Modern artists: geniuses or madmen? Otman Tom and delicious art.


Firstly, we must immediately say that genius is a myth that arose relatively recently and successfully functions to solve specific problems that are hardly related to the aspects of reality that interest us.

If we replace the question with a more adequate one, “is Pavlensky a talented artist-activist,” then we can already reason.

The problem with artistic activism is that it combines two activities: art and political activism. It is not very ethical to discuss Pavlensky as an activist, since he really does bold things, affirms simple, understandable and common-sense ideas and is responsible for them. Moreover, his activism is undoubtedly much more ambitious than any picketing and hanging of banners, for which he undoubtedly deserves respect.

On the other hand, one can discuss Pavlensky as an artist. The attitude of philosophical critics towards him generally varies from restrainedly positive to (in most cases, as one feels) enthusiastic; the problem is that most of them share his political views, and a situation arises in which criticism of Pavlensky is equated with support for the regime and general obscurantism.

Any artistic action includes two aspects: aesthetic and conceptual thoughtfulness and effect. Pavlensky's shares are very heterogeneous. Thus, the most successful work “Carcass” (a naked artist climbed into a coil of barbed wire, got stuck in it, was rescued by the police, who immediately arrested him), in which he meticulously staged a situation of changing states of danger-defenselessness-security-punishment, not received the same resonance as the more straightforward and stupid action of nailing the scrotum: its social pathos was completely killed by the exciting image of the artist.

The action of setting the door on fire is moderately interesting: its most important result (besides very beautiful photographs) is the actions of the FSB officers, who closed the damaged door with metal sheets, thereby revealing an amazing fear of destruction of their own integrity. There was such a stigmatization of unsterility; a desire was revealed to eliminate any traces of external interference, even at the cost of limiting one’s own freedom. It can be compared to the action of a person who, embarrassed by a scratch on his face, bandages his entire head, thereby losing the ability to see.

The contrast between intention and result becomes quite obvious if you look at the shares of Pussy Riot (both of which, in any case, belong to the artists). So, they did the same thing several times (on Lobnoye Mesto, on the roof of a trolleybus, in the metro, in KhHS). Each time it is essentially the same work, but it was the “furor” of the action in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior that brought their creativity to a completely different level.

To summarize, I am convinced that Pyotr Pavlensky is a very good artist, with a somewhat uneven creativity, among whose shares there are both outstanding works and passable things.

He went down in history, but he will not create his own school.

Why in the paintings of the so-called Does modern art not have the same level of elaboration of detail as in classical painting?

Famous artists of our time, who lacked the brushes and paints to express their genius, delight and shock not only with their works, but also with how exactly they created them.

Paints, pencils, brushes and canvas - that's probably all you need to create a stunning work of art. Oh yes, more talent! These artists undoubtedly have it. After all, they didn’t even need ordinary materials to write unique masterpieces. Look what can happen when a genius takes on the task of drawing.

1. Jet art by Tarinan von Anhalt

Florida princess Tarinan von Anhalt does not use brushes for her paintings. They are created using... an airplane. How does she do it? In fact, the artist simply throws bottles of paint, and the jet thrust of the aircraft engine “creates” a unique pattern on the canvas. Did you have to think of something like that? But jet art is not her idea. The princess “borrowed” the jet art technique from her husband Jurgen von Anhalt. Creating such pictures is not so easy, and sometimes even life-threatening: air currents reach enormous speeds and strength, they can be compared to hurricane winds, and the temperature of such a “hurricane” can exceed 250 degrees Celsius. Risk combined with creativity allows the princess to receive about $50,000 for one of her creations.

2. Ani Kay and artistic torment

Indian artist Ani Kay painted a copy of the painting “The Last Supper” by the great Leonardo da Vinci in his own language. The most common paints were used. As a result of many years of creativity, Ani constantly poisons her body, experiencing symptoms of intoxication: headaches, nausea and weakness. But the stubborn Indian is ready to accept torture for the sake of art again and again.

3. Bloody paintings by Vinicius Quesada

Vinicius Quesada is a scandalous Brazilian artist whose paintings are literally given to him with his own blood and... urine. The Brazilian’s three-color masterpieces are worth a lot to himself: every 60 days, Vinicia spends 450 milliliters of blood to paint paintings that shock and amaze the public.

4. Works of menstrual art by Lani Beloso

And again - blood. The Hawaiian artist also does not accept colors. Her paintings are created with her own menstrual blood. No matter how strange it may sound, Lani’s works are truly feminine, what can I say. It all started out of desperation. One day, a young girl suffering from menorrhagia, deciding to find out how much blood she actually loses during pathologically heavy periods, began to draw a picture from her own secretions. For a whole year, during each menstruation, she did the same, thus creating a cycle of 13 paintings.

5. Ben Wilson and the chewy masterpieces

Artist Ben Wilson from London decided not to use ordinary paints or canvas and began creating his paintings from chewing gum, which he found on the streets of London. The cute creations of the “chewing gum master” decorate the gray asphalt of the city, and Ben’s portfolio contains photos of his unusual paintings.

6. Finger art by Judith Brown

This artist is just having fun creating such unusual paintings with tiny charcoal particles and her fingers, she doesn't even consider her work to be art. But fingers instead of brushes and charcoal instead of paint - so unusual and, you see, beautiful. The name of the series of paintings by Judith is also beautiful – Diamond Dust.

7. Self-taught artist Paolo Troilo

The master of monochrome also paints with his fingers, using acrylic paints. Once a successful Italian businessman, Paolo Troilo was voted Italy's Best Creative of 2007. Without a single brush, he paints such realistic paintings that they are sometimes indistinguishable from black and white photographs.

8. Automotive masterpieces by Ian Cook

It’s not for nothing that they say that inside every genius there lives a little child. The young painter from Great Britain Ian Cook is a clear confirmation of this. He paints pictures as if he were playing with the controls of a toy car. 40 colorful canvases depicting cars were created using paints, but instead of brushes in the artist’s hands there are remote-controlled toys on wheels.

9. Tom's Otman and Delicious Art

You just want to take these pictures and lick them. After all, they were written not with paints, but with real ice cream. The creator of such “tasty” painting is Baghdad resident Othman Toma. Inspired by the delicacy, the artist photographs his finished works along with “paints”: orange, berry chocolate.

10. Elisabetta Rogai – the sophistication of aged wine

Italian artist Elisabetta Rogai also uses delicious colors for her creations. She has white and red wine and canvas in her arsenal. What comes out of this? Incredible paintings that change their shades over time, just like an old, aged wine changes its aroma and taste. Live works!

11. Hong Yi's Spotted Paintings

What could be worse for an exemplary housewife than marks from coffee cups on a white tablecloth? But, apparently, the Shanghai artist Hong Yi is not an exemplary housewife. While creating her paintings, she leaves spots like this on the canvas every now and then. And not because she likes to drink coffee while working, but because this is how she paints, without using brushes or paints.

12. Coffee painting and beer art by Karen Eland

Artist Karen Eland also tried to paint using coffee instead of paints. And she did it quite well. Reproductions of the most famous works, made with coffee liquid, look like real paintings. The only difference is the brown shades and Karen's signature sign in the form of a cup of coffee at each work.

Subsequently experimenting with liqueur, beer and tea (no, she did not drink them), Eland concluded that her paintings came out best from beer. A bottle of intoxicating drink replaces watercolors for one canvas.

13. Kisses from Natalie Irish

You must love art so much that, without ceasing to create, you kiss your work every now and then! These are exactly the feelings Natalie Irish experiences. Great love - there’s no other way to describe her paintings, painted not with brushes and paints, but with lips and lipstick. Several dozen shades of lipstick, several hundred kisses - and such masterpieces are obtained.

14. Kira Ein Warzeji - breasts instead of hands

American Kira Ein Varzeji also put a lot of love into art - her magical paintings are painted with her breasts. It’s hard to even imagine how many colors the artist poured onto her chest. But not in vain!

15. Sex art by Tim Patch

He takes the canvas and paints, but no brushes. And what do you think the Australian artist uses to paint his canvases? Yes, the very place that he is not at all shy about. Tim's manhood is just right. At least his pictures painted with his penis are wonderful. It must be said that the artist uses not only the main male genital organ, but also the “fifth point” as a drawing tool. With her help, Tim designs the background of the painting. The master himself does not take his work seriously, and even his pseudonym is frivolous - Pricasso. Imitating the outrageousness of the brilliant Picasso, the artist shocks visitors to exhibitions not only with his paintings, but also with the clarity of the process of their creation.

This artist could be recognized by one feature. Just in black
a line drawn along the wall in the corridor.
K. Sapgir

Levitan is wonderful. Korovin, Repin, Surikov are unique... But only after getting acquainted with the work of the artist Anatoly Zverev, seeing in a documentary and reading in his memoirs how he works, I understood what a genius is.

Anatoly Zverev can be called our contemporary (1931-1986). But how many people not connected with art know this name? But his whole life is a legend.

The world-famous musician V. Varshavsky stood behind Anatoly Zverev with a tray of vodka, while the artist, snarling and shaking off the devils, painted his daughter and wife.
Professor Pinsky, who knew Shakespeare in the original by heart, timidly listened to what Zverev would say about the sonority of the Russian translation.
A separate story is his love for Oksana (Ksenia) Aseeva (Sinyakova), the widow of the poet Nikolai Aseev, a close friend of Mayakovsky, Yesenin, a star of the Silver Age. Who didn’t know the Sinyakov sisters!

Where are Pugacheva and Galkin? Anatoly Zverev was twice as young as his beloved woman! When they met, he was 37 and she was 76!!! Their love was unreal and legendary - myths were made about it in bohemian circles...

And here are the impromptu words he wrote to her:

Fallen leaf (by golden weather);
- I am indignant - and - languishing in my soul; -
What do you want? - the leaf asked -
Oak,” and I answered: “I think...
About her!"

The best is: ... wind and - “heat”,
What is “with me”... in color - “blue”;...
These are autumn leaves... “vying with each other”;...
They sing the song “Yesenin”...
About Aseeva - Oksana - spring,
What lies in the “damp grass”...
And “not poison” - the “beast” tree.

Born into a peasant family, Anatoly Timofeevich Zverev amazed those around him with his drawings from childhood. Without completing a full course of high school, he had absolute literacy. He lived without caring at all about his well-being. He sold his works for pennies. He was repeatedly brought before the authorities for parasitism. He drank shamelessly. He wandered around the Moscow apartments of friends and acquaintances, and in warm weather he could even settle down on the boulevard. He did not have his own workshop. Wherever he painted pictures, he left them there. That is, he was not of this world. “A renegade, a dropout, a painter, good only for painting a fence,” according to the official artists. Anatoly Zverev valued freedom more than anything else and never betrayed it.

He created tens of thousands of works that are in the Tretyakov Gallery, the best museums in the world, private collections in Paris, London, Rome, Washington, etc. Several thousand of his works burned in a fire at the dacha of G. Costakis, a friend of the artist and famous collector, discoverer and savior of the rich heritage of Russian avant-garde artists, who is himself a legend. A portrait of his daughter is in front of you. But a reproduction cannot convey all the charm of this work, every centimeter of which exudes sensuality and passion!

It was about Anatoly Zverev that Falk said: “Every touch of his brush is precious.”
It was about him that Picasso said: “This is the best Russian draftsman.”
With just a few strokes of the brush, Siqueiros awarded Zverev the highest award at an art competition at the International Youth Festival in Moscow in 1957.
In 1959, reproductions of Anatoly Zverev’s paintings were published in the most famous American magazines, and the Museum of Modern Art in New York acquired three watercolors.
In 1965, personal exhibitions were organized in Paris and Geneva. Our other artists could not even dream of this at that time.
When trying to take his works abroad, officials said: “Any other authors, but not Zverev. His paintings are not released abroad.”
They were taken out. Through diplomatic channels.

In an hour and a half he could write 20-30 papers! Hundreds of ink drawings illustrating Apuleius's Golden Ass were completed in one night.
I drew with everything I could get my hands on: there were no paints or pencils - with a piece of beetroot, earth, toothpaste, cigarette butts, etc. According to his memoirs, “he paints with ashes, tomatoes, wine, spilling paint on walls and parquet floors, spectators and models, creating portraits, not being able to get up from the floor.”
A painting begun with paints could be completed with tooth powder!
Or here's another one.
“A beautiful girl sits motionless in a chair, posing. And in vain she tries not to move. The artist never looked at her during the session. With a face distorted from tension, he pours paint from a jar onto the paper, feverishly smears it with cotton wool, and scratches the lines with his nails. The portrait is ready."

Alla Borisovna and Maxim live quietly in their filth, but Anatoly Zverev and Oksana Aseeva had such passions!
Widowed Oksana lived in a house lined with memorial plaques. Her irresistible charm defied time; she kindled the craziest love in the heart of the artist Zverev. He suffered, was jealous, organized grandiose pogroms in the elite apartment of Mayakovsky’s comrade-in-arms, throwing volumes of all Soviet classics out the window. He tore down photographs, incinerating the hated name of his dead rival.
Oksana Mikhailovna was frightened to the point of shock by Zverev’s attacks of anger, but when she dared to lock herself with a key and not let him in, he tore off the oak door of a good-quality writer’s apartment and she flew into the flight of stairs. His expressive brawls were public and artistic, he was not embarrassed by Oksana Aseeva’s elite neighbors, and they did not hesitate to call the police.
In such situations, Oksana Mikhailovna was extremely worried. When the law enforcement officers, two “Uncle Fyodor,” were packing the brawler into the elevator, the poet’s widow saw them off with a prayer and tears in her eyes, wringing her hands:
“Comrade policemen, be careful with him. He is a great Russian artist, please don’t hurt him. Please take care of his hands!” The cops smiled sympathetically at the sweet old lady.
And he drew and painted her face... Their relationship continued until Aseeva’s death in 1985. He missed her very much and died himself a year later.

Actually, it is because of his poetic creativity that I am writing this article, because... Once again I am convinced that a talented person is talented in everything.
Get to know some of them too. The author, I repeat, not only “didn’t graduate from academia,” but also didn’t finish his ten years.

Dark and sad
Knows Lermontov
Poetry spoken word
And in the lilac bushes
Dark eyes of the fortune teller
We looked...

(from autobiography in verse)

Without a doubt
- I'm a genius
Yuryevich is needed...

And so, under - “dinner” -
He appeared with his
"A dozen"
Poems, -
Poems and all sorts

All my stories:
“Vadim” - (well, we’ll wait)
- Blond –
- Brunette –
- (Is this a sonnet, no?)
- POET!..

"Hero of our time " -
And I got pregnant
Straightaway, -
- And at once: -
Fast, passionate
And frankly -
And “that’s right” -
To the extent -
Faith in triumph
Lord - God!..

and hunchback
and dark
all runny nose
and lethargic
and damned
and stupid
like a living corpse
that the shadow of the fence
taken away
thrown out
he's exhausted
doesn't sleep doesn't sleep
and whines something
his lip moves quietly
looks strangely smiling
his name is alcoholic
like a faint sliding shadow
past the plump and graceful
past empty boxes
he passes
God forgive me

book "Anatoly Zverev in the memoirs of his contemporaries."
I read it, bought the rest of the circulation at Young Guard and gave it to friends.

In the UK, in Norfolk, there lives a genius of our time - teenage artist Kieron Williamson, who has been painting in the impressionist genre since he was five years old. And he doesn’t just draw, but as an artist he enjoys enormous success, thanks to which he is currently a millionaire, although he is only fourteen years old

The public started talking about him when he was still six, and from the age of eight, Kirom began to participate in exhibitions and sell his paintings at auctions along with the most famous artists of Foggy Albion. Suffice it to say that the eight-year-old, then unknown genius, sold thirty-three of his paintings at one of these auctions for more than two hundred thousand pounds sterling. Moreover, all these paintings were sold out almost instantly - within twenty-five minutes...

Kieron created this work when he was six years old.

And these are already paintings by eight-year-old Kieron.

At the age of 11, these were already masterfully created paintings, for which art connoisseurs were willing to pay huge amounts of money.

Art critics around the world compare his painting technique with the technique of the founder of impressionism in painting, Claude Monet, and therefore even began to call the young British artist “Mini-Monet.” Moreover, Kirom paints equally beautifully both in oils and in watercolors or pastels. For example, the owner of an art gallery in Norfolk, Adrian Hill, says that this young talent has no equal, and his understanding of the technical elements of creating paintings is simply fantastic.

Teenage artist - millionaire

Today, Kieron Williamson creates five to six paintings a week, which fly away in the blink of an eye - there is already a queue of three thousand people wanting to buy his unique paintings for Mini-Monet paintings. It goes without saying that the boy has a constant and, moreover, very substantial income. For example, the last exhibition alone brought him almost half a million pounds.

Several years ago, the boy’s parents, naturally, with his money and at his request, purchased a mansion not far from the house where the British impressionist Edward Seagoe once lived. Kirom considers this artist a brilliant artist, the boy is simply happy that he lives on the same street as his idol, that he walks on the same land and even sees the same sky as Edward Sigou.

Otherwise, Kieron is an ordinary child who, for example, loves football madly and is even considered the best defender on the school team. He also loves computer games and thinks less about his talent. He learns, grows, matures and continues to write.
He learns, grows, matures and continues to write.

Adolphe-William Bouguereau (Buguereau)(1825-1905) - one of the most talented French artists of the 19th century, the largest representative of salon academicism, who painted more than 800 canvases. But it so happened that his name and brilliant artistic heritage were subjected to severe criticism and were consigned to oblivion for almost a century." alt=" “A woman from Chervar and her child.” Author: William Bouguereau." title=""The woman from Chervar and her child."

The talent of the future artist fully manifested itself in elementary school: all his notebooks were literally filled with drawings and various sketches. But due to financial problems in the family, very young William was given to the care of 27-year-old uncle Yuzhen, who instilled in the young talent an interest in philosophy, literature, mythology and religion." alt="Young John the Baptist. Author: Adolphe William Bouguereau." title="Young John the Baptist.

Soon the dream came true, and William Bouguereau became one of the best students of this school. In an effort to further learn as much as possible about his future profession, he takes courses in the history of costume, studies archeology and takes part in anatomical dissections." alt=""Italian boy with a piece of bread." Author: William Bouguereau." title=""Italian boy with a piece of bread."

And when the painter returned to Paris, his popularity knew no bounds.
Bouguereau worked tirelessly on his creations. He came to his workshop early in the morning and left home after midnight. Like all great artists, he was characterized by constant dissatisfaction with himself and an insatiable desire for perfection. For this, his contemporaries gave him the nickname “Sisyphus of the 19th century.”

The talented painter was also compared to Rembrandt. They said that "Rembrandt captured the soul of old age, while Bouguereau captured the soul of youth." Impeccable knowledge of the anatomy of the human body, meticulous detailing, amazingly selected colors - all this made William Bouguereau's canvases unusually realistic." alt=" “The Virgin of Consolation.” (1877). Author: William Bouguereau." title=""Virgin of Consolation" (1877).

And in order to somehow forget about the bereavement, the artist devoted himself entirely to his work. He painted portraits and paintings on historical, mythological, biblical and allegorical subjects, where the nudity of female bodies and idleness predominated, which caused discontent among many." alt=""Oreads".

But Bouguereau continued to write in his own manner, and when new fashionable trends and trends rapidly began to pour into art, he did not accept them and opposed them with all his creativity." alt="Elizabeth Gardner is the artist's second wife. (1879). Author: William Bouguereau." title="Elizabeth Gardner is the artist's second wife. (1879).

The death of his son completely undermined the master’s health. And the depressed mood, accumulated fatigue, immense addiction to alcohol and smoking had a detrimental effect on his heart. And at the age of 79, the brilliant painter passed away.

Oblivion and triumphant return" alt=" Dante and Virgil in Hell. (1850). Author: William Bouguereau." title="Dante and Virgil in Hell. (1850).

For almost a whole century, his name and artistic heritage fell into oblivion, and only in critical literature could one find a negative mention of William Bouguereau as a painter of the nude genre. His paintings, sent to museum storerooms, were kept in damp basements and attics all these years." alt=""Lovely burden."

In 1984, with the support of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the first retrospective exhibition of the brilliant painter was organized in Paris.
With great difficulty, its organizers managed to collect and make presentable the legacy of William Bouguereau. Many creations had to be restored, since almost a whole century had passed, and the premises in which they were stored did not at all correspond to special storage facilities." alt=""Prayer".

At the first auction sales in 1977, the cost of paintings by William Bouguereau did not exceed 10 thousand dollars, but already in 1999 there was only one painting"Амур и Психея" было продано на аукционе Christie’s за 1,76 миллиона долларов. Ну а к 2005 году стоимость его работ превысила отметку в 23 миллиона долларов. Это было воистину триумфальным возвращением гениального художника.!}

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