Artistic techniques parallelism in literature. The meaning of the word parallelism


The meaning of the word Parallelism according to Efremova:
Parallelism - 1. Equal distance from each other of lines and planes throughout.
2. trans. The constant ratio and concomitance of two phenomena, actions. // Analogy, similarity, commonality of characteristic features; repetition, duplication

The same syntactic and intonational construction of several sentences as a poetic device (in poetics).
The same interval in the movement of voices during polyphonic singing (in music).

The meaning of the word Parallelism according to Ozhegov:
Parallelism - Concomitance of parallel phenomena, actions, parallelism

Parallelism in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
Parallelism - in poetics - an identical or similar arrangement of elements of speech in adjacent parts of the text, which, when correlated, create a single poetic image. Along with verbal-figurative, or syntactic, parallelism ("" In the blue sea, the waves are splashing. In the blue sky, the stars are shining "" - A. S. Pushkin; see also Antithesis, Chiasm) they talk about rhythmic, verbal-sound and compositional parallelism .

The meaning of the word Parallelism according to Ushakov's dictionary:
PARALLELISM, parallelism, m. (see parallel) (book). 1. only units Equal throughout the distance from each other lines and planes (mat.). 2. trans., only units. The constant ratio and concomitance of two phenomena, actions. These facts point to a complete parallelism between improving student achievement and improving discipline. || Complete coincidence, correspondence in something. between different objects, repetition, duplication of something. Parallelism in the work of two institutions. 3. The same arrangement of similar members of a sentence in two or more adjacent sentences (lit.). || A poetic connection between individual images, motifs, expressed in their identical, parallel arrangement in two or more adjacent sentences (lit.), For example: a silk thread clings to the wall, Dunechka hits mother with her forehead (song).

Definition of the word "Parallelism" by TSB:
Parallelism- paraphilia, parallel development, the principle of evolution of groups of organisms, which consists in the independent acquisition of similar structural features by them on the basis of features inherited from common ancestors. So, in the course of the evolution of equids in the Northern Hemisphere and fossil South American ungulates - litopterns, originating from a common five-toed ancestor, a reduction in the number of fingers to one is observed in parallel. In different groups of predatory mammals, saber-toothedness arose in parallel. P. is explained by a similar direction of natural selection, acting on initially divergent ancestral groups (see Divergence). Sometimes P. is defined as the convergence of closely related groups.

Parallelism - in poetics, an identical or similar arrangement of speech elements in adjacent parts of the text, which, when correlated, create a single poetic image. Example: “Oh, if only there were no frosts on the flowers, And in winter the flowers would bloom; Oh, if it wasn’t for me, I wouldn’t grieve about something ... ”
P. of this kind (an image from the life of nature and an image from the life of a person) is common in folk poetry; sometimes it is complicated by the introduction of negation and other techniques (“It was not an epic in an open field that staggered - my homeless little head staggered ...”). P. was early mastered by written literature: the poetic style of the Bible is largely based on it; 3 ancient figures of Greek rhetoric are its development (isocolon - similarity of the length of members, antithesis - contrast of the meaning of members, homeocheleuton - similarity of endings in members). By analogy with the described verbal-figurative P., sometimes one speaks of sound P. (Alliteration, Rhyme), rhythmic P. (strophe and antistrophe in Greek lyrics), compositional P. (parallel plot lines in the novel), etc.
M. L. Gasparov.

Language plays an extremely important role in human life, and the presence of a large number of words allows the use of various constructions both in ordinary speech and in literary texts that enrich speech and make it more refined. Parallelisms are also referred to as such constructions.

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Basic concepts

The very concept of parallels as a repetition of identical elements is found in many sciences: computer science, geometry, biology. What is parallelism in text and how is it used in Russian?

The word parallelism is translated from Greek as "location nearby", which gives an idea of ​​the meaning of the construction - this is a figure of speech, which is the placement of similar (in meaning, grammar) elements in a passage.

The design helps to create an integral image in literature and enriches the text: the student passed the tests; the student who passed the tests; student who passed the test. Often such constructions are called lexical parallelism.

Important! Parallel constructions have differences in meaning and style, for example, often several subordinate clauses form a separate simple sentence in a complex one, but parallel simple turns are designated as ordinary members of a sentence.

This is due to the fact that the verb is presented in sentences in different ways: in a personal form (subordinate clause), as a secondary predicate (participle turnover), as an action-state (participial turnover), as an abstract action (verbal noun).

Due to stylistic differences, parallel designs used in different.

Types of structures

According to their structure and form, several such forms are distinguished at once, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. Syntactic parallelism is the most common. The main difference is applying the same structure in sentences, regardless of the genre: at the beginning there is a generalizing circumstance, and in the next part - objects of comparison. This allows you to make the circumstance stronger, more vivid, and most often this circumstance plays a crucial role in understanding the entire plot.
  2. Rhythmic - this technique is used to emphasize any important place in the poem. It is so called because it is created by repeating the same rhymes, which gives the work a certain rhythm, although sometimes this is also achieved by arranging the same pauses.
  3. Strophic - the same syntactic constructions are placed in adjacent couplets of the work. Although often they are lexical.
  4. Negative - it does not differ in construction from the usual direct line, but is characterized by the fact that negative parallel first.

Parallelism is a structural fragment that changes the whole concept of the work. It can be found in folk art, stationery texts and works of art.

In literature

Literature is a place of concentration of many artistic techniques, thanks to which bright works are created. Among them, lexical parallelism stands out, which is used to amplify or emphasize on any section. Some works even require his presence, for example, address poems and poems, since he is an expressive means of language.

Unlike rhetoric, where this technique means the repetition of thought, in literature construction is used to emphasize the similarity or difference of objects. Often it is used to emphasize the importance of a passage, and in literature it is used to emphasize the significance of something. In Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" the author writes:

Will I hear a gentle conversation?

This is a vivid example of parallelism as an accent, which shows how important it is for the hero to hear and see his beloved.


Parallels as an artistic device began to be used for the first time in the texts of the ancient period. It is especially common to find such parallel constructions in folklore, because in those days, people often identified their actions with events occurring in nature, and sought to reflect this in their works. They have been used in:

  • versification - the technique is an assistant for building and observing rhymes. It is in poetry that such a construction can often be found;
  • Bible and other examples of Hebrew literature - to vary similar images and quality;
  • ancient Germanic poems - in such works, the technique is used simultaneously with alliteration;
  • Finnish folk art - designs alternate with gradation.

Attention! A picture of nature in figurative parallelism is always the first, and after it - a reflection of relations and actions between people.

Russian folklore is especially abundant in parallel constructions, in which the technique has several forms:

  • binomial (simplest form) - consists of two parallels “A falcon flew across the sky, a fine fellow walked around the world”;
  • polynomial - these are several parallels that are located sequentially in the text;
  • reverse parallelism - these are sequential sentences, which differ in that the word order in the second is completely reverse to the first;
  • negative - human actions are opposed to some event from the outside world "It was not the birch that bowed, but the red-haired girl bowed at her feet";
  • formal - in this parallel, the connection between the outside world and the actions of people "I will lower the ring into the river, and the glove under the ice" is lost.

Of all kinds, the negative form cannot act as a standalone, on which the whole product can be built. It is usually used to reveal the denouement or in individual episodes.

Moreover, this technique can be found more often in folk poetry, and in works of art only when the author uses it to imitate folk art.

In modern and classical literature, this technique passed precisely from folklore. Parallelism in the literature of Europe borders on rhetorical oppositions and repetitions of similar sounds in order to achieve rhythm and create a certain sound effect.

Examples from fiction

The forms of parallelism in works can be expressed both in words and phrases, and in whole sentences. Especially often it is used by poets, because thanks to this technique, you can not only enhance the emotional tone of the poem or passage, but also to make the work more rhythmic.

Examples of parallelism can be found in A.S. Pushkin:

“Will I see your bright eyes?

Will I hear a gentle conversation? in the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila";

"The stars are shining in the blue sky,

In the blue sea the waves are whipping;

A cloud is moving across the sky

A barrel floats on the sea" in the fairy tale "About Tsar Saltan".

V. Bryusov:

"Your mind is as deep as the sea,

Your spirit is as high as the mountains" in the work "Experiments".

G. Derzhavin: “I am a king - I am a slave - I am a worm - I am God!” in the ode "God".

Attention! In fiction, parallelism is the product of the author's personal fantasy to enhance the expressiveness of emotions.

Without lexical and semantic constructions, works of art would be more like clerical speech and dry scientific articles. Parallelism is one of the forms that makes text more vivid, focuses attention, draws parallels and conveys to the reader the thoughts and feelings of the author. This technique can be successfully applied both in literature and for greater expressiveness of the oral language.

How to prepare for the exam in the Russian language

Syntax parallelism

What is the role of literature in our life? As strange as it may seem, its significance is very great. Reading the works of great writers and poets, we learn to distinguish good from evil. But the book will not make us stronger, more experienced, we need to draw valuable knowledge from it and apply it in real life. You can’t live with illusions alone, and works of art create fictional situations and characters. Such a technique as parallelism is quite common in the literature, but few people pay attention to it. We propose to get acquainted with this concept a little closer.

The role of artistic means

Parallelism in literature, like many other techniques, must be present. Their role is really very great. Anyone who likes to read non-fiction knows that this particular genre is poor in expressive means. This is a solid dry text that does not cause any emotions at all. The main task of literature is to captivate the reader so that the work is read in one breath and makes you want to know the continuation.

Without expressive means, we would not experience any feelings when reading a work: neither pity, nor sympathy, nor joy. Parallelism in literature is also important. What is its main role?


This concept can be heard in rhetoric, it means repetition or comparison. Reception is used to emphasize the similarity of objects or their differences. Also, parallelism in the literature is used to emphasize significance. Let's take an example - the famous poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". There are the following lines: “Will I see your bright eyes? Will I hear a gentle conversation? In a similar way, the author emphasizes what is extremely important for Ruslan. But this is just one example of possible use cases.


What is parallelism in literature? We propose to analyze this on the example of ancient literature and folklore. If we consider versification, then this technique acts as an assistant in the construction of stanzas and rhymes. In biblical or, as it is also called, Hebrew versification, this technique and synonymy are used in parallel, which makes it possible to vary similar images.

The ancient German verse is also not without parallelism, only it necessarily appears together with alliteration. Let's not disregard the Finnish folklore, where it manifests itself with gradation.

Russian folklore

Parallelism here takes several forms:

  • binomial;
  • polynomial;
  • negative;
  • formal.

The first of the items presented is the simplest form. Consider the parallelism in literature, examples from folklore: "A falcon flew across the sky, a fine fellow walked around the world." It was from this form that more complex or polynomial forms were formed. This type represents several parallels at once. An interesting form often used in the work of authors is negative parallelism. For example: "It was not the birch that bowed, but the red-haired girl bowed at her feet." As for the latter type, it is often found in ditties. There is absolutely no logical connection between the compared objects.

Later times

Modern and classical literature also use the technique of parallelism, in addition, it is borrowed from folklore. The origin of this trend was in ancient times.

European fiction is also not devoid of parallelism, only here it borders on antithesis and anaphora. Our great and mighty Russian language also contains many other tricks used by authors to this day in order to interest their reader, to make the work really interesting and exciting.

Representing the arrangement of elements of speech identical or similar in grammatical and semantic structure in adjacent parts of the textcreating a single poetic image. Parallel elements can be sentences, their parts, phrases, words.

Folklore and ancient literature

Parallelism is widespread in folklore and ancient written literature. In many ancient systems of versification, he acted as a principle for constructing a stanza. In Old Germanic verse from the Middle Ages, parallelism is of great importance and is paired with alliteration, as well as rhyme.

Parallelism is widely used in Finnish folklore verse, in particular the Finnish Kalevala epic, where it is combined with obligatory gradation:

He finds six grains
He raises seven seeds.

Parallelism is associated with the structure of the choral action - amoeba composition. Folklore forms of parallelism are widely used in artistic (literary) song (German: Kunstlied).

Russian folklore

The simplest type of parallelism in Russian folklore is binomial:

The falcon flew across the sky
The young man walked around the world.

More complex types are supposed to have evolved from binomial parallelism. Polynomial parallelism represents several consecutive parallels. Negative concurrency- one in which the parallel, taken from the outside world, is opposed to the action of a person, as if negating it:

Not a white birch bows to the ground -
The red maiden bows to the father.

IN formal parallelism there is no (or lost) logical connection between the comparison of the external world and human actions:

I'll drop the ring in the river
And a glove under the ice
We signed up for the community
Let all the people judge.

Bible texts

Parallelism is a popular stylistic device in the poetic texts of the Old Testament, especially in the Psalms. Its essence boils down to the fact that two consecutive verses, or two halves of one verse, express the same thought, while the second half supplements or clarifies the thought expressed in the first half with other words (often with other poetic images, metaphors), hence the term Lat., adopted by biblical scholars. parallelismus membrorum, lit. parallelism of members [of a grammatical construction].

For example:

May prayer be corrected like a censer before You,

The lifting up of my hand is the evening sacrifice.

European literature

Written literatures of later times borrow parallelism from folklore and ancient written literatures. In particular, the development of parallelism is characteristic of ancient literature. Under the influence of this, parallelism is thoroughly explored in ancient rhetoric.

In European fiction, parallelism becomes more complicated: its connection with anaphora, antithesis, chiasmus and other figures is widespread.

An example of parallelism with anaphora and antithesis: "I am a king - I am a slave - I am a worm - I am God!" (Derzhavin.).

Often forms of folklore are reproduced in literature.

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The meaning of the word parallelism

parallelism in the crossword dictionary

Dictionary of medical terms

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


parallelism, m. (see parallel) (book).

    only ed. Equal throughout the distance from each other lines and planes (mat.).

    trans., only units. The constant ratio and concomitance of two phenomena, actions. These facts point to a complete parallelism between improving student achievement and improving discipline.

    Complete coincidence, correspondence in something. between different objects, repetition, duplication of something. Parallelism in the work of the two institutions.

    The same arrangement of similar members of a sentence in two or more adjacent sentences (lit.).

    A poetic connection between individual images, motifs, expressed in their identical, parallel arrangement in two or more adjacent sentences (lit.), For example: a silk thread clings to the wall, Dunechka hits mother with her forehead (song).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Ah, m. Accompaniment of parallel phenomena, parallel actions. P. lines. P. at work.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. Equal throughout the distance from each other lines and planes.

      1. trans. The constant ratio and concomitance of two phenomena, actions.

        Analogy, similarity, commonality of characteristic features; repetition, duplication

  1. m. The same syntactic and intonational construction of several sentences as a poetic device (in poetics).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


PARALLELISM in poetics is an identical or similar arrangement of elements of speech in adjacent parts of the text, which, when correlated, create a single poetic image. Along with verbal-figurative, or syntactic, parallelism (“Waves are splashing in the blue sea. Stars are shining in the blue sky” - A. S. Pushkin; also Antithesis, Chiasm) they talk about rhythmic, verbal-sound and compositional parallelism.


Term parallelism Can mean:

In the natural sciences

  • Parallelism is a property of parallelism of lines and planes.
  • Parallelism is a property of systems that consists in the execution of calculations simultaneously or combined in time.
  • Parallelism (paraphilia, parallel development) in evolutionary theory is the independent appearance of similar structural features in different groups of organisms based on features inherited from common ancestors.
In the humanities
  • Cultural parallelism in social and cultural anthropology is the occurrence of the same or similar elements of culture in different social units, which cannot be explained by neighborhood, imitation or influence.
  • Psychophysical parallelism in some psychological theories is the fact of complete correspondence between mental and physical phenomena in the absence of a causal relationship between them.
  • Price parallelism in the economy - the desire of producers in the oligopolistic market to set the same prices for goods in order to avoid price competition.
In art
  • Parallelism is a rhetorical figure, the arrangement of identical or similar elements of speech in adjacent parts of the text.
  • Parallelism - parallel movement in intervals
  • Parallelism

Concurrency (rhetoric)

Parallelism- a rhetorical figure, which is an arrangement of elements of speech that are identical or similar in grammatical and semantic structure in adjacent parts of the text, creating a single poetic image. Parallel elements can be sentences, their parts, phrases, words. For example: Will I see your bright eyes? Will I hear a gentle conversation? Your mind is as deep as the sea, Your spirit is as high as the mountains.

Concurrency (computer science)

parallelism- this is a property of systems in which several calculations are performed simultaneously, and at the same time, possibly interact with each other. Computations can be performed on multiple cores of the same chip with preemptive time-sharing threads on the same processor, or they can be performed on physically separate processors. To perform parallel computations, a number of mathematical models have been developed, including Petri nets, process calculus, models of parallel random accesses to computations, and actor models.

Note - In Russian-language literature, the terms "parallelism" and "competitiveness" are often confused. Both terms mean the simultaneity of processes, but the first - at the physical level (parallel execution of several processes, aimed at only to increase the speed of execution through the use of appropriate hardware support), and the second - on the logical one (a system design paradigm that identifies processes as independent, which including allows them to be physically executed in parallel, but is primarily aimed at simplifying the writing of multithreaded programs and increasing their stability).

Examples of the use of the word parallelism in the literature.

This syntactic parallelism is further enhanced by anaphoric repetition and serves as a means of communication, fastening the entire twelve lines into one structure and into one thematic unit.

Between private grounds can be called parallelism between allotropy and isomerism, numerous lines in the spectrum of each element, and the periodic law of Newlands and Mendeleev.

New empirical-statistical detection technique parallelisms and dating duplicates.

If so, then the constantly observed parallelism between self-torture and cutting hair during funeral rites would be quite understandable.

The same unambiguous parallelism the union of the sexes, field sowing and the female-male duel, throwing ridicule shows rituals that adjoined the Eleusinian mysteries.

Guided by the classification of reservoirs existing in Europe, and accepting that groups of reservoirs in other parts of the world must necessarily coincide with some of the reservoir groups known to us, geologists are naturally too hasty to admit the existence concurrency based on insufficient evidence.

The combination in one compound sentence with subordination of two compound sentences, one of which has a subordinate clause in preposition and the other in postposition, gives interesting cases of reverse syntactic concurrency.

Contrast or parallelism content, anticipation, framing - there is no count of all the methods of weaving myths in the poem, and the basis of freedom and harmony of a polysyllabic composition is the convention of time.

Rhyme phrasal parallelism, the couplet makes sense only in the age-old game figures of impact and counterattack, rise and fall, question and answer of a riddle and its resolution.

Therefore, the impact and, accordingly, the perception of the philosophical and aesthetic concepts of a different cultural region, in this case, Eastern intuitionism, always occurred in conditions of meaningful concurrency general cultural processes, when the changes that have arisen do not find an appropriate form in themselves and are forced to turn to a different cultural tradition in search of it.

The final concurrency marked by a bright event - the Armenian Stepan, it turns out, was taken into captivity in EGYPT.

In this case, we have a characteristic biblical parallelism which is deepened in patristic interpretation.

Recreation of folklore parallelisms is also found in the poems of Ossian-Macpherson, but Gnedich's number multiplies.

But this is not enough. The study of the development of material and spiritual phenomena indicates the existence of some concurrency between the properties of the Unknowable and its reflections in our consciousness, concurrency, which can be likened to the relationship between the geometric properties of the cube and its projection on the lateral surface of the cylinder.

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