his brothers.

Yaroslav Vladimirovich (Wise)

He ruled Kievan Rus from 1019 to 1054. He was nicknamed the Wise, because he had an amazing mind, wisdom, masculinity, inherited from his father. He built two large cities: Yaroslavl, Yuryev. He treated his people with care and understanding. One of the first princes who introduced a code of laws called “Russian Truth” into the state. Following his father, he divided the land equally between his sons: Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod, Igor and Vyacheslav. From birth, he brought up in them peace, wisdom, love of the people.

Izyaslav Yaroslavovich the First

Immediately after the death of his father, he took the throne. He ruled Kievan Rus from 1054 to 1078. The only prince in history who could not cope with his duties. His assistant was his son Vladimir, without whom Izyaslav would have simply ruined Kievan Rus.


The spineless prince took over the reign of Kievan Rus immediately after the death of his father Izyaslav. Ruled from 1078 to 1113.
It was difficult for him to find a common language with the ancient Russian princes (table below). During his reign, there was a campaign against the Polovtsy, in the organization of which Vladimir Monomakh helped him. They won the battle.

Vladimir Monomakh

After the death of Svyatopolk, Vladimir was elected ruler in 1113. He served the state until 1125. Smart, honest, brave, reliable, courageous. It was these qualities of Vladimir Monomakh that helped him rule Kievan Rus and fall in love with the people. He is the last of the princes of Kievan Rus (table below), who managed to preserve the state in its original form.


All wars with the Polovtsy ended in victory.

Mstislav and the collapse of Kievan Rus

Mstislav is the son of Vladimir Monomakh. He took the throne of the ruler in 1125. He was similar to his father not only outwardly, but also in character, in the way of ruling Russia. The people treated him with respect. In 1134, he handed over the reign to his brother Yaropolk. That served as the development of unrest in the history of Russia. Monomakhovichi lost the throne. But soon there was a complete disintegration of Kievan Rus into thirteen separate states.

The Kyiv rulers did a lot for the Russian people. During their reign, everyone diligently fought against the enemies. There was a development of Kievan Rus as a whole. Many buildings were completed, beautiful buildings, churches, schools, bridges that were destroyed by enemies, and everything was built anew. All the princes of Kievan Rus, the table below, did a lot to make history unforgettable.

Table. Princes of Rus' in chronological order

Prince's name

Years of government






Oleg Prophetic







Yaroslav the Wise



Vladimir Monomakh















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