The artistic originality of the story "And the dawns here are quiet ...". "The dawns here are quiet": no chance for sympathy


Every year people's attitude to the events of the war is changing, many of us began to forget about the feats that our grandfathers and grandmothers performed for the future of their children. Thanks to the authors of that time, we can still study the works and delve into the chronicle of history. Boris Vasiliev's work "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..." was dedicated to people who went through a brutal war, who, unfortunately, did not return home, as well as to their friends and comrades. This book can be called a memory, because the events described in it are close to everyone who keeps the memory of the Great Patriotic War in themselves.

The work described the fate of five girls anti-aircraft gunners, as well as their commander, the actions took place during the Great Patriotic War. Reading this story, I was completely imbued with sympathy for the main characters, because they did not even have time to feel the taste of life yet. The main characters are Sonya Gurvich, Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Galya Chetvertak, Liza Brichkina, young girls who have just begun to live, they are bright, cheerful and real. But each of them had a role to die in the struggle for the defense of their homeland, for love for her and the future. They fought for freedom, but they themselves were severely punished by fate, because the war destroyed their plans for life, not giving at least a drop to something bright. This terrible event divided their lives into two periods, and they simply had no other choice but to take up arms in their gentle hands.

Fedot Vaskov was another main character, the author very penetratingly described the bitterness and pain that Fedot experienced for each of the girls. He was the embodiment of a real soldier, brave and courageous, he understood that the girl should be at home, next to the children and the hearth, and not fight. It can be seen how madly he wants to take revenge on the Nazis for what they did to young girls.

Boris Vasiliev used in his work what he himself saw and felt, so the story contains clear descriptions of the events of the war. Thanks to this, the reader manages to immerse himself in the atmosphere of those most terrible forties. I felt the horror of that time, and realized that the war did not choose whom to kill, it was children and adults, both old and young, someone's husband was killed, someone's son or brother.

Despite all the pain of what is happening, at the end the author makes it clear that no matter what happens, good will still defeat evil. These five girls who gave their lives for their Motherland will forever remain in our hearts and will be heroes of the Great War.

Topics covered by The Dawns Here Are Quiet

1) Heroism and dedication

It would seem that just yesterday these women were schoolgirls rushing to class, and today they are young and brave fighters who fight in the same column with men. But they go into battle, not because of the coercion of the state or relatives, the girls go there because of love for their homeland. As history shows us to this day, these girls made a huge contribution to the victory of the country.

2) Woman at war

But the most important meaning of the whole work of Vasiliev is a terrifying world war, in which women fight on an equal footing with men. They do not support the soldiers from behind, do not treat or feed, but hold a gun in their hands and go on the attack. Each of the women has her own family, her own dreams and goals for life, but for many of them, the future will end on the battlefield. As the main character says, the worst thing in the war is not that men die, but that women die, and then the whole country dies.

3) The feat of a non-professional

None of these women who went on the warpath took regular annual courses. They did not serve for a long time in the army and do not know how to thoroughly use weapons. They are all unprofessional fighters, but ordinary Soviet women who could become wives and mothers, but, despite this, they became real fighters. Even their incompetence is not important, they fight on a level and bring a huge contribution to history.

4) Courage and honor

Although every woman during the war brought a huge treasure in victory, there are those who stood out the most. For example, you can remember the heroine from the book, under the name of Zhenya Komelkova, who, having forgotten about her future, dreams and goals, valuable her life, saved her comrades by luring the Nazis on herself. It would seem that not even every man would dare such an act, but this young girl, against all odds, took a chance and was able to help her colleagues. Even after the woman was seriously injured, she did not regret this act and only wanted victory for her homeland.

5) Respect for the Motherland

One of the heroes of Wax, after all the hostilities, blamed and insulted himself for a very long time, for not being able to save and save the weaker sex, who gave their lives on the battlefield. The man was afraid that because of the death of the soldiers, their fathers, husbands, and most importantly, children would rise up in revolt, who would begin to accuse Vosky of not being able to save their women. The soldier did not believe that some White Sea Canal was worth so many departed souls. But at one point, one of the women, Rita, said that the man should stop self-flagellation, humiliate and constantly repent of this, since war is not a place for sadness and regret. All these women were not fighting for ordinary roads or empty buildings, they were fighting for their homeland and for the freedom of an entire nation. This is how the author conveys the courage of people and their love for their homeland.

Grade 11, USE

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The plot and system of images of the story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..."

story vasiliev artistic genre

"War has no woman's face" has been a thesis for many centuries. Very strong people are capable of surviving the horror of war, therefore it is customary to consider war as a man's business. But the tragedy, the cruelty of the war lies in the fact that along with the men, women also stand up and go to kill and die.

Five completely different girlish characters, five different destinies. Anti-aircraft gunner girls are sent to reconnaissance under the command of foreman Vaskov, who is used to living by the charter. Despite the horrors of the war, he retained the best human qualities. He realizes his guilt before them for not being able to save the girls. The death of five girls leaves a deep wound in the heart of the foreman, he cannot find an excuse for her even in his soul. In the sorrow of this simple man lies the highest humanism.

The behavior of girls is also a feat, because they are completely unadapted to military conditions.

According to the author, the story is based on a real episode during the war, when seven soldiers, after being wounded, serving at one of the junction stations of the Adler-Sakhalin railway, did not allow a German sabotage group to blow up the railway in this section. After the battle, only a sergeant survived, the commander of a group of Soviet fighters, who after the war was awarded the medal "For Military Merit". “And I thought: this is it! A situation when a person himself, without any order, decides: I won’t let him in! They have nothing to do here! I started working with this plot, I have already written seven pages. And suddenly I realized that nothing would come of it. It will just be a special case in the war. There was nothing fundamentally new in this story. Work is up. And then it suddenly came up - let my hero have not men, but young girls as subordinates. And that's it - the story immediately lined up. Women have the hardest time in war. There were 300 thousand of them at the front! And then no one wrote about them.”

The story is told on behalf of Vaskov. The whole story is based on his memoirs. And this plays an important role in the ideological and artistic perception of the story. It is written by a man who went through the whole war, so it is all believable. The author devotes it to the moral problem of the formation and transformation of the character and psyche of the individual in war conditions. The painful theme of the war is shown on the example of the heroes of the story. Each of them has his own attitude to the war, his own motives for fighting the Nazis. And it is these young girls who will have to prove themselves in the conditions of war. Each character Vasiliev has its own flavor and range of feelings. The events that take place make you empathize with each hero. As they said in the war, one life and one death. And all the girls can equally be called the true heroines of the war.

For a more complete disclosure of images, Vasiliev uses such an artistic technique as a retrospective. A retrospective review is a reference to the past. Reception of retrospection in fiction (inclusion in the narration of past events).

It is from the memoirs of the heroes of the story that we learn more about their life before the war, their social correlation and characters. The characters in this story are very different. Each of them is unique, has an inimitable character and a unique destiny, broken by the war. These girls are united by the fact that they live for the same purpose. This goal is to protect the Motherland, protect their families, protect loved ones. And for this you need to destroy the enemy. For some, to destroy the enemy means to fulfill their duty, to avenge the death of their loved ones and relatives.

Let's consider each character separately. Let's start with the commandant Fedot Efgrafovich Vaskov. In this character, we see a lonely person for whom there is nothing left in life except for charters, orders from superiors and the department entrusted to him. The war has taken everything. He lived strictly according to the charter and imposed this charter on everyone who surrounded him. In the life of the commandant, everything changed with the advent of the sent anti-aircraft gunners. In addition to good looks, the newcomers were also sharp-tongued. Despite his noticeable rudeness, Vaskov takes care of all five anti-aircraft gunners. The image of Vaskov throughout the story is reborn. But not only the foreman himself is the reason. The girls also contributed a lot, each in their own way. Fedot Efgrafovich is having a hard time with the death of the girls. He became spiritually attached to each of them, each of the deaths left a scar on his heart. Vaskov's arm was shot through, but his heart ached many times more. He felt guilty for the death of each of the girls. Without losing the pouch, he might have avoided the death of Sonya Gurvich; without sending Lisa Brichkina on an empty stomach and more convincingly forcing her to rest on an island in a swamp, her death could also have been avoided. But was it possible to know all this in advance? You won't get anyone back. And the last request of Rita Osyanina became a real order, which Vaskov simply did not dare to disobey. There is a moment in the story when Vaskov, together with Rita's son, lays flowers on a memorial plaque with the names of all five anti-aircraft gunners. The thirst for revenge ruled Vaskov's mind after the death of Rita Osyanina, who asked to take her little son to her. Vaskov would later replace his father.

The story of Elizaveta Brichkina, who accepted an absurd, but terrible and painful death, is complex. Liza is a silent, somewhat self-contained girl. In the story, Lisa is a dreamy and calm, but at the same time a serious girl. She lived with her parents on a cordon in the forest. Filled with a sense of hope for happiness and the expectation of a brighter future, she walked through life. She always remembered the parting words of her parents and the promises to her of a happy “tomorrow”. Once in the squad of anti-aircraft gunners, Lisa was calm and reserved. She liked Vaskov. Lisa, without hesitation, asked, along with everyone else, to the squad to search for German saboteurs. Vaskov agreed. For all the time of the journey, Lisa more and more attracted the attention of Vaskov. He told her: “You note everything, Lizaveta, you are a forest man with us ...” (178). Realizing the danger of the situation, when instead of two saboteurs sixteen appeared on the horizon, Vaskov immediately realized who he would send for help. Lisa was in a hurry. She wanted to get help as soon as possible. All the way she thought about the words of Fedot Evgrafovich and warmed herself with the thought that they would definitely fulfill the order and sing. Passing through the swamp, Lisa experienced incredible fear. And this is understandable, because then, when she was walking along with everyone, they would definitely help her if something happened, and now she is alone, in a dead, deaf swamp, where there is not a single living soul who could help her. But Vaskov's words and the proximity of the "cherished stump" (201), which was a guide for Lisa, and therefore solid ground under her feet, warmed up Lisa's soul and lifted her spirits. But the author decides to take a tragic turn of events. Attempts to get out and heart-rending cries for help are in vain. And at the moment when the last moment in Lisa's life has come, the sun appears as a promise of happiness and a symbol of hope. Everyone knows the saying: hope dies last. This is what happened to Lisa. “Liza saw this blue beautiful sky for a long time. Wheezing, she spit out dirt and reached out, reached for him, reached out and believed... And until the last moment she believed that it would be tomorrow for her too...” (202)

Unnecessary was the death of Sonya Gurvich, who, trying to do a good deed, dies from an enemy blade. A student preparing for the summer session is forced to fight the German invaders. She and her parents were Jewish. Sonya got into the group that Vaskov recruited because she knew German. Like Brichkin, Sonya was quiet. She also loved poetry and often read it aloud, either to herself or to her comrades.

Vaskov dropped his commemorative tobacco pouch. Sonya understood his feelings about the loss and decided to help him. Remembering where she saw this pouch, Sonya ran in search of him. Vaskov ordered her to return in a whisper, but Sonya no longer heard him. A German soldier who grabbed her plunged a knife into her chest. Deciding to do a good deed to her boss, Sonya Gurvich passed away.

The death of Sonya was the first loss of the detachment. That is why everyone, especially Vaskov, took her very seriously. Vaskov blamed himself for her death. But nothing could be done. She was buried, and Vaskov removed the buttonholes from her tunic. He will subsequently remove the same buttonholes from all the tunics of the dead girls.

The next three characters can be viewed at the same time. These are the images of Rita Osyanina (Mushtakov's maiden name), Zhenya Komelkova and Gali Chetvertak. These three girls have always stuck together. Young Zhenya was incredibly good-looking. "Laughter" had a difficult life story. Before her eyes, the whole family was killed, a loved one died, so she had her own personal scores with the Germans. She, along with Sonya, fell into the hands of Vaskov a little later than the others, but nevertheless they immediately joined the team. With Rita, she also did not immediately become friends, but after a sincere conversation, both girls saw good friends in themselves. Zhenya, with the last bullets, began to lead the Germans away from her wounded friend, giving Vaskov time to help Rita. Zhenya accepted a heroic death. She was not afraid to die. Her last words meant that by killing one soldier, even a girl, they would not kill the entire Soviet Union. Zhenya literally cursed before her death, laying out everything that hurt her.

They also did not immediately accept the nondescript Galya into their “company”. Galya showed herself as a good person who will not betray and give the last piece of bread to a friend. Having managed to keep Rita's secret, Galya became one of them.

Young Galya lived in an orphanage. She got to the front by deceit, lying about her age. Galya was very timid. From early childhood deprived of maternal warmth and care. She made up stories about her mother, believing that she was not an orphan, that her mother would come back and take her away. Everyone laughed at these stories, and the unfortunate Galya tried to come up with other stories to amuse others.

Gali's death can be called stupid. Giving in to fright, she takes off and runs screaming. A German bullet instantly overtakes her, Galya dies.

Rita Osyanina managed to get married and give birth to a son in her nineteen years. Her husband died in the first days of the war, but she did not know about this and was waiting for him all the time. Rita herself went into anti-aircraft gunners, wanting to avenge her husband. Rita at night began to run away to the city to her son and sick mother, returning in the morning. Once on the same morning, Rita stumbled upon saboteurs.

The death of Rita Osyanina is psychologically the most difficult moment in the story. B. Vasiliev very accurately conveys the state of a young twenty-year-old girl, who is well aware that her wound is fatal and that, apart from torment, nothing awaits her. But at the same time, she cared about only one thought: she thought about her little son, realizing that her timid, sickly mother was unlikely to be able to raise her grandson. The strength of Fedot Vaskov is that he knows how to find the most accurate words at the right time, so you can trust him. And when he says: “Don’t worry, Rita, I understood everything” (243), it becomes clear that he really will never leave little Alik Osyanin, but will most likely adopt him and bring him up as an honest person. The description of the death of Rita Osyanina in the story takes only a few lines. At first, a shot sounded quietly. “Rita shot in the temple, and there was almost no blood. Blue powders densely bordered the bullet hole, and for some reason Vaskov looked at them for an especially long time. Then he took Rita aside and began to dig a hole in the place where she had previously lain. (243)

The tragedy and absurdity of what is happening is emphasized by the fabulous beauty of Legontov Skete, located next to the lake. And here, in the midst of death and blood, "the silence of the grave stood, as much as ringing in the ears." War is an unnatural phenomenon. War becomes doubly terrible when women die, because it is then, according to B. Vasiliev, that “the strings break” (214). The future, fortunately, turns out to be not only “eternal”, but also grateful. It is no coincidence that in the epilogue, a student who came to rest on Legontovo Lake wrote in a letter to a friend: “Here, it turns out, they fought, old man. We fought when we were not yet in the world ... We found a grave - it is behind the river, in the forest ... And the dawns are quiet here, I just saw it today. And clean, clean, like tears...” (246) In B. Vasiliev's story, the world triumphs. The feat of the girls is not forgotten, the memory of them will be an eternal reminder that "war does not have a woman's face."

B.L. Vasiliev in his story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ..." created a figurative system of characters. The image of the protagonist of foreman Vaskov is revealed when interacting with the heroines of the story. This comparison allows you to show the inner world of the characters.

  1. Give a brief overview of the work of B. Vasiliev, pay attention to the problems that the writer poses in the story.
  2. Help students understand and evaluate the actions of the characters and express their attitude towards them. Develop text analysis skills.
  3. Cultivate high patriotic qualities.

Equipment. Portrait of a writer; an exhibition of his books; illustrations of students for the story, a poster by I. Toidze "The Motherland Calls", stands "For the sake of life on earth", "Woman and War".

Preparatory work.

  1. Read the story.
  2. Prepare to retell the biography of the writer.
  3. Write a book review.
  4. Draw illustrations for the story.
  5. Issue a wall newspaper on the work of the writer.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. The lesson begins with a screening of film footage about the war. The penetrating words of Levitan sound:

Our cause is right. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours!

Teacher. With this faith, the Soviet people went through the most terrible war that mankind has ever experienced. For a just cause, for the Soviet people to be free and happy, millions of Soviet people gave their lives. No, you can't forget it!

(Reads S. Shchipachev's poem "To the Fallen")

They all wanted to live, but they died so that people could say: “The dawns here are quiet…” Quiet dawns cannot be in tune with war, with death. They died, but they won, they did not let a single fascist through. They won because they loved their Motherland selflessly.

A woman at war ... The role of women at the front is great. Women - doctors and nurses under shelling and explosions carried the wounded from the battlefield, provided first aid, sometimes at the cost of their own lives saved the wounded. Separate women's battalions were organized. Girls - fighters of harsh times and we dedicate our lesson. Today we will tell about the girls who were inhumanly, cruelly “equalized” by the war, viciously trampling on their charm, tenderness, love.

It is no coincidence that Boris Vasiliev made the girls the heroes of his story to show how cruel the war is. After all, women are the beginning of all life. Killing women is more than a crime. The Nazis killed them by the thousands...

2. Formation of new concepts.

a) students present materials on the biography and work of the writer.

b) students' messages about the story. 1st student. For the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” B. Vasiliev was awarded the State Prize of the USSR, and for the script “The Dawns Are Quiet…” - the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

3) 2nd student

The story takes place in May 1942. The place is the unknown 171st junction. Soldiers of the anti-aircraft machine-gun battalion are serving at a quiet junction. These are female fighters. Pursuing enemy saboteurs in the forest, the girls, led by Vaskov, enter into an unequal battle with the Nazis: six against sixteen. There were only five girls: Margarita Osyanina, Evgenia Komelkova, Elizaveta Brichkina, Galina Chetvertak, Sonya Gurvich.

1st student. “And the Germans wounded her blindly, through the foliage, and she could hide, wait, and maybe leave. But she shot while there were bullets. She shot prone, no longer trying to run away, because strength was leaving along with the blood. I could lay low, wait it out, and maybe leave. And she didn’t hide, and she didn’t leave ... "

Zhenya Komelkova is one of the brightest, strongest and most courageous representatives of the girls - fighters shown in the story. Both the most comical and the most dramatic scenes are connected with Zhenya in the story. Her benevolence, optimism, cheerfulness, self-confidence, implacable hatred of enemies involuntarily draw attention to her and cause admiration. In order to deceive the German saboteurs and force them to take a long road around the river, a small detachment of female fighters made a noise in the forest, pretending to be lumberjacks. Zhenya Komelkova played a stunning scene of carefree swimming in icy water in full view of the Germans, ten meters from enemy machine guns.

Here Zhenya “... stepped into the water and, screaming, noisily and cheerfully began to splash. The spray sparkled in the sun, rolled down the elastic warm body, and the commandant, without breathing, waited in line in horror. Right now, now Zhenya will hit and break, throw up his hands ... "

Together with Vaskov, we see that Zhenya “smiles, and his eyes, wide open, are full of horror, like tears. And this horror is alive and heavy, like mercury.

In this episode, heroism, courage, desperate courage were fully manifested.

In the last minutes of her life, Zhenya called fire on herself, just to ward off the threat from the seriously wounded Rita and Fedot Vaskov. She believed in herself, and, leading the Germans away from Osyanina, she did not doubt for a moment that everything would end well.

And even when the first bullet hit her side, she was simply surprised. After all, it was so stupid, absurd and implausible to die at nineteen...

“And the Germans wounded her blindly, through the foliage, and she could hide, wait, and maybe leave. But she shot while there were bullets. She shot prone, no longer trying to run away, because strength was leaving along with the blood. And the Germans finished her off at close range, and then looked at her for a long time and after death, a proud and beautiful face ... "

2nd student:

“Rita knew that her wound was mortal and that it would be long and difficult to die. So far, there was almost no pain, only it was getting hotter in the stomach and I was thirsty. But it was impossible to drink, and Rita simply soaked a rag in a puddle and applied it to her lips.

Vaskov hid it under a spruce turd, covered it with branches, and left...

Rita shot in the temple, and there was almost no blood.

Courage, composure, humanity, a high sense of duty to the Motherland distinguish the squad leader, junior sergeant Rita Osyanina. The author, considering the images of Rita and Fedot Vaskov to be central, already in the first chapters talks about the past life of Osyanina. School evening, acquaintance with lieutenant - border guard Osyanin, lively correspondence, registry office. Then - the border outpost. Rita learned to bandage the wounded and shoot, ride a horse, throw grenades and defend against gases, the birth of a son, and then ... war. And in the first days of the war, she was not at a loss - she saved other people's children, and soon found out that her husband died at the outpost on the second day of the war in a counterattack.

They wanted to send her to the rear more than once, but each time she reappeared at the headquarters of the fortified area, finally, they took her as a nurse, and six months later she was sent to study at a tank anti-aircraft school.

Zhenya learned to hate enemies quietly and mercilessly. In position, she shot down a German balloon and an ejected spotter.

When Vaskov and the girls counted the fascists who came out of the bushes - sixteen instead of the expected two, the foreman said to everyone at home: "It's bad, girls, it's business."

It was clear to him that they would not last long against heavily armed enemies, but then Rita's firm remark: “Well, watch how they pass by?” - obviously, much strengthened Vaskova in the decision. Twice Osyanina rescued Vaskov by taking fire on herself, and now, having received a mortal wound and knowing the position of the wounded Vaskov, she does not want to be a burden to him, she understands how important it is to bring their common cause to an end, to detain fascist saboteurs.

“Rita knew that the wound was mortal, that she would die long and hard”

3rd student.

- “Were the Germans waiting for Sonya, or did she accidentally run into them? She ran without fear along the twice-traversed path, in a hurry to drag him, foreman Vaskov, that shag, cursed three times. She ran, rejoiced and did not have time to understand where the sweaty heaviness fell on her fragile shoulders, why her heart suddenly rushed with a piercing bright pain ...

No, I did. And I managed to understand, and to shout, because I didn’t get the knife to the heart from the first blow: my chest was in the way. Or maybe it wasn't like that? Maybe they were waiting for her?

Sonya Gurvich - "translator", one of the girls of the Vaskov group, "city" pigalitsa; thin as a spring rook.

The author, talking about Sonya's past life, emphasizes her talent, love for poetry, theater. Boris Vasiliev remembers. The percentage of intelligent girls and students was very high at the front. Mostly freshmen. For them, the war was the most terrible ... Somewhere among them, my Sonya Gurvich also fought.

And now, wanting to do something nice, like an older, experienced and caring comrade, a foreman, Sonya rushes after a pouch, forgotten by him on a stump in the forest, and dies from a blow of an enemy knife in the chest.

“She ran, rejoiced and did not have time to understand where the sweaty heaviness fell on her fragile shoulders, why her heart suddenly rushed with a piercing bright pain. No, I did. And I managed to understand, and to shout, because I didn’t get the knife to the heart from the first blow: my chest got in the way.

4th student.

- “The Germans walked in silence, crouching and holding their machine guns.

The bushes were noisy, and Galya suddenly ran out of them. Arching, clasping her hands behind her head, she rushed across the clearing in front of the saboteurs, already seeing nothing and not thinking.

The automatic hit briefly. From a dozen steps, he struck a thin back, tense in running, and Galya thrust her face into the ground from flying, without removing her hands, twisted in horror, from her head. Her last cry was lost in a gurgling wheeze, and her legs were still running, still beating, digging into the moss with the toes of Sonya's boots. Everything froze in the meadow ... "

Galina Chetvertak is an orphan, a pupil of an orphanage, a dreamer, endowed by nature with a vivid imaginative fantasy. The skinny, little "fuzzy" Jackdaw did not fit the army standards either in height or age.

When, after the death of her friend Galka, the foreman ordered to put on her boots, “she physically, to the point of faintness, felt a knife penetrating into the tissues, heard the crunch of torn flesh, felt the heavy smell of blood. And this gave rise to a dull, cast-iron horror ... ”And enemies lurked nearby, mortal danger loomed.

“The reality that women faced in the war,” says the writer, “was much more difficult than anything they could think of in the most desperate time of their fantasies. The tragedy of Gali Chetvertak is about this.

The automatic hit briefly. From Ten Steps he struck a thin back, tense in running, and Galya thrust her face into the ground without removing her hands, twisted in horror, from her head.

Everything froze in the meadow.

5th student.

“Just a step to the side, and the legs immediately lost their support, hung somewhere in a shaky void, and the swamp squeezed the hips with a soft vise. The horror that had been simmering for a long time suddenly splashed out at once, resonating with a sharp pain in the heart. Trying to hold on, to climb out onto the path, Liza leaned heavily on the pole. The dry pole cracked loudly, and Liza fell face down into the cold liquid mud. There was no land. Her legs slowly, terribly slowly dragged her down, her hands rowed the swamp to no avail, and Liza, panting, wriggled in the liquid mass. And the path was somewhere nearby: a step, half a step, but these half steps could no longer be done ... "

Teacher. Girls died, almost your age. “I wanted to talk about the experiences of today's nineteen. To tell them in such a way that they themselves seem to have walked the paths of war, so that the dead girls seem to them close, understandable - their contemporaries. And at the same time - girls of the thirties, "- this is how the writer addresses his young readers. Guys, is it possible to call the heroic death of each of the girls?

2nd student. The death of all the girls shocked us all, our hearts ached for each. Each of them could live, raise children, bring joy to people. They, women, destined by nature itself to give and continue life on Earth, tender and fragile, enter into a merciless battle with cruel invaders. They, women, without demanding any discounts for themselves and without thinking about them, do everything to stop the enemy. And for this they do not spare their lives.

Teacher. Why do all the girls in the story die?

3rd student. At one of the reader's conferences, B. Vasiliev said: we must keep in mind that we are talking about German paratroopers, who had not yet surrendered. To stop them, it was necessary to pay with the life of the Soviet people. And here against them there is only one foreman and five inexperienced girls. But these girls knew perfectly well what they were giving their lives for.

Vaskov knew one thing in this battle: do not retreat. Do not give the Germans a single piece on this shore. No matter how hard, no matter how hopeless - to keep.

“... And he had such a feeling, as if all of Russia had converged behind his back, it was he, Fedot Evgrafovich Vaskov, who was now her last son and defender. And there was no one else in the whole world: only he, the enemy and Russia ”(Reads the excerpt“ What, did they take it? ... They took it, right? Five girls, five girls were in total, only five! ... But - you didn’t get through, you didn’t go anywhere and you will die here, you will all die! ... I will personally kill everyone, personally ... "

The heart of the hardened fighter, hero-patriot F. Vaskov is filled with pain, hatred and brightness, and this strengthens his strength, gives him the opportunity to survive. A single feat - the defense of the Motherland - equalizes foreman Vaskov and five girls who "hold their front, their Russia" on the Sinyukhin ridge.

Thus, another motive of the story arises: each on his own sector of the front must do what is possible and impossible for victory, so that the dawns are quiet.

3. Generalization of the teacher. It is impossible to overestimate the educational value of literature about the war. The best works of Soviet writers make students comprehend the greatness and beauty of patriotism, think about the bloody price that was paid for every inch of their native land, comprehend "at what cost the happiness" of victory was won and peace was found.

This short story cannot leave indifferent neither adults nor teenagers. For everyone, the tragic fate of young girls who gave their lives for their Motherland, for victory in a fierce battle with fascism, personifies the price at which our people won the victory.

Boris Vasiliev is a famous writer, a former participant in the Great Patriotic War. He saw with his own eyes the cruelty and horrors of the war, he knows firsthand what he later, in peacetime, decided to tell his readers. His best works, in my opinion, are “Not on the List” and “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”.
Recently, a lot of talented and truthful has been written, but the stories of B. Vasiliev have not been lost in all the variety of military topics. This is primarily due to the bright and heroic images created by the author.
“The Dawns Here Are Quiet” - a story about women in the war. Many works are devoted to this topic, but this one is special. The story is written without excessive sentimentality, in a tough laconic manner. She tells about the events of 1942.
German saboteurs are thrown into the location of the anti-aircraft machine-gun battery, commanded by the Basque foreman. At first, the foreman thinks that there are two Germans, so he decides to destroy the Nazis with the help of his unit, in which there are only girls.
Five anti-aircraft gunners were selected for this task. The foreman performs the task, but at what cost ?!
Basque - a participant in the Finnish war, knows the area where the saboteurs go. Therefore, he confidently leads his unusual fighters to complete the task. At first, the girls had a low opinion of their commander: “a mossy stump, twenty words in reserve, and even those from the charter.” The danger brought all six together, revealed the extraordinary spiritual qualities of the foreman, who was ready to take on any difficulties, but only to save the girls.
Undoubtedly, Basque is the core of the story. He knows a lot and knows how, he has front-line experience, which he is trying to pass on to his fighters. He is laconic and appreciates only deeds. The foreman absorbed the best qualities of a defender, a soldier, thanks to the feat of such Vaskovs, and a victory was won.
The assistant foreman in the group was Sergeant Osyanina. Baskov immediately singled her out among others: “Strict, never laughs.” The foreman was not mistaken - Rita fought skillfully, she avenged her dead border guard husband, for her ruined life, for the desecrated Motherland. Before her inevitable death, Rita tells the foreman about her son. From now on, she entrusts the boy to Vaskov, a reliable and congenial person.
Zhenya Komelkova has her own scores to settle with the Germans. She saves the foreman and the group three times: first, at the canal, stopping the Germans from crossing. Then he stabbed the German who was attacking Vaskov. And, finally, at the cost of her life, she saved the wounded Rita, leading the Nazis further into the forest. The author admires the girl: “Tall, red-haired, white-skinned. And the children's eyes are green, round, like saucers. Sociable, mischievous, a favorite of others, Komelkova sacrificed herself for the sake of a common cause - the destruction of saboteurs.
All of them - Liza Brichkina, Sonya Gurvich, Chetvertak, Rita Osyanina and Zhenya Komelkova - died, but the foreman Basque, shocked by such losses, brought the matter to an end.
This Russian soldier was on the verge of insanity. He realized that he would not live if he allowed the Nazis to fulfill their plan. No, he must finish what he started. The author showed that there is no limit to human capabilities. The Basque does not so much take revenge on the enemies for the murdered girls, as he fulfills his military duty.
He was able to survive, go through the war and stay alive in order to raise his son Rita Osyanina, in order to justify his life for the dead girls.
It's not easy to live with such a burden, but he is a strong man. The merit of B. Vasiliev as a writer is that he was able to create an image of the heroic generation of our fathers and grandfathers.

And the dawns here are quiet...

Boris Vasiliev is a famous writer, a former participant in the Great Patriotic War. He saw with his own eyes the cruelty and horrors of the war, he knows firsthand what he later, in peacetime, decided to tell his readers. His best works, in my opinion, are “Not on the List” and “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”.

Recently, a lot of talented and truthful has been written, but the stories of B. Vasiliev have not been lost in all the variety of military topics. This is primarily due to the bright and heroic images created by the author.

“The Dawns Here Are Quiet” - a story about women in the war. Many works are devoted to this topic, but this one is special. The story is written without excessive sentimentality, in a tough laconic manner. She tells about the events of 1942.

German saboteurs are thrown into the location of the anti-aircraft machine-gun battery, commanded by the Basque foreman. At first, the foreman thinks that there are two Germans, so he decides to destroy the Nazis with the help of his unit, in which there are only girls.

Five anti-aircraft gunners were selected for this task. The foreman performs the task, but at what cost ?!

Basque - a participant in the Finnish war, knows the area where the saboteurs go. Therefore, he confidently leads his unusual fighters to complete the task. At first, the girls had a low opinion of their commander: “a mossy stump, twenty words in reserve, and even those from the charter.” The danger brought all six together, revealed the extraordinary spiritual qualities of the foreman, who was ready to take on any difficulties, but only to save the girls.

Undoubtedly, Basque is the core of the story. He knows a lot and knows how, he has front-line experience, which he is trying to pass on to his fighters. He is laconic and appreciates only deeds. The foreman absorbed the best qualities of a defender, a soldier, thanks to the feat of such Vaskovs, and a victory was won.

The assistant foreman in the group was Sergeant Osyanina. Baskov immediately singled her out among others: “Strict, never laughs.” The foreman was not mistaken - Rita fought skillfully, she avenged her dead border guard husband, for her ruined life, for the desecrated Motherland. Before her inevitable death, Rita tells the foreman about her son. From now on, she entrusts the boy to Vaskov, a reliable and congenial person.

Zhenya Komelkova has her own scores to settle with the Germans. She saves the foreman and the group three times: first, at the canal, stopping the Germans from crossing. Then he stabbed the German who was attacking Vaskov. And, finally, at the cost of her life, she saved the wounded Rita, leading the Nazis further into the forest. The author admires the girl: “Tall, red-haired, white-skinned. And the children's eyes are green, round, like saucers. Sociable, mischievous, a favorite of others, Komelkova sacrificed herself for the sake of a common cause - the destruction of saboteurs.

All of them - Liza Brichkina, Sonya Gurvich, Chetvertak, Rita Osyanina and Zhenya Komelkova - died, but the foreman Basque, shocked by such losses, brought the matter to an end.

This Russian soldier was on the verge of insanity. He realized that he would not live if he allowed the Nazis to fulfill their plan. No, he must finish what he started. The author showed that there is no limit to human capabilities. The Basque does not so much take revenge on the enemies for the murdered girls, as he fulfills his military duty.

He was able to survive, go through the war and stay alive in order to raise his son Rita Osyanina, in order to justify his life for the dead girls.

It's not easy to live with such a burden, but he is a strong man. The merit of B. Vasiliev as a writer is that he was able to create an image of the heroic generation of our fathers and grandfathers.

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